[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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Pretty good show. Less wrestling this week, but I am loving how everything is starting to come together. It's so great to see Flair back to his ancient self. Now this was the flair who was a horsemen, and I must admit that putting him with AJ has helped AJ look more like a champion.

And again I'm really loving Anderson. The character is just awesome. He's a classic wrestling villian. TNA has used him very well.
This was a really good Impact. Even the non wrestling segments felt like action. There was so many different things that had me wondering what's going to happen next week. Joe being abducted, the return of the monster, Abyss, AJ/Pope, Big Rob being fed up, and the Hall/Pac/Nash stuff is actually becoming interesting.

And I have to agree, Mr. Anderson is pure money on the mic. I was actually feeling bad for Angle, then Anderson came out and made me laugh.
I was incredibly impressed by this episode. While the wrestling could have been better, being in a transition and trying to get guys and characters over I understand that sometimes you have to let the guys talk a bit more and this was one of those times it worked to perfection. Everytime someone talked it got me pumped one way or another. Angle's speech was very moving and had my girlfriend (whose cousin is in Iraq) start to cry a bit. Abyss and Hogan's promo got me so pumped and excited. Hogan's appearance had me excited again and wondering what will happen. Anderson was hillarious as always and Pope got me excited and made me realize why I was a fan again.
During the first hour, I thought this might have been the worst television show ever put on. The second hour had some better things, but a lot still doesn't make sense to me. The whole ring giving Abyss power thing was way too over the top for my liking and I couldn't help but laugh when Big Rob actually got the mic for the guy who mad at him and wanted the mic to berate him. That's not second rate, that's like 9th rate if you ask me.

The problem I had with the first hour is Eric Bischoff. I'm tempted to call the show TNB - Total Nonstop Bischoff. He gets WAYYY too much TV time. I'm sorry, but I've never liked him and never will. He's more of a glory hog than Hogan ever was in that he's not even a wrestler and he always needs the spotlight. The second hour was a lot better because after the 5 appearances he had in that hour for a total of 22 minutes, he was only on screen for the first 6 minutes of the second hour for his only appearance. I don't really get though how the last match could end at 10:38 and there not be another match. Also, if last week, the Beautiful People got the highest rating, why would you keep them off the show? That seems to make absolutely no sense.

I will say that I was glad to see Beer Money again. Robert Roode is the best wrestler everyone forgets about. I wish he was a singles competitor, but then again, Beer Money is pretty solid together.

I know I'm gonna get crap for this, but the opening segment was awful. I can't get into the Pope. I don't find him funny, I don't find him even coherent. Ric Flair's line "can you read or write" was funny to me because the guy rambles and makes very little sense. Plus that accent makes it even worse. He might be over in the Impact Zone, but I'm not too high on him at the moment and I can't imagine him winning the title. Could you just imagine if Jeff Hardy was in that position instead. Hardy is weak on the mic but he'd make for a much better feud with Styles. That's where I hope Hardy is if he comes to TNA, right at the top in a feud with Styles.

If I had to rate this episode out of 10, I'd give it a 4. A couple of bright spots, but mostly rubbish, too much Bischoff, and a show that barely flowed. I am interested to see what happened to Samoa Joe at the end, which is a lot for me to say since I've never liked the guy.
During the first hour, I thought this might have been the worst television show ever put on. The second hour had some better things, but a lot still doesn't make sense to me. The whole ring giving Abyss power thing was way too over the top for my liking and I couldn't help but laugh when Big Rob actually got the mic for the guy who mad at him and wanted the mic to berate him. That's not second rate, that's like 9th rate if you ask me.
I think the ring thing was supposed to be more psychological to Abyss therefore showing the fans that yeah he's a good guy, but the man is not all there upstairs. I thought it made sense. I could see it being corny but I liked the segmant in general.

The problem I had with the first hour is Eric Bischoff. I'm tempted to call the show TNB - Total Nonstop Bischoff. He gets WAYYY too much TV time. I'm sorry, but I've never liked him and never will. He's more of a glory hog than Hogan ever was in that he's not even a wrestler and he always needs the spotlight. The second hour was a lot better because after the 5 appearances he had in that hour for a total of 22 minutes, he was only on screen for the first 6 minutes of the second hour for his only appearance. I don't really get though how the last match could end at 10:38 and there not be another match. Also, if last week, the Beautiful People got the highest rating, why would you keep them off the show? That seems to make absolutely no sense.
I agree with ya on the Beautiful People. Not because I like them as wrestlers but it calms my nerves to see Velvet make love to the rope. And Madison's got a nice butt as well. About Bischoff I agree with you on that. Eric seems to be on tv too much but I didn'tnotice it was as long as you stated but I guess I wasn't really trying to find the fault in the show. Not saying you were, I am talking about the others that will find something to complain about. Although I think there is one BIG positive about this show. The TNA Haters can NOT complain about Hogan taking up so much of the show. He was there for a reason and a good one at that. Aside from that he made an appearance at the end to further the story. I'm not sure where it's going, that's why I will be tuning in next week.

I know I'm gonna get crap for this, but the opening segment was awful. I can't get into the Pope. I don't find him funny, I don't find him even coherent. Ric Flair's line "can you read or write" was funny to me because the guy rambles and makes very little sense. Plus that accent makes it even worse. He might be over in the Impact Zone, but I'm not too high on him at the moment and I can't imagine him winning the title. Could you just imagine if Jeff Hardy was in that position instead. Hardy is weak on the mic but he'd make for a much better feud with Styles. That's where I hope Hardy is if he comes to TNA, right at the top in a feud with Styles.
I won't get into the Pope with you again, god knows we gave these people enough to read for free about our oppinions on that. They want anymore they gotta pay. lol. Although I agree with your Hardy argument. Why TNA never jumped on that when Jeff first came in during hte Asylum days is beyond me. But I guess they did want to use him and try to make him a face of the company.....a face of the company that gets destroyed by Jarrett (who didn't), but a face none the less. I'm hoping for a Hardy/Styles feud.
Great promo with Flair/Pope/AJ from tonight

Hogans promo with Abyss was pretty good to, reminded me of 80's Hogan


lmaooo that was classic.

Hogan gets his critiques, but when it comes to cutting promos, he's the man.

This was cool too with Mr. Anderson/Kurt Angle

Welcome to Total Nonstop Anderson ...Anderson!! LOL I love it! lololol

Daffney's attack on Tara was great too!! I hope they push her more she is under used

LOL Wow I really enjoyed Impact tonight lol

What were your favorite parts?
I think the ring thing was supposed to be more psychological to Abyss therefore showing the fans that yeah he's a good guy, but the man is not all there upstairs. I thought it made sense. I could see it being corny but I liked the segmant in general.

It was corny. I hope it leads to Abyss just destroying people and becoming a real contender because he could dismantle AJ as a face and be a strong champion. I just hope he doesn't constantly look at the ring. Though isn't it weird that the ring is a WWE hall of fame ring?

I agree with ya on the Beautiful People. Not because I like them as wrestlers but it calms my nerves to see Velvet make love to the rope. And Madison's got a nice butt as well.

Right you are. They have nice asses. Although I am still very partial to Taylor Wilde who I find to be the most attractive knockout. I think Velvet's a bit trashy with the tattoos and Angelina Love was always worse. I found it just as amusing months ago when those two "beautiful people" brown paper bagged Taylor Wilde (it might be almost 2 years ago lol), but I found that just as ironic as Mickie James being called fat. Anyway, they apparently draw so keeping them off TV for even a week is probably not the best idea at this point, You gotta recognize what draws and showcase it.

About Bischoff I agree with you on that. Eric seems to be on tv too much but I didn'tnotice it was as long as you stated but I guess I wasn't really trying to find the fault in the show. Not saying you were, I am talking about the others that will find something to complain about. Although I think there is one BIG positive about this show. The TNA Haters can NOT complain about Hogan taking up so much of the show. He was there for a reason and a good one at that. Aside from that he made an appearance at the end to further the story. I'm not sure where it's going, that's why I will be tuning in next week.

The thing is, I'm not a Hogan hater, I'm a Bischoff hater. I did try to give them a chance, but I noticed pretty quickly that the focus of the programming was on those two men, but more on Bischoff than even on Hulk. That's why I started taking notice at how much TV time he was getting. It's a bit crazy that he gets triple the segments of even the most featured wrestler. I would like to see he and Hulk get involved in like one story either together or one story each and focus on that. Limit their time and take that time and get another match or segment on the show with actual performers. And for heaven sakes, let main eventers fight! Bischoff reffing Against All Odds was such a terrible idea.

I won't get into the Pope with you again, god knows we gave these people enough to read for free about our oppinions on that. They want anymore they gotta pay. lol. Although I agree with your Hardy argument. Why TNA never jumped on that when Jeff first came in during hte Asylum days is beyond me. But I guess they did want to use him and try to make him a face of the company.....a face of the company that gets destroyed by Jarrett (who didn't), but a face none the less. I'm hoping for a Hardy/Styles feud.

Yea, if TNA presented Hardy anywhere close to the way WWE did, he'd be the most over face in the company from the second he appeared. I was embarrassed for him the way he was presented on 1/4 and I fear the proverbial ball will be dropped on him if he comes back to TNA. I believe he's worthy of main eventing and I think a Hardy/Styles PPV match would sell more than most matches TNA could put on, but I fear Hogan and Bischoff won't see a guy like Hardy as a guy who can sell (even though he's already proved he can). I hope I'm wrong and that he comes back and main events. That would certainly make me happy.
There were no signs of the Nasty Boys, so that there made the show awesome, lol.

But I was really into Impact the full show this week. I was happy to see Daffney and that she may actually feud with Tara. The opening segment was really fire and got me ready for the rest of the show. The Pope is electric.

It was nice to see some more X Division action. That move where Max split on the ropes and Jeremy dived over him, that was insane.

I really liked that Warrior passage Kurt read. I was feeling bad for Kurt, then Anderson came out had me laughing. The Total Nonstop Anderson bit was money.
Overall I enjoyed tonight's Impact. I thought the matches were solid and featured alot of the younger guys. There was the return of Kaz and Daffney looked strong against Tara. My only real complaints are:

1. Joe loses cleanly to Orlando Jordan and then gets kidnapped, WTF

2. The last 25 minutes of the show was all talking so I won't be surprised if it's the lowest rated segment of the show.

3. The standard complaint that the matches are still way too short, especially the 8 man tag. There was alot of talent in the ring, give them time to do their thing.
Poɘt;1827305 said:
There were no signs of the Nasty Boys, so that there made the show awesome, lol.

After that abomination they had on Sunday, them not being there made the show for me.

Any way, I liked every part of the show tonight excpet Orlando Jordan beating the guy who just faced the champ. Now I understand its an angle and it has a purpose but why Jordan, I don't hate the guy, but come on, at least let him lose to a legit contender first before he started getting rolled by baddies.

My favorite part was the Hulk Abyss promo, that thing had excited for Abyss' future and proves that Hulk is really over for Abyss.

And the matches were ok too. The x-division 8 man-tag match was pretty good, especially generation me and the MCMG.
I really thought tonight's Impact was really good. It ran much smoother then the last few weeks. I liked seeing The Pope and AJ Styles duke it out with Flair being the pissed off moderator. I don't think The Pope is God's gift to wrestling, but lets give him time to prove himself before people belittle him. He's talented on the mic and puts on good matches. This is his first main event push ever so it's too soon for him to be called overrated just because he doesn't do a 450 splash.

Some say it might be too soon to hype Lockdown, but I think the timing is perfect. I would much rather see the main event match being hyped for next month's PPV then an unfunny waste of time comedy promo. If I want to watch comedy, I'll stick the comedy shows. I don't like wrestling to turn into a variety show wasting 20 minutes for no reason when it could be used to build wrestlers and...... shock.... be entertaining.

It was great seeing the lovely Daffney tonight. The hottest chick in TNA behind Velvet in my opinion. It was also great to see Tara and her build a feud without Daffney jobbing within the first 2 minutes and never be seen from again. It was awesome to see Kaz return and get rid of the tired ridiculous Suicide gimmick. I was wondering what his status was since he was frustrated with TNA and because of his mistresses.

I know people missed The Beautiful People this week, I love their entrance but I will take a six man tag match with some of the best X Divison wrestlers on the roster over Tits & Ass any day. Not all days but most of them. I guess the homophobes can breath a sigh of relief since TNA didn't air the bi kiss. I think it was more of an issue with Spike TV then TNA. I didn't see problem with it at all, and I was actually curious to see if they would go through it.

It would be shocking to see if OJ's segment tonight was the highest rated. I doubt it but if there was a kiss you never know. I think they might still do it at the Impact Zone, probably not though if they can't even air it on television. As far as OJ going over in this match I could care less because it fits the story. I'm not a fan of his, but this was a regular match with nothing to lose. Well Joe had something to lose, and now he is even more angrier and upset because of the loss.

The angle is just like Shawn Michaels losing on Raw every week due to frustration. The difference is Joe was kidnapped by some very fat people it looked like. I know black covers everything but man some of those guys had huge guts. I'm predicting it's probably Bubba the Fat Sponge and the Fatty Boys. I'm getting sick of Abyss too, but I thought him and Hogan had a decent promo. It reminded me of an 80's Ultimate Warrior promo since Hogan was talking about Absolute Power Brother!

I expected him to tell Abyss to jump in the spaceship and take the controls to parts unknown. Maybe Abyss and Hogan can make a good team. I hope Abyss cuts the corny Eugene shit once and for all and becomes the Monster that he alluded to tonight. Some might complain about Bischoff being on television too much. It's either Bischoff is on too much or Hogan is on too much. Which one do you want? I think Bischoff is playing his heel role greatly and considering we were still left with 6 matches and some top notch promos with new feuds I don't see the problem.

I love seeing Beer Money back. It was also nice to finally see them end this whole British Invasion tension. I hate to say it but Big Rob actually left me interested to see him break away from BI. It would of been nice to see Angle vs. Daniels go on longer then 3 minutes, but the more important matter was Angle cutting an intense promo against Anderson. It was a little cheesy at the end with all the USA chants, but it was great to see Angle talk about his personal issues over the past year.

I've liked Anderson a lot lately, but I think he came off too comical. Angle set up some great heat for him and he just acted like a goof instead of bringing more heat to himself. Kevin Nash and Eric Young getting some revenge on Hall and Sixx was alright. I know it was at the end of the show, but I think it was better to start the show off strong with the #1 contender and the World Champion. Nash said what he needed to. It came off pretty corny at first where he said bones and hearts were broken in wrestling.

I think the Impact Zone threw up on itself. I think this will probably lead to a Nash/Young vs. Hall/Six Pac match in the future. That is of course if Hall doesn't pull his fat "groin" muscle again.

Overall I really liked the show. There was nothing I found bad about the show this week beside the "We Want Bubba" Hogan plant. People will complain because wrestler X or wrestler Y wasn't featured this week, but there is only 2 hours a week to work with. Raw has usually been the better show the past few weeks, but I think Impact this week beat Raw hands down in my opinion. New matches and feuds were featured that will build for the next two Pay Per Views. There was nothing on Raw this week that made me even want to watch The Elimination Chamber, even if it was free.
Like I said before Impact was great! but I just thought of something..

In the first 20 seconds of the show.. we hear Bischoff on his cell phone.. he was saying about bringing someone else to TNA.. who could he have been talking about?

While i thought that this week's Impact was a pretty good show, it's show that they still need to make some improvement if they want to compete with the WWE, especially on the storyline front. They have to give the casual fan a reason to stay and follow the product every week and every storyline going on right don't work. They are missing the small something that would solidify them and give casual fans a reason to care, especially some of the top story, like the Bischoff/Jarrett/Foley feud. The Nash/Young vs The band is something that'S been done before and will they are still very popular, i don'T see casual fans sticking around in the long run. Pushing Abyss as the next Hogan doesn'T really make sense but since Hogan is a huge fan of Abyss, i understand why he'S getting that push. I don'T get what the deal with Samoa Joe and why they had him abducted at the end of the show.

In the end, IMPACT was a good show this week and maybe if this show would have been against RAW this week, it would have made a dent in Raw's ratings because let'S face it, Has good as the matches on Raw were, the Jerry Springer segment was just horrible and would have probably given people a chance to change the channel and watch IMPACT for a couple of minutes. But if they want to be in competition with WWE, they need to do better then Abyss as the new Eugene/Hogan and A.J. Styles as the new Ric Flair while pushing a guy like Orlando Jordan who nobody care's about and given the spotlight to Nash & The Band while making a stupid storyline that doesn'T make sense between Foley/Jarrett & Bischoff.
Last night’s iMPACT was average, but that is not a bad thing based on what TNA has been putting out lately. As usual I was entertained, and the show had a very nice flow to it.

AJ/Pope was very well done, and had a main event feel to it. I don’t think anyone can deny the benefit of AJ having Flair by his side. He puts AJ over at every corner, and doesn’t steal the show.

Bischoff may be getting a little too much TV Time. It is not wasted television time, but he is in one too many segments now. Maybe they can let a Knockout, or X-Division Wrestler cut a promo to build some character and involve themselves in a feud.

Tara/Daffney could be interesting. Good to see Daffney on TV again. She can bring out a side of Tara that ODB and Angelina can’t. Dr. Stevie can add another dimension to the feud if done properly. Tara sold the chair shots really well.

They are giving props to Beer Money every time they come out, touting them as the future of tag team wrestling….sorry….but I don’t see it. James Storm is the weaker of the two, and Roode should be a singles wrestler. TNA’s version of HHH.

Big Rob’s a face? Ok, it can work. Get a feud started over that Global title while you have my interest please. Needs to go back to being a mid to upper mid card title again.

Bischoff’s goons for the night are Wolfe, Rhino, Raven, Homicide, and Tomko? A lot of guys doing nothing right now. Time to make a Hardcore Division and title, with Abyss being the initial champion to put the division over. TNA will utilize it correctly.

Looking forward to seeing Foley’s makeover.

Abyss was growing to be a clown. I was very sick of the shivering, begging, running, and calling people sir. This ring shit better bring the unstoppable monster back. Monsters aren’t polite. Sure he is crazy, but he needs to be Insane Asylum crazy, not friendly ******ed crazy.

Letting Mr. Anderson go is going to bite the WWE in the ass very hard sometime down the road if he keeps doing what he’s doing. When his eventual face turn happens, watch out.

It doesn’t get much better than Kurt Angle. The guy is a wrestling god. He may have crossed into the realm of never being able to turn heel again due to him having so much respect, fans wouldn’t boo. That promo was fantastic.

Joe got kidnapped! I didn’t see that coming. Who did it? Better be someone important and not a Tomko type character.

Good show B+. TNA wastes little time with their 2 hour time block. Every segment has a purpose in the development of a story or a character. I’m looking forward to March 8. It is going to be another epic Monday for wrestling fans.
Last night’s iMPACT was average, but that is not a bad thing based on what TNA has been putting out lately. As usual I was entertained, and the show had a very nice flow to it.

AJ/Pope was very well done, and had a main event feel to it. I don’t think anyone can deny the benefit of AJ having Flair by his side. He puts AJ over at every corner, and doesn’t steal the show.

Bischoff may be getting a little too much TV Time. It is not wasted television time, but he is in one too many segments now. Maybe they can let a Knockout, or X-Division Wrestler cut a promo to build some character and involve themselves in a feud.

Tara/Daffney could be interesting. Good to see Daffney on TV again. She can bring out a side of Tara that ODB and Angelina can’t. Dr. Stevie can add another dimension to the feud if done properly. Tara sold the chair shots really well.

They are giving props to Beer Money every time they come out, touting them as the future of tag team wrestling….sorry….but I don’t see it. James Storm is the weaker of the two, and Roode should be a singles wrestler. TNA’s version of HHH.

Big Rob’s a face? Ok, it can work. Get a feud started over that Global title while you have my interest please. Needs to go back to being a mid to upper mid card title again.

Bischoff’s goons for the night are Wolfe, Rhino, Raven, Homicide, and Tomko? A lot of guys doing nothing right now. Time to make a Hardcore Division and title, with Abyss being the initial champion to put the division over. TNA will utilize it correctly.

Looking forward to seeing Foley’s makeover.

Abyss was growing to be a clown. I was very sick of the shivering, begging, running, and calling people sir. This ring shit better bring the unstoppable monster back. Monsters aren’t polite. Sure he is crazy, but he needs to be Insane Asylum crazy, not friendly ******ed crazy.

Letting Mr. Anderson go is going to bite the WWE in the ass very hard sometime down the road if he keeps doing what he’s doing. When his eventual face turn happens, watch out.

It doesn’t get much better than Kurt Angle. The guy is a wrestling god. He may have crossed into the realm of never being able to turn heel again due to him having so much respect, fans wouldn’t boo. That promo was fantastic.

Joe got kidnapped! I didn’t see that coming. Who did it? Better be someone important and not a Tomko type character.

Good show B+. TNA wastes little time with their 2 hour time block. Every segment has a purpose in the development of a story or a character. I’m looking forward to March 8. It is going to be another epic Monday for wrestling fans.

The AJ/Pope segment was extremely good, but I think it was more Flair than AJ that made the segment great. Mostly because Flair did a lot of the talking. Both Pope and Flair had their head in the clouds when they were talking. I was watching that segment and I thought Pope has the third person aspect of The Rock, almost the intensity of speech as John Cena, and the slurring of Dusty Rhodes when he cuts his promo. Now when you combine that with the way Flair does his promos, it can make for a good segment or a terrible segment. In this case it was good. The only problem I found was that with Pope and Flair doing all the talking, it really showed how much of a worse talker AJ is, especially when all he said was that he's the Champion.

Seeing Daffney back on Impact was great. I was wondering when I would see her, Dr. Stevie and Raven and sure enough I see all of them at some level on the show. I hope this means that Daffney will be a new contender for the title. I'm getting somewhat tired of seeing ODB or Kong face Tara for the KO Title.

Even though Beer Money was on the show for a short time and the spotlight wasn't even shining on them due to the whole thing with Brutus Magnus and Rob Terry, it was good to see them after a long time not on TV.

I too am looking forward to Foley's makeover. Maybe he'll cut his hair again.

Hogan's speech with Abyss was, dare I say it, the second best speech of the night. The whole Hall Of Fame ring deal and giving it to Abyss as a sign of passing the torch to him was great. I still hope for amazing things to happen for Abyss as he's one of my favorite characters. However I still that the treatment Hogan gave him didn't really fit Abyss. The passing of the torch usually is done to a main eventer that needs that little push to cement him into greatness. Like Hogan passing it to Rock, HBK passing it to Y2J, and Sting passing it to AJ. Hogan was and still is the biggest freaking thing ever to hit wrestling and to say that Abyss will become the biggest freaking thing in wrestling? I just don't see it yet. Then again I gotta wait for next week.

The Angle segment was the best segment of the night. For him to delve into his personal life during his speech was fantastic and felt more real. When I watched him, I thought to myself, I am going to cry when he retires. Anderson also was great. I don't get tired of his witty comebacks and as much as I want to boo him for being a dick to Angle, I can't help but laugh with him as well.

I also rate it a B+. If it had that awesome main event match to close it out, I would've given it an A. There was lots of stuff on this week's Impact that is making me itch to watch the next episode.
I really enjoyed iMPACT tonight, although I only caught the last hour. I think that things are definitely going in the right direction. As someone who never really watched TNA up until recently, it's becoming clearer to me who the heels are and who the faces are and some actual decent feuds are beginning to develop well. If TNA have any sense, they will team up Desmond Wolfe with Styles & Flair permanently to form a new stable. Also, I am hopeful that Abyss's push is going to be done well.

I just hope the switch to Monday nights won't be a huge mistake. I really enjoyed having 3 nights worth of 2 hour wrestling shows. Now I'm going to have to flick channels between Raw and iMPACT.
The opening segment of iMPACT! was pretty damn good. Flair gave some of, if not the best mic work he's done since coming to TNA. I was able to buy into everything that he was saying. Styles, to me, seemed more confident than he has been. He seemed to be more comfortable in his new role and that can make a lot of difference. Since this whole next "Nature Boy" thing started, this is easily the best Styles has looked in my view.

After the opening segment, however, I just started losing interest. Match quality on tonight's show was pure shit. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that every show has to have only wrestling or every match should be some 20 minute epic or anything like that. However, there were 5 matches on iMPACT! tonight and the average length for all of them was around 2 minutes. That's just..ehh. One of those matches was a title match that lasted all of 30 seconds. Desmond Wolfe, who stormed into TNA and looked to be the next big thing jobbed out in 90 seconds to Abyss. Hogan is a fan of Abyss and is intent on shoving him down our throats for a while it seems. Abyss is so damn cartoonish right now, the whole neurotic thing is beyond ridiculous and played a big part in just killing the show for me.
Damn, I got some Evad douche chills tonight. It wasn't that bad, but I can't wait until this "******-strong" American hero Abyss character is over. I don't know if Hogan will turn on him or not, but I hope he does so Abyss can become the monster again. Not the Evad monster either, the real monster.

My biggest complaint would be what the hell happened to Joe? You would think Tenay or JB would do more then a 5 second montage about the incident. Another thing that is annoying are all the video packages. Do we really need a video package about The Band that just showed up a few weeks ago? Do we still need the packages about Hogan coming into TNA? I think we get the point now.

The Nasty Boys/Team 3D wasn't too horrible. I don't know I wasn't paying too much attention. Jimmy Hart can't even make these guys relevant again. Jesse Neal can't do anything for Team 3D either. Except for Jimmy Hart maybe, I wouldn't lose sleep if all 5 of those guys were never seen in TNA again. I actually feel kinda bad for Team 3D having to work with these guys for the next few months.

I enjoyed seeing Kaz against Brain Kendrick. Both of these guys were extremely over. Throughout Impact tonight I was playing the Where's the plant guy game. The Hogan/Bubba Army douche would float from seat to seat in different scenes. He would be on the upper level in one shot, and at ringside the next shot. I don't think he will be showing those Bubba Army posters any more, considering Bubba is done with TNA. He is actually considering suing TNA too. What a waste of life.

I love seeing my Zombie hot Daffney in action, even though they never really had a match. I hope she gets a well deserved feud with Tara for the championship. It would of been nice to see the Global title actually get a good match for once. Rob Terry actually spoke and it didn't sound as dumb as he looked. Anderson always cracks me up. It was cool seeing Angle come in from the floor.

I liked the Bischoff/Jarrett segments but the Bischoff/Foley one was a little too ridiculous. I mean does anyone care that Foley is wearing a suit and taking etiquette lessons? I mean the man may not look like it, but he is probably the most educated of any wrestler out there today. He is a best selling novelist but he doesn't know how to dress himself? I don't think this has anything to do with wrestling or sports entertainment. Reality shows wouldn't even air this crap.

It was nice to see Beer Money getting some attention. There was a 6 man tag match advertised tonight, I guess we will see it next week though. Why does Hall and Sixx Pac still have a job? can't Awesome Kong knock them out too so we won't see or hear from them again? Honestly I don't mind them, but there is no point to them. No one cares, and their segments are always the lowest rated segments of the show.

The main event was a throwaway match with Wolfe and Abyss. I was surprised to see Hogan get involved in the action and lay in a puddle of his own blood. I'm not surprised he bladed because Hogan has done that a lot recently. The fans were loving it though. I think I saw some crucial crew members going crazy too. I'm just wondering if the fans at home actually give a shit about Hogan and Abyss as a team. I guess we will have to wait and see. I liked the segment, I just hope Hogan beats the hell out of Abyss on the 8th so we don't have to see Evad or Eugene part 2.

Overall it wasn't horrible but a pretty silly Impact. I think Impact will become better though leading up to March 8th. I hope so at least because last night show will be lucky to beat NXT in the ratings. Not to mention the strong build up Raw has going into WrestleMania. It will be an interesting next few weeks.
last night's Impact was pretty good. the segments i could've done without is the bullshit Jarret/Foley/Bischoff beefs. everytime they showed these 3 assholes i changed the channel to watch the Cavs-Celtics game on TNT. Jarret & Foley are just plain BORING !

hopefully The Band sticks around. they could've made that little back stage brawl a little more realistic. what's with the foam objects ??? what i would love to see is Nash flip the script and joins Hall and Pac to beat the piss outta Young. he's totally garbage. im sorry, i'm a sucka for the old NWO days. 4 Life baby !

Mr. Anderson is one of my favorites but being carried to the ring lifeless on the shouder of that juice head Terry was wack. cmon man, they couldn't figure something better out ??? i actually wanna see this guy win a belt. soon !

as for tag teams, i enjoyed the whole Beer $/Morgan & Hernandez segment and i can't wait till they get it on. the Nasty Boys/3D table match was enjoyable due to Saggs getting drilled thru that table. fuckin hilarious !

as for Hogan & Flair, LETS DO IT. don't really care for an Abyss/AJ fued but if it's gonna involve those 2 LEGENDS, im all for it.
Last weeks impact was one of the best shows I have seen from anyone in a while until it kind of randomly ended and I was like wheres the main event wrestling match. I brushed it off at the time because everything else had been so good. Now this week I am thinking about how good a job they are doing working their storylines until a little after 10 I decide they are cheating. Where is the wrestling? Especially if they are going to slow down the pace in the ring then they need to give these guys some more time to work. I am quite interested in practically every storyline they have going that does not involve the nasties wrestling (although this hernandez-morgan thing is playing rather generic and there is not much to look forward to since they just had a match anyway). There is/was a supposed emphasis on "telling the story in the ring" and they have a lot of talented wrestlers, so I do not really get why the ring was basically a prop tonight. I still enjoyed the show but it seems like they could advance the stories in a little less time without seeing a dramatic decrease in effectiveness and then have time to put on the quality of matches their talent is capable of.
I have mixed feelings about TNA last night. I’ve liked it every week for a while now, but last night’s show didn’t sit too well with me. It was just average. What I did like though outside of the show itself is that TNA is creating great stories, and they are giving everyone an opportunity to prove themselves. They are slowly weeding out the stars from the duds.

Here are my talking points for this week:

I think coming off of the heels of NXT on Tuesday, I was looking for something fresh this time around, and some development around some of the characters. I was a little underwhelmed with how much camera time Bischoff, Jarrett, and Foley got yet again this week. They all looked tired and exhausted on the show, like they had been up all night working.

TNA needs to get out of the iMPACT! Zone, because it looks like shit, and the fans no longer appreciate the show. Having some fresh people in the audience will give the at home viewers a better vibe when watching. They have to get out of Orlando, FL fast. The crowd and building has outstayed its welcome. It looks bootleg. They have top notch wrestlers, stories, and great cameras, but that arena is shit. They need to get out of there, and last night’s iMPACT! made me realize that more than ever.

AJ Styles can cut a promo, and dare I say he is at this stage better than Flair. Flair spoke on Abyss and did ok, but when AJ took over, it felt more natural, clearer, and more entertaining. Flair looked like AJ’s senile father as opposed to his mentor. Put AJ on the mic more, and take Flair off a little bit. The guy was sweating like a goddam pig and at times could barely get his words out.

Should’ve taken more than a chair shot to lay Anderson out. Maybe he should’ve hit him in the head? Maybe punched him with brass knucks or a pipe? Chairs no longer get it done in 2010.

Kaz is the most overrated wrestler in TNA right now. I just started watching TNA in about June, so I don’t know anything other than Suicide, but damn Kaz has an awful look, and needs to be nowhere near the TNA roster right now, let alone fighting for the X-Division title. Can’t believe the X-Division PPV is going to highlighted by Williams vs. Kaz for the title. Yeah, people are going to lined up for blocks to see that. There were way better options.

Foley looks like a slob and I am starting to loath seeing him on television. Cut his hair, make him shave, and make him a heel. I’m sick of the “Mrs. Foley’s baby boy, sleeping in cars” Mick Foley. The guy needs to reinvent himself. Seriously.

I like Jeff Jarrett.

We saw tonight that Hernandez is not only the weaker link of his tag team, but he will never get anywhere near a World Title in TNA. He has the charisma of a bowl of Corn Flakes, and the mic skills of a chimpanzee. Get rid of that guy. I don’t want to see him anymore, unless you put him back with Homicide, and never let him talk again.

Fuck Daffney, and fuck Tara even. Give the Knockout’s title to Velvet Sky. The Beautiful People are more over than 75% of the TNA Roster. I want to see them, not because they are pretty, but because they entertain me.

Hogan and Flair, you are allowed to wrestle considering the magnitude of the show you will be on, but please just make it this one time.

TNA felt a little flat this week, and I think it was because the presentation really bummed me out. I am waiting patiently for them to upgrade.
TNA Impact. Ugh. This is what they think is going to succeed on Monday night's? How much of the show entirely revolved around old characters that aren't even relevant anymore? Scott Hall and 6 Pac take out Nash and Young and then not only do they start doing the DX chops, which made me groan, but then they spray paint Young. Are you kidding me? Then, instead of showcasing young wrestlers who can actually wrestle and entertain, they have another match between Team 3D and the Nasty Boyz. And even worse Jesse Neal, the no talent, no charisma, useless piece of sh't gets some tv time. Why haven't they gotten rid of this guy, yet? TNA is hopeless. Then you have Bischoff and Jarrett, Hogan taking the spotlight with Abyss, Flair sharing the spotlight with Styles, and every segment seems wrapped up in old, irrelevant people who are far past their prime and shouldn't be taking up so much tv time.

I love Daffney, but that match with ODB was really bad and the ending after the DQ was horrible. Who writes this stuff? And why did they bring back Kaz? The guy has a horrible look, he has no charisma, and he's sloppy in the ring. That flux capacitator looked entirely ineffective and wasn't even hit well. Doug Williams vs. Kazarian is really going to sell ppvs! Is that really the best they could do? And why is Rob Terry the Global Champion, or even on television? And he gets a victory over Anderson, no matter how it went down that's horrible. People can claim what they want about WWE's Batista, but at least he has charisma and a presence that the crowd goes crazy for. Rob Terry has zero talent, no charisma, and is boring as hell. If you watch the crowd in the Impact zone the majority are just sitting there staring with no reaction at all. I thought TNA was suppose to be a fresh alternative? I thought TNA was suppose to be doing wrestling right, where people claim WWE's doing everything wrong? This is how TNA does that? I keep hoping TNA's going to show me something to get behind, to be optimistic about, but every glimpse of that is stomped out as quickly as it appears. Total Non-Stop Action.. where exactly is that?

TNA's storylines are stale and unoriginal and their product is just boring. Sorry to tell that to all the TNA fans who may disagree, but this is why TNA's once again at a lackluster 1.2 and their move to Monday is going to be a long term flop.

PS - Hogan's not even in shape anymore, evident by his shirtless segment in the ring. An old Hogan whose not in shape and can barely walk, an old Ric Flair whose out of shape and shouldn't be wrestling either, and Abyss are three fourths of the main event for Impact's return to Monday. Oh, I'll be watching that! That's going to be a train wreck people are going to have to look away from.
People can claim what they want about WWE's Batista, but at least he has charisma and a presence that the crowd goes crazy for. Rob Terry has zero talent, no charisma, and is boring as hell.

Batista has charisma? No he doesn't. He does have a "presence" now. When he first came on the scene he did not. They had to build that presence. I am not defending Rob but you are comparing apples to oranges. Sure a guy that got the triple h approval push years ago is going to be better now than a guy who is just starting out. At this point in batista's career he was deacon batista, an all muscle lackey to reverend Dvon. Not exactly prime real estate there.
The ratings for last night's show is in and iMPACT! pulled a 1.14, which will be rounded to a 1.1 with around 1.5 million viewers. This is the lowest rating iMPACT! has pulled since Hogan's debut with the company nearly 2 months ago and was beaten this week by WWE NXT. Whether NXT can sustain the type of numbers it pulled with its debut episode remains to be seen. However, it is interesting to note that the ratings for iMPACT! for the past 3 weeks have been less than what NXT drew Tuesday.

A 1.1 isn't the type of number TNA is hoping for with iMPACT! moving to Monday nights in less than two weeks to compete head to head with Raw on a permanent basis.
Plain and simple TNA are trying to build up characters and they had to cut back on the wrestling so that they can really set up March 8th and beyond.

Thursdays are lame duck now, Mondays are where TNA's focus is at, so they are using these three Thursday shows (Feb 18, Feb 25, and Mar 4) to build up some character and back story for Mondays.

TNA has done a lot in the last two weeks in setting up characters.
*Continuing A.J Styles conversion to a credible heel and Pope as a sympathetic baby face. Also pushing of Hogan/Flair back to the ring on March 8th.
*Continuing Abyss's change to a more powerful character and the feud of power between Foley/Bischoff/Jarrett and the Angle/Anderson feud. Also a continuation of The Band v Nash/Young.
*Pushing of a slightly revamped Rob Terry as a face, re-introducing KAZ (Kazarian) into the top of the X division, and pushing of the tension of Morgandez and of the Tara/Daffney feud.

Anyways ratings don't matter cause TNA does bad ratings on good shows and good ratings on bad shows. So it really does not matter if they do ratings or not cause TNA don't watch no matter if it is good or bad.

I still watch and the product is getting better and new and old characters are being introduced and being pushed so I am happy to be a TNA fan and I will continue to watch the good and the bad cause every product has good and bad things but that is what being a fan is about.
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