[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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A much improved show from last week with much more wrestling.

To answer the question about who is fired. Well it is obvious to me that in business it takes more than just to say someone is fired to get someone terminated. So Eric wanted to fire Foley, but Hogan who has more stroke vetoed it.

The X-Division briefcase issue is confusing as well. Even if they are allowed, why would they think Williams is a better chance to win than Terry who had a visible size and strength advantage? I think Red against Kendrick in a feud would have worked better than this British Invasion shit.

I loved the Hogan/Kurt segment. Did Hogan set-up the attack or was it Bischoff? Very well done segment.

The match of the night was Jarrett vs. Kennedy and the worst match was the 6 man spotfest.
They are definitely trying to transition in the people that just started watching. It is a little frustrating to those of us who already know there are a lot of guys more talented than these washed up "familiar" faces. However, it is probably the right thing to do, I guess.

I think they are making a mistake in decreasing the relevance of the womens and x divisions. If they are going to often have only one knockouts match and the beautiful people usually in it that seems like a step in the wrong direction since they decrease the level of wrestling. Chaotic spot fest x division matches I seem to like better with less than 6 guys involved or in a special match type. It is a shame because most of the x division can actually wrestle pretty good as well as high flyin. At least the pace was there tonight.

The intrigue of what exactly is going on with hogan, bischoff and those crossing their paths is playing well. Does the casual fan like or understand this method of story telling? I have my doubts. Mostly because of the uproar involved with all these things clearly meant to parody VKM.

I screwed Bret. I thought that was an awesome position for Hebner to take all things considered. I suspect I am in the minority.

Do they really think people care about the nasty boys? Quit trying to get this match over and make it actually over. Cut the losses, it is eating up way to much airtime.

They need to think up a better way to get AJ over as a heel. If Anderson was really drawing that much heat (sort of doubt it but it came across well on tv) then that is a good sign. I am a little afraid for Daniels future. They have made a mess of his character. Overall, though it was a decent show.
As far as Daniels goes, I don't feel he has the presence or the star power to be a Main Event guy, but he is a such a great worker, he can be used to get the stars over. Jake Roberts did it when he worked for Vince the entire time. So did Arn Anderson.
Interesting the user base here is much different than the other wrestling forum I use, but it is not working for whatever reason. Anyway nice to meet you guys.

I was not impressed with this weeks Impact. The matches themselves were decent, except for the 6 man tag, and the Knockouts Match. Morley vs. Wolfe was good for what it was. Daniels vs. Hernandez was a fine matchup. Jarrett vs. Anderson was okay, Jarrett looked rusty to me.

Okay to my main issue with the show, all of the freaking promos. Most of them were actually pretty good promos to be fair, but there were way too many of them. They could have fit in an extra match or two instead, which would have been better. Hulk Hogan is all over the broadcast. The problem I see with that is eventually the viewers will burn out on him. His ovations in the Impact Zone were nothing impressive, and his noticeable limp is kind of depressing.

AJ Styles as the next Nature Boy? Not buying it. He is truly phenomenal, but this new persona cannot work because the loyal TNA fans know him on a way more personal level than the average WWE worker.

Doug Williams as X Division Champion? Better than Rob Terry (Going to get to him in a second), but it just makes no sense. I have read Eric B and Hogan are not too sold on Red, but why not give it to someone who embodies more what the X Division is going for (Kendrick for example).

I do agree with the poster who said they are currently giving less emphasis to the X Division and the Knockouts. They have replaced those matches (which normally equal ratings) with a ton of segments. Add one match of each in place of these promos, and make them decent matches, and this is a decent show (Fire Russo!!..Okay I had to say it).

Rob Terry as the new Global Champion (not aired but those who read here know about it), just awful. I would have loved for them to put it on Wolfe, or even Brutus Magnus (since they put the X Division Strap on Williams), but Terry is just so bad in the ring its disgusting. Aren't they in the same "World Elite" Group? I don't get it; the title was being wasted, so hopefully some good will come with it being transitioned into some form of Relevance in the near future.

Overall this show is a 4/10. I would rate it lower normally, but TNA is a changing product, and so they are spending a little more than normal camera time to attempt to well establish ongoing storylines for new viewers. This show is just slightly better than last weeks, but still has a LONG way to go.
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NorCal NightCap 1/28/2010

A ridiculous show tonight, im still trying to remember everything I saw :lmao:

So this dude was Nigel Mcguiness? the guy everyone has been fapping off too all this time? Needs to get into a gym. Wasn't particularly impressive, in any way, but after all, he DID spend most of the match getting his ass whipped by Val Venis. In a moment of genius booking, Val does the smart thing, and all but entirely sets himself up for Wolfes move. Whatever. if he got on the juice, he would likely be impressive. His valet is smokin hot though.

What a fucking absurd match between Tex Mex and Daniels. One of the most stupidly worked and booked matches ive ever seen in my life. How much does Hernandez outweigh him by?? About 200 fucking pounds? And there is Daniels, selling SuperMex's offense like he was fighting someone the same size as him. Even WORSE, Hernandex sold fucking DANIELS offense the same way!!! How ridiculous did this all look? Can you imagine.

A wonderfully stupid promo fight between Teh Nasty Boyz and 3D. I fucking loved this. Im sure Sam will come in here all snobby like, acting like he is above enjoying something like this. Well, whatever it was perfectly entertaining, and funny as shit (unintentionally)

The Knockouts match featured one of the absolute dumbest moves ive ever seen. Hamada literally had in her in a top wrist lock for like, a fucking minute. While she walked around. All over. On the ropes. and THEN does a flippy in the air, which results in a very small amount of damage to her opponent. Like the same amount that wouldve been done by a simple arm drag. If you do ten extra steps, including one that is extremely difficult and dangerous, to perform a simple, basic move....You look like an idiot. Decent match though, and I guess it was a huge deal that Madison Rayne won?

Somehow, this managed to NOT be the most ridiculous thing of the night. Oh no. I got my introduction to the lovely X-Division. Or, as I like to refer to it, the "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?! Division".....Honestly. Who were these guys? What were their gimmicks? Who was heel? Who was face? Why do none of them work out? Why were they standing around waiting to be slammed on and kicked and punched? Do they do headlocks ever? So TBK kicks Amazing Red in the face, and his team wins....and out comes British Invasion. Ol boy cashes in The Money In The Bank contract and proceeds to

SUPLEX THE HOLY MOTHERFUCK BEJEESUS out of Amazing Red. He should change his name to" Amazing head slammed into the fucking mat" after this. I dont even know how to describe what I saw. You have to see it. This suplex alone was more entertaining than anything on RAW combined in the year 2010. I am informed that the guys name is Doug Williams. Yea, the guy who played QB for the Redskins in that superbowl back in the day. Fucking crazy. Well whatever, im going to call him suplex guy. I love him.

Good development with Kurt Angle and Hulkster. I love how they leave things ambiguous as to were exactly Hogan MIGHT be on this whole thing. Love it, one of those things that makes me look forward to next week.

Aj Styles and Ric Flair caused shenanigans. Give a shit. They had about one or two too many of these, and they didnt really vary much. You can tell AJ is trying really hard, but this character just isnt him.

Fucking LOVE Mr.Anderson, and how much he has improved, since he almost broke Randy Orton's neck (the last time I saw him). He draws better heat now than ever, which is saying something fucking serious in the "we pop like a motherfucker for everyone" Zone. Jeff Jarrett is a fatty. Pretty good worked, entertaining match though. Anderson could be huge, he really DOES have that IT factor.

Good show this week. Not as good as last week, but still the best wrestling show so far.

First of all i got to say something, Wrestling wise last night's show was way better then last week, yet were 2 weeks away from Against all odds and we don'T know the main event yet. Having said that, there a couple of thinks that really would like somebody to explain to me.

1. Why are mick foley, kurt angle,sean waltman and Scott Hall allowed in the building, 3 of them were fired last week and the other one quit so for me that means that they shouldn'T be allowed in the building yet all four of them were in the building. Mick foley i understood why he was there because hogan invited him but unless i miss something hall & waltman weren't. Has for Kurt, they never said anything about the fact that he quit last week and not only was he in the impact zone but he got a qualifying match for the tournament. Somebody please explain the logic to that.

2. Why is Jeff Jarrett actually doing what Hogan and Bischoff says, does he not own part of TNA. He could probably tell Hogan what to do. I guess they are doing this because they don'T know what to do with Jarrett but then where does that leave Hogan. If Jarrett is a FAce, Hogan probably going to be a heel in this angle and i fon't see that happening anytime soon so why is this angle even happenning.

3. Lashley got fired, o.k. that complicated to understand but where does that leave LAshley. He's still under contract with TNA even if they write him off the show so does that mean that lashley is pretty much getting paid for doing nothing.

Also i would like to point out to things that i found funny about the audience last night. First, during the Sean Morley entrance, did you notice that everytime a camera would show a woman from the audience, it just seem like they could care less about Sean, even funnier was the fact that the girl that actually got the towel from Sean look disgusted that she got the towel. I'm sure she threw it in the trash as soon as she got the chance.

Secondly during the whole broadcast last night, there was a really attractive girl sitting not to far from ringside holding a bottle of Wine or champagne and she drinking it during the broadcast. I know that TNA doesn't have that much seecurity and pretty much anything is allow in the IMPACT Zone but bringing our own bottle of wine to the arena is just ridiculous.

To finish, i'm getting tired of TNA giving free publicity to the WWE. They want to be number one yet somehow, they give the competition free publicity. Again last night, it happenned twice. The first time was during the team 3d/nasty boys segment and the second time was during the Hogan/Hebner segment. I don't really care about the first time because it did happen before and i didn't amount to much but the whole Hebner/hogan stuff was just yet another way to give viewer's a reminder that The WWE is doing an angle with Bret and Vince on Raw. So why would a viewer watch a copy of the montreal screwjob when they can get the resolution of the screwjob with the real people involve in it on Raw.

Like you can see, TNA did pretty good Wrestling wise and had a lot more wrestling then last week but again the directions of most of the angle are not clear and become confusing and un-interesting at time. Some of them were so boring that i rather watch what was going on in the crowd that what was happening in the ring.

IMPACT got a long way to go before it can even think of being competition for the WWE and i hope somebody in the front office realise that before it'S to late because this week show had great wrestling but poor stories.
TNA iMPACT! Review 01/28/2010.

Show opens and Hogan & Bischoff come down to the ring to cut a promo where Hogan calls out Foley to get the situation with Bischoff & Foley settled. They cued Hogan's music way too early in the segment, which really kinda ruined the moment, but the basis was there for the Bischoff/Foley feud, so I won't bust on this too hard. 5/10

// Tenay announces that an "8-Card Stud" Qualifying Series of matches will be held in order to determine the number one contender for the TNA World Heavyweight championship //

8-Card Stud Qualifying Match: Desmond Wolve v. Sean Morley
Good mid-card match to break Morley away from Daniels (a feud that was going nowhere fast) and a great rub for Wolfe, who desperately needed a television win to establish heel dominance on the program again. Match quality was adequate and it was a good match overall with a clean finish. 7/10.

8-Card Stud Qualifying Match: Daniels v. Hernandez
Very good follow-up match, and I'm glad the matches were back to back as it really gave a great rub to the "build" of the company – the youth – and though Daniels again jobbed, the push for Hernandez was a good thing for his career as he's likely to be pushed the singles route once the blowoff feud with Morgan is established after they eventually lose the TNA Tag Team Championships. Match quality was above average and the match also had a clean finish. 8/10.

Team 3D & The Nasty Boys Promotional Build
I know there are a lot of people who detest the Nasty Boys, and even more who detest them for getting a spot in TNA despite not being "relevant" for the last decade, and say what you will, but the crowd was more over for the feud between these two legendary teams than it was for any other segment or match all night. Both teams are old-school, and both teams can talk on the mic with astounding quality. Just watching it reminded me of the glory days of wrestling, and I'm actually looking forward to the match between the two. TNA did a fantastic job of building this feud up by not including them on the Genesis PPV. 9.5/10.

Three-way Knockouts Tag Match
Hamada, Kong & Tara v. The Beautful People (Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky & Lacey Von Erich)
Not a bad mid-show match, and a decent match for the Knockouts division. Predictably the heels (TBP) cheat to win and Angelina Love comes in for the save, but I like the Love v. TBP stuff they're building toward. 6/10.

Backstage Lashley/Bischoff
Bischoff once again thanks Lashley for "coming to his senses" in a sense, to which Bobby appreciatively accepts, only to have Bischoff tell him that he's fired. Lashley is going full-time Strikeforce, so while his firing wasn't that much of a shocker, the way it was done was very effective. Having someone of Lashley's stature simply fizzle out of relevance is not exactly a noteworthy send-off. This both leaves the door open for Lashley in the near future, and also helps to continue establishing the heel Eric Bischoff backstage character. 6/10.

Backstage Hogan/Hebnar
I thought this was actually a really poor follow-up to the Montréal Screwjob finish they utilized the week prior, because Hogan sounded more like a concerned parent than he did a pissed off McMahon type. If Hogan wants to be the McMahon of TNA, be the McMahon of TNA. Establish dominance. Snarl at Earl, tell him he's a pathetic, sniveling, insolent little shit and that were you not in a better mood, you'd fire him on the spot. Tell him he's lucky to still have a job after his history in this business and that for the time being he's suspended. Tell him the sight of him makes you sick and to get the hell out of your office. 4/10.

In-Ring Angle & Hogan
As a continuation of the Hogan/Hebnar sequence, Hogan comes out to confront Angle about Angle spitting in his face. He establishes an authoritative foundation and tells Angle that as the leader of TNA, Angle can't react the way he did unless he wants to be unemployed. Angle 'legitimately' apologizes, only to be jumped by Waltman & Hall once Hogan leaves the ring. Waltman & Hall beat him down and are then escorted out of the building by security and shout "see you next week" before actually leaving the arena. I'm still not really sure what the purpose of Waltman & Hall are, and it's quite obvious neither looks all that great at this point in their lives/careers, but I suppose this could lead to Hogan banning them in the near future. 6/10.

Backstage Jarret w/Hogan/Bischoff

Jarrett comes in calm and collected and apologizes for his actions a few weeks prior. Bischoff is annoyed and continues to build his heel character by taking Jarrett up on his offer to "start from the bottom" by telling him he'll face Mr. Anderson in the main event as a part of Anderson's open challenge to the TNA locker room that he cut a fantastic promo about earlier in the night. Jarrett tentatively agrees and is off to get ready for his match. 7/10.

X-Division Showcae
Brian Kendrick w/ Motor City Machineguns v. Generation Me & Amazing Red
Wonderful match. The highlight of the night in terms of showcasing TNA's brand of wrestling to the world, and the finish was perfect. A lot of high-flying and big spots – really got the crowd riled up again. 9/10.


Kendrick finishes the match with a running kick to the side of Red's head, knocking him out. Just as he does, the British Invasion hit the ring and Magnus demands that Rob Terry give his X-Division Title shot to Doug Williams. Terry is furious, but complies and watches angrily as Williams beats Red to capture the gold. This should set up perfectly for a blow-off between Terry and Magnus/Williams as Terry recently won the Global Title in a match against Eric Young in the UK. 8/10.

Backstage Foley/Bischoff
As Hogan issued earlier, Foley & Bischoff have a sit-down talk in which Foley says he'd rather be a janitor responsible for cleaning shit out of a children's jungle gym than work for Bischoff, to which Bischoff counters with the jobs of Foley's friends Abyss and Borash. Very well done segment, and again feeds the Bischoff heel character. 6.5/10.


Bischoff confronts a celebrating AJ Styles & Ric Flair who are boasting about having a 30-day vacation and tells them to rethink their travel plans because AJ will be defending his title at the Against All Odds Pay-Per-View. Decent segment. Flair is working wonders with AJ. Flair is the JJ Dillon of 2010. 7/10.

Main Event – Mr. Anderson v. Jeff Jarrett
Anderson's entrance is epic and all but solidifies him as the top heel in the company right now (with a possible exception to AJ Styles, who isn't full-blown heel yet, but tweener). Jarrett receives no music as an entrance and works a wonderful main event match with Anderson who ends up low-blowing Jarrett to pick up the roll-up win. While Jarrett is writhing in pain, Anderson mocks him and cuts a fantastic send-off promo after hitting the Mic Check on an already dazed Jarrett, signing off with his patented "Mister Anderson, Anderson". The crowd was incredibly over for Jeff as a face, and Anderson is getting legitimate heel heat from the crowd. 9/10.

Overall 8.5/10
First of all i got to say something, Wrestling wise last night's show was way better then last week, yet were 2 weeks away from Against all odds and we don'T know the main event yet. Having said that, there a couple of thinks that really would like somebody to explain to me.

1. Why are mick foley, kurt angle,sean waltman and Scott Hall allowed in the building, 3 of them were fired last week and the other one quit so for me that means that they shouldn'T be allowed in the building yet all four of them were in the building. Mick foley i understood why he was there because hogan invited him but unless i miss something hall & waltman weren't. Has for Kurt, they never said anything about the fact that he quit last week and not only was he in the impact zone but he got a qualifying match for the tournament. Somebody please explain the logic to that.

2. Why is Jeff Jarrett actually doing what Hogan and Bischoff says, does he not own part of TNA. He could probably tell Hogan what to do. I guess they are doing this because they don'T know what to do with Jarrett but then where does that leave Hogan. If Jarrett is a FAce, Hogan probably going to be a heel in this angle and i fon't see that happening anytime soon so why is this angle even happenning.

3. Lashley got fired, o.k. that complicated to understand but where does that leave LAshley. He's still under contract with TNA even if they write him off the show so does that mean that lashley is pretty much getting paid for doing nothing.

Also i would like to point out to things that i found funny about the audience last night. First, during the Sean Morley entrance, did you notice that everytime a camera would show a woman from the audience, it just seem like they could care less about Sean, even funnier was the fact that the girl that actually got the towel from Sean look disgusted that she got the towel. I'm sure she threw it in the trash as soon as she got the chance.

Secondly during the whole broadcast last night, there was a really attractive girl sitting not to far from ringside holding a bottle of Wine or champagne and she drinking it during the broadcast. I know that TNA doesn't have that much seecurity and pretty much anything is allow in the IMPACT Zone but bringing our own bottle of wine to the arena is just ridiculous.

To finish, i'm getting tired of TNA giving free publicity to the WWE. They want to be number one yet somehow, they give the competition free publicity. Again last night, it happenned twice. The first time was during the team 3d/nasty boys segment and the second time was during the Hogan/Hebner segment. I don't really care about the first time because it did happen before and i didn't amount to much but the whole Hebner/hogan stuff was just yet another way to give viewer's a reminder that The WWE is doing an angle with Bret and Vince on Raw. So why would a viewer watch a copy of the montreal screwjob when they can get the resolution of the screwjob with the real people involve in it on Raw.

Like you can see, TNA did pretty good Wrestling wise and had a lot more wrestling then last week but again the directions of most of the angle are not clear and become confusing and un-interesting at time. Some of them were so boring that i rather watch what was going on in the crowd that what was happening in the ring.

IMPACT got a long way to go before it can even think of being competition for the WWE and i hope somebody in the front office realise that before it'S to late because this week show had great wrestling but poor stories.

- Eric fired Foley, but clearly it was shown Hogan who has more stroke override the decision. In reality it takes more than just the words, to actually fire someone.
- It is obvious to me someone who doesn't want Hall and Waltman fired helped get them into the building. Wink, wink Eric.
- Again, like point number one, it takes more than just the words to quit. It is obvious something happened during the week where Hogan convinced Kurt he didn't do and would fix it.

2. I disagree with how they did this, but on Bubba's radio show, they did a worked interview where Bubba said to Jarrett that they were using him as an example. If Jarrett had to fight for his job, how can anyone else refuse? He was convinced it was good for TNA, so he accepted it.

3. As far as Lashley goes, you are confusing storyline with reality. In reality Lashley has a fight, so this gets him off of television so he can prepare for it. He may be brought back later.

The answers to your questions seem so obviously to me, I don't have to think much about it.
Congrats to TNA on the great rating. Although I thought the show was far and away the worst of the week (only counting WWE and TNA), whatever they are doing is working. Hopefully they convert the product back to wrestling a little more, before fans get bored with too much Hogan and Bischoff. They have an amazing roster of talent, and I hope they use them better in the future.
The funny thing about the ratings are that while they had the best ratings for a Thursdays IMPACT they actually were losing people throughout the night. So while people are interested to see what going on with TNA, somehow, peoples just don't seem to stuck around for the whole show. So that's an area that TNA will have to work on because they need to keep the new fans interested in the product after they start watching and they are not doing it right now. I really hope everything goes well for TNA because will i don'T necessarily agree with what they are doing, they are still getting it done somehow but if the ratings are any indications, they might have a major problem in a couple of months.
Tonight's Impact was, in my opinion, a step in the right direction. The reasons why are as follows:

- lots of in ring action
- minimal backstage shennanigans
- SAMOA JOE was awesome (his best on the mic rant to date!)
- the titles were used as prominent items of competitive desire
- the last segment made you turn in next week for answers

Was it a perfect show...perhaps not, but I am taking the opportunity to give TNA praise for a well done show and focusing on what I really enjoyed as a fan instead of zeroing in on any possible minor flaws...hell, I'm not sure what the blur on Tara's chest was, but if we had a nipple slip, then that's just the custard in my donut...(i like finding custard in my donuts)
I agree tonights show was pretty good. pushed along storylines and set up the main event for the ppv. exactly what a free weekly show is suposed to do and that is bring you back the next week and sell the ppv. and i believe that tonights impact did just that. just wish that they would stop posting spoilers for the weekly shows. though since hogan and eric came in last month i stoped reading any post with spoilers for shows. makes it a lot better when watching it on tv.

i was also womdering about the blur over Tera's chest tonight. must have poped out a little to much during the match. and I love Angelina as a face. much better than when she was in TBP. and did she get some new tatts while she was away
I really was hoping that the continue the crap they were doing for the last month because i was starting to like bashing TNA but i got to say that this week's IMPACT was pretty good. A lot of Wrestling and not alot of backstage stuff or Hogan apparance. The only major problem i had was the treatment of Eric Young on the show. I don'T really know what the status of Eric Young in TNA right now but burying him like Bischoff did last night by first by asking Eric who he was then when Eric left saying they're a guy a won't remember his name tomorrow pretty much kill Eric as a performer in TNA. If the guy in charge doesn'T care about him, why should the fans care.

Outside of this, it was a way better IMPACT then last week and at less there wasn't any drunk college girls in the audience this week.

On a side note: I'm happy the Bubba wasn'T on the show this week and can somebody please tell why Tara's chest was blurd out for most of her match with angelina love.
I liked the show last night too. I had two exceptions, the Nasty boys should never be on TV again, and the NO DQ match was awful. I understand why it was the main event, but seeing Nash bring a shopping cart down just doesn't fit in my book. He clearly didn't want to get hit with anything and just isn't in his wheelhouse. The same thing could have been accomplished in a normal match.

To the poster above, don't be so down on the Eric Young statements last night. My guess is that it is a work. It wouldn't surprise me if Young turns out to be the one behind the Band attacking all these people.

The only other thing I would complain about is the show titles. Last nights was called Breaking the Band. Clearly you knew, they would attack Nash. They give away the ending by the name every week.
I really enjoyed last night's Impact. Last week was so so for me. Foley and Bischoff had an incredible promo. Bischoff is the best non wrestling heel in the business today. Foley is the only man that can come to the arena in a beat up car looking like a Hobo, and be a believable and respected wrestler. The best promo man in the business.

Anderson is really starting to grow on me. I thought he was already in the 8 card stud tournament after beating Jarrett though. I loved how Foley shot on Bischoff calling him the worst announcer in the world, and Taz saying did Foley forget about Adamle? Remember Adamle as Raw General Manager? talk about a dark day in wrestling. I would rather have Hornswoggle as a GM compared to Adamle. Ughh.

Pope and AJ Styles had a good match with Pope going over. It was great to see Joe come out and mix it up with AJ and Flair. Who ever thought we would see Samoa Joe and Ric Flair cut a promo together. Great times. I could of done without Jesse Neal's bland ass. Did Neal do anything in that match at all? I guess its better than seeing Jordan or Venis in a match, but at least Venis and Jordan can actually wrestle.

I could of done without Tomko and Angle. That good thing is that Angle can make any wrestler look good in the ring with him. It was nice to see Hogan in a limited role without being in the majority of segments like he was. Too much television time is overkill no matter who they are. I love seeing Angelina Love back in TNA. Of all people to have a wardrobe malfunction, you would think Angelina would of popped out sooner or later with those dirty pillows.

Tara pops out more than anyone. I'm sure if Impact was live we could of seen those puppies. Angelina was starring at them the whole time trying to tell Tara she was exposed. I guess Tara didn't get the message. It was great to see JB back. Abyss is starting to turn into Eugene each week and its annoying as hell. It was funny to hear Bischoff saying he would probably forget Eric Young tomorrow morning.

To be honest with you hasn't everyone forgot about Eric Young? Even before Hogan came in does anyone give a shit about the guy? I liked seeing his new persona, but Eric Young is one of many wrestlers that is never going to be a big name no matter how much you push him. TNA could take or him or leave him as far as I'm concerned.

The tag match with 3D and Morgan and Hernandez was business as usual. I hope Team 3D's match against The Nasty Boys is a loser leaves TNA forever match. With the outcome being both teams are counted out and have to leave. The main event with Foley and Nash wasn't good, but it added some twists and turns.

I really don't think we will see or hear from Hall or Pac again after the pay per view. That is if they even get that far. I really liked Impact overall though. Tensions are building with The Band, Foley/Bischoff, Hogan/Angle, and the main event is set with Joe/AJ. I can't wait for next week and for the Pay Per View.

I'm looking forward to who wins the tournament and goes to Lockdown. I might actu
I thought it was a great show. The wrestling in the main event left a lot to be desired but the names involved for the crossover audience and the swerve saved it. The AJ, Pope, Flair segment was awesome highlighted by what appears to be the long overdue return of the Samoan Badass character for Joe, which should win over a lot of the old school tna fans bemoaning the hogan regime. The wrestling in the woman's title match was great also which is a nice change of pace from previous weeks. The Bischoff comment to eric young almost made me feel like I was channeling sting's reaction to the rock putting down booker t. However, I can trust the process on this one, since a lot of stuff that looked bad in previous weeks looked better this week when it was allowed to run its course. My only complaint is the apparent demise of the x-divison.
I didnt really get to watch this weeks IMPACT!! as I was putting together my surround sound while it was on. I can surmize what i took from it, that being

ANGELINA LOVE HAS FREAKING HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGE TITS. Like, seriously. Didn't you lot tell me her playboy spread was shit? Thats a true shame.

I had my first exposure to Samoa Joe. Good in the ring, good on the stick, atrocious fucking look. Seriously, if he muscled up, he would be FAR more marketable, as he is a ugly fuck, but thats intimidating, so its cool. Hard to take Mr.Pudgy seriously.

Loved the AJ - Pope match. Way to give someone a hug rub without making AJ look like shit. Flair was fucking hilarious, as was the entire after match shenanigans. Loved it.

From what I saw, appeared to be a pretty proper show. I cant really associate a ranking though, as I wasnt really paying attention
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I really was hoping that the continue the crap they were doing for the last month because i was starting to like bashing TNA but i got to say that this week's IMPACT was pretty good. A lot of Wrestling and not alot of backstage stuff or Hogan apparance. The only major problem i had was the treatment of Eric Young on the show. I don'T really know what the status of Eric Young in TNA right now but burying him like Bischoff did last night by first by asking Eric who he was then when Eric left saying they're a guy a won't remember his name tomorrow pretty much kill Eric as a performer in TNA. If the guy in charge doesn'T care about him, why should the fans care.

Outside of this, it was a way better IMPACT then last week and at less there wasn't any drunk college girls in the audience this week.

On a side note: I'm happy the Bubba wasn'T on the show this week and can somebody please tell why Tara's chest was blurd out for most of her match with angelina love.

I don't think that hurt Eric Young. I think it got heat for Eric Bischoff. How arrogant for that character to now know how the Global Champion is. I guess we just have two different ways of looking at it.

I agree this was one of the better shows, but the rating was the lowest it has been since Hogan came in.

In the last three weeks we saw a show with close to no wrestling, a show that was 50/50 between matches and talking, and this week a show with a heap of wrestling. No coincidence the second show got the highest rating. They need to keep that ratio of 50/50.
Really liked this weeks Impact. It looks like Team Hogan is doing a good job of getting people over. The matches were longer, there were less in ring talk segments, and it was just an all around well done show. Good wrestling, good entertainment.

TNA finally seems to have a cast of wrestlers who are all worth watching. Pope and Wolf are quickly becoming to of my favorites. I hated Anderson when he was in WWE, because to me any young wrestler in WWE is only pushed for a time then quickly forgotten about then released. It was the same with my thoughts with Anderson, I knew he wouldn't go anywhere and in time he was forgotten and released. But then he comes to TNA, and he's like one of best parts of the shows. TNA giving him more freedom to do what he wants as really gotten his character over for me. He's a classic wrestling heel and he's a pretty good wrestler. I like him a lot.

Also loving Flair. Say what you will about his send off in WWE, but other than that a casual fan would have never thought this old dude was a legend of wrestling when he was Triple H's lacky or just around for comic relief. In TNA he's back to his old NWA ways. His classic persona is back, his stagger is back, it's like Flair is back in control of his character again. In TNA I can finally see "the dirtiest player in the game" that is the legend, and it is helping get AJ over as a champion and a heel. Which I didn't think was going to work.

All in all a great show.
Tonight's show wasn't bad. There were some ups and downs. Hogan's promo was a little long and annoying, but we got to see some closure with The Band and Eric Bischoff playing his role greatly. I loved seeing AJ, Flair, and Joe mix it up again. I was wondering how Joe could talk down to AJ turning heel when he turned heel with the Main Event Mafia.

AJ cleared all that up though calling Joe a hypocrite and saying he's turned coats more time then the dry cleaners! I think AJ has become better and better on the mic. He is more focused and less over the top like he was before. I really like Anderson more and more because he plays the annoying heel. He finds the right balance of being too obnoxious and annoying for the fans to cheer him. The Pope and Jordan had a decent match, I just don't see any appeal in Jordan.

It was nice to see Eric Young get some television time at the beginning of the show, although we didn't see him much afterward. I know TBP aren't known for their great in ring skills, but when you look that good you don't need them. Lacey actually performed a wrestling move and impressed a little. Even though I didn't know what the hell she did, at least she didn't fall on her face this time.

The X Division match was refreshing too since we got to see a title defense for once. Doug Williams is pretty bland, but he can put on good matches. I really dug his finisher. The tag match wasn't bad seeing the heel and face AAO contenders tag together. The ending of the show was predictable, but it goes to show everyone that Hogan is on the side of the young guys. For now anyways.

I think this PPV will surprise us. It doesn't look good on paper except for the main event. I think the only stinker will be the Nasty Team 3D match. I could care less if I never see either of those teams ever again. I really hope this is the end of The Nasty Boys reign of terror in TNA.

I really hope those Nasty Boy and Bubba Army fans aren't plants of Hogan. The sad thing is if they are then what is Hogan going to do when he goes on the road? It will be interesting to see what kind of reaction Hogan will get.

The 8 Card Tournament is set. Foley and Abyss would be great if they added something extra to it. Anderson vs. Angle could be good. We have seen Wolfe and Pope before, but they usually deliver good matches. It will be interesting to see how the tag team champs do against each other this Sunday. I am curious of Bischoff's role as the special guest referee this Sunday.

It screams out that Bischoff is going to screw Joe, but anything can happen. Nasty Boys aside, AAO should be a good PPV.
Pope was pimpin but your opponent really does make a difference. When you are wrestling someone so irrelevant that when they pull off a decent move the crowd chants you still suck instead of AJ Styles of course he looked a little worse. Still can't deny pope's entertainability (sounds like something tazz might say). Sidenote I think the horny announcer bit is played out in wrestling history and wish tazz would take a less is more approach there. Wolfe was awesome tonight. That character really works for him, he is the total package. Hopefully, he and pope feud including a your momma (or mum) jokes contest on impact.

I think AJ finally got his character going, the look was hilarious. X-division is so much better when they do not try and cram too many guys into the match. Sounds like the crowd is getting tired of having to watch the beautiful people "wrestle" in our only knockouts match most weeks. Hell froze over and Lacey did something resembling not failing which at least put her ahead of that hogan mark in the front row for the night.
I thought tonight's show was really, really good. The wrestling action was nice, we saw qite a good mix of action from the X-Division, Knockouts, and Main Event types, and nice hype for the 8 Card Stud Tourney. Bischoff is a brilliant, brilliant character on-screen.

Hogan was solid tonight, and really did well with his "surprise" face turn, which leads to my one real negative: the announcing. Look, they're just not good. Taz sometimes busts out with a funny line or two, but he makes a lot of mistakes, and Tenay is good as a third-chair guy, but he shouldn't be your lead play-by-play. He can't match the excitement of a big moment, and it takes away. Tonight was especially horrid, as they oversold the "Hogan is going to beat up Angle with the Band" thing so much before anything happened, that it was completely obvious that Hogan would in fact be going face. Hogan and the Band did thier job really well, and if I was watching with the sound off, it probably would have been more surprising.

Overall, though a very good show. I'm really digging the Pope, I'm hoping he wins the title. Samoa Joe, while in need of a better ring name, cut a really good promo, and so did AJ in return, and it really set up their match this weekend well. I also really liked how Mr. Anderson worked that tag match, it was great heel work, especially how he stole the win from Angle, then took off. That said, I'm still not totally soldo n the guy. He's got that "It" factor on the mic, but his matches tend to be a little bit boring.
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Best part of the show was Desmond Wolfe's promo...he actually added some great humor to the show and really got me into his character. He could be absolutely great if they add some depth to his character with the promos.

Ken Anderson could very well turn into a "The Rock" character type...not that he will ever be "The Rock" but he can certainly cut promos with the best of them and has a charisma about him
Another Impact....another week of high highs and really low lows. This week, however, there were far fewer misses than hits. Ken Anderson and Kurt Angle in a promo together (and later a match together) was easily the best part of the show. I'm intrigued more and more on where Bischoff and Hogan really stand (in kayfabe). I don't really care about "The Band", so I wanted to tune out at the last 10 mins, but otherwise a great show.
Personally my only problem with this weeks Impact is the focus being on Hogan & Bischoff once again. I don'T see the point of having these 2 takes so much t.v time out of 2 hours show. Especially since i don'T see these feud going into some sort of a match which would be awful if it did, Especially the Foley, Jarrett, Bischoff stuff. Not that i wqanted to see the nasty boys or team 3d that much but i would have been nice to see at less one of these 2 team do something this week considering that they have a match on PPV in a couple of days.

Something that being pointed out for the last month by a lot of people, why is the BAnd still allowed to be their. Storyline wise they don'T have a contract in TNA yet for some strange reason since they started, they've been able to actually get a match on PPV and pretty much get inside the IMPACT Zone every week. Security most be awful in Orlando if they are not able to stop these guy from entering universal.

This week was pretty decent, not as good as last week show as it concern the wrestling or the promos but still pretty good none the less my only hope is that they don't rush putting IMPACT on monday nights every week because with the current state of TNA vs WWE as far a storytelling goes, TNA will get crush.
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