[Official] TNA TV Shows Aftermath, Review & Ratings Thread

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i really liked last nights impact also, great tag team match, but they could've used aj and daniels a bit more, but no prop.. it was still a great match

but LAX just isnt the same without konnan =/, he was great on the mic.. homicide seems scared when hes talking o_O... at least they're the same in ring, maybe even improved...

Sting's promo was good, especially because of abyss unmasked!, sure he had paint but u could kinda get the idea...

though i keep thinking if this was a good idea.. unmasking abyss? he was a great monster heel... i cant help but think that hes gonna become like kane unmasked, will he still be the same in the ring? will they still stomp his face in tacs or.. glass? who knows >.<

and damnnn angle got some real heat from the crowd, very good, bubba was also great on the mic, and angle is doing a really good job as heel... i wanted to kill him for putting joe through the table lol

keep it going TNA.. lets hope u get another 1.2 or higher
7/26/07 Impact:

- This show continues to frustrate me. It's really just a cluster-f*** anymore. No matches are ever won cleanly anymore. The Styles vs. Abyss match was great except for the ending and I'll explain why. Abyss contines to cut himself to shreds and take insane tack bumps every week to "push" feuds and storylines with no build-up. Therefore these bumps really mean nothing because TNA doesn't build the feuds/stories to justify them. Don't get me wrong I love hardcore stuff but Abyss has done so much of this in TNA for no good reason in most cases. The guy has cleary spilt more blood for TNA than anybody yet he is constatly jobbed and his charcater is pretty weak for a compnay "monster."

- The Kurt Angle stuff is a joke. He's now back to his annoying heel 2003 WWE persona. I could live without him in TNA

- MCMG were jobbed again but at least it was to LAX and not VKM I guess.

- Tenay and West alone are enough to make me stop watching TNA for good. West tells everything before it's going to happen; i.e. "the lights are out in the Impact Zone, you know what this means" Well maybe most do but let us figure it out.

I really don't see TNA ever getting better. We've been talking for 4 years how great it could be. I'm tired of waiting for them to do the right thing; I'm ready to be done with this fed. Too bad they have so much wasted talent and guys like Abyss bleeding bickets for 500 fans that get in for free at Universal Studios and 1.0 TV ratings.
As opposed to the 2 hours of raw with 7 minutes of wrestling.


Nah this weeks impact wasn't that great, too much bullshit with kurt angle, but the man does have all 3 championships and quite frankly, the fallout of any ppv is usually the champs cutting promos on why theyre so great. So basiclly his time slot was what 3 champs would've got.

Still pretty "tame" episode of impact.

I will say this, despite the fact the show was mostly promos, I wasn't bored and wanting to gouge my eyes out like WWEs. I am not trying to start a flamewar or anything, just stating why I jumped from WWE to TNA. Also *for now* the fact Impact is an hour means they cant have 20-30 minute promos like Raw tends to do on a weekly basis. Sorry for rant, this weeks episode of raw...ugh it was SO GOD DAMN BAD!? WHY DOES IT HURT SO MUCH! XD

Heres hoping to better paced Impact.

Btw I DO watch and for most part enjoy ECW. Not a complete "e" hater.

i thought this weeks episode of Impact was pretty solid, the only bit i hated was the arrivals of kurt, nash, trademarc and karen on the red carpet with borash, the rest of it was great storyline material which didnt interupt the flow of the show at all.

during the hour of Impact i watched, i think there was only about 7 mins of wrestling shown on TV

What... does your Tv turns itself on and off randomly or do you have concept of time....the daniels vs machismo match (which was brilliant btw) was 10-15 minutes alone and the christian vs abyss match was about 10 so out of an a 40 or so minute broadcast (if you take out the adverts Impact is 40 mins long) i would say thats just over half...wouldnt you....and not bad at all....

Chalk it....

P.s Makeitvab has pleased with his Zing comment...i shall give him some rep for that...
I have just finished watching this weeks iMPACT and I wanted to talk about it and what I liked/disliked about it, so I've decided to review it. I'll try and do it every week for iMPACT and if it goes down well then I might move onto doing WWE programming and PPV's. This is going to help me a lot as I'm training to be a journalist and I need to get into the habit of writing, so please bear with me and I would be grateful if you could give me any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism about what I write.

There has been much talk about the state of TNA as they bring in more and more ex-WWE talent into the fold, pushing out the talent which they created and the matches which have made TNA what it is today. This weeks iMPACT shows us both sides of that coin, as the main event showed the quality of having these guys in the company, whereas the beginning of the show was a text book demonstartion on why people are getting fed up with TNA aquiring this talent.

The opening match was going to be a Tag Team match with Team 3D and the Motorcity Machine Guns. Everytime the MMG are in the ring it is guarenteed that the people in the iMPACT Zone and the viewers at home are going to watch a fantastic match. It does't matter who Sabin and Shelley face, the matches are fast paced and entertaining.
So to have Scott Steiner walk down to the ring to confront Team 3D, thus stopping the match before it starts, is like someone handing you a ticket to the Worlds Greatest Fair and when you get there, all the rides are rusted and a health hazard.
Don't get me wrong, The Steiners and Team 3D were great in their day, two of the most entertaining and physical Tag Teams in wrestling; but they're not anymore. Sometimes I find it painful to watch these guys in the ring. Ray and D'von can still do it soemtimes, but Scott Steiner should have hung up his boots a long time ago. This was evident in the WWE where every match he was in stinked up the place and the same goes for TNA.
This is the main problem they have when bringing in old talent, there is no guarentee that they will be able to supply the goods that they are hired to do. I cringe everytime Steiner does any move in the ring as it just highlights the fact that wrestling is faked, something that as a wrestling fan I know but I try to ignore to enjoy the matches.

I felt cheated at not having seen the MMG wrestle, so I was glad that they still got a run out, even though it was against VKM, the worst Tag Team in TNA. Having them lose to VKM was just wrong in so many ways, but to have it a really short squash match puts across the message that it doesn't matter how good you are as a wrestler, people like Kip and BG James will always have the better chances in the company. The arrival of LAX, Triple X and Eric Young & Sharkboy promised to lighten up the mood, but that was cut short as all they did was brawl. Why not have a match there? TNA were renowned for having good quality matches, iMPACT being stacked with match after match after match; but now it's filled with little segments like Karen Anlge trying to talk to the different combatants in the main event and James Storm going to bars to look for Rhino. They don't seem to have a good mix of wresling and backstage segments which is vital to a show that is only an hour long.

The main event made it all seem worth while as this showed why sometimes it is good to hire experienced wrestlers. Christian Cage is one of the best performers out there. He may not be the most technically sound, but he knows how to put on a show and was unbelievably underused by the WWE. I see Sting as the Anti-Steiner. He may not be as good as he used to be, but he is better than most of the wrestlers that have been brought in by TNA as of late. Samoa Joe and AJ Styles are two of the best wrestlers out there today, period. Any match against any opponent, these two guys always deliver, and this match was no exception.
One of the most annoying things that I find about TNA is that they know how to book great matches. They have done it time and time again, but they are going down the road of booking matches with names that will draw.
This is all well and good for ratings for one week, but when people see the match and see how bad those wrestlers can be, they won't come back week in week out to watch your product. Its the main events like this weeks that make people want to come back for more.
It's the little things, like when AJ and Cage squared off and they had the little bit of chain wrestling, that made the match really enjoyable. This match adds to the feud between Samoa Joe and Cage, something that wasn't excuted right the last time around, but has the potential to be good this time.
Having Sting win was a good idea because the Angle/Joe fued needs time to simmer down before they go at it again or it'll just get really stale. It gives Sting something to do as he was in a bit of a limbo, and also presents some good altercations between him and Abyss.
Then the end of iMPACT is what really confused me the most. We have Team Pacman as the challengers for the TNA Tag Team Championship, but Pacman is not allowed to wrestle! Unless they bring in someone else to join the team, I don't see how this is going to work. They attacked Sting, leading to Angle making the save, once again confusing us to whether he is face or heel, something that needs to be sorted out soon. I think it's a case of giving Angle too much control over his charcter, but he doesn't know whether he wants to be a heel or not.

iMPACT hasn't been up to scratch lately, mostly because they dont put enough matches on and too many backstage interviews and segments. This week is much the same, except for the main event which was hitting all the right marks in my opinion.

I'll be back next week with another review as they build up steam for No Surrender. See you later!
I have just finished watching this weeks iMPACT and I wanted to talk about it and what I liked/disliked about it, so I've decided to review it. I'll try and do it every week for iMPACT and if it goes down well then I might move onto doing WWE programming and PPV's. This is going to help me a lot as I'm training to be a journalist and I need to get into the habit of writing, so please bear with me and I would be grateful if you could give me any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism about what I write.

There has been much talk about the state of TNA as they bring in more and more ex-WWE talent into the fold, pushing out the talent which they created and the matches which have made TNA what it is today. This weeks iMPACT shows us both sides of that coin, as the main event showed the quality of having these guys in the company, whereas the beginning of the show was a text book demonstartion on why people are getting fed up with TNA aquiring this talent.

The opening match was going to be a Tag Team match with Team 3D and the Motorcity Machine Guns. Everytime the MMG are in the ring it is guarenteed that the people in the iMPACT Zone and the viewers at home are going to watch a fantastic match. It does't matter who Sabin and Shelley face, the matches are fast paced and entertaining.
So to have Scott Steiner walk down to the ring to confront Team 3D, thus stopping the match before it starts, is like someone handing you a ticket to the Worlds Greatest Fair and when you get there, all the rides are rusted and a health hazard.
Don't get me wrong, The Steiners and Team 3D were great in their day, two of the most entertaining and physical Tag Teams in wrestling; but they're not anymore. Sometimes I find it painful to watch these guys in the ring. Ray and D'von can still do it soemtimes, but Scott Steiner should have hung up his boots a long time ago. This was evident in the WWE where every match he was in stinked up the place and the same goes for TNA.
This is the main problem they have when bringing in old talent, there is no guarentee that they will be able to supply the goods that they are hired to do. I cringe everytime Steiner does any move in the ring as it just highlights the fact that wrestling is faked, something that as a wrestling fan I know but I try to ignore to enjoy the matches.

I felt cheated at not having seen the MMG wrestle, so I was glad that they still got a run out, even though it was against VKM, the worst Tag Team in TNA. Having them lose to VKM was just wrong in so many ways, but to have it a really short squash match puts across the message that it doesn't matter how good you are as a wrestler, people like Kip and BG James will always have the better chances in the company. The arrival of LAX, Triple X and Eric Young & Sharkboy promised to lighten up the mood, but that was cut short as all they did was brawl. Why not have a match there? TNA were renowned for having good quality matches, iMPACT being stacked with match after match after match; but now it's filled with little segments like Karen Anlge trying to talk to the different combatants in the main event and James Storm going to bars to look for Rhino. They don't seem to have a good mix of wresling and backstage segments which is vital to a show that is only an hour long.

The main event made it all seem worth while as this showed why sometimes it is good to hire experienced wrestlers. Christian Cage is one of the best performers out there. He may not be the most technically sound, but he knows how to put on a show and was unbelievably underused by the WWE. I see Sting as the Anti-Steiner. He may not be as good as he used to be, but he is better than most of the wrestlers that have been brought in by TNA as of late. Samoa Joe and AJ Styles are two of the best wrestlers out there today, period. Any match against any opponent, these two guys always deliver, and this match was no exception.
One of the most annoying things that I find about TNA is that they know how to book great matches. They have done it time and time again, but they are going down the road of booking matches with names that will draw.
This is all well and good for ratings for one week, but when people see the match and see how bad those wrestlers can be, they won't come back week in week out to watch your product. Its the main events like this weeks that make people want to come back for more.
It's the little things, like when AJ and Cage squared off and they had the little bit of chain wrestling, that made the match really enjoyable. This match adds to the feud between Samoa Joe and Cage, something that wasn't excuted right the last time around, but has the potential to be good this time.
Having Sting win was a good idea because the Angle/Joe fued needs time to simmer down before they go at it again or it'll just get really stale. It gives Sting something to do as he was in a bit of a limbo, and also presents some good altercations between him and Abyss.
Then the end of iMPACT is what really confused me the most. We have Team Pacman as the challengers for the TNA Tag Team Championship, but Pacman is not allowed to wrestle! Unless they bring in someone else to join the team, I don't see how this is going to work. They attacked Sting, leading to Angle making the save, once again confusing us to whether he is face or heel, something that needs to be sorted out soon. I think it's a case of giving Angle too much control over his charcter, but he doesn't know whether he wants to be a heel or not.

iMPACT hasn't been up to scratch lately, mostly because they dont put enough matches on and too many backstage interviews and segments. This week is much the same, except for the main event which was hitting all the right marks in my opinion.

I'll be back next week with another review as they build up steam for No Surrender. See you later!

nice review, but if ur gonna be a journalist u gotta remember that u cant keep putting ur opinion on the subject, but since this is a forum its ok, and made it better lol

anyway, i agree that TNA isnt doing a good job of keeping balance between the backstage segments and the matches, but its cuz they are going to 2 hours soon so they have to start building up some decent storylines, wich is why they are rushing the show latley

and if they had more time i wouldnt doubt that VKM and the other tag teams that appeared would have a match, but TNA wanted a long main event and still fit in the segments for the storylines, thats why they couldnt continue with it

but i thought this weeks impact was good, the steiner and 3D segment was weak and it was fun to se the MMG but pissed me off watching them job too =/...

though its good to see that maybe TNA will start focusing on the tag team division again, especially now with the 2 hours, they kind of hinted that this weeks IMPACT with that VKM segment, so thats a plus ;)

and say what u will about the ''wwe rejects'' but sting, angle, and chrisitian are 3 guys i thought was a great deal, im a huge fan of sting, always have been, but not just cuz of that, i think sting can still pull off a good match, better than most of nowadays WWE main eventers anyway.... he still can do some amazing stuff, christian is just entertaining and showed off some of his wrestling skills against aj. and we already know how good joe is right?

anyway, i loved the main event, very entertaining match i give it a 4 star, 4 and a half maybe, every wrestler did their job and was entertaining, nobody was carried nobody needed to be carried IMO, i hope TNA keeps this up, they are getting better, cant wait till 3D and VKM leave =D

and i really enjoyed seeing sting win, at first i wanted aj, but after watching sting in the match i was like ''damn hes still pretty good, and sting and angle really is a dream team'' i think its gonna be really interesting to see how they do as a tag

and it seems like angle, like u said, is gonna start becoming a face maybe? if that was tonights IMPACTs intentions then i think they did a good job of it

anyway, it was a pretty good IMPACT.. i enjoyed at least, and TNA made it clear that when getting the 2 hours, the x division will get their time after seeing what shelly had to say... thats the impression i got anyway...
I think last night's iMPACT! was pretty solid. Alot better than some recent shows they've done. I like how they made Sting win and how they set up a possible Christian Cage/Samoa Joe match for No Surrender. They also set up a possible XXX/Motorcity Machine Guns match for the PPV also, which I think was done pretty good also. LAX are starting to get over with the crowd lately and I think they need to push these guys once again. Next week's show should be interesting to see how they set up No Surrender, last show before the PPV.
NOTE: No spoilers were read before the viewing of this program nor will they ever be.

Tonights TNA Impact was well scripted and well performed, just to sum it up briefly.

If anyone expected anything other than for Judas Mesias to defeat Eric Young, you qualify for the year-end "Mark Awards". But, rather than to bring in an indy talent to put a new-comer over, they stay in house with their own talent. If anything that is to be commended. The great thing about using in-house for a debut match is that you see a fan favorite and he gets some great moves in rather then just another all out squash and establishes the new man as credible (remember Snitsky defeating Kane). Kudos to Young and the bookers on this one. Having Sharky come in for the failed save attempt was good too.

The Killings vs. Styles match was great from start to finish, with each man hitting his high spots only to have the heels(?) win with interference from "Pacman" Jones, furthering their feud going into BFG on October 14th from Atlanta.

It was good to see Jr. Fatu (Rikishi of WWE) again, but I was wondering how they were going to handle this one. I expected some sort of run-in or something rather than the 1-2-3 count as this was Fatu's debut. Didn't happen. But then again, this was somewhat of a refreshment from the debuting star or returning star always getting the win that we fans have come to expect over and over. Of course, this was more build for BFG and Cage vs. Samoa Joe.

The backstage segments were good once again, without insulting the viewers' intelligence. Karen Angle continues to impress with her acting ability and screen presence. A much better husband/wife team then Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth.

Now I'm wondering what the deal is with Mesias attacking Sting at the end of the show. Wasn't he entering a feud with Abyss? Where was Abyss? I was waiting for him to run in at some point in the Mesias/Young match-up. Or, perhaps Mesias attacked Sting after being approached by Nash or Angle behind the scenes? We'll have to wait till next week to find the answers to that.

TNA continues to build towards BFG and their first 2 hour program on Spike TV simultaneously and it looks like they are doing a pretty good job of things.

Match of the Night: AJ Styles vs. Ron Killings.

Segment of the Night: Nash showing concern over the treatment of Sting by the Angles. Very interesting.
Now I'm wondering what the deal is with Mesias attacking Sting at the end of the show. Wasn't he entering a feud with Abyss?

the only reason why i could believe Abyss wasnt there was probably because of the beating he got from Mesias the week before, well the taping before. The writers probably took him out.

Anyways the Tna show tonight was actually pretty good, the Aj Styles and the Truths match was good,well it was the best match of the night. they both showed off there ability and i believe hit there spots well. It was sort of a faced pace match like everyone expected.

The Mesias beating on Eric Young was kind of pointless like most squashes are. Seeing sharkboy running down and getting destroyed was sort of funny because he was hesitant.

Karen Angle has actually impressed me over the bit of time. She seems to have a good presence, and actually seems alright at acting.

I wasnt really thrillid to se Jr Fatu return (Rikishi) because he never impressed me when he was in the WWE. I sort of knew the outcome was gonna be Cage getting the victory but i wasnt expecting it by roll up.

The best of the night was Ron the Truth and the phenomenal Aj Styles match.

The worse was the squash match between Mesias and EY. :smashfreakB:

but all in all a good show with several decent feuds probably leading up to BFG and there debuting of there 2 hr time slot.
just wondering if anybody knows if the 2 hr. premier is goin to be live next week or if their taping it on monday
The first 2 hour edition of Impact will be "live to tape", so it will be much as it is when RAW is taped. TNA will be taping the Oct. 4th edition on Sept. 24th and the Oct. 11th show the following day on Sept. 25th. Reports have said they have no immediate plans to air live.
So this Judas Mesias is supposed to be TNA's "Undertaker" How can you sell a guy that's the same height as Eric Young as a monster, it doesn't work to me. I'm not taking anything away from the wrestler, I just don't think he's the right guy for that rol. He's supposed to intimidate Abyss, he's half the size. Its stupid.
So this Judas Mesias is supposed to be TNA's "Undertaker" How can you sell a guy that's the same height as Eric Young as a monster, it doesn't work to me. I'm not taking anything away from the wrestler, I just don't think he's the right guy for that rol. He's supposed to intimidate Abyss, he's half the size. Its stupid.

Not sure if I agree with the Undertaker analogy. Perhaps Gangrel with the blood coming from his mouth gimmick. As for size being an intimidating factor, as Chris Sabin told Kevin Nash "Size doesn't matter". At least not in the world of pro wrestling. I do understand your point though. I believe I heard them refer to Mesias as 'a demon' or some such thing.

I've also heard Abyss refered to as a Kane knock-off. More like a Cactus Jack or more appropiately Mankind type character. I say let each performer stand on the quality of his performance rather then comparing them with others. Then again, as Eric Bischoff says, controversy sells.
Well honestly this weeks TNA was pretty bad. All there really was, was a team 3-d attack on any tag team it was quite boring and not so fun to watch because they destroyed shark boy and MCMG. its like way to kill your tag division with an out of shape tag team.

Well honestly the only thing good was the Womans action because some of them that were actually in the ring could wrestle except for Christy. the move htough that Roxxi put on Gail Kim though looked like it was botched a little bit because Kim fell down sort of funny.

The Sting attack on judas mesias was quite boring because Mesias pulled superman from out his rear and turned the tide on sting real fast and it is no TNA without Kurt Angle but it was nice that they were building two feuds at once so thats always a plus.

But all in all this TNA didnt impress me and IMO they are going to need to do better than this if they want there two hours to be a success, i just hope it opens the door for more X division match ups.
Well honestly the only thing good was the Womans action because some of them that were actually in the ring could wrestle except for Christy. the move htough that Roxxi put on Gail Kim though looked like it was botched a little bit because Kim fell down sort of funny.


I watched the match several times, and Nikki (or Roxxi) performed the move just fine. The move (the dominator) may have looked a little blotched as its usually done by men that perform the move standing up, but Nikki usually falls to her knees on impact, that may have caused Gail to look like she landed funny.
You knew that since this was the last one hour show that it would suck but i was kinda surprise with the 3 matches the had this week. O.k. so like usual nothing made sense but still. First of all why did Sharkboy wear a neckbrace when i came back to the ring and i got a even better question, if sharkboy was actually injured, why would he be stupid enough to try and make the save anyway. Also, i hope that the woman's division won't always be overshadows by the male wrestler because if it is, this could be worst then what the wwe is offering. The woman match wasn't that great, it look more like a way to but over the guys wrestlers then the woman's. Finally why would you have Sting involve with Judas messiah right now when he'S supposed to be involve in a program with Kurt Angle. And Like Lance Storm say in is commentary, why would the entity of evil wear wrestling tights anyways. The build up for what is supposed to be the biggest match in the history of TNA just fell flat because the creative team is stupid enough to start a side feud for Sting instead of concentrating on building up the current feud between Sting and Angle. Like always TNA doesn't know how to tell a story but am still watching because most of the time, the matches are pretty good.
Rave/Hoyt v MCMG had some good action and MCMG are the best tag team in wrestling today. First match was a bit of a comedy routine and the womens match was the best all year. TNA has some talented women and should let them shine.
I watched the match several times, and Nikki (or Roxxi) performed the move just fine. The move (the dominator) may have looked a little blotched as its usually done by men that perform the move standing up, but Nikki usually falls to her knees on impact, that may have caused Gail to look like she landed funny.

Ok then apparently i must have been imagining something of some sort because i will take your word on it because i just thought the way she fell and the way her neck or head hit the mat, it looked a little worse than usual. It could have been worse i believe because i am not used to seeing a woman like that do a move with such brute force or do that move period .

But anyways though i believe if TNA would showcase there woman as wrestlers they could have something better than the WWE's eye candy woman, or just the thing like Sex appeal. Jackie was a pretty solid wrestler and so was Gail Kim and Roxxi didnt look that bad as a wrestler, i believe if they use them all correctly it could be quite interesting. I was also glad though on this impact so see them further several feuds while doing two at once like mesias rhino and mesias sting, i believe it could be interesting except if mesias seriously injured him self on the fall off a ladder.
So....Last nights Two hour iMPACT. Wow.

Now i do enjoy TNA, but...if anyone out there calls themselves a wrestling fan and did not enjoy on any level last nights edition of iMPACT, then there is something wrong.

Every match was somewhere between Good and Epic and it wasnt taken up with bullshit at any point, everyone got there spot, the show was coherant, action filled, interesting and what wrestling should be....fun.

Anyone agree?? or am i a loner?


http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/KliYyPMhjyfN0Y3aiqw0 - PART ONE
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/GL1rhOgjIcyM8FZ1OafT - PART TWO
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/VbWn4tDMiAYoFn3vLfFC - PART THREE
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/G2ZvuFjUl1alBmyLvSVw - PART FOUR
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/zZREaaI0FfCtB9BFKRa9 - PART FIVE
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/Il4qLDBG5Ab0C4SzgAIs - PART SIX
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/N6ugrZbOHuuhHsFy8YpA - PART SEVEN
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/5kgcsbBFVthq98ZUuhnb - PART EIGHT
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/wZrbPEL1sjrZFBuS85J7 - PART NINE
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/tIzlBFmzhpOAJzSPHOcu - PART TEN
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/HquHePSZzwPKlFZy71g1 - PART ELEVEN
http://videos.sapo.pt/ricardo109/8EdHS75z3OhcO8VLJpAG - PART TWELVE
Impact was off the chain last night. Damn that 8 man tag was amazing. Angle is Gold as usual. The crowd was jakked and the opening segment was amazing. Hell Bound For Glory is just going to be awesome. Great wrestling PPV this Oct on card. No Mercy followed by Bound for Glory. :headbanger: :headbanger:
I thought that TNA did a fantastic job with their first 2 hour Impact show. Every single person on the roster (except being JJ) had exposure, whether it be a match, run in, promo, etc. The matches were very good and the video package at the opening was well done.

Congrats to TNA for getting it done right.
I haven't enjoyed a T.V wrestling show in a long while. The card was great except for maybe 1 or 2 exceptons, but still amazing. The entire roster got exposure. The 8-man tag match was amzing. The promos were well done. 10/10 for TNA.
Damn just finished watching it and all i can say is WOW!
Im a big fan of TNA as it is and feel that it gets a lot of stick that i feel it doesnt really deserve most of the time but if they manage to keep this level most if not every week then i think we will be hearing a lot less of the bad comments.
I thought the whole show was very good, hell even the Black Reign match was good (thanks to Rhino).
The knockouts put the WWE Divas to shame, even the tag match was entertaining and fun (not much they can do with pacman yet his role was fun for what its worth).
Really enjoyed to gauntlet match, TNA really seem to be bigging up MCMG (as they should!!!).As for the 8 man match...FANTASTIC! Loved the fact LAX were in the main event.
I thought the Kurt and Sting segments were funny and intense which really helped build up the match for BFG (Angle once again proves how versatile he can be on the mike).

I think this really is the moment TNA fans have been waiting for and thankfully they didnt fail us, hopefully this will be their time to shine and show people what they and the fans know what they are capable of!
I for one actually enjoyed the TNA two hour premiere, the opening video package was actually done quite well. Very interesting. The Promo's were done very well especially the Kurt Angle one playing mind games with Sting, priceless.

Some of the matches were done very well, especially the Gauntlet match and the winner of Eric Young gets a loud pop and he seems to actually have some wrestling ability. Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin were entertaining in this match with there double team antics. but that was also the result in why the one got tossed out. But it was good to see this match come down to James Storm and Eric Young. This match was well done from beginning to end because out of all honesty i did not believe Eric Young would win. This match was booked well, and it was funny to see EY go in the crowd with his peeps.

The womans match was even entertaining and this division puts the WWE's woman division to shame. Jackie and Gail Kim put on an entertaining match for the most part, and unlike the WWE this womans match wasnt dreaded awful. Well Done TNA.

I also enjoyed seeing a little faction come together with Black Reign Juadas Mesias and even Raven to take out Abyss. The Rhino Black Reign match was even entertaining for the most part except for the fact that Black Reign has seen better days in the ring.

Now the Main Event was very entertaining with Phatu Joe and LAX vs Cage Styles The Fallen Angel and Senshi. it was quite good and entertaining for a while with some good double team moves and so forth. The move that joe finished it off with actually looked to be painful.

The two hour show was well done with mostly every one getting some TV time except for JJ but i am positive his time will come. IMO TNA did a fantastic job with there bookings from beginning to end, every thing was enjoyable and entertaining.
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