[Official] Survivor Series Discussion Thread

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Team DX has an awesome team!!! They are deffinitly going to win IMO. I cant wait to see what other matches get announced
Oh my god that match is gonna be tight!!!! DX, the Hardy Boyz and the Straight Edge Extremist on the same team?!?!?!? Oh god..the mark in me just blew a load in his pants!!!!
And what a collection of ego on team Rated RKO! But think of the t&A potential...Lita, Kelly Kelly AND Melina! Oh god, I hope the King is calling this one!
it is going to be the best match at survivor series i bet no matter what other match they announce, i cant believe they announced this match first but i guess thay wanted to start a buzz about the ppv
HOLY SHIT! When I saw The Hardy Boyz, CM Punk & DX vs Edge, Orton, Nitro, Knox & Helms, I freaked! I can't wait
I am so glad the WWE went back to having a Survivor Series Elimination match where not everyone in the match is feuding with everyone else on the other team. Finally they throw a bunch of rivalries together into a faces vs heels match. I will go see Survivor Series just to see this match! Thank you WWE, finally going semi-traditional with Survivor Series.
Besides Edge and Orton everyone on Rated RKO are nobodys
1.Nitro a tag team champ from Smackdown who is way overated
2.Knox is just an ECW filler
3.Helms is a nobody because without Matt Hardy he was nothing
how quickly you forget nitro and helms both have titles at this present time, im not saying they are the best in the world but they do have some legitimesy, like i said this will be the best match at survivor series and i cant believe they announced it first but its still going to be great

also for those of you who might not already know here are couple other matches for survivor series from at least the smackdown side from what they said when i was at the smackdown taping monday..
Batista vs. Booker for title
Benoit vs Chavo for u.s. title
Kennedy vs. Undertaker
What do you think will be the likely order of elimination, who will eliminate who and who will be the last man standing?


does anyone see any new rivalries emerging from this one?
I will list each elimination and who they will be eliminated by as I believe it will happen.

1. Mike Knox eliminated by CM Punk
2. Matt Hardy eliminated by Edge.
3. Jeff Hardy eliminated by Gregory Helms.
4. Gregory Helms eliminated by Triple H.
5. Johnny Nitro eliminated by Shawn Michaels.
6. CM Punk eliminated by Randy Orton.
7. Edge eliminated by Shawn Michaels.
8. Shawn Michaels eliminated by Randy Orton.
9. Triple H eliminated by Randy Orton.

Sole Survivor: Randy Orton, this should push him further and prove that he is officially the king of the classic survivor series match, with this being the fourth consecutive year he has been the sole survivor in a match. This will help to catapult him into stardom, win the rumble and face John Cena at Wrestlemania 23 for the WWE Championship.
its too hard to guess whos gonna get eliminated in what order but it will definitely come down to dx, orton and edge. i agree w/ strafro orton will win for the 4th yr in a row
strafro said:
Sole Survivor: Randy Orton, this should push him further and prove that he is officially the king of the classic survivor series match, with this being the fourth consecutive year he has been the sole survivor in a match. This will help to catapult him into stardom, win the rumble and face John Cena at Wrestlemania 23 for the WWE Championship.

I agree with Randy Orton being the sole survivor for the fourth year in a row. But I think he will win the title before Wrestlemania, like the night after Survivor Series or at New Year's Revolution. Then I think Cena will win the rumble and get a rematch at Wrestlemania.
i could see that happening ^ especially at ny's revolution cuz thats in ortons hometown. but if cena wins the title again at mania 23 people will def start getting tired of him being champ and plus it looks like their about to start a feud w/ cena and umaga that will last for a few months
I can see the same thing happening and it's logical but it's getting abit predictable with people having undefeated runs such as Undertaker, Orton, Edge and Umaga.

It'd be my preference to have Nitro, CM Punk or Matt Hardy as the last man standing for their team, depending on who wins.

Matt has to eliminate Edge and G. Helms.

Can anyone see a possible mini feud between Orton and CM Punk following this match, possibly hinted at by the house show match a week or so ago?
I believe CM Punk should be the sole survivor. He has an undefeated streak going, and they shouldn't waste the steak on this match. Also, This is a great way to push the kid to the top of ECW, and a fast way as well. Big Show is going to drop the title at December to Dismember. RVD and Sabu aren't going to get it after the arrest a few months ago, and Test isn't world championship material. This Survivor Series match would be a great way to push him, and the ECW brand, as well.
I don't think the Cena vs Umaga feud will last very long. It will probably end at Survivor Series. There's no way that a guy with superb mic skills like Cena could cut a promo with Armando Alejandro Estrada(Then again, who can?)
Cm punks undefeated streak would end because its not a singles match so even if his team lost his undefeated streak would still be intact.
I think that the blend of styles and "fillers" they have in this first match is unbelievable and I am glad they are going to push some of the guys that I absolutely love in a high profile match. I mean the Hardyz finally back together that's awesome, CM Punk, the future of this industry. Gregory Helms one of the best pure wrestlers in the WWE today. Johnny Nitro, the current two time Intercontinental champ who has tons of in-ring ability and lots of athleticism. Mike Knox, a guy that really hasn't had a chance to showcase his abilities, and with all the other talent in this match, I am sad to say that probably won't get the exposure he deserves.

And that wasn't even including DX or Rated RKO, this match should be awesome and I personally dont wanna wait til Survivor SEries to see it, I wanna see it now.
Orton definently needs to be the last man left.

Does anyone else see a deja vu where every single survivor series match Randy won Shawn Micheals was the last man on the opposing team?
Team Rated RKO are more likly to win because of Orton but you never know DX may come out on top

one thing surpises me is there still gonna be Raw vs SD vs ECW match?
It's an intresting match. The only problem I have is that I worry D-X and Rated RKO are going to make everyone else look like complete jobbers. I'm a huge Gregory Helms mark and the thought of seeing him wrestle H.B.K and C.M. Punk is intriguing. Although I see The Hardyz, Punk, Nitro, Knox and Helms being jobbed out pretty quickly and most of the match involving Triple H, Michaels, Orton and Edge.
are they not going to have any title match at all then? maybe batista vs booker? i'm still trying to work out who's going to be on each brands team in the 3-way match. also, i'd assume likely matches include taker vs kennedy, chavo vs benoit and batista vs booker. all the main event guys from ecw and raw have gone, excluding like carito, shelton, flair, masters etc i suppose
i dont think theres gonna be a 3 way match......i think they are just encorperating stars from the 3 brands in each team
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