[OFFICIAL] Sheamus Wins The 2012 Royal Rumble Discussion

I wish everyone would quit bitching about Jericho not winning :banghead: I mean... the guy is 41... does it make more sense to push someone you've got another year out of or another 5+?

That said I enjoyed the match. And I did jump out of my seat a few times.
Everyone pissed off that Jericho didn't win needs to tuck away their tampon string and stop bitching! Sheamus was a PERFECT pick to win the rumble this year. He's one of the best young guys in the WWE and he's a new face main eventing Wrestlemania. Him and Daniel Bryan will put on one hell of a show if that's the match that ends up happening. The Rumble is meant to propel stars to a different level and Jericho is already a legend. Plus we can still get the Jericho/Punk match at Wrestlemania and that will be epic. Plus that's the best finish to a Rumble I've seen in a looooong time. The battle between Jericho and Sheamus was extremely well done. It was a great Royal Rumble all around!

If you read the threads, no one is really upset he lost, it's what this means for his return. It's that everyone expected at least something to happen as the "end of the world" and nothing did happen.

That being said, Sheamus is the future of the WWE, if he hadn't won tonight, it really wouldn't make a difference. Jericho on the other hand probably doesn't have much longer left as a wrestler, he's spent his whole damn career putting people over, for once it'd be nice to see him have a strong run of his own. Personally, I can't stand Sheamus as a face, I miss the savage, unstoppable heel that could win clean from when he debuted.
If Jericho wins, than everyone would be complaining how predictable it was. Jericho likes putting guys over, and thats what makes him great. A young guy is getting his shot, most likely at the WHC, and we will have to see where Y2J goes from here. Overall, it wasn't bad. The end of the cage match looked botched, but it wasn't horrible. Punk and Ziggler was good, and Kharma slamming Ziggler was pretty awesome. The crowd was great too. They weren't quiet or snarky and made the show energetic.
I wish everyone would quit bitching about Jericho not winning :banghead: I mean... the guy is 41... does it make more sense to push someone you've got another year out of or another 5+?

That said I enjoyed the match. And I did jump out of my seat a few times.

If hes gona stay for another 5 years, then he could have won anytime in those years....He could have been pushed through the Chamber or a normal No.1 Contenders match.

Rumble winners should be main eventers like it use to be...
Orton vs Sheamus won't happen. Both are faces who are well over. We might not see Bryan vs Sheamus at WM. It could be a Triple Threat or Fatal 4 Way match. As for the Jericho thing, I have no idea what's next in store. The RR match wasn't intended to be overshadowed by Jericho's motives. Now most IWC marks will rant about Jericho being underutilized, when he clearly has big things coming up for him.
If hes gona stay for another 5 years, then he could have won anytime in those years....He could have been pushed through the Chamber or a normal No.1 Contenders match.

Rumble winners should be main eventers like it use to be...

So the guy who gets the biggest pop on SD every week isn't a main eventer?

Also, as far as the "used to be"... Jim Duggan + John Studd = not main eventers
Lets be honest. Cody Rhodes should have won this Rumble to go on to face Orton or whoever for the title at Mania.. Where he would win his FIRST World Heavyweight Championship! He was the only plausible one that should have won imo. Even barrett could have. BTW, what horrible music he came out to

The boy hood dream part 2!
So DUMB! Jericho is a HEEL. Heels make empty promises and threats all the time! He's gonna build to his match with Punk and it's gonna be awesome...

This is not how a return is done. Annoying is different than creating a heel. So if I go out there and get the mic and keep silent week after week I am a great heel because people will throw me out of the building? Great creative idea!
I thought the PPV as a whole was pretty good. A firm 4/5. Thought Jericho would win but Sheamus was definitely unexpected and well deserved. Just one mans opinion but loved the outcome. Have a feeling that Jericho will go into the elimination chamber and win or will turn his focus to the dead man. Marked out to see Road Dogg btw.
Everyone needs to calm down that Jericho didn't win. After tonight, I guarantee he will attack Punk out of frustration of not winning the Royal Rumble. That report about swapping the main events is a load of BS as Jericho was showing frustration tonight like he was trying to prove to someone that he can win because he is the best in the world at what he does. Jericho never needed to win the Rumble as there are many ways for him to feud with Punk and at the same time giving a young star his moment. Jericho was supposed to have all this hype only to fail because it will add more to his heel character when he finally attacks Punk and ignites the feud. Triple H has already set up a match with him and Undertaker by saying that he has ended the Deadman and I bet Taker may show up tomorrow night on Raw to confront Triple H.

Sheamus needed that win and isn't it funny how we might get the dark match of WM27 as our Main Event for WM28? I do because it shows how much these guys have improved one year later. I will say that the Rumble did feel rushed and there were a lot of lower card guys in the match. But the outcome was great and now we will have one of the greatest feuds in Jericho/Punk leading to the match of the year Jericho vs. Punk. Book It!
So DUMB! Jericho is a HEEL. Heels make empty promises and threats all the time! He's gonna build to his match with Punk and it's gonna be awesome...

Actually, he's not quite heel or face at the moment. Right now he seems to be treading the same waters that Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, The Rock, etc have in the past; they act heel like but are over and don't resort to heel tactics like insulting the crowd, cheating in every match, and whining constantly.
I honestly think wwe wasted 4 spots on the rumble card... Cole, Duggan, king, and kharma. For all intensive purposes, they could have used Christian as a "surprise return" as well as even throwing a wrench in and having HHH in the rumble. Also leaving players like mark Henry, Kane, Cena, heck even Mason Ryan and Drew McIntyre.

As thoughts, I'm glad Sheamus won, but with wwe practically promising a shakeup at the rumble, I'm highly disappointed. Tbh, I would've loved to see Drew McIntyre win and then spend the next couple months shoving it in teddy long's face. Would've made good tv and made Drew relevant again instead of these jobs to santino and others.
Jerichos return was in no way shape or form ruined, sheamus deserved this win and its better for him than jericho, ever think that they have a better STORYLINE for jericho other than just throwing him into the title picture and have him sit around for 2 months, i swear the IWC just likes to complain
It makes sense that we won but after the match for me it was like.............
Is that it? The match had some great spot but I feel that WWE follows a similar fomula each year, I wish they would just come up with something more original. Or maybe it's a case of me seeing to much already in pro wrestling and it felt flat. I want to feel vibrant and excited after I watch a Royal Rumble match and can't waiting for Raw to start. I just feel like....flat. And this after the usually most exciting PPV of the year. I don't know.
Well this came as a surpise to me as much as anyone else. I had my bet on Jericho, but can't win them all I guess. I am a big fan of what Sheamus has done I'm not upset with this decision at all. However, I feel like Sheamus could have won it any other year being as he has a lucrative contract with the WWE. This may be Jericho's last run with WWE and a Royal Rumble victory would have been all that much better for his career and a match between Jericho and Punk is what makes more sense to me. If rumours are true, yes I am Canadian that is how it's spelled, then a match between Jericho and Taker is not believable to me. I don't believe Jericho can end "the streak," but we do have another couple of months left to see Jericho's second run progress. Wouldn't be upset with either, but I think CM Punk vs Chris Jericho would pay off more IMO. "pipebomb"
Many of you should do to yourselves a favor and stop watching WWE..Really the only thing that you always do is bitching.

Chris Jericho wins...Predictable
Randy Orton wins...Predictable and Boring
Sheamus wins...Predictable and Boring
Santino wins...Predictable

On the other hand the win of Sheamus was awesome.He and Daniel Bryan deserved last year a proper match in Wrestlemania and what a better way of main eventing this year

Exactly. As Michael Cole would say, this thread is "vintage IWC." Complain about everything, refuse to admit anything was good. Waa waa waa.

The Rumble match was one of the better Rumble matches we've had in recent years. Entertaining from beginning to end...very few dull moments. I was very happy to see Sheamus win. He's been getting a strong push and I'm sure that will continue, leading up to his defeating Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania for the World Heavyweight title.

The only disappointing part is that this whole "end of the world" Chris Jericho thing doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they have it all planned out, but it sure is slow to get going.

And those people who are claiming this is the worst PPV ever seriously, like the person I quoted here said, just stop watching the WWE. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
I cant believe i missed the pro bowl for this.....All though glad Sheamus won cause i think he is one of the top talents in WWE right now they still needed to make a bigger splash...My wife asked me why i have to watch this and i told her just for that one moment and it never happened...Happy for Sheamus but overall one of the worst rumbles i can remember
well i hated the ppv.

-Didnt like at all the Cena Vs Kane..same story like every week.
-The Divas...screaming and screaming..fuck my mom thought i was watching porn and not a wrestling PPV..
-Punk Vs Ziggler..was ok,but not great,and its weird because they are really great wrestlers.
-Bryan,Henry,Big Show....boring nothing really happend.
-and the royal rumble...why so much hype with jericho and not letting him win..why sheamus because in the last few months he is only kicking jendel or what the hell his name is and nothing more.Why werent there really surprises and not watching Booker,Cole,Jerry, coming to the royal,i would have to see really superstars like triple h,kevin nash,hbk or the undertaker or something like that comming out.Not to win but just as surprises or so...

i´m happy for sheamus but it wasnt a good ppv,in the wwe one day your shit and the other day your on the main event of wrestlemania...
This is not how a return is done. Annoying is different than creating a heel. So if I go out there and get the mic and keep silent week after week I am a great heel because people will throw me out of the building? Great creative idea!

It's called a BUILD. We'll get our payoff from Jericho in due time. People like you just aren't smart enough to know when WWE is just building anticipation. Dumbasses like you need an instant payoff but that's not the way to go. Jericho knows this and he knows what he's doing.
Since this is a Sheamus thread I will start with this, not happy. I realize it is time to push some of the mid/high card higher, but this was not the way to go. I thought this was the night to push Ziggler, Rhodes or Barrett. Or set up Jericho/Punk. So this mean it will be Sheamus v Daniel Bryan at WM? Does that really appeal to everyone? Might be the worst "main event" EVER. As for the pay per view as a whole... HORRIBLE. Started off the night with the predictable Bryan cage win, bc he cant beat either of those guys in a singles match. Cage match was epically bad. The women's match and the Clay match, squashes. Then the CM Punk match was what we all thought it was (ONLY GOOD "WRESTLING" one of the night). Cena didnt embrace the hate, which made that match not good. That match was all for the ending segment where he beats them both down. This is the kind of PPV which makes you think why you spend the money. Not a happy wrestling fan tonight. Guarentee a Sheamus/Bryan main event at mania will be my least favorite.
Anybody who says this was a good ppv must be smoking crack. I have seen every Royal Rumble to date and I honestly felt it was the worst one of all. I am kinda shocked that they went with Sheamus. I am not totally upset with this, but I'm not totally on board with this either. I really hope they take the belt off of Daniel Bryan. I have no interest in seeing Daniel Bryan wrestle period, he is making a mockery of the world title. If Daniel Bryan is in the title match at Wrestlemania we should all just quit watching. Simply put Sheamus vs. Barrett would be more interesting IMO. Or anybody and Sheamus, just not Daniel Bryan. As for the Chris Jericho story we are all talking about.......the WWE blew it. You can't have him go after Undertaker because he just lost to Sheamus. Nobody will buy into a Jericho/Taker match now with him losing cleanly. All the momentum of the storyline with Jericho has died. I don't care how he spins it, it doesn't make sense. Nothing they do with him will make sense now after this. Maybe Jericho's career ended tonight and that is the end of the world. I wish WWE creative could pull their heads out of their asses and give us decent wrestling and storylines to go with them.
Seems as if everyone is so stuck on the BIG guys (Orton, Cena, Jericho) winning the Rumble (I know Cena wasn't in it). I don't want to see the same lame ol' guys being champ again and "add to their legacy". Gotta build for the future.

But yeah, let these young and hungrier guys shine. I have zero problem with Sheamus winning, but my preference was Wade Barrett. Cody Rhodes and The Miz would've been good choices as well. Cody more than Miz since Miz had his little time in the spotlight and should be there again. Cody has never been there and would benefit from time at the top. But Wade Barrett, guy is a beast in the ring.

On an unrelated note, I hate how WWE books the match order. Just completely stupid to have an important World Championship Steel Cage match BEFORE a 8 woman divas match that is nothing more than filler time and eye candy. They did the same thing last year at Wrestlemania where they made the World Championship match the VERY FIRST match. Book matches in order of importance. Don't go big, then go small for a while, then back big.
How old are u people. That was an awful ppv. Not one time did i get excited or get goosbumbs. This year i dident even read any spoilers because i wanted to be excited and suprised, that was the worse match ever

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