[OFFICIAL] Sheamus Wins The 2012 Royal Rumble Discussion

Sheamus deserves it. He has been on a roll and WWE has done nothing with him. From one irish man to another, congrats and good luck!
I liked it...

I thought Sheamus winning was a great move (plus I called it.)

Now as to who he should face at WrestleMania... I think Wade Barrett should win the WHC at Elimination Chamber, as he and Sheamus could have one hell of a match.
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I have to agree on Jericho, having him compete properly and still lose was a bit of a let down storyline wise, had he eliminated himself, walked off, won without doing anything, etc etc etc

It would have continued his character and mystique .. It would have protected him and his storyline.

That's all gone.
I personally didnt like the PPV at all tonight. Felt like a Raw to me.

Im not happy about sheamus winning the rumble. I dont really have any interest in him, esp in the title picture at the biggest PPV of the year. I feel how I did last year when Del Rio when, that hes just not gunna be HUGE in the company. I also didnt like the fact that they kept some names out of the rumble itself and let King and Cole in the rumble. This rumble clearly showed how bad the roster is now a days, besides a good 6 or 7 guys ( int he rumble )

I dunno, just didnt like it at all and have no interest in seeing Sheamus against anyone for the title. He does the same crap in the ring every night. I think those added cheers on Smackdown make him seem bigger then he is. I wanted Rhodes to win.

Last but not least I hate how Big show was number 30. He obv wasnt going to win so he gets out Zigg and Rhodes? At least if they stayed in, I would have thought any of them could have won
Sheamus' winning streak was huge.

As soon as he won, i thought, Well Deserved.

This will be a great build to the WHC.

Jericho can still easily make his way to WM!
This year's Royal Rumble was pretty damn good. Much better than last year's. I don't know what people are talking about saying that the Royal Rumble match was bad. It was one of the best rumbles in a long time. The ending was very good as well. I thought Jericho was gonna win it all but seeing Sheamus win is also good. Jericho isn't being mishandled. Sheamus needed the win much more than Jericho did. People are just asshurt about the rumble because Jericho didn't win.
Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan at WM? That's gonna be a squash, especially the way WWE is having Bryan win his matches. Bryan should lose the title at Elimination Chamber to, .. .. .. .. Uhh? I want to see Kane vs Sheamus at WM , Buts thats kinda unrealistic due to kane being on raw. Punk vs Sheamus? No.
Okay with Shaemus winning. He's a good worker, and him and Bryan will be a good contest.

But what drives me nuts about the WWE is what still keeps driving me nuts about the WWE. Where's the storyline builders? Jericho losing cleanly makes no sense. When he says "The Royal Rumble will be the end of the world as you know it," then SOMETHING should be written into the Rumble to piggyback off that to continue that storyline.

I guess we wait till RAW to see if anything develops. But the whole weird aura of Jericho's character and storyline is pretty much gone. What a waste of a good build.
Everyone pissed off that Jericho didn't win needs to tuck away their tampon string and stop bitching! Sheamus was a PERFECT pick to win the rumble this year. He's one of the best young guys in the WWE and he's a new face main eventing Wrestlemania. Him and Daniel Bryan will put on one hell of a show if that's the match that ends up happening. The Rumble is meant to propel stars to a different level and Jericho is already a legend. Plus we can still get the Jericho/Punk match at Wrestlemania and that will be epic. Plus that's the best finish to a Rumble I've seen in a looooong time. The battle between Jericho and Sheamus was extremely well done. It was a great Royal Rumble all around!
God some of you people are stupid. Why did Jericho have to win The Rumble? He's Chris Fucking Jericho. He doesn't need the momentum of a Rumble win to send him to into a high profile fued for 'Mania. Sheamus has the potential to be a future top guys in the company, much like a Triple H, but he isn't there yet. So if there was ANYONE that they could've had win that would need The Rumble's momentum going into WrestleMania for a World Championship match, it HAD to be Sheamus.
Was so disappointed in the rumble this year, the last 5-6 entrants were pathetically badly chosen, I mean it was like Otunga, Swagger and Show (at 30 too :SSS, wth at that). 30 should have been inclusive to Jericho, even if he lost it.

In my mind it was the wrong decision to make, I understand that Sheamus is an up and comer if you will, but making Jericho lose like that was just stupid. The PPV as a whole made me think there was a lot of last minute decision changes. why didn't they feature a tag team match bout instead of the Brodus Clay squash?, and why did they not build more effectively to other matches taking place, so that they had a backup plan should the PPV fall short of timing requirements. if they planned to have 90 second gaps between each rumble entrance, it obviously wasn't going to last a long time.

I guess that Sheamus winning is a good thing, because otherwise we would have probably had another lazily booked David and Golliath match at Mania. Hopefully they use this oppurtunity to make the match into a triple threat, or fatal four way (including guys like Orton and Barrett definitely).
To the guys who do not understand!

Noone is upset because Jericho didn't win, people are upset because this whole thing for weeks and months about Jericho ended up being nothing. He might have done something with a shock value, not necessarily winning the rumble. But nothing happened, and whatever happens at Raw tomorrow won't justify Jericho keeping silent for weeks and then saying "it's going to be the ned of the world at RR"

Mind you, if there is any heat for all this, that heat is on the creative not on Jericho...
Strange thing about Sheamus winning is that it throws a curveball in what will the title event matches at WM will be. Punk vs. Jericho is not yet set in stone so its possible Jericho may not even be involved in the title match.

With Sheamus winning the rumble will WM's World Title Match be Sheamus vs. Bryan? Which does not feel like a WM World Title Match (well I guess neither did JBL vs. Cena at the time), will Bryan drop the World Title and have Sheamus vs. Orton instead?
first off, the matches at the ppv werent great, but i liked two of the matches results because Bryan and Punk are still the champs, but the rumble was kinda too comedy, but it had it's great moments like Cole being scared of Kharma and having King and Booker eliminate Cole and of course Kharma's return, hope she is back for good. and as for Sheamus winning it, surprised, he was one of the darkhorses to win it for me due to Orton being in it and Jericho's promo, but IF booked right, this should be good. Sheamus vs. a heel Daniel Bryan SHOULD happen. i remember last year how upset i was that we didnt see the US title match at Mania between these two, now maybe we can see this match on a bigger stage, anyways, if it's Bryan vs. Sheamus, this could be good. as for the rest, hopefully Punk ends up taking on JL and ending that feud, Jericho wins a number one contender WWE title match to face Punk and that's the feud for the WWE title.
I thought the rumble was good, but shocked Sheamus won! and the biggest DISAPPOINTMENT was Big Show at 30, arr he annoys me, i was getting my hopes up i thought Taker would come back or Cena at 30, REALLY BIG SHOW! he has been 30 a few times and he sucks no one ever thinks he will win!!!
This entire ppv was sort of just...blah. The cage match was a pretty boring odyssey, with a really unexciting ending. The Kane/Cena match was nothing new, and ended the same way it has ended the last 4 episodes of RAW. The CM Punk/Ziggler match wasn't really as good of a match they could of put on, and the referee stunt just seemed off. Nothing came off it. Then the Rumble.

Am I the only one who was shocked when Sheamus came out roughly around 24-26, and he was the first legit contender I would think had a slight chance? The mediocre talent that kept dragging out until Sheamus was getting tiresome. Riley, Santino, Justin Gabriel, Khali, Hunicho, Ricardo, Primo, Epico, Hacksaw, etc. took up 2/3 of the match. It got to a point where I got annoyed when I heard the buzzer who the next person.

The ending at least was decent, and I'm glad Sheamus won. I joked around with my friends about 6 times saying he would win, and well, he did.

If I didn't watch this paperview, I would of missed nothing. There was nothing to come out of this, other than just the results. No big moments, no exciting matches.
do any of u have a fucking mind,ive watched wrestling since 2002, since ive watched every RR that they have had and this was by far the WORST ppv(not just royal rumble) but ppv over all. At no point did i jump out of my seat and at no point did i see anything that got my attention. WWE i have watched some pretty bad shit and this is by far the end. i am done watching this shit after i thought u guys were actually changing things
LOL at all the people complaining about Sheamus winning. If Orton would've won same people would be complaining. They want the old veterans to win, Jericho. Then, people complain that WWE doesn't push new talent. Just take what's being given and enjoy it. Sheamus winning was unpredictable and gave an awesome performance with Y2J at the end.... This win benefits Sheamus waaaaay more than it would Y2J. Jericho can easily insert himself with Punk tomorrow during Raw.

If this years Rumble didn't have all that goofy comedic skits and instead had more actual wrestlers it would of been more entertaining. Also, the rumble felt too short. Did the time between entrances decrease??
Thought for sure Jericho was going to win, but was plesently surprised to see Sheamus take it. Now for sheamus to pick Punk at Mania. what a swerve that would be. Have Jericho face the Undertaker maybe?
I think Sheamus winning was a smart choice. The only thing I didn't like was having the final 4 be Orton, Show, Jericho and Sheamus. I think it should have been Sheamus, Jericho, Miz and Wade, with ZIggler out at the 5th spot, Orton 6th and Cody 7th. Would have helped put over the younger guys instead of having Show take all the momentum out of what Miz and Cody did all night, and Orton doing the same to Barrett. I realize Orton has been putting Barrett over, but do it in Orton's hometown would have given Barrett alot more heat.
Rumble should be used for Main Eventers who want to main event Wrestlemania, like it use to be.

HHH, Orton, Austin, Rock, Batista, Benoit....Who do we have next to them? Del Rio, Sheamus.....

Not fucking Mid Carders needing a push.
This entire ppv was sort of just...blah. The cage match was a pretty boring odyssey, with a really unexciting ending. The Kane/Cena match was nothing new, and ended the same way it has ended the last 4 episodes of RAW. The CM Punk/Ziggler match wasn't really as good of a match they could of put on, and the referee stunt just seemed off. Nothing came off it. Then the Rumble.

Am I the only one who was shocked when Sheamus came out roughly around 24-26, and he was the first legit contender I would think had a slight chance? The mediocre talent that kept dragging out until Sheamus was getting tiresome. Riley, Santino, Justin Gabriel, Khali, Hunicho, Ricardo, Primo, Epico, Hacksaw, etc. took up 2/3 of the match. It got to a point where I got annoyed when I heard the buzzer who the next person.

The ending at least was decent, and I'm glad Sheamus won. I joked around with my friends about 6 times saying he would win, and well, he did.

If I didn't watch this paperview, I would of missed nothing. There was nothing to come out of this, other than just the results. No big moments, no exciting matches.

Exactly.. This rumble just sucked. I dont care about Y2J myself. I was more about rhodes. I wanted him to at least get into the final 4. Im glad he lasted as long as he did. I personally just dont like sheamus. Maybe at other PPVs but NOT wrestlemania. You can even add COLE and KING to that list of mediocre talent. Even the kharma thing was stupid.
But what drives me nuts about the WWE is what still keeps driving me nuts about the WWE. Where's the storyline builders? Jericho losing cleanly makes no sense. When he says "The Royal Rumble will be the end of the world as you know it," then SOMETHING should be written into the Rumble to piggyback off that to continue that storyline.

I guess we wait till RAW to see if anything develops. But the whole weird aura of Jericho's character and storyline is pretty much gone. What a waste of a good build.

No shit..:banghead: Where does Jericho go from here? The beginning of the WM storyline should have started tonight during the rumble match. I know Vince said that he wanted to keep a lot of the younger stars in the match and not bring back some veterans for a night but seriously.. everybody knows thats when the crowd goes nuts!! Im not talking about a full time superstar coming back from injury or anything, although christian would have been wicked, im talking about people like booker T and Diesel last year whom both received massive pops in 2011. Personally I would have liked to have seen the undertaker return the gong going off, lights off, crowd would have gone nuts. Just dissappointed in the lack of the usual rumble shock returns. Road dogg and kharma do not count..

Bit of a side note.. Kane could have KILLED it tonight in the rumble match.. He has been built as such a monster he could have eliminated easily 8+ people tonight and get eliminated by Cena running in and eliminating him and continuing to fight to the back.
Many of you should do to yourselves a favor and stop watching WWE..Really the only thing that you always do is bitching.

Chris Jericho wins...Predictable
Randy Orton wins...Predictable and Boring
Sheamus wins...Predictable and Boring
Santino wins...Predictable

On the other hand the win of Sheamus was awesome.He and Daniel Bryan deserved last year a proper match in Wrestlemania and what a better way of main eventing this year
To the guys who do not understand!

Noone is upset because Jericho didn't win, people are upset because this whole thing for weeks and months about Jericho ended up being nothing. He might have done something with a shock value, not necessarily winning the rumble. But nothing happened, and whatever happens at Raw tomorrow won't justify Jericho keeping silent for weeks and then saying "it's going to be the ned of the world at RR"

Mind you, if there is any heat for all this, that heat is on the creative not on Jericho...

So DUMB! Jericho is a HEEL. Heels make empty promises and threats all the time! He's gonna build to his match with Punk and it's gonna be awesome...

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