[OFFICIAL] Sheamus is the New WWE Champion

I gotta say, having him win the title made my night. Overall it was a good PPV I think the smackdown FFW should of had a different winner but whatever. Sheamus is the man in my opinion and he was perfect for winning this match. I hope he keeps it for a good while, and wins some matches clean with it, including his rematch against Cena. Maybe then Cena finally steps away from the title picture to deal with the NXT by's. That would be great, again Sheamus is the man glad he won it.
I dont understand you people..You hate Cean and Swagger as champ but bitch when they do lose it cause its not to someone you want to win..stop bitching people its nto all about you..you got what you wanted Cena and Swagger both lost but boo fucking hoo because you didnt have your picks win your crying..stop acting spoiled..none of you work with WWE you watch it enjoy it..if not go watch TNA they need the viewers..jeez im tired of getting on here and seeing people crying about who they lost thier straps to...
I dont understand you people..You hate Cean and Swagger as champ but bitch when they do lose it cause its not to someone you want to win..stop bitching people its nto all about you..you got what you wanted Cena and Swagger both lost but boo fucking hoo because you didnt have your picks win your crying..stop acting spoiled..none of you work with WWE you watch it enjoy it..if not go watch TNA they need the viewers..jeez im tired of getting on here and seeing people crying about who they lost thier straps to...

You are incorrect. Here is the reason as to why you are incorrect: several people in this thread have reacted positively to Sheamus winning the WWE title. And thus, you are rendered incorrect.

I like this move by WWE, I definitely think Sheamus has improved a lot during his period of time since he was last the champion.

Sheamus has gotten legitimate victories over mid-carders, upper mid-carders and main eventers, he's shown that he can hang with the big guys, and has overall improved massively, enough for me to consider this move great.

While he didn't "cleanly" pin John Cena once more, he did pin him, and that can only build so much more for Sheamus, he needs to repeat the success if you ask me.

I think this title reign could be the final transformation that Sheamus needs to become a full blooded main event player on the top of RAW, this reign has all of the potential going for him now that he has the legitimacy and the experience that the fans complained so much about during his first title reign.
Enjoyed this - quite a bit actually. Orton and Edge's fued doesn't need the belt, and so if you wanted to make a change (which may tie in with nXt) and may end up with Cena and Sheamus on the same side.

It's a testament to how well Sheamus has done in his short time in the company that he's a believeable champion - really like his character...

I hate it.

I'm not the biggest Cena supporter in the world, but I just do NOT see anything in Sheamus that says "main event" to me. I haven't one single time yet. I think in terms of look, mic skills, ring skills, and charisma, he's equal to Shad Gaspard, but the only difference between the two save for skin color, hair, and nationality, is that Sheamus sucked up to the right person and received two undeserved world championships.

First title reign, what did Sheamus do to deserve it? A crappy feud with Goldust, a crappy feud with Benjamin, a bunch of jobbers and Jamie Noble. Then, he wins the title in a bad fashion, doesn't continue dominating at the Royal Rumble, and drops the title at EC (thankfully), loses at WrestleMania, and attacks HHH. Ok, so what's he done since then?.....Nothing else. His feud with Trips wasn't anything main event worthy to me either, and now he's being rewarded for, what exactly? This means not only am I going to be bored watching Raw (and Smackdown, because I didn't want Rey to win either), but now there's absolutely no reason for me to get excited about the main events of the ppvs, which are supposed to be the biggest draws of the card.

But one of the other things that annoys me about this is that it means Sheamus vs HHH will be about the championship, and HHH will return in time that he'll win it. Thus, not only am I not going to enjoy anything revolving around Sheamus on Raw (as has been the case since his debut) for however long he's champ, but I'm also going to have to sit through Hunter as champ again. I might as well not even watch Raw until Survivor Series.

I just don't see what's so great about him, and more importantly, what makes him supposedly good enough to be a 2 time WWE champion but the Miz hasn't won once yet is one of the three most over heels in the WWE and has been for a very long time. And I was looking forward to seeing Cena feuding with NXT and the WWE title being involved in the mix, but now that that's taken away, it's hurt the NXT feud as well.

So yeah, I have to give this "Sheamus as champ" situation a giant thumbs down, as I know from my entire experience so far with Sheamus that I'm not going to be entertained by it in the slightest bit.
I'm a fan of Sheamus winning the wwe title, he is different to other main event players like Orton or Edge and it creates a good contrast with them.

It's also great because it opens a lot of different doors for the NXT angle involving the WWE Title going into the MITB PPV.

But Sheamus has imporved loads since his last reign, I was wathing Raw earlier and I thought his promo at the beginning was good and certainly believeable. He definitley plays his character well.

Sheamus can also rock a good fued with Cena, even though so many people dislike him, theres no denying he has helped push Sheamus forward, even if it was accidental.
Hey Yo!

Finally all the haters are gone well majority of the haters. Back when Sheamus won the title last year everyone was screaming for new superstars stale main event scene, then Sheamus wins and everyone puts shit all over him mainly the f'n IWC. But now the majority agrees he is the right decision i've always liked Sheamus right from the get go he just had that IT factor that separted him from the rest of the roster, so yeah Sheamus being champ again is awesome.
I hate it.

I'm not the biggest Cena supporter in the world, but I just do NOT see anything in Sheamus that says "main event" to me. I haven't one single time yet. I think in terms of look, mic skills, ring skills, and charisma, he's equal to Shad Gaspard, but the only difference between the two save for skin color, hair, and nationality, is that Sheamus sucked up to the right person and received two undeserved world championships.

First title reign, what did Sheamus do to deserve it? A crappy feud with Goldust, a crappy feud with Benjamin, a bunch of jobbers and Jamie Noble. Then, he wins the title in a bad fashion, doesn't continue dominating at the Royal Rumble, and drops the title at EC (thankfully), loses at WrestleMania, and attacks HHH. Ok, so what's he done since then?.....Nothing else. His feud with Trips wasn't anything main event worthy to me either, and now he's being rewarded for, what exactly? This means not only am I going to be bored watching Raw (and Smackdown, because I didn't want Rey to win either), but now there's absolutely no reason for me to get excited about the main events of the ppvs, which are supposed to be the biggest draws of the card.

But one of the other things that annoys me about this is that it means Sheamus vs HHH will be about the championship, and HHH will return in time that he'll win it. Thus, not only am I not going to enjoy anything revolving around Sheamus on Raw (as has been the case since his debut) for however long he's champ, but I'm also going to have to sit through Hunter as champ again. I might as well not even watch Raw until Survivor Series.

I just don't see what's so great about him, and more importantly, what makes him supposedly good enough to be a 2 time WWE champion but the Miz hasn't won once yet is one of the three most over heels in the WWE and has been for a very long time. And I was looking forward to seeing Cena feuding with NXT and the WWE title being involved in the mix, but now that that's taken away, it's hurt the NXT feud as well.

So yeah, I have to give this "Sheamus as champ" situation a giant thumbs down, as I know from my entire experience so far with Sheamus that I'm not going to be entertained by it in the slightest bit.

So after reading all this, this is what I am interpreting. You don't particularly like Sheamus, This part I can understand and respect. But the rest of it was just a bunch of bullshit gibberish.

For instance, in what world is The Miz one of the 3 most over heels in the company? Off the top of my head, Edge, Jericho, Punk, and in my eyes, Sheamus completely outrank him in that regard. Also, in the same breath that you question what Sheamus has done to warrant 2 reigns as champion, you actually say that you were looking forward to the WWE Championship being in the mix during the whole Cena V.S. NXT Rookies feud? At least when Sheamus' music hits, the fans know who is coming out. Each time one of the NXT rookies took a hold of the mic tonight, Michael Cole had to introduce them over commentary. What exactly have any of them done to even warrant being involved in a Championship match? As it stands right now, they are only known as a group. So unless they were planning on having Cena defend the title in one on seven matches for a while, I think they made the right choice.

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Sheamus, but I really like the move. Orton or Edge really have no need for another reign right now, their feud is going just fine without it. Cena dropping the title to focus on the NXT feud is great, those kids could really use the exposure that comes with being in the ring with the face of the company. Yes, when HHH comes back, he'll likely end up continuing his program with Sheamus. You know what? I'm looking forward to it. When it comes to feuds like this, when HHH really brings the intensity, he is usually superb in that role. The whole thing will probably wind up in some sort of Gimmick Match. And I'm ok with HHH winning the title one more time if it comes down to it, as long as I'm entertained in the process.

For real though, It's quite ok if you don't like Sheamus, a lot of people are in the same boat. But don't go spouting this non sense, not everyone is blinded by the "It's a long post so it must be right" bullshit.
A huge suprise, awesome heel way to win the belt. Loved it. Love Sheamus. Preforms damn well in every facet of the game, from in ring work, to promos, to great heat. Looks the part, and plays it magnificently. I have zero issue with him carrying a title, and loved the way this went down. We were ALL on the edge of our seats, and shit the bed with the 3 count was done. Hopefully they culminate things at SummerSlam, and let Sheamus have a more respectable title reign than last time.
sheamus is a much fresher face as champion than mysterio, even though they have been champion the same number of times i think, mysterio is old and played out, there is still room for sheamus to grow and develop. mysterios time is over and i think giving him the belt over swagger was a mistake.

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