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[Official] ROH Thread

TNA Smark, They are Bi-monthly PPVs from what it is said in that press release. But it looks like they are going all out with this one in terms of advertising and promotion.

Even better and easier for me to keep up with ROH. I'm so fucking happy to have Indemand. I bet there like 10 bucks a ppv. I'll be making posters and giving them away everyway around my neighborhood. ROH can be compared to ECW. The original ECW. The fans base developed from philidelphia like ECW. They are going the same route ECW went. There not giving us crap storylines and such. There giving us good wrestling, something WWE can not provide us. TNA can but not on there shows but I bet they will when they get two hours.
I'm personally thrilled to see that ROH is moving up in the world. I've been a loyal Dish Network subscriber since 1996 and am tickled pink that I'll be able to get ROH events now. This is a great time to be a wrestling fan, if you ask me. I do think that if ROH gains a foothold in the industry akin to TNA, then both companies should co-promote to help chip away at the WWE's market share as opposed to clawing and scratching over each other to stay afloat. Besides, I'm all for interpromotional matches when each company has some damn fine talent.
I too, have Dish Network, so I will be purchasing every PPV I can. Kasey, I agree that TNA and ROH should co-promote. This way many of the wrestlers that compete in both organizations can continue to do so. I think it would be a huge blow for ROH to lose all the talent that work for TNA as well.
Wow this all seems to be going in the same trend as 10 years ago in pro wrestling. WWE's product has become very stale due to lack of competition (competiton meaning ratings wise). You have a company branching off of NWA, already has a national tv deal and gaining more and more well known wrestlers much like WCW was doing 10 years ago. And now you have a young upstart organization out of Philly once again that is going to be getting tv and ppv time. This company has already contributed many wrestlers to TNA and WWE. These situations seem very similiar to wrestling in the late 90's and early 00's. I for one am very excited and hope all this will lead to better shows in every company. I just hope it doesn't end the same as last time.

Thanks to OWInsider for the following:

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling informed Ring of Honor today that effective immediately, all TNA contracted talents have been pulled from scheduled and future ROH bookings.

With the departure of Christopher Daniels last week, that would mean that former ROH champions Homicide and Austin Aries are no longer be allowed to appear at Ring of Honor events and are already done with the company.

The expected ROH return of Samoa Joe later this year, which was foreshadowed when Joe defeated current ROH champion Takeshi Morishima the night before Morishima won the title, is also off the books.

TNA made the call after ROH's announcement yesterday that they signed a deal to begin airing taped PPV events on 7/1. The first PPV will be taped on 5/12 in New York City at the Manhattan Center.

TNA sources acknowledged that the decision will likely upset ROH fans, but felt they had no choice after learning about ROH's PPV expansion yesterday via the Internet. There's no word why the pulled talents couldn't appear on matches that wouldn't be aired on the taped PPV events.

That's bullshit. Out of the two ROH is the one I feel has a future. I guess Austin Aries won't be back in TNA in the near future.
I just realized....Austin Aries vs Roderick Strong has been 3 years in the making, this feud was going to be amazing, instead its only 3 months long and now well never see Aries in a ring of honor ring (for the time being). Im glad ROH is doing this but Im really disapointed to see Cide,Joe,Daniels and Joe leave. I think that if they had never been to TNA, they would have picked ROH over TNA. They were the backbone of ROH, and now Colt isnt going to be their either.
Im hoping that ROH dosent just become some shitty wrestling show like everything else i see on Tv, ROH was my alternative to everything. It isnt wrestling, its fucking art and I just hope it isnt tainted by the stardom it could achive.
While it is sad to see the TNA guys forced to leave ROH, we gotta remember that their not the only wrestlers there...just like the real ECW, when they lost their top stars, they made new ones...ROH & ECW are the only real companies that can make the fans cheer/boo all in the same match for people like Brent Albright, BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs, Kevin Steen, Bryan Danielson, & The Briscoe's, when was the last time WWE had "superstars" like that...just because the TNA guys are gone, doesnt mean anything, i never bought a ticket to an ROH show just to see one person, i bought a ticket to an ROH show to see ROH live
Good for ROH, hopefuly they'll sell the PPV at lot cheaper then WWE, It's bad they are losing Homicide & Austin Aries

It'll cost $9.95

From Multichannel News:

Professional-wrestling newcomer Ring of Honor will jump into the pay-per-view ring with six events scheduled through 2007-08.

The Philadelphia-based wrestling outfit -- which promises more action and athleticism in its events than genre leader World Wrestling Entertainment -- reached PPV and video-on-demand distribution deals with In Demand Networks, TVN Entertainment and EchoStar Communications’ Dish Network to distribute its events.

The first event, taped in New York, will air July 1, according to the organization. Its suggested retail price is $9.95.

Sports marketing company G-Funk Sports and Entertainment will handle all promotion for the wrestling programs, according to company executives. G-Funk will launch an affiliate Web site May 15 at www.rohaffiliates.com that will feature marketing materials and event information.
i read in the last couple of days that since Homicide and Aries have been pulled from ROH, that Bryan Danielson will return a month early...next weekend to be exact, right in time for the first PPV

Aries is going to make an announcement on Monday regarding what he is going to do...i hope he stays with ROH, because he has been getting shitted on in TNA, and they are just getting some traction going with the faction wars in ROH wich is completely revolved around Aries, Strong and Evans
^ Aries better choose ROH. I am going to be one pissed of girl if he is not at the June 9th show. I am anxious to see what his decision will be.
im hoping Aries chooses ROH, but money talks......

ROH is the best thing in wrestling right now and going PPV is only gonna make them better. since the first time i went to an ROH show i've been hooked. i can't wait for Dragon's return. he is gonna win the title and become ROH's first 2-time champ in Japan.

im glad ROH is introducing contracts as well......don't want the WWE stealing the best tag team in the world.....The Briscoe Brothers.
They would probably have them become the son,s off the stooge. And make them wrestle Evening Gown match's.

WWE wouldn't know what to do with the Briscos. They wouldn't even get treated as well as The Highlanders. But The Briscos vs. L & K would be awesome.
im hoping Aries chooses ROH, but money talks......

ROH is the best thing in wrestling right now and going PPV is only gonna make them better. since the first time i went to an ROH show i've been hooked. i can't wait for Dragon's return. he is gonna win the title and become ROH's first 2-time champ in Japan.

im glad ROH is introducing contracts as well......don't want the WWE stealing the best tag team in the world.....The Briscoe Brothers.

I don't think Aries really listens to money especially since the TNA undercard guys aren't making a whole lot. Plus Aries' seems to be a solid ROH supporter. I'm thinking he'll stay. He may have to wait out his contract which I think ends in July.
Well I just got done watching ROH's Night of Appreciation [4-27-02] show on DVD, and damn was I impressed. This is the first real full show of theirs that I've watched and it more then lived up to its hype. Matches with guys like Xavier, Styles, Daniels, Donovan Morgan, Eddie Guerrero and Low Ki just absolutely positively tearing down the house. Amazing. I'll probably post a review in my almost-dead review thread later.

What's the next show I should buy?
I don't know to be honest. I usually watch matches online and download. IMO, you need to see Amazing Red vs. Christopher Daniels. That match right there put some of TNA's X division matches to shame. Another match you should watch is Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson when Homicide realizes his dream. If he lost that match he said he would leave ROH. Danielson hired Brent Albright to try and soften Homicide up but it didn't work. The hype, build and match was just amazing.
I don't know to be honest. I usually watch matches online and download. IMO, you need to see Amazing Red vs. Christopher Daniels. That match right there put some of TNA's X division matches to shame. Another match you should watch is Homicide vs. Bryan Danielson when Homicide realizes his dream. If he lost that match he said he would leave ROH. Danielson hired Brent Albright to try and soften Homicide up but it didn't work. The hype, build and match was just amazing.

for Danielson vs. Homicide, that would be Final Battle 06, and the dvd is definetly worth checking out, because it is one of their better recent shows, on that show you also have awesome awesome matches like Nigel McGuiness vs. Jimmy Rave; Austin Aries, Roderick Strong & Delirious vs. CIMA, Matt Sydal and Shingo; and you also have , IMO, on of the best tag team matches of the last couple years in The Briscoes vs. The Kings of Wrestling
great show right there
I don't know if I'm allowed to post this, but here's an interview w/ Gabe.

Torch Talk with Gabe Sapolsky
Originally Published: May 5, 2007
Torch Newsletter #966

Ring of Honor announced Wednesday, May 2 that it would be premiering on PPV on July 1. The PPV, pretaped on May 12 in Manhattan, N.Y., would be the first time ROH is available widely on TV in the U.S. ROH will provide inDemand with a new PPV every two months, and use that PPV to drive new fans to its website and hopefully to purchase DVDs and live event tickets, both of which are ROH’s life blood.

ROH has been around for five years, content to run live events in small venues in front of several hundred fans, then tape and sell those events on DVD to an even larger customer base across the world. PPV, though, brings ROH to the next level. In this exclusive half hour interview with ROH booker Gabe Sapolsky conducted May 2, he details the terms of the PPV deal, explains the motivations behind it, and addresses how this will and won’t change what ROH has stood for and presented as a product the last five years.

Wade Keller: How long has this been an idea and where did you first hear about it, or did you come up with it yourself?

Gabe Sapolsky: It was basically done by Cary Silken and Sid Eyk in our office. Cary was looking for a way to expand our customer base basically. This all happened since Fall of last year. I’m not sure of the specific year. Basically, we got to the point where every fan who is willing to shell out for a 15 or 20 bucks and send it to a website of small company for a DVD, we got all those fans. We showed growth, but it was slow. You pick up a fan here or there, you lose a fan here or there, too. They get burned out or tired or whatever. So we needed a way to get more exposure. What this pay–per–view deal does is give us a way to get more exposure and at a real affordable rate. The business plan of ROH has not chnaged. We’re still going to be a company that lives or dies on DVD or live ticket event sales. The pay–per–view is just basically a way to get more exposure, to get the ROHwrestling.com name out there or the Ring or Honor name out there and reach an audience that otherwise isn’t going to buy our DVD.

Keller: What do you picture at this point being the cross–promotion other than someone happening to flip across ROH pay–per–view on their onDemand channel guide?

Sapolsky: There’s lots of plans for promotion. We have a very big guy with Ken Gelman involved in all of this who’s handling all of this. He has a very good background. He really, really knows what he is doing. I have a lot of trust and faith in him. He has a lot of good ideas. He’s a real go–getter. He’s going to have a lot of ways to promote this pay–per–view.

Keller: There will probably a lot of people seeing ads for ROH after WWE pay–per–views conclude, too. There are a lot of ways being on pay–per–view raises your profile. My first reaction to this is there are going to be a lot of people who are not in the habit of buying DVDs thorugh mail order. They’ll see the pay–per–view option and they’ll order it and then want more of that product than once every two months.

Sapolsky: It really is all of that exposure. Very important to us was the price point. These pay–per–views are going to be priced between $9.95 and $14.95. That’s a very affordable price. And it’s a price where you don’t have to watch on Sunday at 8 o’clock to sit and watch it or you miss it. I always thought TNA had a good idea with the Wednesday pay–per–view and it didn’t work out for whatever reason. But, you did have to watch on a Wednesday night. With onDemand, it will be on all month. You might be sitting there at one in the morning and you have nothing to do, and you want to spend ten bucks, it’s not a big deal, you go ahead and buy it. It’s going to be very convenient for the people and very affordable. That’s the main thing. I think it will attract a lot of impulse buys that way and we’re also hoping there are casual fans. We’re not asking a whole lot. You’re not going to have to shell out a whole lot. It’s not thirty or forty dollars. It costs ten or fifteen dollars for two hours of your time.

Keller: Is there a number of buys that inDemand is looking for or a neighborhood? In your own mind, do you have a number you need to reach to make it sustainable, or is this arrangement just so cheap for inDemand and something you were already doing where there’s almost not a treshhold you need to reach?

Sapolsky: The amazing part of this is there really isn’t pressure for a lot of buys. InDemand has a lot of things going on and this is just another product for them to sell. For us, it’s about exposure. It’s about getting more people to buy the DVDs and come to live events and putting the ROHwrestling.com name out there and the Ring of Honor name. It’s not really a high pressure “we have to do this number of buys” or “we put this much more money into the company and it’s going to be this much more expensive to run the shows.” The fact of the matter is it’s all very affordable and it’s become a really innovative and great way to try to get some exposure.

Keller: The technology changes are changing the landscape for what a pro wrestling company can do to sustain itself. That’s been one of the great things about ROH. Not that you’ve reached a ceiling on growth, but you’re not expanding at a rate where you’re looking at going public in a few months. It’s nice to be able to be a certain level, be profitable, employ wrestlers, have a good time doing what you’re doing, and not grow too fast like ECW did where the next move is “make or break.”

Sapolsky: It’s not where wer’re going to be in a situation where we are going to be too big to be small and too small to be big, which was the famous Paul Heyman line about ECW, which was true. When Cary first came to me with the idea about the pay–per–view, I was dead set against it because I was really worried about that. I figured we’re going to take on the same problems ECW did. But the fact of the matter is, we haven’t had any of those problems and I’m 100 percent excited about it now because it really is the next logical step for the company at this point. We’re not overextending ourselves with it. We’re not drastically changing our business plan. We’re not going to have to change our product at all. We’re still going to be able to put our product out there. It really is the next logical step for our company to take.

Keller: Will the pay–per–view show also be sold on DVD, and if so before or after the pay–per–view airs?

Sapolsky: It will be sold, but after the pay–per–view airs. The pay–per–view will be first–run material.

Keller: From a production standpoint has inDemand asked anything of you, first of all, and second of all, will you be upgrading any aspects of production?

Sapolsky: There will be some small upgrades, but inDemand hasn’t said anything to us. In fact, they’ve seen numerous tapes of our product and DVDs of our product and they’re very happy with it. There will be some production upgrades because we always making production upgrades. It’s just something we always try to do. It might not be anything too noticeable, just little things here and there to clean the product up a little bit.

Keller: What about the ring mic?

Sapolsky: If you started watching the DVD from the beginning of this year, you’ll see we had the ring mic wired right into the audio now, so there’s no issues with the ring mic anymore.

Keller: Excellent. Other than that, from a production standpoint, the rest of it has to do with the building you’re in and the crowd you have. The lighting is consistent.

Sapolsky: That’s one of the reasons we wanted to do things in Manhattan because we’re going to get a tremendous crowd in there and a tremendous crowd reaction. We have to keep in mind the building we’re taping things in, we obviously want a great looking building. You’re not going to suddenly see pyro or lots of fancy things to compete with WWE and TNA. That’s another lesson from ECW. We’re not going to go the exact opposite route that ECW went, because I look back at some of that ECW stuff and it just looks terrible, but we’re going to have a nice standard of production, but we’re not going to try to compete with TNA or WWE. We’re going to have our own look and it’s a look I’m very comfortable with. It’s an old school look, but it’s updated. I think it’s very pleasant on the eye. If you want huge production, this isn’t going to be the product for you. If you want a nice looking product with all the emphasis on wrestling, that’s what we’re still going to be.

Keller: If you’re not at a point where you can come even close to what WWE is, you’re going to look foolish trying. ROH has an alternative look to it where I think people who have discovered it feel they’re part of an exclusive club of people who have discovered something special. I think that more than makes up for the fact that it’s not at the most up to date arena with all the pyro.

Sapolsky: The fans who buy this product, that’s not what they’re buying this product for anyways. It’s not something we’re concerned about. You’re not going to see a changed product. We’re not suddenly going to go on pay–per–view and you’re going to see a Randy Savage or something. You’re going to see the same product you’ve seen over the last five years. That’s the other beautiful part of this whole arrangement is that it does not change the integrity of the product whatsoever. We still have no one we really have to answer to. We just have to send a tape in and they play it. You’re going to see the same product We’re going to feature our guys, the guys you’ve seen in Ring of Honor and the guys who have signed contracts with us and those you have come to expect in Ring of Honor. You’re going to see a pure Ring of Honor product. It’s not going to have to be altered in any way.

Keller: Every time TNA has gone to a new network—from pay–per–view to FSN to Spike late night to Spike prime time—we saw a reset of storylines and certain things were rerun. I don’t know how many times James Storm and Chris Harris have been broken up. Is there going to be any kind of storyline reset, and if not, any kind of introduction into the product you’ll try to incorporate into the show? Or will people buying this pay–per–view who have never seen ROH before basically feel they’re picking up something mid–stream that they have to do some catching up on.

Sapolsky: That’s a really good question. You’re not going to see any kind of a reset for the product. You’re going to see the product evolve. What people buy us for and always sells the product from the very first show is wrestling. You’re going to see the guys get over on their wrestling. There’s going to be a reason for the matches taking place. You’re going to know what the characters’ motivations are. You’re not going to be hit over the head with it because you’re basically buying it for the wrestlng. It will stay in line with what’s been going on with Ring of Honor. The first show is going to be a show where if you’ve never seen Ring of Honor before and you have no idea who anybody is, by the time you’re watching the pay–per–view and the match goes on, you’re going to have at least a little bit of an idea of why this match is happening of why you should care about this match?

Keller: So there will be more pre–production perhaps than average on an ROH DVD?

Sapolsky: No, not at all. It will be pretty much a self–contained show. It’s going to be pretty much a self–contained show. Not self–contained in that it doesn’t lead to anything or doesn’t look at the past, but self–contained in that if you’ve never seen ROH before, you’re going to understand why everything is going on and why all these matches are taking place. People aren’t going to buy this pay–per–view to see lots of backstage promos or videos and that kind of stuff. It’s going to have that kind of thing that you’re able to follow the product, but when you buy a Ring of Honor product, you’re buying it for the wrestling and that’s not gonna change.

Keller: Was there any concern at all or anything you were aware of that put the long–term or short–term future of ROH in jeopardy if something wasn’t done to add to the revenue stream such as this pay–per–view and expand the audience base, or were things solid enough where you weren’t content, but you could have stayed course for a while?

Sapolsky: We could stay course and sputter along and gain a few customers and lose a few customers, but the bottom line is Cary’s a businessman and he’s not in this to just stand pat. He wants to see growth. He doesn’t need to see an overnight overwhelming success; he just wants to see a slow, steady growth. We kind of reached a point where we weren’t growing, but it was just so slow and we were doing it for five years and it’s just like, what does it take to get new fans, and bottom line is it we need that TV exposure. We could have gone along and kept coasting. Some months we make money, maybe some months we don’t. The bottom line is we needed this in order to not expand to the next level, but just expand our fan base a little bit and
get that extra level of exposure.

Keller: You can say you don’t comment on this, because I know you generally don’t, but you’ve never sold more than ten thousand DVDs of any one event.

Sapolsky: Yeah, I can’t really discuss that.

Keller: Now, for people who weren’t paying attention to DVD before, it’s worth letting them know that nobody was becoming a multimillionare on the DVD sales. I think that’s part of the reason Ring of Honor fans are so loyal and passionate about it—that it’s a passion on your part and the wrestler’s part. There aren’t ten guys making seven figures.

Sapolsky: Yeah, I mean, that’s all true. No one’s making millions or getting rich off of Ring of Honor.

Keller: How about the announcers for the product?

Sapolsky: It will be our regular announcers, Dave Prazak and Lenny Leonard. They both do a great job and they both deserve to be on the pay–per–view.

Keller: How does this affect your relationship with TNA? The talent crossover has almost been eliminated already.

Sapolsky: It’s down to Homicide and Austin Aries. Really at this time I want to keep everything focused on Ring of Honor.

Keller: So basically, that will be worked on behind the scenes, otherwise no comment.

Sapolsky: Yeah, pretty much.

Keller: Fair enough. It is nice at this stage that as you move to this stage that there isn’t a lot of crossover and it really isn’t an issue. I doubt there will be talent exchanges. They’ll see you more so as competition now even though you’re offering a very different type of pay–per–view product.

Sapolsky: It doesn’t take a genius to see that we’ve been phasing down on the TNA talent and they’ve been phasing down on us using the TNA talent. It’s been a mutal thing between us. You just have to look. First there was Abyss, then (Alex) Shelly, then A.J. (Styles), Jay Lethal was thrown in there, then Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels. You can see it was definitely something that was thought about for a year and a half or so. They wanted to do their own thing and they’ve been doing theirs. It’s been something we’ve been working on. We’ll see how it plays out.

Keller: Are you saying some of the talent decisions over the last four, five, six months such as Samoa Joe, this might have been in the back of your mind to sort out and separate the two rosters.

Sapolsky: Yeah, it was in the back of my mind even before all this just because we didn’t want to have two identical rosters.

Keller: Are your wrestlers under contract, like legal binding real contracts?

Sapolsky: This whole thing afforded us the opportunity to sign a roster of talent. We have well over ten guys signed at this point and that’s very exciting to me. I have been living the past ten years of my life waiting for that IM or email or phone call to come in saying so and so, whose having a major angle, needs to finished up or he’s gone or any kind of situation like that. I don’t have to live with that hanging over my head and I don’t have to book with that hanging over my head right now because our core roster and all our main players are signed for a period of time that will allow us to build around them.

Keller: Are the contracts just a flat guarantee or a WWE type of downside.

Sapolsky: I don’t really want to get into the terms of the contract. The guys all seem very happy. One huge compliment, and this is probably the biggest compliment possible I’ve ever received, is that we started trying to sign guys a month ago, everybody was very receptive to it, and not only were all the guys receptive to it, but they didn’t try to run to WWE or TNA first chance they got. In ECW, it seemed like anytime someone got a contract offer, the first thing they’d do is run outside and try to go to WCW or WWE to counter the offer. The guys we have and the guys we’ve signed are really committed to being here. They want to build a system here and don’t want to be part of those systems. As you know, Wade, a lot of wrestlers aren’t happy with the systems in other places. This is a chance for guys to have their freedom and build their own system and they’re completely into it. It was such a huge compliment that everyone was just so willing to sign and so committed to this cause. The sense of team that we have in that locker room is unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of. We all really believe in what we’re doing and what our cause is in ROH. I think that’s going to really carry over into the ring and give us a really special product.

Keller: I think you’ve found a way to keep everyone on the roster happy. For one, you’re not on TV pushing yourself so there’s not that resentment, but even more so you’ve found a way to rotate main events and semi–main events to guys and find a way to rotate guys into that spot but not keep anyone there who obviously doesn’t deserve it. Like a Samoa Joe or a Bryan Danielson, of course you ride that wave. But everyone has a chance to feel they’re contributing in a meaningful way.

Sapolsky: That’s I think very important to the teamwork that we have. For instance, this month it might be Brent Albright’s turn to get his half nelson suplex over big and everyone goes under for that and that sets Brent Albright up for a big match. Then it’s B.J. Whitmer’s turn. Then it’s Delirious’s turn. So, that in turn keeps everybody strong up and down the roster. While some guy might have to make a sacrifice one month, then a few months later it will pay off for him. Most importantly, nobody ever does a job for the sake of doing a job. I try to have a lot of finishes in even a subtle way lead to something, some kind of character development. Everybody is very comfortable with where things are going, and that’s kept them behind things.

Keller: Will the pay–per–view deal change the number of shows you run in any way. Will you take the weekend off before a pay–per–view just so guys are fresh? Has any of that stuff entered your mind?

Sapolsky: No. I mean, it’s not even determined if every pay–per–view is going to be taped all in one night as we’re doing in Manhattan. So there’s a lot to be determined with that. For right now, everything is status quo.

Keller: What other things would you do besides a pay–per–view taped at one event?

Sapolsky: Right now, there’s really no limits on what ’s available for us to do. I have a lot of ideas up in my head. Half of them I’ll throw out, half of them will develop into something else. It’s reallly too early to get into that. We’ll see how the first one goes and move from there. There’s a lot of good options on how we can do things, whether we tape all in one night or tape a match here and there or have a theme or spotlight some of our history, because if you make a new fan, they have over a hundred back calogue DVDs to buy from us. So our history will be a big part of things. Maybe not our first pay–per–view, but that’s something to consider. There are a lot of options to consider in the future.

Keller: How long are the pay–per–views?

Sapolsky: Two hours.

Keller: So when someone buys the Manhattan show on pay–per–view, there’s an incentive for them to buy the DVD to see the full show.

Sapolsky: Yeah, the full show definitely won’t be on the pay–per–view, but the pay–per–view will all be first–run material.

Keller: Do you suspect some matches will be abbreviated, or you’ll select a certain number of matches to run in their entirety?

Sapolsky: No, no. We’re definitely not going to give the people an edited product. The shows will be formatted to a two hour show.

Keller: It will feel live.

Sapolsky: Exactly.

Keller: Obviously, you’re always looking for new talent. What do you do to see who’s a prospect on the indy scene besides giving tryouts when you go to an area and there’s good word of mouth on them. Do you have a system where somebody is watching tapes regularly? How do you make sure you’re getting the top indy guys and not overlooking them?

Sapolsky: Really, what it comes down to now, because I don’t have the time to watch tapes like I used to, so if enough guys say I should give so–and–so a tryout, I’ll give him a tryout and see where it goes from there. We get a lot of tapes and DVDs and I feel bad because a lot of them are sitting there. Sometimes you get tapes or DVDs and they’re really low quality, or bad camera shots, and it’s tough to tell what a guy’s got if that’s the case. Usually what I go by now is if enough word of mouth from guys and if enough people say something good about somebody or somebody I trust, they’ll get a tryout and I’ll go from there.

Keller: Is this a six event deal where you’re almost guaranteed to have six events to let it grow, or is it possible you’ll only get one or two, or is it even more than one year?

Sapolsky: I think it’s for the six events. I’m pretty sure we’re locked in for six events.

Keller: Obviously if it’s successful enough and you do two million buys per show, you’ll be on every week.

Sapolsky: Yeah. Then I’ll do one show and retire.
Really Good Interview, Im starting to get really excited about this.
Originally from Wrestlezone

Independent wrestling promotion Ring of Honor recently announced they will begin to air ROH events on Pay-Per-View starting on July 1st. The events will not be traditional 3-hour live PPV shows. Instead, ROH will hold bi-monthly PPV tapings and the events will be available on PPV on-demand for 2 months. The events will be 2 hours long and will cost approximately $10.

Ring of Honor's first PPV event, "Respect Is Earned", was taped this past weekend at the Manhattan Center in New York City. It will be available to order on-demand from your local cable starting July 1st. Here is the card for the Ring of Honor: Respect Is Earned PPV - Takeshi Morishima vs. BJ Whiter for the ROH Title, Naomichi Marufji vs. Rocky Romero, Roderick Strong vs. Delirious, The Briscoe Brothers vs. Claudio Castagnoli & Matt Sydal for the ROH Tag Team Titles, Takeshi Morishima & Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA & Nigel McGuinness.

Morale in ROH is very high right now following the PPV taping. The feeling backstage is that the PPV taping went well and that the wrestlers stepped it up.

Ring of Honor is set to tape their second PPV in Chicago Ridge, IL on Saturday, June 23rd. Confirmed matches for the show include Bryan Danielson vs. KENTA and ROH Tag Team champions The Briscoes vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico.

ROH champion Takeshi Morishima, Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, Rocky Romero, Naomichi Marufuji, Matt Cross, Erick Stevens, Delirious, Brent Albright, BJ Whitmer, Adam Pearce, Shane Hagadorn, Chris Hero, Larry Sweeney, Tank Toland, Jimmy Rave, Matt Sydal, Nigel McGuinness, Claudio Castagnoli, Jimmy Jacobs and Lacey will all be appearing on the show as well.

The Card sounds good for the first PPV, the Second one's talent list sounds good as well. This looks like a very good thing if RoH can keep this kind of thing going now.
I'll be there in Chicago sitting 3rd row. KENTA vs. Danielson III and Briscoes vs. Steen/Generico should be excellent, and with the talent listed the card should be awesome.

After reading results and thoughts about the PPV taping I look forward to July more and more. I love being a Ring of Honor fan at times like this.
Thank god for ROH, when I'm sick of all the crap matches in WWE and what has lately become the crap matches in TNA(not saying all, but the product quality of TNA has gone down by like twenty times since they've opened---blindfold matches, scaffold matches---WTF TNA I thought you WERE wrestling, why don't you focus on WRESTLING.) I can just watch some ROH and be guaranteed to see a good match. Thank god.

Is the 10 dollar sale still going on? If so I'm thinking of buying some tickets to the next Boston show.

And El Generico is doing stuff with ROH now? Sweeeet! I love the guy, his top turnbuckle brainbuster move is one of the SICKEST I've ever seen in my life. Sweeeeeeeet.

Would ROH please open up the registration for their message board again!!! I've been waiting to register for the past 2 f'n years!!!
Wow Im suprised to see nobody posting in this thread during my absense. ROH has been going really strong in 07' and especially going into this summer.
I got a good phone call yesterday, it seems my friend picked up four front row tickets for the boston show this Friday night, I'll post a card later But all I can remember for now is Takashi Morimisha Vs One Of The Briscoes for the titles and a fatal four way with quackenbush and hero. Mark Briscoe is going to die I think.
Hmm...iv'e been wanting to get into ROH for a long long time now, but I do not know where to look to watch the show...how can I watch it or download it? I hear nothing but good things about it!
Holy Shit...Last night was the greatest wrestling show i have ever attended.
El Generico Grabbed me cause I was in the front row...Mark Briscoe absolutly got thrown by Kevin Steen into the crowd....Takashi Killed Jay...Jay should have won the title but Todd Is a shitty ref.

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