Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

Grade tonight's RAW.

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Ok im going to chime in here. Seriously people. no matter what type of product the wwe puts out u all know ur going to watch it week after week, month after month and year after year. u people come on hear and complain about what they should be doing with this guy, how they should re-hire him, get rid of her, do an angle between these 2, etc. etc. complaining because little people court went to long blah blah blah. did it ever appear to anyone that they are trying to entertain all ages now a days? hornswoggle for the kids, cena for the kids, santino and dx for the comedy lovers, orton, legacy, kofi, evan bourne for the wrestling lovers, etc. etc. dx makes vince money, hornswoggle makes vince money cuz of the kids, cena makes money for everything he does lol. the segments were good. they were entertaining. if u all would pay attention instead of coming on here and complaining about this and that u would realize the purpose of little people court. its like i said earlier u have millions of people watching the wwe on a weekley basis there is NO WAY for a group of 10 - 12 people aka writers so impress u all every show they have. if u dont like...change the channel. but none of u obviously do because u have enough knowledge to come on here and write about it. meaning....u watched it just like we do every week
Ok im going to chime in here. Seriously people. no matter what type of product the wwe puts out u all know ur going to watch it week after week, month after month and year after year.

That's because most all of us are part of that "3.0" (ratings speak) that Vince Russo spoke of a few years ago. No matter what you put on, you will draw a 3.0, which is the wrestling fan base that will always be around.
Well I knew that TNA was sparking some sort of intrest to get me to watch it's, up till now, underated program on 1/4/10. But I had no idea that I was going to be influenced by tonights raw for me too completly make up my mind. Tonights raw didnt only influence my decision, it encourged me to make sure to keep on all my t.v's in the house on the Spike network on the night of the monday night wars rebirth. God, after this I'm freaking hope TNA kicks raws ass. I know that won't happen but even getting a 2.0 would be considerd a very noble effort. Its crimanal that WWE can, and proally will, get away with this same crap on 1/4/10 and still pull off a decent telavison rateing number. And no, Bret Hart will not get me to watch unless they are doing HBK vs The Hitman on that same night without any interferences. You cant expect me to watch raw after what they pulled. So it may be pointless, but lets review this "not anywhere close to trying" show.

-So we start off with a baseball player who I dont belive has any real perpose on his own team. I dont watch baseball and I'm not going to look him up on the Wiki, because if he's not trying why should I? He comes out to no reaction fallowed by quite boo's. Not the "Your a bad guy" boo, or "Why did you do that" boo, it was more of a "Who are you, why are you here, what perpose do you have on this show and seriously dude just GTFO." boo. He then truely shows that he deserved to be boo'd by just holding the mic. I also feel bad for the only guy who brought a sign that said "Damon is Raw", sad day for that dude. Damon then says something about being a champion. Suddenly we hear a tigger sound from the speakers and the first of many sounds comeing from my mounth "ugh... they arnt really....". Of course i am wrong. the first offence of the night is this overly offenceive and ramdom skit about Tiger Woods and his wife. WWE is really going to get panned by this because WWE went from offending others by its violence to just plain offending others. We go back to Damon that says "That wasnt in the contract." so we pause for our forced laughter. He then annonces a six-women divas tag match. Which is basicly the same as saying "This was craptastic, so lets follow it by showing more crap!"

-There isnt really much to say about this, its your normal divas tag match what do you want me to say. I would say this was bathroom time, but there are so many more moments just waiting for us to walk away. Like the little peoples court, up next.

-Christ, this was just plain.....ugh no word can describe it. Lets just say it didnt disapoint by disapointing me. I think it's my fault for even watching it, and the only reson why I was waching it was because this was like watching a car crash in front of you, fallowed by a truck, a bus, a limo, a jet, and the planet mars. You know its devastating but you cant stop looking. Some bad plugs for merch later finds DX under the ring and some piss poor editing that magically transports DX to the hallway under the ring. DX finds themselfs to the door that says little peoples court. This door ironicly leads them tonot just a court for little people, but the door of complaints form little people everywhere to the WWE. WWE, where our entertainment is creating new sterotypes for midgets! This whole thing last up to 6 minutes or more. And I bet you wouldent imagne that there will be a second part to this, but WWE never disapoints to what you dont want. We finally have something promiseing after just seeing a very horrible 1/4th of raw. Legacy and Orten vs Bourne, Henry and Kingston.

-For what it's worth, this wasnt bad. My only true complaint is that it didnt turn the story's wheels for Kofi and Randy. I will say That Bourne is a alwsome seller, just the way he looks dismantled after a big powerfull attack. I want Bourne to be happy and by the sound of his recent blog he isnt. If I was told to job in tags and singles matches for a long period of time, I would get upset too. especially if I work my ass off harder then half the newbies. I bet if it was any other time but now, Vince would fire him. I also hope this isnt just some way to keep Bourne around after he said he would go to TNA in a heartbeat. Anyway, on to the next segment.

- This segment involes the starting trend for the rest of the night of all vetrens dressing as santa. So Damon is with the twins and eve. I dont like bashing others(Even thought it seems like it) but why do the twins hang with the host all the time? Its almost like these two are planing to sex their way to publicity and fame with the host. Anyway, Eve goes to get more nogg until she is interrupted by Carlito. Carlito says they are under the missletoe and goes for the kiss, in walks Master. I swear Carlito was going to french his chest. Obviously mad by almost loseing a man card they demand a match tonight. Santa and Damon make it happen for later tonight. Oh btw, the santa this time is the Sarge.

-Little peoples court part two. Lets just say that this segment combined with the last one is almost 20 minutes in time. Just think, this was given more time then Shamus the past two weeks. That shows how much the story between Cena and Shamus is worth. Speaking of Cena, its time for Jack vs John.

-This wasnt that bad either, in fact it was very well done. Well except for the ending but everyone knew Cena was going win so why whine about it. Swagger looks like a maineventer in the ring with cena. My only problem is Vince is trying to push this guy to make it seem like he's importent. Wernt we told weeks ago creative had given up on him, MVP and others. Strange, well moveing on.

-Not much to say, its just MVP asking for Shamus one on one, which is granted. You know what I relized at this point, that makeing Bourne seem more cretible, Jack looking strong in a match with Cena, and MVP vs WWE champion is all a effort to keep these guys from TNA. Do the math, if these three were looked down on,then these three wount be happy and they might quit and join TNA. We all Know Bourne wants to. Just let the logic spin in your head a bit. up next, MASTERS VS CARLITO!! How exciteing.

-Masters wins a squash, gets kissed by Eve and we are all very happy, next segment.

-This was the TTTT package which deseves more rateings then it gets. What I found a little funny though is that Cena is pinned to be the most patriotic and he dosent look a little excited. No smile, nothing. Sorry just found it funny. Also, is this the only time of year divas look like for real ****s? Kissing and shakeing it down for the soilders. I know those guys deserve it, but really? anyway next seg.

-Damon, all so deserveingly gets sexaully assulted my Mae Young as he deserves so. Next match.

-Im real sorry for the short post, just there isnt much to say for some of these. MVP loses and Shamus will forever cower by the hands of Cena.

-We get Damon who ask Vince if Bret Hart will be hosting. Vince is a great actor, almost makeing it seem like out of keyfabe. Like if someone truely asks him that onair unscripted, thats how he would say exactly. Never the less, Bert alone will not get me to watch Raw end of story.

-Really this is your wresling main event? Miz vs Santino?...........WHY WOULD YOU EVEN BOTHER BOOKING THAT MATCH IF IT'S GOING TO BE THE WRESTLING MAIN EVENT?!?!?! Not to mention a bad match anyway no matter where it is on the card. Good thing im almost done, but not without talking about the closeing point of this event.

-This alone couldve made up my mind on the MNW choice, but why not throw in some hype that caps of this craptastic event? Why, because people obviously asked for this(sarcasm to the MAX!). Big show comes out all big and stuff and says he wants the real santa. Santa dose come out but not before the Bella twins **** it up with the jolly man himself. Santa is in the ring and sits on Shows lap. Show wishes for his tag partner back on raw, and its at this point i relize that even thought Y2J is given shit, he can make it gold because its at this moment that i relize that santa is non-other than Jerico.Then midgets come out from under the ring and attack them. DX saves the day and says Horny is the mascot. The End

Wow....just wow this show makes me want to wish that 1/4/10 to come sooner. Well thats my first ever Raw reveiw. Final Rateing: :banghead:

Thanks and i hope you enjoyed the blogy-mess
Two weeks now raw has been disappointing. I thought that since 1/4 is coming up that raw would build up to that and bring more people in not turn them away in horror. First why would they write in hornswoggle the mascot of dx will he come out to the ring with them and be in every promo they do now? Just when u think he's gone they pull him back in. Swagger and cena liked the match hated the ending. 3 shoulder blocks knuckle shuffle shitty attitude adjustment then stfu tap out. Now that cena can't lose a match I guess he will win every one like this. Who will want to continue to see this? 6 man diva match hot 2 minutes of a cat fight.

The whole diva division needs repackaging. One I'm tired of the same divas. They keep adding pretty faces who just don't give good wrestling matches. Its not like when trish stratus was there. She actually could wrestle. The only thing close to that now is mickie james melina beth and gail. The rest are just eye candy. Little court segment is ridiculous. Not funny and only makes dx look crazy. It hard for me to see this knowing how the true dx use to be. Thanks pg. 6 man tag match with kofi and orton was good but I'm still confused on this feud. Its not taking the turn I thought it would. Orton can have some agressive feuds but it hasn't been shown in this one. MVP status has been shot down badly. Never thought he would be a jobber. He started so strong as us champion and now he's not in the running for no title. I'm curious to see how he will be next year this time. Last guest host more bs. I wanna know how they decide on a host. Do they write down names and draw them from a hat? Jason is cool on the field but has no business hosting an event like raw.

They should at least get host who have some experience with hosting not pick person because of their celebrity status. I'm hoping last show of the year is way better. I can't see this weeks show receiving a 3.0 rating if it does then what is everyone else seeing that I'm not.
Raw wasn't great this week but I think it was a fairly solid show overall. The Divas match was a bit unnecessary, but then most Divas matches are anyhow. It was nice to see six hot women in scanty, revealing Mrs. Santa Claus outfits. For me, it was no worse than anything the Beautiful People have done the past several months.

I enjoyed the six man tag team match and the Cena/Swagger match. Both matches were solid and competitive, which surprised me about the Cena/Swagger match up. I figured that Cena would waltz right in there and just mangle Swagger like he did to CM Punk last week, but it was a good back and forth match between the two.

The Little People's Court segment was far from great, but I still think that it could have been worse. It was unnecessary and I wish the WWE had just quietly decided to drop the whole idea. For some strange reason, I have a feeling that the segments with Hornswoggle must draw pretty decently. The novelty has long since worn off, even for Vince at this point, so there must be some sort of reason Raw keeps doing them.

I thought it was fun to see Mae Young again and I genuinely chuckled when she started making out with Johnny Damon or whatever his name is and rolling around on the floor.

The Chris Masters/Carlito match was mostly a waste of time, but Masters does seem to be getting over. He gets a kiss from Eve, everyone's happy and so on and so forth.

Sheamus got pretty good heat from the crowd last night and got a decisive win over MVP. I like the fact that they're not rushing him into a rematch with John Cena and give him a more calculating type of character. I think a lot of people do want to see it and I like the aspect of making them wait for it. I know some people are still pissing and moaning about Sheamus, but it's time to get the fuck over it and move on people. The WWE and TNA have both done far worse things than to have a guy like Sheamus win a world title.

I would have like to have had some main event instead of DX making Hornswoggle their official mascot, although I figured that's what would eventually happen anyway. I did like watching Jeri-Show pick on and roughouse the midgets, however. They looked like bullies, nobody likes bullies, and they got some good heat from it.

Now, of course, anyone that just plain wants to dislike the WWE is going to say last night was awful. No matter what the WWE does, they're not going to win over the TNA marks. It wasn't a great episode but it was a pretty decent one, much better than what was on last week for sure. Now last week was awful and an almost complete waste of 3 hours. I was entertained for most of Raw last night, I've seen better and I've definitely seen worse.
I only watched about the first half before I fell asleep. That's not a joke either, I always fall asleep during Raw. I am usually pretty tired, with my packed schedule and all, but I was able to stay up for Impact last week.

Anyway, the whole thing was just bad. Worst Raw of the year, most likely. Damon couldn't really talk and he was likely nervous with the crowd booing the crap outta him. The Tiger thing was one of the worst things ever on Raw. Really, what was the point? If you wanna do it, it should've been done 2 weeks earlier.

Typical Diva's match with horrendous joke's. ("Maryse is going to get coal in her stocking." Just brilliant.) Backstage with a random Santa, who is Slaughter for some reason? Why? To continue a feud between to jobbers? That's just silly.

The 6 man tag was pretty decent, but there didn't seem to be much of a point to it. Just Kofi beating Orton again.

The Court segments were obviously awful. The whole going under the ring thing was just dumb and the jokes were beyond stupid. I mean really, really stupid. From reading the rest of the results, it looks like more crap. Hornswoggle crotch chopping and such.

Overall, one of the most horrendous Raw's ever, which includes 2 of the worst segments in wrestling history.
I decided a long time ago that I'd be watching Impact on 1/4, regardless of Bret Hart or The Rock for that matter. Raw continues to give me reasons to stick with that decision.

Johnny Damon was a terrible guest host and the Tampa crowd shat all over him, as expected. He was cringe-worthy on the mic and didn't even seem like much of an authority figure with superstars requesting matches from the "Santas" over him. Hopefully Timbaland does a better job, but my expectations are low.

The Tiger Woods thing was so bad it wasn't funny....which is wasn't (SNL did it better). You know, whenever the WWE tries to parody real-life events, they're always late to the party and it comes off as a lame attempt at being "in" or "cool". The Tiger Woods story old news at this point, and the Kanye West thing last week was WAY late. Let's not even mention the extremely dated Austin Powers jokes when Troyer hosted.

Pointless Diva's match. Until this guest host thing ends, all the diva's will do each week is be involved in pointless, muli-diva clusterfucks with a theme based on either the guest host or an outside event (christmas this week)

The Little People's court segments were atrocious at best. I don't want to get into it much, but it took up WAY too much time in the show and it wasn't funny at all. And why on earth did we need a recap of it later that night? I swear the WWE thinks it's fanbase is made up of Alzheimer's patients with all the recaps they do. DX is dead to me at this point, and my Christmas wishes are for them to break up for good and for Hornswoggle to be fired because he's like cancer; everything he touches seems to die.

The six-man tag was good, but did nothing to continue Kofi/Orton. If the WWE wish to continue this fued, they need to step it up fast because it's really starting to lose momentum and by the time they realize it, it'll be too late.

Cena vs Swagger was very good. These guys work so well together it really makes me wish that Swagger was in Sheamus' place instead because I'd love to see him and Cena feud with the matches they put on.

Speaking of Sheamus, we don't hear from the guy AT ALL tonight. If the WWE is good at one thing, it's making you not care about someone. MVP requests a match with Sheamus, and gets squashed by him. Fair enough, though I wish it could've been Henry instead of someone who actually as a future like MVP.

Cena comes out and FINALLY remembers he as a rematch clause and uses it. You know, since he made his "I will not lose" declaration last week, I've been thinking "why not just use your rematch? This isn't necessary at all." the whole time. I was so tempted to buy a front row seat to Raw and bring a huge sign that said "JUST USE YOUR REMATCH CLAUSE, YOU IDIOT."They've been acting like Cena won't get a shot for months and that he has to work for it; yeah, let me earn my guaranteed rematch by destroying the roster (again).Thank god they finally acknowledged it but having Sheamus back down was a huge mistake. Yes, I know he's a heel, we have enough heels that back down. Why can't Sheamus be a monster heel that goes "You want a rematch? Fuck yeah, I'll destroy you again!" He doesn't need to be a cowardly, calculating heel; we have Orton, Jericho, and Punk for that. Let Sheamus be different, please. Rematch set for next week, hopefully Sheamus' wins but it wouldn't matter if he lost since the show's been no different with him as champion.

Carlito vs Masters was short and crap but it was nice to see them both getting tv time, especially Carlito. Say what you want about his attitude, but Carlito is very talented and one of the most charismatic guys on the entire roster. Hopefully he can make another run at the US title in the future.

Miz vs Santino was garbage and was apparently our main event since it was the last match. Nice. I hate to say it, but Miz as had a shit reign as US champion. Since winning it, the only real program he's been in was with John Morrison, a superstar on a another show. Instead of putting him in fueds with Bourne or Swagger, they have him come out and do basically nothing each week. But then again, no one really does anything when guest host are around.

Big Show asks Santa for a wish, who turns out to be Jericho. I'll give Y2J credit because I had no idea it was him until after he unmasked completely,though I wasn't paying much attention to the segment since I was so sick of Raw at that point. (for a split, split second after Jericho lost the beard, I thought it was Sid Vicious). Midgets come out, Jerishow pretend they're a threat, beat them up, DX makes the save. Then they make Hornswoggle their mascot. With this, I think we've seen the epitome of PG era DX as I don't think anyone represents this era better than Hornswoggle, not even Cena.

Well, another craptacular episode of Raw. I honestly hope by some miracle Impact destroys Raw on 1/4 to give Vince a wake up call and fix his product. That probably won't happen, but I don't see any other way for Raw to get better otherwise, even with Bret Hart.
Here's my Raw review since I actually have time for one this week....

OKAY so Damon was a terrible host that made only two matches this week which were horrible. Raw in a nutshell folks! It was apparent to me in the very beginning seconds of the show, that Damon was doomed and so RRAAAAAAwwwwwwwwwwwwww...

Remember when Damon tried to fire Tampa up with his own version of shouting out "RAW!"? yeah, that's what I was trying to get at above.
We had a total of about 6 matches and only 2 were decent, 1 of them was great. I'm not going to go in depth on each match, but skimp through them each.

6-Diva tag- terrible. like waking up on Christmas morning and getting coal terrible. And what's worse is...We're gonna have this very same match...again...and again...and AGAIN...AND AGAIN. For as long as I live, and I quote, "DIVAS WRESTLING WILL ALWAYS BE TERRIBLE 24/7" end quote.

6-Man tag- Legacy vs. Bourne, Henry, and Kofi: Better, much better. I was still trying to recover from the horror of the Divas match. Some good chemistry and good plain wrestling here, albeit, short. Didn't really do a whole lot in terms of the Orton/Kingston rivalry and it has started lose a LOT of its initial momentum. Why does the WWE have to wait till January 4th? Why? Why not start the night after TLC? Fuel the fire during the Slammys? WHY!? Ugh...

Carlito vs. Masters- Pretty bad, but surprisingly not the worst of the night. Short, and sweet. At least Carlito actually wrestled on TV, as did Masters. Given a little time and effort, this could grow into something more meaningful, but it looks to me as just a way to get Masters over as a babyface.

John Cena vs. Swagger- Wow! Great match! these two have had two great matches against each other and I'm really surprised that these two haven't crossed paths more often. Match of the night easily. Cena actually made Jack seem credible in this match and it made Cena go searching for, as Cole called it, a "desperation move". And it was, and to say that makes Swagger look all the better. Thankfully, my fears weren't fully realized last night as I thought Swagger was going to be murdered. (sigh) But alas, this stupid win streak continues as Cena must for some reason rampage through the Mid-card again to become WWE Champion. This won't end well in any way shape or form though because if Cena loses at the Rumble, then he'll just be more motivated to become WWE Champion. But if he wins at the Rumble, or God forbid, THE Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania 26 is gonna suck.

(sorry for the rant, but I dont think u guys really care)

Sheamus vs MVP- MVP gets squashed? Really? Come ON ALREADY! Give this guy a chance! My God! Creative is sorely missing out here on a great Main Eventer. "oh well he's not over..." says creative, but that's because nothing "creative" is being done. When was the last time he was in ACTUAL feud, one-on-one? Versus Swagger, at Summerslam, which COULD'VE been very good had it been given more time. But that time is for Hornswoggle and the guest hosts, right? Right. Sheamus looked good at least, he just didn't have the right opponent.

Miz vs. Santino- whatever, I mean if the WWE doesn't want to do something productive with the top tier talent they have, fine, I'll watch TNA. At least they're actually starting to get their act together. Like The Miz's title reign, pathetic.

Big Show with Santa- Most creative idea of the night and I wouldn't be surprised if Jericho thought of this one. I would never guessed Jericho was Santa. Great segment...until Hornswoggle arrived. I'll admit, I thought it was a little funny how he tried tuning up the band on Jericho. But the midget jokes are SO tired and done. Give it a rest already, I mean, why does he have to be on TV on every single backstage segment with DX or the host? Terrible Raw with only one or two good to semi-good things. on a scale of 1-10, tonight's addition of Monday Night Raw gets:

A Big bag of coal. which equates to about a 2.7.
Hope that's their rating. 2.7
They should have started the RR storylines early, because the past two weeks of Raw have been absolutely horrendous. Last week was awful with the whole Slammy garbage, and with DX intentionally DQing themselves against JeriShow. But the garbage stayed around for this week as well with Little People's Court and all of the Santa bullshit.

Johnny Damon was just another guest host. No one cared about him, and he knew nothing about wrestling. He was just that "Yeah! Im on Raw!" type of host. Awful Divas match as usual, and fuck this PG era, we can't even get ****ty outfits on the Divas. I like how Divas in the PG era are portrayed as quote "Smart, Sexy, and Powerful" but yet they still have feuds because one Diva calls another one fat or ugly. But no, it gets worse, now we get easily one of the worst segments ever to be shown on Monday Night Raw - Little People's Court. Fuck PG DX and fuck Hornswoggle, that's all I have to say.

We actually get a match (yes they still show wrestling on Raw) with Kofi/Bourne/Henry vs Orton/Legacy. Decent match, hopefully Kofi/Orton isn't dead after TLC. Ok so this bullshit Little People's Court isn't over?! We get another shitty segment with DX being found guilty for killing Raw, at least that's what I got out of it. Another match?! Decent match with Cena/Swagger. So, Punk got beat in like 2 minutes last week by Cena, then this week Swagger beats him up pretty good and almost wins? That makes sense. Hopefully Cena wins his title back next week so Cole will stop blabbering about how Cena will never give up and vows to win every fucking match he wrestles until he wins his title back. Which for Supercena means, he will win every god damn match until he wins the WWE title again.

Well the streak of decent matches ends at two with Carlito and Chris Masters. All you need to know is there were masterlocks, and dancing pecs involved. So MVP says he wants 2010 to be the year of MVP and he wants to earn a title shot so tonight he's fighting Sheamus. That's all well and good but, why the hell was this match a squash? WWE basically just made MVP look like a joke, another great move to help the already boring face character of MVP.

Santino came out as Santa and Miz beat the shit out of him, so that was slightly entertaining. So now for the main event right? Nope. Instead we get Big Show wanting Santa to grant him one wish. Wow, doesn't get any more lame than that. Show says he wants his best friend and tag partner Jericho back on Raw. Hornswoggle comes out and reveals the Santa as Jericho. Then we get DX and Hornswoggle doing pyro and crotch chops as Raw ends.

Wow, what the fuck? WWE needs to get their act together if they want to be taken seriously by fans over the age of 10. Im sure next week will be terrible as well, as the RR storylines aren't going to be started until the January 4th edition of Raw. Just an idea, but maybe the reason people tune in to Raw every week is to see wrestling? Maybe, just maybe, the fans don't want to see Chris Masters' dancing pecs and Hornswoggle being involved in some of the worst segments in Raw history. Wrestling on a wrestling show? I know, it's a longshot, but I can always hope can't I?

Im praying to god that the buildup to RR is miles ahead of what we are getting right now, or else WWE is in serious trouble.
I don't think there's too much to be said that hasn't been said already. But I will add that I have never watched TNA. Not because of diehard loyalty to WWE, or because I have anything against TNA, but mainly because I just never got around to it and usually Thursday nights there's other television on that I like to watch so I don't think about it.

But last Monday--especially during the little people's court segments--I kept wishing that there was an alternative so I could change the channel. It was not funny and HHH and HBK (and hornswaggle for that matter) should be embarrassed. If this sort of thing continues, then I'm afraid that WWE might have lots of folks changing the channel once TNA starts up on mondays.
Not a bad Raw compared to the last 2 weeks. I had no idea Timbaland was the size of a freaking Mac Truck. I thought the guy was a typical skinny rapper like P Diddy, didn't see that one coming. I think he was more fucked up then Snoop Dogg.

Raw had some good matches and a nice promo foreshadowing Bret Hart's return to WWE. It's weird though because if Bret is coming to Raw then why are there other guest hosts the weeks afterward? I would think considering Bret's popularity, that Vince would want Bret on Raw every week.

Who knows how that will play out. It looks like Vince and Shawn are in cahoots so we should see something special next week. Orton vs. Kofi next week should be good, along with DX vs. Jerishow. Nothing spectacular, but interesting nonetheless.

Not too many cheesy comedy skits or anything tonight. Good thing Timbaland had escorts because that guy was stoned out of his mind. Bret should bring some good things to the table, but it takes more then one man to make a show.
Raw was pretty good last night, if I am completely honest.

Let's start at the beginning. Timbaland as guest host is not an inspired choice but he did do enough to convince me that he was a fan, which is more than a lot of people can say. I don't know if he has a lot of ties to John Cena in the outside world but I think he pulled it off pretty well. He seemed stoned at every turn and he gave me a few cheap laughs as his situation seemed to decline throughout. The segment with Kofi and MVP was pretty funny to be honest. Anyway, I would rate his performance as good but nothing special.

The matches though were pretty good. I enjoyed seeing a lot of them and I thought although they were fucking predictable, they were good quality. I knew from day one that Cody was going to win. I knew that DiBiase would beat anyone, mainly because his movie is coming out. I knew that Kofi wouldn't be winning shit on that show, especially when he won the first match so easily. This was especially true when it came to the Sheamus and John Cena match that everyone knew it was going to be a case of Sheamus losing rather than Cena winning. So very, very underwhelming and I was pretty pissed off by the ending.

However, there was one shining light for me in the show last night and that was Chris Jerciho. Words cannot describe how awesome he is. He plays an amazing heel but can also pull off the comic heel when he wants to and it makes for awesome viewing. Jericho really is saving Raw. I pray they don't kick him off Raw.
I was watching Raw last night, and a couple of things jumped out at me.

First off, both Ted Dibiase and Triple H used a delayed vertical suplex. By all accounts its a good move, but I think it should stay exclusive to DH Smith- it was a trademark of his father, and he does it better than Dibiase or HHH. Using it too much makes it seem less impressive, and more the norm.

Second off, two matches were won by the use of a DDT. IMO, this si a good thing because it makes the DDT seem like a killer move, as it should seem.

Another thing I noticed was Cole of all people referring to the US title as the United States Heavyweight Title, as it was called in WCW. In my eyes, addding the heavyweight makes it seem like a much more prestigious title, and thats probably the best bit of announcing Cole has done in his life. Shame they destroyed that prestige by burying The Miz.

Just a couple of things I noticed, feel free to discuss.
Don't really care for the "Heavyweight" name because its not like there is any weight divisions in pro wrestling like boxing or MMA. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you actually have to be a heavyweight (whatever that is in wrestling) to fight for the "Heavyweight" title.
Ok CardiffCam, I can kind of agree that the vert suplex should stay exclusive to DH, but this is just a form of one upmanship by DX. HHH does it better IMO than DH Smith. DH should hold it longer because his dad held it for 10seconds, DH about 6 (even with Tyson going to the top and looking at his wrist).

IMO the ddt is NOT a finisher. Maybe when Jake the Snake wrestled it was a refreshing move, but there is no need to end a match with at ddt nowadays. At least do a variation of it. It was smooth how Cody kicked the leg and used Marks momentum though. Still Cody has better moves and Mark has taken hundreds of ddts without getting pinned. I think Ted has WAY more potential and Ted had a better match even though the snake eyes spot was missed at the end.

A few things I noticed on RAW last night. First off, Scott Armstrong has to hit the mat harder when he counts. He acted like there was thumbtacks on the mat! I could barely tell when his hand hit the mat, let alone the circular windup ala Nick Patrick. I like how the black ref counted on Raw, fast and emphatic, making sure that the crowd knew when it was a two count. One thing is for sure, Timbaland was the WORST guest host ever!!! Did he do anything besides fumble thru lines and get incredibly stoned backstage? No, even when he could have made an impact by restarting the title match, he did nothing. It seemed like the Miz had to translate what Timbaland was saying at one point. Interested to see where the Bret Hart thing is going, I have a feeling Vince is thinking completely different than HBK. My GF pointed this out to me also which was kind of annoying: Instead of saying "The World Heavyweight title" Striker repeatedly called it "The Worlds' Heavyweight title" I dont remember the WWE selling the belt to "the world". Nontheless, Striker is the most creative announcer they have ever had. He has the best words, the best stats (prior to last night I didnt know that the Undertaker was a 7x Heavyweight Champ or that Mysterio has held 19titles), knows more than anyone else about the wrestlers, and he makes up nicknames for everyone. Nobody calls Ziggler the platinum superstar other than Striker. Or DH the baby bulldog.

Was it not incredibly obvious that Cena was buying time for Sheamus to recover after that match? He let him get out of the ring, he argued with the ref allowing Sheamus to walk up the ramp, then after he threw Sheamus under the rope he got in the ring slower than Andre the Giant! It was obvious at this point that Sheamus had recovered and that we were gonna see the same bullshit we have been seeing, which is Sheamus undeservedly beating up Cena again. It really pisses me off that they gave SuckAss Sheamus the WWE title already, any other belt (other than the WHWtitle) would have been a better start for Sheamus. The locker room has got to hate this. If I was Matt Hardy, or RTruth, or Kane, or Swagger, or Morrison, I would be slightly embarassed that Sheamus got the WWE title before I did. I dont care WHY Sheamus has the belt or what angle comes out of it, it is simply a BAD idea, especially trying to gain momentum for The Rumble and WrestlMania, and having to "compete" with TNA soon on Monday nights. Sheamus is by far the most undeserved WWE champion of all time. You cant beat up Noble and Finlay and then win the world title. This makes Cena,Finlay and the rest of WWE look weak to a rookie. They have spent too much time building up Cena for Sheamus to come in and ruin it. Trust me, I am half sick of Cena myself and would rather see a different champ, but I would rather see Orton have the belt again, or anyone else for that matter. I thought that I had CENAnuff of John as the CHamp, but I have seen all I can take of Sheamus as WWE champion. Its just not right.
RAW was pretty average last night to be honest. I would have expected Cody to win and Ted to lose therefore having a Ted face turn in the works but I believe that will develop later. I'm glad they are still continuing the Kofi/Orton feud because I believe Kofi needs that PPV singles win over Orton before he can be ready to step up to the main event. I wasn't surprised that Sheamus got him disqualified and I'm curious to see what will he do next week since Cena won't be there. On a scale from 1-10, I'll give last night's RAW a 6. Nothing great happened but nothing awful happened as well.
Timbaland was alright, I mean he was definately stoned like a mutherfucker, but he didn't really embarass himself out there. He was just kind've there, I prefer that to someone who comes out and then makes big mistakes like showing their complete lack of knowledge of the Wrestling world.

I feel like WWE does things to fast nowadays. Like they have good ideas but they just execute them way to quickly which is most likely a side effect of the Guest Hosting concept. I started watching Raw again the night Kofi started feuding with Orton. I thought it was good at the time, but I think it would've been better if they had let Kofi destroy Orton's car the next week(I know, Bush and Logano we're hosting, but Orton could've gotten a chance to drive the car, say how awesome it was etc). Obviously Sheamus' rise to the top was done way too quickly, he would've benifitted from atleast a 2 more months of buildup.

Last night Orton kind've came out of nowhere with his dissapointment in Legacy, like I wonder where its going to go from here. Maybe Ted will still split since Orton only walked to the back with Rhodes, but still I would've prferred some buildup. TBH, I don't really get that stable, but I kind've like it, in Evolution, Orton and Batista were like Flair and HHH's protege's, in Legacy DiBiase and Rhodes seem like Orton's little brothers to me. Y'know, they don't seem particularly scared of Orton like Orotn probably would've been of HHH while in Legacy, and Orton says and does things to them that Triple wouldn't have done to him, like tell them their failures, arrange matches for them to get kicked out, or lol tell them if they lost their matches he'd beat their asses afterward.

All in all though it was an okay show, but most of it was kind've pointless. Between the Cena/Sheamus BS finish, Kofi/Miz BS finish, Rhodes/DiBiase filler matches, Maryse beating Kelly for the 3rd or 4th time(hmm when did Vince start liking Maryse more than Kelly, btw I like Maryse but she is, not exactly gold on the mic), the dissapointment of Big show picking Chavo Guerrero as his partner, which instantly gave away the rest of that angle, it seemed like they based this Raw mostly around the return of Bret Hart.

I'm getting tired of just getting okay shows, its boring, but I doubt it'll change any time soon.
Ok CardiffCam, I can kind of agree that the vert suplex should stay exclusive to DH, but this is just a form of one upmanship by DX. HHH does it better IMO than DH Smith. DH should hold it longer because his dad held it for 10seconds, DH about 6 (even with Tyson going to the top and looking at his wrist).

IMO the ddt is NOT a finisher. Maybe when Jake the Snake wrestled it was a refreshing move, but there is no need to end a match with at ddt nowadays. At least do a variation of it. It was smooth how Cody kicked the leg and used Marks momentum though. Still Cody has better moves and Mark has taken hundreds of ddts without getting pinned. I think Ted has WAY more potential and Ted had a better match even though the snake eyes spot was missed at the end.

A few things I noticed on RAW last night. First off, Scott Armstrong has to hit the mat harder when he counts. He acted like there was thumbtacks on the mat! I could barely tell when his hand hit the mat, let alone the circular windup ala Nick Patrick. I like how the black ref counted on Raw, fast and emphatic, making sure that the crowd knew when it was a two count. One thing is for sure, Timbaland was the WORST guest host ever!!! Did he do anything besides fumble thru lines and get incredibly stoned backstage? No, even when he could have made an impact by restarting the title match, he did nothing. It seemed like the Miz had to translate what Timbaland was saying at one point. Interested to see where the Bret Hart thing is going, I have a feeling Vince is thinking completely different than HBK. My GF pointed this out to me also which was kind of annoying: Instead of saying "The World Heavyweight title" Striker repeatedly called it "The Worlds' Heavyweight title" I dont remember the WWE selling the belt to "the world". Nontheless, Striker is the most creative announcer they have ever had. He has the best words, the best stats (prior to last night I didnt know that the Undertaker was a 7x Heavyweight Champ or that Mysterio has held 19titles), knows more than anyone else about the wrestlers, and he makes up nicknames for everyone. Nobody calls Ziggler the platinum superstar other than Striker. Or DH the baby bulldog.

First off, it wasn't so much my problem with Triple H using the vert suplex- but he already did it last night, in a nice little spot, that Striker pointed out-

HHH hit the vert suplex on Tyson Kidd, then Grisham pointed out how it was a taunt to DH Smith. Then Smith came in and hit the vert suplex on Triple H. Grisham said something along the lines of Smith getting even with HHH, before Striker said it was a big difference between suplexing Tyson Kidd to suplexing Triple H.

But why should he do it when DH Smith isn't even there? Makes no sense. It could have worked if the announcers had pointed it out, but its Cole and Lawler, so no luck there.

But the main problem was Dibiase doing it. Really, Dibiase? Its not a show of strength to hold up Evan fucking Bourne. He can hold himself in the air long enough to do standing SSPs of clotheslines. It doesnt look impressive, and just detracts from the move if you randomly use it. It was my main problem.

And while I agree the DDT shouldnt be used as a finisher, stuff like this means in matches whent hey hit a ddt, the crowd are more likely to believe it could win the match, which always adds to a match.

I never really notice much that the refs do, the only thing i ever notice is when they drop down and accidentally slap the mat, then do a two count and I end up thinking it was a three count because I saw and heard three slaps. But I dont see that much into it, so I'll take your word for it.

And Striker is possibly the single greatest commentator in wrestling atm. He plays the tweener perfectly, showing some heel elements without going full-on and distracting the viewer from the action, puts everyone over and calls the moves perfectly. He's a joy to listen to.
I didn't see too many comments on this, so I'll mention it. It was an interesting show, although I didn't understand all the hype and build up to the cena/sheamus rematch just to end it the way that they did. If it's not time for this feud to end, that's fine, and if they wanted to end with a dq, even that's fine...but not only a few minutes into the match. All it did was make sheamus not look like a credible champion, and I don't think that's the direction they want to go. It seems reminiscent of how Edge was often booked when he won the title (couldn't ever win on his own), but at least he went for longer than a few minutes in a match to add a little credibility.

A second thing I thought while watching was Shawn being serious...serious about wanting to meet the undertaker, and about his comments with bret hart. That's fine and a serious shawn seemed appropriate for the angle. But I just can't take shawn seriously when he came out decked in his goofy DX gear, and "DX army" skullcap. He looked...well, he looked like how he and HHH always look, like a pair of old guys trying to pass themselves off as hip youngsters. Or in other words, he looked ridiculous. If he really wanted to come off as "serious shawn", he could have at least entered the ring to talk to vince in either his normal gear, or even the "dress code" suit. But dressing like a doofus I just couldn't take him seriously.
I thought they could of done a way better job of promoting Bret Hart's return next week but instead it felt very lackluster. Need more sosphicated comedy like Jericho-Big Show instead of DX- Hornswoggle pointless skits. Sheamus needs a tan and a personality.

Whats up LA wrestling fans! Just created a petititon to have Wrestlemania 27 in Los Angeles! and every signature counts. Let your voice be heard and show WWE that we should not be looked over for their biggest event of the year. So tell your friends and family that they can also contribute to the cause by adding their signature at We need as many signatures as possible by late February. You can also follow me on twitter at THANKYOU!:)
I was so stoked for RAW tonight. Bret Hart was a little before my time, but I'm still giddy like a school girl. I'm also happy to report that they cut out all bull shit and send Bret out right away.

Bret talks about how he misses wrestling, how he'd like to thank the fans, blah blah blah, a little bit of bull. But that all ends when he calls out HBK.

HBK comes out and Bret asks if he wants to bury the hatchet. They stand real close just in case they want to try kissing... you know, just to see what it's like? Shawn hasn't hooked up with another guy since his Rocker days. That's why Janetty didn't do anything after their break up, he suffered the worst injury known to man: heart break.

HBK starts by telling Bret that he did have a role in screwing Bret, and that Bret deserved it. Bret was disrespectful to the WWE (WWF) and the business. Bret says case in point... There was a case? I thought you were trying to make up with him.

Shawn continues to tell Bret that he doesn't regret screwing him, even though he respects him. Things aren't looking good for the Hitman-HBK love fest.

They both agree they respect each other, and they both agree that they were annoying back in the day. And what do you know, they shake hands. HBK starts to walk away and stops with his back turned to Bret.

Me to the TV: Don't be caught off guard Bret, he's dangerous with his back turned... kind of like Voldo in Soul Calibur 2.

Shawn doesn't hit Bret with SCM though, no, he hits him with a big ol' bear hug, and not the kind Mark Henry puts on him.

HBK leaves to his own music (it's nice to hear instead of the Dx theme) but Bret isn't done. He calls out Vince McMahon to a flurry of boos. The boss doesn't show, and Bret looks a little annoyed.

There is good news though... Kofi vs. Orton has been announced for tonight!!!

We get back from commercial break, and what do you know, it's Vince McMahon! He just left a meeting, and Josh Matthews informs him that Bret has called Vince out. Vince is insulted, and says that he will call Bret out... later... tonight. He is not as enthusiastic as Bret.

Cole announces that Melina got hurt at a live show, and she is vacating the belt. You can hear Bret cursing his luck in the background. There will be a divas tournament to determine the new champ which means lots of diva wrestling tonight! What every wrestling fan wants, yes!

Maryse vs. Brie Bella

Maryse comes out first and the Bella twins are out to face her, though it looks like it's only going to be one of them. According to the announcers, it's Brie wrestling, but they aren't really sure. I sure as hell cant tell them apart.

Brie is kicking some French-Canadian ass, tossing Maryse all over the ring. She's actually looking pretty good. Nikki slams Maryse into the announce table, but it doesn't seem to phase her too much. Maryse goes on the offense. Nikki comes in instead of Brie, but it makes no difference. Maryse hits her finisher, The French Kiss, and gets the pin.

The match was pretty bad, but Maryse is smoking, so I give it 3/10 stars.

I haven't watched RAW in a few weeks, so this might be new music for The Miz, either way I'm not a fan. Miz tells Maryse he might call her back if she wins the tournament. Maryse looks at him with do me eyes. I'm kind of getting aroused. He walks to the announce table to do commentary on a Fatal Four-way to determine the number one contender for the US Championship.

MVP vs. Swagger vs. (commercial...) Carlito vs. Mark Henry

When we come back from commercial, we find that the heels have the advantage in this match. Carlito takes full advantage and starts pounding on Jack Swagger. It occurred to be during this match we have two guys who's greatest accomplishments were ECW reigns, and two guys who made their name with USA title reigns. Interesting. Miz says he hangs out with Spencer Pratt, which I don't think anyone finds cool. Mark Henry climbs back in the ring and throws MVP out. He starts dominating. He puts Carlito in a bear hug (speak of the devil) but Swagger breaks it up. Henry picks up Swagger, but gets kicked in the face by MVP. MVP clears the ring and then hits Swagger with a playmaker and gets the win. MVP taunts Miz, who affectionately calls him Cornrow, clearly after Revolutionary War general Cornrow Wallis.

This match was ok, I'll give it a 6/10.

Marine commercial! Apparently it's based on true events this time. Looks like shit.

Jericho has a plan, and goes to talk to Bret Hart. Jericho talks to Bret about training in the dungeon and how he was touched by Bret and HBK making up, even though he knows deep down inside Bret still hates Shawn. Jericho asks Bret to be the Guest Referee and help Jericho screw Shawn. Bret tells Jericho he doesn't want to be like him, and Jericho looks hurt. Ouch, the best wrestler to ever come out of Canada just told you he doesn't want to be like you. He also says Jericho screamed louder than anyone else in The Dungeon.

Hornswoggle does imitations of various WWE wrestlers with HHH while pitching action figures. It's mildly amusing actually. He knows how to say "yeah"! I'm actually laughing out loud at this. Horny looks a little Asian here. Santino does a Jericho impression, and it's pretty funny. Hornswoggle attacks him, and the funniness ends. HHH calls Hornswggle like he's a dog. That's not demeaning at all. Dx vs. Jerishow next, no guest referee.

DX vs. Jerishow

DX comes out first to a big pop. I'm taking this time to wonder what's going on on TNA. To be honest, it's probably just as good as what's going on here on RAW, as this has not been overly impressive yet. Some people may be getting instant woodies from seeing Bret Hart, but I am not in that group. Maryse is the only person who's given me any pant parties tonight. Jerishow out to boos, no surprises here.

Shawn and Big Show start things off, Shawn generally having the upper hand, until Show hits a double supplex on both HBK and HHH. Commercial... Jericho kicks HHH and tags Show in. HHH turns it around momentarily, but Show regains control. Jericho back in, more HHH punishment. Jericho taunts the crowd and locks HHH in a submission. HHH breaks out and hits a spinebuster. Big Show tags in before HHH can tag HBK. Big Show goes for a top rope move, and HHH avoids it. HBK tags in and Shawn goes to work on Big Show. Vintage Shawn Michaels! (I came up with that one myself). HBK sets up for a flying elbow, but Jericho pulls him down. Hornswaggle gets involved by hopping on Big Show. HBK goes for a cover, but Show kicks out. HBK goes for SCM and counters it into a Chokeslam. He goes for a delayed cover, but HBK kicks out. Jericho tags in and goes for a Lion Sault, but Shawn avoided it. Failed Walls of Jericho attempt, and HHH hits the pedigree. Show breaks up the pin, but he gets pedigreed. This match has REALLY turned around here. Jericho pushes HHH into HBK, and goes for a roll-up, but HHH kicks out. HHH goes to pick up Jericho, but get's a codebreaker. Jericho covers, but gets broken up by HBK. Jericho kicks Hornswaggle in the head, doing what the WWE universe has been wanting for a year. Jericho tries to lock HHH in the Walls, but he gets hit with SCM while the ref is distracted by Horny. HHH covers him, and gets the win. DX retains.

Until the last 2 minutes of this match, it was a 5/10. The last two minutes, however, were really good and suspenseful, and Dx pulled it out. Lots of twists and turns, and this match worked it's way up to an 8/10. Jericho is gone from RAW for good now... right? Dx seems to think so. Show looks upon Jericho with contempt, and walks away. Poor Chris, without a friend in the world.

Dx and the camera crew hangs around to see Jericho out of the arena. Nanana hey hey hey goodbye chant going. He doesn't look happy. He should see the bright side in leaving RAW, think of all the money he'll save on travel expenses.

Someone is knocking on Mr. McMahon's door, and McMahon is pissed. Who is it? Why it's Randy Orton of course! Vince tells Orton that what Bret did is nothing compared to what Orton did to his family. Orton says he'd like to kill the legend of Bret Hart. He says if he has McMahon's back and punts Bret in the head, he gets into the Royal Rumble at entry number 30. McMahon declines the offer, and Orton is pissed. His underwear models come to tell him they will be at ring side tonight to watch Kofi. They tell him if he doesn't beat Kofi that they will kick Orton out of Legacy.

I take this commercial break to tune into TNA. Joe vs. Abyss or Kofi vs. Orton? I'll take Kofi vs. Orton every time thank you very much. Sting is there too apparently. Hmmm, this could be exciting if more legends come back to TNA. It'll be like playing Legends of Wrestlemania, only it'll be a lot slower, less interesting, and everyone will be much fatter/more out of shape; I'm sold.

Mike Tyson is hosting RAW next week! I'm excited about that, he was great in The Hangover. I want to see him play along with Phil Collins again.

Cena and Sheamus promo, and Sheamus comes out to a fairly dead crowd. I don't think he's too over as a heel yet. Funny sign that says "The Champ is Irish!" with a little Sheamus beard being held up behind him. He says he's not going to defend his title against John Cena at Royal Rumble, and he wants a new challenge. Sheamus wants Bret! Looks like he'll get Evan Bourne instead. I see the similarities... they're both a lot shorter than Sheamus. Bourne steals the microphone and jumps out of the ring. He says he can beat him. Sheamus accepts the challenge.

Sheamus vs. Evan Bourne for a match at the Royal Rumble

Going back to what I said about Kofi vs. Orton or Joe vs. Abyss, I'd still choose Kofi-Orton. However, I'd take Joe-Abyss over Bourne-Sheamus any day, simply because of Joe.

Bourne goes ape shit on Sheamus and hits the Shooting Star Press on Sheamus really early, but Sheamus kicks out. He then attempts a flying cross body, but Sheamus catches him and begins an ass whoopin. Crowd chants for Cena. Sheamus beats Bourne, and in the words of Jerry Seinfeld, Eh that's a shame.

Match was kind of pointless, but it was fast and displayed both of these guys' skills, which are quite impressive. Nonetheless, they could have used this time to do something more interesting, so I give it a 5/10.

So far the wrestling has been fairly unimpressive. The Dx vs. Jerishow bout was good, and the Fatal 4 way was ok at best. Other than that, we had a shit match that nobody wants to see in Sheamus vs. Bourne and a pretty bad diva's match. I'm starting to lose faith in Maryse's wrestling skills, though she hasn't really been given the opportunity to go on the offense too much lately. Kofi vs. Orton should make up for it, and they're up next!

The drama, however, has been pretty good. Not as much Bret-Vince as I thought, but rest assured, it seems that we will have our fair share of that later. The HBK-Bret interaction that opened the show was very good, and seeing them hug was significant in my opinion. Also, seeing a possible alliance between Vince and Orton is very interesting. Also, Maryse looked so damn sexy tonight. She'd get the bat in a second.

They show the same promo now that they did at the beginning of the show with a little extra clips of interviews with Bret and Vince. I wish they'd show HBK running up the ramp with all sorts of guys surrounding him, but I guess it's not about Shawn now, it's about Vince. I predict Vince get's another black eye tonight, this time it will be kayfabe though.

OMG! There's a TNA commerical on USA advertising the Hulk's return on TNA with Hogan dropping all his lines!!!!!! They're saying switch over now! Hilarious!!! I'm amazed it made it's way on the air quite frankly. I don't think anyone is switching over at this point, but who knows?

Kofi vs. Orton

If you know me, you may know I am a big Kofi mark, so anything he's doing lately I mark out for. This match will be no different.

Match starts with Kofi in control, he's kicking Randy all around the ring and hits him with an outside dive. Orton attempts to hit Kofi with a DDT off the ropes, but Kofi counters and suplexes him out of the ring. Rhodes and DiBiase are sitting at ringside, and they are sitting as still as gargoyles. Commercial... Orton now seems to be in control and has Kofi in a head lock. Orton stomps away at Kofi and taunts the crowd. Orton continues to use heel tactics to beat up Kofi. Kofi fights to his feet and collides with Orton, and both men go down. They get up at around the same time, but Kofi gets the upper hand. Kofi beats up on Orton and hits the boom drop and starts pumping up the crowd with some more booms preparing for Trouble in Paradise, but Orton jumps out of the ring. Kofi hits a suicide dive and throws Orton in the ring, and then hits a huge cross body. Orton kicks out of a pin attempt, and tries to throw Kofi out of the ring, but Kofi counters with an S.O.S, Orton blocks Trouble in Paradise, and counters with an RKO. He gets the 3 count and wins the match. The two younger members of Legacy don't look happy.

Despite Kofi losing, the match was very good. Best of the night so far, even a little better than the Dx-Jerishow match. 8.5/10

Vince is power walking to the ring. He wishes everyone happy new year and says everything with Bret and the screwjob is in the past and over, clearly trying to avoid any confrontation with Hart. However, Bret shows up on the RAW stage, and walks to the ring sans music. Bret chants in the audience. I am very excited.

Vince becomes very nervous and has trouble looking Bret in the eye. He still stands by his opinion that Bret screwed Bret. McMahon wants Bret to know that basically his opinion hasn't changed at all, and tells Bret he wants to hear what he has to say, especially if those words are, "I'm sorry."

Bret's turn to talk now. He has a lot of words to say, but he's thinking of a different two words that I'm sorry. Bret says he's halfway to getting closure, but he's not there yet. I'm predicting right now an I'm Sorry match at a future PPV. Bret says he knows they both want to get closure.

McMahon says what he originally wanted was to kick Bret in the guts, but Bret is right, they both want to get this off their back. He takes a walk down memory lane, (did Vince just say the WB champion?) and starts complimenting Bret, and bringing up that he was like a father figure to Bret. Vince starts talking about Stu and says he'd like to nominate him to the WB (I think he means WWE) hall of fame.

Vince is being really nice to Bret, thanking him and shit, and Vince finally thanks him for being the best there is, best there was, and best there ever will be. Bret's music hits, but Bret doesn't look done. Vince throws their microphones out of the ring, and they hold hands and hold each other's hands up in victory. They let go... and pose a little, and Vince kicks Bret in the gut! Boo-fest 2010 starts, and Vince walks away from the ring. He turns around and looks at Bret, who is now in the ring looking real pissed. This isn't over, not by a long shot.

Overall? The wrestling on this RAW was ok. Two very good matches, two shit matches, and one match that was mediocre. However, the events with Bret Hart were very good, and I'm definitely going to watch RAW instead of TNA next week to see what's next.

I give this RAW an 8/10. Very good RAW.
I have to admit, I really overly-hyped this show for myself. I over-hyped it way higher than the WWE could have themselves; more than any of the people on this forum could have pumped me up to it.

This show was supposed to be in direct competition with TNA, but it seriously fell so far below my expectations, I don't even remember what they were anymore.

-The Bret Hart/HBK segment was one of the best segments I've ever seen in professional wrestling, to put it plainly. It played out like a shoot (I'm still wondering if it actually was a shoot), I actually cared about what was going on in the ring, despite the event happening 12 years ago, and it was surreal to see HBK and Bret Hart shaking hands, let alone hugging. It sent shivers up my spine, reading about how horrible things went down post-Montreal, and how horrible everyone felt after it, the shitty relationships that developed, and the burned bridges... It was a real life feeling that I had knowing that 12 years of hatred dissolving right before my eyes, and I have to tell you... you can never really find something like that on any other TV show.

The rest of the show was pretty much the same old Raw we've been getting for years. It wasn't a bad show. You could compare it to last week's show, where it was actually pretty good. I have to say, if I had seen this show sans the Hart segment, I really don't know how I would have felt about it, but a feeling in the back of my mind is telling me that I am looking at the rest of the show through Hart's silly purple shades, and everything just looks better to me.

Even the DX/Hornswoggle segment didn't make me want to rip my dick off and stick it in my right eye. In fact, I chuckled a little bit when Santino came in dressed as Chris Jericho.

[Disclaimer: Don't get me wrong, I think all DX/Hornswoggle segments are complete and utter shit, and I don't understand why DX even exists in this PG era, but like I said... tinted glasses and all...]

The Kofi/Orton match was as good as they usually are. Nothing spectacular.

The Sheamus/Bourne match was completely, 100% pointless, but it really did have the potential to be a good match regardless of me questioning why it was taking place. Sadly, it was just a Sheamus squash that seemed quickly written in due to Cena's absence.

The diva's match was... a diva's match.

The DX/JeriShow match was quite good. I liked the numerous false finishes, and it had me on the edge of my seat. I would have liked to see a Jericho win, because the dude really needs to be on Raw. I hope this isn't the last we see of him on Raw until the draft, but I can't see of an entertaining way of bringing him back at this point.

Overall, it was a good Raw.

But it shouldn't have been. It should have been a GREAT fucking Raw. They should have stepped up their game and kept people like from switching to TNA every 10 minutes. They should have done everything they can to prove that they are still ready for competition, and haven't dried up since the original Monday Night Wars. People can say that the WWE doesn't have anything to prove because they're on top, but believe me, they do. We've all seen how shitty the WWE can get when they're making a profit effortlessly, and they can't afford to do that anymore if TNA decided to make a permanent move to Mondays. They need to get rid of the Hornswoggle and the other stupid, running comedy segments, and they need to figure out a way to effectively build up bigger stars to compete with TNA. Or take some of the TNA originals that were completely shadowed by the 500-year old men and ex-WWE guys that all joined the roster tonight.
Loved every bit of Bret Hart related great to see him back. I was like an over excited kid when he made his entrance.

Hart-Michaels was something... would love to know what Michael said to Bret during the hug. That was a historical segment...perfectly done.

Given that the "hatchet" is buried with Michaels, I certainly wouldn`t have liked the same outcome with Vince-Bret Hart. Good segment again...wanted to see Bret kick some ass tho. And it is certainly not over. Great to see Bret Hart back...never thought it would happen.

This being the first raw I`ve watched since dunno when, saw some interesting stuff:

-it`s me or that Miz guy is a complete rip-off of Barney Stinson from How I met your mother:lol

-Kofi is pretty entertaining to watch...Orton is still great.

-That midget Hornswoggle was funny at start but went to be too ridiculous afterwards to remain funny.

-Commentary is terrible these days.

-I kinda like the new champion...he has some style. Better than I expected.
This episode of Raw as a very solid, very good show in my view. I think a lot of people were expecting some sort of mega epic in which surprises and old stars just popped up onto tv every 30 seconds like on iMPACT but I wasn't expecting that at all. It's been said time and time again that Vince McMahon doesn't consider TNA to be serious competition. Raw this past Monday wasn't about trying to compete with TNA, it was about putting on a good show that revolved around the return of a wrestling legend.

The Bret Hart confrontations with HBK and Vince were great in my view. Despite the fact that these three have moved on and let the past be the past to a certain degree, there'll always be some real tension there and it was clear when you saw them in the ring together. HBK and Bret shaking hands and hugging was a great moment I think. I truly do believe that Shawn Michaels is conflicted about what happened in Montreal. I think part of him does feel that Bret deserved it and part of him does regret what happened. The Hart/McMahon confrontation did exactly what it was supposed to: get people interested, initiate some sort of feud that's going to continue between the two and leave them wanting more.

The United States Championhip fatal 4-way match was a good, solid match. Nothing spectacular, but I'm hoping that this could potentially be a sign that the WWE might start doing something with MVP this year. The Miz came out and did his thing, cut a good promo and gave some pretty good heel commentary at ringside. The Miz is coming across as a good heel champion. He's not fantastic, but I think he really can be.

The JeriShow/DX and Kingston/Orton matches were both very good and kept me entertained throughout. For a little bit, I thought that there looked to be a chance that JeriShow was going to pull out a victory. It didn't happen, but it was still a very good match. Even though Kingston lost to Orton, this feud has shown that Kofi can hang with top guys in the WWE. The fans are into the guy, they care about his matches and whatever situation he finds himself in. It was another good match between these two and, even though the feud is over, Kofi does have some wins over Orton in some matches and I'm hoping that the WWE can keep the momentum going.

Sheamus came out and delivered a good, solid promo and generated some good heat from the crowd. His match with Evan Bourne didn't really have much of a point except to give Sheamus an aura of toughness and dominance. Nobody expected Bourne to win. I'm hoping that Sheamus has some real competition for next week and that they build up for his match at the Rumble because it'll be here before you know it.

All in all, I thought Raw was very good. The only lousy part on the show really was the Divas match. The Bella Twins just don't have the training down to work matches right now. But, on the plus side, Maryse was hot as always and is still doing her "I'm so hot that it kills you and I know it" routine.

Any sort of silliness was kept to a tolerable level really. The stuff with Hornswoggle, while not necessary of course, wasn't excessive and not a tenth as bad as it could have been.

Overall, Raw was just supposed to be a good and solid show Monday night. If Vince really wanted to compete with TNA or if he considered them competition, don't you think he'd have trotted out Stone Cold Steve Austin or done everything he possibly could to get The Rock out there as well?
Are you guys watching Smackdown right now? If you are, you'd see that Chris Jericho re debuted the Liontamer!!

Yes, thankyou for that

NorCal NightCap Jan 8 2010

Shit, allow me to search the memory banks for what the fuck happened here....

I dig going forward with the Batista - Rey Rey - Taker triplet. What the fuck happened to the mega ton bomb catastrophic surgery ol boy Mysterio was supposed to have? Guess he has wolverine-like healing powers. I still dont buy Batista as a heel, but whatever. I see they took away his pyro, very good idea. I think Taker and Rey could make absolute magic given the oppurtunity, and both would work well with Batista. General run of the mill segment though, nothing special.

Doplh Ziggles with a win over Kane. Some of the guys in the LD scoffed at this, but I say its a rub. Kane was dominant when he retuned to SD this summer, and Ziggler wasnt doing shit for a long time, or so I read. Fuck it, he is on the show, beating a monster. Ill take that over nothing, for sure. I still have every bit of faith in this guy that he will become big someday. This was actually a pretty damn good match, as well.

I actually really enjoyed the backstage segment with the girls. Michelle and Layla have improved loads in that capacity. Also diggin Beth in the tweener/ lone wolf role. Very good use of the girls on this program.

LOVE the canadian quasi stable of the Harts and Jericho. Loved that they whipped Cryme Tyme. Fucking MTFO for Teh Lion Tamer. Everything about this segement and match fucking rocked my socks.

The Punk segment wasnt quite as epic as I was hoping for, it was alright though, I suppose. I would love nothing more than for CM Punk to win the WHC back, and have a huge flock of followers cheating wildly every week to help him hold onto the belt. What fun that always is (no, serious). Have to see were that leads.....the match with Gallows and Matty Hardy was fine enough, just your general squash. Hardy will make a fine TNA tag champ sometime soon, I suppose.

The segment between JoMo and Mcyntire was fucking dumb. LULZ ZOMG HE TALKS LIKE, DIFFERENT THAN ME LULZ. Anyway.

Good match, dumb ending to send us off for the night. Whatevs, a pretty fair episode, that had some decent development and foreshadowing. Ill give er a


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