OFFICIAL PokeSpe, or Pokemon Adventures thread.

Amarillo del Bosque Verde

The straightedge Irishman.
Hey everyone, Amarillo here! I noticed there wasn't a thread for this, and I'm not sure if many people even read it, but I decided to make it anyway!
Pokemon Special/Adventures is the official Pokemon manga. The main characters of each chapter are based off of the video game characters (Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, Black, etc.) and the storylines for each chapter are really unique and mature compared to the anime! The creator of Pokemon even said that the Pokemon Special is the closest thing to his vision of the Pokemon world.
I actually got my name from it, Amarillo Del Bosque Verde being Yellow of the Viridian Forest.

So feel free to post anything you'd like about PokeSpe and we can discuss it here! ^-^
I've read it. I think its vastly superior to the anime, and why Tajiri and his posse have never chosen to anime it is beyond me. The themes are definitely more mature; people and pokemon actually die in the manga. The pokemon manga actually has a clear, well defined plot which follows characters that actually age and have character development.

The only bad thing about the manga [and the games really] is the bad habit of making the legendary pokemon look like weak *****es compared to their anime counterparts.

This video pretty much sums up creativity of the current product...


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