[OFFICIAL] NXT Post Season 2 / Season 3 Speculation and Discussion

A Diva NXT Season: Could It Work?

  • Yes - It's an interesting concept that could lead to something substantial

  • Maybe - Depending upon how the WWE would set things up

  • I don't think so - The Divas serve what little purpose they have as things are

  • No - The concept is as hopeless as the Divas themselves

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It could work if they could find the right women to enter. If they had 10 reasonble talented 'WRESTLING' women and not just good looking girls (otherwise it would just be the diva search again). If they could find 10 good wrestling women then it would improve the Diva division.

They could possibly also have a Tag Tean NXT?
WOWWWW....i made a thread about this a while back and everyone hated on it.....now someone else makes it and its great.....anyways it is a great idea considering they have so little guys in FCW now because theyre all making theyre way up to NXT....having divas could be a fresh idea......I even suggested they do a NXT tag teams season.....have 4 tag teams from FCW or wherever and pair them up with someone has won a tag team title.....
Come on Jack-Hammer your better than this. Anyone who votes yes is an absolutely a liar. I was gonna order MITB tonight but then I found out their was two divas matches so I pass. A Nxt season of divas would fail horribly. It may strengthen the divas division by adding more divas but at the end of the day theirs only two diva titles and I don't believe wwe would have more than one diva fued on eaxh brand. Now would get better wrestling it depends on who the divas on. Also I don't believe the show would survive with just womens wrestling. They would need to do things like bikini matches and pillow fights. Just my opinion.
now theres a scary thought, NXT for Divas....like a few other posters have already stated, the current Diva division totally sucks ass...maybe not in those words. but that seems to be the general consensus.

ive sat through a few Diva matches and promos and they are horrible. none of these girls have decent mic skills, and their wrestling skills are even worse. case in point: Michele McCool. one of the worst divas ive seen yet, yet shes the co womens champion...WTF is co womens champion really mean anyways? shouldnt laycool be the divas tag champs then. way to fuck that up vince. anyways, as i was saying they only reason MMc is the womens champ is because shes married to the undertaker.

TNA at least has a good womens division, give lacey some time she will get better
There is no way that would work because no one would watch it. I can't even get through a five minute diva match without changing the channel, so why would I watch a weekly one-hour show about it? It's the same as women's basketball. No matter how good or talented female basketball players get, the WNBA will never obtain the ratings or popularity of the NBA. Period. Call it sexist if you want to, but women wrestling just isn't "over". Even the best current female wrestlers are lower-mid card wrestlers at best. There hasn't been a credible female wrestler in my eyes since Chyna. Even Trish and Lita were barely midcarders, if that. And that's okay. Because no one cares. Complaining that women don't get enough tv time in wrestling would be like complaining that there aren't enough male cheerleaders. Is anyone really that bothered by it? If you want to see women, go watch Lifetime or something.
I dont think a separate show (i.e. an hour special) of NXT divas would work. Instead, they should just compete on small segments on Raw and SD..It'd be similar to Diva Search, but it's actually serious and not "entertaining"

Then again, WWE wont do this cause they dont take women's wrestling seriously anymore. So I'd have to say no. Good idea though if the WWE wants to compete legitimately with the TNA knockouts
they only reason MMc is the womens champ is because shes married to the undertaker.

False. Actually Layla is the official Womens Champion. Shes the self professed co-womens champion b/c Layla won it in a handicapped match against beth. The only reason ik this is cuz i like Beth Phionex as she can Wrestle and doesnt use a ddt or a neck breaker a finisher.

Okay I chose yes for this and 16Mikeytot I'm not a liar because I said yes. You know it is so weird how everyone says that the diva division is improving {and it is}, and then you say Vince should take the diva division more seriously and then when he tries to you say his ideas are stupid.

First off what ideas of vinces? He hasnt had any. The only half way bearable thing in the divas division is Layla vs. kelly kelly, and thats only cuz kelly kelly is one of the most athletic diva, which isnt saying much. The women arent meant to be as big of a draw as the men. A breakout diva would help, but no one would watch the show.
Most of the time, the only time in which you'll see a decent women's match in the WWE is on Superstars, and even that doesn't happen all the time, and occassionally at a ppv. They're definitely not given anywhere close to the necessary time to be anything remotely relevant on Raw or Smackdown.
The divas on RAW are not given proper tv time but they are given a good amount of time on Smackdown. With the Tiffany/ Kelly Kelly vs Lay-Cool being a popular topic, Smackdown creative has been giving these women a substantial amount of air time, which I personally, am very happy about.

Now this doesn't mean that RAW hasn't been giving women opportunities. RAW creative has given first time winners Alicia Fox and Eve title runs but in comparison to Smackdown, the diva matches on RAW do not go nearly as long as the matches on Friday nights.

For the poll I chose: Maybe - Depending upon how the WWE would set things up
Many of the posters here are saying that a whole hour of a divas NXT would be a waste of time and that no one would watch it. I am against the majority of posters here, as I would watch that NXT season from the first episode to the last. But there is one thing that many of the posters here are right about; that an NXT season of divas would not work. Many viewers would not turn to the show and the WWE and SciFi would lose money because of it; thus making it a failure.

But I have an alternative; how about having matches and competitions on all of the WWE shows (RAW, Superstars and Smackdown). NXT is a competition yes, but there is nothing about the show that would warrant it having to be a complete one hour show. You can have matches on Superstars and competitions on RAW on Smackdown or vice versa. This would give fans a taste of what a season of a diva NXT would look like and if the fans enjoy it, VKM should go for a whole season of NXT with the divas. This competition would not have to fight for ratings because it would only have segments on other shows that are already established. What's 5 minutes of a diva competition on RAW or a match on Smackdown. Trust me, it's not like the ratings will plummet if this were to happen. People will still watch RAW, Smackdown and Superstars and the fans and creative will get a taste of what these divas can do without the worry of an entire season of NXT going down the drain.

One problem that a season of NXT with divas would have is a lack of rookies. The divas currently in developmental are AJ Lee (a former Queen of FCW), Aksana, Jamie Keyes, Liviana, Naomi Night, Serena and Tamina. Of those names, only AJ Lee, Naomi Night and Liviana have experience in the ring as Jamie Keyes and Aksana are used as an announcer and a valet respectively. Serena is currently being used on Smackdown but has not wrestled in a single match and Tamina is showing off her skills on RAW against Natalya (so those two would not be eligible in the competition for NXT). That means that a diva NXT would only have 3 participants, 5 short of 8 that is needed. I read on the main site that the WWE would bring in a former American Gladiator into FCW soon but her name escapes me for the moment. But with her on board, that still would be only 4 participants.

To remedy the situation, if there was an NXT competition with divas or a WWE- wide competition on all of the shows that I suggested, what if creative put divas already on the roster to compete as well? Now, I'm not talking about the divas that are already established such as Michelle McCool or Maryse. I'm talking about those divas who have not won a Divas or Womens Championship belt yet. This would include Natalya and Serena and even the Bella Twins. This would give these women a great opportunity to showcase their talent and could convince creative to take them out of their place as a valet or jobber and to give them a championship opportunity. Plus who wouldn't want to see Natalya, Serena or Tamina compete with each other? I know I would. I know Doc and many other posters would like that as well. A field of eight divas that is competitive and worth watching? Check.

"But Thrilla, your alternative to NXT just seems like the Diva Search Competition with actual wrestlers instead of porn stars and models."
That's exactly what it would be. A diva competition showcased on RAW, Superstars and Smackdown with divas who are interesting, entertaining and who can actually wrestle. Giving Natalya, Tamina and Serena more time on the mic and in the wrestling ring along with 4 other rookie divas will definitely have people watching. A one hour show will probably make people change the channel as today's viewers do not want to watch these women wrestle. But a 5-10 minute segment on RAW or Smackdown will be the perfect amount of medicine for the viewers to take in. If people want to take a piss break, well they can but RAW or Smackdown will not lose ratings because of these segments. Those who do like to watch divas wrestle will be given a treat and will surely be entertained. Such a competition will surely catapult these women into the championship circle. Will such segments make America care more about the divas on the WWE? Maybe not, but it surely won't hurt to give it a try. If the WWE were to sign a talent like Awesome Kong though, perhaps it's viewers will hold on to their piss until after the diva match segment and instead head to the bathroom on a Santino segment or Chavo Guerrero match like I do.

Do you think a Diva Season of NXT could possibly be productive?
At this very moment, no, but to have separate matches and NXT-like competitions on RAW, Superstars and Smackdown will be the smarter and safer decision. It would be the Diva Search but with women who actually have experience in the ring and on the mic. To bolster the field with names like Natalya, Tamina and Serena (women who have not won a Diva or Womens Championship yet) will surely make fans want to watch . Add in an Awesome Kong and you have a segment that people will definitely be very very interested in watching.

Could it be a potential beginning of women's wrestling being something of a relevant force in the WWE?
If the NXT-like segments on the main brands work, VKM could surely make an entire season of NXT just with Divas. If he does and it's a success, the landscape of women's wrestling will surely enter a Renaissance. Will we ever see a new Trish Stratus? I think we will. I already see a diva that I believe can surpass Trish and she's already wrestling royalty: Natalya Neidhart.

Would it be something you'd potentially be interested in seeing?
I am interested in everything that is WWE. Hell, I even catch FCW on Youtube so I can scout potential rookies and I watch Superstars so I can see low card wrestlers like JTG and Yoshi wrestle. I am not one of those fans that takes a "piss break" every time a diva match comes up. I sit and I watch and if I see a good match, I am left impressed and wanting more. Would I be interested in an all diva NXT? Fuck yes I would but only if there are divas worth watching. But I guess you can say that about men's wrestling too. People don't watch if male wrestlers are boring or can't wrestle. It's not rocket science. Bring in women who the people would be interested in watching. Bring in Natalya and Serena. And bring in women from the independents or women from TNA who are released in the future. A fatal four way match between Natalya, Serena, AJ Lee (FCW rookie) and Awesome Kong? I'm pretty fucking sure you can hold your piss until the Chavo vs Hornswoggle match.

Okay I chose yes for this and 16Mikeytot I'm not a liar because I said yes. You know it is so weird how everyone says that the diva division is improving {and it is}, and then you say Vince should take the diva division more seriously and then when he tries to you say his ideas are stupid.

As long as Michelle McCool isn't a pro which she probley would be I don't see anything wrong with have an all diva NXT season. It would be great for the divas and maybe they could earn the respect that all of you idiots aren't giving them that they deserve they work just as hard as the guys do so give the divas respect.
I guess it could work though, for the purpose of ratings, it shouldn't be a Diva exclusive show. Maybe they can have two sets of rookies ... the pros and the divas. The only problem I see having a diva NXT is the lack of actual divas in the roster. No I'm not talking about women in the main roster; i'm talking about women in the WWE who have actual credibility. So far then Alicia Fox, Kelly Kelly, The Bellas, etc. are out of the question.

Maybe we can have the male wrestler become the trainers for the female rookies along side with the male rookies.
the WWE don't exactly have a reputation of pushing womens wrestlers, it might just turn into a different version of the Diva search.

i completely agree the WWE wont push womens wrestlers, they released mickie james and victoria and since then the womens division has been on a down fall, but if the divas version of nxt happens and dosnt end up like the diva's search it could help the diva's divison for the best and help it become a more prestige divison.
A diva's NXT would be horrible...

A Diva's match is up next at your local Raw/Smackdown live event, that means 75% of the people either A.) take a piss B.) catch a quick smoke break or C.) hit the concession stands.

Could you imagine an all Diva NXT? I certainly don't want to imagine it. Didn't Vince get the memo when each of his Diva Searches went bust?!

I would be intrigued by an all tag-team NXT, that could be interesting for sure and a great way to bolster the TT division.
Let's be honest-a Diva version of NXT would be the lowest rated hour of WWE programming in history, maybe even lower than the XFL games. No one cares about the Divas. If they really wanted to improve the division, they would let actual wrestlers-Natalya, Serena, Beth Phoenix (when healthy) hold the titles & run the division, as opposed to the glorified models who populate the division now. They are nothing more than eye candy, which is fine. But the WWE should be honest about it & not try to pass them off as actual wrestlers. I have no reason to believe a Diva version of NXT would be anything more than an hour-long version of the Diva search segment the WWE used to do.
I voted for maybe, because this question would definitely be figured out how the WWE would set this and up and handle the season. Also the type of athletes they would get for the season would have to make a lot of fans eyes drop and show them something from female wrestlers that the average wrestling fan has not seen before. If they were to show an entire season of the regular models turned wrestlers that learn the job on the fly as they go out there, the audience will not care to see it as that is what has made the Diva's Division so uninteresting over the past few years.

However if women who have been in professional wrestling for a while and know how to put on good matches, showcase moves that aren't normal seen in the Diva's Division, I think it would be then that woman's wrestling finally turns some heads once again in the WWE. I would be all for, a concept like this if they were to think like me and try and hire actual trained specialists in the art of professional wrestling. If they keep on the track of hiring models for most of the "divas" we see today for this proposed season of NXT then it would flop big time, as it is this reason that the woman's division of wrestling in the WWE has sunk to such a low interest with the fans of today.
It could work if WWE invested some real time into this and had a different cast of characters instead of the same plastic barbie dolls they usually have. I just don't think fans will tune into it. Maybe they should gradually work the divas into NXT by have a 4 men and 4 divas on the show. That way they could select a winner from the men and women. I just don't think people will tune in to see only women wrestling.
No chance this'd work. However good it may be, it won't matter as people aren't going to care or watch. It wouldn't get more than a .3 or so rating, I'd say. For the most part, people just don't care about women's wrestling, especially in the WWE.

Maybe if they got the Diva's Division in order first and made it something other than a laughing stock they could give it a try, but it doubt that'll ever happen.
Really this does not need an 3 paragraph long response as why.
WWE audience does not care for womens wrestling, so why are they going to care about them having there own division? Sorry, its sad but its true.
They already do not need them to have a womens title on each brand.
Sorry just how I feel.
No. It would just be another Diva Search. I'm sure there would be very little wrestling, even more non-wrestling challenges than NXT has right now. And they will always want hot models who can learn to work decently, rather than skilled female wrestlers who are decent looking. I just don't think Vince has any sort of interest in serious female wrestlers, if they don't look good enough.
I think an all-Diva NXT is an awesome idea. The fact is, most people (especially women and kids, two groups the WWE needs) LIKE the women wrestlers and there is a lot of potential to expand their presence on the show. There is a ton of development talent and indie talent that WWE can reach out to in order to make an idea like this work.

The biggest problem the Divas have right now is they need more wrestlers with solid mic skills. With the exception of Laycool and Alicia Fox, this has been a problem. If you look through the matches, the men " botch" as many moves as the women do, if not more.

I feel like a lot of the anti-Diva sentiment in the IWC comes from smarks who miss the Attitude Era when women served as little more than punching bags for the men (with the exceptions of Chyna, Lita and later Trish). Most of it strikes me as silly and borderline misogynistic. There's nothing funnier than fat nerds booing attractive women who could probably beat the crap out of them in real life.
^^^ Agrees with Dave. Really, i don't need an hour long bathroom break...unless i have a couple burritos....ouch. Anyway, no one cares about the divas. During the MitB PPV during the two diva matched, the first one i got a snack and the second i took a shit. No one would watch an hour long botchfest. It's pointless. Almost all the divas can't wrestle, minus Kim, Nattie, etc. NXT would lose almost all of its ratings and the next mens season of NXT would also flop.
It might work but i think that the Males should be the pro's so that the WWE universe would actually have the male's that they can cheer for.
Diva pro's & Diva rookie's would NOT! work, simply for the fact, that it would loose ratings in my opinion & the crowd would not be into it as much.
UGH!!! A Diva's season of NXT. Terrible idea. Almost as terrible as WWE's Diva Search. Y'all remember that don't you.
First, go look at the current FCW Roster....go ahead we'll wait....There are like 4 active Diva's in FCW that haven't been on tv. So the "talent" pool is rather shallow.
Second, as has been said before, no one really cares about the Divas, they are fluff, silicone enhanced filler which in the PG era has been further diluted. *pauses to yearn for Attitude Era Bra and panties match*
There are many ways WWE could improve the NXT brand, an NXT Diva's season ain't one of them.
If the 3rd season, lets say, they are planning to put it on WWE.com aren't they if they can't find another network for it...It would be botch after botch and not really all that good..

There aren't many divas and I don't think there are too many in FCW...but it could work with like 5 or 6 divas can't it??

I say why not, It will bring something interesting in the womens division again!!

And if WWE can, they should bring Mickie, Trish or Lita as a pro...and they wouldn't have to appear on Raw or Smackdown...just NXT...as like a pro or trainer!!
First, it would depend on where the NXT season took place... If it would be on a TV medium, forget it. They have to get ratings for the network they're on, to generate dollars from the sponsors that buy the commercial time. That would be a very hard sell, IMO. If it's on WWE.com, where, if it isn't watched by many, no big deal, then I think it could be somewhat successful.

The next thing would be getting the right women WRESTLERS on the show. Get 10 indy workers who know what the hell they're doing and let them actually WRESTLE and again, it could work. You don't even need the "Pros" on the show. Make it more of a glorified FCW setting that's aired on WWE.com and it would have potential. But, you have to have talent as well... Bring in a Sara Del Rey, Cheerleader Melissa, hell, even AJ Lee from FCW would suffice... But they have to be legit WRESTLERS... Which is why I say to scrap the Pros end of it if you do a Diva's season... Cause, you'll likley lose anyone interested in it if you tell them that Eve Torres is gonna be Sara Del Rey's "mentor."

The main reason the Diva matches you see on TV are "botch fests" is due to the fact that they really get no ring time to work. An NXT season would give them not only the ringtime, but if it's on WWE.com, it wouldn't be as constricted as far as time is concerned... You could do a 1 hour show, a 2 hour show, whatever you wanted.

In real women's wrstling, like Shimmer, they work 10, 15, 20 minute matches... And they can all actually WRESTLE... In WWE, they don't allow the women that CAN work (Beth, Gail, Serena, Natalya, etc) to have hardly any ring time. Then, in most cases, they showcase the ones that really can't work. But, that's another subject entirely. :)

Right now it is a shot in the dark to try and predict what will happen after Season 2 of NXT. After season we expected the seven rookies besides Wade Barret to continue to work in FCW but not be a part of World Wrestling Entertainment’s main roster. Boy were we all wrong, it turns out that there was a kayfabe alliance made between all eight rookies to stick together and get contracts, no matter who eventually won the show. So debuted on Raw by interfering in the John Cena vs CM Punk fight. They destroyed Cena, got Punk out of the picture, destroyed the ring along with everyone and thing around them… immediately turning them all into heels. Unfortunately Daniel Bryan ( Bryan Danielson was fired for choking the ring announcer and spitting on John Cena. Today they are one of the most dominant stable’s ever.
That leads me to my questions…

What will happen after NXT season 2?

Will the WWE bring it back for NXT season 3?

will it be replaced by anew show?

What will happen to the rookies?

Will they all be kept in WWE like the rookies from NXT season before them?

Will The Possibly join Nexus?

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