[OFFICIAL] NXT Post Season 2 / Season 3 Speculation and Discussion

A Diva NXT Season: Could It Work?

  • Yes - It's an interesting concept that could lead to something substantial

  • Maybe - Depending upon how the WWE would set things up

  • I don't think so - The Divas serve what little purpose they have as things are

  • No - The concept is as hopeless as the Divas themselves

Results are only viewable after voting.


Getting Noticed By Management
Okay thus far NXT has been moderately successful in producing stars.....the storylines recently have been gold....but this has got me thinking.....what it the WWE kept NXT fresh by doing NXT for divas and tag teams.....they could have 8 rookie divas be trained......this way NXT wont get stale and use all of the talent from FCW so quickly....they could also the formula for tag teams being trained by pro from a former tag team...lets face it,,, most of the guys in NXT wont last long or will be really successful....this gets used to legit tag teams that can come up....and keep the other ones around that are okay as well....this wouldve been perfect for the Dudebusters cuz no ones gives a squirrel shit about them....and also the winner of each season should get a title shot based on their ranking....like Wade Barrett should get either a world title or midcard shot....the divas would get a divas title shot....the tag teams get tag title shots...etc.
I'm not sure whether WWE would choose to go that way, I think what they're focusing on right now is creating singles stars, the divas division is doing fine as of late and well the only thing that really needs building is the tag team division.

But I could see it working, the problem is that we can't have 8 tag teams being rookie - pro combined because of the lack of tag team's on the main roster, so WWE would have to mix the seasons, and that would make it an unfair ruling because of course a WWE male wrestler the likes of Wade Barrett for example, would go over a diva the likes of Savannah if she was brought into the NXT rookie roster.

So it could really function both ways, if WWE can produce the amount of pro's that would be needed to do the tag team thing, and the keep the crowd interested with divas.

A mix wouldn't work although as I mentioned, because of the differences and the success a male wrestler would get over a diva, so the divas would probably be in place for elimination, instantly.
i think this would be a very good idea if done properlly. i dont think they need to do divas nxt but bring back the divas serch and the tag team idea would work i dont think they will use tag taem pros but maybe single pros that are multiple time tag taem champs i also agrre with the mixed season with both sngle and tags
Since we know that a Season 3 is coming, here's a challenge:

Simple request, make your own Season 3 of NXT roster.

Go to fcwwrestling.com, go under talent, and pick out 8 guys who have'nt been seen on WWE TV before, and pair them up with 8 pros. However only one pro can be a main-eventer.

Get started :cool:
I know these picks will not happen but I tried to get the best of each that haven't yet been involved

Pro: Sheamus
Rookie: Mason Ryan

Both are impressive looking dudes and I think putting Ryan with Sheamus would make people wonder what he's all about. Ryan looks like Batista but moves with a bit more grace. I think it would be a good pairing.

Pro: Goldust
Rookie: Donny Marlow

For those who don't know Marlow he is the son of Meng/Haku and was trained at first by Team 3D. The guy is impressive and reminds many of The Rock and seems to have a no nonsense attitude. Not only would the two put on great matches but the two would be great comedy as well.

Pro: Randy Orton
Rookie: Johnny Curtis

Curtis has impressed me for what seems like an eternity. The guy has a great look and reminds me alot of Orton. I think it would be a good pairing for both and really push Curtis as a big deal.

Pro: Ted Dibiase
Rookie: Brett Dibiase

You had to know this was coming. I'v been hoping for Brett to show up ever since SummerSlam when he interfeered in the Orton/Cena main event. They could go many ways with this. A Miz/Riley heel thing where they both are hated or Ted being the jerk older brother while Brett plays the face trying as hard as he can.

Pro: Big Show
Rookie: Derrick Bateman

This is my wild card/last chance pairing. Bateman has been around for a while and he is either hit or miss. To me this would be a chance for him to prove himself or he gets himself let go. SHow is over so that's a plus for him but it's make it or break it time.

Pro: Dolph Ziggler
Rookie: Bo Rotundo

Bo's bro is on this season so maybe it would be his turn next year. A classic heel/face pairing that could make Bo's career or just help out Dolph.

Pro: Jack Swagger
Rookie: Jackson Andrews

FCW's version of Matt Morgan and the All American American. It could be good if the fans get over their idea that big men need to work twice as hard. Andrews is pretty impressive so far and pairing him with Swagger could really help get him over as a face or a heel.

Pro: Rey Mysterio
Rookie: Hunico

I don't know much about Hunico other than he's being toughted as a posible replacement for Rey Mysterio when Rey decided to leave the company. What better way to find out than pairing him with the guy he's supposed to take over for.
Jackson Andrews is a must!

Already mentioned before me but I have to make a point on how important it is to push this guy. I personally feel WWE dropped the ball on not bring Andrews up before Cottonwood.

Oh well, maybe they are giving him some mic time in FCW and allowing him to evolve into the monster he can become.

Once again, as mentioned above he is a "Matt Morgan like" giant (7 foot but lean/cut) He's got one of those looks that will get him over right away.. if they can polish his in ring skills and give him some good mic teaching, I can see him bring back some legitimacy to WWE big men.

I would agree with the post above about Brett Dibiase, but I'm not for sure how long he is suppose to be rehabbing for. Not to mention if he's healthy enough for it, I can see him going straight to Raw with MM and Teddy as the Fortunate Sons as rumored.

Also Schiz... The little Rotondo was actually suppose to be on this season of NXT alsong side his brother, but WWE management doesn't want anybody below the age of 23 on the main roster from now on. So I'm guessing he won't be on season 3 either.
I don't have eight pairings, but I have a few. Personally, I'd like to see a "second generation vs. regular rookies" theme for next season.

Primo and Tito Colon.
Primo has been floundering ever since Carlito was fired. It's a shame, because Primo is pretty talented in the ring. Putting him on season 3 with his brother would give Primo something to do, and once the season's over they could form a tag team to keep them both relevant and help the division. Heck, if the Usos and the Hart Dynasty are still feuding, the Colons could grab a random diva (Rosa Mendes?) and we could have a second-generation three-way feud.

Ricky Steamboat and Richie Steamboat
This of course depends on whether Ricky Steamboat is well enough to appear on TV regularly. Even though Ricky's still "got it", I don't think he'd be regularly wrestling matches. However, it could make a change from always having current WWE wrestlers as pros. Ricky could kayfabe teach Richie everything he knows.

Ted DiBiase Jr. and Brett DiBiase
As has been said before, this could work to make Brett a heel or a face. It would also give Ted the time to branch out and make his own character. He could be the bullying older brother, or Brett could buy into his brother's ways and they could be a good tandem. Several possibilities with this one.

IRS and Bo Rotundo
I really wanted to make Bo's pro Husky Harris, but since Harris won't be considered a pro by the time season 3 is set to air (unless he gets eliminated early and then shows up on Smackdown or something) I suppose IRS is the next best choice. Perhaps IRS and DiBiase Jr. could have some confrontations, while Brett and Bo are too. Or they could get along well and become a sort of Money Inc.

And I'd really like to see a Nexus member as a pro. They could teach them the ins and outs of the competition, talking about what exactly the judges look for. It would be a great way to get heel heat, because it would seem like the rookie was cheating his way through the competition.
dang i posted a long huge reply on this but my computer froze up so this one bwont b as long lol

pro: Ted DiBasee
Rookie: Brett Dibasee
clasic bro vs bro feud thing

Pro: Drew Mcyintyre
Rookie: Bo Rotunda
random pairing but some of the real parings are more random than this

pro: Ezekial jackson
Rookie: Big E Langston
both men are very big athletic zeke cud teach langston how to use his size to his advantage classic big guy stuf...

Pro: Vladimir Kozlov
Rookie: Conrad tanner
again random pairing

pro: Dolph ziggler
Rookie: Drake Brewer
drake looks egotistical perfect for dolph

Pro: Hornswoggle
Rookie: Jackson Andrews
purely for comedic release

now these 2 r my favorite here:

Pro:Rey Mysterio
Rookie: Hunico
good pairing rey could teach hunico the lucha libre heritage and how to respect your mask and alltht other lucha libre stuff

pro: The Straight Edge Society
yea the masked dude from fcw hunicos masked bretheren, the SES could tell epico tht the mask is just an exuse to get drunk get high (dnt ask me how it is but idk the writers in wwe r better so let them take care of it) and the ses tryto get epico to take of his mask u kno disregard his lucha libre ways become straightedge and so on and so forth
EDIT: when i say SES i dnt consider gallows,serena,or masked dude Main eventers and i dnt consider punk in the ses i consider him the leader of it so yea....

so feedback pls and MICHAEL_V_WWE who r ur 8????
I have chosen my 8 and have given reasons,

Pro: Dolph Ziggler
Rookie: Drake Brewer
Reason: They just seem like a perfect match of cocky Know-it-alls.

Pro: Rey Mysterio
Rookie: Epico
Reason: Mainly so Rey could teach him how to be honorable in the wrestling business and in the way of Lucha Libre.

Pro: Ezekial Jackson
Rookie: Cable Jones
Reason: Both guys are powerhouses and could destroy everything in their path to win.

Pro: Evan Bourne
Rookie: Brodus Clay
Reason: A nice mix as Clay is a giant powerhouse while Bourne is a small highflier. Not to mention one is a heel and one is a face.

Pro: Chavo Guerrero
Rookie: Big E Langston
Reason: Another mismatch of a highflier and a powerhouse, but they can work together as heels.

Pro: David Otunga
Rookie: Bo Rotundo
Reason: Rotundo and Otunga are like Daniel Bryan and Miz, while Otunga is training while giving Nexus an excuse to invade NXT.

Co-Pros: The Dudebusters
Rookie: Conrad Tanner
Reason: Random pairing really.

Pro: The Great Khali
Rookie: Leo Kruger
Reason: To give Khali something to do. Also Random.
pro: Ezekial jackson
Rookie: Big E Langston
both men are very big athletic zeke cud teach langston how to use his size to his advantage classic big guy stuf...
Big E Langston is not ready for the big leagues. He was a former football player and is extremely green in the ring. If you guys thought Otunga was bad, Langston will make you cringe. Plus the guy has no mic skills at ALL. He would be at the bottom of the list for potential rookies next year.

Pro: Ezekial Jackson
Rookie: Cable Jones
Reason: Both guys are powerhouses and could destroy everything in their path to win.
Cable Jones is also injured and has been injured for quite some time. He is a new addition to FCW and has yet to even wrestle in a match. He too would be at the bottom of the list. Yes he has a good look but we know nothing about this guy really. Right after he was brought in to FCW after being signed from an independent company, he got injured and has been relegated to helping backstage.

Ricky Steamboat and Richie Steamboat
This of course depends on whether Ricky Steamboat is well enough to appear on TV regularly. Even though Ricky's still "got it", I don't think he'd be regularly wrestling matches. However, it could make a change from always having current WWE wrestlers as pros. Ricky could kayfabe teach Richie everything he knows.

Ted DiBiase Jr. and Brett DiBiase
As has been said before, this could work to make Brett a heel or a face. It would also give Ted the time to branch out and make his own character. He could be the bullying older brother, or Brett could buy into his brother's ways and they could be a good tandem. Several possibilities with this one.

IRS and Bo Rotundo
I really wanted to make Bo's pro Husky Harris, but since Harris won't be considered a pro by the time season 3 is set to air (unless he gets eliminated early and then shows up on Smackdown or something) I suppose IRS is the next best choice. Perhaps IRS and DiBiase Jr. could have some confrontations, while Brett and Bo are too. Or they could get along well and become a sort of Money Inc.

Unfortunately all three of these young men are injured and reports are not good as to when they'll come back. Both Brett and Richie suffered major injuries. Bo is the most likely to return on time for the third season. Fortunately, being sons of great wrestlers, both Richie and Brett do not really need NXT to succeed in the business. Perhaps if their was an NXT 4, Richie and Brett could compete but the reports that I've read have stated that these men might not be ready for the start of NXT 3 if it will air right after the second season. Bo will probably be the only one of these three to be healthy enough to be a rookie for season 3.

Oh and for those who did not know, Epico is in fact Tito Colon (Orlando Colon).
Colón debuted on March 11, 2010, teaming with Johnny Prime and Incognito and being booked to defeat Tyler Reks, Derrick Bateman and Vance Archer. The promotion’s creative team gave him a new ring name "Tito Nieves". His ring name was quickly changed to "Tito Colon". Subsequently, his character was revamped as an masked wrestler called "Dos Equis" (After the Dos Equis beer), while Incognito was renamed Hunico and their team was named Los Aviadores (Spanish for "The Aviators" or "Fliers"). On June 3, 2010 Los Aviadores defeated The Uso Brothers to win the Florida Tag Team Championship. Shortly after, his character was renamed again, now being known as "Epico".
There are not much wrestlers on the FCW roster that I would deem as "ready" to take that next jump onto NXT. But then again, creative brought up Lucky Cannon who was named "Johnny Prime" in FCW. I did not believe Prime was ready to take that jump and it shows when you see him on NXT. He is definitely one of the worst wrestlers on the show along with Eli Cottonwood and Titus O'Neil (who I also deemed not ready before NXT 2 started).

But there are other wrestlers in FCW that I would love to be brought up because either 1) I think the are ready or 2) they have spent too much time in developmental and are in line for a push up to the next level.

Brodus Clay: I would really love to see this young man brought up to NXT. The guy is a powerhouse and is all but ready to take it to the next level. He has the voice, the look and the mic skills to succeed in the NXT competition and I truly believe that it would not matter who his pro was, he would succeed nonetheless. He still needs to develop a proper character though as the one that he uses in FCW is not working for me. But in time I believe that Clay will develop into the man that we all thought Mark Henry would develop into- a World Heavyweight Champion.

Jackson Andrews: I like this kid's look, demeanor and size. A lot of the posters above said that he reminded them of Matt Morgan and I couldn't agree more. The kid is tall and athletic and is the perfect enforcer type. Perhaps with some experience on the mic, he will develop into a proper wrestler but as of right now, I believe that he could at least challenge for the chance at being the top rookie once season 3 comes along. In FCW, Jackson Andrews was Curt Hawkin's Vance Archer and I think that Andrews played the enforcer type better than the veteran Archer. The kid is ready and if he does get in to season 3, he will be one of my favorites from the start.

Johnny Curtis: Curtis has been in FCW for a while now and I believe that it's time for him to get moved up from developmental. Curtis always had the look and athleticism but he never had a character until recently. He debuted a new character that was a germaphobe and it was classic. He came into the ring with white gloves on and checked the ring for impurities and even had a diva to accompany him. The diva, who I believe was Aksana, sprayed the ropes, floor and even the referee. It was a great gimmick and I believe that Curtis should bring that gimmick with him to NXT. It's quite hilarious and with or without NXT I think that Curtis could succeed in one of the main brands because of his look and gimmick. Add to the fact that this kid is pretty accomplished in the ring and has the Falcon Arrow finisher, I see big things for Curtis in the future. All he needs is to sharpen his mic skills but that can be said for any rookie not named Wade Barret or Percy Watson.

Mason Ryan: I don't know about you guys but I miss Batista. Mason Ryan is quite possibly the best alternative to the Animal because of the fact that he has the build, facial structure and rage that Dave once possessed in a WWE ring. Ryan is being built in FCW as a monster heel and I say why not if one has that physique and mean streak. Ryan could definitely make a dent in the NXT competition and the only thing holding him back would be his mic skills. Like his other fellow rookies, Ryan needs to more help in regards to his mic skills but Ryan will be able to remedy that with his overall performance in the ring. I believe that Ryan is definitely ready to hit NXT and become the new Animal.

I would also like to see Richie Steamboat and Brett Dibiase in an NXT ring but both men are badly injured and will need more time to recover. They will probably miss a 3rd season of NXT and that is unfortunate but these two men don't really need NXT anyway.

Bo Rotunda is another young man that is slated to get into an NXT ring next year and he too will probably see a name change. He was supposed to be in season 2 but an injury forced him to miss it and his brother (Husky Harris) had to take his place. If Bo is anything like his brother, I would love to see Bo compete. I don't really know what gimmick he will have as he was a face in FCW and was in a tag team with his brother. From that tag team, Husky has changed his gimmick completely and has become a heel so I am excited to see what gimmick Bo will employ and I'm excited in general to see the younger son of IRS compete in NXT.

I would personally like to see Epico (Tito/ Orlando Colon) and Hunico skip NXT all together and debut on either RAW or Smackdown as a tag team. Their high flying Luch Libre style works perfectly as a tag team and kids would definitely love these two. Add to the fact that the WWE is in dire need of a proper tag team division, I believe that Epico and Hunico will definitely help to remedy the situation. These two will become instant fan favorites and title contenders very soon because of it.

Other FCW wrestlers that I would love to see in NXT include Jinder Mahal and Rhys Ali solely because of their look. Mahal already has the gimmick of a Middle Eastern (instant heat in America) and Rhys Ali has a look that is unique and intriguing.

Wrestlers that I would not want on NXT because I truly believe that they will fail miserably are Big E Langston (green in the ring), Rudy Parker (jobber), Donnie Marlow (he needs to debut a new gimmick because the Uso's already have the Samoan family gimmick) and Tito Colon as Tito Colon and not Epico (his character is better with the mask on).

Conrad Tanner, Derrick Bateman, Devin Allen, Drake Brewer (although very accomplished in Japan), Jacob Novak, Leo Kruger (Justin Gabriel's rival in South Africa) and Wes Brisco have not showed me enough in FCW that would warrant a promotion onto NXT.

"Well that's all good Thrilla but you forgot about who the Pros will be!"
I personally do not think the Pros are all that important in this competition. Usually creative picks pros that are not doing much on either RAW or Smackdown and are giving them air time. The only exception is Chris Jericho but I'm sure that he jumped at the chance to mentor a rookie. So yeah, I don't believe we, the fans, really care who the pros are and are only looking at how well the rookies perform. So they could pick any Pro really. Hell give Vickie Guerrero a rookie, that would be interesting but I don't think it really matters in the end. Wade Barret won Season 1 because he had the look, mic skills and charisma not because of Chris Jericho. Kaval, Alex Riley, Percy Watson or Joe Hennig will win NXT 2 not because of their pros but because of how they perform in the ring and on the mic.

I'm just going to go ahead and ignore all outside factors such as injuries for the purposes of being creative. I love the odd bit of booking.

Brett DiBiase w/ Ted DiBiase Jr.

Let's get the obvious out of the way. They are brothers and have shown unity in the past on WWE Television, so it's quite logical. The plus factor is that Ted hasn't been doing much ever since Legacy split into their separate ways, so why not give him something to do?

Bo Rotunda w/ Goldust

Primarily, I'd do this to establish Bo Rotunda as a face character. Goldust is the master of psychology and has a lot of practice with playing a gimmick. Since NXT breaks the 4th wall of kayfabe, why not have Goldilocks try and get Bo a gimmick going? Could be an interesting story to play out, considering the third season is going to need something fresh.

Tito Colon w/ Primo Colon

Well, Primo has nothing to do at the moment and they are siblings. Seems like a logical pair to me. You can easily use Tito as an expendable talent due to his other persona as Epico, apart of the Los Aviadores. They can make their debut on the main roster and nothing would be lost.

Richie Steamboat w/ Ricky Steamboat

Ricky has proven that she can still wrestle and take bumps, so he is able to get in the ring. Considering he is a legend, that'd easily constitute for him being a pro... possibly the best kayfabe-wise. What's more is that Ricky would want to be a pro after what happened when he got attacked by Nexus. He may have an intention to treat the other rookies some discipline and use his son, someone he can trust, to help him. Easy.

Johnny Curtis w/ JTG

He has been on FCW for a long time and he should be given a go. This will be his time to prove whether or not he'll make anything of himself on WWE TV. The pro is a random pairing and gives JTG something to do. If he fails, give him the Escobar treatment.

Mason Ryan/Jackson Andrews w/ Chris Masters

These guys look like big units and my roster hasn't got anyone of their stature involved. I'd probably give them Chris Masters as their pro due to build similarity.

Tyler Reks w/ Chavo Guerrero

Tyler can join due to him being out-casted by the WWE and his only shot was with NXT, since he has been working as a heel lately. Chavo, someone who knows what it feels like to be pushed aside, can go alongside Tyler and together rage against the machine... oh yeah, I did that reference.

Jindar Mahal w/ Great Khali

You pair the Indian with the Indian... great booking, right? Well, Jindar has some pretty nifty looks going on and him wearing the turban screams heel heat. Khali has the chance to either turn heel or allow for some conflicted booking.

For a complete fantasy option (who I dedicate to WZ Forums member Remix a.k.a. Unsex ;)), I'd call up AJ Lee to take part. She's been the longest on the FCW roster under the female talent and could use a run. Though she's tiny as fuck and would be illogical, she could play the role of the ultimate underdog. Who the hell is going to boo a female in her position? So, it'd be fitting if she was given a face pro like Yoshi Tatsu to support her. He's not doing anything exciting, so why not? Hell, they could break the 4th wall again and use Finlay, who was the head of the Diva's division backstage a while back.

If only all these options were available...
AJ Lee and her pro would be yoshi tatsu. Her finisher is the shinig wizard ive also seen her use the sliced bread shes almost like a skinnier mickie james so the wwe will like that and she is pretty good in the ring better than gail kim imo athleticism wise not expereince wise obviously oh and i picked yoshi tatsu cause i thought there high flying styles would mesh well and it would help yoshi get over by being with a hot lady


and now lets meet our 2nd rookie *we are mild, no fun*

drake brewer and his pro....HEIDENRICH...lol nah im joking but doesnt his pic kinda look like heidenrich anyway no his pro would be Melina. It's random and nobody expected it kind of like kaval with laycool ive only seen brewer in like one match but i dont recall thinking he was bad or anything plus he has the experience from japan on his side and melina can do the splits plus he's tall

now lets meet our 3rd rookie(s)

hunico....& epico thats right this season will be a season of firsts as we not only have our first diva contestant but our first tag team contestants these two will have finlay as their pro who will teach the high flying luchadores the fundamentals of mat wrestling and drunken brawling i think it would be a fun change in pace

rookie number 4

leo kruger pro with primo since wwe seems to like to taunt us by giving the right pro to the wrong rookie how about primo teaches this beast from south africa how to destroy justin gabriel instead of having primo help out hunico and epico this big man has been spotted performing a hurricanrana in the only match i found of him on youtube

rookie number 5

rudy huxtable er parker pro with drew mcintyre ive only found matches of this guy getting squashed so team him with this future world champ to give him some status and exposure and hopefully we will see he can actually wrestle if not hey first elimination

rookie number 6 come on down

wes brisco im excited about him i think he has a lot of potential and a great look and albeit he may not be ready for the main roster yet not many people on the roster seem to be but this guy 2nd gen superstar son of gerry brisco and his pro will be edge you said one main eventer and thats who i chose as edge will lead wes brisco to win nxt

rookie number 7

jinder mahal and his pro will be evan bourne as they are polar opposite a big brute heel (he appears..ive never seen this guy wrestle before) and a little smiling munchkin that will kick his ass into shape

rookie number 8
Terrier Harris (Bo Rotundo) haha and his pro will be goldust i mean how can you argue with that

rookies that didnt make the list

brett dibiase i think he could just debut on the main roster with or against ted dibiase

richie steamboat he's been injured for too long plus i would want his pro to be chris jericho due to the feud between jericho and steamboat i think itd be interesting but i could only have one main eventer and i stuck to it

donny marlow i think he has a lot of potential but he could be so good if he continuted to develop a little longer so maybe season 4 or 5 will be right for him

brodus clay good look not enough training same with cable jones

and derrick batemen i remember seeing something from him that impressed me but i coudlnt find it on youtube so i left him off cause hes boring looking

id love to hear some feedback on my list


EDIT: wow sorry falkner didnt realized you also said aj lee with yoshi tatsu i cant believe i overlooked that alright ill place aj lee with my 2nd choise hart dynasty i think they would also do her well in her training like the last of the dungeon now training this underdog chick
Pro:Ted DiBiase
Rookie:Brett DiBiase

It would just make sense to put Ted with Brett.

Pro:Kelly Kelly
Rookie:Conrad Tanner

I don't pay attention to FCW but Conrad Tanner looks like a douche and I would to see him keep hitting ON(Not hitting her,TYPO)Kelly,which would make an interesting storyline.

Pro:Big Zeke
Rookie Cable Jones

They both look like monster who always get their way.

Pro:Rey Mysterio
Rookie: Epico

They are both obliviously Mexican Wrestlers and I think Rey would do well with him.

Pro:he winner of NXT 2
Rookie:Richie Steamboat
I wanna see Richie Steamboat wrestler and it would be different for a former rookie to be a pro.

Rookie:Tito Colon

Edge will teach Tito his underhanded bag of tricks and turn him heel if he's not already.


Finlay could basically work with anyone heel of face.

I know that only 7.
For some odd reason, an idea popped into my head completely out of the blue. What if the WWE decided to do a season of NXT to find a new Diva and, thereby, actually do something relevant with the Divas? There have been obvious shortcomings and no shortage of complaints about women's wrestling in the WWE for a long time. Most of the time, the only time in which you'll see a decent women's match in the WWE is on Superstars, and even that doesn't happen all the time, and occassionally at a ppv. They're definitely not given anywhere close to the necessary time to be anything remotely relevant on Raw or Smackdown.

However, the concept of NXT could potentially be the catalyst for the formation of a more serious women's division in the WWE. In order for it to even have a shot of being successful, the WWE would have to treat the female competitors with the same degree of seriousness as the men have gotten. No Bra & Panty matches, no 90 second wastes of time, but actual wrestling matches in which the women have to show what they've got. Not merely just running around in skimpy outfits and shaking their stuff, but actual mic and promo time to give WWE fans an idea of what they're about. You know, actually have distinctive characters and personalities among the Divas. I know that women's wrestling has never been a huge draw in the United States, but I would like to see the WWE at least attempt to do something relevant with the Divas.

So, how about it? Do you think a Diva Season of NXT could possibly be productive? Could it be a potential beginning of women's wrestling being something of a relevant force in the WWE? Would it be something you'd potentially be interested in seeing?
If they did it right - certainly, but the WWE don't exactly have a reputation of pushing womens wrestlers, it might just turn into a different version of the Diva search.

If they invested in it and bought in some seasoned (and I don't mean in age - but in experience) wrestlers, it's certainly got a chance. Given the WWE's track record I'll believe it when I see it.
Great idea! That could really enhance the women's division in different ways: there is a chance of hiring good women's wrestlers, the ladies finally get the spotlight they need to shine and they could score with their skills instead of their barbie model look. If I'd be in charge, I'd try to build that up. But with the current WWE it would likely be more of a second Diva's-search-clusterfuck.
Absolutely not!

The fact of the matter is that the casual fan and most of the IWC do not care less about what happens in the Diva’s division right now. That is not because they are not good athletes, it is because the WWE just doesn’t seem to be interested. To be fair, they have been trying a little harder with the divisions and trying to spice things up a little bit. However, some people still se the Diva’s division as a glorified “piss break” and that doesn’t look like changing any time soon.

The problem, I think, is that you are working in reverse to a certain extent. You think that by making a Diva’s NXT, we can get an interesting Diva’s division but I think it needs to go the other way. I would suggest that the WWE needs to work on creating an interesting division before the jump into a huge commitment like NXT for the Diva’s. It hurts to say this but I feel like it would be suicide for the WWE’s Divas division. No one would watch it and the network would probably cut the show half way through the planned series due to lack of viewership. I know I certainly wouldn’t watch it but I can’t talk for everyone.

However, if the WWE continues to build the Divas division like they are now, then I see no reason why it can’t be done in the future. What they need to do is build the intrigue of the division now and plan for an NXT style show for the future.
I'll tell you what it can serve as. A giant waste of time, and a giant ratings drop for NXT. Seriously, this would be the worst idea Vince could come up with since creating the XFL. Nobody wants to see a divas season. Why? Because the divas get no viewership. NXT would go from being a respected program to an absolute disgrace. It would totally kill what Vince wanted to create, and it would leave us fans hating the divas even more than we do now. Plus, I dont think I can take a piss for a whole hour.
I sorta of like this idea but I'm not so sure that it will work. I mean as it is most people that are in the iwc or casual fans don't even watch divas matches as it is. They see them as a piss break or just don't care to watch them. While it can probably make the diva's divsion a little more stronger. I just don't think the show will last long and it will be taken off tv.
Absolutely not!

the Diva’s division as a glorified “piss break” and that doesn’t look like changing any time soon.

Right now this is all the Diva's divison is. It's a piss break..To me the diva's divison has been going downhill ever since Trish and Lita left the company. And then the got rid of Mickie James who was Trish's replacement. The storylines suck and the wrestling sucks.
If I want to watch interesting womens wrestling I turn to TNA for that except for the case of Lacy Von Erich.
So they need to build the divison back up before they do any NXT thing with it.
The fact is, most fans don't care about Diva's wrestling. A Diva season of NXT would be a ratings disaster. Nobody cares about divas wrestling on the main rosters, why would they care about the next breakout WWE diva?
Despite the fact that they have some talented workers like Kim & Hall, they are not allowed to work to their full capabilities. This is due to the mentality of the company.

Therefore this will not happen because Vince will not change his mentality about Women's wrestling. They have only ever mainevented Raw once and that was due to the ability of Trish Stratus (I believe she was involved?)

WWE are so well established in their own attitude that it may well never change. And they don't need to because TNA have recessed their attitude and booking position when it comes to the Knockouts.

Interesting concept though. It could work but it will never happen because it would never draw.
the Diva’s division as a glorified “piss break” and that doesn’t look like changing any time soon

So i went to a live show last nite, and the only divas match on the card was up, so i went and got a pop. i was prolly gone 5 minutes or so and when i got back the match was over. How does wwe expect to make the divas relevent if they dont even give them time to work at a live event? IMO the only thing stopping wwe from scratching the divas division is they would be called sexist if they didnt. i honestly would not miss the divas division. Would anyone else honestly miss it?
The purpose of the NXT is to create new stars obviously. A new main event player so to say. Wade Barrett is a great example of this. While it could probably work with a divas season. I simply don't think it would serve the purpose that NXT should be serving.

Much less would it garner the attention that NXT truly should be getting. The divas division is already "dead" while slowly reviving. It isn't anywhere near a level where it could garner the attention to draw it's own show. Much less revive the division as a whole.

NXT will most definitely continue to service the push of males. There has been discussion of merging it to tag teams and divas as well. But it wouldn't function very well due to it being single male competitors that has the upper hand.

So to create a whole season revolving around a division that is already cared little about. Much less for the purpose of reviving it. It's hard to imagine that it would work. It could. But it most likely won't.

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