[OFFICIAL] Lucky Cannon / Mark Henry Discussion Thread

I'm surprised as to how many people like Cannon. I don't know what it is, but I find myself feeling deep, unadulterated hatred towards this guy. I think he sucks in the ring, is unimpressive on the mic, and his story, while interesting, is still sort of wishy-washy, by which I mean it's almost too melancholy to be used as a wrestler's background.

I really don't think he has what it takes to be in the WWE, but apparently most of you guys do. Who knows, maybe I'll see what you all see in the upcoming weeks, but until then, he is still at the bottom of my list here.

Also, Dagger Dias stated having Morrison/Cannon feud with Miz/Riley would be epic, and I am in 100% agreement, except for the fact Cannon blows in every way while Riley is one of the best in every way.
Oh Lucky Cannon. The first person to find anything appealing about this guy gets a ham sandwich. It seems that every week he has some new sob story about how he should be dead but he isn't and here he is. he's like 20 years old and has survived more life threatening situations than James Bond apparently. He's nothing special at all and is awful in the ring. Henry isn't helping him either as Henry is somehow even more worthless than the rookies. He's been around nearly 15 years and is nothing more than he was before. This is by far the worst pairing of the bunch and they need to be thrown out soon.
People like to say how talented Cannon/Johnny Prime is in the ring and on the mic, but I'm just not seeing it. His backstory is interesting enough, and he's pretty good-looking, but other than that there's nothing that interests me. He is just not clicking for me, not at all. Give me Watson, Riley, or Kaval over this guy any day of the week.
Im liking Lucky Cannon, they've given him a engaging backstory, and he looks comfortable on the mic and performing on NXT, his in ring work has been ok and being mentored by Mark Henry is ok i guess. He has a never give up type attitude like Cena but that doesn't always help
I'm not a big fan on Lucky Cannon, his mic skills, and overall ring skills aren't all that immpressive and nothing about him makes me say "wow". He's just a boring, taller guy who seems to get over on his looks and his weak promo skills (somehow). But I doubt that this weak, "I can relate to the fans, I've been through rough times" gimmick will work as well in the WWE as it has in FCW.

WWE is a whole nother monster, fans aren't gonna cheer for a guy who's gimmick is to kiss the fans ass, it just doesn't work, plus, like I said nothing else about him is all that immpressive so I just don't see him getting over and doing anything in the WWE, ever. Plus the pairing with Henry was just horrible, two terrible mic workers with nothing in common, what can Cannon learn from him? Anyway, I don't see Cannon going far, and I would imagine he is eliminated either before, or right after Cottonwood in the next to eliminations.
So, I've heard about Lucky Cannon in 2009, back in FCW. I watched some of his matches, and I was impressed. His size and look are great, his promo skills are decent, and his wrestling ability is decent as well.

Now, when I first saw him on NXT, I thought he was going to get to around #4, and stay around there. I haven't changed my opinion, as it's obvious that Alex Riley and Kaval are better than him.

I believe NXT is actually holding him back. Mark henry might be the absolute worst "pro" in the short history of NXT. He should be paired with Eli Cottonwood, and I just might prefer Morrison/Lucky Cannon, too.

One more thing. I haven't seen him use a finisher in either NXT or FCW. I've seen him win about 5 matches with roll ups in FCW, and that's about it. He, like Heath Slater, Michael Tarver, the (now eliminated) Titus O'Neil, really need finishers. Even though I understand, from his story, why he would use roll ups often.
Lucky will not get lucky for much longer in this competition. He is borng, already cuts the same promo and is average at best in the ring. He is over with the audience so I will give him credit for that but that is the only thing going for him. He will finish in the middle of the pack but I wouldn't mind if he was thrown off next.
I have yet to be impressed by this kid. I understand that he survived a great deal in his life and that he is truly "Lucky" but he just does not have the look of a superstar. He doesn't have the mic skills and he doesn't have the charisma in my opinion.

I watched Lucky in FCW and I was not impressed with him there at all either. Unlike Percy Watson, who not only shed his partner Darren Young and low card status in FCW to be a star in NXT, Lucky has showed nothing to me.

I don't know but Lucky looks like a tag team wrestler to me. He seems to need someone else on the mic to elevate him. I truly believe that the WWE could have brought someone else up from FCW to compete in Season 2 because Lucky just doesn't seem ready yet.
Does anyone know where you can buy the iGOTLUCKY t-shirt would like to get my friend it as a present:) Alot of people seem to be slagging him off alot in here. So what if he has a "sob" story it was part of his life. It's his choice for name, if you don't like it....don't watch pretty simple as amigos.
Seriously, I dont get all of the Lucky Cannon hate. The guy definitely has the look and ability to be a superstar, he just has to get a little better in the ring. He has a fanbase, and we know that because he actually got a nice pop last night when he was coming out for his match. It's probably because in a season with so many other talented rookies, he gets overlooked. I for one am on Team Lucky.
Don't see the appeal yet. I should probably check out some of his FCW work.

And every time I think of Lucky, I remember that one spot in which he was in the air, over the ropes, and hit his face on the steel steps, or so I thought . That became my numero uno mark-out/flinch moment.
Ok this week Lucky Cannon was eliminated which was a complete shock to me I think that the reason he was eliminated was because he just didnt get over with the crowd i never heard any cheers or boos for Lucky Cannon the crowd was always dead during his matches. This is just my guess. What does everyone else believe was the reason Lucky was eliminated?
He sucked? He didn't have much charisma, couldn't get a reaction despite being paired with someone who is really over (Henry), and was overall very very "why him?" in just about everything he did..

But if his dad was a successful pro wrestler, it would be different I am sure.
Because everyone hated him. He got no reaction out of the crowd, he couldn't wrestle, and he had horrible promo skills. He clearly is not cut out for the WWE. Don't think too much into it, he just doesn't have it. Period.
He should have been the first one eliminated. He is horrible in every single way. Beyond basic moveset, virtually no charisma, and sucks on the mic. The only reason he stayed on this long was because the WWE universe had a thing for him for some unforeseen reason. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Because out of everyone else, he was the least talented. He was mediocre on the mic, nothing special in the ring, and just bland all around. He had no personality and the crowd just couldn't get into him. Every single other rookie had something on him:
  • Kaval is the internet darling and exciting in the ring.
  • Husky was proving the doubters wrong by being athletic and having a natural heel charisma. Plus, management is high on him.
  • Riley is good at promo delivery and has a fantastic look, though he needs to work on promo content.
  • McGillicutty is good in the ring and is the son of Curt Hennig.
  • Watson is athletic and extremely entertaining and charismatic.
Lucky had nothing the others didn't. He didn't stand out. He was the next logical elimination, and thankfully it happened.
I don't know why Lucky was elimanted I mean seriously he was good in the ring and had great mic skills. For those of you who said he didn't have good mic skills did you not hear the great promo he cut tonight. Lucky was also over with the crowd in my opinion. Lucky was my favorite and I don't really know why he got elimanted. It was probley because the wwe thinks that Husky Harris has the it factor which he doesn't.
Lucky was billed as the underdog from day one. The underdog (when unknown) always loses. I like the guy some, but not enough to kick one of the other 5 off in his place. You have:

Mcgillicutty who is technically superior to all of the other rookies.

Riley who is Miz 2.0 and a decent wrestler

Watson who just sweats charisma

Harris who is a beast if they'd turn him loose

Kaval who is the next Mysterio/Bourne The dude is wicked in the ring.

Sorry, but of the 6 that were left it HAD to be Lucky. He's just kind of there, reminds me a lot of Heath Slater from season 1 in that he WANTS to be loved, and he's not entirely un-likeable, but when you have 5 sure things and 1 "could-be".....the could-be is going to get the axe.
Guess this dude's luck finally ran out, huh?

He just didn't stand out at all to me. The remaining five rookies have some individual quality that makes them stand out from one another, whether it's Kaval's internet appeal and martial arts skills, Harris' athleticism for a man of his figure or Watson's unquestionable charisma. Cannon just seemed like a jobber you would've seen on Heat or Velocity years ago. He's so bland, he makes Darren Young look like a million bucks!
Oh boy, this is going to be fun:

No Reaction: Seriously, it was usually crickets when he came out save for a couple of squealing tween girls. The most reaction he ever got was when he got boo'd during that promo challenge a couple weeks back.

Way Too Bland: The guy was as cookie-cutter as they come. From his look, to his ring work, to his persona he was just flat out DULL. Just a typical, suck-up babyface with a sob story. Sure, you could accuse Henning of the same, but he's better in the ring and isn't annoying as hell. The guy just didn't stand out at all; his name may as well been "Boron Generico".

Heath Slater Syndrome: as in he was the guy nobody liked, but seemed to win everything, thus pissing off more people. People probably resented him so much, they couldn't wait to vote his ass off.

He's not Percy Watson: OH YEAH!
As Doc and others have said the guy was more bland than water and did absolutely NOTHING for me on the mic or in the ring. Every time I watched this guy I cringed at anything he did or said and pairing the guy with Mark Henry, who in the 13-15 years of wrestling has managed to lack in ring ability, charisma, mic skills, and pretty much everything that it takes to be a star in the business. He was basically a poor man's Heath Slater and that man is as bland as they come, from his ridiculous look to his lack of presence on the mic and in the ring. I am surprised that he didn't get eliminated sooner as it has been apparent that he lasted as long as he did, his reactions rivaled the ones Charlie Haas used to get back in his pre gimmick infringement days. It may be too soon to say if he truly sucks though as back when Tarver was on NXT he was absolutely horrendous and incoherent on the mic and dreadful in the ring and now he is winning a vast amount of the wrestling community over with both of those.
lucky cannon was always the worst of the bunch and shouldve been the first one eliminated. he was boring as hell and had nothing going for him at all except for some stupid sob story. he was simply uninteresting and below average and finally the right man got eliminated tonight.
To make a long story short, he was boring. As Doc said earlier, he didn't have anything the other rookies already had. He lacked personality, in ring skills, charisma, and mic skills. There was no way he was gonna get past tonight's elimination let alone the competition. I literally started crimging every time he cut a promo (see Lucky's abysmal promo about deodorant). I never cared for Lucky and I feel that he had overstayed his welcome. About damn time he got booted off.
I think Lucky Cannon would've been a great addition to the Diva's division, but outside of that I see no future for him in the WWE. As others have stated, no mic skills, nothing impressive in the ring. He was forgettable... there was nothing he did that i'll remember him for after this season of NXT is over.
He was just the next to go cause the other five could all make a case to be the wwe breakout star...but did anyone notice that when lucky told kaval he was a nine year with the voice of barry white, Kaval flipped him off?

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