[OFFICIAL] Lucky Cannon / Mark Henry Discussion Thread


Gone but never forgotten.

First of all, maybe I'm crazy, but it seems like Mark Henry needs to be mentored by Lucky Cannon... but I digress.

On one side, you have a young, good-looking, full-fledged babyface that has this backstory supposedly about some kind of near death experience he had or something. He appears to be someone the ladies are gonna love and seems to be very confident and comfortable in front of the microphone.

On the other side, you see the big Mark Henry. Excuse me while I contain my excitement. I really hope this guy does something for himself on this show, being that he was given this chance. I hope he doesn't turn out as bland as Matt Hardy was with Justin Gabriel.

What is your opinion?
First off, I refuse to call him Lucky Cannon. In FCW, he was known as Johnny Prime, who I have liked for months. So imagine my excitement when I saw that he was going to be on season 2.

How do I think he will do? Fine, actually. Compared to all the other rookies in season 2, Prime may seem a bit out of place. But, I think he has more ability than about 3 or 4 of the other rookies. Will he win? Probably not, that will probably be Kaval. None-the-less, I'm excited to see Prime on NXT and I'm sure he will be exciting to watch.
First off, I refuse to call him Lucky Cannon. In FCW, he was known as Johnny Prime, who I have liked for months. So imagine my excitement when I saw that he was going to be on season 2.

How do I think he will do? Fine, actually. Compared to all the other rookies in season 2, Prime may seem a bit out of place. But, I think he has more ability than about 3 or 4 of the other rookies. Will he win? Probably not, that will probably be Kaval. None-the-less, I'm excited to see Prime on NXT and I'm sure he will be exciting to watch.
I fucking knew I recognized him. Johnny Prime. I heard "Lucky Cannon" and was like :wtf: but then I saw him and recognized him instantly, just couldn't remember his name on FCW. Johnny fuckin Prime. Thank you!

All these dumbass renames are completely unnecessary. As if last season wasn't bad enough changing Bryan Danielson to DB and Justin Angel to Justin Gabriel, now this season we have to deal with Lucky Cannon, Husky Harris (Duke Rotundo), and whatever the fuck they renamed Joe Hennig to, which, I might add, is possibly the dumbest, most unnecessary rename ever.

Anyways, I like Johnny Prime but I am going to find myself rooting for Kaval and Alex Riley this season. I feel like the WWE is really fucking up by letting the WWE universe determine 50% of the voting because that is going to elevate less talented wrestlers who have more of an it factor and the guys (like Johnny) who the teeny boppers will vote for because of their appearance. Eli Cottonwood and Duke Rotundo are fucked.
Johnny Prime is someone who is good, but I know next to nothing about. Because I don't like Kaval, Prime and Riley are the men I'm getting behind based on what little I know about them. Can someone give ma a low down on Prime's gimmick and backstory?
Once I got past the initial shock, I started to really like the name Lucky Cannon. I don't know much about him, but I like that he's been given a bit of backstory already. I'm digging his look. He reminds me of a not-terrible Heath Slater, actually. If he's good in the ring and on mic, he could go far.

I'm one of the few Mark Henry fans out there, so I don't mind him being Cannon's pro. I doubt they'll really interact much, but it's hard to judge with only a five-second vignette what will happen when two personalities clash.
For some reason I have yet to know I think Lucky Cannon has a shot at winning he would have been better suited with John Morrison though. Anyways Im a Henry fan but honesty John and Mart should have gotted the others rookie.
Another stupid name change for a guy who doesnt need it. But his talent will carry him this season. lol what am I saying, he's teamed with Mark Henry he'll probably be this seasons Heath Slater at best. Although for some reason im thinking that Season 1 the guy with the best pro won. So why not in season 2 have the guy with the worst pro win.
I'm not really sure what to think of this, Lucky Cannon may have the potential of impressing me, but ultimately I feel that Mark Henry is gonna boot his ass down the ranks of interest, Mark Henry while he has the experience, he has absolutely nothing that could make me think of him being a legitimate pro, because he has nothing to give of knowledge besides loosing and looking big.

I'm calling it now, Mark Henry will drag him down.
I think his whole near-death experience or whatever the hell it is and his "lucky" persona will probably get him over as a babyface pretty well. I don't think they'd pair him with Mark Henry, who willl provide almost no rub whatsoever, if they didn't think his character has a good chance to catch fire. Basically Mark Henry is a filler pro in my opinion He'll probably be pretty over and popular with the ladies and get somewhat far but won't win it. Think Heath Slater.

The mark in me hates these guys though. I hate "INSPIRATIONAL!!" stories with a passion (For example, I hate the New Orleans Saints) so this guy could be the guy that I love to hate on and the fact that he's paired with buttshit Mark Henry will make me boo him even harder.

He's gonna be the Heath Slater of this season: the guy I love to hate. He'll probably get an even bigger reaction out of me than Slater.
This another one of those things were a name change wasn't really needed. But I am just glad that his new name isn't terrible its not good but its not bad either. As far as the pairing of Mark Henrey and Lucky Cannon goes I can't really give a good opinon on the guy because I don't really know that much about him.

But from the video package he seems like a pretty decent wrestler with okay mic skills. I am not exactly if he will go far but I don't exactly see him exactly being elminated first maybe 2nd but not 1st.
Ok. I of course don't know much of the backstory but I do remember them saying something to effect that he was an ex-"State Trooper" or Highway patrolman. Made me think that during his interview clip that when he said he had near death experiences, that he was referring to being shot or shot at?.. maybe a car chase and a bad accident? He said he was "lucky" to be alive, so one can only assume.

As for Cannon in this competition, I think he can do well. The pairing with Mark Henry bothers me, but as we seen in the first season odd couples do normally work out. I see him more of a Justin Gabriel of season two, he can make it far but doesn't have enough in the end.
He worked in a prison, according to FCW commentary. As for the wrestler, I like him. He's a rollup merchant (as I've said) but he's able to finish matches in a believable way without them. Though he doesn't look it, he's about as big as Wade Barrett and has a better finisher (samoan driver). I'm not happy with the name change, but I'll live with it.
Idk where there gonna go with for his backstory but I remember years ago he was hit in the head with a weightlifting bar putting him in a coma. I agree with the rest a name change wasnt neccessary but I also think his real name Jon Emminger couldve been used instead. Either way hes a great guy and deserves to win so put your votes on him and I promise you wont be disappointed.
I don't like him, no one cares how lucky he is and I don't wanna hear his life story. This is wrestling, not get a tissue box so I can tell you a sad story. I hate people who try and get sympathy from the crowd
I don't like him, no one cares how lucky he is and I don't wanna hear his life story.

Good for you. However you should care because it means that this guy has a story. If he has a story he has a character and something the audience can latch on to. which is an aid to him in getting over.

This is wrestling, not get a tissue box so I can tell you a sad story.

What exactly are you trying to say? Getting the crowd to feel emotion towards a performer is bad? Using sob stories to get over is bad? There's a reason that sob stories are bought up frequently on reality tv tallent shows. It msakes the audience care for them. Prime has arguably the best gimmick of the bunch (people will feel sometihng for him even based off his story alone) And he's an above average performer.

I hate people who try and get sympathy from the crowd

Why exactly? It works. Look at Rey's big run, it was based on his best friend dying and him having his enchanted run at the top to 'do it for Eddie'. Do you do hate them because WWE are trying to shoehorn emotions into you? Then you must hate people who go for cheap heat and/or pops. Which would be almost everybody in wrestling. Or actually faces and heels in general. They're trying to force you to hate/like them. Elaborate or gtfo.
I agree with Saritafan in the sense that I hate it when wrestlers try to do the whole inspirational story to appeal to your emotions through it, but for different reasons. I understand that it works in getting crowd support. In fact, it works really, really, really well, at least most of the time. It just doesn't work on ME, because that stuff just comes off as really cheesy to me.

So yeah I hate that crap, but it certainly has a viable place in professional wrestling.
I actually like this guy. My favourite out of the bunch minus Kaval. Even with a porn star name he still has my backing to win or at least become in the top three. He has a great look, something Vince thrives on. From what I have seen great wrestling ability and from his promo on NXT, he's pretty good on the stick. All these together should hopefully give him an advantage over the rest of the field.

The only bad thing about him is his terrible pro. I know Mark Henry has been about for a long enought time to be classes a good pro but he's just boring. When he's not a monster he's this bland baby face who does shit all. Hopefully Henry doesn't turn him shit and Lucky Cannon goes all the way.
I don't understand the name change, seriously Lucky Cannon? For reals? I haven't seen much from him, but he looks like he might be a less-suckish Heath Slater with an interesting backstory. He's a big guy, which is always a bonus, and to go along with that, he seems like he can talk pretty well. I hope I'm right, because I would hate to see someone with potential fail because he has the most boring pro of all time, Mark Henry.
Didn't get much from him, actually, other than the fact that his name is the 2nd silliest on the whole show. Seems like the type of guy that's moveset will be 50% roll ups. Awesome stuff. He should be alright, but I'm not too excited for him.

Henry is quite random here. Getting to hear him talk every week is either going to be really awesome or really terrible. Maybe both. Him absolutely crushing one of the rookies at some point is going to be enjoyable as well.
I don't think people should be so quick to discredit this guy because he's paired with Mark Henry-if Henry can dominate in a way he did a few years ago, then it may rub off on Cannon. His story looks to be inspirational, so being paired with a face (Henry) is probably for the best, I feel these two will probably end up against a team of heels in tag matches-I can see conflict with the Miz and Riley already.

I think this could be an okay tandem. Apparently, I'm one of the few Mark Henry fans. The guy may just be another monster heel or (as it is now) a face not doing much, but he does have the fact that he looks like he would hurt you going for him. We'll have to see how the two gel, but I feel it could be okay!
Didn't get much from him, actually, other than the fact that his name is the 2nd silliest on the whole show. Seems like the type of guy that's moveset will be 50% roll ups. Awesome stuff. He should be alright, but I'm not too excited for him.

Actually, you're about right with the rollups. He truely has mastered that aspect of wrestling. He's also a technically sound wrestler who has a great finisher, and can actually wrestle well for his size. I can't judge him on his promo prowess (because I can;t find any), but he's effortlessly over in the FCW arena. And if he can wrap the audience up with his 'I'm lucky to be alive, and it's all for you, the fans' schtick, he could replicate that in the big leagues. I just wish he was still Johnny Prime though. That's actuially a decent name.

Henry is quite random here. Getting to hear him talk every week is either going to be really awesome or really terrible. Maybe both. Him absolutely crushing one of the rookies at some point is going to be enjoyable as well.

It'll probably be the latter knowing Henry. No idea why they pared those two up. Prime, while big isn't a power wrestler and is a pretty boy. No clue what he's supposed to learn from Henry, but I'll trust WWE noit to be stupid, and trust him not to screw up his biggest shot at making it in WWE.
Well i've been really enjoying the WWE these past months and one of the things that have stood out the most is the development of new wrestlers, they've been pushing the Hart Dynasty, The Uso's just came up, and now this show they call NXT. I have enjoyed NXT so far, apart from the occasional stupid ass american gladiator shit they air every once in a while its good entertainment but these name changing shannanigins need to stop, and they need to stop RIGHT NOW! You've got Lucky Cannon, who already had a great name in Johhny Prime, you've got Michael Mcgillicutty who had a great name with a famous last name in Joe Hennig, and you've got Husky Harris who should just be name Balls Mahoney the 2nd. But i digress, I dunno how they are gonna push Johnny Prime in the WWE but i could see him going places in the WWE, i hope the winner of the show isnt the only one who ends up going places in the WWE cause there are 3 maybe 4 guys i'd like to see in the WWE for a while.
Never heard of this guy before, and from what I could tell I wasn't missing anything. He looked like a pretty generic wrestler to me, so I would be surprised if there is anything special he has to offer that someone else doesn't already. The name is pretty weak too. Why call a guy "Lucky Cannon" but I guess why would you call a guy an acronym(Triple H)? I don't exactly see this guy going too far from first glance, he has to make me give a shit about him and I don't know if his generic babyface gimmick is going to do that.
Another weird pairing in more ways than one.

The WWE stuck an older big, husky, black man that lacks mic skills with a good-looking, younger, slick rookie with a backstory that many can relate to and sympathize with. I'm not sure about how that can work out, but I digress.

Cannon seems to have a lot of good tools in his kit, but unless he can bring them all together and make himself memorable, he'll fade away like yesterday's garbage. Sure, he's got quite a story. Yes, he's a good-looking guy and the women will love him. But women loved Justin Gabriel, too. That kind of stuff will get you far, but not far enough. Cannon needs to establish what makes him unique quickly or else the audience will never keep them at the front of their minds. And as we all know, in this business, if you're not on the tip of the audience's tongue, you'll never make it.
Lucky Cannon is off to a good start in season 2 and he is probably my favorite rookie so far this season, mainly because he has a great story to generate some fan support from. Now he just needs to work a little on the mic and in the ring, and we'll have our next great midcard face. Why couldn't they have put him with Morrison instead of Henry though? Morrison/Cannon and Henry/Cottonwood would have made a lot more sense. Plus.... Morrison/Cannon feuding with Miz/Riley would have gotten epic in my opinion. I'm looking forward to seeing how Lucky Cannon does in this season.

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