In my opinion there will not be a draft this year either. There's no need for one anymore, wrestlers move from show to show all the time with no explanation, so there's no point to it.
PPV's have all become tri-brand events, so inter-brand feuds can happen easily without a draft scenario.
Wrestlers show up on other shows all the time. In recent times we have seen Cena and HBK on SD, Undertaker on Raw, Lashley on Raw, Kennedy on Raw, RVD on Raw, etc., yet there was no draft, trades, or free agents to explain it. Guys from Raw and SD regularly appear in the main event on ECW.
Matt Hardy is tag team champ on Raw, but I thought he was technically a SD superstar. No explanation was given here, but he appears on Raw regularly now.
I think you will simply see wrestlers from other brands end up on other shows and in other feuds with no draft to explain it. I expect to see lots of Lashley and Kennedy on Raw. I expect to see Kennedy go for the WWE title, not the WHC on SD. I expect to see lots of Orton on SD (punishment). I expect to see re-packaged Dinsmore and Kenny show up elsewhere. And I hope to see Maryse show up on Raw in some context (as a manager, not as a wrestler, Raw already has enough divas who can't wrestle. Possibly managing WGTT, Shelton alone, or even Khali).