[Official] Discussion For Aces And Eights Leader

I agree with you, Joseph Park will be revealed as gay. :icon_biggrin:

Ever think though that the leader/spokesman of AcesAndEights could be another persona of the same guy? Same guy but he would not be Joseph nor Abyss.

It's possible but that'll be too much. Abyss, Joseph and now a third dude? Few more of those and we can start a seperate division with just his gimmicks in it.
If you know the history of "the dead man's hand" there is a down card in addition to the aces and eights. That card is the queen of hearts. They've shown the down card (facing down) with the aces & 8's on TV several times. Who better than the Queen of the Mountain, Karen Jarrett, to be the leader of the group for the reasons outlined by GrandSword:

As far as who the leader is, although it wouldn't be a shock, it would make perfect sense for Jeff and Karen Jarrett to be the leaders of the group.

They have attacked:

Sting- Sting fired them both from the company he founded and became the 1st Hall of Fame inductee.

Hogan- came in and is now the head of the company he founded.

Angle- became the company's top star and his wife's ex-husband.

Aries/Roode- the two top guys in his company and he is sending a message.

AJ Styles- the face of TNA and a baby face that would probably get involved in the Aces and 8s business anyway as he has always "protected" TNA.

Gut Check- attacking a Hogan inspired concept

We all know the Jarretts will be back sooner or later, what better way to bring them back than to have them invade BFG in revenge for Jeff not being chosen for the Hall of Fame?

As for Joseph Park, of Park, Park & Park, he is probably the one letting Aces & 8's into the Impact Zone. The big guy in the group is not Abyss, but the third Park. BTW, I see the show live at the Impact Zone and the big guy is not being played by Park, however I think Abyss is doing the voice over for the character.

If you know the history of "the dead man's hand" there is a down card in addition to the aces and eights. That card is the queen of hearts. They've shown the down card (facing down) with the aces & 8's on TV several times. Who better than the Queen of the Mountain, Karen Jarrett, to be the leader of the group for the reasons outlined by GrandSword:

We all know the Jarretts will be back sooner or later, what better way to bring them back than to have them invade BFG in revenge for Jeff not being chosen for the Hall of Fame?

As for Joseph Park, of Park, Park & Park, he is probably the one letting Aces & 8's into the Impact Zone. The big guy in the group is not Abyss, but the third Park. BTW, I see the show live at the Impact Zone and the big guy is not being played by Park, however I think Abyss is doing the voice over for the character.


Ok, now its only really the first bit you said i have issue with, the dead mans hand 5th card has never been verified, its been rumored to be queen of hearts, 5 of clubs, and commonly held to not have even been drawn. this has been covered alot in this thread. I can see i likelihood of there being a strong female influence as afterall TNA did show thier 5th card to be queen of hearts.

Im all up on the parks being behind it, I think this is more likely than it seems for now.

Finally, at Jay-Mos, you sir get a tip of my hat and utter legend status for the anderson theory, The best think i think of when 'impaired' is cheese on crisps (chips to any americans)
Was just considering the possibilities and this began to make sense. Shortly after the debut of AA8's, No more of the Parks storyline. Also with Bully Ray being a featured "Target", I think this is as good a possibility as Roode or JJ. Thoughts?
The leader should be Jeff but then it would get boreing his storylines allways do. I dont think TNA even know who the leader go be. Somebody fresh who im not go want to fast fwd when he cut a promo somebody who is known but not been over used.
Maybe its
Jeff J
Or the leader is the riddler from batman
Bully Ray came out at the end to save Aries, but I don't think he was there during all the attacks. Bully is one who hasn't yet been attacked by Aces/Eights, even though he was teased to be.
I kinda think it was either Rhode or jj I really think it was Bobby Cruz one he wasn't there tonight to defend TNA and two because of what they did to AA tonight. And tonight was the closest we are gonna get to the old mem world elite/frontline riot I liked tonight's episode
After this weeks episode im starting to think more and more that the guy doing all the talking in the promos is samoa joe. the guy is the same size as joe and he is one of the only wrestlers you did not see during the brawl. but as for joe being the leader I don't see it being him. joe could be the guy in the group that ends up chalenging for the title. But i really do think there is somwbody above him. Even if im wrong about this whole thing and joe has nothing to do with it. I'm sure the winner of the bound for glory series will end up being a member of the aces and eights. They will then go on to win the title off aries and putting the title in the hands of the aces and eights.
I've started thinking last week that it could turn out to be Austin Aries. He's definitely got the stuff to be a great heel, and last week when Angle mentioned that it was eight guys who attacked, I though maybe they would be the "eights" while A-Double would be the "aces". It's only a flimsy connection, but I could see it being made.

actually that's a pretty deep way to think about it. maybe too deep for tna to come up with it.

after watching last night, it though that the large guy who did the promo about the 3 1/2 min sound like Abyss, he was even wearing a jacked like abyss has been wearing lately.

names have been stated about possible reveals but for me the biggest reveal (and most likely impossible) would be .... Undertaker. The Deadman commanding the Deadman's Hand. of course this would never happen unless wwe secretly bought out tna. but considering their stock drop i don't know if they have to pull to do it now.

In all likely hood it's either Jarrett or Steiner with Nash being an outside possibility. Just below those three would be bischoff or russo. Unless it's an 'unknown' or lesser level person. Or it could be Hogan himself, and last night was him reasserting control as the group went beyond his control in their actions towards Brooke.
Jesus, he is a huge draw and Chick-Fil-A would throw sponsorship money at TNA left and right.

Jarrett, Bischoff and maybe Angle are the only reasonable leaders. They are the only names in wrestling who are recognizable and would want to have an interest in taking over/down TNA. I see no reason for a guy like Luke Gallows to start attacking TNA on his own. It would make more sense for him to lead people to attack WWE since that is the organization that dropped him and they are the biggest in the world. Plus he isn't a big enough name to lead anything. Any of the other guys mentioned like the ones from ROH or Joey Ryan would just be disappointments and may turn a lot of fans off. We've had invasions and takeovers ad naseum over the past 16 years, enough is enough.

I am still holding on to some hope that the UT is behind it in an effort to get Sting to battle him at WM29. I see it benefitting both companies as the hype would be through the roof. TNA benefits with this storyline and a few WWE Superstar appearances. I would tune in every week to see if Sting had made his decision yet. WWE benefits by getting Sting to appear on a few Raws and the extra buys for WM29. The fans benefit because they see something they never thought they would see.

I've put the UT idea out there before and no one will bite. If no one from the IWC is willing to bite then I guess it is impossible and I might as well keep hoping the leader should be Jesus.

I agree this is just another showing of how lacking in original thought TNA is with Bischoff and Russo on the creative teams. They keep trying to recreate WCW in a TNA ring by ripping off their old ideas and things that failed in wwe.

I bit for taker, especially during the promo last night then they finally referred to aces and eights as the deaman's hand. This is the first time I can recall since they started that tna references the connection term for that particular card hand. I think it unlikely but amazing if it is the case, as I broke down in my other reply.
I have friends that work in management for both ROH and WWE and they mentioned some interesting merchandise numbers that I can't discuss. I am not saying a year from now it will still be the case but over the last six months Steen has outsold Punk and Cena in one area of merchandise and thats T-Shirt sales. Its a pretty close number but still better than the #1 and #2 guys in WWE

that's only because everyone already has 10 cena shirts and 5 punk shirts so until they come out with new designs they don't need to buy any more. oh, yeah steen's sales numbers are of course in relation to his ROH market as opposed to WWE's market. meaning he's sold a larger number in relation to other then ROH merchandise as compared to Cena or Punk in relation to WWE merchandise. It's percentage based sales not actual unit sales, not to mention that cena/punk are splitting audiences on who'se gear to buy. without seeing the actual sales figures or providing proof otherwise, this is the only way this could happen just based on shear fan base sizes. 1 raw show has 10k plus people. maybe 1-2 of who might pick up a cena or punk shirt, while 1 roh show has if they are lucky 1000 people of whom 1-200 bought a steen shirt. stretch that out to a month and then 6 and the actual numbers are lobsided for wwe sales per unit.
Undertaker... I HIGHLY doubt it jerret....a good choice bishoff another good choice. I highly think its JJ and bishoff together on some immortal reborn type stuff would make sense since sting and hogan drove out JJ and eric.
I think most of us can agree that the storyline at least last night was pretty bad from the standpoint of opening the show with about ten guys coming in and the brawl scene had about 20-30 guys. One thing Bisch needs on the show is a ass kicker and Joe fits that role. Keep in mind one of EB's reality shows is about bikers so that has a tie in affect of possible across appeal of two different networks. I am not sure if JJ is part of this angle but I do believe Roode figures in somewhere maybe not with the group itself but more like a EB kissass to get another title shot. I think Nash is a part of this and one other talent some people haven't mentioned. People are wondering who is letting the gang in and with the motorcycle theme I think its Garrett Bischoff. He does have a custom made Harley his father gave to him on his 21st B-Day so that little piece if info could play into the storyline. If certain talent in this biz needs to gain respect from the fans I think you have to start off as a heel and thats where Garrett's character should begin. Word is Brooke might wrestle at BFG because Bisch needs some mainstream appeal and she has that from her short not very successful singing career. I do think if its booked her against Madison and Brooke is a face in that match then at the end of the night she will be revealed with EB as the management leaders of that group to get back at HH/Sting/Carter.

As for BFG I think the match they have sceduled for No Surrender should be moved to BFG and have some sort of tag match to fill the void at No Surrender. Have one Wild Card spot at No Surrender for the BFG Series which would include the two spots that are below the top four and have Booby Roode as the final partcipant at the Triple Threat Wild Card BFG Series Finals at No Surrender. BFG would have a Final Five elimination match and it would be a toss up of either Roode or Joe as the new champion as Aries will be out of action for some time!
bully ray

Never been attacked, always throwing out accusation and Bully's character is a guy who hangs out in bars and strip clubs. Pretty sure he can find a biker gang in those places.
It's Jeff Jarrett. If you watch the end of last week's Impact where the A&8's were wearing out Aries, Hardy, and RVD, you will notice a few things:

1.) All A&8's members in the ring have "Prospect" patches......except one
2.) That "one" without the patch is giving all the orders....that tells me he's the leader
3.) That same "one" pats Brisco on the back. If you notice he's about the same size as Brisco and you can briefly see blonde hair in the back of his mask. Jarrett is almost exactly the size of Brisco.

It will come down to Jarrett being upset he was not the first inductee in the TNA Hall of Fame.

Other....Madison Rayne sent Brooke Hogan in the Ring to be setup last week by the A&8's. Who did Madison suck up to while she was there......Karen Jarrett. I'm sure Karen wants the KO division back and who better to use than her lackey Madison.

Of course I could be completely wrong and that person without the patch could be a "patched in" member and the leader is still in the shadows.
TNA should give Jericho what ever he wants to come in and be the leader. THAT would be a surprise. Jarrett, Bischoff or anyone else that has alreday been in TNA wouldn't do anything for anyone. It would be the same old same old in TNA. Jarrett is leadining (yet another) superfaction in an attempt to take over the show. Seriously, how many times have we seen that before? I am not saying that to be critical of Jarrett. I think he is a really great worker, but we have seen that same senario play out SO many times before. If TNA did it again it would really be a step back for them and they need to keep taking steps forward like they have been doing. PHogan is an athority figure and Sting hardly ever wrestles. He has become more of a special attraction and that is good. He is worth more that way. TNA has pretty much gotten rid of all the dinosaurs and is now pushing the youth and to be honest, it's the best the company has been in years. I would have no problem with Jarrett being in the group. I actually think it would be a great idea to have him revealed as the leader only to reveal someone else who is from outside of the company as the actual leader. My pick would be Jericho because THAT would attrcat attention from wrestling fans who aren't fans of TNA. I don't even like Jericho. I haven't liked him since before he became the undisputed Champion, but my opinion of him is irrelevant. He would make an instant impact upon his arrival. Moreso than jarret, Bischoff or anyone else who is already under TNA contract.
Has to be Jaff Jarett......It would have been bettr on impact this week if they had the gang getting beat up by the TNA roster.... then you have Jarretts music hit and he walks out with like 10+ more and kicks shit in
I really wouldnt like it if Jarrett was the "Leader" of the group. One thing I loved is that there are so many members of this faction. They had guys to spare to attack RVD, Hardy and Aries. I think thats really cool, something I have never seen before.

Sorry, if this is old news. I finally watched impact last night and I thought that ending was awesome. I like these types of angles where you never know who these people are. But I mean could it be Roode? I would much prefer Roode over Jarrett. Didnt Roode sort of just "give up" like 3 weeks ago? I dont know. But it would be really cool if Roode was the culprit. Since Roode is not able to get a rematch with Aries, he thinks its a fluke, what should I do? Gather a gang and take out the champ.

So yea I think it could be Roode. To me Jarrett would be a letdown.
could it be bully ray think about it they said a few times they were after him but never got him. at the end of the last impact bully was nowhere to be seen until the end when he came out with the chain he wasnt in the ring when sting and co came out he wasnt with hogan you didn't see bully until after aces and 8s had hit AA with the chair
It can't be Joey Ryan, he's too corny to be the leader of such a successful group. He's probably a member.

- Jarrett (either or both)
- Brooke Hogan
- Crimson (not likely)
- Sting

It's more than likely to be Jarrett(s) or Brooke, but I think a good plot twist would be making Sting into the leader. To do so he would have to say hw fed up he was with this show being out of control and how weak Hogan is since he stopped being himself (or some other BS) so to bring everything to order he hired a bunch of Indy circuit guys to come in and attack every week, get everyone worked up, stir things up. And yes, bring back the old Hulk Hogan. He even had them attack him to take him out of suspicieon.

Wouldn't that be completely FANTASTIC? Sting is amazing as a heel! Or better yet, keep him face and have the group turn on him and take control of themselves so they can run the show. It would work and it would keep the storyline going. I mean, these days people are crazy enough to do anything.
Brook Hogan being in any part of it would be a disaster. she has been a train wreck in TNA. I had high hopes for her coming in to run the Knockouts, but she has been terrible. I surely haven't bought her as being in charge. the one time when Gail was champion, she was talking to Gail and laughing and smiling while trying to be serious, it was horrible.

I thought going into last weeks show it could be Hogan. he said he wanted to be there to confront Aces/Eights to start the show. I was wondering if Hogan could be there, but then turn on the TNA guys to help the Aces/Eights. but I'm glad that didn't happen. TNA needs to NOT repeat Immortal. they tried to recreate something similar to nWo, but they didn't accomplish that with Immortal. they can't try to do that again or it will be bad.
I thought that having Eric Bischoff in it could work. I think Bischoff makes a good heal, but I think TNA needs to stay away from Hogan and Bischoff. too many people were not happy with Immortal.

I also don't buy Austin Aries being the leader. I don't even buy him remaining champion long term. he was the underdog story going into Destination X against the then champion Roode. he won and that was a good story. I see Aries losing the title at or sometime after BFG. I just don't see him as a consistent main eventer. his body size will always be against him.
sorry, but I would buy an unknown bigger guy like Jay Bradley more than Aries. I think by the end of the year Aries will be in the mid card, which is still up from the X division.

Samoa Joe or Bully Ray would be my top 2 choices, more so now leaning towards Joe. he seems like that type, someone who can kick some ass. Joe gonna kill you. this could help Joe get back into the main event level.
My guess would be Jeff Jarrett. Someone, somewhere, somehow came up with something that intrigued me. I just can’t seem to find the post, but I know it was posted here on this site, just not this thread.

Aces and Eights.
Ace – King – Queen – Jack or A – K – Q – J
Eight – Nine – Ten – Jack or 8 – 9 – 10 – J

Yes, that’s 2 Js you see at the end. 2 Js. Double Js. Double J. Jeff Jarrett. Everything is pointing to Jeff Jarrett being the leader of A&8. I wouldn’t mind Jarrett being the leader. What I would mind is if it was someone on the TNA roster. I don’t want a twist. I sure hope it’s not someone who was already jumped by A&8. I don’t want Hogan to be the leader. I don’t want the World Champion involved. I don’t want it to be Beer Money’s new Stable. Just give me the all new Planet Jarrett Army!! I want to see Jeff lead the “new” TNA, a fresh batch or young up and comers. It could be what Cena and Punk should have done while wearing the “N” armband. It could be like the Nexus storyline, only better.
My guess would be Jeff Jarrett. Someone, somewhere, somehow came up with something that intrigued me. I just can’t seem to find the post, but I know it was posted here on this site, just not this thread.

Aces and Eights.
Ace – King – Queen – Jack or A – K – Q – J
Eight – Nine – Ten – Jack or 8 – 9 – 10 – J

Yes, that’s 2 Js you see at the end. 2 Js. Double Js. Double J. Jeff Jarrett. Everything is pointing to Jeff Jarrett being the leader of A&8. I wouldn’t mind Jarrett being the leader. What I would mind is if it was someone on the TNA roster. I don’t want a twist. I sure hope it’s not someone who was already jumped by A&8. I don’t want Hogan to be the leader. I don’t want the World Champion involved. I don’t want it to be Beer Money’s new Stable. Just give me the all new Planet Jarrett Army!! I want to see Jeff lead the “new” TNA, a fresh batch or young up and comers. It could be what Cena and Punk should have done while wearing the “N” armband. It could be like the Nexus storyline, only better.

I feel totally confused. maybe I just don't know enough. all I know is they reference the dead man's hand, which is both black suits with Aces and Eights, with another unknown card.

what does this mean?
Aces and Eights.
Ace – King – Queen – Jack or A – K – Q – J
Eight – Nine – Ten – Jack or 8 – 9 – 10 – J
where does the Jack come into play?
I feel totally confused. maybe I just don't know enough. all I know is they reference the dead man's hand, which is both black suits with Aces and Eights, with another unknown card.

what does this mean?

where does the Jack come into play?

I don’t remember exactly how the original poster came up with it, but it has something to do with the Jack, in this case, the J was exactly right in the middle of all of this.


Maybe this idea is too advanced for TNA, but it’s a great idea.
Ok, maybe he isn't the leader but I definitely think he is playing a big role with aces & eights.
He hasn't been around that much since his stupid brother and bully ray feud so I think it would be a perfect time to throw him back in to the story line as one of the major players for aces & eights. I really like Abyss so I would be really happy to see him playing a huge role for TNA again. Maybe it's just me but I think he's a part of them because he's never been attacked or fought against them and he is a major TNA wrestler. What do you think? Is he the mystery leader or is he just not a part of them at all and i'm just really stupid?

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