[Official] Discussion For Aces And Eights Leader

last week on impact, it was Bischoff that was speaking to Hogan and Sting, you can tell just by the way his speech patterns are, watch again with this in mind and it will become clear. He is definitely the leader but they could bring back others such as Jarrett with him.
My logical choice is Matt Morgan. He was shown kicking a refs head off at a house show. Why not have him lead the group. Put himself in position to be the top heel. I personally believe that Morgan and Aces vs Hardy and Aries Anderson and the other big names will create spots for the mid carders and make for some exciting ppvs. I have high high hopes for BFG. Heck, bring Chris Harris too, make either a new Beer Money or bring back AMW. I know thats not the most popular but a change is good. I'd rather see Petey Williams come out and "destroy" Zion. Let Monty Brown come back and lay the pounce on Aces and 8's. He is an original.
Did anyone notice that when the Aces and 8's were dousing water on Joseph Park, you can see the left arm tattoo? You can especially see the top of it on the left shoulder when the shirt is wet and they zoom it on his face. The editing team stupidly missed it, and don't give me the live show excuse, because it was obviously a taped vignette. If they actually acknowledge it, though, it could lead to either Abyss being the leader or simply having identity problems.
I Think theres eventually going to be Two leaders of Aces & 8's and that I agree with you about bully ray lol.

compared to last nights impact show i think its a huge possibility but bully ray doesn't strike me as leadership material.

The leader should be someone who calls the shots and manages every member lol. If eventually 2 leaders it could be expected to be devon or someone else like matt hardy lol.

What do you think is there only going to be just 1 leader or 2? And If so who do you think the 2nd leader is? My guess is Garret Bischoff
I do think the leader will be EB and his son will have some sort of role in this group. The other person to be with EB could either be Sting or Brooke. It would make more sense if it was Brooke. Impact tried making Sting a bad guy and it just doesn't work. A long shot if neither one of them the co-leader could be Karen Jarrett. Its been a very longtime since JJ has been a superface and have A&8's completely wipe out Hogan and TNA up until Lockdown and the surprise entrant would be JJ as he tries to take back control of his company. If the storyline heads in that direction then the leaders of A&8's should be EB,Sting,and Dixie
I'm really confident that the person speaking to Hogan and Sting in the Clubhouse on impact is going to be revealed to be Garrett Bischoff and Bully Ray is going to turn on Sting to reveal that he is the VP of the group. It makes sense with Garrett being overlooked and learning from his father that he can gain power through a rebel takeover.
I'm convinced tonight that Sting is going to turn at BFG. He's going to be the leader. This is his shot at redoing the NWO turn that was originally supposed to be him. He's going to be the swerve, not bully ray. The final card revealed in dead mans hand will be a joker. And, sting will turn his back on TNA.

He'll have some reason about how Dixie should have never allowed hogan back in the building. But, I think we're looking at Sting as the leader. Abyss will be his VP. Garrett Bischoff will be in it. Morgan maybe.

I just think its too obvious to turn bully. They'll do something bigger than that. Sting turning on hall of fame night would be a shocker.

I never thought of that but that would be a heck of a swerve and a Sting heel turn I could get behind.

But it wouldn't make for a good PPV match unless Sting and Bully come out first to represent Impact and then no one shows for Aces & 8s. Then before anyone knows what is going on, Sting and Bully both reveal they are members of Aces & 8s. They then challenge Hogan to send somebody to get beat up. Ares, Hardy, and Storm are all busted up from their previous matches so out comes Anderson and Angle followed by Hogan. Mid match the arena is swarmed by members of Aces and 8s. The locker room empties and the fight grows. Abyss' music hits and the announce team erupt. He makes his way in the ring with Hogan to face down Sting & Bully Ray. Hogan thinks he has everything back under control until Abyss turns him and grabs Hogan by the throat and throttles him back over the ropes. The thugs circle the ring and keep the Impact guys back. Sting grabs the mike and says everything has worked just as he planned. Everyone fell for it and he made fools of everyone. The fans boo and trash is hurled into the ring. And Thursday on Impact he will reveal the person who pulled the strings to tie it all together.

Impact opens with a replay and it drags out the mystery all night. Finally a limo pulls up and Sting with Bully Ray and Abyss are shown greeting the arrival. Matt Morgan steps out in a suit and sunglasses, greets Sting and waits for his boss Jeff Jarret to step out, soon followed by Dixie Carter.
In my honest opinion, i think it's bully ray. On the last impact, he and convinced sting and hogan to let him be sting's partner at BFG against the aces and 8's. So by that logic, he'll end up screwing sting, aces and eight's in impact, and he joins as either the leader or a big part of the group.
Bully ray may seem the logical guy right now. That does not mean it is not a swerve. Perhaps a bully ray face turn is in the offing.
Of course I may only be saying this because I am still hoping it is sting and the down card is a joker.
I think TNA should hire Paul Bearer. He would make a great leader for the mysterious group. Paul has the evil bad guy look. I think the story line w/ Aces & Eights should go where they conquer TNA & reveal Paul Bearer in Hogan's office
I am leaning towards it being Bully Ray now, or he will at least be a high-profile member of the group.

Bully works so much better as a heel and as he has convinced Sting/Hogan to let him face Aces & Eights it just seems obvious that he will be part of a swerve at BFG, costing Sting the match and getting Aces & Eights full access to the Impact Zone. We have already seen the PPV poster for next month with Aces & Eights on it, so they aren't going anywhere. So for that reason I see them getting the win at BFG either with Bully Ray switching sides at the PPV or him costing his team the match "accidentaly" and then revealing the week after on Impact that he is actually aligned with the gang.
After watching last Sunday's show, I realised that Abyss 'could be' the Leader Of The Aces & Eights...

When Sting chose Mr.Anderson to fight by his side for team TNA at Bound For Glory against the A&8's he all of a sudden got jumped by the A&8's gang leaving him unable to fight at the P.P.V. leaving only one person to fill his boots which was.....

Bully Ray... And we all know that they have a lot of catching up to do..

And I'm thinking that at Bound For Glory when it comes to the team TNA Vs. team A&8's match....The big guy, will unmask as Abyss and he will have come back to get his revenge on Bully and the fellow members will also be people whom had been in TNA before who still have unfinished business and want to take some revenge..... Jeff Jarrett? Bischoff? lol
it will be eric bish will be the co-leader of the group and the talker JJ will b the other co-leader and will b the in ring leader but i do agree i think wild cat chris harris will b in the group along with scot steiner,matt morgan,luke galows,wes brisco and chris masters then the likes of bully ray and bobby roode will join them and maybe daniels and kaz as the along with bully and roode have big problems with hulk and sting
it will be eric bish will be the co-leader of the group and the talker JJ will b the other co-leader and will b the in ring leader but i do agree i think wild cat chris harris will b in the group along with scot steiner,matt morgan,luke galows,wes brisco and chris masters then the likes of bully ray and bobby roode will join them and maybe daniels and kaz as the along with bully and roode have big problems with hulk and sting

I think that's too many people. they should keep the group relatively small. at least in the beginning anyway. more could join the group as time goes on, similar to more guys joining nWo back in the day.

I'm hoping it's not Jeff Jarrett. I'd rather have Eric Bischoff. I think Jarrett can be a good heel, but I didn't like his part in Immortal. he would only be with the group some of the time. there were times when Jarrett was doing his own thing feuding with Angle, and times when Immortal was doing stuff and Jarrett was never around. a group should be a group and do things together. one of the problems I also had with Immortal is they had no look/image. when you had nWo back in the day the members in the group all wore black, with the nWo logo. if Aces/Eights are going to have a look/image, it would be better if they are looked the same, the way a biker gang would look.
I like the idea of Sting making the turn. I guess originally he was going to the third guy for NWO story but was changed at the last minute. It needs to be somewhat of a mega star to make a Impact. I like the idea of A&8 dominating for the next 2-3 months and then making JJ a super face to save his company. Its time to make JJ different other than all those hateful obsessed heel characters he has played in the past. How many of you would like JJ as a face and not a weak face like he was against Angle the first time around?
After the last few weeks[I haven't watched Impact yet on DVR for this week], there are numerous reasons to suspect Bully Ray is indeed the leader of Aces & Eights;

1}Did anyone notice that when the leader was shown without a mask, he had a similar head and backwards hat as Bully? That was clue # 1.

2}Bully Ray was in the running to aid Sting against Aces & Eights for control of coming and going in Impact as they please. Whomever Sting chose would be in a prime position to either banish A&8 or ensure their presence on a regular basis.

3}Mr. Anderson, the choice for Sting's partner @ BFG just happens to be attacked by the group once Hulk & Sting named him.

4}The last and final clue is simple: Anderson was attacked and then Bully came out to plead his case to Sting about being his partner. The timing on that alone with the other clues makes it obvious that Bully Ray is the leader. He will turn on Sting @ BFG and either be the leader of the group or be associated with them in some way.

There aren't many good choices for a leader. It's either Bully Ray or Jeff Jarrett. Either way, TNA needs to stop pussyfooting around and go ahead and reveal the damn leader already. The pacing of this storyline has drug the tempo of Impact for months now and they need to either up the stakes or end the storyline.
the episode which had Hogan and Sting in the clubhouse with the leader talking in the distorted voice. that guy was Eric Bischoff. there was an audio someone did where they cleaned up the distortion and the voice was Eric Bischoff. I haven't heard it myself, just have seen what people have said about the voice.
I think it has been confirmed this was Eric Bischoff, but that this does not necessarily mean that Eric Bischoff himself is the leader. I can't remember where I read it, but that TNA could have just done this to fool people, as they have done this multiple times already, including using D'Lo Brown as the big guy in the mask talking.

I wonder if Abyss will show up at BFG. people will think/assume he is there to help his captured brother, but maybe instead it will be Abyss who turns on TNA.
After last night's show, I really have the feeling it will be Sting or Hogan that is behind the Aces & Eights. Who would have known they had picked Anderson to tag with Stinger, other than Sting or Hogan?

And I can see Bully being the pissed off ass kicker for being betrayed, especially after the pop he got last night. Not a face or heel, but kind of like Austin was earlier in his career as "Stone Cold".
After last night's show, I really have the feeling it will be Sting or Hogan that is behind the Aces & Eights. Who would have known they had picked Anderson to tag with Stinger, other than Sting or Hogan?

And I can see Bully being the pissed off ass kicker for being betrayed, especially after the pop he got last night. Not a face or heel, but kind of like Austin was earlier in his career as "Stone Cold".

I agree on Bully. many have speculated that Bully will turn on TNA. but I think it would be better for Bully not to turn. he has been a heel and I think he has been great, but he also gets good cheers. he plays well to the crowd, with his saying "do you know who I am".

I think I'm also going to agree on Sting/Hogan, but I hope to hell it's not true. I'm not really considering Sting, but something doesn't feel right about Hogan. he was told he can't be involved, but that he will be there to "watch". so that means Hogan will be ring side? just feels like this could lead to something where Hogan gets into the ring, and he has been so against Aces/Eights that you wouldn't think he would turn, but then BAM he hits Sting and turns. I sure hope this does not happen. bad feeling with Hogan turning and Eric Bischoff being the mastermind. Immortal all over again, which I think would be really disappointing.

I do think Abyss could be involved, but not the leader. Abyss could be one to turn on TNA and help Aces/Eights.

I don't remember seeing the wet Joseph Park where you could see thew tattoo. but maybe this was not bad editing, maybe it was done on purpose? we all know Joseph Park and Abyss are played by the same person, although it has been said Joseph Park is Abyss brother. but what if it turns out that Joseph Park is Abyss, but it's a different personality. this capture/torture to Joseph Park could lead to Joseph Park realizing he is Abyss. just a thought.

BFG this Sunday, and still multiple options to what could happen, even though you have to imagine Aces/Eights will win some way.
Immortal all over again, which I think would be really disappointing.

That would surely kill all the heat! I could do without ever seeing Bischoff on my TV ever again. The point of Hogan being "kept" out makes lots of sense as well.

I can dig the idea of the toture of Parks "making him remember" he is Abyss!
I really don't get all the hate Bischoff gets on here. Yeah, he's made some bad business mistakes, but he's also done a lot of great moves too. He plays a great heel character. I wouldn't mind seeing him being revealed as the leader, along with Bully turning.

I find it funny how all these IWC Wrestlezone jive turkey's hate every idea thrown at who the leader of Aces' N 8's is. First they bitched about it being Jarret. Then Hogan. Then Sting. Then Bischoff. Then Bully Ray, etc., etc. etc. I guess the only guys that can please these knobs would be to have Paul Heyman, and Danny Brian come in, and be the leaders. God only knows how much of their cock wrestlezone likes to suck.
As everyone knows Aces&8s have gained access to the Impact Zone.We also know that Devon was revealed as the first member. We have also heard rumblings that Mike Knox, Luke Gallows, Wes Briscoe are all possible members.

The big question is who's behind the group? Who's the man or woman pulling the strings in Aces&8s? Speculation has been pointing to Jeff Jarrett, Eric Bishoff, Hulk Hogan and Sting. To me the storyline has been intriguing but none of these men mentioned as possible leaders have me excited.

So now the kicker... What if Bob and Janice Carter were the one's pulling the strings?
A possible reason could be the fact that Dixie has been doing a subpar job at best being TNA'S President. Some other reasons could be that Hulk Hogan not bringing to the plate what he said he would. The fact that she's letting talent slip away and a slew of other reasons.

This is just something that I've been throwing around for sometime and I'd like to hear your thoughts...
No..... No..... No..... No..... No..... That would be irrelevant to anything with Aces and Eights having Bob and Janice be the leaders? Why? They aren't seen. That'd be idiotic.
I pin my hope on the leader being none other than Abyss. It seems odd that the Abyss character has been written off of TV and his "brother" Joseph being give so much airtime. Abyss is one of the only wrestlers who would fit the mold that is perfect for this team. It is a far stretch, but, it is one I hope to see.
seriously, that would be horrible.
we never saw them before and dixie herself is already on tv way too much, what sense does it make to bring her parents in?
also i think a women helping A8 wouldnt fit with their biker gang thing they have going on, they are supposed to be these badass dudes.
abyss would be a nice swerve though, depending on how they explain parks/abyss.

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