[Official] Disco Nation

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Everyone is still missing my point. My generation of wrestlers had the "It" factor. We drew crowds in and out of the ring. Some of the midcarders eventually became world champions. We drew ratings, and we made decent money, and most of the time we weren't given angles to work with or nothing. we'd wrestle two segment matches on tv, and the hotel bar would be packed after the shows with fans. we didn't act like computer nerds and video gamers, we acted like stars. even back when wcw got taken over by wwe, and their show started their ratings decline, Nash went back to do the NWO thing and he told me that the whole lockerroom(figuratively) would sit around reading comic books all day. My point is that maybe you guys don't see it, but the ratings don't lie. you can blame creative all you want on the decline of the business, but the reality is that most of it lies with the fact that the workers today don't know how to connect with the audience. It's no surprise to me why a guy like jeff hardy is so over. he excudes charisma the second he comes out for his entrance.

I'm getting the sneaking suspicion that you're not really reading these posts before you reply. You seem to be saying the same thing over and over and over again. So I will attempt to make it simple for you and reply directly to the smattering that you just put on here as I think you just like the sound of your own fingers hitting the keys to type words that will get a response.

As far as your generation goes. Aside from all abuses that occurred during that generation, your generation spent more money than any other generation in wrestling. You paid outrageous amounts for celebrity and mainstream tie ins. You paid outrageous salaries to mid-card talent for mediocre performances. It was a day and age the whole "it's not what you know, it's who you know" way of business came into full effect. The top superstars were booking their buddies to become champions and get overpaid roles as jobbers and goons. I mean how else do you account for being the World TV champion just because you started wearing a headband? How else do you account for Al Green getting work as talent enhancement and then getting pushed as "The Dog"?

Come on dude. You make it sound like your generation effortlessly and single handedly, without help, garnered all of this main stream attention. And that is completely untrue. It took Ted Turner's millions and the vision of Eric Bischoff, as well as the careless spending habits that came along with that. If anything, YOUR generation caused wrestling to have the stunted growth that it has now. I mean to see men like Scott Hall drunk in the ring on national television was shameless. Do you think that the guys who came up after you wanted to go through such embarrassment for themselves and their families? Hell no.

So you can look down on the new generation for having some morals, ideals, and restraints all you want. Thing is that their lifespan is predicted to be much greater than the guys from "your generation". And that, my friend, is a statistical fact.
I think i know where Glenn is going, his ERA had more publicity which ended up drawing bigger crowds because people knew who they were. In todays Wrestling ERA they sit around and aren't out and about like the 80's and early mid 90's ERA. I think Glenn is saying if todays Wrestlers go out people might watch them because they know who they are

Spawn, its not even about the money, its about nights out on the town, some average Joe could be sitting around having a drink with AJ Styles. The average Joe heard the name AJ Styles but he doesn't know from where. Maybe the man will tune it because they realize they are basically normal people with above average jobs.

If todays wrestlers would spend time with the average fan maybe they would watch wrestling.
Chuck.. alex shelley is a kid. he has no charisma.. i actually thought aj was pretty funny when the witing was top notch. welll, i'm guessing in disco's generation.. most of the wrestlers were on drugs.. hence a large portion of them eventually dying.. that's the rockstar lifestyle disco wants the kids today to take..

but i do think glenn has a point.. i think it's just a talent thing though... a lot of the kids just do those stupid x division moves and think that's cool, when working on beign cool to the fans' eyes is way more important. i think kennedy/cena were prettty good

i think its the company's fault thoguh. the type of wrestlers that glenn wants on the roster will have a hard time staying in the company without being fired...i dont know how it was like in wcw..

i agree that most fo the 'up and coming' stars look like pipsqueaks

How can you say that Alex Shelley has no charisma? He is one of the funniest guys on the mic in TNA. He gets "it" and most importantly has "it". Go back and watch any of the Paparazzi Productions skits he used to do with Nash. They were some of the most entertaining segments TNA has ever done.
I have to say im finding it very hard to believe that someone would come out with these comments and actually believe that they are true.

Disco makes it sound that all it takes to be a star is to go out to clubs, get pissed/high and act like a fool and the fans will lap it up which couldnt be further from the truth.

Not only does it come down to a whole load of other factors it also would be a bad thing for a company these days to do considering with the ammount of testing that goes on compared to those times and also the sort of image companies want to put out. Just from seeing the sort of respect most people have for the steriotypical wrestler, the one you portray makes me think you are talking rubbish.

Most normal people hated that sort of wrestler who got that sort of attention out of the ring because it just made them look like stupid men who like to get wasted and lets be honest most people dont like that kind of person anyway let alone someone who they are meant to look upto.

Also i was wondering about your point about Jeff Hardy, are you saying that he is popular because he hs been known for 'partying it up' shall we say because that would be a very stupid argument. The reason he is popular is because he has a different image to most wrestlers, he started young in the WWE and has a flashy move set. If a viewer can see that and not someone who is 'In the Business' than there is a problem.

As for the comments about playing games and reading commics So What? ITo me that sounds like a much better role model to be and something that not only kids can look upto but also a lot of adults. I mean gaming is as popular as it has ever been and produces more money than the music and movie industry COMBINED! Also there are a lot more late 20's/early 30's people who read comics considering how big the industry was when the Attitude Era was happening and they have all grown up but im pretty sure most of them still have that hobby.

To me this just sounds like you dont personally like these hobbies and you are not only trying to make it sound like you 'know whats wrong' but also put yourself over with how 'We used to act outside the ring' while putting down the new talent but also put yourself over like you were one of the main players in the wrestling business at those times.

I didnt want this to turn into some sort of attack against you but i dont understand how you can A)Believe this and B) Put down TNA's stars as much as you are, surely you should be trying to promote them and not compare them to the drunken/drugged up wrecks that you used to hang out with!
Chuck.. I watched the paparazzi stuff.. Shelley sucked in my eyes.. I think Nash was the hilarious one.. Shelley usually killed the humour that Nash brought. I don't think he has charisma. but creative can prove me wrong

you can blame creative all you want on the decline of the business, but the reality is that most of it lies with the fact that the workers today don't know how to connect with the audience. It's no surprise to me why a guy like jeff hardy is so over. he excudes charisma the second he comes out for his entrance.

Talent alone doesn't draw ratings. WWE right now has a strong roster but the writing is not as strong as it was when Russow rote for them. that's why ratings died. nWo was a hot storyline that Bishcoff came up with and Nitro took off huge going live every single week.

The talent today is not given a good chance to connect with the audience. Disco, you weren't really over with your disco gimmick. You came out, danced, jobbed most of the time, had an angle with Jacqueline. I found you hilarious with the Animals but most of the crowd didn't even get it...

Yeah, your generation had a lot of memorable talent.. but I really think there wasn't that much emphasis on writing the shows as much as today. it wa smore spontaneous and WCW didn't really have a creative team.. except for the more important segments of the show. Russo really structured the show.. and i think too much of the show is structured and the young guys are not really given time to just go out there and connect with the fans...

You have to be specific in WWE/TNA in regards to who is nerds or not. A lot of the veterans in TNA were super huge stars during the monday night wars era.. and post attitude era.. a lot of the young guys have even proven they can rock the mic when given the chance

PEtey Williams; Ja Ja Ja.. with his Arnold impressions.. he was more entertaining than any of your promos in WCW. HIs maple leaf muscle promos were incredibly entertaining

Curry Man: call him a nerd if you like, but him hitting on the ladies is also more entertaining than your disco gimmick

SHark Boy: you praised him before, his stone cold impression kills anything you have ever done.. he's more of a star than yoiu ever were

Machismo: kinda getting old, but when he did it the fierst time, it was entertining

Eric YOung: watch it when TNA was doing the best comedy. He was ABSOLUTELY hilarious.. The episode where AJ was trying to decide to who to decide with, listen to him talk about decisions.. totally funny

AJ STyles: When he was doing comedy, he was at the peak in regards to stardom.. Absolutely hilarious.. i think the episode was "AJ's summit' or something.. but him and christian and kurt produced some of the most funny stuff ever

Kaz: when he was given the push against black reign, or even with kurt angle, he showed LOTS of charisma.. I dont understand why TNA just cut him out of the show and maybe go with Suicide when he showed potential..

MMG: they haven't done anything much and i dontr eally like them. They come across as nerds to me.. but creative can be a huge aspect in getting these guys over

Sonjay: you can also call him a nerd if you like, but when he did the Guru and the Guru-ites he was SUPER entertaining as well..

Abyss: during teh Sting angle he did a great performance..

I disagree with Glenn on workers not being stars.. It takes creative along with the talent to bring OUT the star in these guys.... You can even debate with Russo on this if you want.. or debate with me. I gave you specific examples of these young guys not being nerds and being superstars based on creative and their performances... and the shows were starting to catch on until TNA started to go in a "pure wreslting/wrestling promo" direction, which is bullshit..

If you give WWE/TNA examples to back up what you're saying that'd be great.. because nobody watching at home knew how many chicks you screwed.. SO what when the wrestling era was super hot that you got in clubs.. wreslting is NOT hot today - that's a fact.. it had nothign to do with you guys solely being stars.. it had a lot to do with the progreamming and the shows that we were watching..

I do think teh young guys, nerds or not, can connect with fans. Rock was a nerd when he started.. you all start like nerds..

disco, you' were not really "cool" in people's eyes duriong the wrestling era so i dont know what you're talking about. i w3ent to new blood rising. i was a fan.. but when you cut that comedic promo with konnan, some people called you a ***.ds but those were the people i was near.. so i dunno.. I"m sure if the TNA product took off.. all the "nerds' Would get laid too..

The fact is in my eyes, the creative/performers will help turn ANYONE into a star.. and they will learn to be stars.. much like THE ROCK.. jericho started off as a nerd.. same with Kidman.. then they were given better roles.. and started becoming stars

I like teh examples i listed above pertaining to TNA and the "new" generation

TNA, get your fucking act to gether and see how cool these guys were as opposed to the most recent weeks
Glen is not saying that today's wrestlers need to go out and get fucked up to be stars. They need more exposure, which you don't get from sitting in your hotel and playing x box 360. You can go to a bar and not get drunk or be at a club and not do coke. If people see your wrestlers out doing things that celebrities do, people will think wrestlers and wrestling is cool again and want to tune into the product. In his day wrestlers were acting like stars and got treated like stars which in turn they got the ratings of stars.
But how much attention do you get just from going out, not a lot really, unless you are making a state of yourself. the only way you really get any worthwhile attention (unless your a non-wrestling celebrity) is by doing other types of events that have good press coverage. No main stream media care about wrestling unless its something big so going to a bar and impressing what, a couple hundred people most likely isnt going to take wrestling to the next boom period, good promoting, good characters and good stories is what will.
Glen is not saying that today's wrestlers need to go out and get fucked up to be stars. They need more exposure, which you don't get from sitting in your hotel and playing x box 360. You can go to a bar and not get drunk or be at a club and not do coke. If people see your wrestlers out doing things that celebrities do, people will think wrestlers and wrestling is cool again and want to tune into the product. In his day wrestlers were acting like stars and got treated like stars which in turn they got the ratings of stars.

Thing is that that's not what these guys do. It's hard to explain. Have you ever seen Ring of Glory:The Great Commission? If not, I suggest you check it out and you will see the common theme that many of the wrestlers in TNA share. It will shed more light on why they choose to sit in their rooms rather than go out. Many of these men are family men and men who have faith based values. I understand that you are saying that the wrestlers don't have to indulge in order to go out and be seen in bars and places like that, but would you expect to see your Pastor or Reverend sitting next to you in the bar on a Saturday night? Hell no. So why would you expect to see AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels or some of the other stars out like that?

I mean I can understand if you are saying that it's a shame that you never get he chance to see AJ Styles sitting next to you at the local AMC 16 or something like that checking out a movie, but to say that it has to be settings such as bars and strip joints and places that he doesn't want to go to to begin with is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. You just don't advice someone who probably objects morally to going to certain places to just go there to be seen and have your reputation tarnished by even the slightest perception that you support such endeavors.
Thing is that that's not what these guys do. It's hard to explain. Have you ever seen Ring of Glory:The Great Commission? If not, I suggest you check it out and you will see the common theme that many of the wrestlers in TNA share. It will shed more light on why they choose to sit in their rooms rather than go out. Many of these men are family men and men who have faith based values.

No haven't seen ring of glory i'll have to check it out. I guess being from the northeast you don't have the same values as people from the south so it can be tough to relate.

I mean I can understand if you are saying that it's a shame that you never get he chance to see AJ Styles sitting next to you at the local AMC 16 or something like that checking out a movie, but to say that it has to be settings such as bars and strip joints and places that he doesn't want to go to to begin with is like cutting off your nose to spite your face. You just don't advice someone who probably objects morally to going to certain places to just go there to be seen and have your reputation tarnished by even the slightest perception that you support such endeavors.

The only reason i used bar and strip club is because that seems to be where most of the debate has centered around, but i understand what you're saying. Regardless the TNA stars should still go out after the show even if it's like out to eat at applebee's. Say Aj styles, Samoa Joe, and Kurt Angle go out to eat, hopefully someone recognize them and a crowd would form asking for autographs etc. Like when i saw micky foley at 6 flags there was a crowd of people around and made me want to see who it was. After seeing mick foley later that night flipping through the channels monday night raw happened to be on. That was three years ago and i've been watching wwe again ever since then. After seeing kurt angle or etc at applebee's maybe they tune into impact next week. More exposure for your product and athletes can never hurt unless your pac man jones...... lmao sorry i had to go there.
Everyone is still missing my point. My generation of wrestlers had the "It" factor. We drew crowds in and out of the ring. Some of the midcarders eventually became world champions. We drew ratings, and we made decent money, and most of the time we weren't given angles to work with or nothing. we'd wrestle two segment matches on tv, and the hotel bar would be packed after the shows with fans. we didn't act like computer nerds and video gamers, we acted like stars. even back when wcw got taken over by wwe, and their show started their ratings decline, Nash went back to do the NWO thing and he told me that the whole lockerroom(figuratively) would sit around reading comic books all day. My point is that maybe you guys don't see it, but the ratings don't lie. you can blame creative all you want on the decline of the business, but the reality is that most of it lies with the fact that the workers today don't know how to connect with the audience. It's no surprise to me why a guy like jeff hardy is so over. he excudes charisma the second he comes out for his entrance.

Act like computer nerds and video gamers? What are you really trying to say sir? Next are you going to try and tell us that the reason why today's stars aren't popular is because they are sitting in their mom's basements all day? Thank you for perpetuating the stereotype, even though you apparently don't know what a "nerd" really is. I'd like to see you go up to Randy Orton's face, and tell him he is a momma's boy nerd for being a fan of video games. How about this, please stop foolishly attempting to perpetuate stereotypes, even though you don't even know what the stereotypical gamer is.

Furthermore, the WWE gets enough crap from the media already. What do you suppose would happen if these guys, who are suppose to be role models, were seen at bars, strip clubs and things like that. Its been said to you many times before, Vince wants to put out a good message to the kids.

I understand what you mean about them not being as charismatic as in the past, I really do. Your generation admittedly did have much more "stars" than our generation, and its not even a question that they could interact with the fans better. But keep in mind, there are other ways to interact with the fans, there has to be.

Cena is a pretty damn big star, and look at what he does. He shows up on kids television shows and does work for the Make A Wish foundation. Interacting with the kids hasn't hurt his bad boy image. Granted, I don't think he is a big fan of video games, but the point is that guys can appeal to children without damaging their tough guy image and continue to be considered "Stars."
Glen, you bashed Mark Madden for saying TNA went too far with the Kurt Angle/Jarrett wife comments in that angle. You implied that anyone who thought that was line shouldn't have been booked into a wrestling storyline is an idiot and is a video gamer/computer nerd/wrestling news reader moron.

It's simple...we all know wrestling is entertainment. When I heard that line, that didn't make me want to buy Bound for Glory or see that match. I just thought it was sick as hell that Russo or Jeff would even suggest that line be said by Angle. Jeff went on an interview and proclaimed it was a shoot. Your friend Russo has done this "shoot" stuff before, and none of it made WCW any money. I'm pretty sure Angle wouldn't say that to "generate better heat for his fued with Jeff". It was obviously scripted by Jeff, Russo or whoever. You think wrestling fans are dumb just because they read news about wrestling. I just thought that Jeff's wife being dead is probably a sad issue for him, so why the f*ck would it be brought into a fake wrestling show that is supposed to be a fun suspence of disibielf entertainment show?

You talk about Russo is the greatest. He in WCW once said on WCW Live that he literally wanted Goldberg to hate him to make their on-air fued "better". Yes, f*ck having your locker room trust and like you, and f*ck the whole concept of working together, yes, piss off Goldberg a ton and it will be a great on-air fued. Of course, Russo vs. Goldberg gave WCW declining attendence and declining PPV buyrates. Screw putting your most over merchandise seller back on top with the WCW World Title at a time when attendence and ratings were dropping weekly. Russo hated Bill, so he booked him like sh*t in 2000 when he could have built him as the World Champ in 2000 to help try to save the company. Instead we got the New Blood vs. Millionaries which didn't draw any money in 2000.
I think the point is that nothing is sacred or private because everything is a work. Kurt Angle wasn't bringing up Jeff Jarrett's wife's passing, character A was taunting character B.

Its not a real life situation, its a work being borrowed from something that happened in real life.

When Jarrett says its a shoot, thats a work. Angle's comments in The Sun were a work, as was Jarrett's response on Impact. If the guys are out there on TV with a microphone in hand, its a work and for me anything is fair game.

Random Thoughts: Real Life, Bischoff, ROH Fans
10/29/2008 by Glenn Gilbertti

*Mark Madden wrote recently that TNA went too far exploiting Jeff's family and Kurt's divorce. "Is nothing sacred? Is nothing private?"

Was that supposed to be a rhetorical question? Or a joke?

In this day and age of the internet wrestling "news" sites, of course NOTHING is sacred, and NOTHING is private. Therein lies a great hypocrisy. The shepherds and their brainwashed sheep want everyone to think that they represent the wrestling fan base. Then they also want to know everything about the wrestler's private and personal lives. Then they want to criticize the creative for using real life facts about someone and incorporating them into storylines. I guess unless someone like me points these things out, nobody realizes how stupid some of these guys sound on such a regular basis when they review shows. They should just stick to sharing dirt with their stooges, instead of making imbeciles out of themselves when they try to pretend that they know what draws in the pro wrestling business.

*Bill Behrens made a good point about ratings recently, by pointing out that when sites try to analyze ratings, that they really don't know what they're talking about. It's pretty funny how over the course of a year, WWE has lost 10% of it's audience, while TNA has almost gained 10%. Yet people still bang their drums and toot their horns and scream and holler to fire Russo.

You can't analyze ratings over a sample size of 8 numbers within a 2 hour period. You have to look at the minute by minute ratings, which are available for a fee, but none of the internet news sites want to get them. I guess because they want to continue to report having only a portion of the facts, instead of all of them. But once again, since I'm the only guy reporting stuff like this, people will continue to read the quarter hour ratings analysis, and continue to cram more misinformation into their shallow, brainwashed skulls.

*Ha! Just read Eric Bischoff's blog, where he kicks the internet schmucks right in the balls with ratings facts. You should check it out. He echoes my sentiment on ratings analysis. I guess CCW was the most watched wrestling show on tv last week, despite everyone trying to tab it as a collosal failure.

"What the ratings mean?" Would you rather have that question answered by a wrestling newsman, or somebody from a television executive background? I love it when I get critisized by one of Meltzer's sheep, and I beat him into the ground with facts. You would think he'd want someone with my knowledge and background in the wrestling business, from an in-ring and production standpoint, on his weekly radio show to discuss issues like ratings. But instead he marches out guys like Lance Storm, so they can put their parade hats on and drum to the tune of anti-Russo and anti-Hogan songs.

Do they ever write any "I was wrong about this" columns?

*Kurt Angle is a super human. Seriously. I gave him the wrestler hug the other day and I swear, his back feels like it's made out of cement. I'm not kidding. Borash and myself were wondering if he was from another planet. The guy won a gold medal for being the best wrestler alive. And he feels like a piece of granite. Probably how Ivan Drago felt about Rocky Balboa. And Rocky was from Pennsylvania, too. Could it be that there's a race of superhumans living in Pennsylvania?

*WWE is referring to their wrestlers as entertainers. It's about time. That's what we are. Actors, stuntmen, comedians, you name it. I never amateur wrestled. So how could i actually be a PROFESSIONAL wrestler? If you analyze the terminology, I'm not a professional wrestler. Never have been. Because if you think about it, how could fake wrestling be the next progression from amateur wrestling?

I'm a live action theater performer simulating a real fight. I'm an entertainer.

*I guess those "FIRE SAPOLSKY" chants you heard at ROH shows finally cost someone their job. I guess the problem there was that the company was losing money and had declining attendance.

This brings me to a fantastic point that is going to be hard to argue with. I guess Gabe Sapolsky was a Paul Heyman protege, I have read. So I guess it's safe to say that the ROH fan base is an extention of the ECW fanbase. So would it be safe to say that ROH fans are probably the worst wrestling fans you can have? They praise their product when it stinks and is losing money, and they're all smart to the wrestling newsites, and they like to do stupid unecessary chants at the shows.

ROH and ECW fans will put your wrestling company out of business. That is a fact. It's already happened to ECW, and now they've gotten the booker fired for their latest promotion they've chosen to follow as it starts it's downslide. Please, stay away from TNA and go back to your computers and video games. Or keep going to ROH shows until they can only afford to pay Brian Danielson and Nigel Mcginness so they can do a 3 hour iron man match. Then everyone can tell Meltzer it was five stars and he can keep talking about what a great promtion it is.

When things like Gabe losing his job happens, it puts an exclamation point on the fact that I KNOW that internet wrestling fans are usually fans of a product that doesn't draw.


Glenn owned Mark with that private/sacred statement. Glenn needs to own Mark in audio interviews as well

Glenn talks about ratings. WWE Raw has dropped to 2.9. TNA has maintained their audience.

Eric Bischoff talks about ratings -


Here is some ratings and information that was distributed early on Tuesday from CMT:

“Saturday night's second episode premiere of Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling
Was up +77% from its lead-in, and up +28% from 4Q08 QTD Prime.
Similar to the series premiere, the second premiere was particularly
strong with men, up +367% from
its lead-in, and up +75% from M18-49.
Through Saturday and Sunday, the second episode of Hulk was watched by
6.5 million total viewers, 3.7 million of which were in the key P18-49
All told since Hulk hit the schedule, the first two episodes have been
seen by 15.0 million total viewers, 8.3 million of which were in the key
P18-49 demo.
Catch a brand new episode of Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling this Saturday, November 1 at 8PM ET/PT on CMT.”

Ouch! That had to hurt.

I mean actual ratings information from the network itself? A real insight to “what the ratings mean” from the network that analyzed them from their perspective?

And to really give this fraud of a writer a skull-cracking migraine: the fact that based on REAL numbers and not his headline grabbing “expert opinion,” CCW was one of, if not THE most watched wrestling shows on cable for the broadcast week!

Now there will be those of you who will take the position that this is “spin”. You are welcome to your opinion. I tend to lean towards the facts and information that is first hand. The fact that more people watched CCW this weekend than any other wrestling program on cable so far this week is an indication that we might be on to a strategy that will work. It’s too soon to tell, and I certainly don’t speak for the network.

But neither does Dave Meltzer.

*footnote: For those of you who are scratching your head trying to figure out how I could claim that CCW was one of the most watched shows on cable television last week, its pretty simple really. As many of you know, CCW aired not only multiple times on CMT, but on VH1 as well.


Kurt Angle looks like he works out more than anyone. I really think he doesn't need to "push the limits" in his matches 3-4 times a week. Keep it low.. and just do what he also does best and that's comedy. Fuck what the critics say honestly. he can be extremely entertaining.

"So would it be safe to say that ROH fans are probably the worst wrestling fans you can have? They praise their product when it stinks and is losing money, and they're all smart to the wrestling newsites, and they like to do stupid unecessary chants at the shows. "

ROH fans are the same as ECW fans. liking a product that stinks and loses money

TNA/WWE needs to listen to the people who enjoy good entertainment.
I don't know what the hell Bischoff is talking about. Yes, he is spinning it. If TNA or for that matter WWE was on multiple times on multiple channels, they could do what Bischoff did, add the numbers together and say they were the most watched wrestling show of the week. Ha!!! What a laughable statement. CCW is utter crap and to say they are onto anything is a huge joke because CCW is the epitome of sucktitude and the proverbial handjob to Hulk Hogan and his friends.

CCW was on three times on Saturday. I believe it got 0.3 twice and 0.2 once. Add those numbers together you have a 0.8 (let's discount the same fans who watch multiple times). 0.8 is what TNA got when they started.

TNA got a 1.1 for their normal show and a 0.3 (reaching the highest audience CCW got last week) for it's replay. Let's just Bischoff this and say TNA got a 1.4 for the week.

The only thing that could make Bischoff's statement true was the amount of time it received on the networks. Let's say CCW received 3+ hours on Cable TV last week, of course it's the show watched longest. But most watched, please!
I'm willing to bet a banning, Glen never even know what the fuck ROH stood for until Gabe got axed, which STILL no one knows is entirely true or not. He walked away from FIP, too. Completely different money down there.

Honestly, I think the change is good. Gabe has a tendency to draw things out a bit too far, IMO. I mean look, it hasn't been a week they've already got a deal with IWS and Irish Airborne's back. Gabe never seemed to be good at working guy's in on a constant basis. He'd use'em once or twice and if they didn't catch like wildfire right away, you'd never see'em again. Hard to keep things fresh when you don't give it a chance. I mean hell, their last doubleshot was literally Invasion of the Chikarmy! Osirian's, Cheech and Cloudy and Brodie Lee.

THAT is fresh. But I'm sure you already knew that, Disco. You are, after all, a God in your own mind.

I also love the fact he got AmDrag's name wrong.

Everything brings you to a POINT, yet you keep GUESSING. Which is it, are you completely sure or are you slightly positive about what your trying to say?

Hey Marty, you should come back around the boar...oh, wait. Heh.
wrestlezone said:
A rumor was circulating backstage at the TNA House Show in Anahiem that TNA Agents, Pat Kenney and Glenn Gilberti had been released by TNA.

I've now heard the same thing from several other sources who had more direct contact with both.

I'm not sure if this is immediate or not.

Both Pat & Glenn have been with TNA off and on since it's beginnings.

So Glenn is this the case? Have you been released or did your car just break down and they blew something out of proportion?

If you have been released what do you think of TNA now? I look forward to your reply.
If he has been released, I doubt he'll think anything. Least not until his neck paycheck comes and he has another set coat tails to ride.
Prowrestling.net reports that TNA released agents Glen Gilbertti (The Disco Inferno) and Pat Kenney (Simon Diamond) on Friday as the result of the company making budgetary cuts. GERWECK.NET first reported of pending TNA budgetary cuts weeks ago.

Sorry About Your Damn luck!
» TNAWrestlingNews.com is now confirming that TNA has released Glenn Gilbertti and Pat Kenney. The two road agents were released this past Friday. The reason given for the firing is that the company is making budgetary cuts. With the departures of the two, that leaves Dutch Mantel, Jim Cornette, Savio Vega, and BG James as the remaining agents in TNA. Although, Kenney and Mantel were the only agents to go on the road at house show events.

Damn.. i thought glenn could have been on the creative team with Russo.. i was actually lobbying for that to happen.. because he could add the much needed comedy. Glenn.. i guess this is true right?>
It will be interesting to see if Glen still defends TNA like he did or if it was just based on him being employed by TNA.

Good to see you citing a reliable site as a source Marty
All he was , was a road agent ? I thought he was a actual member of the creative team. Well....Either way he was useless. The creative team sucks and anybody could be a road agent. So , TaTa Disco.
In his mind he was a member of creative. Then again, in his mind getting into club Pure still means your relevant to the world.

Sheesh, I could get into Pure with no problem, these days.
Talon, you want a more reliable source. Here ya go:

TNA cuts two agents…

In a cost cutting move, TNA has cut backstage agents Glen "Disco Inferno" Gilbertti and Pat "Simon Diamond" Kenny.

Credit: Wrestlingobserver.com

Damn.. the spin cycle episode where they joked about firing Gilbertti - it came true. The irony is Pat Kenney was also on that spin cycle. I think disco did contribute to some of the shark boy segments almost a year ago when they were emphasizing more comedy. I miss comedy.

They should fir Glenn as an agent, and hire him back as an on-screen talent? The doors aren't closed there yet. Glenn should talk to Vince. Apparently Russo brought him in to begin with.
I wonder if all the club hoppin matters if you don't have a job?

-rhetorical question-

I do hope Glen gets back on his feet. I personally was a fan of Pat Kenney though. Both will easily get jobs elsewhere
Maybe he could see if he could find work with Konnan down in Mexico lol. He wanted to bring in a few more foreign guys to work with the luchadores I believe but why water down they're product? I guess TNA isn't all that great of a place after all huh?
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