[Official] Disco Nation

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"The only way wrestling is going to evolve is through the emergence of another Rock or Austin. Guys whose promos are so good that they get people that don't like watching the matches to watch the show to just to hear them talk. The closest thing ROH has to that is Jimmy Jacobs."-Have your eyes ever met a man named Larry Sweeney?

"I used to think that old school wrestlers never did anything in their matches. But then I started paying attention to some of the stuff they did and realized that they worked harder than any of the boys today. Because they worked harder at making the little things, like punches, headlocks, chinlocks, and kicks, look far more realistic than most of the guys today."-I could not agree more...

"I'd like to challenge the writers that give their weekly Impact reviews on the news sites to give a critical commentary on the first two hour episode of 24. If they get confused, it would be understandable, since the show moves at lightning speed in real time. If they're confused with wrestling, I would doubt that they'd get past the first eight minutes without having a nervous breakdown. If they can watch the whole 2 hour episode with a general understanding, then i'll give them a hundred bucks."-Wrestling is not meant to be a show like 24 Glenn...Thats the whole point...

"Come to think of it, neither do my insightful, intelligent, well-written articles."-Doesn't Chris Cash edit your articles???....hmmm....

the jimmy jacobs line was a joke. my point is that if 24 can win an emmy, i would doubt that it is too confusing. how anyone can get confused watching wrestling escapes me. btw, cash used to edit my articles, but since i take more time with grammar, he doesn't have to. you gotta realize that i'm basically a two finger typer.
24 has had a good run of shows.. but overall, the show deteriorated - redemption was a big piece of shit.. - first four seasons - i liked the first half of s1.. then the shit with salazars and marwan were lame as hell. Prison Break right now is the best show on televiiosn. Way better than Heroes..

Although oz is the best drama ever created. as for that poster who replied.. wrestling IS supposed to be like 24.. it's a weekly episodic soap opera that can be full of twists, turns, and character development. That is how a Russo wanted wrestling to be.. but wrestling has mostly deteriorated to just wrestling

but I have enjoyed a lot of TNA recently.. although I would like more entertainment and comedy... ODB's angle was pretty entertaining.
the jimmy jacobs line was a joke. my point is that if 24 can win an emmy, i would doubt that it is too confusing. how anyone can get confused watching wrestling escapes me. btw, cash used to edit my articles, but since i take more time with grammar, he doesn't have to. you gotta realize that i'm basically a two finger typer.

Good to see you back on this forum Glenn.
What do you think about the DJ Gabriel angle on ECW(if you don't know what it on youtube). It's basically this english dude in a dancing gimmick. It looks pretty much like your gimmick is being reused(even Matt Striker commented about how he is the next Alex Wright). So do you like the idea, and do you think this guy will be able to pull it off?
Nothing should offend anybody in the pro wrestling world. This business only gets publicity in the real world when somebody dies. Actually, the only time the business gets any pub in the real world is when somebody gets killed. Pro wrestling will never shed the image of being low brow entertainment. It's grown men wearing bathing suits pretending to fight, and grown women competing in a sporting event where the object is to strip your opponent down to their bra and panties. Try suspending your disbelief now.

If the WWE would just admit that certain atheletes have failed drug tests, and that HHH is married to the boss's daughter and basically runs the show, then maybe some of those reality tv fans that left this business a few years ago would start watching wrestling again since it's not trying to insult their intelligence. And I'm not talking about admitting it to the readers of wrestlezone.com. They need to admit it on the show.

Glenn's 12/4/2008 column. I agree with all of this.

I dont know what Glenn is referring to regarding Jeff Hardy but I presume WWE aired the situation on air. You can't offended if someone is gone due to drugs on TV.. this is reality of wrestling.. It's also true that wrestling only gets publicity when someone dies..

But i do like TNA's fake Sarah Palin I can tell you that. Entertaining as hell.

As for John Cena, I liked the guy when I watched WWE like 5 years ago. Haven't tuned in much nowadays but everytime I tune in, they don't really give me much to have me wanting to come back the next.

*Speaking of TNA, I wonder when the management is going to realize that they need to advertise their product if they want it to grow. They've been doing the same rating for a year. I would suggest the reason it isn't going up is because nobody outside of their audience knows about it.

If you advertise a product that sucks, how will people stay. ANyways, TNA has gotten 1.2 this week and a record viewership of 1.8 million viewers. The MEM story and the Sarah Palin stuff as well as some comedy on teh show didn't hurt. It'd cost a fortune to advertise on shows like 24/prison break, but your target audience is there.
Mr. Gilbertti,

While watching old Nitros on WWE 24/7, I couldn't help but notice how sweet your pompadour was back then. Do you have any tips on how I could make mine as bad-ass as yours was?

how much of one's character development, and work in the ring is up to the wrestler, and how much of it is up to the booking team?? Are workers told how to go about a match, or is it pretty much up to them to map it out between each other?? IE if a match is going to have a ton of high spots, or emphasize limb injury phsycology, so on and so forth.

And are certain wrestlers told to ham it up with the crowd, act mean to them, so on and so forth, or do the guys just go out there and do what they want as far as actions towards the crowd, ducking out of the ring, basic phsycology....
Former WCW Superstar Glenn "Disco Inferno" Gilberti is now working as a bouncer at the Sapphire's Gentlemens Club, a strip club in Las Vegas. Gilberti was released from his TNA contract this past November in a budget cut move. He was working as a road agent.

I got this on wrestlingexposed.com

That's pretty sad huh... I didn't know Glenn needed the money that bad. Maybe he has nothing better to do.
Don't feel bad, his wrestling career was finished long before TNA game him another chance. It's what he was probably doing before.

He'll be making decent money depending on the quality of the club. It's still sad that he didn't have the foresight to get himself an education so he would have a better job when his career ended.
Why is this sad? It's sad that he found an honest job that he can pay his bills working at? Sure he's not working in the wrestling business right now, but he's still a name that will get some indy dates. I really don't get why this is sad. He said he knew it was coming, and now he has a steady paycheck rather than looking for indy work and working and living on a show to show basis.
good point by klunder.. at least he gets to see naked women.. there is a plus side. unless he's one of those outside bouncers.. he gets to use his physique to intimidate those that get in his way.

i dont think many will recognize him. in regards to y2jake.. glenn actually has a degree in business/marketing i believe...
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good point by klunder.. at least he gets to see naked women.. there is a plus side. unless he's one of those outside bouncers.. he gets to use his physique to intimidate those that get in his way.

He's got the size to be a bouncer, but he hasn't got the looks. If anything the guy is too handsome.

That might mean he doesn't get hit, but to the people outside causing shit it means he doesn't get involved in anything. They'll challenge him more.

i dont think many will recognize him. in regards to y2jake.. glenn actually has a degree in business/marketing i believe...

If he has, he should try to use it. Even now people will still hire him if he's good enough.
glenn has the physique.. maybe he should grow some facial hair to look more intimidating.. yeah he has a degree.. not sure who would hire him though..
i'm not a bouncer. i'm a host. and i'm making twice as much as i was in wrestling, more than your average guy in tna. anyone that lives in vegas knows how hard the club jobs are to get. not to mention sapphire is the largest strip club in the world. i still take indy bookings if they pay more than i'll make in a night at the club. jason and johnny riggs that just went to wwe developmental worked there. they both have a great look, and jason definately has star potential. cuts good promos. they both are taking HUGE pay cuts to try and make it in the biz.
glad that you're making money glenn

glenn, CCW rules.. what do you think of CCW. I think the matdches are entertaining as hell. Bischoff and Hogan are both class. ALl the characters on the show are entertaining. I'm on episode 4.. Rodzilla, mr not so perfect, red hot redneck, dangerous danny, the winner, candygirl, mean bean

I loved their promos, i love watching their matches over TNA's.. TNA and WWE takes their sport too seriously for the most part, which is why i loved the over the top stuff in wrestling. CCW rules
i'm not a bouncer. i'm a host. and i'm making twice as much as i was in wrestling, more than your average guy in tna.
I really dont believe that. If you're making more money than most TNA guys then TNA wrestlers would be trying to get jobs in strip clubs to supplement their income. Also, Why the hell would would a club hire a former wrestler as a host? Theirs plenty of washed up celebrities with bigger name value.

No offense, CCS.
I really dont believe that. If you're making more money than most TNA guys then TNA wrestlers would be trying to get jobs in strip clubs to supplement their income. Also, Why the hell would would a club hire a former wrestler as a host? Theirs plenty of washed up celebrities with bigger name value.

No offense, CCS.

the reality is that most tna guys should be doing something to supplement their income. you don't know me personally, so you have no clue about the type of person i am. if i would have known how much you can make in the clubs out here, i would've moved here when wcw went down the tubes seven years ago. you don't have to believe it, which would put you in the ignorance category of people that like to comment on things they know nothing about.
Good luck with it, Glenn. You've always come across as a good guy, as far as I can judge these things. Hope it works out for you...
If this has already been asked I apologize. Is there any promo that you ever did that sticks out as your favorite? If so what was it and why?

One of the growing trends in the IWC recently has been e-fedding. Wrestlezone have three; LCW, OCW and the primary e-fed of WZCW. We have shows bi weekly and feel that what the fed would need at the moment would be a MASSIVE name. Would Disco Inferno care to join our fine fedders in WZCW?
I really dont believe that. If you're making more money than most TNA guys then TNA wrestlers would be trying to get jobs in strip clubs to supplement their income. Also, Why the hell would would a club hire a former wrestler as a host? Theirs plenty of washed up celebrities with bigger name value.

No offense, CCS.

First, let me start by asking you why you would bother saying "No Offense" after something like that? That's like walking up to someone, punching them in the face, and saying "Oh, I'm sorry!". Why didn't you just say, "No offense, but you're a douche?" Woulda been shorter and meant the same!
I would imagine that unless your name is Glen Gilbertti, you really wouldn't know that for a fact, would you? If you read the archive of the Dixie Carter Senate Hearing (whatever it was) She does reveal how much some of TNA's performers make. Peanuts, man. And what's wrong with being a bouncer?? I was a bouncer. I made stupid amounts of money. CCS, do you have any idea what a bouncer has to put up with on a given night? You have to break up fights, usually getting attacked by one or more participants for doing so. If you're a decent sized guy, people ALWAYS want to challenge you. If you're a wrestler, you're participating in a scripted event, where accidents can happen. I think I'd have to go with bouncers here. Hell, I'd go to a club if Disco Inferno was greeting people at the door and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Please don't make ignorant comments without thinking. We've seen where it's gotten you before...:devil:
I wasnt making ignorant comments.

1. I said TNA wrestlers would be working at strip clubs if they would make more money. Which they would, Why wouldnt they go stand at a door and see naked girls for a few hours a night if they got more money than killing theirselves in the ring?

2. I said why would a strip club hire a low name wrestler. Tis the truth too. Their's plenty of washed up celebrities that'd be a bigger draw.

Again, No offense.
I am just glad Disco finally got knocked off his high horse! When he was with TNA all he would say was great things about the company, now that he is a bouncer he claims to make more money. I don't know if he does or not, I'm just glad his ass is out of wrestling. I wish him the best, In fact I don't wish anybody harm, but I know wrestling is better off without him involved in anyway. My opinion only, but whenever he was on Nitro it was time for me to change the channel. Why would I think he would be any better of a road agent? or whatever he was doing?

I really hope that Disco lands on his feet, but he needs to stay out of the biz.
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