[Official] Disco Nation

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you're missing the point. our generation of wrestlers drank beer, hit every strip joint in the country, and got vip treatment at all of the best clubs. today's wrestlers read comic books and play video games.

I find this to be a rather irrelevant statement. I mean sure. The wrestlers from your generation drank beer, hit strip joints and got vip treatment, but many of the wrestlers from your generation are dead, in or have been in rehab, have had sketchy work histories over the past few years, and could barely read the words on the dollar bills that you were stuffing in strippers g-strings.

And I'm not sure whether your statement was meant to differentiate you from today's wrestlers in some kind of superior way, but it's makes it seem as if you are in some way jealous that these guys are saving their money, have good hand eye coordination, and are flexing their reading muscles in front of you as you watch them.

Have you read comic books these days? It's not like the cartoonish offerings of our day that were dumbed down exponentially in order to satisfy the target market of elementary school children. There are no "golly's", "gees", and "wows" in these literary offerings. Hell, it's like reading War and Peace or The Raven sometimes.

But if your comment was intended to refer to the comment made by Jim Ross that the younger wrestlers today should be watching old tapes of generations past, then I will agree with you there, as you have to embrace your past in order to pave the way to the future. But I would suggest that they stick to the in ring material as there would nothing to be learned from watching "One Night In China".
Mr. Gilbertti, I made a thread about this a few weeks ago, and you never made an appearance in it. I was highly disappointed. So, I'm bringing it to your thread.

On Sunday, TNA is coming to my home town of Cape Girardeau. I'm sitting second row with my girlfriend. As the match layout maker person that you are, I fully expect no less than six separate 5 star matches, as rated by Dave Meltzer. I don't know if you have any control over house shows, but it shouldn't matter. Take the initiative on this one.

Remember, six Dave Meltzer 5 star matches. I won't accept anything less. If I don't get six 5 star matches, I'm going to stand in front of my $50 dollar steel folding chair and chant "Fire Russo".

Consider yourself warned.

True story.

On a side note, I had to to change from your super sexy Disco avatar to this rather mundane Bret Hart. Not sure why I had to, but I'm sure I did.

the music's better at the live shows. no offense, but i usually only go to my thread.
I find this to be a rather irrelevant statement. I mean sure. The wrestlers from your generation drank beer, hit strip joints and got vip treatment, but many of the wrestlers from your generation are dead, in or have been in rehab, have had sketchy work histories over the past few years, and could barely read the words on the dollar bills that you were stuffing in strippers g-strings.

And I'm not sure whether your statement was meant to differentiate you from today's wrestlers in some kind of superior way, but it's makes it seem as if you are in some way jealous that these guys are saving their money, have good hand eye coordination, and are flexing their reading muscles in front of you as you watch them.

Have you read comic books these days? It's not like the cartoonish offerings of our day that were dumbed down exponentially in order to satisfy the target market of elementary school children. There are no "golly's", "gees", and "wows" in these literary offerings. Hell, it's like reading War and Peace or The Raven sometimes.

But if your comment was intended to refer to the comment made by Jim Ross that the younger wrestlers today should be watching old tapes of generations past, then I will agree with you there, as you have to embrace your past in order to pave the way to the future. But I would suggest that they stick to the in ring material as there would nothing to be learned from watching "One Night In China".

you're missing the point, too. chicks dig stars. chicks dug us. these guys today don't even go out looking for them. i mean, jesus. tna had a house show in SOUTH BEACH AND NOBODY WENT OUT AFTER THE SHOW!! ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME?? NO ONE WANTED TO SEE WHAT THE GIRLS LOOKED LIKE IN ONE OF THE HOTTEST CITIES IN THE WORLD??? don't blame creative for not making stars, because you have to know how to act like one first and foremost. even Shia Lebouf gets alot of ass, and look at him. the wrestlers in the monday night wars promoted themselves. we were seen. we got over by tv exposure in the ring and word of the mouth out of the ring. you just don't see that anymore these days. that's the reality of this business. having 4 star matches is completely irrelevant in the big picture of becoming a tv star.
i'll give you them. but the reality is that if TMZ.com was around when i wrestled back in the late 90's, we would have been way more popular. isn't it wierd that you just don't see alot of these guys in the news getting people spotted at all? these guys are on one of the highest rated cable shows on a weekly basis. hogan's the only guy that stays in the news.

But is that necessarily a good thing? I know they say that any press is good press, but the fact is that the Hogan name is completely disgraced in the eyes of the majority of the public, and I think that showed in the thoroughly unimpressive ratings that CCW got in its debut. If all this bad behavior was public knowledge back then, would it have possible for it to actually hurt business? And to that extent, could the public's knowledge of bad behavior by the wrestlers be hurting the business now?
you're missing the point, too. chicks dig stars. chicks dug us. these guys today don't even go out looking for them. i mean, jesus. tna had a house show in SOUTH BEACH AND NOBODY WENT OUT AFTER THE SHOW!! ARE YOU FRIGGIN' KIDDING ME?? NO ONE WANTED TO SEE WHAT THE GIRLS LOOKED LIKE IN ONE OF THE HOTTEST CITIES IN THE WORLD??? don't blame creative for not making stars, because you have to know how to act like one first and foremost. even Shia Lebouf gets alot of ass, and look at him. the wrestlers in the monday night wars promoted themselves. we were seen. we got over by tv exposure in the ring and word of the mouth out of the ring. you just don't see that anymore these days. that's the reality of this business. having 4 star matches is completely irrelevant in the big picture of becoming a tv star.

No sir, I think that it is YOU who is missing the point here. When did wrestling become as "ass getting" contest? I mean maybe it was in the era where coke, roids, and alcoholic rage were all the craze, but is that truky the legacy or the example that you want to set for the younger generation? Is this truly what you want to sum up your career as having been? Going out to have strippers who spent the whole day rubbing every part of their bodies on horny businessmen smear some crotch sweat on your lap because you "wrassle"? Give me a break.

I know that wrestling isn't all about "4 star matches". Hell, I loath people's fascinations with such drivel for rating whether a wrestler is good or not. But I think that you might be underestimating the younger stars simply because they don't go "**** hunting" with you after a show. Have you ever thought that these young stars look at the stars of the past and at the sports stars who are constantly getting into trouble and think it might just be smarter to stay home. I mean, as much as you seem obsessed with the IWC, it seems pretty irresponsible that you are suggesting that these stars go out and risk something happening by either some drunk ass wanting to show how fake they are or by themselves.

But you know what Disco, if you want to aspire to be the next Jake the Snake, Sandman, or Scott Hall, then go right ahead. But don't knock anybody else for making smarter choices that will keep them out of trouble and off of youtube. But hey Disco, you go right ahead. Perhaps someone will think highly enough of you to put your video up next to Shia Lebouf's. Of course, I gotta wonder why you are following how much ass he gets as your hobby. Weird. Very very weird.
I think the point Glen is trying to make is to be a star you have to act like a star.

There isn't as much of a buzz around wrestling as there was in 96-2002 but who is creating the buzz?

Its all well and good having snazzy vignettes and cathcy sound-bites but all you're really doing is enhanching the viewing experience for those alredy watching.

4 and 5 start matches are great for us the die-hard wrestling fans and are great for the live crowd and anybody will tell you a hot crowd will make the program seem better.

However to hook in the casual fans, the 18-35 males they have to see wrestling as 'cool'.

The nWo, Stone Cold, The Rock, DX, Sable, Goldberg, Disco Inferno ;) made wrestling cool in the late 90's. The thing is these guys were mostly being themselves on TV with the volume turned up as they say.

Times have changed and crotch chopping, spray painting and eyebrow raising is seen as old hat, so imitating them will fall flat. But there's no reason why AJ, Christian, Sonjay, Lethal, Joe and the guns couldn't connect with the demographic of which they are apart now.

I'm not saying they need to go and snort coke and bed hookers, but get out to parties with some fit birds on your arm, the papperazi will want photo's of these hip young couple's.

Like I said, to be a star, act like one.
the music's better at the live shows. no offense, but i usually only go to my thread.
No offense taken.

That does lead me to a question though. How do the live house shows work, in terms of match card and match layout? I've never been to a TNA event, but been to a few WWE, and the card usually consists of feuding opponents (which I expect is probably the same from TNA) and the matches usually are much slower and more mat wrestling oriented. Do the wrestlers lay out the match themselves, or do the agents like yourself still help them work through the match? Will the matches be less impact, more grapple like the WWE shows, or will there still be an element of risks and high impact?

On a side note, I thought Impact last night was very good. First one I've seen in a couple of weeks. I REALLY like having the different arena setup. It gave a freshness to the show.
No sir, I think that it is YOU who is missing the point here. When did wrestling become as "ass getting" contest? I mean maybe it was in the era where coke, roids, and alcoholic rage were all the craze, but is that truky the legacy or the example that you want to set for the younger generation? Is this truly what you want to sum up your career as having been? Going out to have strippers who spent the whole day rubbing every part of their bodies on horny businessmen smear some crotch sweat on your lap because you "wrassle"? Give me a break.

I know that wrestling isn't all about "4 star matches". Hell, I loath people's fascinations with such drivel for rating whether a wrestler is good or not. But I think that you might be underestimating the younger stars simply because they don't go "**** hunting" with you after a show. Have you ever thought that these young stars look at the stars of the past and at the sports stars who are constantly getting into trouble and think it might just be smarter to stay home. I mean, as much as you seem obsessed with the IWC, it seems pretty irresponsible that you are suggesting that these stars go out and risk something happening by either some drunk ass wanting to show how fake they are or by themselves.

But you know what Disco, if you want to aspire to be the next Jake the Snake, Sandman, or Scott Hall, then go right ahead. But don't knock anybody else for making smarter choices that will keep them out of trouble and off of youtube. But hey Disco, you go right ahead. Perhaps someone will think highly enough of you to put your video up next to Shia Lebouf's. Of course, I gotta wonder why you are following how much ass he gets as your hobby. Weird. Very very weird.

first of all, nobody i hung with did coke. but to put things in perpective, me, kidman, and jericho were on the dating game, i was on vh1 3 different times, the travel channel, etc... you can't cross-promote the guys today. they're just not that entertaining. for crying out loud, just watch spin cycle! a show where you can be funny and act however you want to. there's a reason why wresting is not cool. kids that played video games, read comic books, and played on the computer, all of a sudden started watching a bunch of little guys wrestle on the internet and japanese wrestling tapes and figured , "Hey! I can do that!" And that's what you're looking at on tv these days. most of the guys don't even like sports! I'll never forget when we were in nashville, and amazing red has his earphones on listening to a cd before his match. i grab it to hear what he was listening to. guess what it was. if you guessed japanese ring entrance music then congratulations. The best part of this new vs. young angle is when the vets start getting stiff on the mic against these younger guys. could be some really funny promos.
first of all, nobody i hung with did coke. but to put things in perpective, me, kidman, and jericho were on the dating game, i was on vh1 3 different times, the travel channel, etc... you can't cross-promote the guys today. they're just not that entertaining. for crying out loud, just watch spin cycle! a show where you can be funny and act however you want to. there's a reason why wresting is not cool. kids that played video games, read comic books, and played on the computer, all of a sudden started watching a bunch of little guys wrestle on the internet and japanese wrestling tapes and figured , "Hey! I can do that!" And that's what you're looking at on tv these days. most of the guys don't even like sports! I'll never forget when we were in nashville, and amazing red has his earphones on listening to a cd before his match. i grab it to hear what he was listening to. guess what it was. if you guessed japanese ring entrance music then congratulations. The best part of this new vs. young angle is when the vets start getting stiff on the mic against these younger guys. could be some really funny promos.

Okay, let's stop for a second, look at the situation and readjust. Because obviously you must believe that you are answering some pimple faced 15 year old who watches grown men see how many high spots they can fit into a 5 minute match without selling. That is not the case my friend. I'm a 33 year old man who has been watching wrestling regularly for longer than you have been in it. 25 years my friend. And that's not counting that I watched it here and there sparingly since I was 5. As a matter of fact, there are really only two people on this forum who defend TNA die hard no matter what goes down each and every time. One is Sam. The other is me. So adjust your vision of who you are answering just a bit.

And I watch the Spin Cycle. I try not to miss an episode as I think it's VERY entertaining. The only one that was kind of dry was the one where it was you, Taylor, Kenney, and Russo. Sorry, but the whole "let's take jabs at Disco" schtick does get old when you do it over and over again during the same episode. Maybe once in a while or once an episode if funny as it keeps you ready to make a cameo appearance now and then, but there is a limit. I really enjoyed the all Knockouts one that was a couple of months back. I think that Salinas and ODB played off of each other very well and made it funny as hell. Hell, it was still funny to see ODB running around backstage a few weeks ago screaming "These Nuts" over and over again because I knew what it referred to.

The point that I am making is that I find rather irresponsible that a role model such as yourself (I'm going to assume that you are a role model for somebody) would advise young wrestlers to go out to places where NFL and NBA stars are getting into trouble all of the time. That you would want them out "chasing ass" rather than learning technique. But that would be if you were offering that as an alternative. Now I'm sure there are ways to go out and get recognized other than going out to the titty bar my friend.

And as far as what Amazing Red listens to goes, i will say this. When I used to do MMA, the only thing that I used to listen to before a fight was Menace Clan, most notably their song "Kill Whitey". Does it mean that is who I am or what I listened to all the time? No. It's what I listened to to get my head into the game for my bout. To get my energy levels up. To get my mind focused on my opponents and ready to go balls to the wall and to make me do better that night. What exactly did YOU do before YOUR matches to get your head in the game, Hmm? Talked about how you're going to Scores after you go out and lay down for Goldberg that night? It figures.
first of all, nobody i hung with did coke. but to put things in perpective, me, kidman, and jericho were on the dating game, i was on vh1 3 different times, the travel channel, etc... you can't cross-promote the guys today. they're just not that entertaining. for crying out loud, just watch spin cycle! a show where you can be funny and act however you want to. there's a reason why wresting is not cool. kids that played video games, read comic books, and played on the computer, all of a sudden started watching a bunch of little guys wrestle on the internet and japanese wrestling tapes and figured , "Hey! I can do that!" And that's what you're looking at on tv these days. most of the guys don't even like sports! I'll never forget when we were in nashville, and amazing red has his earphones on listening to a cd before his match. i grab it to hear what he was listening to. guess what it was. if you guessed japanese ring entrance music then congratulations. The best part of this new vs. young angle is when the vets start getting stiff on the mic against these younger guys. could be some really funny promos.

Well, at the peak of the monday night wars, wrestling had many documentaries out. beyond the mat, hitman hart, a&e's wrestling documentary. everyone was talking about wrestling. when were you on vh1 and travel channel.

I guess i'm a dork because i like some wrestling themes.. i like spin cycle at times, some fo them were great, but the shows TNA has now sucks compared to when the entire show was filled with GREAT comedy - i think 10 months ago.

I disagree with glenn on this though. Im guessing you think AJ is a nerd because he doens't drink, smoke, is christian. Watch him when he was doing comedy back in late 2007 - the thanksgiving episode and when he had to decide against christian/kurt and tell me you can't cross promote the guy.

The creative aspect is important. ROCK was a dork before Russo pushed the hell out of him. See Rocky Maivia. Let Russo turn these nerds into stars.. it's that fuckin simple..

i Dont care about how many chicks you screwed on your off time. You can turn chickenshit into chicken salad as long as the writing is good. and they'll come across as TV stars regardless of whether you live rockstar lifestyles or not.

as for young vs vets.. i can see vets doing good promos.. but i want russo to help the young guys do great insults.. and not childish namecalling. the dialogue, characters, and how you write it can turn people into stars

i can see you jericho and kidman doing that shit btw
It's not a black and white issue. There were more stars in those days, but wrestling was a much hotter product. It's a different world too - guys like Batista, Orton and Kash have exhibited "bad boy"/star behavior, but that does not help your standing in the company anymore. You can't just get wasted and have a match these days or show primadonna behavior, as there are so many regulations and "checks". It WAS different.

There are a lot more vanilla geeks in wrestling nowadays, but I think guys like Styles and Shelley have a charisma about them. No matter how much promo skill and charisma you have, you still have to be used well.

I like the MEM angle. Good storytelling can take things so far because, as Glenn will recall, WCW didn't always use their stars well.

So, the personnel is only a minor issue. Wrestling needs to move with the times or reinvent its presentation and, until it does, it will continue to languish...
Glenn does have a point. I mean, you watch 'The Ultimate Fighter' series and who are really the most popular people to come from that show? Is it someone like Mac Danzig (who I'm personally a fan of, don't get me wrong), or someone like Chris Leben? Easy answer there and it’s only because of Chris Leben’s persona, not his fighting ability.

HOWEVER, Vince doesn't allow the kind of partying today that the wrestlers did in the nineties and before. I mean, Rhyno got fucking fired for breaking a pot for Christ sake. And there are many other examples like that. Hell, RVD got stripped of his WWE and ECW Title just because of a police stop that only ended up being a 90 dollar fine.

So, Glenn, you're probably right about wrestlers today being 'nerds' or whatever and that having something to do with the decline of wrestling’s popularity, but I don’t think you can cast the entire blame on the wrestlers because the fact of the matter is that Vince today would never allow his workers to get away with what you guys were able to get away with. Never in a million years. I can't speak for Dixie Carter or Jeff Jarrett, but it wouldn't surprise if they had the same mind-set as Vince when it came to professionalism and discipline.
first of all, nobody i hung with did coke. but to put things in perpective, me, kidman, and jericho were on the dating game, i was on vh1 3 different times, the travel channel, etc... you can't cross-promote the guys today. they're just not that entertaining. for crying out loud, just watch spin cycle! a show where you can be funny and act however you want to. there's a reason why wresting is not cool. kids that played video games, read comic books, and played on the computer, all of a sudden started watching a bunch of little guys wrestle on the internet and japanese wrestling tapes and figured , "Hey! I can do that!" And that's what you're looking at on tv these days. most of the guys don't even like sports! I'll never forget when we were in nashville, and amazing red has his earphones on listening to a cd before his match. i grab it to hear what he was listening to. guess what it was. if you guessed japanese ring entrance music then congratulations. The best part of this new vs. young angle is when the vets start getting stiff on the mic against these younger guys. could be some really funny promos.

Whose fault is it that the wrestler's in TNA are nerds and don't have "it"? The correct answer is the people that still employ them. If you can't cross promote the majority of the talent then why even have them on board? Are Jeff Jarrett and Terry Taylor too lazy to find talent that are marketable? Maybe Jeff Jarrett and Terry Taylor don't have an eye for that "it factor". Jarrett is still living in the 1980s Memphis Wrestling Era, listens to country music, watches nascar, has no fashion sense, and thinks the world revolves around the Tennessee Titans. Duh! No wonder why wrestling's not cool. Come on Disco, I thought you had logic and sense.
Glenn does have a point. I mean, you watch 'The Ultimate Fighter' series and who are really the most popular people to come from that show? Is it someone like Mac Danzig (who I'm personally a fan of, don't get me wrong), or someone like Chris Leben? Easy answer there and it’s only because of Chris Leben’s persona, not his fighting ability.

I'm really not sure how you can compare sports entertainment with a show where the main objective seems to be to put a bunch of young hot heads in a house with as much booes as they can chug down their gullets to see who gets out of control first. I mean every season, doesn't someone fuck up the house and gets close to being on the verge of having to have the police called onthem? If Dana White truly looked down on this kind of behavior, then he would take the alcohol out of the equation. But he doesn't. Why? For ratings. But I still think it's ill advise to say that these young superstars should be out getting as much silicon rubbed on their face as possible and getting so drunk that they end up on a youtube video taken with someone's camera phone. Many of the guys in TNA are strong Christians and take is easy and are quiet in their free time. It's pretty low to smirk at them for that.

HOWEVER, Vince doesn't allow the kind of partying today that the wrestlers did in the nineties and before. I mean, Rhyno got fucking fired for breaking a pot for Christ sake. And there are many other examples like that. Hell, RVD got stripped of his WWE and ECW Title just because of a police stop that only ended up being a 90 dollar fine.

Wait, we are talking about the SAME Vince McMahon that promoted Ted Debiase Jr. to the RAW roster after having him be the FCW champion which was also after he had two DUI convictions? With Vince, it's about how much money you can make him. I mean how else do you explain Chris Master getting suspended and fired for repeated wellness policy violations while Batista, who was bigger than a friggin brick shit house, has never been suspended and quietly got smaller right before our eyes? It's called revenue. You make enough money and know the right people you avoid this. So it's a far cry from being some sort of zero tolerance policy.

So, Glenn, you're probably right about wrestlers today being 'nerds' or whatever and that having something to do with the decline of wrestling’s popularity, but I don’t think you can cast the entire blame on the wrestlers because the fact of the matter is that Vince today would never allow his workers to get away with what you guys were able to get away with. Never in a million years. I can't speak for Dixie Carter or Jeff Jarrett, but it wouldn't surprise if they had the same mind-set as Vince when it came to professionalism and discipline.

Actually, other than the Kurt Angle drunk driving incident, which happened shortly after coming over from WWE, TNA hasn't had any markable incidents that would be blemishes on their record. Alot of the wrestlers, bookers, and agents(other than Disco of course) in TNA have faith based beliefs and come to perform and then spend their free time being "nerdy". Now considering all of the problems that sports stars and wrestlers get into and how everybody with a camera phone can turn journalist in a heartbeat, I think that the "nerdy" TNA stars are taking the right approach. The same approach that will keep them safe, out of trouble, and off of youtube. BTW, have you checked out Shia Lebouf's vid? It's pretty horrendous. But hey, he gets alot of ass, so it's "A-okay" right?
Whose fault is it that the wrestler's in TNA are nerds and don't have "it"? The correct answer is the people that still employ them. If you can't cross promote the majority of the talent then why even have them on board? Are Jeff Jarrett and Terry Taylor too lazy to find talent that are marketable? Maybe Jeff Jarrett and Terry Taylor don't have an eye for that "it factor". Jarrett is still living in the 1980s Memphis Wrestling Era, listens to country music, watches nascar, has no fashion sense, and thinks the world revolves around the Tennessee Titans. Duh! No wonder why wrestling's not cool. Come on Disco, I thought you had logic and sense.

i'm talking about everyone. wwe, roh, just wrestlers today in general. indy shows, too.
everyone is completely missing the point. today's wrestlers act like kids. they play games. i'm not talking about partying like rock stars. i mean let's be honest. take the mid card from wcw or wwe in 1999. let's line them up against the midcard of tna and wwe today and say, "fight. for real." in the typical fans eyes, who do you think would win? it's not even close. it'd look like men versus boys. that's the point i'm trying to make about the business today.
everyone is completely missing the point. today's wrestlers act like kids. they play games. i'm not talking about partying like rock stars. i mean let's be honest. take the mid card from wcw or wwe in 1999. let's line them up against the midcard of tna and wwe today and say, "fight. for real." in the typical fans eyes, who do you think would win? it's not even close. it'd look like men versus boys. that's the point i'm trying to make about the business today.

Chuck.. alex shelley is a kid. he has no charisma.. i actually thought aj was pretty funny when the witing was top notch. welll, i'm guessing in disco's generation.. most of the wrestlers were on drugs.. hence a large portion of them eventually dying.. that's the rockstar lifestyle disco wants the kids today to take..

but i do think glenn has a point.. i think it's just a talent thing though... a lot of the kids just do those stupid x division moves and think that's cool, when working on beign cool to the fans' eyes is way more important. i think kennedy/cena were prettty good

i think its the company's fault thoguh. the type of wrestlers that glenn wants on the roster will have a hard time staying in the company without being fired...i dont know how it was like in wcw..

i agree that most fo the 'up and coming' stars look like pipsqueaks
This is laughable. Maybe their not "partying like rockstars" cuz they see what it did to your generation. So many wrestlers have died, became addicted, lost all their money, and are in rehab. Maybe this generation don't want to end up like that. I don't think wrestlers not partying and being "nerds" having any effects on the ratings. Wrestling just sucks right now. The writing is terrible, and it wouldn't matter if Cena & Punk were out getting laid and drunk it wouldn't help any.
everyone is completely missing the point. today's wrestlers act like kids. they play games. i'm not talking about partying like rock stars. i mean let's be honest. take the mid card from wcw or wwe in 1999. let's line them up against the midcard of tna and wwe today and say, "fight. for real." in the typical fans eyes, who do you think would win? it's not even close. it'd look like men versus boys. that's the point i'm trying to make about the business today.

The point that you are missing is that these "kids" want to make their money and leave the sport one day. If they are wrestling into their 40's and 50's, it will be on their terms and not to appease their ex-wives or multiple random child support payments or because they blew every dollar that they ever earned in strips clubs and going out. I notice that you seem to be dodging the point that's has been brought up over and over again of much of the TNA roster having reserved faith based value systems.

But let's humor your point and have the midcarders of WCW and TNA go head to head. Of course, we're not going to fight here, because violence doesn't solve anything. But we do it a different way. The way we do the challenge is this. Take ten versus ten and whoever are the most guys out of the ten on each side who can show me the actual money from the paycheck they got two months ago without telling me some funny story about some anonymous stripper or showing me some outlandish unnecessary extravagant expensive item that they blew it on wins. In other words, who saved their money versus who blew their money. Eventually Disco, the party days come to an end and you grow out of it. Grow out of it buddy. Grow out of it.
Gabe Saplosky is now a free agent. If TNA had half a brain then they would pick him up along with Paul Heyman. Of course this would mean the exile of Russo and Mantell. Lets end today with a little math.

Gabe Saplosky + Paul Heyman= Major Success for TNA

Vince Russo + Dutch Mantell= Epic Failure for TNA
Why hire Gabe Sapolsky or Paul Heyman.

Heyman single handledly killed ECW
Gabe Sapolsky wasn't successful in Ring of Honor, which is why they let him go.

If either couldn't hack it in minor league promotions why do you think they could in a national promotion?
Gabe Saplosky is now a free agent. If TNA had half a brain then they would pick him up along with Paul Heyman. Of course this would mean the exile of Russo and Mantell. Lets end today with a little math.

Gabe Saplosky + Paul Heyman= Major Success for TNA

Vince Russo + Dutch Mantell= Epic Failure for TNA

So this is what you did for homework? Well let me take this and correct it.

Gabe Saplosky(a man who failed in smaller scaled less pressure fed) + Paul Heyman(a man who shows nothing but disdain for everything wrestling related seeing as how he is still bitter that he failed to show that he can do it better than the people the people he hates) = Dramatic Regression

I mean seriously. Why would you hire someone who spend all day saying how crappy wrestling is to help you design the way you run your organization? It would be idiotic. It would be like saying that TNA should run out and hire Bret The Hitman Hart and Lance Storm to head up booking, seeing as how they both have "shining" opinions of the wrestling business these days.

Your math equation is flawed and I can tell you. It's because it bears a dramatic similarity to the equation Vince Russo + Ed Ferrera = Success. You seem morons like you still run around and say that Russo killed WCW when that is do far away from the truth. You see, in order to IMPROVE on your product, it takes someone from within who is familiar with the product and limitations of your resources to build on what works and to try out new things. Unfortunately, hiring Russo and Ferrera was bad because they needed to start from scratch in order to become familiar with the product. This lead to a regression as us fans are impatient people and thusly ratings died.

And for you to suggest that it would be good to bring in one guy who just got fired(not a a voluntary free agent) and another guy who would be nothing but a poison pill to your product would be ludicrous advice. Heyman has shown that his wrestling vision is still stuck on repaying the wrestlers that he owed money to by giving them a job with the new ECW. Unfortunately his directive was simply to build up new talent, not to hire guys who look like they had been working on a construction site while they were out of work. What makes you think that Heyman wouldn't use a position with TNA to try and get work for guys like Sandman, Roadkill, and all of the guys that he left hanging when the original ECW went bankrupt.

So your math is flawed. Go home, redo it and next time check your equtions before you hand in your homework. Class dismissed.
Glen you made me laugh when you posted that you think wrestler's of today are geeks because they play video games and music, But I feel that this is ALOT more constructive compared to tailing ass(not a bad thing in itself but what usually comes with is), Drinking until they could no longer walk, And taking all kinds of drugs. There are better things that they could do with their time, But like I said better than what your generation has done.

Maybe it's tighter rule's by the companies, Maybe it's the wrestler's have better value's than you, I dont know, What I do know though is that they are better role model's than your generation, So in my opinion that mean's they arent geeks.

Spawn, Love your work in here. :p
Everyone is still missing my point. My generation of wrestlers had the "It" factor. We drew crowds in and out of the ring. Some of the midcarders eventually became world champions. We drew ratings, and we made decent money, and most of the time we weren't given angles to work with or nothing. we'd wrestle two segment matches on tv, and the hotel bar would be packed after the shows with fans. we didn't act like computer nerds and video gamers, we acted like stars. even back when wcw got taken over by wwe, and their show started their ratings decline, Nash went back to do the NWO thing and he told me that the whole lockerroom(figuratively) would sit around reading comic books all day. My point is that maybe you guys don't see it, but the ratings don't lie. you can blame creative all you want on the decline of the business, but the reality is that most of it lies with the fact that the workers today don't know how to connect with the audience. It's no surprise to me why a guy like jeff hardy is so over. he excudes charisma the second he comes out for his entrance.
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