[Official] Disco Nation

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here is the exact story of the invisible man. when we would sit in the booking meetings and we'd have writers block, people would just randomly shoot out goofy ideas. so we're sitting there one day and we've got nothing, and i say,"let's shoot a shot of an empty locker room for thirty seconds, and at the end show 'Coming Soon: The Invisible Man'" and everybody cracks up. We never did it and never actually took it seriously and that was sort of the end of it. Except when we'd be talking about angles and i'd jokingly say something like, "and Goldberg holds up the belt and the invisible man nails him from behind and grabs the belt and puts it around his own waist." So don't believe everything you read about me.

I think somebody stole your invisible man idea.
all I want to know is what is Glenn Gilbertti's crowning achievement as a booker. He has to have something that he can put out there to prove his worth.

Just because he's in the wrestling business doesn't mean he can book.

That would be saying everybody in wrestling are equals.

Kurt Angle = Domino

Undertaker = jay Lethal

come on what defines Glenn Gilbertti?
Hey I've been coming to this site for many years... honestly like 6 years I think and I just registered as a member today. I Just wanna say whats up to everyone. I have a wealth of wrestling knowledge inside and out. I read the rumors and news here everyday and I love the new editorials with Disco and Kevin Kelly ect. I know about the business from the late 80's and early 90's because of research and because I'm a huge fan.... and have missed probably less than a dozen Monday Nights since probably like 98. THAT IS 10 YEARS OF MISSING ONLY 12 OR LESS MONDAY NIGHT WRESTLING SHOWS. I flipped between RAW and Nitro even til Nitro died. blah blah I am talking ears off just give me a shout and look forward to bull shittin some wrestling with everyone...peace!
The attitude and nWo era are to show you that you don't need to have super great wrestling to draw fans.

Why should wrestling companies take care of you? You're already watching it. And if you're not, so what? You're just one person. And you're saying they shouldn't attract new fans who never watched wrestling? Why? Because the companies will make too much money? That's the same way it was with...yes...the attitude era. They got NEW fans that never watched before.

I would hardly call the 3 plus years of the attitude era "flukes". Those decent ratings you see on Raw is the aftermath of the era.

And yes, I will call Lance's gimmick by Disco genius. Any other wrestling booker would have booked Lance Storm as a generic technical wrestler. That's exactly what Paul Heyman did and nobody cared about him in ECW, which is the reason why they put him with Dawn Marie. What Paul Heyman usually does is emphasize on someone's positives and hide their negatives. Disco, on the other hand, took Lance Storm's character even further: not only did he show Storm's positives, but Disco took his negatives (the fact he's dull) and turned THAT into a positive (character). That's genius.
The attitude and nWo era are to show you that you don't need to have super great wrestling to draw fans.

Why should wrestling companies take care of you? You're already watching it. And if you're not, so what? You're just one person. And you're saying they shouldn't attract new fans who never watched wrestling? Why? Because the companies will make too much money? That's the same way it was with...yes...the attitude era. They got NEW fans that never watched before.

I would hardly call the 3 plus years of the attitude era "flukes". Those decent ratings you see on Raw is the aftermath of the era.

And yes, I will call Lance's gimmick by Disco genius. Any other wrestling booker would have booked Lance Storm as a generic technical wrestler. That's exactly what Paul Heyman did and nobody cared about him in ECW, which is the reason why they put him with Dawn Marie. What Paul Heyman usually does is emphasize on someone's positives and hide their negatives. Disco, on the other hand, took Lance Storm's character even further: not only did he show Storm's positives, but Disco took his negatives (the fact he's dull) and turned THAT into a positive (character). That's genius.

If GG is such a great booker,and character developer (even better than Paul E.) Why has he showed zero desire to book or be creative in TNA. He is just a YES-MAN that agree's with every pile of crap that gets thrown out there,even if in his heart he know's it's shit,he stands up for it because he's got so little influence that if he gives any kind of negative criticism he'd be shown the door immediately. Why would any wrestling company hire a guy to be a agent when he couldn't put together a match,and book a wrestling company into obilvion? Great Resume!!! bring him in!!!!
The attitude and nWo era are to show you that you don't need to have super great wrestling to draw fans.

Why should wrestling companies take care of you? You're already watching it. And if you're not, so what? You're just one person. And you're saying they shouldn't attract new fans who never watched wrestling? Why? Because the companies will make too much money? That's the same way it was with...yes...the attitude era. They got NEW fans that never watched before.

I would hardly call the 3 plus years of the attitude era "flukes". Those decent ratings you see on Raw is the aftermath of the era.

And yes, I will call Lance's gimmick by Disco genius. Any other wrestling booker would have booked Lance Storm as a generic technical wrestler. That's exactly what Paul Heyman did and nobody cared about him in ECW, which is the reason why they put him with Dawn Marie. What Paul Heyman usually does is emphasize on someone's positives and hide their negatives. Disco, on the other hand, took Lance Storm's character even further: not only did he show Storm's positives, but Disco took his negatives (the fact he's dull) and turned THAT into a positive (character). That's genius.

Actually they don't have me, there have been plenty of times where I stop watching wrestling because I don't like the product. When I see a PPV I don't like I don't order it, and when I see one I like then I do order. I don't buy products from companies who advertise during wrestling. I don't buy wrestling merchandise because I haven't seen anything worth buying, if i see something I'll put my money down. How exactly do they have me? I'll watch TNA maybe 3 times in a year. They definitely don't have me or the other shitload of people who watch Raw.

By fluke I mean it's something that happened without planning. Too many things came together at the same time to create the phenomenon of the attitude/nwo era. Fluke means it will unlikely happen again.

You are easily pleased by this Lance Storm business. You make it seem like money was rolling in hand over fist from Storms "Dull" gimmick. What exactly happened during that amazing run, cause I don't remember anything overly special. I don't hear people talk about it when they reminisce about that era.
To be very clear I'm not knocking Lance Storm, I like him. So what the guy is "boring" in real life and disco decided to make it part of his character. How many times have you seen creative take an aspect of someones real life persona and put it into their in ring one? I'll tell you, plenty.
Storm's gimmick wasn't bad by any means but it wasn't Genius either. It's kind of the norm.
What crazy person hired the Disco Inferno for anything? He's the Disco Inferno. Why in the world would anyone hire the Disco Inferno, other than to wash their car? I mean honestly,,, Disco Inferno? What kind of world do we live in when anyone pays Disco Inferno to do anything? The guy LOVES to label use his cute little names, when it's he himself thats the BIGGEST mark. I'm guessing TNA keeps Disco around just to laugh at him and say, "Look over there, It's the Disco Inferno. Thats the guy who wanted to wrestle the invisible man." Seriously, TNA lets Jerry Lynn and Shane Douglas go, and hires the Disco Inferno? I can only guess that whoever gives the Disco Inferno a job is insane....
What crazy person hired the Disco Inferno for anything? He's the Disco Inferno. Why in the world would anyone hire the Disco Inferno, other than to wash their car? I mean honestly,,, Disco Inferno? What kind of world do we live in when anyone pays Disco Inferno to do anything? The guy LOVES to label use his cute little names, when it's he himself thats the BIGGEST mark. I'm guessing TNA keeps Disco around just to laugh at him and say, "Look over there, It's the Disco Inferno. Thats the guy who wanted to wrestle the invisible man." Seriously, TNA lets Jerry Lynn and Shane Douglas go, and hires the Disco Inferno? I can only guess that whoever gives the Disco Inferno a job is insane....

I completely agree!!!! I'm starting to think that the only person crazy enough to give that one step above the brooklyn brawler performer a job,is the same guy that would give David Arquette a title run, or book himself to go over Goldberg,the only star left at the time,or book kidman to go over hogan 4 weeks in a row!!!! Oh wait,it is that same guy.
Actually they don't have me, there have been plenty of times where I stop watching wrestling because I don't like the product. When I see a PPV I don't like I don't order it, and when I see one I like then I do order. I don't buy products from companies who advertise during wrestling. I don't buy wrestling merchandise because I haven't seen anything worth buying, if i see something I'll put my money down. How exactly do they have me? I'll watch TNA maybe 3 times in a year. They definitely don't have me or the other shitload of people who watch Raw..
So what if they don't have you? They don't need you. They're not doing RAW ratings, but for a company that's been there for 6 years, they're doing pretty fine without you.

By fluke I mean it's something that happened without planning. Too many things came together at the same time to create the phenomenon of the attitude/nwo era. Fluke means it will unlikely happen again.
The nWo was planned. Hall and Nash could have came to WCW with some generic angle as WCW stars, but Eric Bischoff was a genius and it was much more than that. WWE could have went out of business, but Vince Russo was another genius and WWE went up.

But regardless, it is up to you to prove your theory that you need to have good wrestling. When has it ever worked? When has it failed without it?

You are easily pleased by this Lance Storm business. You make it seem like money was rolling in hand over fist from Storms "Dull" gimmick. What exactly happened during that amazing run, cause I don't remember anything overly special. I don't hear people talk about it when they reminisce about that era.
To be very clear I'm not knocking Lance Storm, I like him. So what the guy is "boring" in real life and disco decided to make it part of his character. How many times have you seen creative take an aspect of someones real life persona and put it into their in ring one? I'll tell you, plenty.
Storm's gimmick wasn't bad by any means but it wasn't Genius either. It's kind of the norm.

I would call it a successful gimmick considering the fact that he used the same gimmick once entering the WWE. That gimmick made him a star. Had it been just a generic technical wrestler, I doubt WWE would have hired him.

Lance's boring thing wasn't just in real life, it was on camera: the guy had no charisma. None. Also, when they take real life aspect, it always is a good trait, not a bad one.
So you agree Glenn is a bad booker because WCW had low ratings

Let me copy and paste the other paragraph:

Disco wasn't the only booker there in 2001, there were many of them. And how can you blame him for the shape of WCW in 2001 when fans started to fade away in early 1999? Not to mention that the production values were crap compared to when they were doing 5.0.

Let me add: 2.0's are quite good today, that's what Smackdown is averaging. What did you expect WCW to do, go back to 4's and 5's? That was a fluke, remember?
First off... Thanks Disco for taking the time to talk about your knowlege of the business/
Second... a lot of you guys are too hard oh disco..geez

the fact is it that guys like disco, benoit, jerico, ect.. were the substance of Nitros, Thunders ect. I am a disco fan. but it is the TV, US title guys that really make it all come together for the show..
No, these guys wont be the main cause of putting the butts in the seats, but its good to see this...
NOW THE REASON TNA IS LACKING IS NOT B/C OF RUSSO.. it s b/c there is NO mid-card title, and/or steping stone for some of these guys.

there has been MANY times i was more entertained by a TV, EURO,Cruiserweight or Hardcore title match than 99.999999% of the WWE, WCW, TNA world title picture.

i say constructivly criticize disco, but repect his presence, and time.
Let me copy and paste the other paragraph:

Disco wasn't the only booker there in 2001, there were many of them. And how can you blame him for the shape of WCW in 2001 when fans started to fade away in early 1999? Not to mention that the production values were crap compared to when they were doing 5.0.

Let me add: 2.0's are quite good today, that's what Smackdown is averaging. What did you expect WCW to do, go back to 4's and 5's? That was a fluke, remember?

I've said I don't blame him. but you continually paint him as a genius booker and I'm just saying if the guy was then yes they should have gone back to 4's and 5's.
I mean come on with that awesome lance storm gimmick and his Tank Abbott thing with 3 count. Amazing television:smashfreakB:
yes the wcw crowd did fade away but it was at it's lowest when he was booking and it didn't show any sign of improvement because of his genius. The best rating it did that year was the last episode where WWE took over.
And that raised it up almost a full point.
Can you name one thing that he booked that would make him a "genius" booker aside from the much publicized lance storm booking?

And 2's are a good number but not as good if you've done 4's and 5's. But back to TNA....have they done a 2 yet? The closest they've come is a 1.2 this year. WOW they're really grabbing that new audience.
First off... Thanks Disco for taking the time to talk about your knowlege of the business/
Second... a lot of you guys are too hard oh disco..geez

the fact is it that guys like disco, benoit, jerico, ect.. were the substance of Nitros, Thunders ect. I am a disco fan. but it is the TV, US title guys that really make it all come together for the show..
No, these guys wont be the main cause of putting the butts in the seats, but its good to see this...
NOW THE REASON TNA IS LACKING IS NOT B/C OF RUSSO.. it s b/c there is NO mid-card title, and/or steping stone for some of these guys.

there has been MANY times i was more entertained by a TV, EURO,Cruiserweight or Hardcore title match than 99.999999% of the WWE, WCW, TNA world title picture.

i say constructivly criticize disco, but repect his presence, and time.

Weird that you put him in the same category as Benoit and Jericho. Both those guys ended up in their fair share of main events. Both Headlining Wrestlemanias. Both winning world titles, Benoit actually did it in WCW but left because it was that bad being there. Disco Inferno was not on their level, I could never imagine a Wrestlemania Headlined by disco.

WOW there is a God
So what if they don't have you? They don't need you. They're not doing RAW ratings, but for a company that's been there for 6 years, they're doing pretty fine without you.
Look at their 1.0 rating and tell me they don't want as many more people as they can get.
WCW was already in the mid to high 2's within it's first year of Nitro. TNA should be at least close to being in the low 2's by now.

The nWo was planned. Hall and Nash could have came to WCW with some generic angle as WCW stars, but Eric Bischoff was a genius and it was much more than that. WWE could have went out of business, but Vince Russo was another genius and WWE went up.
Did Bischoff really think he was going to do the business that he ended up doing. I'm sure he thought it would do well. But nobody could have predicted the wrestling boom of that era.

But regardless, it is up to you to prove your theory that you need to have good wrestling. When has it ever worked? When has it failed without it?

Good Wrestling has worked because there was still wrestling after the 80's. If good wrestling didn't work this shit would have ended a long time ago.

I would call it a successful gimmick considering the fact that he used the same gimmick once entering the WWE. That gimmick made him a star. Had it been just a generic technical wrestler, I doubt WWE would have hired him.
Lance was better then just a generic technical wrestler. But I'm disputing you claim of it being genius.

Lance's boring thing wasn't just in real life, it was on camera: the guy had no charisma. None. Also, when they take real life aspect, it always is a good trait, not a bad one.
I don't think I implied that taking real life traits was bad, I just said it was normal. <<<<not Genius>>>>
Tv ratings can be overrated at times, especially for pro wrestling. Nitro was still doing as well as Smackdown and better than Impact during it's last year, but the buyrates had dropped to record low numbers. If you can't get the tv viewers to pay to watch your show, you're not going to last.
I think that he has a general disdain for the fan. Read his posts on here. He calls the IWC schmucks because they disagree with him. He answers criticisms with lines like, "It's hard not to condescend...."

It seems like he's trying to use his gimmick as a blogger/poster. It wasn't compelling then, and I think he comes off as a jackass now. This is the same community that proclaims the WWE is trolling these boards and doing things that piss us off. Now when a guy who is acting like he's here to help gets all uppity because someone thinks that Storm and Roode is a shitty tag team, or that he's misusing someone, instead of listening to his fans, he chastizes us like we're kids. I agree with him that blaming Russo for WCW is stupid. I don't blame him for killing WCW, but when he has influence, he can't end feuds right.

I love TNA. The wrestling is great, and the top angle is awesome. The Kurt, Tomko, Joe, AJ, Nash, Booker stuff is great. It flows, makes sense, and has drama. Storm, Roode, the Guns, a lot of really talented athletes are jerking curtains. I'm not saying every main event should be a 23 person tag match, but there are ways to make compelling matches. Actually, TNA does build up great undercards, tehy just don't blow them off.
Look at their 1.0 rating and tell me they don't want as many more people as they can get.
WCW was already in the mid to high 2's within it's first year of Nitro. TNA should be at least close to being in the low 2's by now.

Look at Raw's 3.0 and tell me they don't want more fans watching. They used to have 5's and 6's. And if those were flukes, then I would say that the 2's that Nitro got in the first year was a fluke as well. Did WCW really expect to beat Raw in the ratings?

WCW had a huge budget, TNA doesn't. WCW had better production, WCW had a much longer history going back as far as the NWA era. WCW had huge draws such as Hogan, Savage and Flair. Does TNA have huge stars like that? And let's not forget about the DVRs, which were rare back then, as well as watching the show on the net, and many, many new channels since then. Oh, and that doesn't include the international viewers. Isn't TNA beating WWE's ratings in Australia?

Good Wrestling has worked because there was still wrestling after the 80's. If good wrestling didn't work this shit would have ended a long time ago.
That doesn't mean it was because of good wrestling. It could have been, and probably was, because of the characters, as well as storylines.

Lance was better then just a generic technical wrestler. But I'm disputing you claim of it being genius.
I don't think I implied that taking real life traits was bad, I just said it was normal. <<<<not Genius>>>>

Dispute all you want. It's genius, and that's the story I'm sticking with. Any other booker would have done it one way, Disco did it another.

I didn't say taking real life traits was bad either. I just said that they take good qualities from someone's real life, rather than bad ones.
I've said I don't blame him. but you continually paint him as a genius booker and I'm just saying if the guy was then yes they should have gone back to 4's and 5's.
I mean come on with that awesome lance storm gimmick and his Tank Abbott thing with 3 count. Amazing television:smashfreakB:
yes the wcw crowd did fade away but it was at it's lowest when he was booking and it didn't show any sign of improvement because of his genius. The best rating it did that year was the last episode where WWE took over.
And that raised it up almost a full point.
Can you name one thing that he booked that would make him a "genius" booker aside from the much publicized lance storm booking?

And 2's are a good number but not as good if you've done 4's and 5's. But back to TNA....have they done a 2 yet? The closest they've come is a 1.2 this year. WOW they're really grabbing that new audience.

Are you implying that the Tank Abbott-3 Count angle wasn't a good angle? You would have to be in the minority on that one. People loved that angle. If you used browse the net in 2000, you would have noticed that even the smarks liked it!

As far as another genius idea, is TNA's Ultimate X good enough for you?
it's this simple. i never said the IWC as a whole are schmucks. go back and read what i wrote, and archive my first article "Why the internet is hurting the business part 1" so i don't have to repeat myself. calling my ideas genius is overstating it, because those were just a couple of the hundreds of things i've contributed over the years. for those of you that want to question "what does disco know?" let me put it to you this way. I never applied for a spot on booking committees. i was always asked. people in the industry, not on message boards, know what i offer, and i shouldn't have to explain why to a bunch of fifteen year olds on wrestlezone.com.
And what Disco offers is shinny disco pants, blow dried hair and a horrible gimmick. The only reason people come to you to be apart of anything is that you are probably the ultimate YES man. Well, that and the fact that you are fun to laugh at (not with). Vince Russo likes you because you are his stooge. Jarrett probably likes you because he finds you harmless. Come on, Disco Inferno? The name alone should induce vomiting. And by the way, if you dislike the ever so cute nick-named "IWC" crowd, or you think that the internet hurts wrestling, then why post on message boards or write articles on websites?
And what Disco offers is shinny disco pants, blow dried hair and a horrible gimmick. The only reason people come to you to be apart of anything is that you are probably the ultimate YES man. Well, that and the fact that you are fun to laugh at (not with). Vince Russo likes you because you are his stooge. Jarrett probably likes you because he finds you harmless. Come on, Disco Inferno? The name alone should induce vomiting. And by the way, if you dislike the ever so cute nick-named "IWC" crowd, or you think that the internet hurts wrestling, then why post on message boards or write articles on websites?

because i get paid to do it. i can pretty much bet my bottom dollar that the mods will eventually ban you, but pretty good third post! i guess with middle school on break for the summer, alot more of you will be posting shortly.
Oh WOW, Disco made a funny. Cleaver boy. Yeah, I probably will get banned eventually, too many people want to suck up to you for some strange reason (only God knows why). I was actually going to delete my original post about you, because I thought I came down too hard and was being disrespectful, but then I read some of your articles and your posts on here. It's you who are disrespectful to us wrestling fans. It doesn't matter if we are the oh so cleaver named "IWC" fans or any other kind of fans. We are all simply fans. And last I checked, by use buying tickets, t-shirts, PPVs, populating websites and message boards and watching the weekly tv, we in effect are the reason you can make a living in pro wrestling. We are fickle and demanding, and are opinionated sometimes to a fault, but that who we are. Instead of defending yourself and your bosses on message boards, how bout listening to different ideas and suggestions and try to take the pulse of fans and what they would like. I doubt that TNA pays you to go on message boards and argue with fans, and if they do, thats not a good sign of how TNA spends it's money. So yea, they will probably kick me off here or delete my posts, thats ok. But I am a wrestling fan, plain and simple, I like to speak my mind, and I like to hear what on the minds of others. I'm a fan, I'll be back, like I am every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday night.
I cant believe how some of you are acting towards Glen in this thread. Your basically telling him what you think TNA should do, and what he should do with his job!

The fact of the matter is Glen has been in the business for SO LONG, whereas even the most die-hard fan on here has, at best, shook hands and had an autograph with a Wrestler or two. Glen actually worked with these people. He actually knows how the mood is behind the curtain and what happens in the meetings before a taping of a Pay Per View.

People are drawing comparisons onto the TNA of today, and WCW of 1996. The major differences are in 1996 you had the WWF and WCW. Wrestling started a boom period around that time.

Fast forward 12 Years, and you have the boom period slumping, thanks largely to Vince McMahon, and wrestling as a whole, in turmoil. I mean, all you need to do is watch this weeks WWE RAW to see how desperate things have got for the Biggest company in the world of Wrestling, drawing a 3.3 Rating.

So, a 1.2 Rating for TNA isnt the best, is it not? As someone mentioned before, RAW used to get 6's and 7's in the ratings. WCW used to get 2's and 3's? Blame the end of the boom period, and RAW's rating has halved. Half WCW's ratings, and you get 1's and 1.5's. The exact rating TNA is getting at this moment in time! Why can nobody see this?

TNA is in a good shape at the moment, and is pulling in a rating to be expected from the current state of affairs in wrestling today. WWE arent getting great ratings, so why slag off TNA's form?!

I have to disagree with people saying that Disco Inferno wasnt entertaining. Okay, he wasnt main event. He wasnt a name you'd pay top dollar to see, but he was in that card. And his gimmick was something unique. He made me laugh, especially in the "Hip Hop Inferno" days.

It just amazes me that people who sit and watch a show on a Monday, Thursday, Friday or whenever your show is on, can argue with someone who helps MAKE THAT SHOW WHAT IT IS!!!

It makes people look jealous, or envious of Glen, because he is employed by a massive Wrestling Company, and producing a product which is a major player. And the fact that he gets paid to do many "Arm Chair Booker's" dream job, pisses them off.

He knows a lot more about this business than we do. Especially when the Internet is available for all the wrestling fans to gossip and spread rumors, and spoilers to shows. The internet fills wrestling fans brains with shit. Maybe thats why there was such a massive boom back in the day. No one knows, but he lived it. We paid his salary, but he actually lived that experience, and it seems some cant get over that fact.

Now, I would just like to ask Glen a Q I thought of yesterday.

I remember in a Video of Goldberg's, One of the WCW Superstar Series on Warner Home Video, Goldberg says something about you. I cant remember the exact words of it, but I think he was saying something about your gimmick being an insult to the sport or whatever.

I just wanted to know what your relationship was like with Goldberg, if there was any, and what were your thoughts on the comment once you saw the Video of what he said?
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