[Official] Disco Nation

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Glen - I've been reading your columns for a while now and I'm agreeing a lot with ya. Some internet fans are simply stupid as hell and disrespectfull to wrestlers.

And Bruce Mitchell is infact a tool. The dude is 50 somethin so how does he know what all fans want, bitches and moans every day of his life on his articles. Bitches about TNA constantly, and is never happy with any wrestling he watches. When something good happens on TNA or WWE, he is never happy with any of it.
Man its about time I read one of your columns and agree with you. I saw the same thread about dropping the Beautiful People. I'm not an avid TNA viewer, infact I may watch it twice a month. But the Beautiful People is one thing TNA has done perfectly. The entire gimmick just makes you want to boo them out of the building. And that's saying something. I cheer for almost every heel!

I dont know what you got against Kevin McElvaney. I hope I spelled that right. That wasn't a punch at the name like Glenn. His columns are very insightful, they don't rely on cheap shots on other columnists to be read, and their overall good reads.

But I do have a question for you. Ignore that you both are TNA boys and look at it as a fan yourself. What are your thoughts about Scott Stiener taking shots at Ric Flair and the entire ceremony WWE had for him? Personally I just think it's Scott being jealous that he never got to the level of Flair, Michaels, and Triple H. But I want to hear your thoughts on this, since I'm sure you've had conversations with Scotty over the years.
And Bruce Mitchell is infact a tool. The dude is 50 somethin so how does he know what all fans want, bitches and moans every day of his life on his articles. Bitches about TNA constantly, and is never happy with any wrestling he watches. When something good happens on TNA or WWE, he is never happy with any of it.[/QUOTE]

Damn right. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't he the one who said that the dvd "TNA Year 1" was 'propaganda?'
Also with the pwtorch, what is with them putting up headlines titled, "Why I Don't Watch TNA Impact?" If you look at ratings over the years, WWE RAW ratings just keep going down further and further. I think that the pwtorch should ask those (literally) millions of fans why they don't watch WWE programs anymore. TNA has been more or less consistent with their ratings, so they are not loosing much of their audience, just look at the ratings for proof.
I think Russo has lost a lot of control in recent weeks, so apparently TNA is listening to the online community rather than looking at the numbers and ratings: something WWF/Attitude era would never do.

I'm going to listen to Glenn's interview.. but there was a lot of filler about WWF and irrelevant topics.

I personally wish Glenn/Russo could write TNA right now... I didn't like TNA this week very much. I liked the Gail/Morgan stuff.. but other than that I can't say I liked much of it. Joe/Nash segment was good. AJ beating up Trigg backstage by accident was okay. Christian's pretape was not bad.. But there was too much wrestling and filler, imo.
Hi MR.Gilbertti.

I'd like to know who YOU personally would push to main event status in TNA if it was your choice.

if it was me id push James Storm into the world title picture, I think he would compliment Samoa Joe's style perfectly.
I listened to the Glenn Gilbertti interview on Voice of Wrestling. It was 2 hours long, but I htink he left at the 75 minute mark. I fast forwarded a lot of the talking.. but here's the brief write-up i was able to type up.. nothing super extraordinary:

"Gilbertti on Voice of Wrestling - 6/22/2008

Lots of boring talk about WWE, Randy Orton, McMahon, and assorted topics. Gilbertti/Cash talks about the PPV industry with everybody on the Internet stealing PPVs/signal. Gilbertti talks about the cable companies not having the technology to protect the signals so McMahon might want to take PPVs off TV and only put it on the WWE website as putting it on cable television allows the signal to be stolen. He said that's a possible solution.

Cash said there'll always be a way to get around it. I agree; it's impossible to combat piracy, in my opinion.

They take a call. Caller asks about Undertaker coming back or not after losing to Edge and then says he has been liking TNA but is upset it hasn't been showing on the ratings. Gilbertti says there are always ways to bring back a wrestler with stipulations. Cash and Gilbertti discuss about the million dollar giveaway. Gilbertti adds that a visual may help as we can see a genuine reaction to someone winning if they go to someone's door, rather than doing the phone call.

Cash was going to go to break until Gilbertti remembered that the caller had one more question dealing with TNA. He wanted to comment on it. He said ratings for wrestling in WWE and TNA are down now. He said NBA playoffs affected the ratings slightly.

Discussion on TNA. Gilbertti says that things he agrees with that people are critical about TNA, he doesn't comment on. He hasn't commented much on my criticisms of TNA. I'm not saying he agrees or not. He says he argues the points where he feels some people are wrong and he feels he needs to chime in due to inaccuracies in other members' arguments. Cash says Glenn needs to start talking about what he doesn't like about TNA. Gilbertti says he's been better recently. He said he didn't think Deuce's Wild was a great idea, didn't like Super Eric too much, and says Shark Boy and Jay Lethal are funny.

Gilbertti cannot explain why Shark Boy is not getting much time as he was. He's not on creative but would put him on the show more if he were. Samoa Joe as champion: he thinks Angle is better, but Joe would have needed it because fans would lose faith if he kept losing and never got it. Gilbertti says Rock/Austin is the best at what they did and nobody can come close to them anymore. I disagree with him in saying that nobody can put in memorable promos, etc. Because Russo wrote situations that got the best out of an Austin and Rock. Unfortuantely, Russo is not writing fully.

Glenn said Disco Inferno would never have been champion.

They talk about WWE.

Glenn talks about there is no personal issues with Undertaker and Edge other than the fact that their feud revolves only around the belt. Glenn reads the promos and says HHH and Cena talk about how they're going to beat such and such during the match. There's no substance, they're just wrestling for belts and there's nothing else. Scott Hudson agrees that there is nothing that reaches out and grabs him.

Cash brings up TNA and Karen Angle - AJ. Gilbertti says the wife is thrown in and it's personal. Gilbertti says Joe's angle is with Nash and that Joe is not just fighting/defending the belt. He has issues with Nash.

Cash brings up the Russo statement that "the belt is a prop". "Why is the belt not enough?". Glenn says The belt doesn't make the wrestler. The wrestler makes the belt. Don't build the belt; build the characters. Scott disagrees on one point. He says you don't put the belt on the strongest character. The strongest character is over enough. You put the belt on someone who needs the extra substance to get over.

Glenn says the strongest character should be fighting for the belt, but should be the guy that should carry the angle with the belt. Scott agrees. Cash says the strongest character doesn't need to be fighting for the belt. Scott says the strongest character doesn't necessarily need to have the belt, ie: the nWo stuff - the belt was rarely with the strong characters.

Gilbertti and Hudson agree that Rock and Austin would be super over based on their characters even if they never got the belt. It's the characters that made the belts.

Gilbertti talked about Rock joining the Nation of Domination and everyone would look the same and Rock would come out wearing Versace. It was the subtle things like that. Rock would then start doing most of the talking and tension would go with Faarooq. It was the slow good character development that they did back then. (marty note: ala Russo)."
I listened to the Glenn Gilbertti interview on Voice of Wrestling. It was 2 hours long, but I htink he left at the 75 minute mark. I fast forwarded a lot of the talking.. but here's the brief write-up i was able to type up.. nothing super extraordinary:

"Gilbertti on Voice of Wrestling - 6/22/2008

Lots of boring talk about WWE, Randy Orton, McMahon, and assorted topics. Gilbertti/Cash talks about the PPV industry with everybody on the Internet stealing PPVs/signal. Gilbertti talks about the cable companies not having the technology to protect the signals so McMahon might want to take PPVs off TV and only put it on the WWE website as putting it on cable television allows the signal to be stolen. He said that's a possible solution.

Cash said there'll always be a way to get around it. I agree; it's impossible to combat piracy, in my opinion.

They take a call. Caller asks about Undertaker coming back or not after losing to Edge and then says he has been liking TNA but is upset it hasn't been showing on the ratings. Gilbertti says there are always ways to bring back a wrestler with stipulations. Cash and Gilbertti discuss about the million dollar giveaway. Gilbertti adds that a visual may help as we can see a genuine reaction to someone winning if they go to someone's door, rather than doing the phone call.

Cash was going to go to break until Gilbertti remembered that the caller had one more question dealing with TNA. He wanted to comment on it. He said ratings for wrestling in WWE and TNA are down now. He said NBA playoffs affected the ratings slightly.

Discussion on TNA. Gilbertti says that things he agrees with that people are critical about TNA, he doesn't comment on. He hasn't commented much on my criticisms of TNA. I'm not saying he agrees or not. He says he argues the points where he feels some people are wrong and he feels he needs to chime in due to inaccuracies in other members' arguments. Cash says Glenn needs to start talking about what he doesn't like about TNA. Gilbertti says he's been better recently. He said he didn't think Deuce's Wild was a great idea, didn't like Super Eric too much, and says Shark Boy and Jay Lethal are funny.

Gilbertti cannot explain why Shark Boy is not getting much time as he was. He's not on creative but would put him on the show more if he were. Samoa Joe as champion: he thinks Angle is better, but Joe would have needed it because fans would lose faith if he kept losing and never got it. Gilbertti says Rock/Austin is the best at what they did and nobody can come close to them anymore. I disagree with him in saying that nobody can put in memorable promos, etc. Because Russo wrote situations that got the best out of an Austin and Rock. Unfortuantely, Russo is not writing fully.

Glenn said Disco Inferno would never have been champion.

They talk about WWE.

Glenn talks about there is no personal issues with Undertaker and Edge other than the fact that their feud revolves only around the belt. Glenn reads the promos and says HHH and Cena talk about how they're going to beat such and such during the match. There's no substance, they're just wrestling for belts and there's nothing else. Scott Hudson agrees that there is nothing that reaches out and grabs him.

Cash brings up TNA and Karen Angle - AJ. Gilbertti says the wife is thrown in and it's personal. Gilbertti says Joe's angle is with Nash and that Joe is not just fighting/defending the belt. He has issues with Nash.

Cash brings up the Russo statement that "the belt is a prop". "Why is the belt not enough?". Glenn says The belt doesn't make the wrestler. The wrestler makes the belt. Don't build the belt; build the characters. Scott disagrees on one point. He says you don't put the belt on the strongest character. The strongest character is over enough. You put the belt on someone who needs the extra substance to get over.

Glenn says the strongest character should be fighting for the belt, but should be the guy that should carry the angle with the belt. Scott agrees. Cash says the strongest character doesn't need to be fighting for the belt. Scott says the strongest character doesn't necessarily need to have the belt, ie: the nWo stuff - the belt was rarely with the strong characters.

Gilbertti and Hudson agree that Rock and Austin would be super over based on their characters even if they never got the belt. It's the characters that made the belts.

Gilbertti talked about Rock joining the Nation of Domination and everyone would look the same and Rock would come out wearing Versace. It was the subtle things like that. Rock would then start doing most of the talking and tension would go with Faarooq. It was the slow good character development that they did back then. (marty note: ala Russo)."

I did enjoy this interview. One thing I like about Glen is that he has two unique character. On-Screen he was the annoying Disco Inferno character and off screen he is in the minority as a TNA fan who is looked upon as being a heel. On these forums there are few of us who have defended TNA while many others bash the product constantly. I am happy to say I have defended the product.

I think Eric Young has been portrayed as the goofy character in TNA for far too long, he was the paranoid guy then the virgin then the Superhero. By the time the Super Hero thing came about I was tired of Young. I will agree on Shark Boy and Jay Lethal and feel it is a shame that Shark Boy and Curry Man aren't featured more.

I think Samoa Joe would be a good champion if he was a heel. Right now all Joe does is scream and play second fiddle to Kevin Nash. Many expect Nash to turn on Joe but what if Joe turned on Nash. Joe was awesome as the killer from 2005/2006. Also I expect him to feud with Sting soon so that would set these things up. Maybe Joe could fight good guys and bad guys because the line between Heel and Face is blurred in TNA, heels can fight heels, faces can fight faces.

I completely agree about the current WWE Product having little substance. I believe the best storyline currently in WWE is the Chris Jericho/Shawn Michaels one. It evolved from Ric Flair/Shawn Michaels into HBK/Batista into its current form and besides for that nothing else has been really good.

The same things happen every week, champion and challenger talk about upcoming fights, a promo is cut, they fight a few times in before the show then they wrestle at the PPV. You can pretty much skip 3 out of 4 Raws leading up to a PPV because after a match is announced, nothing important happens.

On the other hand is TNA which has character development and plot development on TV. There are actual storylines in TNA from the two love triangles to the Nash/Joe situation. Newly added is the Team 3D vs Christian Cage/Rhino feud, while it is pretty simple, it is about revenge.

It is alright sometimes for feuds to be just about the belt but when every feud is about a belt the product is boring. TNA provides variety, which is great.

Is the championship a prop or something else. In my opinion it is a prop and a trophy of sorts. Sometimes the belt makes the wrestler sometimes the wrestler makes the belt. It depends on the situation.

I look at TNA as Sports Entertainment while many others look at the product as a sport, which in fact is a joke. In TNA it isn't all about the wrestling, its about characters, storylines and other things. I compare TNA more to an action packed episode of Lost or something like that as opposed to UFC. Leave the "sport" element to ROH.

I am officially on the "Fire Cash" campaign.

On his behalf I do say that Wrestlezone is a very good site.
I don't really have too much to say here, but I think the fans are right on this one, Disco. If it wasn't for Tivo, iI couldn't stand to watch an episode of Impact. The stories are crap, i.e. you don't need multiple love stories. Humanized Abyss is not a good idea, and a bunch of people said "black machismo is funny, but 3 'parody' characters are not needed. the Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and SoCal Val love triangle isn't needed when you could fill the program with wrestling.

No wonder TNA's slogan isn't "This is wrestling" anymore.

TNA Cross The Line into WWE garbage programming
I don't really have too much to say here, but I think the fans are right on this one, Disco. If it wasn't for Tivo, iI couldn't stand to watch an episode of Impact. The stories are crap, i.e. you don't need multiple love stories. Humanized Abyss is not a good idea, and a bunch of people said "black machismo is funny, but 3 'parody' characters are not needed. the Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and SoCal Val love triangle isn't needed when you could fill the program with wrestling.

No wonder TNA's slogan isn't "This is wrestling" anymore.

TNA Cross The Line into WWE garbage programming

well, you obviously don't know anything about what draws ratings. more wrestling and less character development is usually the proven downfall of a wrestling show. people could give a rat's ass about generic wrestling. they don't watch it. period. you have to get them to care about the characters, and that time is needed for character development. next time, preface your statements with, "in my personal opinion"
Hey, The Sonjay Dutt "Guru-ite" segment they did this week was entertaining as hell. It looked great visually, and Dutt being a love-obsessed psycho is working for me. I am enjoying the love triangle. I also look forward to the Kurt Angle blind dates. The 3D segment with Tomko/Angle this past week was very entertaining.

I understand that AJ Styles had to be serious one time or another but goofy AJ was great. AJ really did a tremendous job with his comedy. I love the TNA comedy segments and sometimes look up to them for keeping a straight face during the really funny ones where I would crack up. Guys like JB, Angle, AJ Styles and Christian/Tomko were in some of the funniest stuff over the past year. Eric Young too...

Russo can write great drama, great comedy, great TV.

Damn, whatever happened to Black Reign's split personality gimmick. I thought it was awesome when Dustin Rhodes would come out and talk about Black Reign scaring him. I also wish Shark Boy was on the show a lot more. When is he going to start stunning Cornette?

I do like Nash's role a little more. Samoa Joe as champion with Nash is okay.

I'm going to go down the TNA roster:


LAX as champions = meh. What happened to Rock and Rave? They haven't done anything but come out, say their schtick and leave. Christy Hemme should join the beautiful people. Christy needs to be the leader..

Abyss coming back is okay. His best angle was with Sting when Russo wrote that angle.. I dont think Gilbertti was watching then. but that stuff was great...

Awesome Kong.. i'll just wait and see.

- BG James/Kip James. I liked Kip's promo on DX, but they both haven't really done anything controversial like I would want them to do. They can still wrestle in my eyes
- Booker T: I'm a fan of his new push. Tremendous segments this past week with JB
- MMG: They haven't done jack squat character-wise.
- Consequences Creed: They push this guy like a rough guy from the street and he hasn't gotten on the mic once. Remember how Russo pushed Mike Sanders/Skipper in WCW> THey need to do the same
- Christian: this guy is great.. but they need more for him

- TNA needs a hot angle.. like a super nWo-esque angle. Russo wrote mcmahon vs austin, DX, hart patriotism with canada. even undertaker's ministry. There were lots of big angles in WWF. In WCW, he did powers that be building to nwo, then he wrote new blood vs millionaires. TNA needs a huge angle like that

- kurt angle, tomko, 3d, aj, karen: this is enjoyable to me. Kurt is the biggest paid guy at TNA. they have to continue to use him. But damn, how are they going to pass 1.0

- Matt Morgan, they gotta push this guy. he's got some good rough cuts.
- Robert Roode.. he doesn't really have anything going for him characterwise
- James Storm.. he can be funny when he needs to be
- Rhino: hasn't done much but tag with christian..
I recently read a wrestling magazine that mocks you slighty Disco. And to be honest I can see why. The Invisible Man? Seriously. Could you please give a little insight into why you think this would have worked, and how you selling for an ''Invisible Man'' wouldn't have made you look like a total idiot? Thank you.
While I have no clue whether or not you're still in any type of connection with T.N.A., could you attempt explaining to me why the company is beginning to mirror the W.W.E. in downgrading its Tag Team division?

Robert Roode & James Storm? While I'm sure they'll make a better team than Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes, the fact is they almost mirror one another in being seemingly slapped together to make a useless team to drag a month long feud out. Why?

T.N.A. has a decent amount of Tag Teams, or at least did have. L.A.X., Team 3D, Motor City Machine Guns, Rock n' Rave Infection, Christian & Rhino even.

So why don't they utilize their current Tag Teams, instead of randomly pairing two very good Single's stars together??

Also, while we're on the topic of Tag Teams.. must a company always break up a good vet-like team, merely because they've grown old? Example: Kip & B.G. James. Since splitting the two up, neither have done ANYTHING. At least as a team, they had a role and worked well together.
Yes glen I do, But what does storm and robert have to do with each other. I realise that alot of tag teams in the buisness have been 2 or more different people with different gimmics. But other than the two being heels and hating certian people. I don't see the connection with them.

And I need to ask you a question, The only thing that i've really been whatching tna for is awsome kong and the world x cup. But why does it seem to me that the x cup is lacking this year. So far I havent seen any of the greatness that I've saw In years past. The x division and the x cup both are great Ideas but why arent we seeing great matches like years past. The Team japan and Team mexico match this week was prety entertaining. But other than a little bit in the beginning ware was the fast pased match?
The match that the x division is prety much famous for?
Know who else was a fantastic tag team wrestler? Christian Cage. I don't see you putting him in a pointless tag tea-- Oh. Fuck.

I actually don't mind Storm/Roode, as long as it's a very, very temporary thing. It baffles be how Kaz gets numerous title opportunities, despite losing tag title matches and X title matches all the time, and yet Storm and Roode get none. King of the Mountain doesn't really count, there's always one or two guys in there who absolutely have no chance of walking out with the belt. And what happened to that Sting/Storm feud that was teased? Thought Sting wanted to put people over? No?
maybe because storm is one of the best tag wrestlers in the business? do u remember a team called AMW??

Honestly, if you wanna play stupid.. I'll treat you like you are.

Of course I remember America's Most Wanted. But let me take your question, and return a question. Since you wanna toss that up.. do you remember WHO was IN A.M.W.? Because oddly enough.. I don't recall it being ROBERT FRICKEN ROODE!

James Storm & Robert Roode advanced from their Tag Team careers. A.M.W. accomplished all they could. (ie. Storm has accomplished all he could as a Tag Team wrestler) Robert Roode has done much the same. So why does T.N.A. continue to hold down two very great talented and well rounded athletes who can perform both in the ring, as well as on the mic.. and stick them in a meaningless Tag Team, that won't amount to anything?

And better yet, even if they do.. what will it end with? Tag Team Championships? SO fricken WHAT. They've both been there and done that, how is that advancing their careers?

Storm and Roode should both be competing for either the X-Division Championship, or the Heavyweight Championship. Samoa Joe is plain, average, and can't talk worth a shit. Storm and/or Roode would talk circles around him, WHILE handing him his ass inside the wrestling ring.
And what happened to that Sting/Storm feud that was teased? Thought Sting wanted to put people over? No?

EXACTLY! Well Disco? This storyline had pure gold written all over it for James Storm to finally escape being a Beer Drinking Champion, to actually being considered a World Heavyweight Championship contender. But yet, instead of seeing Sting put Storm over.. I see L.A.X. bringing the fans into a Pay Per View match.. so they (the fans) can screw Storm and Roode out of being Champions.

In a division they've both already done all they could possibly do, in.
it's hard to not condescend to posts like these. let me ask you guys a question. what did dusty rhodes and nikita koloff have to do with each other before they became the super powers? what did rick rude and manny fernandez have to do with each other before they became ravishing and raging? sting and luger? nash and shawn michaels? hall and nash? rock and sock? or is everyone so ignorant that they think that tag teams should be bonded by the common theme that wear the same tights? people have been complaining that the tag division has been ignored, and now there's a team that can cut pretty good promos in the mix and people hate on it after only a couple of weeks because thats what arm chair bookers like to do. diss on angles before they even get a chance to play out. with the top of the card being filled with angle, aj, booker, joe, sting, and nash, what would james storm and robert roode be doing for the next few months?
it's hard to not condescend to posts like these. let me ask you guys a question. what did dusty rhodes and nikita koloff have to do with each other before they became the super powers? what did rick rude and manny fernandez have to do with each other before they became ravishing and raging? sting and luger? nash and shawn michaels? hall and nash? rock and sock? or is everyone so ignorant that they think that tag teams should be bonded by the common theme that wear the same tights? people have been complaining that the tag division has been ignored, and now there's a team that can cut pretty good promos in the mix and people hate on it after only a couple of weeks because thats what arm chair bookers like to do.

Fine. Then I'll assume they'll be defeating L.A.X. at Victory Road and become the new Tag Team Champions. Because thats the only way the Tag Team of Robert Roode and James Storm won't be looked at.. as just two single's wrestlers being slapped together because the company didn't have anything better for them to do.

So remember this Glenn, if L.A.X. defeats Roode and Storm.. remember I told you so, so you can log that one away in your Arm-Chair Booker book. Because thats exactly what I'm predicting right now.. L.A.X. picks up the victory, because the fans will "get revenge."

You wanna prove me wrong? Crown new Tag Team Champions, and let them run as a Team for more than a couple monthes with the titles. I bet you ten to one L.A.X. retain, because Victory Road isn't seen as anything more than a by-pass Pay Per View onto the next one.. and Team 3D v. L.A.X. has been done to death.. so naturally you need something new.

diss on angles before they even get a chance to play out. with the top of the card being filled with angle, aj, booker, joe, sting, and nash, what would james storm and robert roode be doing for the next few months?

How about working their way into the mix? I mean, its a crazy theory and all.. but shucks Duck.. it just might be workable, yeah?

James Storm had a feud going with Sting.. it just up and ended, without a conclusion. Do you realize James Storm v. Sting would've worked for a Pay Per View like Victory Road? Its considered a B-show p.p.v.. its just a bump in the road to Bound For Glory.. so Sting v. Storm could've played out for the next couple of monthes.

Here's another idea you can write down and later use as your own. Robert Roode.. was great, in King of the Mountain. So naturally he could build on a feud with Christian Cage. I mean, do you recall when Roode originally stepped into the remote Main Event scene??

Who'd he team with.. :eek2: I believe it was Christian Cage. And just for giggles.. who'd he then turn on, to help Kurt Angle? :eek: Why, that'd be Mister Christian Cage as well.. yet whatever came of a Cage v. Roode match-up? You spent 5 plus monthes building Storm v. Young in a Drinking Championship for a kid's W.W.E. Spinner belt, but you can't spend 2 monthes building an actually decent match? No wonder your company's second best.

Oh, news flash.. there are only 2 main company's IN the sport right now, so second best is actually LAST!

Honestly, I'm not trying to sound like a dick.. but you make it so easy. I fully apologize for some of my remarks, but I dare you to actually prove them wrong.

One final comment. T.N.A. B-Show Pay Per View Main Events normally consist of 6-Man Tag Team matches. So why couldn't Robert Roode & James Storm both factor into one of those?
which magazine, and what exactly does it say?

Power Slam:

Asked about TNA and what its goals should be Glen 'Disco Inferno' Gilberti told Main Event Wrestling Radio on June 4: ''Where do I start? We need to increase viewership for one. We need to increase revenue. We need to grow to the point that we can take the show on the road. Thats what needs to be done.'' Pure genius! But, then, Gilberti was the wrestle whp proposed around eight years ago that WCW create a character called The Invisible Man who would, indeed, be invisible. Gilberti even offered to put this nonexistent character over in a match. His proposal was too absurd even for WCW, and was shot down.

That's what is said exactly in the magazine.
here is the exact story of the invisible man. when we would sit in the booking meetings and we'd have writers block, people would just randomly shoot out goofy ideas. so we're sitting there one day and we've got nothing, and i say,"let's shoot a shot of an empty locker room for thirty seconds, and at the end show 'Coming Soon: The Invisible Man'" and everybody cracks up. We never did it and never actually took it seriously and that was sort of the end of it. Except when we'd be talking about angles and i'd jokingly say something like, "and Goldberg holds up the belt and the invisible man nails him from behind and grabs the belt and puts it around his own waist." So don't believe everything you read about me.
Fine. Then I'll assume they'll be defeating L.A.X. at Victory Road and become the new Tag Team Champions. Because thats the only way the Tag Team of Robert Roode and James Storm won't be looked at.. as just two single's wrestlers being slapped together because the company didn't have anything better for them to do.

So remember this Glenn, if L.A.X. defeats Roode and Storm.. remember I told you so, so you can log that one away in your Arm-Chair Booker book. Because thats exactly what I'm predicting right now.. L.A.X. picks up the victory, because the fans will "get revenge."

You wanna prove me wrong? Crown new Tag Team Champions, and let them run as a Team for more than a couple monthes with the titles. I bet you ten to one L.A.X. retain, because Victory Road isn't seen as anything more than a by-pass Pay Per View onto the next one.. and Team 3D v. L.A.X. has been done to death.. so naturally you need something new.

How about working their way into the mix? I mean, its a crazy theory and all.. but shucks Duck.. it just might be workable, yeah?

James Storm had a feud going with Sting.. it just up and ended, without a conclusion. Do you realize James Storm v. Sting would've worked for a Pay Per View like Victory Road? Its considered a B-show p.p.v.. its just a bump in the road to Bound For Glory.. so Sting v. Storm could've played out for the next couple of monthes.

Here's another idea you can write down and later use as your own. Robert Roode.. was great, in King of the Mountain. So naturally he could build on a feud with Christian Cage. I mean, do you recall when Roode originally stepped into the remote Main Event scene??

Who'd he team with.. :eek2: I believe it was Christian Cage. And just for giggles.. who'd he then turn on, to help Kurt Angle? :eek: Why, that'd be Mister Christian Cage as well.. yet whatever came of a Cage v. Roode match-up? You spent 5 plus monthes building Storm v. Young in a Drinking Championship for a kid's W.W.E. Spinner belt, but you can't spend 2 monthes building an actually decent match? No wonder your company's second best.

Oh, news flash.. there are only 2 main company's IN the sport right now, so second best is actually LAST!

Honestly, I'm not trying to sound like a dick.. but you make it so easy. I fully apologize for some of my remarks, but I dare you to actually prove them wrong.

One final comment. T.N.A. B-Show Pay Per View Main Events normally consist of 6-Man Tag Team matches. So why couldn't Robert Roode & James Storm both factor into one of those?

since you're so smart you must know that Sting's deal only allowed for a certain amount of dates and he hurt himself and went home for a couple of months. of course you knew that, right?
since you're so smart you must know that Sting's deal only allowed for a certain amount of dates and he hurt himself and went home for a couple of months. of course you knew that, right?

So. Not his fault that a bad deal was negotiated. And Sting is an honorable man, how come nobody asked him to honor his dates? I mean they have clamped down and been firm with lower tiered wrestlers on other issues. Why not show level treatment all around and be firm with Sting. I mean it's not like he's going to run off for WWE.
since you're so smart you must know that Sting's deal only allowed for a certain amount of dates and he hurt himself and went home for a couple of months. of course you knew that, right?

Well, if by "knew that, right?" You actually meant...

Did I know that you'd take everything I just said, as something I felt was a serious issue and do what T.N.A. does best and just either blow it off because they (along with you) don't take stuff seriously and only treat it as a joke, or because collectively the talent on their staff isn't smart enough to understand how to properly use their talent and manage their roster..

Then yes, yes Glenn I knew that all along.

Now, would you mind adding a bit more of an opinion then that of a common spammer? Or would that be above your standards to do?

In all seriousness, I'm asking you why top talent like James Storm and Robert Roode aren't taken more seriously.. when I suppose I'm a smart enough wrestling mark (as you'd like to see me as) to see that its so apparently clear the answer to that question.. is because T.N.A. is way too busy pushing former W.W.E. talent that used to job more than be known, to understand that they might of actually had great talent already waiting to be used on their very own roster.

Don't worry, when Storm & Roode finally get smart and jump to the W.W.E., things will be better for them. I'm sure they'll job like crazy over there and likely end up getting ran into the ground.. but in the end it doesn't seem like it'll be any different from what they're about to do at the next Pay Per View, of course the difference being.. they'll actually be collecting pay-checks from the W.W.E.. instead of "I.O.U's" from T.N.A.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way regarding the Sting issue.. A.) No I didn't know that he was injured. Maybe T.N.A. should make a statement to that effect, instead of lying and promoting that he could be at up-coming events.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong (I'm begging you) but did you just say Sting is only contracted to work a select amount of times? So within that, are you saying Sting's time is way above working a single's match with James Storm? Well, Abyss just returned.. maybe another 8 month long feud/friendship can be rehashed, yeah?
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