Coming onto here and reading some peoples opinions can be really frustrating sometimes, some people just dont want to see any good in some things its untrue.
Now dont get me wrong i have been a wrestling fan for at least 15 years and as most used to love the WWE during the Attitude era but now i just cant bring myself to watch the shows because its just the same thing over and over again. Yes you get the odd thing that will get me watching fully but otherwise these days i just tape the shows and see where the stories are going (mainly out of habit) because match wise WWE just isnt getting my attention any more.
As for TNA i have to say i am a big fan, i started watching about 2 years ago and was instantly hooked, it was fresh and was overall a whole lot more entertaining than WWE.
Now the thing that annoys me is when you have people insulting TNA for certain aspects of the show which in my opinion are either not there or for the most part are down to the viewers inabilities to comprehend such as a story, a wrestlers character or prime example match stipulations.
Some of the things have been covered in this thread already like how "TNA are copying WWE/ TNA are WWE Lite" and then when they do something new we have people complaing too. When will people be happy? Yes i know not everything might be to people taste but the way people describe TNA its like they will be physically ill if they watch Impact! Talk about going over the top, its cool with some people to hate TNA more than the next guy, who can hate it more, 'Guy 1:Its so bad it makes me feel ill!!!!!! Guy 2: yeah well its so bad i actually died while watching it!!!!!!!!!!!!!', you get what i mean.
The thing is i could understand this sort of reaction if there was another company putting on an amazing, fantastic product but there isnt, WWE is crap for the most part and what else is there, ROH which does have some fantastic matches but there just isnt enough entertainment to really get you interested in the wrestlers, other than the love of the sport there isnt much else to get you going back which you need for an entertaining wrestling show.
This is where i think for me TNA have it right, they have some really good matches that actually bring some new ideas instead of everyone having the same style and the stories are interesting and have me wanting to watch the next show which is what you want from your viewers.
Now i admit i do tend to see the good in things when it comes to TNA not because im a mark but because i honestly believe most of the critics of TNA are insulting things that are not really what they think they are such as the AJ angles with him having a comedic side. Where some would tell you its a disgrace and has ruined him others (including AJ) would say its something different for him, has given him a personality, it hasnt limited him too much in the ring and has given him a hell of a lot of confidence and now look at him, he is about to go into a match with Angle which pretty much everyone is looking forward to and because of the slow build up and a great beatdown has turned him into a super face who im sure at their match will have the crowd going mad for him.
Also you still have people moaning about the comedy side of AJ when it has mostly been gone for at least 2-3 months but somehow these people have a problem with something that isnt there!
Ther are so many other 'problems' i have read people complaing about that are not really problems but i think i have gone on too long about some of them
The other note i wanted to mention was about the ratings drop, has no one noticed that EVERY wrestling show is down at the moment, RAW had its lowest rating for a few years the other week, ECW is pulling just above what TNA were doing at the biginning of the year so maybe people shouldnt put TNA down too much because its an industry problem not just them.
Slyfox and GGInferno have said most of the points best, some people (not all) just seem to want to hate TNA or just cant understand some of the stories/matches which for me is their problem not TNA's. I have never had a problem understanding anything they have done and i just dont know how some people do. And the whole argument about "You wont get casual viewers with complicated stories/matches", yes i do want TNA to grow and i am interested in the ratings they get but when it comes down to it that doesnt affect MY viewing entertainment and understanding of the show so why should you care if OTHER people cant understand?
I think a lot of the times you hear this what they really mean is that they dont understand or find it difficult and use the easy 'casual fan' argument to cover this fact!