[Official] Disco Nation

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Sorry I'm just upset how a company with so much upside has went into the crapper........the product is suffering.....and the talent that's "over" the most take a backseat while guys i wish just crawled into a hole and never laced thier boots up again (Steiner,Nash etc.) are getting a hero's push. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the connection between old washed up WCW guys and the old washed up WCW booker thats putting them in those spots. Every TNA fan I know started thier TNA DVD collection with the best of the X-DIVISION. If i wanted to see Nash and Steiner in main-event roles I'd subscribe to WWE 24/7, instead i want to see good wrestling featuring young and upcoming talent that i can get behind and root for and watch their carreer develop and blossom into an "A" performer (ROBERT ROODE)

However, i'm starting to realize that TNA might no longer be the option I'm looking for.....UNTIL RUSSO GETS FIRED!!!!!!!

how do you feel about the WWE?
If i wanted to see Nash and Steiner in main-event roles I'd subscribe to WWE 24/7, instead i want to see good wrestling featuring young and upcoming talent that i can get behind and root for and watch their carreer develop and blossom into an "A" performer (ROBERT ROODE)

What the hell are you talking about? Nash gets 3-5 mins on the show, usually doesn't wrestle (which is a good thing), and everyone I know laughed their butts off to that segment with Team 3d. Also, Steiner hasn't been on TV since losing at the last PPV, which Samoa Joe (young and upcoming talent) won. Furthermore, Roode is in the KOTM. The only way it could be even better for Roode is if he had a one on one title shot with Joe.
That's why i started watching TNA was to escape that crap.........now TNA has went from a company with lower production value but better product......to lower production value and inferior product.......you can't tell me that Nash has more of a wrestling repetoire than taker............likewise you can't tell me HHH is inferior to Steiner.........im not a WWE mark but i call it like i see it, i dont want to see HHH and TAKER but the WWE washed up talent is better than TNA's.

Here's to hoping things change in TNA........because i don't want to have to start watching CRAPDOWN!!!!! again.
FUZZY are you a GG mark?

What does that even mean? Does it mean did I like Disco Inferno? He was entertaining when he started. Do I agree with everything Glen says? of course not. I just don't think its fair that people should flame on EVERY idea TNA comes up with.

Plus you are not thinking of name value. Who has more name value among fans? The Outsiders or MCMG? Hell, more than 75% of WWE fans don't even know LAX! But they do know The dudleys. So won't it make sense to attract fans by having the dudleys run rampant to gain fans?
Name recognition is one thing as long as your bringing in the right names (angle,cc,sting) citing the dudley's almost makes me wanna vomit. I just don't like getting laughed at for wanting russo to fall on his head in an ELEVATION X match........so the booking would improve.

Do you think that bringing in booker T is gonna help ratings and make wrestling fans tune into SPIKE thursday nite? Somebody must think so (RUSSO)

Wouldn't you rather see Curry man?
Wouldn't you like to see a new head booker?
TNA has only been in operation for 6 years, and on TV for 3. I'm not exactly sure what you expect from them. How can you possibly expect them to compete with the WWE's number 1 show, with absolutely no tradition behind them?

No one expects them to compete with the WWE. Those posters are mostly claiming that TNA has poor ratings, in terms of ratings. A 0.9 this past Impact, that's not impressive for any “successful” show.

That's because ECW wasn't getting 1.0 when everyone else was getting a 3.5. ECW was getting a 1.0 when WCW and WWF were combining for over 10.0 ratings. Major difference. Not to mention how many channels have been created over the last 8 years, further giving people more options to watch.

Read this again and tell me what you've missed? Back when ECW was doing the SAME numbers as TNA is NOW the WWF and WCW had huge ratings, both of them. Transfer those huge ratings into wrestling fans.. now look at WWE's ratings now.. what's the difference? The difference is the huge amount of wrestling fans who aren't watching WWE and TNA isn't drawing in, because they're doing the same numbers as ECW when ECW had far, far, far more competition in the televised wrestling world. That's proof of TNA's lack of success of drawing in the wrestling fans, and a point for old ECW I do believe.

And yet, TNA is the number 2 promotion in America, has a national TV deal, monthly live PPVs, merchandising in stores, a DVD division, some of the top main-eventers from the WWE, and are going to make a profit.

And yet they’re still mediocre at best when compared to the products of other “lesser” wrestling promotions, like Ring of Honor, in my opinion. That’s definitely saying something.

Now wait a minute. Both Nitro and Raw had primetime slots. Nitro had a live show on a night that Raw made a wrestling night. TNA's show started late night on Saturday night. Since then they have nearly doubled their audience, moved to prime time on a traditionally VERY strong TV night (meaning stiff competition), and have gotten a two hour show. Obviously SpikeTV thinks their show is successful. They pulled record ratings twice in January and February.

WCW moved to prime time with the creation of Monday Nitro. Guess what? They started at 2’s and went to 3’s in ONE YEAR! TNA might be able to claim progress, but it’s very slow and mediocre progress in terms of the big picture and the potential progress that is actually out there for them to tap into.

And as for TNA’s PPV buys? I do believe a number of sources have spoken of their PPV buys being very low, and even Glenn Gilbertti I believe has said that before. Can you prove that TNA’s ppv buys are NOT low? What are their attendance figures?

Good day.
4) please expound on my record behind the scenes, specifically with things that i've been responsible for. i would suggest you probably know absolutely nothing about what my role has been behind the scenes in the wrestling business.

What is your role in TNA anyways? I don'T want to piss you of or anything but it seem like you don'T really know anything that'S going on in TNA as far as PPV buys and ratings and all the other financial stuff. So if you could please tell us what's your role in TNA is, i'm pretty sure that us, internet fans, could have a intelligent discussion about TNA after.
2) what does the network booting ecw off have to do with tna? tna is not getting booted off spike.

ECW was booted off the network to make room for the WWE, that's a bit different, isn't it? TNA would be gone too right now if they were in the very same situation as ECW was.
Name recognition is one thing as long as your bringing in the right names (angle,cc,sting) citing the dudley's almost makes me wanna vomit. I just don't like getting laughed at for wanting russo to fall on his head in an ELEVATION X match........so the booking would improve.

Do you think that bringing in booker T is gonna help ratings and make wrestling fans tune into SPIKE thursday nite? Somebody must think so (RUSSO)

Wouldn't you rather see Curry man?
Wouldn't you like to see a new head booker?

i think you need to understand that russo isn't head of creative. jeff is.
Jeff isn't calling the shots like he used too............i know this because he'd be in King of the mountain!!!!! The whole thing is "we" as tna wrestling fans are begging for change, and tna management instead of recognizing this,is alienating us and "thanking" us for our $120.
Thats poor customer service if you ask me. Why can't you (GG) admit that there is a significant part of TNA fans that are displeased with the direction of product........and at least make an effort at being different than the WWE. The last wrestling company that took that course of action is no longer on cable television.........I know that might be a stretch for TNA now, but im not so sure about the future anymore!!!!! TNA was my salvation and a great alternative...........now it's as diluted as the WWE!!!!!
No one expects them to compete with the WWE. Those posters are mostly claiming that TNA has poor ratings, in terms of ratings. A 0.9 this past Impact, that's not impressive for any “successful” show.
Obviously not, because SpikeTV considers the average 1.0 rating they are getting to be very good for their slot. UFC is still one of the hottest things around, and TNA goes head to head with UFC in terms of final ratings.

Read this again and tell me what you've missed?

Back when ECW was doing the SAME numbers as TNA is NOW the WWF and WCW had huge ratings, both of them. Transfer those huge ratings into wrestling fans.. now look at WWE's ratings now.. what's the difference? The difference is the huge amount of wrestling fans who aren't watching WWE and TNA isn't drawing in, because they're doing the same numbers as ECW when ECW had far, far, far more competition in the televised wrestling world. That's proof of TNA's lack of success of drawing in the wrestling fans, and a point for old ECW I do believe.

You need to go back and understand the debate that we were having. The other guy was stating how TNA didn't control a large enough portion of the audience to be considered successful, and then cited ECW as having similar ratings. Well, ECW came along during a time where there were nearly 3 times as many wrestling fans out there, and they could only get the same number of fans TNA is getting.

Thus, the point was that ECW controlled a much smaller percentage of the available wrestling audience than TNA is now.

You can't hold against TNA an imaginary wrestling audience that is not there these days. That's simply ridiculous to do.

And yet they’re still mediocre at best when compared to the products of other “lesser” wrestling promotions, like Ring of Honor, in my opinion. That’s definitely saying something.
I agree.

It says your opinion on quality is quite skewed and unreliable. Ring of Honor is atrocious, and the only people who "like" Ring of Honor do so simply because it makes them think they are better wrestling fans, not because they actually enjoy the product more.

WCW moved to prime time with the creation of Monday Nitro. Guess what? They started at 2’s and went to 3’s in ONE YEAR!
Yeah...and I guess it was just a coincidence they had all the biggest draws in wrestling history on the same show, AND the most revolutionary angle in wrestling history, all at the same time. Coincidence...right?


TNA might be able to claim progress, but it’s very slow and mediocre progress in terms of the big picture and the potential progress that is actually out there for them to tap into.
Slow? See, that's just ridiculous. Do you really expect my Ma and Pop general store to compete with Wal-Mart in 6 years time? Is my family diner going to make McDonald's start chewing its fingernails in 6 years time?

In 6 years, they have gotten a national television deal on a strong tv night, do live monthly PPVs, have a merchandising division with merchandise in national retailers, have a DVD division, and have actually raided top talent from the WWE.

If you call that slow progress, then you need to step back and examine yourself.

And as for TNA’s PPV buys? I do believe a number of sources have spoken of their PPV buys being very low
And which one of those sources work in TNA and would have the first clue as to what they were reporting? Answer? None.

Can you prove that TNA’s ppv buys are NOT low?
I'm not the one stating they have good PPV buys. If you want to use number of buys as an argument, you need to be able to prove it. And no one on here can prove it, because it's never been released.

What are their attendance figures?
Generally quite good from everything I've read. Hell, I live a couple hours south of St. Louis, and TNA held a house show there, on Good Friday right before Easter, and I believe had nearly 1300 fans attend. That's a hell of a good figure for a house show before Easter.
mister rob,
you are an absolute fountain of misinformation. 0.9 is a successful rating if it's higher than the networks expectations. you make some asinine comments, as if you know a thing or two about ratings. tna is "mediocre at best" when compare to ring of honor??? ring of honor did THIRTY SIX buys for a ppv in canada recently. and now you're comparing tna's lack of success compared to wcw's rise?? when wcw had a $750,000 production budget for a live tv show and, at the time, the biggest star in the history of the business in hulk hogan?? if this was a court of law, your arguments would be slaughtered for lack of evidence. you pretend to know what you're talking about by making sensational general statements, but in actuality you have no clue.

your ECW argument is especially inept. if i advertise on a show with 100 fans, as opposed to advertising on a show with 30 fans, which fan base do you think might draw me a larger audience?? would a reasonable human being suggest that if i drew as many fans by advertising on a show with 30 fans as the show with 100 fans, then i would be doing better than the other show. boy, you really end up with alot of egg on your face in these forum discussions.
Jeff isn't calling the shots like he used too............i know this because he'd be in King of the mountain!!!!! The whole thing is "we" as tna wrestling fans are begging for change, and tna management instead of recognizing this,is alienating us and "thanking" us for our $120.
Thats poor customer service if you ask me. Why can't you (GG) admit that there is a significant part of TNA fans that are displeased with the direction of product........and at least make an effort at being different than the WWE. The last wrestling company that took that course of action is no longer on cable television.........I know that might be a stretch for TNA now, but im not so sure about the future anymore!!!!! TNA was my salvation and a great alternative...........now it's as diluted as the WWE!!!!!

If you hate TNA stop watching. Its just that damn simple. Show the people you hate TNA by bringing down ratings. Why do you continue to watch if its sooooo bad. You read the spoilers, if its not interesting stop watching.
Why is it when wrestling fans give input on product (which is the number 1 thing TNA should consider) before an impact taping or PPV, is met with sarcasim and not taken seriously. It's like "I'll just keep my head in the sand until the fans accept we will not change." If at every show these things take place.......shouldn't there be some "mild" consideration at worst?
Wrestling as a whole is in the shitter right now. WWE is producing absolute garbage nowadays and instead of fixing it they are "giving away 1 million dollars a week" to improve ratings. TNA has basically become the second coming of WCW. They are taking fired WWE talent and pushing them to the moon instead of establishing their own talent. I mean they basically made AJ Styles Christian and then Kurt Angle's bitch. One thing about TNA that I do absolutely love is the Womens Division with the exception of Kong. Watching her squash everybody on the roster is pointless. When it comes to Glen Gilberti, I haven't read enough of his posts to really form a strong opinion on him one way or the other. I do disagree with him putting people down just because they are smart fans. I'd much rather be a smart fan than a mindless puppet that cheers for who ever I'm told to. And it's the smart fans who count down the days in anticipation to the following Monday or Thursday to see whats going to happen next on the show. Casual fans don't usually care one way or the other. When it comes to ppv buys, it's pretty much a fact that it's the smart fans who buy the pay per views. Casual fans aren't going to go out of their way to pay 30 bucks to watch something when they can just watch Impact for free the following Thursday. When you look at Impacts ratings, doesn't seem like too many people are even bothering to peek at Impact to see the results of the ppv. TNA just needs to realize it can't compete with WWE and should go back to trying to be the alternative and show a lot more wrestling and just a few storylines to give the matches meaning. They need to stop trying to be a hybrid of WCW and The Days of Our Lives.
Why is it when wrestling fans give input on product (which is the number 1 thing TNA should consider) before an impact taping or PPV, is met with sarcasim and not taken seriously. It's like "I'll just keep my head in the sand until the fans accept we will not change." If at every show these things take place.......shouldn't there be some "mild" consideration at worst?
Honestly? Because most wrestling fans don't give constructive criticism, they give idiotic criticism. And then, when pressed to say what they would do different, usually it consists of the same ideas that have never drawn a dime in wrestling in the first place. Most wrestling fans who criticize the product, do so without understanding that their particular preferences really mean absolutely nothing when it comes to putting on a show that is trying to appeal to a large demographic.

Thus, after reading idiotic after idiotic "input" it just gets to the point where you just ignore the small minority of fans who are going to bitch, no matter what product is put out there, and concentrate on what the majority of your audience wants to see.
There is still a dozen wrestlers on the TNA roster that can produce a 5 star match.........hence why I still watch...........I don't hate TNA i loved having an alternative that was the complete opposite of what VKM was shoving down my throat everyweek. Here comes another juice head down the aisle!!!!!!! Instead the talent of TNA worked thier ass off to get a spot on cable television only to have a bunch of WWE and WCW rejects "run with the ball" and haven't gotten anywhere.........don't you think at some point if TNA actually wants to become more than a blip on VKM radar screen to perhaps go back to the drawing bored and give us something fresh?
Honestly i have very mixed opinions on Gillbertti, but one thing remains constant, he does argue points very well, there is always evidence to back up whatever claims he may be making. He does know things about the business that internet fans dont because he's on the inside so i dont think anyone could try and take him on on that aspect of wrestling.

However he does seem to be more than a little arrogant and looks down on internet fans as if they are nothing, i will grant you that there is no way they are supporting the product themselves, but they also arent people to turn your nose up and to pretend that losing them wouldnt hurt your company in anyway.

I guess i would be considered an internet fan as i read everything Wrestlezone posts because i like to know what's going on, but i dont think i could take TNA or WWE and make them do 6-8 ratings every week and i respect the hell out of every man or woman that steps in a ring on a regular basis.

The big thing is, WWE, TNA, ROH and other companies are BUSINESSES, their aim is to earn money, these are the things Gillbertti is discussing and defending, ratings, buyrates, growth etc and these are not things that concern me. I like to see good quality wrestling, regardless of which ring it is happening in. There are certain aspects of each company i like and certain aspects i dont.

I'll continue to check in on TNA on a weekly basis because i like the company, same with WWE. But some weeks i'll watch the highlights packages the companies provide online and some weeks i will watch the full-length broadcast, dependent on how good the show seemed that week. This is not something Gillbertti or the top level management in any company gives a damn about, all they care about is that i sometimes watch their broadcast, and i buy a lot of their DVDs. For that reason no-one will win this arguement with Gillbertti because he would be happy if TNA were putting on a terrible show but everyone was watching, there's nothing wrong with that, that's business, but excuse me if i care more about quality content than success.
Wrestling as a whole is in the shitter right now. WWE is producing absolute garbage nowadays and instead of fixing it they are "giving away 1 million dollars a week" to improve ratings. TNA has basically become the second coming of WCW. They are taking fired WWE talent and pushing them to the moon instead of establishing their own talent. I mean they basically made AJ Styles Christian and then Kurt Angle's bitch. One thing about TNA that I do absolutely love is the Womens Division with the exception of Kong. Watching her squash everybody on the roster is pointless. When it comes to Glen Gilberti, I haven't read enough of his posts to really form a strong opinion on him one way or the other. I do disagree with him putting people down just because they are smart fans. I'd much rather be a smart fan than a mindless puppet that cheers for who ever I'm told to. And it's the smart fans who count down the days in anticipation to the following Monday or Thursday to see whats going to happen next on the show. Casual fans don't usually care one way or the other. When it comes to ppv buys, it's pretty much a fact that it's the smart fans who buy the pay per views. Casual fans aren't going to go out of their way to pay 30 bucks to watch something when they can just watch Impact for free the following Thursday. When you look at Impacts ratings, doesn't seem like too many people are even bothering to peek at Impact to see the results of the ppv. TNA just needs to realize it can't compete with WWE and should go back to trying to be the alternative and show a lot more wrestling and just a few storylines to give the matches meaning. They need to stop trying to be a hybrid of WCW and The Days of Our Lives.

"When it comes to ppv buys, it's pretty much a fact that it's the smart fans who buy the pay per views." This is why i post in these forums, when statements are made and are accepted as fact. 1) do you have ANY evidence on the demographics of who buys the ppv's? 2) TNA doesn't release their buyrates, so i don't even know how you could answer question number one.
There is still a dozen wrestlers on the TNA roster that can produce a 5 star match.........hence why I still watch...........I don't hate TNA i loved having an alternative that was the complete opposite of what VKM was shoving down my throat everyweek. Here comes another juice head down the aisle!!!!!!! Instead the talent of TNA worked thier ass off to get a spot on cable television only to have a bunch of WWE and WCW rejects "run with the ball" and haven't gotten anywhere.........don't you think at some point if TNA actually wants to become more than a blip on VKM radar screen to perhaps go back to the drawing bored and give us something fresh?

good lord. another fan that wants five star matches. maybe tna could tape their ppv's like ring of honor and then promote five star fake fights like they do on the internet, complete with quotes from "respected" critics like dave meltzer, and do 36 buys in canada again.
What does ROH have to do with some of the TNA wrestlers that are capable of having a 5 star match? thats a compliment to some of the TNA talent, However someone on the payroll would rather flame for no reason. I have one question for you GG? How much of RUSSO's KOOL AID do you driNk a day........like it's overkill............i dont own one ROH DVD and have no opinion on thier product bc i havent watched it enough!!!! I need an anwser to this question......Do you think "we" as fans are out of place for requesting Vince Russo to be relieved of his duties when he's been given fair oppurtunity to put on a good wrestling show with a talent laden roster and hasen't come through?
Honestly i have very mixed opinions on Gillbertti, but one thing remains constant, he does argue points very well, there is always evidence to back up whatever claims he may be making. He does know things about the business that internet fans dont because he's on the inside so i dont think anyone could try and take him on on that aspect of wrestling.

However he does seem to be more than a little arrogant and looks down on internet fans as if they are nothing, i will grant you that there is no way they are supporting the product themselves, but they also arent people to turn your nose up and to pretend that losing them wouldnt hurt your company in anyway.

I guess i would be considered an internet fan as i read everything Wrestlezone posts because i like to know what's going on, but i dont think i could take TNA or WWE and make them do 6-8 ratings every week and i respect the hell out of every man or woman that steps in a ring on a regular basis.

The big thing is, WWE, TNA, ROH and other companies are BUSINESSES, their aim is to earn money, these are the things Gillbertti is discussing and defending, ratings, buyrates, growth etc and these are not things that concern me. I like to see good quality wrestling, regardless of which ring it is happening in. There are certain aspects of each company i like and certain aspects i dont.

I'll continue to check in on TNA on a weekly basis because i like the company, same with WWE. But some weeks i'll watch the highlights packages the companies provide online and some weeks i will watch the full-length broadcast, dependent on how good the show seemed that week. This is not something Gillbertti or the top level management in any company gives a damn about, all they care about is that i sometimes watch their broadcast, and i buy a lot of their DVDs. For that reason no-one will win this arguement with Gillbertti because he would be happy if TNA were putting on a terrible show but everyone was watching, there's nothing wrong with that, that's business, but excuse me if i care more about quality content than success.

i never throw the first stone. i only show arrogance when the argument reaches a level to where i feel i have to. besides, i cut a pretty good forum promo. the main problem is most of the people i argue with in these forums find it hard to accept the fact that i know so much about the business, from a wrestling, creative, and production standpoint. if they don't respect that aspect, then i usually have to condescend to them to get my point across. besides, it's funnier that way.

one of the main things people should realize is that tna is a wrestling company that is not on par with wwe yet, and we realize that. what most people fail to realize is that we are given a budget, been placed on a network, were given expectations for ratings, and the network is happy with it. period. tna doesn't have to answer to it's fans on wrestlezone.com, they need to answer to the network. alot of the criticism in these forums is just ridiculous. perfect example, why would a fan give a rat's ass about how many ppv's tna is doing? that'd be like watching the show 24, which basically gets the same rating every week, and complaining that their overseas dvd sales are down 10%. It's good that the business side doesn't concern you. Fans in these forums should stick to commenting on their likes and dislikes of what thery see, and quit pretending like they know anything about the business side of tna, because, NEWS FLASH, tna ain't going out of business any time soon, especially since the frist video game is due out any day now.
What does ROH have to do with some of the TNA wrestlers that are capable of having a 5 star match? thats a compliment to some of the TNA talent, However someone on the payroll would rather flame for no reason. I have one question for you GG? How much of RUSSO's KOOL AID do you driNk a day........like it's overkill............i dont own one ROH DVD and have no opinion on thier product bc i havent watched it enough!!!! I need an anwser to this question......Do you think "we" as fans are out of place for requesting Vince Russo to be relieved of his duties when he's been given fair oppurtunity to put on a good wrestling show with a talent laden roster and hasen't come through?

yes, you are out of place. it's like asking a team to fire the offensive coordinator because you're so misinformed that you think he's the head coach.
mister rob,
you are an absolute fountain of misinformation. 0.9 is a successful rating if it's higher than the networks expectations. you make some asinine comments, as if you know a thing or two about ratings. tna is "mediocre at best" when compare to ring of honor??? ring of honor did THIRTY SIX buys for a ppv in canada recently. and now you're comparing tna's lack of success compared to wcw's rise?? when wcw had a 750,000 production budget for a live tv show and, at the time, the biggest star in the history of the business in hulk hogan?? if this was a court of law, your arguments would be slaughtered for lack of evidence. you pretend to know what you're talking about by making sensational general statements, but in actuality you have no clue.

Why would it be higher then expectations if both wrestling products that were on the station before TNA each reached that number or higher? They must have low expectations, then, for the TNA product.

And another thing, my comment about Ring of Honor was referring to it's product in terms of booking, storylines and wrestling quality which, in my opinion, as a wrestling fan is a better product then TNA's. In my mind the quality of TNA's show is "mediocre" and no better then Ring of Honor's, and I'm fully entitled to my opinion as you are in your opinion of what you percieve fans want. I'm not by any means a huge fan of Ring of Honor, but I certainly find it AS entertaining and watchable as TNA's product.

And lest we forget that the best talents TNA have came from Ring of Honor, that's saying something, and most are being underutilized in my opinion.
I've noticed that Glenn tends to crap on people for liking to watch actual wrestling matches. However he may be talking about how some people rate wrestling matches on the 1 through 5 scale. I don't really see anything wrong with this. I mean a company doesn't have to nor need to emphasize the match rating scale in the matches it puts on to be successful. I think neilvandam was talking about the quality of the wrestling on the show which is important. It would be nice to see some longer matches and less "entertainment" for a change. I would guess that a longer match would keep a viewer tuned in to see the conclusion of the match. This isn't always plausible though seeing as it's free tv and they have to cut away to commercials a lot and have to build up their ppvs. To be honest, for me, WWE is what's buggin me the most nowadays. They have all the money in the world to produce with yet they give the fans crap. On the pay per view numbers of TNA, this very site at one point in time DID show TNA's buyrates. They ranged from around 30,000 buys to like 50,000 buys and maybe a little more on certain ones.
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