Official December to Dismember Thread

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I think that the Big Show will be the last in the chamber and the last one to get pinned. In order for them to really push Lashley over he has to beat the Big Show. They want people to look at him like "wow he really took a beating and gave one out in that match" I think that the Big Show will "wait" in the cell for the right time and then Lashley will pin Test to leave only Lashley and Big Show. And then the 2 power houses will go back and forth for about 4 minutes before Lashley hits the spear and picks up the pin. We gotta think that the Big Show cant go that long in the ring anymore. Every match he is in, he gets kicked to the outside and stays there for at least a good 7 mins before he comes back in. So leaving him in the cell for the match and having him fight for like the last 4 or 5 mins would be best for him, especially if he is going to have one last big Wrestlemania match
i saw a lot of tommy dreamer match making but im sorry to inform you, he will probably be fighting khali. cause as i have been reading on their website, it seems khali is feuding with him or screwing him over. maybe test will be in it as a 3 way dance, but guarenteed, khali has something to do with it.
I see only like six matches or so total for this card, of course as everyone knows the Extreme elimination chamber, but other matches I think will occur are Dreamer vs. Khali(maybe Dreamer & Funk vs. Khali & divari), Kelly Kelly vs. Ariel(bra and panties match maybe), Sandman vs. Stiker, Burke and Terkay vs. the FBI, and Thorn vs. Knox vs. Balls vs. Dupree vs. Shanon Moore(extreme battle royal), though another good match to add to the card would be the tirbute match between Malenko and Benoit but I don't think that'll happen
I wouldn't be surprised if we see this booked on the night with a couple of surprise appearances by some ECW "Originals" like Tajiri and Tanaka being booked in matches to pad the card out a bit.
hillhammer said:
I wouldn't be surprised if we see this booked on the night with a couple of surprise appearances by some ECW "Originals" like Tajiri and Tanaka being booked in matches to pad the card out a bit.

That would be great but how do they expect to sell the PPV to the fans if they advertise the matches in the last minute. I think it's stupid that they are waiting so long because they are too busy selling S.S. This goes to show how WWE Creative really doesn't really care about the success of the "new breed" ECW. They hae had more than ample time to push several stories, and make people want to order this PPV. The Extreme Elimination Chamber is fine but that's a big chunk of the locker room and there really aren't any noticible feuds for the PPV. I hope these guys do come in to help in the PPV, but that has to be some sort of indication that they are comming because if not this is going to be a really low selling PPV. Kevin Dunn and his puppets will then say that ECW doesn't work anymore. How can it work if you don't make it work. First RVD, and Sabu. Then Credible is released (his fault I know). No extreme rules marches, no second hour, no midcard belt, Sabu acting up now and so many more things behind the scenes we don't know about. This PPV is way to close to a pretty big PPV, in the survivor series. That doesn't hekp the potential buyrate of December to Dismember. Hopefully they'll use the big PPV, to get some more buyers for the ECW PPV.
GXWAhellhound said:
The PPV is a week away and the only match announced so far is the Elimination!

Actually its been added that theres a Hardy Boyz/Team Xtreme has issued an open challege at DTD. And Paul Heyman added that every Extremist will be there doing something (battle royal anyone?).
I went to the Press Conference today. It was an interesting time. To see Test do nothing but go up the Big Shows butt (ala Vince McMahon) hurts my feelings. not that I like Test, but come on, don't write in a guy to be an "insurance policy."

I like the adding of the Hardys to the mix. Maybe this will hail the coming of a tag team division.
it looks like MnM v hardy boyz which i'm looking forward to seeing, but after the ppv will either team be part of the roster ? very much doubt it
TnT said:
it looks like MnM v hardy boyz which i'm looking forward to seeing, but after the ppv will either team be part of the roster ? very much doubt it

What do you Mean MNM? As in Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro. Don't think so Joey Mercury hasnt been in the WWE for a while because of his drug problems
At a way to make the ECW PPV special, Team Extreme has an open challenge, Heyman announces at the press conference for the first time ever in a tag team match (not a Survivor Series match) Team Extreme will be at DTD. Hours later on RAW, Ross announces Hardy's vs the tag champions on RAW. IMO this takes away from the PPV, unless they become tag champions and defend the titles. If they win, then they'll wrestle Orton and EDge.

The old school ECW fans know that at a ECW PPV you can expect anything, and that everyone gets involved even if they aren't in a match and most matches are on the spot. This isn't vintage ECW, so those terms don't play out here. So what is Vince or Heyman for that matter doing. You can't build a 3rd brand, take away almost everything that ECW stands for, and turn your back on the old school fans and then sell the PPV as a real ECW PPV because the EC'Fn'W fans are mostly gone andf the true ECW fans that are left have given up on ECW being anything like it once was. The RAW and Smackdown fans aren't buying it. They have no idea what a ECW PPV could be so they aren't expecting it.............this just in MNM vs Hardys at DTD. Ok as Im writting this post it looks better, but noone buys a PPV to watch 2 matches. 10 years ago i would, (if it were an ECW PPV) because you never know what your going to get, but you always knew at the end of the night you would get your money's worth. WECW isn't offering the same thing that ECW did, this PPV is a WWE PPV, they shouldn't sell it as an ECW PPV, especially if the fans have put their hard earned money on a PPV the week before. I know why they are doing it, but watching an hour a week and based on what we seen thus far, it doesn't give you much to hope for.
here is what would be amazing:

Elimination Chamber for ECW title (confirmed)
Bigshow (c)
CM Punk
Bobby Lashley

Hardy boyz vs MNM

tommy dreamer vs khali or daivari or both since ecw is suppose to be extreme

sandman vs striker

ariel vs kelly kelly vs rebecca
(to fill up card)

Trinity vs jazz

CW Anderson, balls mahoney, al snow vs shannon moore, mike knox, sylvester turkay in maybe a originals vs rookies type of match.

im thinking they should do the last two matches because its going to be 3 hours i think, why not fill up the card?
I would have booked this whole thing differently with Mick Foley being involved. Tajiri should be brought in to the surprise of the viewer. 2 Cold Scorpio should debut, beat someone unexpectadly like Knox and then cut a heel promo about how no one knows who he is or wear he has been even though he has a really accomplished history (4 ECW TV Title reigns, he was the guy fighting the Franchise when he cut that huge promo against the NWA, amazing match against Jericho, Pitbull and Franchise). I say bring back Nova and sign Blue Meanie to reform the BWO with Stevie. Hardcore Holly vs Turkay would be good too as in a shoot fight kinda match. There we go...PPV salvaged...just kidding.
Are any of you people watching ECW DTD? I might, because of the chamber.

Post your thoughts and poll answers.
yes because its free in the uk. its being shown on sky sports 3 since the ashes are on sky sports 1. but if i was in america and had to pay for it then i wouldnt because so far only two matches have been announced - eec & hardyz/mnm.
Despite the fact only two matches have been anounced I'm looking forward to the P.P.V.

Hardyz/M.N.M. should be a decent little match

E.C. As long as they let R.V.D. and Punk wrestle each other before the big guy's get involved it should be a good match.

If for the rest of the card they put on some decent wrestling matches it could be the surprise card of the year.

At the end of the day if they have good matches the P.P.V. will become a cult favorite. While a good build up to a match mighT sell the P.P.V. to people, the build up does'nt really mean anything one the show's on DVD.
VKM VS HARDYZ VS MNM....evem tho vkm did show up they wouldnt wrestle..they would beat the shit of them grab a mic...scream tna is better...try to promote it all while they get cut off and get thrown out of the bulding
WWE has so much unused talent they could have added to this show. you got guys like Shelton Benjamin,Charlie Haas. Jaime Noble, Super Crazzy,Conway,Val Venis all who would benefit from a jump to ECW.

Benjamin and Charlie Haas could reform The Worlds Greatest Tag Team.Or Benjamin could be a singles wrestler.

Jaime Noble could have faced Super Crazzy and then team up with Joey Mercury once the ppv is over since he's moving to ECW.

I would even move Conway and Val Venis over, Put them together since they have simliar gimmicks, and give them a valet.

I would have had Trinity and Jazz come out on Raw and Challenge Micki James to a match.

I know many consider these wrestlers as jobbers, but They are all pretty talented, and Heyman could repackage them.
babinko said:
VKM VS HARDYZ VS MNM....evem tho vkm did show up they wouldnt wrestle..they would beat the shit of them grab a mic...scream tna is better...try to promote it all while they get cut off and get thrown out of the bulding

...dumbest post ever...

this would never happen and I find it hard to believe anyone believes otherwise...

VKM could, however, legally buy tickets near the front in camera range... they wouldn't be allowed signs, but their presence alone would be enough... hell, if I had good seats and they came in asking me to change, I'd do it for enough money... not that I'd ever buy tickets to an ECW event...
MNM VS. Hardyz has the chance to be the match of the night... I hope in some way there is ladders and tables involved.. I can't stand the Hardyz but they entertain me. The Extreme EC should be ok.. RVD and Sabu will be good for a three or four crazy spots... Big Show is good for bleeding, Punk will have a sweet spot, Test sucks I hope he gets hit with the barbwire bat and gets an eye ripped out, Bobby Lashley..... He should do all right in the match. So in retrospect this should be a decent match. Now Dreamer vs Divari is going to suck ass... I just feel it... Anyway this should be a good ppv and it might help ECW ratings wise.
BrandonAV said:
Ill watch it.. but if punk loses.. im done with WWECW

I really think it's too early for Punk so they won't make him win just yet. I personnally would love him to win at the Elimination Chamber, but WWE isn't ready to give the title to an upcoming small superstar.

Don't just give up on ECW yet, they'll put on some good stuff soon :). And count on Lashley to win the title, I mean come on, it's kind of obvious :p.
I understand they may not want to give it to a upcoming "small" superstar, but that star got a louder pop then DX at SS, he gets louder pops then everyone on the ECW roster, its obvious hes destined to be a superstar, i think vince should give him the title, i dont think its too early

and if lashley wins.. ill really be done with it.. im tired of big show.. im tired of test.. i got nothing against lashley but these guys dont belong in ECW, Lashley should be on SD feuding with batista, not in ECW fighting big show

bringing test/big show in was the biggest mistake SO far.. i can only imagine how many more mistakes will happen.. its not that im a CM punk mark its just hes one of the if not most talented stars on the roster, hes worked and busted his ass alot harder then half of the ecw roster to get where he is, he deserves the title, plus it would be a HUGE suprise if he won, and god knows we need some suprises at the ECW ppv, the show gets weaker and weaker every week

and i understand how the card thing works but they have a promoing looking main event and a decent tag match.. they still gotta fill up about 2 hours.. and we all know the roster isnt THAT big.. they better bring in some help for the PPV, im praying they get mikey and tajiri to make a return.. atleast for tonight
Even though Punk has only been on the ECW roster for a few months he's been wrestling for a few year's now. in my oppinion if they are'nt going to put the title on R.V.D then they should put it on Punk. Both are over and are able to put on decent matches. Although the difference between Punk and R.V.D. is punk alway's make's an effort. R.V.D. constantly phone's in performances. I like Lashley I think he's improved greatley since last year but he can only have decent matches with certain superstars. Punk could probably have a decent match with almost anybody. I think he's similar to Angle, Benoit and Samoa Joe in that respect.
The problem is that Lashley was actually moved to ECW so he could get a World Championship, since Michael Hayes wouldn't give it to him, with Batista being more over.

So they will probably give the title to Lashley, which shows why they have done all the buildup with him. I would love Punk to feud with RVD, lets face it, they would put on great matches ! I'm guessing what's gonna happen in ECW for the next few months is Lashley vs. Test for the title, Punk vs. RVD, Big Show taking a break and Sabu soon getting released.
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