Official December to Dismember Thread

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I hope they dont turn Lashley Heel, R.V.D. would be so much better. He was a great heel in ECW and he's been a face since the Invasion. It would spice up his character and give him more of an edge.
Here is my prediction. I don't have time to analyize it right now but I will later.

Entrant #1: RVD
Entrant #2: Lashley
Test enters with a crowbar
Sabu enters with table
CM Punk enters with baseball bat
Sabu is eliminated by Test with a TKO through the table.
Big Show enters with chair
Lashley is eliminated by Big Show (upset)
RVD is eliminated by Big Show
Big Show is eliminated by Test
CM Punk is eliminated by Test via Screwjob.

CM Punk vs. Test will be for mania like I said with complete analysis in my WM23 predictions.

I do not think that Lashley will win. Remember last year when they were pushing Kane to win. Look what happened to him, now he's jobbing to MVP.

Test winning would be perfect because it could also turn Big Show face so that he could retire face (See my WM23 predictions for a full analysis on Big Show's retirement).
Im watching it but only cause its free in the UK.

As for the main event, i would like CM Punk to win it but cant see it happening.
Yeah. I'm watchin' in the U.K. as well I cant decide weather to have a few hour's sleep before it start's. I'm really looking forward to the E.C. and it wont start till about 3am. I dont want to fall asleep at the main event.
hmm i'm not buyin this ppv for the fact that theres 2 matches only on but that chamber match will be freakin sweeet to watch though I believe that Big show will get his ass kicked that he will be out for the rest of the year and the new champion will be Lashley
If Test wins then I will have officially lost all faith in WWE. Comon, this is *supposed* to be ECW. Give the title to an ECW guy. I'd love to see Sabu win but with his recent behavior I'm sure he won't. This match should have been Sabu/RVD/Sandman/Dreamer/Big Show/CM Punk.
Personally, I don't see why so many people hate Test. He isn't my favorite, but I think he is a great heel. Plus WWE owes him from how they fired him, the title might be his compensation. Also I would rather have Test win at a minor ppv and C.M. Punk win at Wrestlemania.
What does everyone think the filler matches will be? It's rumoured that Dreamer will face Daivari and The Sandman will face Holly.

I see F.B.I. vs Balls Mahoney and either Al Snow or Masato Tanaka.
A bikini contest between Kelly Kell, Ariel, Rebecca and Trinity.
And I also see Super Crazy making an appearence against maybe Shannon Moore.

At least the two confirmed matches should get plenty of time.
so heres the question, though i know they wont be involved in anyway, do you see VKM making an appearance in the crowd. now i know wwe would not have them even on tv, but do you think they will be there, or at least outside?
I think CM Punk will feud with Test, who will win the belt.
Lashley and Holly will feud, and RVD/Sabu will part ways with WWE
and The Big Show will get ready for retirement.

but what do I know
double post, sorry.... first time i submit it asked me to log in again and didnt show the post
unfortunately I think you are right. with everything going on backstage with Sabu's behavior one would think he's trying to get himself fired, so don't see him winning the title tonight. RVD apparantly has some issue goinf to see the troops in Iraq and I guess going against any requests of the BOSS won't help him advance in ECWE. It's not like he has to go, but when Vince asks you to go you he isn't going anywhere....he won't be winning tonight. I know Vince is mad at him because of the whole weed thing, but pushing him to go to the competition isn't smart. CM Punk is not ready for a High Scale World Championship Title reign. Lashley is early as well, I don't like him as champ; not now anyway. Test isn't championship material IMO, and he shouldn't win the title but he might. Based on Big Show's nagging injuries he can't retain the title tonight. Now with all that said I have nobody winning, I would like RVD or Sabu to win but I don't see Vince rewarding them. Lashley or Test seem like the only 2 possibilities since they might want to continue pushing Punk and Knoxx and maybe give Punk a title run in late 08.

Stryker vs Balls........Ahhhhhhhhh no wonder this match wasn't promoted. What happen to Thorn/Mohoney? This is a waste of filler time; I don't like Striker in ECWE. I was starting to think before the promotion of this PPV that Vince cared about the success of ECW, but now as probably the last optimistic ECW fan left I am finally convinced Vince want's to rebury the ECW name. I can't believe I actually hoped otherwize
From wrestlezone PPV coverage
Also backstage, Sabu is down on the floor as medics attended to him. Heyman comes in and asks what happened? Medics push Heyman out of the way. They put a neck brace around Sabu neck, as the fans chanted "bullsh*t

I can't believe that they won't even let him compete in the match. I guess Sabu's days in the WWE are numbered. I thought Vince was liking Sabu since he was pushing him earlier in the year. If Sabu comes back then I would be very happy with Vince.
im very bored, so i may head to bed, this PPV is rubbish, thank god i got it for free here in uk, the whole Sabu being taken out is prob his punishment, did anyone see the RVD promo, he looked stoned out of his mind, his eyes were red and blury!
one thing I have learned is that 2 things happen with PPVs where the beginning matches are crappy.

1) the whole PPV is crappy
2) the main event makes up for it.

sadly, the latter rarely occurs
Now backstage Heyman has replaced Sabu with Holly. What does this mean, for 1 Sabu has either gotten fired or suspended. 2. the unnounced Holly vs Sandman can be forgotten. Sandman is on the damn PPV poster and he isn't even going to be used in a match. He comes in soley for the purpose of caning Thorn, WTF is this? No surprise matches thus far, with guys like Tanaka, or Tajiri. RVD is probably pissed at the Sabu thing, and he'll probably be eliminated early in the match. All the preliminary matches have had no build up what so ever and have been basically squashes. You don't have squashes at PPV's. Thorn vs Knoxx, what the hell is that, they are both heels! I can't believe that this PPV is as horrible as it is. What was Vince, and Dunn thinking. Heyman and Dreamer's tounges must be bleeding from bitting on them so much to keep them from cursing the crap out of Vince, Dunn, and now Steffany. I am EXTREMELY dissapointed in the build up or lack of for this PPV. The PPV won't even have some exting Sabu and RVD spots. Lashley or Test will be your new ECW World Champion. How can Heyman allow this to happen to his "baby?"
What I would have done is have Holly canned on his way to the ring by Sandman, then have Sandman steal his spot.
yea i not likin what im seeing the concept of an ecw ppv shuld b dropped for good if they r gonan b like this
Your kidding me right. Can't believe I ordered this. I hoped the PPV might redeem ecw, but not now.

I agree with the fans, wheres our refund.
I don't know how they screwed this one up. And what were they thinking having all this time without anybody wrestling?
i cannot begin to comprehend what the hell they were thinking. they spend the last month overbuilding this match and nothing else in the PPV and still the match isn't that great. No nice high spots, nothing special. 40 bucks for an elimination chamber match and the match still sucked. the damn PPV ended at 10:18ET 42 minutes remaining, ARE U KIDDING ME?
Yeah what it the world was that Garbage I just watched? So much extra time remaining too... I'm glad I didn't pay for it!
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