Official December to Dismember Thread

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I just read it only lasted 10 mins? I feel really bad for any who ordered it and they have my vote for getting their money refunded. Thats such garbage and thats the end of ECW sadly. I seriously will never get over the Sandman not having Enter Sandman as his music.
There's a link to watch it free online, and i'm pretty sure the replay will be on there too.

But yeah, it was beyond terrible. Punk and RVD, the only wrestlers the crowd cared about, got elimintaed right away.

and no offense to you people who ordered it, but what did you expect??? They only announced 2 matches prior to this, and obviously the PPV wasn't gonna be anything special. But yea, it was somehow even wores than expected.
Sandman didn't have his music, man WWE are slaughtering ECW, C.M Punk should have gone over, there should have been more originals on show, ahhh I just cannot belive this
mnvike2002 said:
There's a link to watch it free online, and i'm pretty sure the replay will be on there too.

But yeah, it was beyond terrible. Punk and RVD, the only wrestlers the crowd cared about, got elimintaed right away.

and no offense to you people who ordered it, but what did you expect??? They only announced 2 matches prior to this, and obviously the PPV wasn't gonna be anything special. But yea, it was somehow even wores than expected.

I agree, clearly there was no thought or planning put into this PPV
I'm glad that I have never watched anything ECW since it was brought back. I'd hate for all my great memories of that company to be tainted by this watered down version.
DHS said:
Holly and Test help The Big Show retain, or Test wins.

you don't know too much about stuff do you? lol...

Sandman would have been my bet for the replacement though too...

The match actually lasted roughly 30 or so mins

That is the link for PPV feedback.......there is a lot to complain about.

I for 1 love ECW and I think that Vince could so much more than what he did. I think that he really messed up when he built up this PPV because he didn't. All that talk about The elimination chamber match and it ended with 40 minutes left of PPV time. There could have been more matches and better matches even some suprises. Mcmahon showed he don't care about his ECW fanbase.

Write to the WWE and let them know your distaste of what they did and have been doing to the legacy that is ECW.
wow. I get free ppv, its always on. So i turned it on. The ppv was horrible. There was no extremeness in the night. It ended at like 7.20. (west Coast) I was shocked. It was just horrible. Who knows, maybe WWE signed the Voodo Kin Mafia's Decest all "Dumb To the Extreme" Contract. Being becuase this ppv was not extreme. The "Extreme" Elimination chamber wasnt very extreme. Best part was when Test Jumbed off shows chamber. The wwe storywriters suck. Why would they make Lashley champ It should have been RVD and they took fucking sabu out of the PPV Goddamn. I was looking doward to him. GOd FUcking Damn. RVD should be champ and if vince doesnt like that i got 2 words for him, Suck IT! WOoohoooo HAHhahahahahahhahahaH

All I can Say is.: The PPV fufilled its title. This is one PPV in December, I'll Trully like to Dismember
Dominus said:
Yeah FTA rules! LOL...

But someone said you could watch it online. Where?

Well the stream is currently playing a But once 11 PM eastern rolls around and the replay starts, I'll let you know if it's on there again, and then I'll post the link.
RVD is not champ because he screwed up big time.
I don't know the reasons for Sabu being removed, even though he has been getting heat backstage he still should have been in the match. I guess they figured they could remove him from the match since anyone who was going to buy the PPV to watch Sabu had already paid for it so who cares if they take him out at that point. Poor decision, but maybe there is more reasons for it.
jefferson411 said:
RVD is not champ because he screwed up big time.

Lol, howd he screw up big time? He smoked some pot, big deal. He's been doing it his whole career. He lost both titles, and got suspended for 30 days, thats punishment enough. Randy Orton smokes pot too, nothing happened to him.
mnvike2002 said:
Well the stream is currently playing a But once 11 PM eastern rolls around and the replay starts, I'll let you know if it's on there again, and then I'll post the link.
Oh is it like a MMA:// or whatever it's called that you put in WMP? I had one of them Internet TV/Satellite players before, (TVAnts i think) worked pretty good. But I didn't know where to get any channels. Where do you find yours?

jefferson411 said:
RVD is not champ because he screwed up big time.
I don't know the reasons for Sabu being removed, even though he has been getting heat backstage he still should have been in the match. I guess they figured they could remove him from the match since anyone who was going to buy the PPV to watch Sabu had already paid for it so who cares if they take him out at that point. Poor decision, but maybe there is more reasons for it.

Yeah Vince is still not happy with RVD fucking up earlier... I guess his time will come at WrestleMania possibly.
Sabu though I guess is fucking up badly now. I guess the feeling was, that he's screwing up so no reason to use him... They do that with lots of guys. If they're in hot water they aren't used usually.
I know he has but this time he got caught lol. And not just caught by WWE like Orton but caught by the police, and that was then passed along to the media. I can't blame Vince for wanting to give the situation time to cool off, and unfortunately he never liked RVD too much to begin with so it hurt RVD more than it hurt Orton.
jefferson411 said:
I know he has but this time he got caught lol. And not just caught by WWE like Orton but caught by the police, and that was then passed along to the media. I can't blame Vince for wanting to give the situation time to cool off, and unfortunately he never liked RVD too much to begin with so it hurt RVD more than it hurt Orton.
Yeah your exactly right. The media could jump on it if he's given the title still I guess. Giving it time to cool off is a good idea. But they could have atleast made RVD one of the last guys in the match.
Dominus said:
Oh is it like a MMA:// or whatever it's called that you put in WMP? I had one of them Internet TV/Satellite players before, (TVAnts i think) worked pretty good. But I didn't know where to get any channels. Where do you find yours?

I just found the link on another board, so I really don't know the answers to any of that. But I do know that youll need the latest version of winamp.

But I can't say whether or not the replay will be on here, hopefully it will be, but I don't know..Still the porno for now. I'll let you know right away at 11.
mnvike2002 said:
I just found the link on another board, so I really don't know the answers to any of that. But I do know that youll need the latest version of winamp.

But I can't say whether or not the replay will be on here, hopefully it will be, but I don't know..Still the porno for now. I'll let you know right away at 11.

Ahh cool! Do they always show the PPVs... or is this your first time using it?
There is or was reason to not have RVD be in the final 3 in the match. Remember RVD said no to going to Iraq and VInce wanted him to go. That might have helped him but he chose not to want to go and therefore Vince might be punishing him too.
realblackhart said:
There is or was reason to not have RVD be in the final 3 in the match. Remember RVD said no to going to Iraq and VInce wanted him to go. That might have helped him but he chose not to want to go and therefore Vince might be punishing him too.
Oh yeah that's definitely a big reason too. Yep he screwed himself over too... man what would happen if RVD & Sabu both left? It's too lame to watch as it is. I only watch it for CM Punk right now. I have no idea why they don't push Sandman into the main event.... hmm maybe he can't wrestle too good. But either way he's looking to be in alot better shape then he was earlier this year.
Dominus said:
Ahh cool! Do they always show the PPVs... or is this your first time using it?

was my first time. it was cool though, great quality and everything. I'm not sure if they always show them, but it was saying some stuff on the bottom like"Donate money via paypal so we can provide further PPVs" and maybe there'll be more.

and so far, doesn't look like they'll be carrying the replay..

but here's the link, in case something changes and u wanna check.. for now, it's just not showing anything.
mnvike2002 said:
was my first time. it was cool though, great quality and everything. I'm not sure if they always show them, but it was saying some stuff on the bottom like"Donate money via paypal so we can provide further PPVs" and maybe there'll be more.

and so far, doesn't look like they'll be carrying the replay..

but here's the link, in case something changes and u wanna check.. for now, it's just not showing anything.
Cool thanks!
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