I guess count me in the minority of longtime WWF/WWE fans who aren't kids that actually enjoyed Punk coming out this quickly.
Don't get me wrong, back in the attitude era it was certainly filled with all sorts of epic, but they took SO long to run a story out, they'd throw you weeks and weeks of basically the same thing happening. One week wrestler A gets to pose over the body of wrestler B at the end of the show, the next week vice-versa, rince and repeat for 2 months...honestly those storylines ALWAYS got stale for me before they hit the money match, so to speak. I clearly remember not caring about so many feuds after a while because they never "built". They just dragged it out and when they finally went for the big moment, it was diluted because many people had moved on. It was took little too late. So I'm good with this and I totally marked out at the end of the best RAW in a long time.
So I'm glad they're speeding things up...and I kinda hope they stop (if they ever did) listening to the IWC if this is going to be your reaction. Seriously, Rey as the champion? He has some of the worst mic skills in the industry, he does the same few moves over and over again (believe me I'm not defending Cena, I'm just saying)...why exactly is he better than Cena? He would've been horrible as champ, and while I saw some signs of life with Miz, they're evidently sticking with him being a whiny heel at the moment, which is pretty old...and I don't know the deal with the extent of his injury (can't be that bad if he's working through it). This sets up an epic storyline between Punk/Cena that I'd rather see start now and play out through Summerslam and beyond. Let Punk get wrapped back up in the Rock match, too. The possibilities are there and they know they need to start now. Seeing Punk and Cena go toe-to-toe with the same belt in each of their arms was one of the best raw moments for me since Batista gave HHH the thumbs down leading up to whatever wrestlemania that was. It's not often I mark out for wrestling anymore, but it happened last night.
Cena might be overplayed, but with Punk I think it keeps him back on his heels a little. I don't think Cena likes being outdone on the mic so I think he'll up his game. If Punk had stayed away too long they would've lost the momentum they had. How many wrestling fans really knew or cared about his Comic Con moment or drop-in at the Indy event?
C'mon, get real...they would've wasted the momentum and hurt the angle had they NOT brought him back, not the other way around. I do agree maybe they could've pushed it a couple weeks (at most) of Punk "appearances", like the other guy saying Punk in the crowd talking about "The champ is here in section 105." That would've been nice, too.