*OFFICIAL* CM Punk/John Cena Thread - Keep It All In Here!

Which do you find more entertaining?

  • Punk and the text mystery

  • Cena and the title chase

Results are only viewable after voting.
That would suck. When Punk originally announced that he was leaving on July 17th, my initial reaction was that his real contract probably lasted until the end of the summer and that he could still win the belt at MITB in dramatic fashion but drop it at Summer Slam. But they did a pretty damn good job of convincing me that Punk's contract really was ending some time in July and so I assumed when he won at MITB that he must be signed to a new deal.

I hope you are wrong. What a tease that would be to see how hot he was at MITB and even tonight just to leave in a few weeks!
WTF is the WWE's problem? Why can't they let cena stay away from the belt for even a week? Why does he always need to have the gold to look good? Why can't they let Punk have the belt in a non controversial fashion cleanly and hold it for a few months or even a year - it will still improve the Raw ratings as long as that cena is away from the belt. The only reason this story is kicking is due to Punk.
I didnt watch RAW tonight but I'm so sick of CM Punk already. He's nothing but a loudmouthed d-bag who happens to be insanely jealous of The Rock (taking shots at him whenever he gets the chance). Ok, so he cut a good promo a few weeks ago. To compare him to Austin is a joke. MARK MY WORDS, CM Punk will be old news before we even get to Survivor Series. What are they gonna do with him now? His feud with Cena will be the biggest thing that ever happens to him and it'll be because it's Cena opposite him. WWE totally blew this angle. In my opinion Punk can't carry a company. He's not a main event guy for years to come. He's the flavor of the week and I just dont see any way shape or form he is anywhere near as relevant as he is now a year from now. 6 months from now even. As I said, he'll flame out by Survivor Series. If I'm wrong I'll admit but I've been watching wrestling for 25 years and I think I'm good at ascertaining talent. Ya knew The Rock had it with his WM 14 interview with Jennifer Flowers. Ya knew Austin had it at King of the Ring. To me, Punk just doesnt have it. Anyone could've given that "worked shoot" interview. Was it so great? Or was it just cool because it was something different for once on a RAW show thats been the same for the last 5 years. Yea, yea everyone loves him now and the WWE may try and cram him down our throats but he will NEVER, EVER in a million years even come close to sniffing the success of the legends. IMO, he's an upper mid carder in any other era but this one. A main event level guy in old ECW and in todays watered down WWE.

I'm not a CENA fan at all but Punk will NEVER be Cena and achieve the success he's had. And forget about guys like Austin/Rock/HBK. Obviously Hogan is unthinkable. He'll have his feud with Cena, then someone else, then someone else and eventually he'll slip back to where he's been the last 5 years. Putting on good solid matches and cutting good promos but never reaching the pinnacle. Whatever "it" is - he doesnt have.
I personally hope that they don't do a ROH invasion, and I really doubt that they will. After seeing them completely botch the WCW invasion - which seemed like an impossible thing to screw up, and then seeing them mess up the Nexus storyline, I don't really have any faith in any sort of invasion angle working. WWE isn't bold enough to push unknowns or make them look like they belong or are on the same level with the current members of the roster.

I would much prefer Punk just continue being the lone rebel who speaks his mind and pisses everybody off for telling it like it is and being the best in the world.
Punk, a flavor of the week ? Are you mental ? Punk is the future. You don't see it. Maybe you are right, but, I sincerely doubt that. Punk is what he says he is. The Best In The World. He has backed that fact up, time and again. On the mic, in ring-he is the top of the heap. Is he back too soon ? Has WWE ruined this angle ? Not by a long shot. To those who are done with WWE...oh, damn. Whatever will we do without you ?
I keep reading the same thing over and over "the WWE is rushing the storyline because of the kids," "they brought Punk back too early"; here is my thing and I hate this with all my heart. When people say that the WWE is doing something strictly because of the kids "they're doing this to keeps kids interested, so it's completely unbelievable." First of you don't know the whole story yet. SummerSlam is WWE's WrestleMania of the Summer, they have to do something big with it, obviously this CM Punk storyline is the biggest thing they have going so they want it for SS.

Additionally you have ABSOLUTELY no idea where his is going (I know I said this already), people want to spoil everything and want to know what direction something is going in before it actually happens. Why do think things leak to the net? You all can't just sit back, play it cool and just watch and observe. It Boggles my mind in the worst possible way, this is why I say I hate the wrestling community, they don't know how to enjoy something, they want to complain about everything. Cena, Mysterio, Cara, suspending Cara, not enough wrestling matches, too many wrestling matches, those matches weren't good enough, everybody looks the same, why isn't Punk on the show? Why did you bring Punk back so soon? It all just gets tiresome and that's my rant I want to apologize but I'm hoping someone will at least hear me out.


To answer the questions, I don't know what's going to happen next week I think Punk may come out, state he has yet to be RE-signed by WWE and that he never plans to resign. He'll probably talk about the Fake championship crowning and how it's a cheap ploy, designed to etch out his accomplishment at making the WWE look bad (insert a "it's not hard to do" joke here). He'll probably take shots at McMahon being too old and single-handedly ending his reign over the company.

Am I happy about punk Coming back? I don't know again I have to see what WWE is going to do with him.

Rey has a rematch clause, he can't go to the bottom, at SS we could see a triple threat match, it could be great and nicely worked, who knows? The roads are shrouded in darkness.
Way to screw up an awesome angle. Just when they had me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen...just when it seemed that the WWE was on the brink of something amazing....not only do they put the belt BACK on Cena, they completely screw over Rey to do it. They didn't even have the decency to let him hold the belt AT LEAST until next week. That is wack on SO many levels. But here's the worst part...you bring back Punk after only a week of being gone? Why? Why would you do that? The WWE universe could have waited until Summerslam....we coulda waited until the PPV after summerslam...whatever that is... I mean, build the suspense, keep him gone for a while...for goodness sake, change the title design! Anything...but to bring him back tonight? HUGE mistake. AND change his music? WHY??? What was the point of that? Him and Cena standing in the middle of the ring both holding titles. Ok now what. Is there going to be a unification match...oh wait no thats dumb because their the same title. So Cena beats the tournament winner for the NEW wwe title because the last champ left after his "contract" expires, just to have said champ come back and face the new champ in the middle of the ring both holding past and present titles? I got a headache just typing that crap....Who's IDEA was this??? I'm pissed off and perplexed....just...its.....I.....freak......darn it.


Triple H REALLY IS a doofus.
People want WWE to keep Punk off tv for months??? And keep the 'buzz' going? In the mainstream media? For months?

Mainstream buzz doesn't last that long. Another week of viral videos could have grown stale. Not to mention that there's a crucial PPV coming up. You're really going to try to sell Summerslam with Cena/Del Rio?

This was the perfect time to bring back Punk, and a great way to do it. I hated Rey winning the title and I hated Cena winning it back, but when I saw the two of them standing in the ring holding their belts, I had to admit it was perfect.
I think complaining about things as they are happening is totally fine in many cases. I know every time I see my favorite sports team sign multiple terrible players to long-term deals that I am going to be pissed off and complain about it and that I am justified in complaining about it since the team front office is clearly run by a bunch of morons that are ruining my team. I don't have to sit back and just see how it plays out without a care in the world and wait until the next offseason to look back in hindsight and criticize those moves after the fact.

So my point is there are many times where it is obvious that things are not right and that the people running the show need to get their heads out of their asses.

That being said, this Punk angle is hot right now and not enough happened this week to say with any kind of firmness whether or not they are screwing this up or doing something awesome. Punk just came out and held his belt in the air. I don't think that is nearly enough to warrant any doom and gloom predictions or unabashed praise of some miracle ending. Hopefully next week we'll get a better idea of where they are going with this. I think it was a good ending in the sense that I want to tune in next week to find out how Punk will react to Cena winning the belt.
Wait, wait, wait...I keep hearing "they brought Punk back to soon" and "They ruined the story". But here's the thing: how can you say they ruined the angle IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ENDGAME! I'm a writer myself, and if someone told me I ruined the story halfway through so they decided not to finish it, I'd snatch the script out of their hands and tell them thanks but no thanks for the input. You can't judge a story halfway through, because you don't know where they're going with it. Maybe the WWE has ruined it, or maybe they haven't...but our jobs as fans is to sit back and enjoy the ride, or say "no thanks" and change the channel, not play backseat writers/bookers. When Christian lost the WHC on SD! a couple days after he won it, what happened? Complete IWC bitchfest. What happened a couple months later? A heel Christian (which imo is more fun then a face Christian) is again...wait for it...World Heavyweight Champ. All that complaining for nothing. My advice is for most of you take your own advice regarding WWE and Punk: relax and don't rush into anything (especially judgement).

Firstly, this is the Internet Wrestling Community. Judgement is what we do here.
Secondly, thats what these forums are all about. Playing backseat writers and bookers. Saying what we think they should have done opposed to what they have done or how we would do it or what we do better. Its our God given, registered user access right to moan and complain when they do something we don't like and our right to mark the eff out when they do somethin we love.
Respect the IWC. (Proud member since whenever i joined.)

Now, with all that being said, how many storylines have they rushed and ruined in the past? If you said too many to count then you are CORRECT SIR! Too FREAKIN many. Especially now with this CM Punk situation. Its been the hottest thing in wrestling for the past month and sure, you wanna capitalize on it so from a business stand point I understand the desperation to keep viewers, but sometimes you gotta sacrifice some things to build a bigger endgame. When you want to make money you invest in something, but what are you doing when you're investing? Spending money. Sounds crazy right, you're spending money investing. But you do it for the payoff, which may not be immediate, but when it comes it comes big! I, speak for the rest of the pissed off viewers in this thread when I say, it was WAY too early to bring back Punk.
It was way too predictable to put the belt RIGHT back on Cena
and it was BS to take it off of Rey like that. If you knew you were giving the belt RIGHT back to Cena ANYWAY what was the purpose of a tournament? the only thing that would have made tonight make sense is if ADR cashed in on Cena at the end of their match. (and kept Punk off television) that way you get Cena, Rey and ADR in a triple threat match for the title at SS and THEN bring CM punk back.
Just seems like they RUSHED the storyline for the sake of keeping the momentum going and again I get it from a business standpoint as it relates to the ratings...but I honestly don't think the ratings would have suffered by keeping Punk off TV because everyone would have STILL watched just to see if he actually WAS coming back...and what would the WWE brass have to say about it....was he going to indy events with the belt? TV appearances with it? What about him celebrating on the streets of Chicago with the belt that night? You don't want to make a big deal out of the fact that WWE had no champion? You didn't want to do a recap of the past fifty years of WWE champions and what it means to the WWE to NOT have a champion? What are we gonna do now....what is the direction of the company..why not use this time to introduce a NEW title belt....Play it out for a little while...

So many directions this could have went in....but no. They played it safe. Way to go.

The real question is, how does the WWE keep this angle interesting NOW?
Riddle me THAT.
Holy SHIT- I can't believe there are this many people bitching about this!! SummerSlam is coming up. This isnt the time to have your most talented performers on the bench.

Plus: there's this-

Wait, wait, wait...I keep hearing "they brought Punk back to soon" and "They ruined the story". But here's the thing: how can you say they ruined the angle IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE ENDGAME! I'm a writer myself, and if someone told me I ruined the story halfway through so they decided not to finish it, I'd snatch the script out of their hands and tell them thanks but no thanks for the input. You can't judge a story halfway through, because you don't know where they're going with it. Maybe the WWE has ruined it, or maybe they haven't...but our jobs as fans is to sit back and enjoy the ride, or say "no thanks" and change the channel, not play backseat writers/bookers. When Christian lost the WHC on SD! a couple days after he won it, what happened? Complete IWC bitchfest. What happened a couple months later? A heel Christian (which imo is more fun then a face Christian) is again...wait for it...World Heavyweight Champ. All that complaining for nothing. My advice is for most of you take your own advice regarding WWE and Punk: relax and don't rush into anything (especially judgement).

^^^^You got a upvote from me for this my friend!^^^^

None of you guys have any clue what is gonna happen next. Why are you all acting like you do? Who's to say Punk is "back"? Did he say that? Was a match made, that I somehow missed? What if Punk doesn't show up on RAW again next Monday? Will that make you stop bitching? Or will you still find something to bitch about?

Yes- it seems likely that Punk V Cena is going down at SS. But nobody knows that for sure. But even if it does happen- whats wrong with that? Punk is on FIRE rightnow...and you guys wanna keep him off TV for 2-3 more months?? Child Please!

Will you all be pissed when something huge happens at the end of the Cena V Punk match at SS? Possibly something involving Cabana, Hero & Castagnoli? That sure wouldn't suck in my eyes!

If Cena beats Punk at SS & nothing happens besides Punk taking his "break/rest"...then I would have no problem with anyone bitching. Cuz at that point, the storyline is over...and absolutely Nothing happend in the end.

I say: Just sit back and enjoy the ride guys! It's much more fun that way.
apart from Cena beating Rey i LOVED the ending of RAW this week. When i heard the 'cult of personality' i had no idea who it was. Then punk came out and everyone went crazy. I really hope punk keeps that music. Its my new favorite song and the best theme music in WWE at the moment. hopefully Punk becames the undisputed WWE champ
I like the fact they brought CM Punk back tonight, they should have waited, but it was good to see him none the less. HOWEVER. What I think COMPLETELY ruined it was his new music. Crap crap crap crap CRAP. All the effect of him returning was taken away because no-one knew who it was. The pop would have been so much louder had his original music hit.

I know its too soon to make this decision now, but I just lost alot of interest in CM Punk. I think he should have returned at Summerslam and his normal music should be played.
[cL];3293887 said:
the only thing that would have made tonight make sense is if ADR cashed in on Cena at the end of their match. (and kept Punk off television) that way you get Cena, Rey and ADR in a triple threat match for the title at SS and THEN bring CM punk back.

I would not have minded if this was what happend. This is actually a pretty good idea. Obviously it seems like WWE is going a different way tho.

But like I said in my previous post: We still have no clue what is gonna happen. What you suggested or something similar, could still happen. Couldn't it? What if we dont see Punk next week...but what we do see is: Rey get his rematch. Cena wins. ADR cashes....and we still could get the exact match your asking for at SummerSlam.

My point is: Nobody knows what the hell is happening rightnow. I personally LOVE it!

Sidenote: While I absolutely Loved "this fire burns" ...I love Cult of Personality even more. Plus- it just fits him That much better. Anyone who didnt like that song, is no doubt under the age of 25.
I really don't think it was too early to bring back CM Punk. They achieved a lot in this Raw. Rey got another Championship for his record plus his rematch clause keeps him in the title picture - he is a winner.
Cena put on a great match with Rey, so many counters, near falls, the reversed STF and the reversed 619 into the Attitude Adjusment was a good finish aswell. Plus another title to his impressive record.
Or??? Out comes CM Punk (with his new entrence music - which I think is another way to present him a tweener that he is). Cena and Punk have a little staredown, before both men play their fanbase and presents their championshipbelts, Cena has his Kids/Women Demographic cheer for him, CM Punk the male audience.
We have a intriguing cliffhanger for the next week, know this Summerslam's main event and had a great main event match in tonights Raw.
When the Cult of Personality theme hit, I knew Punk used this at one point; but I honestly thought it was gonna be some of the new ROH guys signed to come outta the crowd and attack Cena after the theme song distraction. It would have set up an "ROH faction," and it would be Punk who could be behind it.

Oh cool, Nexus 17.0! Having a group of people come out and attack Cena? That's a completely new and fresh idea you've come up with that's never been done before! AND they would have been led by CM Punk too? Wow. I'd love for this amazing, game-changing, trend setting, ground-breaking angle to have an outcome like that, re-start the entire Nexus thing again and have Punk go right back to where he was before this exciting angle began.


Although I do agree that CM Punk's return was "rushed" in a way, when thinking logically it couldn't have happened in any other way and the WWE really did the absolute best they could with what they had to work with.

It makes no sense to have CM Punk revert back to a heel leading a stable when he is now the hottest face in the entire company, getting pops now that Cena himself hasn't received in years. This set up for the Summerslam rematch will be huge and finally every single person doubting that Punk is a draw will have to eat their words. Summerslam will be bought and sold on the CM Punk vs John Cena match.
I didnt watch RAW tonight but I'm so sick of CM Punk already. He's nothing but a loudmouthed d-bag who happens to be insanely jealous of The Rock (taking shots at him whenever he gets the chance). Ok, so he cut a good promo a few weeks ago. To compare him to Austin is a joke. MARK MY WORDS, CM Punk will be old news before we even get to Survivor Series. What are they gonna do with him now? His feud with Cena will be the biggest thing that ever happens to him and it'll be because it's Cena opposite him. WWE totally blew this angle. In my opinion Punk can't carry a company. He's not a main event guy for years to come. He's the flavor of the week and I just dont see any way shape or form he is anywhere near as relevant as he is now a year from now. 6 months from now even. As I said, he'll flame out by Survivor Series. If I'm wrong I'll admit but I've been watching wrestling for 25 years and I think I'm good at ascertaining talent. Ya knew The Rock had it with his WM 14 interview with Jennifer Flowers. Ya knew Austin had it at King of the Ring. To me, Punk just doesnt have it. Anyone could've given that "worked shoot" interview. Was it so great? Or was it just cool because it was something different for once on a RAW show thats been the same for the last 5 years. Yea, yea everyone loves him now and the WWE may try and cram him down our throats but he will NEVER, EVER in a million years even come close to sniffing the success of the legends. IMO, he's an upper mid carder in any other era but this one. A main event level guy in old ECW and in todays watered down WWE.

I'm not a CENA fan at all but Punk will NEVER be Cena and achieve the success he's had. And forget about guys like Austin/Rock/HBK. Obviously Hogan is unthinkable. He'll have his feud with Cena, then someone else, then someone else and eventually he'll slip back to where he's been the last 5 years. Putting on good solid matches and cutting good promos but never reaching the pinnacle. Whatever "it" is - he doesnt have.

You bin watching wrestling for 25 years!!!! ive bin watching for 21 years and i can tell you straight up CM PUNK has it!!! the hole wrestling world knows it, the fans know it, the company knows and the legends you speak about know it (austin)knows it, i dont know why u think punk cant carry the company.. if john cena can carry the company with half the crowd booing his ass, with his lame ass promos with his 2star matches than cmpunk can carry the company and take it to the next level eazy.. this is a new era of wrestling flavor of the month :lmao::lmao: never!!!!!

and bringing back cm punk today was perfect you keep him off tv those ratings are gonna drop, hes the hottest thing in wrestling today why keep him off tv one week was good enough... Its a cm punk era, john cena its a wrap!!!!!!!
Yes ! Exactly. What do some of you expect WWE to have done ? Have Punk sit around a few months, while the heat from this angle dies with each passing day ? How many outside WWE scenario's would they have had to cook up for that moronic bs ? Could they have waited a couple of weeks longer ? Of course. But why, when they can get a huge buy rate for SS, by going this route ? CM Punk is back. Enjoy it. I will.
I think this was the perfect time to brink Punk back. As stated previously their next ppv is SummerSlam, their #2 ppv. But more importantly the night that Cena regains the title here comes CM Punk to say you think you're the champ but I beat you for the title and I'm the champ because no one has defeated me yet.
The political phenomenon of Cult of Personality from Wikipedia:


A cult of personality arises when an individual uses mass media, propaganda, or other methods, to create an idealized and heroic public image, often through unquestioning flattery and praise.[1] Cults of personality are usually associated with dictatorships. The sociologist Max Weber developed a tripartite classification of authority; the cult of personality holds parallels with what Weber defined as 'charismatic authority'.

A cult of personality is similar to hero worship, except that it is established by mass media and propaganda. However, the term may be applied by analogy to refer to adulation of religious or non-political leaders.

While the cult of personality generally applies to the enhancement and promotion of a political or religious doctrine, it stands to reason that it is also asserted in everyday situations where popularity is used to advocate conformity to philosophies and lifestyles, even products and attitudes by way of peer pressure and herd mentality.

And Video with Lyrics: Notice the comments from 2yrs ago about SCSA, if you take the direct link



OK- now tell me it doesn't fit CM Punk perfectly.
You bin watching wrestling for 25 years!!!! ive bin watching for 21 years and i can tell you straight up CM PUNK has it!!! the hole wrestling world knows it, the fans know it, the company knows and the legends you speak about know it (austin)knows it, i dont know why u think punk cant carry the company.. if john cena can carry the company with half the crowd booing his ass, with his lame ass promos with his 2star matches than cmpunk can carry the company and take it to the next level eazy.. this is a new era of wrestling flavor of the month :lmao::lmao: never!!!!!

and bringing back cm punk today was perfect you keep him off tv those ratings are gonna drop, hes the hottest thing in wrestling today why keep him off tv one week was good enough... Its a cm punk era, john cena its a wrap!!!!!!!
If half the crowd actually hated Cena his segments wouldn't get the highest ratings, the shows wouldn't sell out with him in the main, and he wouldn't sell the most merch. So basically a lot less than half hate him, and the people who do boo him actually enjoy booing him.

"2 star matches" get off Meltzer's spot loving dick. The idea of "high workrate=good match" is fucking stupid. The goal of a match is to get a reaction. If you do a million moves and there is no reaction, the match SUCKED.

I don't care how long you've been watching wrestling. If we're talking about Pro Wrestling IQ accolades. Well, I've been watching nearly 20 years, have been in a ring, have taken bumps, have had 5 min plus long discussions about wrestling with Harley Race, Terry Funk, Lex Luger, and the commentator from Pro Wrestling NOAH. I've driven 13 hours round trip to see a ROH show.

"hole wrestling world" are you uneducated? I mean your lack of understanding business or not being able to at all think critically kind of showed that, however my 14 year old brother knows the difference between "hole" and "whole". Unless you were referring to a hole in wrestling or something. Probably would make more sense than the rest of your post.

If CM Punk were the next biggest thing in wrestling, then he would have gotten a hell of a lot louder pop than he did when he came out. Ratings would be way up, facebook likes would be way up, etc. Instead they're pretty much the same as before. Punk is NOT a huge draw, he's a net darling.

Also, I didn't know you talked to Austin. Weird. I mean, I've heard pretty much every legit great wrestler say that Cena isn't a technical wizard but he's a damn fine pro wrestler because he "gets it" but shit man if you say that Austin thinks that Punk is the next greatest thing then it must be true.

You know what I think? I think you're a dumb hick. I bet you're an attitude era fan who wants things to be like it was back in the day. You don't have the critical thinking skills to be able to figure out that WWE NEEDS to be PG. They need this because Benoit killed his family and fucked everything up for the WWE. The Attitude Era projected a bad image because it was basically a jerrry springer show, then Benoit was kind of the exclamation point. WWE needs to be PG to rebuild it's fanbase and it's reputation.

Secondly, Cena CLEARLY wants some of the boos. The boos come from the segment of the audience that doesn't really matter. Sure it's a loud 10%, but it's still only 10%. Plus a majority of those fans like to boo him. They want him to turn heel so it'll be cool to like him. Cena is a clean babyface in an era where TV heroes are criminals or have a mean streak or have some other bad qualities. It's not cool to be a total good guy. In a way, Cena is the antihero of the antihero generation.

Finally, you're are an IWC tool. Every single one of your posts reads like a "how to sound like you discuss wrestling on the internet" manual. You use star-ratings, you say shit like "five moves of doom" you bash Cena, you love the net darlings. The sad part is that the trend is actually the other way. You know Brian Alvarez? He writes with Dave Meltzer (known for the star ratings). Alvarez said, and this was a few years ago just to show you how behind you are, that if you doubt Cena's wrestling ability, that you lose all credibility. How about this. Learn to think critically and most importantly, learn to think for yourself.
This is brilliant. I was happy to see Punk and his new theme song. Punk/Cena at Summer slam is what we are going to see. We now have 2 wwe champions with cena being the real champion and punk now being the self-proclaimed champion. One can only assume cena will win this time to become the true champion. The night after summer slam will be the night the wwe debuts the new designed wwe title. Do not look for del rio to cash in the contract now. I do believe the rock could be the reason for del rio to capture his first wwe title from cena.
It has been said many times before but I think it has to be said again. Have you ever considered why John Cena never adds any new moves to his moveset or ever change his style. Is he that talentless ? Can't he learn ten more moves to get more of IWC behind. The thing is WWE wants IWC to hate Cena. Because they pay money to see Cena lose, they buy tickets to boo him. If you say otherwise prove it even though all bitches and moans about Cena ratings never drop, those people who boo Cena at every show are still there to boo him. Either you like him or hate him but thats for sure you pay to see him lose or win and thats making WWE tons of money. End of the story.

As for John Cena vs Cm Punk. It's one of the best feuds of WWE in last 5 years. I think what WWE lacks today most is the certain unpredictability in angles and feuds(Thanks to internet) so they did a hell of a fucking job to build up this rivaly. What was so great with this feud was WWE really toyed with IWC. WWE turned Punk their hero and many of them will pay to see their hero beat their biggest nightmare and also Cena fans will pay to watch Cena finally beat Cm Punk. So as I said above either people hate or love Cena they will PAY for Summerslam.
It has been said many times before but I think it has to be said again. Have you ever considered why John Cena never adds any new moves to his moveset or ever change his style. Is he that talentless ? Can't he learn ten more moves to get more of IWC behind. The thing is WWE wants IWC to hate Cena. Because they pay money to see Cena lose, they buy tickets to boo him. If you say otherwise prove it even though all bitches and moans about Cena ratings never drop, those people who boo Cena at every show are still there to boo him. Either you like him or hate him but thats for sure you pay to see him lose or win and thats making WWE tons of money. End of the story.

As for John Cena vs Cm Punk. It's one of the best feuds of WWE in last 5 years. I think what WWE lacks today most is the certain unpredictability in angles and feuds(Thanks to internet) so they did a hell of a fucking job to build up this rivaly. What was so great with this feud was WWE really toyed with IWC. WWE turned Punk their hero and many of them will pay to see their hero beat their biggest nightmare and also Cena fans will pay to watch Cena finally beat Cm Punk. So as I said above either people hate or love Cena they will PAY for Summerslam.
Here's how I imagine a lot of smarks (spot marks) brain works "MOVEZ MOVEZ FAP FAP MOVEZ FLIPZ OH GOD FLIPZ MOVEZ FAP FAP MOOOOOOOVEZ!!!!" I HATE spot marks. Doing more moves does not make you a better wrestler.

How many fucking times does Cena have to put on legitimately great, emotional matches? Hardcore matches vs Umaga and JBL, straight up wrestling vs HBK and Jericho, mega face vs mega vace against Batista, culture clash vs RVD and Punk. Sure you can be a dumbfuck and say "well he was carried" but he wasn't.

Also as I've said before, Bryan Alvarez, who works with Dave Meltzer, a few years ago said that if you think Cena sucks in the ring then you lose credibility. It's seriously time for everyone who constantly shits on Cena to realize he's pretty damn good and in 20 years people will be comparing whoever is the top face at that time to John Cena and remembering Cena just as nostalgically that most people on here do with Rock, Hogan, Austin, Flair, or for the REALLY old ones, Gotch.
What happens now? Big question with no answer. For once, I don't know what will happen next. John Cena v CM Punk could be an epic at Summerslam. OR an epic fail.
The point is we don't know how to live in the moment; not any more. Punk return felt epic but most of IWC can't live with that because they are too busy guessing what will happen next. And that is a bugger. Internet spoils a lot of things, but for once, people don't know what will happen next and we can't live with that. 'This has ruined the story''He should've been off TV' why? Because you want it to happen? This story is still interesting and with anything possible, it is still intriguing enough.
As Punk said, and I quote, "I don't hate you IWC. I hate the idea that you are the smartest."

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