[OFFICIAL] Chris Benoit HQ: Death Before Dishonor


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Yessir. The man was stiff looking, technically sound, and a good storyteller. If you're into such things and believe in storytelling.

He was also a tad bland, slightly unstable, and had very little ratings success until June 2007.


He made the tournament last year and surprised me with how well people overlooked his final act. He made it deep into the bracket and even gave Hogan a showing I never would have imagined him to at this point in time. What are his chances this year? Will you be supporting him? Can you seperate the man from his crimes for the sake of a fantasy tournament?
Doesn't murdering your entire family and then offing yourself count as dishonor before death?

I actually love watching Benoit matches. Whenever he comes out, I always get the feeling that even if this match sucks, Benoit will at least make a little something out of it.

Last year, Benoit beat... I wanna say Hogan in some ridiculous gimmick match, and I voted for Benoit, mostly because it seemed like the more demented you were, the more likely you were to win the match. However, under any other circumstance, there's no way Benoit beats the likes of a Hulk Hogan, or an Undertaker, probably not a Stone Cold either. I think Benoit will take out a lot of the trash, but he'll be weeded out in the battle for ultimate supremacy.
I think you should have named the thread honor before dishonor in honor of his treatment by the WWE during the whole ordeal.

McMahon: We're very sad and we'll miss him dearly.
The next day.
McMahon: Who the fuck is Chris Benoit? Nobody by that name ever worked here.
That was on the verge of being an average post before the bold part. But just barely.
Benoit applied the Crossface wrong on Daniel and accidentally killed him. Sounds like someone who doesn't have the fundamentals down.
Yeah, people need to learn to separate the man from his body of work. Obviously what he did was abominable, but in my personal opinion the man's career ranks as one of the finest in the history of professional wrestling. He left his mark all over the globe from Japan to Mexico to Canada to the US and Europe and was a champion everywhere he went. Also in my opinion one of the top five workers in the history of the game.

I'll be backing Benoit for the first few rounds I imagine.
Yeah, people need to learn to separate the man from his body of work. Obviously what he did was abominable, but in my personal opinion the man's career ranks as one of the finest in the history of professional wrestling. He left his mark all over the globe from Japan to Mexico to Canada to the US and Europe and was a champion everywhere he went. Also in my opinion one of the top five workers in the history of the game.
This. While Benoit may have been a horrible member of society, he could go toe to toe with pretty much anyone in the ring and come out on top. I'll be backing him at least through the region.
Benoit got pretty far last year, even going over Hogan. I think most people here separate the wrestler from the human, so I don't think Benoit is going to be eliminated at any point because of the tragic end to his terrific career.

In fact, he has one of the best chances of making it out of his region. His only real competition as far as I can tell is Harley Race, though there are a few other people who could give him a run for his money. However, should he face a megastar like Hogan or Taker, I think he's going out. However, a good gimmick would help him out like it did last year.
Benoit should go far, he's amazing. Not as good as Shawn though.


Glad to see your promoting Shawn Becca, but wouldn't it have more impact to actually have a picture of Shawn kicking someone? worked just dandy against Jericho.. and John Cena.. many pictures of both.. sadly can't come up with anywhere I've seen Benoit get the old boot.
For every picture I can put of Shawn kicking someone, they can put a picture up of the opposite. Plus, he looks gorgeous in this one ♥
I don't know what Michaels' looks have to do with anything. Benoit was handsome right to the end.

Benoit's body was a muscle beast without being over the top if you ask me, I wouldn't mind such a body to be honest.. steroids or not, that's has taken it's time to achieve.
That's exactly how my mind works. Most people repress bad memories, I repress those pictures, because I can't function for a while after thinking about how amazing they are.
I don't know why but I get the urge to actually post a picture of it in a PM or something.. just so I don't personally have to watch it every time I watch this thread.. (I'm not a fan of exactly those pictures)

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