[Official] Bad Mouth a Staff Member Thread

All I heard was I'm an uptight bitch.

Look, if you're totally cool being an asshole just because you can, that's your prerogative. Frankly, I'm more intelligent and classy than to act that way, however I suppose people like you are needed to show off just what a lack of education and proper parenting can do to a child.
Look, if you're totally cool being an asshole just because you can, that's your prerogative. Frankly, I'm more intelligent and classy than to act that way, however I suppose people like you are needed to show off just what a lack of education and proper parenting can do to a child.

Look, if you're totally cool being an asshole just because you can, that's your prerogative. Frankly, I'm more intelligent and classy than to act that way, however I suppose people like you are needed to show off just what a lack of education and proper parenting can do to a child.

The first sign of a person being unintelligent: calling yourself intelligent.
Salv, you're okay. But you were warned what this place would be like before coming in here. If it sands your vagina that badly, then leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.
Any thing goes in the cage, the only rule is that you cannot post pornography. I'm most likely not going to frequent The Cage because posting 'lol that's gay' or 'lol ******' believe or not loses it's appeal after reading or posting it the second time.. I'm surprised at the quality of posting, and how far it drops once you give people this kind of freedom, but I'm not offended, it'll take more than that. Thanks for the concern though.
Meh, it'll pass and then people will go back to being normal. Honestly it's getting a mite boring.

I do like the whole "What happens in the cage, stays in the cage" thing though.
I'm not suddenly gonna go around calling people *****'s or gay, or anything stupid like that. I still have morals.

The only thing I've found enjoyable about the Cage - is the "open freedom" that you CAN say anything you want, and not be banned for it. Again, that isn't a solid reason to start calling people ******s, gay, or anything else - but if you wanted to, you could.
I'm not suddenly gonna go around calling people *****'s or gay, or anything stupid like that. I still have morals.

The only thing I've found enjoyable about the Cage - is the "open freedom" that you CAN say anything you want, and not be banned for it. Again, that isn't a solid reason to start calling people ******s, gay, or anything else - but if you wanted to, you could.
So many people don't get that, or at least haven't yet. It's not that you SHOULD go around doing it, or that it's encouraged, it's just that if it comes up, you can do it without getting banned.
So many people don't get that, or at least haven't yet. It's not that you SHOULD go around doing it, or that it's encouraged, it's just that if it comes up, you can do it without getting banned.

I understood from the moment you said everything (except posting porn) was allowed, what you meant.

This is a section to vent. More or less. You can say anything, about anyone, regardless how harsh and even immoral it may be. But just because you can - doesn't always mean you must.

Its a good way to resolve who loses all control, once they no longer have rules to hold them back.
I understood from the moment you said everything (except posting porn) was allowed, what you meant.

This is a section to vent. More or less. You can say anything, about anyone, regardless how harsh and even immoral it may be. But just because you can - doesn't always mean you must.

Its a good way to resolve who loses all control, once they no longer have rules to hold them back.

Once the novelty of it wears off, that'll probably be what it's used for. But for right now, it's like being allowed to cross the street for the first time. You do it just because you can. ******.
Lee: Your highest achievement was when I banned you for a year. Had it not been for my actions, no one would've cared about you now.

And yours was having a fling with an underage British girl. I think you beat me on that one.

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