[Official] Bad Mouth a Staff Member Thread

I think I shall celebrate this coming Monday Night Raw and their actual acquisition of a legitimate celebrity by making a posting spree in the WWE sections on Monday. Maybe it'll bring FTS back. :(

If that fails, I'll just go to the Cigar Lounge and make the outrageous claim that Obama should be immortalized as the best President ever, simply because he isn't Bush. Once I get done claiming Bush is a child molesting racist he should be back with the good ole fervor we know and love.
Regular Moderators:

D-Man: Agreed that he sucks up far too much. He's a good poster, but without IC wouldn't have made it big.

FromTheSouth: Meh.

HBK-aholic: I've never found you attractive, whatsoever. I don't really get the hype. I guess it's just the fact a girl posts on here that everyone has to go insane.

IC25: You're ok.

jmt225: I haven't seen anything from you in a while, so I can't judge.


Tastycles: I lol'd at what Will said, and if I remember it's true.

The Doctor: You're the absolute definition of an internet... I don't even know. Nerd? You're into anime like it's God, you like some really weird porno shit that makes me sick, you're only friends are online and your favourite (only?) skill seems to be making sigs, which nobody really gives a shit about in the long run.

The Lariat: Again, I don't really have anything bad to say.

Ulises Lima: You think far too highly of yourself. Just because you like foreign films or whatever doesn't make you cool.


Slyfox696: When I first joined here I saw you as the cool guy, the one who was just above all this shit. Because that's how you act. But when I think about it, you're the administrator of a Wrestling forum, and a gym coach. AKA you're pretty worthless in general.

E-Fed Staff:

E-Fed is pretty shitty, not gonna lie.

Global Moderators:

klunderbunker: Your creep act got old about two years ago. And if it's possible, you have even less a life than Doc. The fact you've spent probably half of your life the last few years on a Wrestling forum really shows who you are.

Lee: I don't know about Lee. Some days I hate him, some days he seems alright. So I won't say anything.

xfearbefore: I still love you.
It annoys me how little impact I have on people on these forums. True story. I'm like wallpaper to you people.
Tasty is one of my favortie posters, true story

Same here. I truly felt ******ed trying to argue Michaels over Santo when I knew that Santo has done so much more than Shawn has for wrestling. I just couldn't vote for him. I much prefer Michaels any day.
Think of it as a pick up line NorCal.

"Hey girl, were your parents ******ed? Cuz you're a very special girl."
Will: Yeah I modeled myself after you a bit. Then I adjusted a few thing so I didn't suck and added in a thing called talent and look where it got me.

Jane: You're just jealous because I haven't let you use mustard lately.
I'll be honest because my opinion equals less than nought here but I see where Armbar is coming from re: Lariat.

Not holding a grudge because of recent events and I'm sure he could care less in general, but I do wish he would post more because he is a good poster.
The LAriat thing is something I hear from a few people. I kinda agree, actually.

Nice guy but I think IDR or someone should have gotten TNA over him. Does a great job with the actual modding part though.
Yeah I figure he must do more work behind the scenes.

I would have loved to been given a chance in that section. Between that and the efed, it's the only bit I care for.
Lariat has always rubbed me the wrong way. I think I said this at the awards voting, that it's nothing I can put my finger on, he's just someone who gets on my nerves. Good poster, seems like a nice enough guy, just bugs me.

EDIT: Plus, he's a God damn dirty bottom-feeding shithole Cubs fan. That doesn't help things either.
Of course you don't like the recent photos of me, I'm overage now.

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