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[Official] Backlash Discussion


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
I know it's early, but there's always time to make predictions. Backlash is usually pretty easy to predict. There's almost a guarantee that the titles will be involved in rematches from WrestleMania.

Triple H and Randy Orton will probably end their feud here. If not, I'm guessing we'll see Batista returning to start his revenge tour against Orton. Whether or not RKO has the title, it's a possibility.

Edge and Big Show could also have a rematch, but it all depends on how the booking goes before 'Mania. Quite honestly, having a match based on trying to win the love and affection of Vickie would be way too funny.

Hopefully we'll get to see some of the midcard titles. The IC Champ, and possibly the US Champ, will be in the MiTB match. The ECW Title will be defended, but we have no clue how it'll be set up.

Maybe we'll have the fortune of seeing one, or both, of the Women's Titles defended at Backlash.
I see with Batista perhaps returning sooner expected. Depending on what happens in the draft ;

Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H WWE Title.

Edge vs. Big Show

But a lot of people suggest that there will be changes among those title picture. John Cena will go to Smackdown, be punished by Vickie Guerrero and Big Show for revealing whatever it was about her and Show he knows. This will most likely keep him out the World title picture as punishment. Triple H back over to RAW.
i dont think you can predict any matches because of the WWE draft.

if both hardy are still on smackdown maybe a loser leaves smackdown ladder match.

i think orton or cena will go into backlash as a champion
I know it's early, but there's always time to make predictions. Backlash is usually pretty easy to predict. There's almost a guarantee that the titles will be involved in rematches from WrestleMania.

Hopefully not this year. I usually skip Backlash for this very reason.

Triple H and Randy Orton will probably end their feud here. If not, I'm guessing we'll see Batista returning to start his revenge tour against Orton. Whether or not RKO has the title, it's a possibility.

Makes sense. In Batista is ready, this would be a great jumping off point. Now, if Triple H gets drafted away from Smackdown, that would place 3 former Evolution members on the Monday Night show. I wonder if two of them would align.

Edge and Big Show could also have a rematch, but it all depends on how the booking goes before 'Mania. Quite honestly, having a match based on trying to win the love and affection of Vickie would be way too funny.

I don't see Edge vs Show at Wrestlemania actually happening. I see Edge vs Cena. But at Backlash, I see Big Show getting the winner of that match. The only time Show has EVER drawn money at Wrestlemania was last year, and he needed Mayweather to do it for him.

Hopefully we'll get to see some of the midcard titles. The IC Champ, and possibly the US Champ, will be in the MiTB match. The ECW Title will be defended, but we have no clue how it'll be set up.

I'll do you one better - let's see a TIE in the MITB match. Two guys on two ladder grab the breifcase at the same time and fall with it. So, at Backlash, we see a one on one ladder match to determine the actual MITB winner.

According to some of the spoilers I've read, I see the IC Title picture moving along interestingly enough. The US Title is going to be clarified by the draft.

Maybe we'll have the fortune of seeing one, or both, of the Women's Titles defended at Backlash.

Or maybe we'll see the Women's Title merged into one, and all of the women who wrestle on RAW, and all who just look hot on SD.

Then, maybe we'll see the Tag Titles merged into one, and all of the legit tag teams on Smackdown.

Ah, dreams.
I can see the night of the draft. Triple H has beaten Orton at 'Mania (as he hasn't won at Wrestlemania for so many years) he will return to RAW in the draft, as the triumphant Champion. Then Legacy will hit the ring, there will be a three on one beat down. Batista's music hits, down comes "The Animal" he clears the ring. Batista turns to Triple H, offers his hand and helps him up. Batista gets the microphone off the floor and says to aitch "I'm back to get rid of these guys. After that I'm coming for your title."

Backlash, 2 on 3 Handicap match: Batista and Triple H vs. Legacy.

Triple H drops the title too Batista at Judgement Day.

Then on the Smackdown side, I think that Big Show will stay in the match at Wrestlemania, it will be a triple threat. Vickie turns on Edge, Show thinks he has it in the bag, after he Chokeslams Edge due to the distraction by Vickie. Cena gets the upper hand on Show, after a few moments Cena gets Attitude Adjuster on Show. He pins him and Vickie comes in to try and break it up, but Edge pushes her off the apron thinking she is trying to screw him over, and allows the 3 count. Edge and Big Show becomes the Big storyline on SD. On the first SD after 'Mania Edge rampages through Smackdown, Show, Chavo perhaps Hawkins and Ryder too. Vickie comes out and says she will do everything in her power to get rid of Edge in the draft, she names Show number one contender for Triple H's WWE title. Edge goes to RAW at the draft. Cena goes to Smackdown, so Show is number one contender for Cena's title. Show is now top dog on SD! He has some squash matches, Cena has some handicap matches against Chavo and whoever else. Then at Backlash we have:

Big Show vs. John Cena World title.
6 Man Tag Team Match
Randy Orton(WWE Champ)&Legacy vs. D-X&CM Punk

World Heavyweight Championship
Fatal 4-Way Match
John Cena(c) vs. Edge vs. Big Show vs. Undertaker

Last Man Standing Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

Chris Jericho vs. Mr Kennedy

Intercontinental Championship
JBL(c) vs. Rey Mysterio

United States Championship
Shelton Benjamin(c) vs. Christian

ECW Championship
Belfest Brawl Match
Jack Swagger(c) vs. Finlay

Beth Phoenix vs. Rosa Mendes
Well, Wrestlemania is tomorrow, and by the time most people comment on this, it'll probably be well over. So with that being said, I think it's safe to start wondering about the future after Wrestlemania. So, how would your Backlash 2009 card look? What feuds do you want to see continue? What do you want to see differently? Also, since the draft will be happening before Backlash, feel free to be creative, as you never know who's going to end up where.

My Backlash 2009 card:

1. Priceless vs. Miz/Morrison
-I'm assuming Miz and Morrison will win at Wrestlemania. I think Priceless needs a bigger push, and to get out of Orton's shadow at the moment. Make them more credible. I think a run as the Undisputed Tag Team Champions could be just what they need.

2. Big Show vs. Edge (loser leaves Smackdown)
-I'm assuming neither of these guys leaves in the draft, and that Cena will win at Mania.

3. Melina vs. Maryse (non-title)
-Something happens in the Battle Royal at Wrestlemania, and the two champions have something to prove to each other. Or one of them moves in the draft, and they fight over the Women's title, and send the other back to Smackdown!

4. MVP vs. Shelton Benjamin (U.S. Title)
-These guys hate each other. Clearly. I think they're both great champions, and Shelton and MVP will cause each other to lose Money in the Bank, so they have one last match for the title.

5. Jack Swagger vs. Kane (ECW Title)
-Because I think Kane is going to ECW in the draft. Give him a title run. I don't see him winning MITB.

6. Randy Orton vs. Triple H (World Title)
-I see Randy winning at Mania, and Triple H getting his rematch, and coming to Raw in the draft.

7. Batista vs. John Cena (WWE Title)
-Cena, who wins at Mania, facing Batista, coming back from injury.

I think the problem WWE is going to face, is that there are going to be a lot of unresolved issues after Mania. I don't think they'll skip on defending the ECW title two PPVs in a row. It would be smart to skip having a divas match to add a Hardy match. But then there's still HBK, Undertaker, JBL, Mysterio, etc. that don't have matches and are still unresolved. There are a lot of guys in WWE right now, and not enough room on a seven match PPV. They could make it longer, but either way, I see Backlash 2009 being a great PPV. Possible a better line-up than Wrestlemania.
Well Trip is currently the wwe champion and Edge the whc so u obviosly mean Orton v Trip for wwe and Cena v Batista for whc but I get your point. I cant see Batista v Cena because thatd basicaly be Batista completley ignoring Orton despite Orton being the 1 who put him on the shelf. I thik we could be looking at a triple threat for the wwe title at Backlash with Orton v Trip v Batista if Batista is back.

Backlash is usualy used for WM rematchs so I would expect also to see Edge v Cena v Big Show part 2.
several problems with yours (no offense really) but it's hard watching a match between to heel tag teams (priceless and miz/morrison) and i feel like both of they're pushes are starting to go stale (well at least for miz and Morrison) they're matches are starting to bore me and it's hard to watch unless you actually have a tag-team that the fans will get behind

i like your idea of loser leaves RAW i'd love to see Edge back on RAW

melina vs. maryse don't sound to good I've already seen the match on smackdown and it didn't entertain that much plus with the returning gail kim i think she should've of been thrown in here some how i'm thinking mcool vs. maryse vs. gail kim

Kane is not going to ECW and i think we should at least try to push dreamer a little i mean the marks love him think about it dreamers contracts expires sometime after backlash give the guy his opportunity kind of make it his last chance to prove to himself kind of idea and swagger represents everything he's trying to prove that he could be as good as

with HHH vs. Orton it all depends on how they're math goes i personally want to see this evolve into a hell in a cell climax around backlash or judgment day

and dear god as much as i hate i think you could be right on cena vs. boretista dear go make the match something more of value i personally don't want to see a cena vs. anyone!!!! but if he needed an opponents from smackdown it should be umaga if he can return and from raw I'd love to see another wm23 spectacle form cane and HBK

this is my idea of a good backlash considering WWE's current situation but hey this is my idea and nothing more
Backlash is usually a shitty ppv, because it's almost always rematches from Mania. Oh and Batista won't be back by backlash.
I think this years Baclash will be very good. This year's Wrestlemania looks to be a great year. I am really looking forward to seeing how they follow up on Wrestlemnia. This is how Backlash looks to be shaping up to me:

Undisputed Tag Team Championship Match
Carlito & Primo (c) vs Priceless
-I think Priceless needs to bring the tag team titles back around their wastes to show a little more of their tag team dominance. Priceless would win the Undisputes Tag Team Titles in this match.

United States Championship Match-Ladder Match
Montel Vontavious Porter (c) vs Shelton Benjamin
-These two have been in a heated rivalry for the past few weeks. I think they will end up screwing eachother out of the win at 'Mania. MVP would win this match after Shelton Benjamin hit MVP with a steel chair.

Intercontinental Championship Match-Loser Gets Fired
JBL (c) vs Rey Msyterio
-I think Mysterio will lose in some cheap fashion to JBL at Wrestlemania. Then, challenge JBL to a Loser Gets Fired Match at Backlash. Mysterio would win this match and become the new Intercontinental Champion.

Grudge Match
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
-I think that at Wrestlemania Jeff Hardy will go over Matt after a Swanton off of something high onto Matt who is set up on a table. Matt will then say he wants a rematch, one-on-one, no stipulations. Matt would go over in this match.

ECW Championship Match
Jack Swagger (c) vs Evan Bourne
-Evan Bourne really needs a title run, in my opinion. Also, I can't see WWE leaving the ECW Title out of 2 PPV's in a row. Evan Bourne would go over Swagger here.

Grudge Match
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
-I think this rivalry wil go on past Wrestlemania. I beleive Undertaker will win at 'Mania and then, in this match, Shawn Michaels will win, keeping Taker's streak alive.

World Heavyweight Championship Match
John Cena (c) w/ Vickie Geurrero vs Edge vs Big Show
-I think John Cena will win at Wrestlemania. He didn't win at Wrestlemania last year and I doubt WWE would let Cena lose 2 Wrestlemania's in a row, OH NO. lol. I think John Cena would win this match after Vickie interferes, on behalf of John Cena. I know it would be strange but, it could happen.

WWE Championship Match
Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs Batista
-I think that Randy Orton will win at 'Mania adding an exclamation point to the onslaught of attacks to Triple H. Then, Triple H would envoke his rematch clause. During the match signing, Batista returns and attacks both Orton and Trips, demanding he get a title match with Orton at Backlash. I think Randy Orton would keep his title just barely.

This card looks like it could shape up to be a pretty good match listing if booked right. I am definitely looking forward to seeing how WWE makes the Backlash card this year.


Sunday, April 26th, WWE presents Backlash​


WWE Championship (Six Man Tag): Triple H, Batista, & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, & Ted DiBiase
--Oh blow it out your ass, HHH. How much you want to bet that this is how they give Orton the title and make it so he pins Shane or Batista instead, just to make it so HHH doesn't actually have to be the one pinned? No matter what happens, I'll be pissed, unless Orton CLEANLY pins TRIPLE H, by himself, and then takes a shit right on his face.

World Heavyweight Championship (Last Man Standing): John Cena vs. Edge
--Not exactly sure why they're doing this. Cena will retain. I think it'll be a good match overall, but we'll have to see what this revolves around.


Far too early to tell, seeing as how the Draft is going to put a wrench in any predictions I give, but I'd be surprised if we didn't see a rematch between Jeff and Matt Hardy, first off. Second, I'd be surprised if we didn't see Swagger defend his title.
Well, I'm going to be attending Backlash, and already I'm happy with the matches announced. It's nice to see they announced the main event matches straight away. I hate when they keep putting it off and only have a week or so of authentic build.

HHH/Batista/Shane vs Legacy should be a great one to see. One would expect swerves galore in this one, and I can see why. If they're to continue the Orton vs HHH storyline, they have to give it something fresh, other than "Orton taking out the McMahons and getting his ultimate revenge on Triple H". That something fresh, could be Batista turning heel, or one of the male McMahons. I think Batista turning heel would be EXCELLENT. Yeah, he got a decent return pop tonight, but that's to be expected. Batista was losing a lot of momentum as a face before he got punted off television. It's only a matter of time before people lose interest again, and Batista pales in comparison to the Cena's, HHH's, and even CM Punk's of the world face-wise. A Batista heel turn would liven up his character and actually make a lot of sense. Orton and Batista forming a union would complete Orton's plot of revenge against Trips, considering they were both in Evolution at the time. The two upstarts taking out the ringleader once and for all, that's an engaging angle.

Edge/Cena as a Last Man Standing match? I suppose that stipulation is overdone, but since I'll be there, I'm all for it. I've never seen this stipulation in person so it should be pretty cool. Edge and Cena always put on good one on one bouts, no matter how many times it is said that their matches have run their course. They deliver when it counts. I don't see Edge winning the title back, definitely not. How much longer can they go with Edge/Vickie as a couple? It's so dull and stale now, I'm tired of it. Maybe she helps Cena win, who knows.
I really hope Batista turns on the McMahons at Backlash sides with Orton, and officially starts his heel turn, and then the next night on Raw turn on Orton and Legacy(its a long shot, but why not?).

As for Edge and Cena I think last man standing is done too many times and that they should do and Iron man or three stages of hell(which they won't) but I like that idea.
Don't really know about anyone else but I'm happy about Vickie moving to Raw and I loved how she stated how stale and stagnant Raw has become.
I will also be attending Backlash. Kinda up in the air right now with the 2 matches announced. I do see HHH losing the title, not sure a Shane heel turn makes sense now, since its Batista and not Vince in the match. Def gonna have to wait til after draft for predictions, but I'm sure Cena retains. I'm not sure we will will see new fueds, theres not enough time even if there was no draft, except for maybe the ECW title. We shall see.
Why does it have to be a title match? You know? wrestling has become retarted. You think Cena does the same old shit, well....Vince. C'mon! KOTR 2000 similar match/border line the same. Need to have brand PPV's, need to have Brands. And allow them to be there own definitive brand. WCW, WWF, ECW were so different. Right now its all the same. TNA is terrible with a few moments every now and then. Triple H might as well hold the title.
Yeah i definitely smell a batista heel turn. its obvious wwe needs something fresh, and a batista heel turn would be the perfect dose of that. it gives him a program to be part of and takes the hhh-orton feud in a new direction. i think hell align himself with shane to stir up some drama between the mcmahons and hhh cuz thatd force vince and stephanie to pick sides. either way, a batista/shane heel turn spells wonders for the wwe right now and they could do alot of stuff with it atleast til summerslam where it all culminates.

cena edge, last man standing... meh. last man standings dont do much for me unless mick foley, shane mcmahon, jeff hardy, etc are part of it. neither edge nor cena will take any crazy enough spills to make this match into a classic last man standing. but yeah, cena retains...not sure what else to say.

P.S. taka michinuku for HOF 2010
For some reason i see Shane turning on HHH more then i do Batista.Shane is after all more qualified to be associated with Legacy than Batista.I would see Shane attacking Hunter and costing him the title.Perhaps this would lead to a shane vs hhh match that would maybe free up orton for an orton vs batista match or feud.Just what i think would be the best way to go with the match but im sure some of you will have other opinions on how it will or should go down.

As for the rest of the card that hasn't been announced yet it could go either way.

The only other match that you can almost bet on being in the ppv is a Hardy's rematch.They will probably fight 2 or 3 more times giving Jeff at least one win over Matt but ending with Matt winning in the end and maybe finally getting some sort of push that hes deserved forever.

Didn't read post two spots over me.Nav316's scenario may work well also but i agree that whatever the situation Shane will likely be involved with the belt going to Orton
The WWE most be desperate to find something creative, they're stealing idea's from TNA and not the most interesting ones. If you didn't know, TNA actually did the same 6 man tag match for the TNA championship a couple of month ago. The whole Mcmahon vs Legacy storyline looks alot like what TNA is doing right now with The MEM and the Frontline. So how does putting TNA storyline on WWE programming going to help sell a PPV. I don'T know and i don'T care because i won't be watching it anyway unless a couple of interesting match get on the undercard but the it would take alot for me to pay for this one.
I'm not liking it already. First off, it's just a cheap way for HHH to not put over Orton while dropping the belt to him. I like seeing Legacy actually wrestling a match and a main event at that. I enjoy Orton getting the main event, too.

Edge vs Cena actually seems good to me. Cena took a lot of bumps in his Parking Lot Brawl with JBL, so he can sell pain. Edge has always been willing to put in his body on the line, so I think we'll see some good hardcore action, in addition to those predictable tv monitor's to the face.

I expect a Hardys match of some sort, because Jeff is too big of a draw to leave off of the show.

I don't expect the Undertaker or HBK to appear, due to the end of their feud, and lack of buildup time for a new match.
This card is already looking better than WrestleMania.

I hate Last man Standing matches. But I also think the Big Show is a pile of shit. So this should be on an equal level of average as the triple threat at mania. I haven't seen it you understand, I'm just going by what I've heard.

The WWE Championship should be intresting. Calling the Batista heel turn already. I wonder what all the Triple H fans & haters will say when he loses the title without getting pinned.

It's also cool how wrestling has gone full circle. This gimmick was done in WWE, then badly in WCW, even worse in TNA and now we're back to WWE. Great work.
Coming off one of the most disappointing Wrestlemanias of all time the WWE has to do something.

The six man tag seems like a good idea on paper in terms of entertainment value. I was pissed at how the title match between Hunter and Orton ended. No Legacy or McMahon run in? The "clean" win with the unseen sledgehammer? That was completely pointless. I'm not a huge Batista fan, but at least he makes the combination of Shane and HHH a bit more interesting. I doubt there will be a heel turn, but the stipulation made it sound like whoever gets the pinfall for their team is the champion. Maybe that could end up being Batista, who knows?

Personally, I love last man standing matches. Edge and Cena can pull this off and make it interesting. Big Show will have something to do with the outcome of this, but which direction they take it in is anyone's guess at this point.

As for other matches:

Does anyone remember when Tommy Dreamer said that if he didn't win the ECW title by Wrestlemania that he would retire? What the heck happened to that idea? Hopefully they either settle this loose end or put either Dreamer or Christian in a match against Swagger.

Jeff and Matt will continue in some fashion. That seems like kind of a given.

Punk and Jericho could start a feud over the MITB briefcase. I think it would be interesting to have Jericho say that he deserves a shot at winning a title he helped create and saying that it wasn't his fault he had to teach a lesson to a bunch of legends on the night of Wrestlemania. These two have had decent matches together, but they have always been really short ones on Raw. Give these guys some time together to work something out and they could probably steal the show.

Shawn Michaels won't be able to go the night without a match of some kind, but they would have to start something new just for him. Same with Taker, unless he really is taking time off like the rumors say he might.

A match that I would love to see, but will probably never happen is Kofi Kingston against Rey Mysterio for the IC title. I'm not a huge fan of face vs. face matches since most of the time (unless one of the faces is a Michaels or Undertaker type) there really isn't any tension, but watching these two go at it would be fun as hell to watch.

Other than that, the outlook for everything else is pretty hazy for me at this point. All I know is that it sure as heck better be more entertaining than this past Sunday was.
Does anyone remember when Tommy Dreamer said that if he didn't win the ECW title by Wrestlemania that he would retire? What the heck happened to that idea? Hopefully they either settle this loose end or put either Dreamer or Christian in a match against Swagger.

Actually, Dreamer said that he was going to try to win the ECW title before his contract expires on June 6th. The "Extreme Rules" ppv is on June 7th, so most likely, he won't have his match until then. They need to stretch things out until then, so I say the most likely options for Jack Swagger to defend his ECW title are to either face Evan Bourne (depending on if he's still there) or some fresh person in the draft. Myself and others are hoping Kennedy gets drafted over to ECW, so we might actually see Swagger/Kennedy from next week until the Dreamer story starts around the end of May.
Actually, Dreamer said that he was going to try to win the ECW title before his contract expires on June 6th. The "Extreme Rules" ppv is on June 7th, so most likely, he won't have his match until then. They need to stretch things out until then, so I say the most likely options for Jack Swagger to defend his ECW title are to either face Evan Bourne (depending on if he's still there) or some fresh person in the draft. Myself and others are hoping Kennedy gets drafted over to ECW, so we might actually see Swagger/Kennedy from next week until the Dreamer story starts around the end of May.

Ah, yes. I forgot about that. That makes perfect sense to me now.

Also, if Kennedy is coming back soon, this would be the perfect choice to help make ECW a bit more exciting.
Well, now they've instituted this "chase to the ECW title", and its narrowed down to Dreamer, Finlay, and Christian. So we may very well have Dreamer against Swagger instead of what I was talking about. Striker pointed out, though, that the last time there was a chase, Dreamer won it and then Big Daddy V took the chance away from him. Foreshadowing? Maybe Tommy Dreamer wins it, some heel comes in, challenges Dreamer, beats him, and then subsequently loses to Swagger instead? I could see that happening with Vladimir Kozlov. They clearly don't care about him anymore, so maybe they'll feed Kozlov to Swagger and make him look better.

Or maybe it'll just be a retread of Swagger/Finlay, Swagger/Christian, or Swagger/Dreamer where Swagger retains for no real reason other than to stall lol.

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