[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

  • True

  • False

  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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I just hope it is a nice surprise one way or another. Whether it's a Heel or Face, or someone turning, or a Legend or Announcer, WHATEVER!

As long as they do it right, it should be compelling. It's been something that has been building for months, so it has brought a lot of speculation and gossip.

It could be a success in almost any direction they go, as long as it isn't Vickie Guerrero LOL!
I've actually lost interest in this angle, and I don't even care anymore. I was very interested before, and I wanted the WWE to reveal the GM at the 900 episode of Raw, or anything. They dropped the ball so far, but I guess it's me just being unhappy because I have a lot of anticpation and I want them to tell me already. I've waited long enough though where I just don't care, and I'm just going to think that Triple H or someone random is going to be the GM. Yes, I said Triple H as gm. I don't even care who it is to be honest since the whole "GM" role is pointless, oh and when I said random..I mean someone like..hmm...Ranjin Singh.

The GM surprise better be good now though, because it's been building up for months and i don't want it to be a let down, especially considering the fact I lost interest in who the GM is. I just hope when they do introduce who the GM is, it will gain my interest again when they reveal him.

Wasn't there a rumour that Abraham Washington might be the GM? I really hope that doesn't happen, but he is good on the mic.
I'm curious to see who this general manager is. The constant poking at it really continues to add to the excitement I must admit. Certainly after a while it seemed to get annoying and obnoxious to watch, however Chris Jericho's little segment, and the heels annoyance with the computer obviously makes it a little more interesting again. I loved how Chris said it couldn't possibly be Vince McMahon, and it really might actually add to the point where it might as well just be Vince, considering we've pretty much been "thrown in the other direction" with Jericho's promo last night.

I'm kinda hoping they continue to poke at it just a little bit, and continue to throw bones at something, or away from it.
i think that they actually dont even have a gm. when its time to show one, then they'll figure out who it should be. we will all see though when its time.
I say HHH. He has been waiting for his big heel turn, possibly taking the GM spot and still able to wrestle. Him and Sheamus feud and HHH being the heel, kicks the crap outta Sheamus. Fans boo, some cheer. But then hell reveal himself as the leader behind the Nexus making Sheamus the face in this situation.
I dont think the gm is Michael cole for one reason if he was he can kick off daniel bryant since he hates him so muck i dont know why tro he will be great in the years to come. anyone agree?
Kind of as a side note, Chris Jericho yelling at Cole PRICELESS. I don't remember the last time I actually LAUGHED that hard at wrestling.

As for the GM, who knows, I've tried staying open minded, but there's very few reasonable options it seems. Michael Cole, Triple H, whoever else has been thrown around. My guess is Cole, or The Game.
From what we are seeing, and what WWE is trying to tell us, the 'mysterious raw GM' got some past with Edge. But maybe it doesn't has to be past, well, we read that there were plans for Edge vs HHH @ SummerSlam, so that could fit in. I just don't see anyone else who had 'past' with Edge that is in WWE and is wrestling...
Who's the new GM: I say its Triple H
What is the announcement: I have a funny feeling that when orton wins the wwe championship we might see a hint on the next raw the following night with a email. that all i a going to say.....
As for the GM i bet its actually Chris Jericho!!! It makes perfect sense. His "Wrestling" contract is up,"If i dont win a NOC, I'll quit "Wrestling", he gonna need time off from wrestling because of fozzy, and HHH still has that Shamus story line goin when hes back and a GM is better as a heel and trips has been around too long to be a effective heel anymore. Who else does the E have thats better on the stick to be GM than Jericho???
At this point in time, I believe the GM is HHH. The Anonymous GM clearly is a babyface as he's making life hell for Edge, Jericho & Sheamus. HHH I dont believe is interested in competing much when he returns, so at least with the GM position he has an active role on TV besides wrestling and one of the names I mentioned who he is making life hell for, Sheamus put him out, so it only makes sense. When HHH does reveal himself as GM, I think it will lead into a Grudge match with Sheamus before he moves onto a feud with Jericho which I would personally love to see again and around Wrestlemania time, he will then go onto feud with Edge and have a match with him at the PPV.
I was getting tired of the GM. It had grown stale and dull and nothing was really being done with the angle. However, recently it's given Edge a much needed boost in terms of his character, added intrigue to the Chris Jericho situation and is becoming reasonably entertaining again.

My pick remains Triple H for simple reasons that it's a face, with heel tendencies. Triple H, despite being a face, still shows heelish characteristics and this is consistent with the General manager (His Dislike of the Hart's and Constant Annoying the Crap Out of the Crowd).

Personally I see this angle being resolved within the next few weeks. By the point we get to Survivor Series in November, we should not only have the GM revealed, but he should be continuing his angle with Edge (or perhaps if it is Triple H, Sheamus).
You've got to be slow or simple not to recognize the not-so-subtle heel turn of Michael Cole, giving his character the air of someone who's more than just an announcer. It's an homage to the old days of McMahon being the babyface announcer and his slow turn into the evil 'Mr. McMahon' character.

It couldn't be more obvious if they posted a sign on the laptop, explaining the angle.
No, I think you're wrong. While the RAW GM has had a few flip-flop comments and decisions, most of them are in a face manner. You said it yourself that Michael Cole is a heel now, but if he was the GM why would he be doing things such as punishing the heels for cheating, making fan favored matches, not to mention punishing reversing a decision because of a Miz interference. In the end, I don't know who the GM is, and they're honestly dragging it on so long that really don't care anymore. Regardless of whoever it turns out to be, I think they will be a face, and nonot Michael Cole.
its not cole. i dont think the wwe knows what they r doing with it yet
i think that they may be trying to get a few different ppl in the role
like micheals, or another hall of famer but have failed to do so so far
If the GM was Cole then why would he have changed the refs decision on raw. Cole hates Bryan so why would he change a decision and make him win?
Especally if he is going through this heel turn, it just wouldnt make sence.
i agree i also think that when wade barrett beats john cena at hitc and cena joins the nexus that cole will admit to being the gm and the brains behind the nexus
You've got to be slow or simple not to recognize the not-so-subtle heel turn of Michael Cole, giving his character the air of someone who's more than just an announcer. It's an homage to the old days of McMahon being the babyface announcer and his slow turn into the evil 'Mr. McMahon' character.

It couldn't be more obvious if they posted a sign on the laptop, explaining the angle.

Unless you watched this Monday, where Cole was fawning over Miz at the announce table as they both dumped on Daniel Bryan. Bryan lost as a result of interference, and Cole and Miz celebrated together. Seconds pass before the GM sends an email reversing the decision, declaring Bryan the victor.

This raises two majors problems with the theory that Cole is the GM.

1) How did he send the email while calling the match/celebrating with Miz?
2) Why would he make a decision that helps his least favorite person in the WWE?

You lose. This thread should be locked.
And out of curiosity, how is he sending emails to himself? Wouldn't King see him typing the emails and then pressing send? And what about when he is already standing in front of the computer? Is he that damn good, that he can stand in front of a computer on national television with an audience sitting right behind him monitoring his every move, and still write an email to himself and send it? Yeah, I see flaws in that theory, though I am not completely bashing you, Cole has crossed my mind several times in regards to being the GM, I just don't see how it is logical though with him being in front of everyone, where they can see what he is up to.l
First off this belongs in the GM discussion thread and assume I it will be moved there.

Anyway as you said you would have to be blind to not see that Cole is a heel and yet who is it that the GM seems to hate the most? Thats right, Chris Jericho and Edge two heels (although that is debatabe with the reactions they seems to be getting). Anyway my point is that if Cole was the GM he would be going after the faces and treating people like Jericho and Edge with respect you know like a heel commentator/GM is supposed to do. So unless this is just a red herring to throw us off the scent of Cole then I highly doubt he the GM. Oh and one more thing if Cole was GM no way would he have approved DBD getting his NOC title match nor would he have given him the DQ win on Raw this week. Infact if Cole was GM Miz would be the WWE Champ by now, he would make sure of it.
god please don't let it be michael cole he is a moron but i don't see it being cole i think and cole being the brains behind nextus i don't think that either i see that being HHH or maybe even john cena
It can't be Cole for one simple reason and I'll tell you why. Are u ready? I don't think your ready. Umm he's at the table when the emails come in !! lol It can't be him
I agree with the majority here that there's no way it's Cole. It doesn't make sense the GM punishes heel, and he's obviously turning heel. Why would he bash Daniel Bryan then send himself an email reversing a decision in Bryans favor? The WWE has dropped the ball in the past with situations like this, but Cole as GM would be one of the biggest let downs ever IMO.
It cant be Cole....as someone already said the GM is doing face moves and he punished The Miz for interference...We all know Cole loves Miz and hates Bryan so why would he do that? I think though in the end we will be dissapointed in who it is as usual
This thread isn't as dumb as it is... Yea you read that right. Why you ask?

It can't be Cole for one simple reason and I'll tell you why. Are u ready? I don't think your ready. Umm he's at the table when the emails come in !! lol It can't be him

On an episode he mentioned that the GM gave him a Blackberry and he's been receiving e-mails on it. They have the ability to send e-mails as well obviously. However, it's already been proven in this thread that it would be utter nonsense seeing as the GM has been doing nothing but face antics while Cole is now a full blown heel.

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