Offical WM 25 Weekend LD

MITB: Why is CM Punk getting a second push? He doesn't draw and he has no business being in the main event picture. Hey Vince. THE FANS ARE IN YOUR FACE. Try listening to them sometime.

Kid Rock: Why was this so long when the Tag Team Title match could have been fit in here? Why was a title change put in the dark match slot?

Diva Battle Royal: The entrance was shitty, because we missed the re-debuts of Molly Holly and Gail Kim. Fun ending, though.

Y2J v Legends: Steamboat is the MAN. Also, Jericho has been tombstoned, power bombed, pedigreed, thrown through tables, off ladders, through elimination chambers... but a punch to the head by someone who's not even a wrestler? What the fudge?

Hardys: Meh.

IC match: I blinked and missed it.

Taker v HBK: MOTN. There are no words.

Triple threat: I saw this coming from a mile away. Nothing special came out of this match. It might as well of taken place on Smackdown or Raw.

HHH v Orton: This is the biggest Pay-per-view of the year, and what some fans consider their own personal holiday, and this is what they come up with? A match that was completely back and forth, uninteresting, with a tease of a swerve that didn't happen? No Legacy? No McMahons?

This Wrestlemania gets 4/10, due to Steamboat, HBK, and Taker.
HHH v Orton: This is the biggest Wrestlemania of the year, and what some fans consider their own personal holiday, and this is what they come up with? A match that was completely back and forth, uninteresting, with a tease of a swerve that didn't happen? No Legacy? No McMahons?

This Wrestlemania gets 4/10, due to Steamboat, HBK, and Taker.'s the only Wrestlemania of the year:headscratch:
This was such a waste of money.

That is exactly why I use a website that gives it for free. Don't waste money of this crap. Pissed Orton lost, why oh why. I think I have started 2 or 3 threads surrounding Orton, I am pissed.
such a shame that the divas battle royal wasnt what it could have been.

i would have preffered an elimination tag match between the divas from the past against the divas from the present. it would have been so much better imo.

they could have had:

Trish, Lita, sunny, Victoria, molly holly, Torrie Wilson vs Beth phoenix, maryse, Melina, Natalya, Michelle mccool and maybe either Gail Kim or Kelly Kelly.

even though it would have been weird with the faces and heel divas working together i would have preferred that. and if they wanted to still do the miss wrestlemania thing then they could give that name to the last woman standing.

BTW i am glad Mae young didnt compete, last time she was in a ring a lot of people got worried when she fell.
WTF, It was supposed to be the biggest Mania ever and what did we get? Nothing besides a fanatstic HBK/Taker match.

The Main Event was ok, but the ending was nothing. For all the build up, with Vince, Shane and Steph getting involved, they end it like that? **** me.

And they took the Tag title match off, for Kid Rock who not one gave a shit about. Well done Vince, one of your best.
such a shame that the divas battle royal wasnt what it could have been.

i would have preffered an elimination tag match between the divas from the past against the divas from the present. it would have been so much better imo.

they could have had:

Trish, Lita, sunny, Victoria, molly holly, Torrie Wilson vs Beth phoenix, maryse, Melina, Natalya, Michelle mccool and maybe either Gail Kim or Kelly Kelly.

even though it would have been weird with the faces and heel divas working together i would have preferred that. and if they wanted to still do the miss wrestlemania thing then they could give that name to the last woman standing.

BTW i am glad Mae young didnt compete, last time she was in a ring a lot of people got worried when she fell.

True, the Diva's battle royal could have been a lot better, but since so many of the bigger draws of the division declined to compete in the match, the WWE could only salvage what they could. Had they been running the angle with all their available star power, there wouldn't have been a need to change the angle the way they did.
just got back from mania and finished my cheese steak... My review is as such:

got there about an hour before the gates opened. I had to collect my tickets at Will call, but didn't have the card i bought the tickets with, so thought it would take forever, no problem... went to the merchandise stall, they had a lot more things there than last year. Got myself an event tee, 2 HHH tees, an Edge tee and a programme. then queued up at the floor access gate to get in. Getting in was a nightmare.

Found my seats blah blah blah, to the action...

Lumberjack match for unified tag titles: Shortish match that the crowd were suprisingly into, ended by Primo nicely reversing Morrison's finisher into the Backstabber. The Lumberjacks really did fuck all. Most notable lumberjacks included Khali, Koslov, Regal and Swagger. The Bella twins were nowhere to be seen although I did see some clever cloggs with a sign saying "Unify the Bella Twins"

MITB: This one really suprised me in how they continue to come up with innovative spots to appease the spot junkie. For me, Mark Henry was the MVP (excuse the pun) of the match, proving that you don't have to do stupid flips and shit to make a ladder match good. the spot with Kingston ending in the world's strongest slam was genius.

Kid Rock was suprisingly good, the crowd were really hot for this. I don't like him at all but he was good. Having this as the intro for the battle royal, was kinda dumb though as the live crowd then had NO idea who was in it.

Diva Battle Royal: The only past diva i reckognised was Molly Holly, so you may need to help a brother out deciphering the rest... instead of looking for who's who, I just watched Santino all match. I don't know how much they showed of him on camera, but his mannerisms again were spot on. His hesitancy to do anything really was genius which made the end of the match and his subsequent celebrations hilarious.

Jericho v Legends: The announcement that this was a gauntlet match just screamed out that Jericho was going to win. Not much to say about this one other than I'm glad piper kept his shirt on, Snuka looks like the guy who cleaned my hotel pool this morning and Ricky Steamboat put in an amazing performance. I really was suprised by his ability at his age. Flair added a nice touch to the match but the bit with Rourke was drawn out too much, we were all screaming for a Stone Cold appearance.

Hardy v Hardy: Another spot fest but the ending of this match really looked sick live. I expected Jeff to go over but I'm glad Matt did, he needed the win here more than Jeff did, despite the crowd being hot for Jeff.

JBL v Rey Mysterio: What a crock of shit, this match just pissed me off straight up. Happy to see JBL "quit" as there isn't much left he can give to the business and his body doesn't look like it's up to the job anymore, but come on, the IC title used to be big business, at least give the match more than 15 seconds.

HBK v Taker: Epic. What a fucking match. EVERYONE was on their feet, split about 60:40 in Taker's favour. I thought about 3 times that the streak was over. I think that will be the closet we'll come to seeing the streak disappear. My voice went and my legs hurt a lot after that one (jumping up and down for near falls)

Cena v Edge v Big Show: As good as I could expect from these 3 i guess. I marked out HARD when Basic thuganomics came on, despite the "Real slim shady" entrance. Cena got a bigger pop than expected, but my section were rooting for Edge. Must give kudos to Cena, this wasn't that bad of a wrestling match for him IMO. The final spot where he had Show and Edge up for the FU/Attitude Adjustment/Whatever showed the immense strength he has. I and a few people around me seemed to get pyro debris from the Cena Celebrations, itched like fuck for a bit...

HOF: Nice segment as always, made epic by stone cold getting out of his suit and driving down to the ring to sink some beers. A true wrestlemania moment IMO and glad I was there to see it.

HHH v Orton: dunno how this came off on tv, but the crowd were dead for this. Triple H got quite a few boos and there was a lot of support for Orton. dunno how Triple H's entrance came out on tv, but it appeared to have been shot prior to the event. He had no sledgehammer in his hand and didn't appear to smash anything live. This match played off as being incredibly short. Glad Legacy/The McMahons didn't make an appearance, this would be like something TNA would do, but IMO tonight was time to pass the torch to Orton.

Getting out of the arena was an absolute bitch. There was a very big disorganised taxi rank, outside and the reliant staff had no clue on how to direct a crowd.

Shout out to the guys sat behind me, between us we had 6 title belts (my WWE spinner belt, WHC, Winged-eagle WWf belt, IC belt, Tag title, Old school Tag title Belt) and passed them around so we could get photos with them all.
Taker-HBK was great, best match I've seen in a long ass time. Shoulda been the last match. Austins goodbye was cool, although he was standing on stage next to a guy who had a hell of a performance earlier. If it had been a 1 on 1 match, Steamboat-Jericho woulda had the 2nd best match of the nite. My friends and I are the kind of guys that yell at the screen and make fun of guys and all that shit, but even we gave Ricky an applause. The rest, ehhhh. Matt Hardy's twist of fate was awesome.
Thank God I didn't order this.

I'll download it later on in the week. So technically speaking, I outsmarted you all :)
So, how many times has someone said something of the lines of "I wish Edge would have won, he needed this victory" or "Cena winning was meh, we've seen it before".

My prediction is at least 150 times so far since Wrestlemania a few hours ago.
when they kept saying this is austin's goodbye what did they mean? hes not doing one more match? he's finished doing one off apperances?

does anyone know please tell me
so am i the only one that heard Armstrong (the ref) tell Triple H one minute left before he went for the Pedigree? That pisses me off when the damn ref ruins the ending of the match because he's too damn loud. Plus the crowd being compltely dead doesn't help
Here's the vid of what Paul is talking about, listen closely around the 2 minute mark

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