NY Region, Colorado Subregion: First Round: (16)Sid Vicious vs. (17)Samoa Joe

Who Wins This Match?

  • Sid Vicious

  • Samoa Joe

Results are only viewable after voting.


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The following contest is a first round match in the New York Region.

This match takes place in the Pepsi Centre in Denver, Colorado.


#16 Sid Vicious



#17 Samoa Joe


This contest is one fall with a 20 minute time limit. The match will take place in a 16 x 16 ring with no ramp leading to it. Any traditional managers for either competitor will be allowed at ringside.

As for voting, vote for who you think would win this match based on the criteria you choose. Some suggestions would be (not limited to): in ring ability, overall skill, their level of influence at the highest point in their career, ability to connect with the crowd, experience in major matches or simply personal preference etc.

The most votes in the voting period wins and in the case of a tie, the most written votes wins. There is one written vote per user, meaning if a poster make ten posts saying Bret should win that will count as a single vote. In the event of a second tie, both men are ELIMINATED, no questions asked. Only winners advance.

Voting is open for four days and all posts must be non-spam.​
This is an interesting battle. On one hand you have Samoa Joe, a man who can be a legitimate bad ass and one crazy S.O.B. On top of that he's a quality wrestler. His matches with Kurt Angle are never poor, and his rivalry is the stuff of Indy legend. Then you have someone like Sid Vicious. Someone who is a legitimate mad man, having stabbed Arn Anderson with a pair of scissors. Vicious' style may not be as refined as Joe's is, but he has the championships to prove that he was at the top of his field. His powerbomb is one of the most feared of all time. I'm not sure where to go and thus I'll wait it out until someone can swing me one way.
I don't know why people would vote for Psycho Sid, over Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe is an animal in the ring. He isn't right now, but you have to feel for him, he's wrestling inside TNA, that takes balls. I think people need to go back and remember how much of an animal Samoa Joe is. He decimated TNA. He was built as a beast, he even went into the X-Division when it had talent and decimated that, and the guy weighs 280 pounds. Hes had a bad couple years, but look at the glimpses of good hes had in that. His TNA Championship match against RVD where they went to a draw? That was pretty good. When he came back after being "kidnapped", and ran through everybody again.

And even if you judge this from a perspective of the last year or two, all Syd did was get caught with drugs. Hes been going up and down the country telling everyone how he wants one more run in the WWE, and his biggest claim to fame is getting caught for drugs posession.

Lets say these two had a match. Sid has height and maybe aggression. Joe has speed, weight, technique and submission skills. Sid would be fucking screwed. He'd have his ass choked out.

Vote goes to Samoa Joe.
How the fuck is a wrestler who was a MULTIPLE time world champ in MULTIPLE *MAJOR* organizations only a 16 seed?

Sid wins this by a country mile. He's competed against and defeated superstars way bigger than Samoa Joe.
While I do enjoy watching Joe in the ring at times, the guy's a little overrated. I hear people say the guy's an animal or is intimidating as hell and I have simply seen no evidence of it whatsoever.

In terms of sheer looks and intimidation factor, it's hard to think of anyone as impressive as Sid Vicious. This is a guy that came across as a legitimate badass just by presence alone.

Inside the ring, Joe is significantly better than Sid from a technical standpoint. Sid, on the other hand, is far more powerful than Joe and in better overall physical condition.

In the end, I think that Sid's superior conditioning and power would just ultimately wear Joe down.
Joe's in-ring abilities when starting with TNA was like watching a road race with explosions and multiple crashes/fatalities. Joe wrecked the X Division and his size and agility was impressive to me. But lately, he's gotten to the point where he's not as menacing anymore. He would need that intensity and focus (and shed some pounds) if he's going toe to toe with "Sycho Sid".

Sid's accomplishments are good, but not legendary good, but good. His downfall was being dominated by Taker at WM 13. I think his powerbomb is as good as Nash's Jack-knife.

In the end, Sid would wear down Joe, but it could turn around if it was circa 2005 Joe.
It's probably for nostalgia reasons b/c I loved Sid in WCW during their dying days. I'm actually going with him though to win this match. Joe WAS a beast during his early career in TNA yet he's gone down quite a bit after losing to Sting at BFG 08 up. Sid however was also a beast and could go toe to toe with any big name during his day. This is the guy that beat Bret Hart and Shawn Micheals for the WWE title. So if Joe wants to use his speed, Sid can find a way to counter it. He's also beaten bigger and stronger guys than Joe such as Kevin Nash and the Undertaker. I see it ending after a big Powerbomb from Sid at the 16 minute mark of the match.
Sid wins just based of what Samoa Joe has been doing lately. If this had been back when Joe was an absolute animal, I would have picked Joe. Now though, I can only see Sid winning. Sid had power, raw brutality, and size over Joe. Joe is fast and strong, don't get me wrong (rhymed I know), but Sid would put the wear and tear on Joe with powering shots and make him tired. Now with Joe being a pussy and all, I take Sid by powerbomb about 10 minutes in.
It's the guy who threatened to stab people vs the man who wasn't afraid to actually do it. If this was a pie eating contest I would give it to Joe without question. Unfortunately for him, this is a wrestling match and Sid is just the better man here. Joe may have him beat on speed, but Sid has the power, the toughness, and the big match experience necessary to squash Joe like the over rated bug that he is. Vote Sid.
Call me crazy, but this is one of the more interesting matches in the first round.

Sid is insane, literally, and a total monster. Joe is a great worker, and no slouch in a brawl. I prefer Joe as a wrestler, but Sid has beaten a lot of greats, or at least taken them to the limit before losing.

Sid was the top heel (for a few minutes anyway) in the WWF, something Joe has never come close to doing. Sid looks like a big-time heel, while Joe is fat and unmarketable.

My kayfabe-sense is telling me both men would end up being disqualified and/or counted out for not following rules. So I suppose I won't vote at all :shrug:
does anyone not remember the fact that quite a few times, sid was shit as well? not in regards to being booked wrong, but because he was not a great wrestler. very slow at times & relied too much on his power\striking. he did have some great fights in his day, but other than being tall & strong, his ability was shit. crazy? yup. in his day- the guy with the look got pushed far.

but joe? fucking bulldozer. for his size is pretty quick, & his striking is great. not to mention his badass jujitsu training. how many 5star matches has sid had? 1. maybe more titles (because he had the look promoters loved) joe has had 3 5star matches & a nod for match of the year agains---kobashi. he is a freakin monster. until his recent run of tna fucking up his booking, has been dominant wherever he has been. muscle buster, cochina clutch- however he does it. joe will chop the 'psycho' tree down & its all over from there.
Sid remained a main eventer across both the major promotions in the 90s, winning titles in both, and though he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, and showed it on the mic, he has a long list of big wrestlers that he has defeated. For all of the love Joe gets from the Indy crowd, he has neither beaten a long list of noteworthy figures, nor has he really broken records in the accolade department.

People say Joe's physique works against him, but I disagree. On the mic, and in terms of charisma he is totally unremarkable. He has had good matches, but I actually think he is assisted by his fatness in this department - a fat man doing that looks far more impressive. Anyway, there's not much credible or marketable about him in the big picture, and I think he'd lose to a bona fide established star, which Sid was.
No matter how you look at it, I don't see how Sid is better than Samoa Joe in any way, shape, or form. Whether it's as a wrestler, promo cutter, kayfabe wise... Joe crushes Sid in every aspect, except for maybe "look," which would be an asinine reason to vote for someone.

Sid was incapable of having a good match unless he was in the ring with Shawn Michaels. That is an absolute fact.

Sid's promos now live in infamy because of how ridiculously awful he was at it. Another fact.

Sid was a gigantic monster with an incredible look, but that's the only reason he got over. It had NOTHING to do with talent; his presence was just awe-inspiring because of his height, built, and unique hair. However, without that those qualities... he wouldn't have amounted to anything in pro wrestling, because at the end of the day he was nothing more than a talentless piece of shit.

I mean, just watch this atrocious match, against a very capable wrestler in Vader.


Just a God awful match (the only good part is Vader putting his nuts to Sid's face at the 6:56 mark), just as 90% of Sid's matches happened to go.

Samoa Joe, on the other hand, is one of the best wrestlers to come from the last decade. He's put on some absolutely incredible matches in the last ten years, and he's one of the most intense, entertaining, and realistic characters we've gotten from this generation.

He's also an absolute beast, who would fucking destroy Sid in a match. Just look at what he did to the Necro Butcher:



Sid would get it so much worse than that.

Seriously guys, don't vote for Sid just because he once held the WWF Championship. That's the only argument people have for him, but the fact is Sid was a flop as champion, and now is simply a footnote in the history of the business. He fucking sucked. Samoa Joe, while TNA has been fickle with their pushes with him, has still accomplished much to be proud of. He was an awesome, legendary independent wrestler, and now has been a major part in the 2nd biggest wrestling promotion in America during the last 5 years. Just because he's never wrestled in WWE should not be held against him here.
I am SO pleased that JMT made such an excellent post and included the Joe-Butcher match, because that was going to be one slice of video evidence I was going to use in my argument for why Joe could not only beat Sid, he could destroy his ass. Joe has taken out men just as big as Sid before, and he can do it again. Honestly I actually like Sid, always thought he was a bit underrated and I thought his tweener run as Sycho Sid during 96-97 was excellent but there's just no way I can justify Sid beating Joe here. I just can't do it despite his WWF title wins.

Joe will take Sid out with the Coquina clutch after a hard fought battle. He can find a way to take anyone out.
I'm leaning towards Samoa Joe in this one... he protrays a character that is a proficient submission specialist, like a fat verison of Taz. Joe can take a beating, which combined with his stamina gives him a major advantage over Sid, whom I've never seen wrestle a match beyond 15 minutes.

Neither characters tend to be very keen in the ring psychology department, as both tend to just beat the fuck out of their opponents whenever they fight. Joe may not be as strong as Sid, but he has enough strength to slam Sid if he wanted to thus leaving him open for a submission or two. That also works in Joe's favor because he wouldn't have to resort to high risk offense [and we sure as shit know that Sid won't be coming off the top rope] to wear Sid down.
Sid obviously has the power, conditioning and size advantage in this one, but Samoa Joe is by far the better WRESTLER, he knows submissions and holds that Sid will never have heard of.

While Sid is obviously the bigger name in the business, and has accomplished more than Joe has at this point, I am still unsure who I am going to vote for. Sid looks cooler, and has a better finishing move, but I reckon that Joe would come out on top in this simply by choking out Vicious after both men beat the fuck out of each other

Samoa Joe...just
WOW. This is one hard match, isn't it? So let's break it down a bit.

In Ring: Samoa Joe is obviously the better in ring worker. Vicious has a good power bomb at his disposal but he can't do anything else well.

Mic Work: Joe is tediously average but Vicious was horrible. Joe wins again

Achievements: Sid was a champion in WWF as well as WCW and has main evented a WrestleMania. Samoa Joe has held the World Titles is TNA as well as in ROH but has never set the wrestling world alight on a big stage.

Crowd Reactions: Sid takes this one too. Joe got some solid reactions in his badass gimmick in TNA but Sid was someone who had a strange connection with the crowd. He forced HBK to get booed at Survivor Series 1996. There were occasions like the 1992 Royal Rumble where he was cheered over even the likes of Hulk Hogan. He worked well as a babyface as well as a heel and was a good tweener too. Joe was super over in TNA as a face but failed epically as a heel.


After going through, I would say that it was the crowd reaction point that sealed the deal for Sid in my eyes. Sid worked, both as a face as well as a heel. Samoa Joe was a great face in TNA but a bad heel. On top of that Sid has always been booked strongly while Joe has been booked as shit on more than one occasion.

So I will go for Sid but it is a close run thing.
It was close for me, but I had to go w/Sid in this one. In my mind's eye, they are both best when booked to be monsters. Sid is more believable in that role. Joe is def the better worker, but Sid get's better crowd reactions. I also think that Sid's work on the Mic is being looked at the wrong way. Yes, he was terrible at spitting out exactly what he wanted to say, BUT, his promos were freaking hilarious nonetheless. I absolutely loved it when Sid would speak because I knew I was going to get a kick out of it, therefore, I was entertained. If nothing else, Sid is and always will be....THE MASTER AND RULER OF THE WORLD!!!!!
I'm going to keep it simple and just say that when I personally view the primes of these guys, I see that Sid's mean streak was far more dangerous than Samoa Joe's.

Yeah, yeah... Samoa Joe is a great in-ring competitor. And that's not just for an out of shape looking guy doing the moves of a Cruiserweight... although that's amazing, too. But if we took a primed Sid Vicious from the days of the NWA and early WCW, I can't see him losing to Samoe Joe, no matter what kind of skill Joe possesses. Sid's psychotic behavior, mean streak, and dominance in two major promotions convinces me enough that he'd come out on top.
Even if Joe was in the midst of his biggest run of his career, his undefeated streak in TNA. I still see Sid getting this win.

Sid hits Joe with a huge Powerbomb and pins him. I see Sid as more of the Heel in this match. So, I think he would do something underhanded to get his opportunity to end the match, and when he did, he would make good on it. Joe may be a beast in the ring, but I just don't see him getting a victory over Sid, at ANY point of either of their careers.
Samoa Joe has dominated many in TNA or ROH and while he may not have a billion known and important names on his defeated list, it's the length of it and how he finished all those men off that should be looked at. You cannot blame him for not being able to go up against the likes of Hulk Hogan or Chris Benoit, he doesn't have many options in the company he's in now and he has already had feuds and beaten just about every "important" wrestler that TNA has employed. Unlike Sid, he can actually cut a half decent promo and most of the time they are above expectations, he isn't as bad as you're saying. Joe is and was willing to broaden his knowledge in the different styles of wrestling and look at the stuff he does now, even some cruiser weights can't do some of the stuff he is doing up there and Sid was scared to even touch the second rope. Sid has power and I'm certainly giving him that but Joe has power, serious skills in the X division, the ability to brawl with the best of them and he can submit even the toughest men with the many submission holds he has in his arsenal. And Joe has still dominated two companies! He was a World Champion, a Tag Team Champion, an X division champion, a King of the Mountain winner and a Super X Cup winner in TNA. And in ROH? He won the two most major titles, the Pure championship and the World Heavyweight championship. So really, Samoa Joe did dominate two wrestling brands in his career and unless he was a professional diver once upon a time, he'll be tapping like a baby when that Coquina clutch is locked in tight and threatening.
Samoa Joe has dominated many in TNA or ROH and while he may not have a billion known and important names on his defeated list, it's the length of it and how he finished all those men off that should be looked at. You cannot blame him for not being able to go up against the likes of Hulk Hogan or Chris Benoit, he doesn't have many options in the company he's in now and he has already had feuds and beaten just about every "important" wrestler that TNA has employed.

Wait, so we should ignore the fact that the fucking slob wasn't good enough to cut it in the big leagues? There's a few people in TNA that the WWE may have missed on, but Joe certainly isn't one of them.

Unlike Sid, he can actually cut a half decent promo and most of the time they are above expectations, he isn't as bad as you're saying. Joe is and was willing to broaden his knowledge in the different styles of wrestling and look at the stuff he does now, even some cruiser weights can't do some of the stuff he is doing up there and Sid was scared to even touch the second rope.

Now we get to the main thing I have against Joe. You see, I believe that if it wasn't for Joe being a fucking out of shape tub of goo, the shit he did wouldn't be considered so impressive. I've seen High School kids do the same kind of shit he does, but since he's fat it looks so impressive. You put his move set on other of the legit Cruiserweights in wrestling, and they look mediocre. By the way, I think Sid had a legit reason for being scared to do a top rope move.


Sid has power and I'm certainly giving him that but Joe has power, serious skills in the X division, the ability to brawl with the best of them and he can submit even the toughest men with the many submission holds he has in his arsenal. And Joe has still dominated two companies! He was a World Champion, a Tag Team Champion, an X division champion, a King of the Mountain winner and a Super X Cup winner in TNA. And in ROH? He won the two most major titles, the Pure championship and the World Heavyweight championship. So really, Samoa Joe did dominate two wrestling brands in his career and unless he was a professional diver once upon a time, he'll be tapping like a baby when that Coquina clutch is locked in tight and threatening.

This is just comedy gold to me. Sid held the 2 top wrestling championships in the states, maybe the world. Yet Joe is better because of all the accomplishments he's had on the Indy circuit? He's held the TNA title? Give me a break. You can hate Sid for who he is, but in his prime he was booked way stronger than Joe and would never have lost to a scrub like Joe.
Psycho Sid is the type of performer capable of blurring kayfabe lunacy with the real life version. Truly a crazy guy inside and outside the ring, he has always been a force to be reckoned with, one capable of entering the ring and doing a lot of damage at any given time.

Opposing him is Samoa Joe, in my opinion, one of the most overrated professional wrestlers on the go today. Sure he is an Internet darling and a fan favorite in the iMPACT zone in Orlando, but after really giving him the benefit of the doubt over the last couple of years, I still fail to see what is so special about him. Pretty average in the ring with average mic skills and zero charisma.

I see a physical confrontation here, but in the end, a decisive victory for Sid.
Sid Vicious was a wrestler—and I attach the term loosely—with a great cosmetic appearance and nothing else. He had absolutely no wrestling ability, couldn’t talk to save his life, and as he himself once noted, has half the brain of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. He is the living embodiment of how a wrestling promoter will overlook actual talent for blond curly locks, a square jaw and a chiseled build. Anyone who thinks Sid got his titles in the WWF and WCW based on talent needs to be lobotomized.

Samoa Joe is a wrestler with skill, whose ferociously stiff and rugged style got him noticed. Fans of “sports entertainment” will forever dismiss him because of his physique, but the man has talent, a hell of a lot more talent than Sid. And what resident WWE blowhards will not acknowledge is that Joe is built to absorb punishment.

Who would win? Should you even ask? If Sid wrestled Joe, what possible weapon in his arsenal would Sid have to nullify Joe’s strong style attack? The best Sid could manage is a loss by dq if he gets his hands on a ringside television camera. Aside from that, his only chance to win would be if he botched a powerbomb attempt trying to heave Joe off the canvas and dropped him on his head. In any other situation, my pick would be Joe within as little as eight minutes. Joe would force Sid to tap out, either with the rear naked choke or after wrapping Sid’s disjointed leg around his head.

Honestly, anyone who dismisses Joe because he “never made it to the big leagues” needs to get his head out of his arse and perhaps watch something other than WWE.

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