NWO to return to WWE?


Dark Match Jobber
Could it happen? With Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash all saying they want to return to the WWE for one last run, would it be a NWO return? I don't think it would happen if they were all to return.

Scott Hall has said that he would love to return for one last run with Kevin Nash to feud with Triple H & Shawn Micheals. He also said he wants to call the Monday Night Raw shows and Wrestlemania's. So, if Hall were to return, I could see him wrestling for a short while before taking his spot on the announcing team. And with Jerry Lawler running for gov. and Jim Ross wanting a break, it seems all the more likely.

Kevin Nash, on the other hand, has said that he wants one last run in WWE with HBK. To me, this seems the most likely. Nash is on the good side with Vince McMahon and he is good friends with Shawn and Triple H. I could see Nash leaving TNA and finishing in WWE with HBK right at his side.

Last, but not least, Hulk Hogan. As we all may or may not know, Hulk has been working on a return to the ring. He has said that he also wants one last run in WWE. With his on and off relationship with Vince, it's hard to say if this will happen. He is getting old, but if he were to have one last run, now would be the time.

So with the three biggest members of NWO all wanting a return to WWE, what do you think could happen? Do you think a NWO return would work? Or would you like to see some of the things I've stated above?
Could it happen? Sure. Unless one of them dies, it always COULD happen. Will it happen? Nope. Not a chance. Would I want it to happen...that's a negative as well.

The nWo quit being interesting in 1998. Why people still want to see it again, is beyond me. Throw in the fact that Hogan and Nash are both too old, and Hall is too drunk and drugged, and I highly doubt it'll ever happen.
I think it will be a cold day in hell before we see these 3 even in the same ring again. Remember the NWO 7 years ago? It started out huge until Nash was injured and Hall was fired for his behavior. Hogan had a few good matches, but was very limited in the ring. Even if his surgery was a success, he's a broken man. The man can barely walk let alone do a leg drop. I would love to see all them together again but I don't think its possible.

We almost had a reunion with Hall and Nash in TNA until Hall no showed the PPV. I think Hall has too many problems to work anywhere. Nash could go to WWE but does Vince really need him? I'm sure Shawn and Hunter want him there but do they need him? WWE's biggest problem is not having enough main event stars and pushing younger talent. WWE knows they would take a huge step backwards if they were to hire Nash and Hall. I could see Hogan doing something with WWE down the line, but I don't think a match would be possible.
I think it will be a cold day in hell before we see these 3 even in the same ring again. Remember the NWO 7 years ago? It started out huge until Nash was injured and Hall was fired for his behavior. Hogan had a few good matches, but was very limited in the ring. Even if his surgery was a success, he's a broken man. The man can barely walk let alone do a leg drop. I would love to see all them together again but I don't think its possible.

We almost had a reunion with Hall and Nash in TNA until Hall no showed the PPV. I think Hall has too many problems to work anywhere. Nash could go to WWE but does Vince really need him? I'm sure Shawn and Hunter want him there but do they need him? WWE's biggest problem is not having enough main event stars and pushing younger talent. WWE knows they would take a huge step backwards if they were to hire Nash and Hall. I could see Hogan doing something with WWE down the line, but I don't think a match would be possible.

The reason Hall no-showed the TNA PPV was because he said TNA wasn't fun. He also stated that after he found out the finish, he didn't want to be a part of it. I think if Vince brought in Hall as a commentator, it would do wonders for the WWE. Even if they didn't wrestle, the three of them could help WWE. Nash can be a manager to Shawn. Hall could call matches. And Hogan could have many choices. WWE doesn't need them, but they would be huge to have them.
That could work, but WWE wants new young broadcasters on their shows like Josh Matthews and Matt Striker. I would agree that I would personally like to see Hall or Nash on commentary, that's always fun. However, WWE isn't going that way. They aren't keeping Jim Ross forever. Ross even said it himself that it's a young mans game on commentary and his days are limited. If Jim Ross and Jerry the King Lawler aren't in the game anymore, why would WWE hire older wrestlers to replace them? I just don't think with Hall's track record that WWE will ever take him back again.
The only ex-wrestler who I would even think about recruiting him for an announcersd job is the one, the only, JBL.

He was a dream behind that table. His heelish quotes, especially with Michael Cole, were one of the many highlights of Smackdown.

Coming in at number 2, it would probabaly be Paul Heyman
Huge to have them? How? Just for names' sake?

Nash and Hogan are both quite immobile in the ring. I don't think there are any wrestlers on the WWE roster who could carry either of those broken big men in the ring and make the match look good. I could have sworn I read an article here on Wrestlezone of an interview Hogan had where he basically said he couldn't even do the leg drop anymore. Hogan was a big name and big star....WAS. His time has come and gone. Anything short of a brief appearance is pointless. Besides, his price is probably way too high for what he would be worth to McMahon.

Hall....he has far too many personal demons. It's not like it's a secret, so obviously WWE are aware of his problems and they just won't want to deal with that. Who would? Seems like a lot of trouble just to get an outdated star like Hall on the roster. Not to mention, would anyone WANT to hear Hall as a commentator. I would rather they got the awful comedian who did a Mike Tyson impersonation on the first ever Raw. I fail to see what about Hall says "commentator."

Truth is, it wouldn't be huge. Hogan is almost an exception, but he's just so old that having him around all the time is pointless considering he wouldn't be a factor as an in-ring talent. Guest host on Raw? -- Sure, he could manage that and would probably help ratings for that one episode. All three of those guys are outdated superstars with nothing left to contribute to WWE. Just because the nWo was cool when it first came around, doesn't mean it's the kind of gimmick that can be dusted off whenever WWE needs a storyline. I think the problem is, you think it would be cool because you enjoyed them in the past. Their time has come and gone, it was good while it lasted, they have entertained me in the past, but I am ready for new superstars to make their mark.

Just my opinion and I'm sure someone will tear it apart....but oh well. :)
I'd personally love to see them back on Raw. Even if they can't wrestle, those 3 personalities alone are much better than what we've been seeing on Raw for the past year. The scenario I would like to see is the 3 of them in some type of managerial position. Hogan could be a heel manager or faction leader like NWO again. Nash is the trusty, grizzled enforcer, with Hall as the jokester. They can recruit maybe like 2-4 young talent to be in NWO as the wrestlers, no one too, too main stream though.
Ive got a scenario that would be awesome and would have NWO(Hogan,Hall,And nash) as the special guests hosts of Raw. Then Hogan makes the announcement that he is going to be the permanent GM of Raw. Nash does a program with shawn michales, and scott hall can do commentary. and they all can do occasional run ins. After all if they can put jerry lawler and Jim ross in a tag team match they can put these guys back in for one more run.
I'd love to see all of these men come back to the WWE but not as the nWo. I think it would be a great idea for Hall to be an announcer. I always enjoyed him on the mic. Trouble is, he'd probably be better suited as a heel announcer which is something I don't think the "E" is going to be going back to any time soon.

As for Nash, I've always loved him on the mic as well and a reunion with HBK would be great. Could even result in a WM rematch. While he may not be very agile or talented in the ring anymore (not that he was ever really THAT great), if anybody can carry him in a match and make it believable its Michaels.

Hogan. Here I'm undecided. I think it would be great for him to come back but I would really hate to see him struggle in the ring. Maybe a short run starting in January and ending at WM the same year but I'm unsure as to what he would do and who he would work with. Also, I'd absolutley HATE to come on this site and inevitably have to read all about the possibility of a Hogan/Austin match at this years WM.

The sad reality of it is though, Hall will probably never be back in the WWE, Hogan has a slight chance, while Nash has, IMO, the best chances of returning. And even then, it won't be for any type of prolonged run.
The NWO returning would be freaking stupid like it was in 2002. The NWO was an original angle at its inception but it was just bad when it decided to never end. it was like a bad fungus that kept coming back. The idea of the stable was to be a group of outsiders that wanted to take over. With them being as well known as they are now, it would be completely stupid. While I guess it could happen (and Backlund could come back and make Cena tap to a pinkie hold of DOOM), it's just not going to because Vince is intelligent enough to know that it would be a failure this time. It worked once, it's not going to work again.
this shouldn't happen it was one of the worst idea's to bring them back in 02... Like Kb said it was good the first time it happen. It went bad when they never wanted to end the thing. I was a huge fan of the nWo, but it ran it's course they should have ended it. To be honest the only reason that it got as big as it did in the first place. Was Hogan's heel turn. Everyone tuned into see Hogan as a heel. He was the face of wrestling, and now he was a bad guy. That's the main reason it was so big. Least IMO...
I think it would be a good idea if it were used to put over young talent. Using Nash and Hall as figurehead leadership while using the "nWo" to lend some credibility to some young guys in WWE. I mean it couldn't be worse that that crap their letting fly now so I think i would be awesome to see a new generation nWo (with fresh new faces running the faction). I also think this is what should be done for DX. Hunter and Shawn should be passing the torch (and the Banner) of DX to some new guys to keep it true to it "Youth Rebellion" roots all the while pushing younger guys into that limelight.
That was a fun storyline back in the day, I remember it very well. Well the original NWO, in 96... The 2002 version was to bring the big WCW names in. Not also that, but the injuries didn't help the cause. They could do something similar, and have John Cena turn heel, which would get the crown in a uproar. But really comes right down to it, Yes Scott Hall should have a try out as a commentator. An nWo reunion would be insanly awful. I don't need that, we don' t need that. Maybe a new Stable something different, but no nWo.
since the demise of wcw and the nwo wrestling has been so stale. wwf needs the nwo or some other stable to make it more exciting. i wish wrestling would get more zing to it
Everyone has very good points. As cool as it once was in WCW, I do agree that a NWO return would be bad. But like people have said, having these guys in WWE putting over younger talent could help out in the long run.

Yeah, these guys are past their prime and can't wrestle. So what? The Great Khali can't wrestle. He's in WWE. Besides that, they wouldn't really need to wrestle to be useful.

Some people don't like the idea of Hall calling matches, or the fact that WWE wants younger commentators. Well, Hall could still be useful in WWE. He, along with Nash and Hogan are HUGE names. You can't deny that. They can give the "rub" to the younger guys.

Imagine Hogan, Hall and Nash coming to Raw to confront Legacy....only for Legacy to give them a beat down. They would get booed like crazy. If Nash/Hogan/Hall couldn't wrestle, then have them create a fraction to take on Legacy. They can be the center piece and manage the upcoming superstars.

So, you can't say it wouldn't be huge. You're only lying to yourself.
Bring back the NWO? Really? Look, I don't know what the big deal is about the NWO nowadays. Back in the late 90's, they were relevant. Not now. Nash is worthless, and old. Hall is drunk, and old. And Hogan is desperate, and old. Noticing a pattern here? WHAT would this accomplish? Burying more stars to old fogeys?

It might where I just watched the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD last night, but I'm not too fond of Nash. Thanks to Nash and DDP, the company was shit. Nash had to book himself to beat Goldberg and kill a character that was making TONS of money. And DDP had to stick his nose into every important moment and make it his. The NWO should not and will not ever be reunited in the WWE. Maybe in some Armory somewhere, but not in the WWE.
It might where I just watched the Rise and Fall of WCW DVD last night, but I'm not too fond of Nash. Thanks to Nash and DDP, the company was shit. Nash had to book himself to beat Goldberg and kill a character that was making TONS of money. And DDP had to stick his nose into every important moment and make it his. The NWO should not and will not ever be reunited in the WWE. Maybe in some Armory somewhere, but not in the WWE.

Whole heartily agreed! I didn't realize Nash was that instrumental in the destruction Dubya C Dubya, I knew a small bit but not to a Russo extent. It was fun that 1 time NWO return back at No Way Out 2002 I believe? But leave it at what it is and alone. Now a reformation of Evolution? That's another story...
I am going to have to say this would be the most stupid idea to bring back the nWo to the WWE again. They tried their hand at it once & it did not recieve the amount of attention it really deserved. Although it would be great to finally have the nWo vs. DX dreams matches that everyone thought of but knew it would never happen, all the members of the nWo are not in the best shape to pulling off stints such as these. Hall has his life basically fucked up from the alcohol & such, Hogan has too many injuries & is too old for the ring life... his last stint in the WWE proved this to an extent... & Nash is getting on in his years.

The only option of any type involving stables & these men is to see Nash return with HBK to reform the team that made them great back in the day or having the Kliq being re-united on-screen in front of the screen outside kayfabe. I'm sure Vince would allow it as HHH, HBK & Nash have kept in good contact & in the good books with Vince.
I think it would be a good idea if it were used to put over young talent. Using Nash and Hall as figurehead leadership while using the "nWo" to lend some credibility to some young guys in WWE. I mean it couldn't be worse that that crap their letting fly now so I think i would be awesome to see a new generation nWo (with fresh new faces running the faction). I also think this is what should be done for DX. Hunter and Shawn should be passing the torch (and the Banner) of DX to some new guys to keep it true to it "Youth Rebellion" roots all the while pushing younger guys into that limelight.

Yeah i agree. it couldnt be any worse than the crap they have now.
But only bring them back if they're gonna put over the young guys.
Would be great to see Hogan or Nash as Raw GM, and Hall or Nash on commentary.
And a short run of the NWO vs DX would be great to.
Nash had to book himself to beat Goldberg and kill a character that was making TONS of money.

Yeah so I'm pretty sure that Nash wasn't booking at the time. He didn't start booking the show until about a month or two after the fact. But I won't deny that he had a very big part in the fall of WCW.
:wcw: I honestly don't think it would be a good idea. Reason being I think the novelty has passed. Obviously they are not the same in the ring, I just think that the crowd really wont care. If Hogan makes an appearance no doubt the crowd will love it, but for how long? Ive always thought nash and hall were a waste, ZERO talent. I was thrilled when they invaded in 2002, but we all saw for different reasons how quick that wore off. Bottom line is IMO I dont think they would be worth the money Vince would spend on them no matter what capacity he would have them in.
What Vince dumb ass needs to do, is work with these wrestlers requests! And stop being a one sided asswhole just because your the owner. Fuck Nwo. Go and somehow sign brock lesnar, lashley, king boookah, jeff hardy, matt morgan, aj styles, awesome kong, get some high quality wrestlers there, and fast. For you run out of business like wcw. Kofi kingston, mvp, nwo, not the future of wwe i hope.
Yeah so I'm pretty sure that Nash wasn't booking at the time. He didn't start booking the show until about a month or two after the fact. But I won't deny that he had a very big part in the fall of WCW.

Nash started booking after Halloween Havoc that year. I mean, who else would put Nash over in that match besides...Nash? Plus he contributed to the 'Fingerpoke of Doom.' The NWO ended up killing what it helped revive. And Nash was a huge part of that. I have NO reason to even watch Nash anymore. Or Hall. Or Hogan. It'd be useless to bring the faction back.
NWO today would be another shameful act like bringing DX up for the....wait I lost count. There truly is no need for NWO now that WWE has gone *coughs "soft"* PG. I believe they would just be there as less trivial as a novelty. It would be an idiotic move for WWE to run that kinf of angle again. It would be wiser (but still kind of dumb) to reincarnate Evolution. DX isnt going to last, either. They come back to remind us that there was a time that we really enjoyed the Attitude Era, and that's all.

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