NWO to return to WWE?

if they get brought back i would love to see a fued between nwo vs dx, that would totally rock, and can you imagine the fun all of them would have
great concept now with the DX reunion going on it would be awsome to bring NWO back and give the WWE Fans what they want to see the NWO take on DX or bring back the Cliq HHH HBK NASH HALL but it wont happen theres just something that tells me that vince wont let them back to wwe Nash maybe he did a good run back in 2003 before leaving. But hogan and vince dont get on that well as we all know and Scott has all his demons to battle with so they would take that into consideration
I might repeat what a lot of others have said because I didn't read anybody's posts in this thread except for the first line in the OP's about Hogan, Hall, and Nash wanting to come back for one last run. I'm totally not attacking the OP here... moreso attacking Hall and Nash. Why would they think Vince would pay them what they want to come back to the WWE? Plus, what the hell would the WWE want to even do with these two clowns? Don't get me wrong... I like Kevin Nash. Despite some of the crap he's pulled and his power-hungry nature sometimes, I think TNA uses him as effectively as they can at this point. The guy doesn't have the mobility he used to have. Because for a big man, he wasn't that bad. His knees are probably killing him and I'd be surprised to even see him wrestle a match in 2 years. He's got no shot in coming back to the "E." ESPECIALLY since the WWE is trying to finally actually push their newer younger talent. Bringing in 3 over-the-hill, no longer able to perform at the top of their game, old guys... not the direction the WWE is going.

Hall- He'd be lucky if the wrestling promotion down the road payed him 500 bucks to make an appearance. TNA tried to give him a chance and he no-showed a PPV. Scott Hall can lick my left nut. Nuff said.

Hogan- I believe Vince should let Hogan come back in some fashion. Hogan=ratings. It's that simple. That man could roll his wheelchair down that ramp at 85 and still get a pop that MVP as a face could only dream of. Hogan built the WWE into the monster success it was and still is today. I'll also mention this in every Hogan thread I post in and this one is no different. I honestly don't believe the WWE would exist today without Hulk Hogan. He carried that company on his shoulders for years. I know Vince wants to move on without Hogan and that wrestling needs to move away from depending on Hogan for anything... but Vince... if the fans want Hogan, give them Hogan. Oh... and did I mention Hogan=ratings? I did? Well I'll do it again. Hogan=ratings.

As for the NWO idea... Superfail. Three guys who's ages combined are over 150. No. The NWO wouldn't be able to effectively operate or even be somewhat believable. It would just be a terrible idea. They did it before in the WWE when all those guys came over from WCW... it wasn't the same. The first time around when it had the first 6-7 members or so with Bischoff, it was the greatest angle of all time. I firmly believe that. When they tried to do it in the WWE, it was out of nostalgia and just didn't work the same because in the transition to the "E," people wanted the nWo because it involved Hogan. nWo today=Superfail.
Definitely not.. I don't even know, at this point, what needs to be said that hasn't been already. As much as I love Hall, Nash, and Hogan [for nostalgic reasons] they are exactly that, nostalgic. Personally, I think any of them could come in on the level of say a Ric Flair/Evolution, Hall and Nash maybe could wrestle a couple times.. But I know that, at least Nash, would probably come in and start demanding title shots. Which would just be pointless.. It's been like 6 years since even HBK had the title, why would Nash or Hall be deserving of it now? And I noticed a few people read my mind on this.. Who would EVER want Hall as a commentator? Unless he signed up to go to broadcasting school with Shaq over the summer, something tells me he'd be terrible at it for anything other than an occasional laugh.. But then again, who knows? Aside from JR, the King, and Bobby Heenan, my favorite commentators were always Jesse the Body and Gorilla Monsoon.
remember in '02 when vince was saying he will bring the "poison' to the wwe and kill his creation? well if he brings back the NWO, he will be right. sadly beyond kayfabe

ok that might be a bit of an over exaggeration, but that would still suck more dick than kanyon on a friday night. maybe i'm crazy, but when u already can't find room for new stars that ppl care about in the main event scene, how in the hell are you going to find room for an alcoholic and father of the decade hulk hogan? (to answer your question, i find room for nash. nash + commentary = YES)

bringing back the NWO would hold down new stars (hell it would take over the program and even hold down current main eventers like punk) when that should be one of their most important priorities. the only possible use they could have with bringing the nwo back is to feud with dx, it can be dubbed "DX vs NWO, ten years too late"

PS didnt wwe try to recreate a dominate heel faction to be the focal point of their show like NWO? ah yes, legacy, and they SUCK
Will Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall return to WWE? Maybe, maybe not. Will the NWO return? NO!!! It has long been dead and even longer useful. Nash is on good terms so I see him coming back. Hogan is iffy, but if Vince wants to make money, Hogan is in. That leaves it down to Hall. With all the problems he's had, I really doubt it.

The NWO is dead and all 3 of these guys are too too old to be playing those roles ever again.
I really don't want to see the NWO return to an active in-ring role. It would really seem like scrapping the barrel for main event talent and there's no way these would return in-ring WWE as a faction unless was to main event level. Maybe, just maybe, it could be done as a sort of anti-Vince management faction to push young guys but would Hall/Nash/Hogan etc want that?

Ratings wise I think Hogan would be more useful as some sort of commentator, on-screen presence to draw in channel flippers but with very very limited in-ring action. Even his voice has enough public recognition to draw peoples attention without his face being on screen. I think he would be horrible as a commentator yet it might increase rating.
Bringing back the nWo would be the death of the WWE. Back in their original days, they were amazing. Then, when they branched off into the Red and White, I loved it...when I was in high school. Looking back at it now, they should have left it the black and white and been done with it. Maybe they should bring these 3 back to the WWE, just not as the nWo. Not to mention, with the current "PG" rating they have now, it would never work. Moreover, 75% of the viewers today wouldn't even know who the nWo is/was because of their ages. I for one think they should just let great stables remain in our memories and not try to recreate them. When nWo first came to the WWE in 2002, that's when they should have feuded with DX...not now. Whoever disagrees with that, then I am sorry, I am only speaking my mind. I think Nash and Hogan would be alright in the WWE. After all, EVERYBODY knows who the "Hulkster" is. Hall is out of shape and overweight and would take him quite a while, to get back into shape, if ever. So, bring them back if you want to Vince, just leave the nWo out of it. Don't destroy something great to try and get ratings.
I don't see the NWO reforming for the one billionth time! The problem is the three key NWO members: Hall, Nash, and Hogan are all way to old. Plus none of them are going to be decent in the ring now considering their all past their 40's. Don't get me wrong at one point I thought all 3 of them were great but its just not meant to be.

Plus if they were to come back we might see the backstage issues come back as they did in WCW.
This will never, and shouldn't, happen. Never because I doubt the WWE will ever bring back Nash, and especially Hall. It shouldn't because if they were brought back, they'd be one of, if not THE main focus on Raw (no way in hell they'd be on Smackdown), which would bury the mid-card even more than it is. If Vince is really serious about building new stars, he wouldn't bring in old guys who are notorious for holding people back.

Besides, the nWo wouldn't be the same in the PG era. They'd be watered-down and kid-friendly like DX is now. Hell, they probably change the name to the "Nice World Order".
I could see Nash coming back for HBK's last year. Rehashing the whole HBK Diesel bodyguard deal. I,myself, think that would be cool but that was kinda the time i got back into wrestling. It would be kinda nostalgic for me and nash wouldn't have to work in the ring that much. The guy is super over with the crowd and funny on the mic. So, yes, i could see this someday happening.

Hogan is always a possibility to return. Even if it's just for a month where he only wrestles a ppv match and appears on raw to hype it. People still pop for the dude and he'll always be a draw. So, yeah, can see hulkster making a return too.

Hall on the other hand, highly doubt it. He can't wrestle anymore, is always screwed up on whatever substance he can find it seems, which makes him unreliable. Hall is one of my all time favorites and id mtfo if he showed up on raw. He'd be funny as a commentator too. Just with all his problems this seems least likely to me.

As far as the original question about the nwo coming back. No, no, no. It was dead as soon as they started splitting into different color groups and all that bullshit ten years ago. They killed it in wwe with hbk show nash and booker in it. So, not gonna work.
I could see the nWo coming back but only if it by surprise and that means no media attention on signing of the three of them. And during a big segment on either Raw or SD! You get the titantron entrance and out comes the nWo. They would be over instint with the crowd. Get the New Age outlaws back along with X-pac and you'll see some great storylines happening with DX vs nWo to settle who was the better group. Of course a lot online people wouldnt want to see this because they are all old but the fact that it would sell would be great. At the PPV shawn michaels would turn his back on triple H joining with the nWo and that would throw DX into a loop as they lot at X-Pac as he was a former nWo member. It would give Kevin his last run with Shawn that he wants and it would be over with the crowd imo. Raw should just be a Main Event show for that matter cause it seems SD! is very well rounded with it's talent.
How long do you think Hall would last on the mic with Vince yelling in his ear? Seriously. I'll start the betting at 30 seconds....
I just dont see any good reason to start the NWO up again. They already watered it down and had Hogan come back from the dark side. It's been used up. Lay the NWO to rest.
I want to see the next NEW star, not old guys clinging on for one more pay off.
I don't see what purpose would bringing the NWO back would do. Actually it would make things even more worse than they are now cause let's face it, Nash has been past his prime for a little over a decade now, Scott Hall is too fucked up on various substances to be even remotely reliable & Hogan's not only is way out of his prime, but he can't truly physically hold up at his age & on top of that, the NWO was already watered down enough when the dumb asses from WCW decided to split them up into red & white.

Pretty much I wanna see the next NEW star being made into a main eventer, not has beens stinkin' up the joint for one last hurrah.
this would be the biggest mistake wwe would make since buying wcw. I mean come on, what are they gonna do take over wwe with who? wrestlers in there fifties(hogan hall nash luger savage),nobodies(bagwell konnan stevie ray), or prehaps jobbers(vincent,disciple,norton,disco inferno,)ha ha ha,maybe they just recruit wwe wrestlers to their side, nope won't work,or just feud with dx,over who has the best catch phrase(suck it vs too sweet) rubbish! bad idea.
I would love if nwo would make a comeback in wwe but right now it would be too weird. Hall is way out of shape right now. Hogan is to old and slow. Nash is the decent one left, even tho he is old too. The rest of the members seems to be forgotton about. As far as dx vs nwo, well we had had nash vs HHH and Hogan vs HHH and HBK. Thats closest you gonna get to that feud or maybe they could have a tag match with Hogan & Nash vs HHH and HBK. But Hogan is done and Big show is not a founding father of nwo so he wouldn't be good. Althought I would love for them to comeback, it just can't and wouldn't be good for wwe.
Well, being that the OP is discussing HOGAN, Hall, and Nash ... and with HOGAN under contract to TNA at the moment, along with Nash ... and Hall out bar-hopping ... I would say that this thread probably shouldn't have been resurrected because it is outdated.


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