Bringing back the nWo would be the death of the WWE. Back in their original days, they were amazing. Then, when they branched off into the Red and White, I loved it...when I was in high school. Looking back at it now, they should have left it the black and white and been done with it. Maybe they should bring these 3 back to the WWE, just not as the nWo. Not to mention, with the current "PG" rating they have now, it would never work. Moreover, 75% of the viewers today wouldn't even know who the nWo is/was because of their ages. I for one think they should just let great stables remain in our memories and not try to recreate them. When nWo first came to the WWE in 2002, that's when they should have feuded with DX...not now. Whoever disagrees with that, then I am sorry, I am only speaking my mind. I think Nash and Hogan would be alright in the WWE. After all, EVERYBODY knows who the "Hulkster" is. Hall is out of shape and overweight and would take him quite a while, to get back into shape, if ever. So, bring them back if you want to Vince, just leave the nWo out of it. Don't destroy something great to try and get ratings.