
Are you telling me people like Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen, Rebecca Black? All of those people are pretty unliked right now, some have their fans. You think anyone of those three would rather be somebody that nobody knows? I don't think so.

Especially over the internet! If you people think I'm this bad in real life you're out of your mind. I'd rather be who I am right now, than be some twat with no rep and a high post count in the WWE section.

Opinions are fucking opinions. If they can be wrong, it wouldn't be an opinion. It's a personal thing really. If in your opinion, you think you're pretty intelligent, and someone else says they think you're ugly, obviously you're going to go with your own opinion, and that person will go with there's.

Opinions can only slightly be wrong when there's another party involved, and that's called bullying. Think about it.
Are you telling me people like Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen, Rebecca Black? All of those people are pretty unliked right now, some have their fans. You think anyone of those three would rather be somebody that nobody knows? I don't think so.

Those three didn't make their fortune being disliked. They made money with some sort of "talent". You are neither of these people.

Especially over the internet! If you people think I'm this bad in real life you're out of your mind. I'd rather be who I am right now, than be some twat with no rep and a high post count in the WWE section.

No one said anything about reps, post counts, or posting non-spam. By all means, you are talking to an OG Cage Rat right here. I couldn't give a fuck less where you post. You don't have to be a straight laced LSN80 clone to avoid being a douche bag.

Opinions are fucking opinions. If they can be wrong, it wouldn't be an opinion. It's a personal thing really. If in your opinion, you think you're pretty intelligent, and someone else says they think you're ugly, obviously you're going to go with your own opinion, and that person will go with there's.

Levels of intelligence can be demonstrated and proven in a variety of ways, so it's not really an opinion. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however context is important; I feel I am rather handsome, but if someone tells me I look like shit because my hair is all fucked up, I haven't shaved, my clothes are dirty, and I have BBQ sauce on my face, they are probably right.

Opinions can only slightly be wrong when there's another party involved, and that's called bullying. Think about it.


Opinions can absolutely be wrong. That's always the go to excuse whenever someone gets thrashed and they have no retort. Like some guy not too long ago saying that Orton should be a jobber and Kane should be a main eventer. That's an opinion, and it's totally fucking wrong.
Are you telling me people like Justin Bieber, Charlie Sheen, Rebecca Black? All of those people are pretty unliked right now, some have their fans. You think anyone of those three would rather be somebody that nobody knows? I don't think so.

>implying everyone hates Justin Bieber
>implying you are infamous
>implying people don't hate you simply because you act like an idiot

I know you're not an idiot. You just say incredibly stupid things sometimes. Comparing yourself to three household name celebrities isn't helping your case.

Especially over the internet! If you people think I'm this bad in real life you're out of your mind. I'd rather be who I am right now, than be some twat with no rep and a high post count in the WWE section.

You both are seen exactly the same way. Dumb children.

Opinions are fucking opinions. If they can be wrong, it wouldn't be an opinion. It's a personal thing really. If in your opinion, you think you're pretty intelligent, and someone else says they think you're ugly, obviously you're going to go with your own opinion, and that person will go with there's.

Opinions can be wrong. The idea that opinions can't be wrong came from dumb ass teachers in the 90s and early 00s who coddled their students and made them think there was no such thing as failure.

If you say, "in my opinion, homosexuality is unnatural," it'd be wrong. You can't stick "in my opinion," before what would be a statement of fact to shield it from being incorrect.

Opinions can only slightly be wrong when there's another party involved, and that's called bullying. Think about it.

Uh. What?
The last part about bullying was somewhat of a joke. But I guess you have a very good point.
OK I agree...that opinion is wrong.

Point proven once more.

Opinions can be wrong. The idea that opinions can't be wrong came from dumb ass teachers in the 90s and early 00s who coddled their students and made them think there was no such thing as failure.

Luckily, this teacher doesn't see things the same way. I don't define success in the same manner others do, but failure most certainly does exist, as does the concept of being wrong.

It's not the being wrong people should be afraid of, it's the not taking the chance of being right. I tell my students that all the time. You can never be right, if you're always afraid of being wrong.
Luckily, this teacher doesn't see things the same way. I don't define success in the same manner others do, but failure most certainly does exist, as does the concept of being wrong.

It's not the being wrong people should be afraid of, it's the not taking the chance of being right. I tell my students that all the time. You can never be right, if you're always afraid of being wrong.

This is so what's wrong with kids today btw if this gets me flamed so be it, but sly you don't happen to listen to glen beck do you?
Sly, what politicial talkers do you like?
Bill Maher?

None of them. Talking heads on TV and radio care only about what will bring in the advertising revenue. I trust them less than I do our politicians.

Why not evaluate a position on your own, and make up your own decision on how you feel about it? Why do people need Rush Limbaugh telling them how to think? Why do people cling to Keith Olbermann to "shed light" on how bad a certain group of people are?
None of them. Talking heads on TV and radio care only about what will bring in the advertising revenue. I trust them less than I do our politicians.

Why not evaluate a position on your own, and make up your own decision on how you feel about it? Why do people need Rush Limbaugh telling them how to think? Why do people cling to Keith Olbermann to "shed light" on how bad a certain group of people are?

I really like that answer and agree with it.
Well put I ment no offence to you, my dad listens to him and I heard him say something similar to what you said about being so afraid of being wrong.
None of them. Talking heads on TV and radio care only about what will bring in the advertising revenue. I trust them less than I do our politicians.

Why not evaluate a position on your own, and make up your own decision on how you feel about it? Why do people need Rush Limbaugh telling them how to think? Why do people cling to Keith Olbermann to "shed light" on how bad a certain group of people are?

I do like this statement, but in order to elaborate more, I'd have to(or like too considering I'm talking from experience) make a comparison between this forums and politicians. It's not personal as far as members go, but relevent when generalized.
OK I agree...that opinion is wrong.

The last part about bullying was somewhat of a joke. But I guess you have a very good point.

You're such a bitch, Sully.

You say one thing, then as soon as someone else says the opposite, without even having details or proof to support there claim, you switch your answer because you fear being wrong and looking like an even bigger idiot.

If your opinion can't be wrong, then fucking stick to it and back it up. I am not a bitch. Just because I was persuaded on something doesn't mean I'm a bitch. IN MY OPINION....depending on the situation, some opinions can be wrong. Mozz hit the nail on they head with his example, and I fully understood what Sly and the others have been trying to say.'re right I am a bitch. There I go..changing my opinions again. Silly Sully! Silly Sully! I need Doug in here to give me a facepalm picture.
NO! this is the last straw. I am not a bitch, and that's final! So let's say you want chicken for dinner, but your friend convinces you that Roast Beef would be better, and you go with Roast Beef. Would that make you a bitch?
You know what...I have a better idea. I'm just going to do whatever the fuck I want, and if people don't like that, fuck them.
LOL. I think you just proved my point of you being a wishy-washy bitch.

(This is where you come back and say that you were just joking because you fear people thinking of you in a negative light. Little do you know, that when you claim that you were just joking, you further prove my point.)
Opinions can absolutely be wrong. That's always the go to excuse whenever someone gets thrashed and they have no retort. Like some guy not too long ago saying that Orton should be a jobber and Kane should be a main eventer. That's an opinion, and it's totally fucking wrong.

You're my dog an all that Nate, but I just wanna set this straight. See there is a difference between beliefs and opinions. Opinions are based on something that is already the case, they don't go seeking to alter what is already true. Basically a belief is something that builds upon an opinion.

E.g. What is your opinion on taxes(totally taken from your sig)? I believe we are taxed too much. What do you believe should be done about this? I believe taxes should be lower.

Now I don't know if I've, erm, demonstrated the distinction clearly enough, but I assure you there is one. The Randy Orton and Kane things you posted, that is a belief. The opinion in that case would be 'I think Kane is not rated highly enough and I think Randy Orton is overrated'. The belief that stems from that is as you mentionned. I think Randy Orton should be lower down the card. Notice the operative word 'should' here. That is basically the distinction.

A belief is an idea of an action that should be taken based on an opinion on said subject. Essay much? So yeah by default opinions cannot be wrong because it's not trying to incense of affirm a particular action. Beliefs, however, can most definitely be wrong.

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