
You're such a bitch, Sully.

You say one thing, then as soon as someone else says the opposite, without even having details or proof to support there claim, you switch your answer because you fear being wrong and looking like an even bigger idiot.

If your opinion can't be wrong, then fucking stick to it and back it up.

Don't tell him to be an unreasonable asshole when presented with logic. That's how we get the Dagger-esque "HERP DERP RELENTLESS DEBATING" bullshit that's rampant around here. If he's been persuaded, then he's been persuaded. He's not a bitch because he's not a hard-headed asshole like everyone else around here. I've seen him stick to an opinion before.
At least that's one thing that I didn't do. I may be a shit poster and a prisoner, but I never gave up. Even you haven't given up, and you're in here for life.
At least that's one thing that I didn't do. I may be a shit poster and a prisoner, but I never gave up. Even you haven't given up, and you're in here for life.

If there is something interesting going on in wrestling(like the Punk angle,) I check the WZ main page regularly most days because I find it's the only dirt sheet I can trust to not get virus' from. And usually if there's something going on, I'd like to post how I feel about it or what I think might happen - so at least I get to do that here.

He will probably show up sometime within the next week. He might not be posting, but he's probably been checking the forum here and there. Then again, who knows.
He might not be posting, but he's probably been checking the forum here and there. Then again, who knows.

I agree with Sully, you gotta keep up at it. Jenks still ain't gave up. I never did. I logged in everyday bar one when I was in Prison.
How would you know that?

My alts of course!

Lol. No, I actually can log into the barroom(enter the password) I just can't see thread or post, but I can see whose in it. Last I checked afew minutes ago there was 6 people in the barroom(when I'm logged in I can see that just like the rest of the spam zone.)
I didn't mean by today, I meant as of late. I noticed a couple days ago that there were 0 people in the barroom and I don't recalling seeing 13-20 people lately as I have in the past. Also a lot of the barroom regulars are making more appearances in the prison -this place is usually dead.

Its fun to have people around to talk to though.

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