No Way Out 2009 Discussion

SHOCK! GASP! AMAZING!!!!! HHH won the belt again! What an increadible surprise!!! Look for Steph's belly bump to start showing in a few weeks.

Pathetic and predictable...but the rest of the show was pretty decent
The Triple H. haters are out in full force. This makes me laugh. Get over it, seriously. The guy deserves to carry the Championship into WrestleMania 25 and possibly in all likelyhood drop it to Randy Orton. Would you honestly rather Cena drop it to Orton, which would then give Cena two straight Mania losses against Orton? Gee, how original.

Oh, or let's talk about how Triple H., dispite being a newly crowned 13 time Champion, how he hasn't won a fucking single one of those Championships at WrestleMania, since 18. Hmm? Or, or, how about how Triple H. hasn't won a title match, defending, or winning, since 18 as well. Hmm? So my guess is.. he deserves to headline the 25th anniversary, seeing as how he's done a lot for the company.. long before he began sleeping with the Boss' Daughter.

Seriously, it's not like Triple H.'s only success has come from his penis finding it's way into Stephanie's crotch. And if that is seriously the only reason for his success, then you should praise him even more, for being able to please a Woman for 10 fucking years, long enough to stay atop a multi-billion dollar industry. Wow, that Triple H. what a dick he must have. :rolleyes:
I like the turnout cuz now Wrestlemania is getting predictable

Because Triple H is champion it is almost definate that he will face Orton for the wwe championship Orton lost to him

Cena's rematch clause against Edge seems inevitable for a Wrestlemania headliner

And I'm anticipating Vladimir Koslov trying to take the streak from the Undertaker for eliminating him

And The Hardy's will probably go one on one now that Jeff has no rematch clause and still needs to get retribution.

And since Jericho didnt win I'm PRAYING for a Jericho vs Austin match
lets see....
firstly we had the smackdown wwe champion elimination chamber which was kinda confusing at first because I for one truly believed this match should ve been the main event of NO Way Out but after jeff hardy eliminated Edge i was shocked as i truly believed that he would retain the world title or at least make it to the last 2 but that was shocking to say the least.... after some minutes of hell then came the elimination of kozlov who i hate to say that over the last couple of months has started growing on me but the last ride spot is always exciting. then the big show was eliminated which wasnt a shocker. then came the turn of jeff hardy who i thought would be eliminated thanks to another distraction by matt but they didnt even make and appearence and i dont think that was wise by creative with only 6 weeks until wrestlemania gets here, then it came time for in my opinion the locked wrestlemania maint event for this year. and after a great back and forth action Triple H came out on top giving him his 13th world title. i think no wrestler should touch Flairs record but if someone s got to do it i want it to be triple h as he is my favorite wrestler.

The we had the the street fight between RKO and shane o mac..... this was everything we could expect from a match including shane.... not a lot of wrestling value but a match filled with a lot of great spots of pure and unpredictable violence with shane almost going the distance just to die at the last second. i just wonder the fate of ortons match at Wrestlemania 25 and the possible participation of the Mcmahons in the match.

then we had the filler match of the night... the ecw title match which proved to be good to an extent as finlay is a great wrestler but he lacks the carisma to put on even great matches and Swagger that although shows a lot of promise for the future has still to impress me.... at leat the coast is clear for the christian and jack swagger match which i think would have had a good improvement in stroryline aspect if christian would have made an appearece

the all or nothing match was another example of how JBL s mic skills make him the wrestling god as his in ring skills are far from accomplishing that title but HBK as always can make anyone have an ok match and this was another case. the only thing the excites me and at the same thing makes me wonder is what kind of direction will this match have to both this men role at Mania but well have to see tomorrow.

Finally we had the world heavyweight title elimination chamber .... with edge s discussion earlier tonight i think it was pretty obvious that somehow he would include himself in the match but what i didnt like was how kofi kingston was sacrificed dut to him being a face as i would have eliminated Knox instead but im not part of creative..... anyway after some struggle between jericho rey and kane kane was eliminated first...SHOCKER (sarcasm) i mean this guy was the ultimate monster for 97- 02 but since he unmasked he has lost all credibility and placed mostly in awfull feuds and lately has become in a glorified jobber to the stars. then it came time for Knox that after a few minutes of dominating the match was eliminated rather quickly than expected but in reality i didnt care for him so i dont care. then edg and then cena came in and the most shocking moment of the night occured when Cena was eliminated. i mean freking superman i mean cena was almost a lock as the winner but it looks like vinnie mac has been ready some wrestling blogs and decided to mess with come wrestling experts in the internet. after cena was eliminated it was pretty obvious that edge would win the match although i liked the fact that they kinda teased rey winning the title finally back although i think reys better days are gone for him but id like to see him with the belt at least for one moment ... at least a transitional reigh. but in the end the ultimate opportunist would capture the title ONCE AGAIN i mean in the last year hes won 4 world title.... im starting to think that triple h is not going to surpass flair first but maybe second i mean hes half way already.

in conclusion this has been the best pay pe view in the last few moments as it had everything.... good wrestling... (some bad wrestling as well), shocking moments, surprises and i good build up to wrestlemania..... my only complain is that creative drops the ball sometimes with a lack of cameos from superstars that SHOULD appear in order to build up wrestlemania such as Matt Hardy and Christian
so this is a 7.5/9 as far as i am concerned.
I really thought the booking of No Way Out was crap... I just can't get it out of my head... I will elaborate...

1) SD Elim- Edge losing off the bat wasn't the bad thing, and it obviously set up for later in the night, but at that moment, I was convinced that HHH would win, and that is what I call a "buzzkill." How is it also that a match anything goes can a leg on a rope break a 3 count?

2) Orton vs Shane- That was booked like crap. The way they booked it, Shane should have a set of red "S" with blue backgroung Underoos on. A "hardly part-timer" having his way with the guy who is supposed to be the Number 1 contender on your flagship show? Then an RKO that sends Shane to ER? Had I booked it, Orton would have been so dominate, that the Kendo Stick would have been used for everything BUT make Shane into a human lollipop. Ultimately shouldn't have been a No DQ match if you are gonna let Shane go hardcore. Let Shane's "anger" cause a DQ then RKO has to defend himself, then set up the punt or RKO on Shane has Orton's way to combat the whole thing.

3) HBK vs JBL- Bad set up from the get go. I have said from the beginning that this feud makes no sense, and I stand by that. Why, though, would someone put their entire career on the line for a match you could be disqualified or counted out for? Make him fight for his life, not just a stipulation on another match to draw heat.

4) Swagger vs Finlay- First, if that was the Raw table taken down, I may have missed it, but why wasn't Lawler and Cole there when Shane took it out. Bad call on Grisham's part if I saw that right. Secondly, I would have had Christian come out and take them both out with a chair, making a double DQ, then grab a mic, saying something like "I took out Swagger before, so I know I can beat him" Something along those lines. By the way, had Christian shown up on SD, everyone and their brother would have read the spoiler and the thrill would have been gone instantly for those not at the show, so to disagree with most people, it's all in due time before I judge if Christian is being buried.

5) Raw Elim- I guess Edge wanted decaf Kofi. Seriously, Kofi had no reason to be in this match as a legitimate contender other than something like this. I know this is a hindsight thing, but how many others were even questioning his place in this match? All of us, I assume. Also, why did Kane want to take out Edge when he entered? And why no mention of the history between Jericho and Rey at the start of the match? Something, at least, like "This two know each other from years gone by" or some crap. I guess McMahon's "I didn't create it, so it doesn't exist" mantra would be the reason.

I think Cena may help on SD if he goes there, but as long as My Network isn't being shown in all markets, it doesn't matter. Unfortunately, ROH is about to find out the same.

While the overall show had surprises, once you got into watching it, the surprises let themselves out of the bag. I almost did the dastardly deal, and was about to watch TNA on the internet just to make myself feel better after the show.

As far as WM25 is concerned, flipping everything around that was supposedly building up all year is not the way to go for their biggest show of the year. Imagine this as well, fans: Triple H wins the biggest match of the night (if he is on Raw and it is the headliner), you will have Michael Cole making the "going off air" announcement. "Ye of wrestling's golf announcer voice" instead of "Good Ol'" JR. This, I am not looking forward to.

In closing, I will give this PPV a C-, because I believe some of the action was really good. The lack of storytelling, on the other hand, was what made it near failing.

Casey Carnage
I didn't get to see the first match but caught part of Orton/Shane and then the rest of the show. Based on that, and from what I've heard was an excellent SD EC, I'll give the show an A-. The whole night was based on suprises, and that worked like a charm. All night long you got one thing after another that you didn't expect and it made you want to see what would happen next. That my friends is good booking. When your weakest match is Swagger and Finlay, you know the show is going right. Overall, very good show and has me more than excited for mania.
I didn't get to see the first match but caught part of Orton/Shane and then the rest of the show. Based on that, and from what I've heard was an excellent SD EC, I'll give the show an A-. The whole night was based on suprises, and that worked like a charm. All night long you got one thing after another that you didn't expect and it made you want to see what would happen next. That my friends is good booking. When your weakest match is Swagger and Finlay, you know the show is going right. Overall, very good show and has me more than excited for mania.

Surprises? In the first Elim Chamber match, it was obvious from the elimination of Edge that it would go down to either Undertaker or Triple H. Shawn Michaels vs JBL; that was obvious Michaels was going to win, there was no impotus in that storyline, ever. And to be honest, as soon as Edge entered himself into the Elim Chamber, I knew he would win it, so I fast fowarded through the whole match because I could no longer be arsed to watch it. I watched the others because there was excitement that you could feel. But the ending? Pure loose stool water.
Sure there were suprises. Did you expect Edge to lose in the first 3 minutes? Nope, you didn't. That's suprise number one. Did you expect a good Shane vs. Orton match? Nope, there's number 2. How about Edge coming into the EC? 3. Cena going out that fast? 4. Rey putting on a very solid performance against edge=5. Even with ones being left out, that's one per match.

Factoring in that the ECW match was a glorified squash from start to finish and there was indeed a chance JBL could have won that match, the show could have indeed been a different road that things could have taken. Excellent show.
I thought the NWO was a great show, I would give it an A. Of course we knew trips would win the WWE title, but what a twist Edge winning the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm also glad RKO beat the hell out of Shane. It's been total bs, Orton having won the Royal Rumble, ton of heat, leader of legacy to be getting the hell beat out of him by Shane McMahon(a non-wrestler even)....
I swear someone has already mentioned it, I think it was Shango somewhere.. but the show was ruined in a ways, with the way the placed matches.

People got instantly worn out from the first Elimination Chamber match, as it went damn near 1 full hour. Then they used what life they had left to cheer Shane on in a glorified ass-beating. By the end of that match, the barely had enough life in them to chant "boring" during E.C.W.'s match, or cheer for H.B.K. to somehow pull out what likely was never in any danger of being an after-thought.

I get, now, why things were the way they were. Obviously so Edge could start the show as one Champion.. lose.. then end the night, in the other Elimination Chamber (making history, mind you) and ending the night as the other Heavyweight Champion. (also history, I'm sure)

But in reality, if it would've been possible.. I think the Swagger/Finlay match should've been replaced first, just because out of every match.. that was the one on the card, that NO ONE will come to remember in a week.
It was a pretty shocking move to have Edge eliminated that early from the SD EC, but when they showed the vignette with him and Vickie talking afterwards, it was pretty sure something would happen... I'd have expected to invoke his Rematch-clause right on the same night, since the winner of course had a "hellacious" match after him, having to put down the Undertaker, while Edge was still very fresh since he didn't have to take much punishment.

Edge just "walking" into the RAW EC seemed a little bit odd though. A very surprising move, but to me, that just doesn't look very logical. Why would he be allowed in? Especially if everyone else is still officially in the match? Seems kinda strange. If it's that easy, why doesn't just EVERYONE knock some participant or other out before the match and then just walk into a World/WWE Title match?!

Besides, what the hell was that with Trips putting his leg on the rope after Taker's Tombstone?! Rope break in the Elimination Chamber? Has this ever been the rule? This really got me confused. However the SD Chamber got predictable as soon as Kozlov and especially Hardy were out... since it was pretty clear Taker was not going to get a title run just now; however I have to give props to both HHH and Taker for STILL making the final confrontation in the match quite thrilling - for even though I was sure HHH was going to take it, at more than one occasion when Taker hit a big move (and HHH kicked out at what literally seemed 2.9 - kudos to Trips for that), I was really at the edge of my seat nonetheless, marking out a bit and believing for a second or so that the unthinkable might really happen and Taker takes this one nonetheless. So while I'm bored with ANOTHER Triple H win (and seriously - the guy really just wants "one more" than Ric Flair before his career is over, I guess this is what this was all about), the quick elimination of Edge and the final 1 on 1 situation with Taker and HHH was pretty decent.

Also, Orton beating Shane should've been pretty obvious, but Shane of course got in his sick spots (especially the elbow outside, with Orton moving out of the way), but the match wasn't always as one-sided as it could've been, so pretty good stuff.

Swagger vs Finlay should've been opener, that match seriously doesn't belong on a PPV card, speaking of star power & predictability alone. But well...

Only thing I don't like about Edge winning WHC - I was looking forward to seeing Edge live on the European tour this year, since I got tickets for a SD show hehe... but with him on RAW now, unless the draft switches BOTH champions for some reason, which I really don't see happening, I guess no Edge this time around either. However, I do wonder who will go to WM as Triple H's opponent... Probably Kozlov right now, or maybe Taker... but with Edge gone, and Jeff involved with Matt, it really doesn't leave too many options, unless WWE delivers another swerve and moves someone from RAW over or such. In any case, if Trips walks in the champ at WM, I kind of don't see him leaving without the strap, no matter who he faces. If they had gone with Edge vs Trips at WM, I wouldn't have been sure, but now... I dunno. But maybe WWE is gonna get us again; at least they manage to be surprising again finally hehe.

All in all a good show! And I guess this one had more surprises in store than the Rumble, where people were kind of "expecting the surprises". So, smart move by WWE. If they can keep this up, we might get a really good 25th Wrestlemania.
Fantastic ppv! only grumble really being the odd match listing having the smackdown main event first. some nice suprises and some excellent entertainment. Glad Cena dropped the title.

btw, cos Kofi never got the title shot he earned by beating Kane that should officially make him the number 1 contender.. lol!
Edge just "walking" into the RAW EC seemed a little bit odd though. A very surprising move, but to me, that just doesn't look very logical. Why would he be allowed in? Especially if everyone else is still officially in the match? Seems kinda strange. If it's that easy, why doesn't just EVERYONE knock some participant or other out before the match and then just walk into a World/WWE Title match?!
Yeah that is confusing. was the title change actually legal? Maybe edge might not end up as the champion due to not being "apart" of the match and the title will go back to cena or will get vacated.
If edge does get in for no reason. The next time theres a EC all the people not in th match might as well attack the people before hand and steal there spot
Besides, what the hell was that with Trips putting his leg on the rope after Taker's Tombstone?! Rope break in the Elimination Chamber? Has this ever been the rule? This really got me confused.

Its happened a few times in other Chambers. Rope breaks do in fact break up a pin/submission

I found the end of the Raw chamber on (I won't say), edge and rey put on a good show. Funny how both champions (Edge and Cena) both got eliminated earlier on in the matches. I'm quite sure when a title change does happen in a chamber the champion tends to be the last man in the ring with the winner and new champion (02 Chamber, Lashleys Chamber win Well there the only 2 times where the champion changed hands besides today)

Can't say anything about the other matches besides the end of the Raw Chamber since I haven't seen it yet.
aG3Nt's 2 cents

Holy rusted metal Batman, i've haven't marked out like that for a WWE PPV in some while, let alone more than once for the same PPV!

Last night's 2 Chamber matches were probably my faveourite out of all the ones so far. Anyway, i'll review the matches first, then the overall layout of the show and then whatever next.


It makes sense to have one of the Chamber matches first i guess, because i imagine it takes quite a while to get the thing set up, so why waste a good 10-15 minutes when you can have it ready to go from the opening pyro?

So my first mark out was obviously Edge getting eliminated within 5 minutes. I honestly didn't think either title s would change hands last night, and i had this stunned look on my face, and goosebumps on my arm throughout the match, afterward.

Of his 3 PPV apperances, i'd say last nights was Koslov's best performance so far. I enjoyed watching Show and Koslov beating Jeff Hardy down, and the way they had him take so much abuse, made me think he might make it all the way through to the final two, but then once it was narrowed down to him v HHH and Taker, i knew he'd be gone, and loved how he executed 'POIM' only to get Tombstoned seconds afterward. Then things got REALLY interesting. I knew deep down inside that HHH would take on a pointless title reign just to add to his numbers. He won't retain at WM that's for damn sure. No one has lost the WWE/WH title at WM more times than the Game.

Great match, plenty of twists and turns. Loved the opening, loved the ending (despite who got the pinfall in the end). Excellent match.

9/10 (if Taker had won, it'd have gotten 10)

Randy Orton v Shane McMahon

I didn't find there anything particularly special about this match personally. As i said in my prediction, there was no point in trying to make Shane look like he could actually win, because who'd believe it anyway right? Didn't quite understand Randy sending Ted to the back to help Cody, but obviously the Viper knew he had Shane's number regardless.

This felt nothing like nothing more than an Orton squash, except Shane got his usual 2 spots in. If this match had played out similarly to Shane v Kurt at KOTR '01, then i'd be giving it much more praise. CTC, elbow through the table and a superplex through the table didn't really make this a great NHB match for me.

6/10 - I will say though that i wa surprised that this was on second. Expected Swagger/Finlay here and this match to be before the 2nd Chamber match.

Swagger v Finlay

I gotta confess, i drifted in and out of this match for the majority. If you look at my prediction for this match however, i did say that Hornswoggle would get slapped around, and Swagger would win. Well the last 2 shots i saw when i awoke was Hornsoggle on the floor holding his leg, and then the replay of Finlay taking a rather awkward Gutwrench Powerbomb.

/10- can't honestly rate it as i didn't see it all.


He had total control until Rebecca punched him in the face. What more do i need to say? While this may not have been an awesome in ring match, the storytelling was exceptional. The smug arrogance of JBL, with that look that said 'after i beat your husband, i'm getting a piece of you next' towards Rebecca, plus the emotion in her face made this a compelling match to watch, but the end was a bit stupid.

JBL: Hmmm, rather than try and pin a guy who went toe to toe with Cena 4 weeks ago, i'm going to have him get counted out. No wait,i'll beat him a little in front of his wife, up close and personal, and then i'll get up close with her. Yeah ya like that don't ya bi (SMACK) OW!

Then JBL feels a flurry of pain, and when he regans his senses, he can hear 'Sexy Boy' playing and Lillian announcing HBK as the winner.

No one expected JBL to win, but to look like he's going to win, and then take a punch from a female fan and be pinned some 4 moves later was a bit hard to swallow for me.

7.5/10 - i want to give it more for the storytelling involved, but that ending really leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Raw EC

There's a couple of things i loved about this match, and a couple of things i hated about this match, and one thing that made me piss myself laughing.

Again, jaw dropped when Edge came and smacked Kofi and took his place in the match. Great swerve, had no idea it'd happen, made you really question the outcome from the get go.

I found myself thinking, this will come down to Edge and Cena, and Cena will beat Edge the same way Jeff did some 2 hours prior. Instead Cena gets eliminated 3rd!!!!! THIRD?!?!?!?! I then thought, Jericho's got to win i then surely, then suddenly no Jericho, and (prepare for a shock) i found myself cheering for Rey to win. I hate Rey Mysterio, but wanted so much for Egde not to win that it hurt. That sort of unpredictability made it an awesome chamber match. (I know what you're going to say in response, just wait and hear me out)


What was the fucking point in making everyone think they were going to give Knox and Kofi a chance to shine here? A lot of people on this forum especially, praised the creative team for trying to push new guys. Instead Knox came out to beat on Rey and Jericho for 3 minutes and then took a codebreaker and was gone. Kofi who i think everyone wanted to see do well, got shafted so we could have Edge win another title with a run in for like the 5th or 6th time. Unfortunately that uber swerve changed from something new into something many fans are sick of seeing happen now.

If they're having a draft in 2 months, why are we swapping the World titles/champions around now? Are we seriously going to have Edge v Orton at WM? Heel v heel? Because i doubt anyone really wants Orton v HHH again. This decision simply doesn't make a great deal of sense, which is why i didn't automatically assume Edge would win, like i normally would. I thought, he'll try and win a second time around, but will fail and go back to SD! for a quick WM fued with someone. INstead a SD superstar puts HIMSELF in the Raw title match and wins it! Surely Edge is going to lose the title on Raw tonight, or at least before Mania. Maybe we'll have Edge v Orton v Cena at WM25, but does Raw really need another triple threat title match at Mania already? So many questions, only one way to get answers, tune into Raw tonight.

So i hate that Edge is a World Champ again, but i love the way they pulled it off. Vince McMahon, you've given me 3 huge shocks in 7 days. Kudos to you. The biggest compliment i can give, is that i feel bad for not having paid to watch such a great PPV. Tahnks Vince!

Oh yeah, almost forgot....

I lmfao:- when Rey went for the shoulder to the ring post and smacked his head into Kane's pod. From the first camera angle, you could see that even Edge went 'holy shit' when Rey connected, but then it turned to Kane who was laughing at the impact and that set me off for at least 2 or 3 minutes. Loved it. That tops kaer kicking Horswoggle out of the ring during the Rumble.

For the filler PPV between the Rumble and WM, this NWO had it all for shocking developments. Shame it came at the expense of the mid card wrestlers, but that's WWE all over these days.

No Way Out 2009 gets an 8/10 from the aG3Nt_0F_cHa0s
The Triple H. haters are out in full force. This makes me laugh. Get over it, seriously. The guy deserves to carry the Championship into WrestleMania 25 and possibly in all likelyhood drop it to Randy Orton. Would you honestly rather Cena drop it to Orton, which would then give Cena two straight Mania losses against Orton? Gee, how original.

Oh, or let's talk about how Triple H., dispite being a newly crowned 13 time Champion, how he hasn't won a fucking single one of those Championships at WrestleMania, since 18. Hmm? Or, or, how about how Triple H. hasn't won a title match, defending, or winning, since 18 as well. Hmm? So my guess is.. he deserves to headline the 25th anniversary, seeing as how he's done a lot for the company.. long before he began sleeping with the Boss' Daughter.

Seriously, it's not like Triple H.'s only success has come from his penis finding it's way into Stephanie's crotch. And if that is seriously the only reason for his success, then you should praise him even more, for being able to please a Woman for 10 fucking years, long enough to stay atop a multi-billion dollar industry. Wow, that Triple H. what a dick he must have. :rolleyes:

thank god someone put the HH-Haters in there place i am by no means a triple h fan but i agree with your arguement triple h has lost every year at mania since 19 and will most likley be doing at mania 25 and he gave people there chance to be champ like cena and batista to name someone i still find it funny how people said he banged steph to get the title he was a champ before he was with steph so he would been a main eventer triple h deserves the title i wish these haters think first.

(lol triple h super-dick)
It was a pretty shocking move to have Edge eliminated that early from the SD EC, but when they showed the vignette with him and Vickie talking afterwards, it was pretty sure something would happen... I'd have expected to invoke his Rematch-clause right on the same night, since the winner of course had a "hellacious" match after him, having to put down the Undertaker, while Edge was still very fresh since he didn't have to take much punishment.

Edge just "walking" into the RAW EC seemed a little bit odd though. A very surprising move, but to me, that just doesn't look very logical. Why would he be allowed in? Especially if everyone else is still officially in the match? Seems kinda strange. If it's that easy, why doesn't just EVERYONE knock some participant or other out before the match and then just walk into a World/WWE Title match?!

It was obvious something was going to happen with Edge just by listening to the announce team constantly mention how distraught he must be over losing the title so quickly. Though I was pleasantly surprised with what happened in that it was surprising and pretty damn cool, it did make very little sense. I agree with your point, I even mentioned it while watching it to everyone. Why, if it's that easy, doesn't everyone just attack someone in the Chamber and sneak in? I was also sad to see Kofi be the one to get knocked out. I thought he was going to do something pretty cool in there.

Besides, what the hell was that with Trips putting his leg on the rope after Taker's Tombstone?! Rope break in the Elimination Chamber? Has this ever been the rule? This really got me confused.

I HATED that. It's a no rules environment, and a rope break? Pretty garbage. Granted, I probably wouldn't have even thought about it had it not been HHH. It was just so predictable that he would win. Not once, after Edge was eliminated, did I doubt that. But that's how HHH matches and storylines are. Predictable and unsatisfying.
Darkshot77's Review of No Way Out 2009

TNA take note, This is how a PPV is done.

Well as far a storytelling goes, this is how you create intrest, this is how you get people talking. WWE take note, you can expand stoylines, without pointless backstage/inring promo's and segments, as far as a PPV is concerned, this was ideal: all action, little talk.

Smackdown! Elimination Chamber-With this "star studded" EC kicking the show off, one can only surmise one thing: something big is gonna happen in the latter chamber. Hardy and Edge started, one reversed spear later and Edge is gone, I was suprised. Then we get Koslov, Show, Taker and HHH. At this point I felt Hardy would win, Koslov makes a dumb mistake. Come on Russian watch the tape, Taker will always counter mounted PUnches in the corner with a Last Ride. In the end the Undertaker eliminates the Undefeated russian, who remains uindefeated, cause it wasent singles competition.
(As a side note i felt it was funny koslov was trying to leave the cage the Big Show kept throwing bodies at him)
A string of moves later and a Swanton off a pod and Show takes a walk. Hardy had all the fire at this moment, was beating everyone, tombstone later and were are down to the two winners of last years chambers. HHH and Taker. Though HHH eventually won it took two Pedigrees and Taker remains dominant, proving once dont kick out of a Tombstone. So your new WWE champ after two Pedigree's is Triple H.

Randa Orton vs. Shane McMahon-Couple of things of note. Orton looked out of his freaking mind after the moniter shot, all the blood was going down one half of his face, he looked like Two Face. Another comment, Orton is not Edge. He dosent need interfearance, not to beat a non wrestler. it made him look weak. Third note, can you not use the word "spear"? Shane "tackled" Orton who was going for a punt...its not a tackle, its a spear. In the end after an RKO, Orton wins.

After the match I hope all the young wrestlers, both TNA and WWE alike were watching both these men in this match. Boys thats how you sell an injury, take note its not that hard.

Swagger vs. Finlay-This match was average, but as it was said before, after an EC and a NHB matches, a "scientific wrestling" match isnt gonna cut it. And what the hell was with Hornswaggle, its like the WWE wanted him to screw his father out of the title with out accually doing anything. He olny appeared on the ring when finley had momentum. A poor use of the midget and bad placement make this match not all that good, Swagger wins.

HBK vs. JBL-Didnt see the match HBK won.

Raw Elimination Chamber-Well, this was the match of the night, and the MVW award goes to the Ultimate Opertunist himself Edge, but Rey Mysterio is close behind. Rey restored my faith in him yesterday. Afer his WHC reign, which may have been the worst booked title reign in history, combined with the classless exploitation of Eddie Guererro they wouldnt let die, I felt Rey was highly overrated. But he proved, in the right circumstances, he can be a legit contender forthe world title, I didnt want him to win but he put on a clinic, everyone besides Mike Knox was hit with a 619. Him and Jericho put on an exelent start to this match, Jericho also performed very well, note to other wrestlers in a Multi-man match with Y2J, dont go for a finisher, you will more than likely take a Codebreaker, Knox is out in little time. Then comes edge who when his pod was opened, got his freaking ass kicked by Rey Mysterio. Sorry I forgot about kane...but he really didnt do much except get pinned by Mystero...again. In the end comes Super Cena himself hitting move 1,2,3 and 4 in order. But when he goes for a finisher, Boom, Boom , Boom, he is gone. Wasent expecting that. Jericho goes next and then Edge and Rey went to town, but in the end Edge wins and is the new WHC, go Edge.

Now while I didnt expect Edge at the begining of the night to win the RAW EC as soon as he entered, I knew he would win. But still the swerve caught alot of people un aware, Kudos WWE.

Final Thoughts: This was an exelent PPV, well executed by the WWE, no the matches werent perfect but I must say it all went over well.

Final Rating: 9 out of 10
No Way Out

From a wrestling point of view this was a distinctly average PPV. Much of it seemed plodding, and was it just me or was the crowd really dead? Storyline wise it was more interesting and it will be intriguing to see what happens next!

SD! Elimination Chamber

I thought to myself just before the match 'Wouldn't it be funny if Edge was eliminated really quickly?' I didn't think it would happen and was shocked when it did, and I actually laughed out loud! Edge played it well, he's an awesome whiny heel!
Kozlov was really unimpressive. He was sloppy, slow, confused and his moves were far less 'ferocious' than normal, and it all made him look really lame. Personally I would have left him out of this match, and kept his undefeated streak alive. Big Show was good, and when he threw people in to the cage it was far more believable than when Kozlov did. Nice swanton to eliminate Show. Once the big boys went the pace picked up. I liked the bit when Taker got HHH up for the first Tombstone. HHH and Taker finished it well.

Randy Orton vs Shane McMahon

I think I was expecting something a bit special from this match as both have had a couple of brilliant No DQ style matches before, and because of this I was a bit disappointed. The spots from Shane were good of course, but nothing we haven't seen before, and so I wasn't wowed. That said, the match was still good and the story shall continue I'm sure. Kudos to Randy for taking that monitor shot, the blood make him look truly psychotic!

Jack Swagger vs Finlay

This match was really poor. I like Swagger and he has excellent potential, and Finlay is usually decent but this match just didn't work wrestling wise. The Hornswoggle finish was really bad. Hopefully Swagger moves on quickly into a feud with Christian.


Again there was nothing out of the ordinary about this match. It was ok, JBL doesn't produce particularly brilliant matches with anybody, and HBK picked up the predictable win. These two need something a bit more brutal if this is going to continue.

Raw Elimination Chamber

And so the swerve becomes clearer. It was an interesting swerve, and was another opportunity created and seized by the Ultimate Opportunist! He beat up Kofi pretty well too. However, it does not make sense that he got himself into the match like that. It was pretty stupid! And once he was in the match it was obvious that he was going to take the title. Everyone knew it, and the fact that he was then standing in the chamber for 15 mins killed the potential excitement of it. As for the match itself, it was decent, better than the SD! one. Jericho and Mysterio were excellent, Knox and Kane were ok, but it sucked to see Kane job to Mysterio yet again. Cena getting eliminated third and in that manner was also quite a surprise. But the whole thing just seemed to lack something, again it seemed a bit slow and sluggish. Maybe the elimination chamber just doesn't facilitate really exciting matches, or maybe it's me.

I'd rate the PPV 6/10 - average


World title picture is very interesting, and I can't work out where they're going to go from here. I just hope we don't get matches we've seen loads before, such as Cena-Edge, Orton-Cena, Orton-HHH.

I am semi expecting another swerve before WM25, probably a title change. I think they'll leave brand switching for the draft.

Would love to see a HHH-Taker WM rematch.

Will Edge ever get a decent title run?

Kozlov seems to work much better when he's destroying someone, rather than in an even match. Shame.

Shane in hospital with a concussion after an RKO?
Sure there were suprises. Did you expect Edge to lose in the first 3 minutes? Nope, you didn't. That's suprise number one. Did you expect a good Shane vs. Orton match? Nope, there's number 2. How about Edge coming into the EC? 3. Cena going out that fast? 4. Rey putting on a very solid performance against edge=5. Even with ones being left out, that's one per match.

Factoring in that the ECW match was a glorified squash from start to finish and there was indeed a chance JBL could have won that match, the show could have indeed been a different road that things could have taken. Excellent show.

Sorry; GOOD Shane vs Orton match? I left the TV after about 5/10 minutes to go get a sandwich, I was that bored! Rey putting on a very solid perfomance, not a surprise because he works his arse off everytime he's in the ring. I've got to be honest, since I watched the matches I'd missed after falling asleep this morning, the only memorable part of the entire PPV was the 15 minutes or so that just had Triple H and Undertaker left. I cant even remeber half the stuff in that match. Considering I finished watching it at about 9 o'clock this morning, that is pretty damn poor. Hell, I can remember the 1992 Royal Rumble better than No Way Out. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay a PPV fee for it.
I am getting sick of what they are doing with Edge. "Boo Ho! I lost my championship so I am going to take another" is just getting old. Don't get my wrong, Edge is a great heel but it is annoying him moving from World HeavyWeight Champ to WWE Champ and back because he lost the other one.
Lee's Review of No Way Out 2009

After the disappointment of the Rumble, I needed a good one...and that we got! Worth staying up for!

Smackdown! Elimination Chamber-

Ok so we have what thought would be the ME this point everyone knew Edge would lose, rematch later, but how many called him winning WHC? I did :D

I was glad they didn't go for Jeff winning, or Matt interfering somehow. Moment of the match was Hardys swanton on Big Show...but why did Trips make the pin?

This was a very solid match, even Big Show doing well

Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon-
I love Shane O Mac, he can pull it out, and that he did. Exactly what you want for a street fight (apart from him hurting Cody!)

Highlight of the match was Orton being busted open (fuck you PG rating!) or Randy telling Ted to take Cody to the back and ted saying "Are you sure!"

BTW I fucking loved Ortons promo before hand.

Swagger vs. Finlay-
This match should have been first or second, a true technical match. It killed the crowd...shame, it was decent, nothing exciting, but decent.

HBK vs. JBL-
What teh fuck was this pile of shit? First off HBK should have been DQd for having his wife punch Jibbles...and why did Jibbles push HBK out the ringfor a 10 count instead of going for the pin?

Raw Elimination Chamber-
So here we have Kofi Kingston coming out, Lee finally about to admit that Edge wouldn't win the WHC...and there he is. Edge goes into the pod, with one of the best facial expressions.

I was impressed with this match;
Rey was amazing.
Edge and his face after pinning Cena.
Cena not even being one of the last two?
Jericho being, well, being Jericho!

Final Thoughts: This was an excellent PPV,it opens up loads of unanswered questions mainly to do with the belts.

I still think Trips will go to Raw as the other McMahon and i am so glad that HBK v Jibbles is over!

Final Rating: 8.5 out of was let down by the HBK match and the ECW one[/QUOTE]
Well I didn't order this PPV as I have been basically bored with the WWE product in all 3 brands for some time now. But I was surprised reading the results, but not necessarily in a good way.

I think that WWE tried to surprise everyone with a few of the things that occurred but if anything I feel like they alienated their fans even more. First off, who didn't see HHH winning his billionth title, its been ridiculous for a while and it really makes me lose a lot of respect for HHH in the grand scheme of wrestling history. It will be interesting to see what direction that WWE takes HHH and his title heading towards Wrestlemania, I don't follow Smackdown as closely as Raw but I don't really like any storyline that can come from HHH winning that match, unless their is a unification match for the two titles on the horizon and I really don't see that happening and if it did HHH would probably win that as well which would be garbage.

All of the other matches went about how I expected, aside from the last Elimination Chamber match. I'm hoping we have seen the end of the JBL-HBK angle, it has been crap. I feel like both men could be better used in other situations. Orton continues to prove that he is the best guy they have moving forward and I hope that WWE continues to build big things around him. He is starting to remind me of The Rock from yesteryear that was a heel but he was so good that it was hard to cheer against him. I'm hoping that WWE lets Christian Cage get more involved in the coming months as well.

The whole thing with Edge "replacing" Kofi Kingston in the last match was ridiculous. As other readers have posted, if this can happen what's to keep anyone from participating in the match. Stephanie should have come out and had security escort Edge from the arena if anything. I know this was all done to put the title on Edge, but I don't even understand that at all either. The whole storyline didn't make any sense to a lot of people. I personally was glad to see Cena go out of the match so fast, because I atleast know it was well-wrestled from that point on. You had several solid in-ring performers left in the match. I still believe Jericho to be the best worker that WWE has right now and I had hoped he would win the match, but he atleast has other things going on. Now, I don't see an Edge-Orton angle working at all leading up to Wrestlemania, so it will be interesting to see where WWE goes from here.

The only positive I take from some of the outcomes is that maybe WWE is going to take us back to the day where the best in-ring workers will be put into place in some of the "biggest" matches. Similar to the change they made by putting the title on Bret Hart back in the day and relying on his in-ring work to carry him as a Champion. Lets hope the days of seeing past-their-prime workers in the biggest matches....Undertaker, Big Show, Kane, Cena (just terrible in the ring), JBL and the like. Let's put guys like Orton, Jericho, CM Punk, Christian Cage, both the Hardy's, Edge in the spotlight and see if they have what it takes to really carry the title and the company. I have my doubts for sure in WWE's ability to entertain their audiences.
The Good: The Elimination Chambers. Both of these matches delivered and this is proving itself to be a great formula for the Road to Wrestlemania. The desperation of guys trying to win to jockey themselves into position for the main events of their brand at Wrestlemania adds a new, unique bump in the road to Mania. Both matches were well paced, and didn't seem too long. I love how the defending champs got ousted with nearly no time in the match. When the champs are gone, the crowd realizes that something is going to happen big, obviously a new champion.

The Bad: The matches in between. While obviously the booking was right (how could you have Edge lose in the second to last match of the night, and then comeback the next match), the middle matches just lost the momentum. It's truly no fault of their own. While I wouldn't call Shane vs. Orton bad, I would call Finlay and Swagger awful, along with HBK and JBL. Those two matches were just dreadful, and drug on too long.

The Ugly: JBL. Simply put, the guy is just fucking terrible. Shawn Michaels, Shawn F'n Michaels, couldn't get a half way decent match out of the guy. That's saying something. JBL is simply a glutonous pig that has no place in the business right now. He's been terrible his entire career, and he is certainly underserving of a high profile feud. He likes to pretend he is Ted DiBiase, but in reality he couldn't lace up his boots.

The Greatness: While I love the Edge character and his ultimate opportunist gimmick, (Honestly after 8 times you'd think it would get old, but it seems to get better each time), the night belonged to Rey Mysterio. Where in the fuck has this Rey Mysterio been the last several years. The Last time Rey Rey put on a match like that was at Summerslam 02 against Kurt Angle. The guy made you really question if the WWE was going to pull the trigger on Mysteiro winning the title. He filled the Underdog role perfectly and stole the show like no other has in a long time. TBK did a good job at Unforgiven, but Rey Mysterio destroyed that performance.

The Super Ugly: the #13. Honestly, Triple H is going back to Raw, why? Because theres no one left for himt o bury on Smackdown. In one year he has beaten cleanly Edge, Khali, TBK, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Jeff Hardy, The Big Show, and finally the Undertaker cleanly in the middle of the chamber. Beating the Undertaker cleanly simply was the icing on the cake. We are now going on nearly 2 years since the return from injury, and no one at all benefitting from his return beside The Game.
Sorry; GOOD Shane vs Orton match? I left the TV after about 5/10 minutes to go get a sandwich, I was that bored! Rey putting on a very solid perfomance, not a surprise because he works his arse off everytime he's in the ring. I've got to be honest, since I watched the matches I'd missed after falling asleep this morning, the only memorable part of the entire PPV was the 15 minutes or so that just had Triple H and Undertaker left. I cant even remeber half the stuff in that match. Considering I finished watching it at about 9 o'clock this morning, that is pretty damn poor. Hell, I can remember the 1992 Royal Rumble better than No Way Out. I'm just glad I didn't have to pay a PPV fee for it.

THen it sounds to me like you need to go watch TNA or something. Shane and Orton may not have been your thing but that show last night was one of the best in a long time. WWE is on an absolute roll right now heading into Wrestlemania and they showed why they're the best last night. You had blood, violence, and a guy that's not a wrestler in there with one of the best heels in the last ten+ years in a damn good match. That's boring to you?
I'm a bit late, but I have only just seen the PPV. I have to say, interesting as it was, a few things annoyed me. 1) Trips probably heading back to RAW, just as I really started getting into RAW and into Orton's running of the show, HHH will be back and have to be the main attraction. Where does this leave Cena? A much better face of the company than Trips.
2) Jeff, in my eyes, was used very poorly. He eliminates Edge, in the only quick paced segment of the SD Chamber, then he hits one Swanton, one double suplex and one over the rope poetry in motion and was then pinned cleanly with no interference from Matt, it didn't make much sense to me.
3) No Orton punt? I will forgive this if this goes somewhere, but it seemed like it should have happened. Leave it with no one to protect Steph until HHH steps in (though I'd prefer Cena)

I won't bitch about SHow's and Kozlov's boringness cos I predicted that beforehand. Just seems like PPV's have been outstanding since Cyber Sunday, and the last one before the big Mania ruins it slightly. Hope RAW tonight will smooth some things out.

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