No Way Out 2009 Discussion

Ok my prediction for the whole ppv.

ECW title
Im not being funny, but finlay wont win, swagger will retain heading into WM. Someone mentioned in another thread-might of been this one- that they predicted that hornswoggle was gonna turn on finlay, interesting thought but its not going to happen other wise the kids wont be happy and thats not what vince wants. Either christian or hornswoggle will interfere. Swagger to retain

Jbl vs Hbk
This will be a good match believe it or not, Hbk will win but it could be tight. All that can be said really. Hbk to win.

Orton vs Shane o mac
Now, this obviously is going to be a good match, but a pointless one because if shane does win then orton will lose everything he has worked so very hard for. Will be shocking to see shane win so. RKO to win

Raw EC
Let us know be serious, apart from jericho who is obviously going to be invovled in some other kind of match at WM, who else can carry the show. Cena, the tittle holder atm, is the only one out of the lot. The list is, Mysterio, Kofi, Knox, Kane, Jericho, Cena. Mysterio is a no go hopefully. For Knox and Kofi its to early but i like that they are in the mix and Jericho will be in another angle. Doesnt it make it a bit obvious that Cena will retain? p.s not a Cena fan#

This is interesting, i like everybody else are saddend that Kozlov's streak will end, he as an athlete has worked very hard for a year only to have it ruined by a gimmick match. I do hope HHH does not go over him, that would be so stupid. HHH will not win but will creep his way into the main event. Show will have a good outing, interesting to see him in a segment with edge where he rips edge to shreds, makes me wonder, but i cant see show carry WM either. Although i want him to, Taker will not win i dont think, i loved his creepy promo on SD! this friday dont know why i just did. I think he will be in an angle with HBK, WWE would be stupid to make it happen. Jeff hardy, what is there to say, everyone has predicted him to be in the final 2, which is by all means a good predicition. IF hardy wins the WWE championship the championship itself will become a joke. Think back, November Survior Series:- Edge bt HHH and Kozlov December Armageddon:- Hardy by Edge and HHH January Royal Rumble:-Edge beat Hardy February No Way out:- Hardy bt Edge + 4 other superstars? comeone, 4 different tittle change in 4 months. Edge will retain.

Even after my little speech, i will be ordering No way out cos i think it will be entertaining. Still should be a good PPV. I actually hope WWE surprises me.
So I was on looking at the card for NWO and saw there were only five matches on the card, that doesn't really seem like that many, I mean I realize the two EC matches will likely take up a good chunk of time, but still those two matches will likely only take about 40-45 mins. a piece at best, and then you have only three other matches, and only one that looks like it'll go over 15 mins., and that's the Shane/Orton match, JBL/HBK will be short... hopefully, and Finley/Swagger should be a 10 min. squash, with Swagger going over, so you have roughly 2 hrs. worth of matches, leaving 45 mins to an hour that is free, now I'm sure they'll some promos and backstage segments but surely they can find room for at least one more match on the card, preferably one featuring SD! talent, since they are pretty much getting screwed with only having one match on the entire card, so possibly add an US or Tag title match at the last minute
I agree. I really though MVP vs Shelton would make the card.

At this point, I honestly wouldn't mind if they TNA'd it up and slopped togeth a 6 man tag to get some guys on the show. Punk, Carlito, and MVP vs Shelton, John Morrison, and Regal. I mean, why not. Get guys on PPV.
That would be cool, would be nice to see a US Championship Match (for once) between Shelton and MVP. But i think those 2 EC matches will take up a really good amount of time, but still, i see what you mean, it does look like a 'weak' card, would be good see a surprise title match, either MVP v Shelton for US Title or even Colons v Morisson & Miz in a winner takes all match, that'd be sweet, very doubtful though...
As people have said already
Shelton vs MVP for the US title
Gets the US defended on a ppv for once


A quick idea.
The 8 man tag turns into a winner takers all
Punk's Ic title, Colons tag titles and mvp a challenger vs Sheltons Us title, Miz n Morrisons Tag titles, Regal challenger

If Shelton/Miz/Morrison/Regal win
Shelton retains the us, Miz/Morrison get the second tag belts, Regal wins the IC


If MVP/Colons/Punk win
MVP gets the US, Colons get the other tag belts, Punk retains

So in this match there would at least be at least 2 title changes (dont need to unify the tag belts, justlet MnM or Colons hold both belts then drop either one of them back to Miz n Morrison on ECW/Smackdown next week).

I dunno lol.
Swagger vs. Finlay
- Swagger victory. He's not about the drop the belt so soon into his run, especially not to Finlay, of all people. If he's dropping it then it'd either be to Christian at WM, or Evan Bourne, some point down the line. Hornswaggle will no doubt become involved, and I see Swagger taking advantage of the shillelagh. Then afterwards going after Hornswaggle, only for Christian to come out and make the save.

- Obviously at some point, HBK is going to beat JBL to end the storyline. That goes without saying. I think the match at NWO really depends on what the Mania plans are. If they're going for HBK vs. Taker then HBK goes over here. Anything else, JBL wins and the storyline continues. And that's what I'm expecting to happen. As I've said elsewhere, I've a strange feeling JBL is going to end up calling himself "Mr. Money in the Bank", whether that be by actually winning the MitB match himself or beating HBK and getting him to win it on his behalf, I'm not sure.
But yeah, I reckon JBL will go over and it'll continue. The match will probably come before an EC and Shane/Orton so it doesn't even seem positioned on the card to be the payoff.

Shane O'Mac vs. Randy Orton
- Orton's a given here. It'll be an enjoyable match and I can see Shane almost having it won, only for Rhodes and DiBiase to provide the distraction, RKO, and the 3.

SD! Elimination Chamber
- Edge'll win. I reckon Triple H is chasing the belt into Mania - possibly throw Show in, too - and considering how they've had a series of short reigns, I don't see the belt changing hands again until WM. Hardy will probably be screwed by Hardy, somehow, too.

Raw Elimination Chamber
- Really.. the line-up is ridiculous. Kofi Kingston and Mike Knox should be nowhere near the match. Rey makes some sense on the basis that he's a former World Champion, but he's hardly a credible main eventer these days. Kane's a given in this sort of match, even though he's never going to have a hope in hell of winning. Really, Jericho and Cena are the only two that could be seen as potential winners, and even then there's only one winner. Cena to walk out still Champion.

All in all it does seem a little.. predictable. I can't help feel I'm over complicating my thought process regarding HBK vs. JBL and it'll simply be Shawn winning. If it wasn't free over here I'd not be watching it, either.
I too am questioning the amount of matches that are on the card. I definitely think they could throw one more together last minute just to get your other champions on the last ppv before Mania. Now I don't agree with the whole take all the gold thing, but I definitely like the 8-man tag idea.
Punk/Colons/MVP vs Regal/Miz&Morrison/Shelton would be a great match. All these guys are doing good right now and having a nice 10-15 minute match with all your champions can't be a bad thing. Just have them go at it for awhile, then it breaks down, they all hit finishers and I think MVP picking up the win over Shelton would be best (as he is inevitably going to win the U.S. title back soon and I think he's winning MITB this year). I've gone on extensively in other threads about how WWE needs to push their midcard and tag divisions, and while this had no build it would be a step in the right direction in my opinion.
I think they should definatley have a Miz and Morrison vs Colons match, for the SD titles (seeing as how M/M have won every time they've had a match), with Colons finally winning to further the feud
Two Elimination Champber matches for the big belts, one must change. If one doesn't then what exactly was the point in having two of them? But I'm unsure who will lose the belt, the WWE Championship has changed each month for the past 3, but Cena is head and shoulders above everybody else in his match.

The WHC isn't very star heavy, why Punk over Kofi? Or even over Dibiase or Rhodes?

Cena should lose the belt, I suspect he'll be facing Austin or Hogan as it is. If that's the case then there's no need for him to have the belt. Out of all involved I'd say that Knox is the best option. Kofi & Kane lose as many as they win, Cena's already made Jericho look inferior, so Knox is the only real option. On second thoughs, Cena should retain.

The WWE one in theory could go either way. It's stacked, Jeff Hardy doesn't look out of place at all. I think that's great, I hated Hardy 12 months ago. But with Edge losing the belt and winning the belt and with it being only a few weeks till Mania I'm not sure if I see him losing. I certainly expect it to be the most intresting. Outside interference by Matt Hardy in a gimmick match like this, in a match with all of Smackdowns main event stars, it could do wonders for him.

I see no point at all in letting Shane McMahon look competitive with Randy Orton just before Mania. Not only that but he'll likely look competitive with all of Legacy. It's pointless. Orton will win, but not easily.

I have no idea what'll happen in the JBL/HBK match. I'm curious to see if Michaels can get a good match out of him.

Swagger vs. Finlay is a big meh off me. I actually think that last year's Punk vs. Chavo match was bigger, how sad is that? I've been watching ECW online as of late as I heard how great Swagger is, I don't get it at all. I'm guessing Swagger wins then Christian comes out and beats him, or at least challenges him. I can't see Swagger/Christian making it to Mania.

If there's time there will likely be a MVP/Shelton match as well. Possibly making way for a Brand Supremacy Mania match between MVP, Christian & Punk.

Overall it looks ok, but the EC matches seem pointless to me. What are the Mania main events going to be again?
My main worry about No Way Out is the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber. Not because of the collection of talent in the match. I think they are pushing Mike Knox up the ladder as a new big man heel, so it makes sense to put him in this match. Kane is a consistant worker, and he's over, and his character lends itself to gimmick matches like this. Rey is a former WHC, he makes it into the match on name alone. Kofi is a surprise (especially with Punk being left out), but I think he will pull off something really cool and new in the match. I love Jericho, and he has to be in this match as the #1 heel in the business right now.

My fear? That John Cena starts the match, and then single-handedly eliminates the other 5 guys.
My fear? That John Cena starts the match, and then single-handedly eliminates the other 5 guys.

Cena is bigger than all of them, and them losing to them wouldn't matter anyway. Jericho & Kane have lost enough to him over the year's as it is and it's never effected them. Rey Mysterio is beneath him in the eternal struggle to sell more shirts to kids. Kofi & Knox just aren't in his league at this moment in time.

It's Triple H who'll likely start his match and be either the winner or last eliminated. Likely pinning the undefeated Kozlov along the way.
I agree with the theory that one of the belts should change, it seems unlikely that they will but at least in the WWE title match there are options.

Jeff, HHH, Edge, or Taker could win the match. Themost likely outcomes are probably Edge retaining, or Jeff regaining. However It seems unlikely they would do a Jeff v Matt main event match at mania, especially as Matt Hardy has never even main evented a PPV before. SO I have to say Edge looks a lock at this moment in time,considering how the title has been passed around like a hot potato recently.

But the WHC chamber is too weak, there is no-ine that can realistically win the title other than Cena, and Jericho. I have to question WWE's thinking because unless they are heading for a major swerve with Jericho winning the match makes little sense, as there are no other credible challangers.

The rest of the card though is relaively strong considering past No way out undercards, Orton/Shane should be good, and may well get saved for the main event if there are no title changes. HBK/JBL will be decent, and Swagger looks promising so the ECW match should hopefully be ok.

Good card overall but throughout the whole card thereis the potential for swerves so I wouldnt be suprised to see a couple tonight.
So I am not sure where they are going to be going with the stories tonight but I will tell you what I would love to see happen.

Swagger and Finly: Don't really care Christian is back and could destroy either of those guys.

JBL and HBK: HBK wins

Orton and Shane: I am really excited about this match and the possible stories that could come from it. I think Orton will win but not before he punts Shane in the head. This will cause Stephanie to come down to the ring and right as Orton is about to punt Steph, HHH comes down and fights off Orton.

SD EC: This is where it gets interesting cause I think HHH will win it and that Orton will challenge Him for the WWE Title at Mania. This keeps the Mcmahon/Legacy storyline alive and also gives us Orton vs. HHH 1 on 1 at Mania.

Raw Chamber: I honestly think it will be Cena. As much as I don't want it to be who else is gonna win? Kofi is not ready, although I love Kofi and can't wait to see him in the match tonight. Kane could win but I don't think they would put the belt on him. Knox is crazy and has no mic skills and his character is come in destroy everyone and leave kind of guy and that's not really what they are looking for. Ray hasn't held the belt in years and I don't see that changing anytime soon. The only other one is Jericho. I honestly want him to win, but I just don't think they will. So I got to go with Cena on this one.

As always, I'm writing this as its going on.

WWE Championship: Edge vs. Hardy vs. HHH vs. Big Show vs. Kozlov vs. Undertaker
--I have to admit, eliminating Edge proved me wrong. And I have to give credit where credit is due...I was also wrong in saying HHH would book himself as the guy who eliminated Kozlov. But as soon as Edge was out, I figured HHH would win, and he just did. Ugh....13 time world champion. The only thing that can save this is Edge winning the title back later on tonight or on Smackdown and then not having HHH win it back at Mania. I'm mad enough to point out when I'm wrong and I previously said that this match would be a bore, but they thoroughly impressed me. Fun, good match...just the ending sucked major, major ass because HHH won. Did anybody else hear the massive round of boos when HHH was pinning the Undertaker? Yeah. Take note of that, WWE.

No Holds Barred: Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon
--Rather lackluster. Nothing special at all. Having Rhodes and DiBiase come out to help him made Orton look pretty bad, but I did like hearing Orton say to DiBiase to take Rhodes out to see if he's ok. Idk...seemed a little bit like the "bad guy with a heart of gold" thing haha. They should've really had Orton completely destroy Shane to help his push.

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs. Finlay
--Surprised to see Swagger could keep the title on himself this time and didn't stumble up the steps like he did the other night lol. Everyone chanting "We want Christian" after no more than 20 seconds after the match started.....I couldn't agree more. I'm not a huge Christian mark, but I don't like Finlay or Swagger. I find them boring. This match took the women's division place of being the piss break during the night. This wasn't even good enough to be a main event on Raw, let alone a ppv title defense. Waste of time. I'd rather have seen Shelton/MVP....Miz and Morrison/Colons....hell even Punk/Regal.

All or Nothing: HBK vs. JBL
--Why wasn't JBL the winner by DQ when Rebecca slapped him? Match would've been good for an episode of Raw, but not for a ppv. If it wouldn't have been HBK, lord knows how bad it would've been. JBL is just so awful...

World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Mysterio vs. Knox vs. Kingston vs. Kane vs. Jericho
--Poor Kane, jobbing like hell again. Poor Knox, not being able to eliminate anybody. Poor Kofi for not getting his feet wet. But damn, this was an exciting match. As much as I don't like Mysterio, he did a great job as well. And as far as Edge winning the title, if you look up above, I totally called that Edge would be back later on in the night, but I thought it would be him invoking his rematch clause against HHH, not entering the other chamber.

The Elimination Chambers were fantastic outside of HHH winning haha. The other 3 matches were garbage.

Cena/Edge and Orton/HHH at WrestleMania?
I'll tell ya, I do love the WWE sometimes. Their booking can be questionable - even poor - at times but.. they keep managing to pull out these shocking PPV moments, even when it seems like we've seen them all. Credit to 'em.
TheOneBigWill’s ’take’ on W.W.E. No Way Out 2009:

1. W.W.E. Championship: Elimination Chamber Match: Edge © v. Vladimir Kozlov v. Triple H. v. The Undertaker v. The Big Show v. Jeff Hardy:

The match opened the show, much to my surprise, but definitely not because it wasn’t worth being in the Main Event. If anything, after witnessing it go for 10 minutes short of an hour, I would say it explained itself on why it opened.

Edge and Jeff Hardy opened the Chamber, while the other massive Heavyweights awaited being brought in. Before even the first Superstar was released, Edge was eliminated via an attempted Spear that was countered into a quick roll-up for a 3 count.

Kozlov entered next, as he quickly dominated Jeff Hardy for the next 5 minutes, until the Big Show came in and continued the domination of Jeff Hardy. Kozlov and Big Show took turns trying to one up the other at Hardy‘s expense, until Kozlov finally turned on Big Show. Kozlov and Big Show traded powerful punches, until Triple H. entered.

At this point, Jeff Hardy seemed like a top dark horse to shadow the entire match until picking up the victory, but that didn’t happen. H.H.H. paired off with Big Show, while Hardy took on the Undefeated Russian. The Undertaker was the last to enter, at which point the action and the crowd picked up.

In the end, it was Kozlov being pinned for the first time, by mistaking where he was in the ring and taking a Last Ride by the Undertaker. After this, it was Big Show taking a Superplex off the top ropes, followed by a Pedigree then a Swanton, only to be eliminated by Triple H. Jeff Hardy followed via receiving a Tombstone by the Undertaker and it was down to the two seemingly top favorites. Triple H. v. The Undertaker.

In a great ending, perhaps one of the best, it was Taker gaining the momentum of tumbling over the ropes, connecting with a Tombstone, only for Triple H. to place his foot on the ropes in the nick of time. This was followed by Taker kicking out at 2, after receiving a Pedigree. Finally, Triple H. capitalized on what Kozlov couldn’t, when he countered out of an attempted Last Ride, connecting with a Pedigree and picking up his 13th World Heavyweight Championship. Winner & New W.W.E. Heavyweight Champion: Triple H.

2. No Holds Barred: Randy Orton v. Shane McMahon:

In one of the more “awkward” Street Fights I’ve witnessed Shane McMahon to take part in, it seemed like Shane didn’t know what to do half the time he was in control of this match. In the end, there was no swerve outcome by any outside McMahon, and Legacy still had to get involved.

In my opinion, Randy Orton’s value as any type of worthy Main Event (WrestleMania worthy) heel, was ruined by having to rely on Legacy to run in half way through. Shane McMahon is NOT a professional Wrestler. Furthermore, a Street Fight being note-worthy to allowing him to use weapons, is still no excuse for Orton needing help, in any way.

The match itself was very awkward, with McMahon hitting all of his signature moves, but not much else. Meanwhile, Orton did his best to sell McMahon as being a worthy opponent, when in fact he really shouldn’t have. Like I said, I firmly believe with no solid swerve in the end, and Orton only “just barely” finding a way to win.. It didn’t do anything for anyone, other than damage Randy Orton going into his WrestleMania Main Event Championship match. Winner: Randy Orton

3. E.C.W. Championship: Jack Swagger © v. Finlay:

Before the match even started, I questioned two total things. First, why the fuck is Swagger still chest pumping himself like a ******? Second, why is Finlay still forcing his son, to hideout under the ring? Just some food for thought.

The chants of “we want tables” and “we want Christian” echoed throughout this rather uneventful match-up. Meanwhile, both men tried doing their best to make the match entertaining, but following an Elimination Chamber match, then a No Holds Barred match.. A regular single’s match, that has a ton of chain wrestling and rest holds.. Just isn’t going to cut it.

In the end, it was a combination of Hornswoggle’s misadventures, that lead to Jack Swagger picking up his second Major Pay per view victory, retaining his Championship and arguably heading to WrestleMania to face Christian. Winner: Jack Swagger

4. All or Nothing: John ‘Bradshaw’ Layfield v. Shawn Michaels:

Before the match even starts, Shawn stares his Wife down as if he didn’t even know who she was. Alzheimer’s must be kicking in early on poor ol’ H.B.K. What’s even greater is, she just stood up looking like a complete smiling fool.

The match started out pretty fast and furious, with Shawn taking it to J.B.L., while J.B.L. was more than happy to attempt giving Shawn every illegal object he could find to intentionally get DQ’d. As the match continued, it pretty much went back and forth, with J.B.L. controlling the middle portion of the match. Toward the end of the match, J.B.L. hit two huge Clothesline’s from Hell, but couldn’t get a 3 count out of the first, and couldn’t get a 10 count out of the second.

My only question regarding that is, why on earth wouldn’t you merely pull your opponent to the middle of the ring and then take another 3 count option? At this point, J.B.L. completely fell apart, and only intended on showing up Shawn, in front of his Wife.

In the end, everything turned around when Shawn’s Wife delivered a huge shot to J.B.L., (where was the DQ on that?) and allowed Shawn to regain complete control of the entire match, ultimately finding a Superkick and the victory. I think one of the greatest dreams finally came true, when Becca finally got to kiss Shawn Michaels. By Becca, of course I mean his Wife, not his stalker. ;) Winner: Shawn Michaels

5. World Heavyweight Championship: Elimination Chamber Match: John Cena © v. Kofi Kingston v. Mike Knox v. Kane v. Rey Mysterio v. Chris Jericho:

Before the Chamber match began, Chris Jericho was interviewed in the back about guaranteeing a Championship victory, then trying to court Ric Flair out of retirement in an effort to offer him a shot at a 17th time Championship run.. He laughed then said he didn’t mean any of that, but he did guarantee victory in the Chamber.

The Chamber match itself started off with Chris Jericho against Rey Mysterio, but the bigger story of the night was Edge replacing Kofi Kingston in the Chamber. One half of my dream came true. The only unfortunate part was it wasn’t Knox that was replaced. Meanwhile, Edge was fucking funny as hell with safe-guarding himself in a pod, and refusing to leave. Dispite NOONE coming out at the beginning to explain Edge is actually ELIGIBLE, they go ahead and allow it. :confused:

During the opening portion of Jericho/Mysterio, Jericho moved out of the way allowing Mysterio to lawn dart himself directly into a pod. Then during another part, Mysterio “Spiderman’d” himself onto Jericho, only to hit a hurricanrana. After this, they’d wrestle a bit longer until Kane was released.

Kane instantly goes to work on Mysterio, then Jericho, before finally reminding Edge what he’s gotten himself into. Kane controls the opening portion of the time he’s in the match, easily handling Jericho & Mysterio. As the latter portion went on, both Jericho and Mysterio regained control over Kane, then everything went back and forth between all of them, until Mysterio ultimately hit a 619 on Kane, followed by a Codebreaker by Jericho, on Kane as well. Mysterio hit’s a very hit seated senton, from the top of a pod, to eliminate Kane from the match.

The next man to enter was Mike Knox, who instantly goes for the destruction of Rey Mysterio, then decided to take out punishment on both men. The crowd went absolutely dead during this portion of the match. As did I, quite honestly. Knox showed off power by using the Chamber, but outside of that nothing else. At one point in the match, he did hook Mysterio upside down in the Chamber, but the crowd still didn’t seem like the could even try to get involved for any amount of power Knox showed off.

Chants of “Edge” echoed throughout the arena, as Knox continued his destruction until Jericho ended all of our misery, by hitting a Codebreaker, eliminating Knox from the match.

The next entry into the Chamber would be Edge, who is quickly met by a very pissed off munchkin, in Rey Mysterio. Jericho quickly reminded Mysterio that Edge wasn’t the only individual in the match. This then turned into a brawl between the three of them.

Jericho & Mysterio were accidentally helping each other, to set-up eliminations. Until Mysterio went for a 619, and Jericho intercepted Mysterio before he could connect on Edge. This followed a nice three way interaction with a power bomb/suplex off the top rope. As Cena is released, he is staring down the one guy who wasn’t meant to be in the match to begin with, Edge.

The fans light up as Cena hit’s the ring on fire. Cena takes on Jericho & Edge, while Mysterio wisely rests in the corner. In the end, it was a Codebreaker, followed by a 619, then a spear as John Cena is eliminated!!!!!

This is followed by Mysterio reversing a Walls of Jericho to eliminate Jericho, then an almost repeat roll-up, only for Edge to kickout as the match continued. In a great ending between Edge and Mysterio, it was Mysterio hitting a reverse 619, followed by Edge tossing Mysterio into a pod, finishing him off with a spear and becoming the NEW World Heavyweight Champion!!! Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: EDGE!!!!!!!

Overall Thoughts:

What a fucking great Pay per view! Edge started off as the W.W.E. Champion on Smackdown, and looks to have ended the show by becoming the World Heavyweight Champion on Raw!

Triple H. is a 13 time Heavyweight Champion, while Edge becomes an 8 time Champion. In a night that will certainly go down in history, and definitely piss everyone off who isn’t either a Triple H. or Edge fan, the W.W.E. truly shocked the world with at least one ending, that NOONE could’ve seen coming until the night began.

The Road to WrestleMania is officially off from its last stop, and with this new list of events unfolding, it looks like we could see any number of matches ranging from Orton/Edge, Cena/Edge, Orton/HHH, HHH/Taker, or dare I even say.. Triple H. v. Edge, to bring together the two Heavyweight Championships? While I doubt that last one would happen, the W.W.E. certainly turned a not so great card into a sure-fire clusterfuck of emotion. Wow, simply put. I rate tonight’s show a 9 outta 10. Only because the matches in between the Chamber, left the crowd dead and restless. But certainly not without their own excitement as well. Again, what a night and what a Pay per view.
Alright, I'll accept Randy Orton most likely going after Triple H at Mania. In reality, HHH is in the McMahon Family too.

OMG!! I swear to OMG!! If they even think of making Cena/Edge I'm gonna

Edge Vs. Kofi Kingston could be a BOOM!! BOOM!! at Wrestlemania. Not quite yet though. Cena could ask for his rematch & win it back. Therefore Kofi Kingston, Edge & CHRISTIAN could be in the MITB.

This also makes the hoping HBK/Taker match a tossup too. After whats happened in the WWE Title Chamber. Kozlov might want to end Takers streak. If Edge remains champion, Shawn Michaels could be another possible challenger to Edge. LOTS OF ???
Explain to me how Edge CHEATED to WIN?

That is the new basis, for anyone to try and convince me otherwise. Sure, he used his gimmick to do what he does best. He took an Ultimate Opportunity in taking out Kofi Kingston, before any official bell rang. He then placed himself into a pod, and closed the door.

However, the officials were the ones who rang the bell, officially allowing him to enter into the match. From this point, Edge didn't cheat to win anything, he actually had to WIN the match, to WIN the title.

In the end, John Cena had the opportunity to eliminate Edge, and didn't get the job done. Chris Jericho had the chance to eliminate Edge, and didn't get the job done. Rey Mysterio flat out tore Edge a new ass, but couldn't get the job done to seal the deal.. thus.. Edge wrestled his way to becoming the World Heavyweight Champion, in defeating arguably the 3 best talents on Raw.. in Cena, Jericho & Mysterio. Case Closed.
I though the PPV was very good esp for a non big event ie SS WM RR.

seeing trips win again was no suprise and after they started the show off with this match then had the vickie edge promo i knew Edge would somehow be involved again imean cmon he was only in the chamber for 3 minutes

Shane Orton was no suprise but i did like the match. Shane looked a little out of shape but still managed his coast to coast and landed that elbow perfectly on the table. With the update on Shanes condition i believe this will lead to Orton trying to hospitalize Steph and Linda if we ever see her again so im looking toward Orton HHH at 25

ECW title blaaaahhhh i kinda wished WWE would of said someone got hurt and Christian would of came out and beat whoever so we could of had a viable champ. Question is who will Christian feud with after he wins the title???

Shawn JBL was pretty exciting for a JBL match i think its amazing Shawn can carry a horrible wrestler like JBL. and WTF at yall calling for a DQ when have u ever seen a ref call for a DQ when a FAN gets involved yes i know its his wife but she was in a seat ther for shes a fan p,lus JBLs dumbass was asking for it anyway if i was the ref i wouldnt of DQd him either

last but not least the Main Event Kofi gets a step to chair concussion edge "hides in the chamber" chamber locks now we have the ultimate oppurtinist is this bitch ok after we cut the fat off meaning Kane and Knox were gone the match was cool Cena got completely obliterated with 3 finishers and pretty much a quick elimination kind of reminded me of when tanaka and awesome beat the hell out of tazz lol . Rey finds a way to rereverse the walls and get an awesome rollup, then in rey fashion reverses everything and almost beats edge a dozen times ( in the back of my mind i wanted Kofi to come out and nail edge with a chair i like edge nut rey would of been a bigger shock to me ) Edge hits the spear BAM we got 2 champs on smackdown

I have to say for all who says Rey has lost a step hes performed better than 99% of the staff over the last 2 PPVs the reverse 619 and the joint were he hung on the top of the cage were sick moves ala rey rey before half the body art and extra 40 lbs of muscle

overall i was more than pleased with this purchase exciiting matchs except the ECW joint
WOW! i never saw two title changes coming from tonight. I can see an intense feud with Orton and HHH with triple h being the one steph was on the phone with on raw and him coming to raw and try to be the mcmahon savior against orton. Unless john cena gets his rematch and beats edge, Orton could still face cena. The options are there for a few good matches.

Jeff Hardy will be busy at mania with a match probably with matt, so there takes him out of the picture. The next few weeks on tv should set the blueprints to what wm 25 will be.

Also I was looking around and it it has Stone Cold being book for two upcoming raw shows. Maybe he will have a role at mania?
Not a bad PPV. Loved the title changes. Lots of surprises. Worst part was Shane vs. Orton. Not because they didn't put on a good match, but because Shane is being pushed too much as a superstar. He is beating up all three of the Legacy? Come on!!!! Why do they keep doing this. It was one thing for him to hurt Orton with weapons, but to take out DiBiase and Rhodes, crappy booking.
HHH winning the elimination chamber was not a surprise. I had a feeling that the only reason he dropped the belt last time was so that he could have either another royal rumble win or another elimination chamber victory, whichever he preferred. Since he didn't win the rumble (although he might as well have in every other way but name only), I assumed he would win the chamber.

Edge entering the other chamber was a surprise, but as soon as he did that, it seemed clear he would win. Which was an interesting twist, since many folks (myself included) assumed Cena was going to retain.

My guess is now that orton is going to challenge HHH for the title. He teased on raw that he could challenge either champion, so this seems like the logical choice for wrestlemania.
Seeing other people do a review of the No Way Out pay-per-view makes me want to do my own review of this event. So I will.

SmackDown Elimination Chamber: Edge (c) vs. Hardy vs. HHH vs. Kozlov vs. Big Show vs. Undertaker

I missed the beginning of this match, so when I started watching, I couldn't figure out where Edge was. I later found out he'd been the first person eliminated. Immediately, I had two thoughts come across my mind: 1). He's been hurt and had to get out of the match quick. Or 2). He's already been eliminated, and will appear in the Raw elimination chamber somehow. But honestly, I thought it was the first one. I seriously expected him to win the match tonight, and the fact that he didn't bewilders me. The ending wasn't as spectacular as they seemed to have wanted, but it'll do. Triple H winning was definately no suprise.

No Holds Barred Match: Randy Orton vs. Shane McMahon

Ahh, this match was kind of like a breath of fresh air for me. For the last few months, this PG rating has turned what used to be wrestling, into a cartoon show. However, tonight was different. Everything that hasn't been seen in a while happened. There was blood, a good bit of it too, weapons, and entertainment. Everything the WWE hasn't used in quite a while. It was nice to see that. Now, the overall match itself didn't live up to the build, perhaps. I was expecting a little bit more from these two. Don't get me wrong, I liked the match. I just think it could have been better.

ECW Championship Match: Jack Swagger (c) vs. Finlay

This match was another match that just didn't live up to what I was hoping. It left me a little bit dissapointed. Lack of a real big spot was mostly to blame for this. But overall, this is almost what I expected. Swagger wins, goes on to face Christian for the title at WrestleMania. I see Christian winning, Swagger getting drafted to Raw.

All or Nothing Match: JBL vs. Shawn Michaels

Ok, if you never thought JBL was boring, surely this match changed your mind. He was terrible! This match, up until the end, was a boring, slow moving, poo poo match. This was one of the worst matches I've ever seen Shawn Michaels compete in. And I blame it all on JBL. Now for what happened. Everybody who's wondering why Michaels wasn't DQ'd for his wife, Rebecca, hitting JBL needs to understand that she was just merely a fan. Equal in every way to each fan out there. If every superstar got DQ'd for a fan hitting their opponent, most matches would end like that. Have you ever noticed that when they are outside the ring, the fans almost always touch them? It was completely legal for her to do that. I completely saw Michaels winning this one. They just badly needed to end this ugly storyline, and this seemed like the way to do it. The ending wasn't amazing, but it was good enough. Especially, for a JBL match. He should go back to broadcasting.

Raw Elimination Chamber Match: Cena (c) vs. Jericho vs. Kane vs. Knox vs. Mysterio vs. Kingston

Like everybody, I fully expected Cena to win, but when Edge attacked Kofi, that changed. Seeing Edge come out from behing Kofi and attack dissapointed me, badly. I was really looking forward to seeing Kofi in the elimination chamber, just to see what he could do. Unfortunately, we may never know. Now, I did expect Edge to win, but not in the way he did. I thought it would come down to Edge vs. Cena, and credit to the guy who decided to go with Rey and Edge. This ending was, by far, the best ending all night. These two put on one hell of a match between the both of them and I'm glad I got to see it. I also liked the way Cena got eliminated. Three finishers took him down, but it did prove he's not superman. Too bad he'll win it back at 'Mania.

Overall, I give this pay-per-view an 8/10. I got what I expected, a little more, a little less, but what I got more of was better than what I didn't get. Nice little show leading up to WrestleMania.
I swear, SOME of these replies are reps at WWE trying to promote their own show.

Below will be my resume for employment for a position at the WWE Viral Marketing Office:

"WOW!!!!! i never thought i would see 2 titles changing in one night!!!!! this was a great show......i wonder what jbl is going 2 do without an employee!!! i know im gonna watch raw tomorrow!!! :D"
I guess we know now how Kofi Kingston got into the Elimination Chamber match. They didn't wanna insult anybody worthy by attacking and replacing them like Edge did tonight. I'm mostly shocked at what happened. With the Draft right after Mania, anything is really possible with what they do. Any wrestler can shift himself around to any show really for a Mania feud and then it all solves itself at the Draft.

And to the person who pondered who Christian will feud with after he wins the title. We're likely seeing Christian v. Swagger at Mania. But there's no guarantee Christian won't put over Swagger and be moved to a better show. And if he wins and remains on ECW, they could shove somebody else over to ECW to feud with Christian.

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