No Way Out 2009 Discussion


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So far they've announced that both the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Championship would be defended in their own Elimination Chamber matches.


WWE Championship: Edge vs. (5 other people)
--Big Show, Christian, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, HHH, Khali, MVP, Kennedy, Shelton, Undertaker, Kozlov, Umaga. Too many people to choose from. Too early to tell.

World Heavyweight Championship: John Cena vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio vs. (Unknown #1) vs. (Unknown #2)
--I'm surprised that they put Kofi in here instead of Punk. Kane lost his match as well, and I can only think of one reason why, but I'll explain that below. As far as the other two, I'm hoping that they don't just figure out a way to put JBL and HBK in there, as I want the two to have a singles match and end their feud, cause I don't want those two at Mania. I want HBK versus Taker. The only people I can see taking up those 2 spots are if they had both Morrison and Miz, both JBL and HBK, both Rhodes and DiBiase, or they give a spot to Knox and a spot to...shit, I don't know.

ECW Championship: Jack Swagger vs. ???
--Unfortunately, they're probably gonna do Finlay. Ugh. That match they had sucked ass.

--Either Orton against Shane, Orton against Kane, or both. Perhaps Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase against Kane, Shane, and Goldust?
At this point, I'm likin g the Elimination Chamber becomming a yearly tradition to put into the Road to Wrestlemania for both of the big brands. I think that this adds a sense of urgency that this is indeed the alst chance to get into a match at Wrestlemania, or you're simply going to miss the boat. I know there is criticism of having the World champions in the matches this year as opposed to last year and the use to determine the number one contenders, but I find this way more effective.

Now we know four of the contenders for the Raw Match with Kofi, Mysterio, Jericho, and Cena. With Cena and Jericho in it, and Cena a virtual lock to retain, I'd still expect to see the last two slots go to two young guys to get the rub from Jericho and Cena. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you see a Miz or Morrison show up in this thing.

You move onto the Smackdown match, and things get interesting. Obviously, barring any craziness in a rematch on Smackdown, you'll see Edge in this match. The WWE isn't going to throw away Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy in a one on one match for No Way Out, they'll save it, so I'm guessing you can lock in those two. Where there's an Eliminatino Chamber, a Main Event, or a World title match, you can count Triple glory wHHHore in as well. With Triple H, the Big Show is sure to follow, and let's not forget about the poster boy himself, Koslov. Sot he Smackdown chamber looks pretty locked. Yes, I'm leaving out the Undertaker, and I know this. You could swap the Deadman for Matt Hardy if you like but I wouldn't.

As for other matches, not sure at this point. Expect a Mickey Rourke appearance to hype up what looks to be Jericho vs. Rourke at Mania in a match I think will be great. Another match that is a lock at this point would be Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton. Randy Orton is going to do something crazy to get monster heel heat heading into Wrestlemania, and Shane is the fall guy.
At this point, I'm likin g the Elimination Chamber becomming a yearly tradition to put into the Road to Wrestlemania for both of the big brands. I think that this adds a sense of urgency that this is indeed the alst chance to get into a match at Wrestlemania, or you're simply going to miss the boat. I know there is criticism of having the World champions in the matches this year as opposed to last year and the use to determine the number one contenders, but I find this way more effective.

Now we know four of the contenders for the Raw Match with Kofi, Mysterio, Jericho, and Cena. With Cena and Jericho in it, and Cena a virtual lock to retain, I'd still expect to see the last two slots go to two young guys to get the rub from Jericho and Cena. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you see a Miz or Morrison show up in this thing.

You move onto the Smackdown match, and things get interesting. Obviously, barring any craziness in a rematch on Smackdown, you'll see Edge in this match. The WWE isn't going to throw away Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy in a one on one match for No Way Out, they'll save it, so I'm guessing you can lock in those two. Where there's an Eliminatino Chamber, a Main Event, or a World title match, you can count Triple glory wHHHore in as well. With Triple H, the Big Show is sure to follow, and let's not forget about the poster boy himself, Koslov. Sot he Smackdown chamber looks pretty locked. Yes, I'm leaving out the Undertaker, and I know this. You could swap the Deadman for Matt Hardy if you like but I wouldn't.

As for other matches, not sure at this point. Expect a Mickey Rourke appearance to hype up what looks to be Jericho vs. Rourke at Mania in a match I think will be great. Another match that is a lock at this point would be Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton. Randy Orton is going to do something crazy to get monster heel heat heading into Wrestlemania, and Shane is the fall guy.
This should be a solid show as Vince has finally gotten it through his head that by putting something noteworthy such as the chambers on this show that it will get higher ratings. For years it was just the stupid tag matches between the faces and heels in the title matches and there would usually be a twist turn at the end of the match and no one would care. Now with the Chambers it gives a real chance of there being a title change before Mania. After that there's 7 weeks until Mania so we can have a great build. The show should be good after a great Rumble on Sunday. Building up matches to Mania is always good and this year's NWO should be no exception.
Here's My NWO Predictions & Reasons

John Cena / Kofi Kingston / Kane / CM Punk / Rey Mysterio / Chris Jericho

So far you got the champ (Cena) of course. The other 3 confirmed participants (Kofi/Rey/Y2J) winning there qualifying matches on Raw. For the last 2 spots some are thinking Miz & Morrison to fill it. Uh to me, Nope!! The guys in the Chamber so far makes this Chamber match look like a high flying one. If they add those 2 in its just to seal the deal for that type of Chamber match & not about the WWE title knowing John Cena will retain of course. Besides if they are in qualifying matches who will they face on RAW?? I think the 4 losers in this past weeks RAW will get another chance in 2 qualifying matches. Punk vs. Regal -&- Kane vs. HBK with that same stip that being JBL entering the Chamber if Shawn wins.

Edge / Jeff Hardy / Vladimir Kozlov / Big Show / Triple H / The Undertaker

I think this match was planned & confirmed a couple of weeks ago & still does looks to be true. Jeff will probably put Matt aside for now, & wil be in this chamber as part of his rematch claws. The other 4 will probably win there qualifying matches on Smackdown. All I can say for now is that the outcome is a huge toss up. The winner will be either Edge, HHH or Taker. We know Kozlov will probably get ejected in this match to save him from being defeated. Matt Hardy of course will likely play a role to get Jeff out of there. The Big Slow forget it. The other 3 like I said before - TossUp!!

Jack Swagger vs. Finlay (w/ Hornswaggle)

Matt Hardy is no longer in ECW, Nothing of course is happening with Tommy Dreamer. Was able to look up on what happened on ECW & It looks like Irishman is next in line. Swagger will probably retain.

Shane McMahon vs. Randy orton

What happened at the end of RAW pretty much sealed the deal for this happen. It will give Randy Orton something to get by till WM25. Orton will probably win this battle along with some Legacy interference.

Shawn Michaels vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

After asuming that Kane beats HBK on Raw costing JBL his Chamber Match again, the battle is on. JBL could fire HBK & maybe beat him up. This match will be made for NWO but with no price in the end. HBK thinks back to the Royal Rumble and realizes that getting a title at WM is not the only huge goal to accomplish on the big stage. How's about Ending Undertaker's WM Sreak. That match (HBK/Taker) as we know is hinting to happen & we are so wanting to happen at Mania is a very huge money making match in Shawns mind but of course JBL will try not to let that happen & he'll want shot too. If Taker wins the WWE title at NWO. the match at WM25 becomes a Title Match as well.

Shelton Benjamin vs. M.V.P.

I'm thinking they can try & throw this match. MVP has become a face & should maybe get a title shot. Benjamin is perfect & could be a good match.

Maryse vs. Michelle McCool vs. Maria

Maria/Michelle are having there war on Smackdown & will probably have a match to determin the #1 contender for Maryse's title. It could probably end in a no contest & both will named #1 contenders making the match a 3 Way.
I think I'd like to see something with the tag team divisions over all 3 brands. Possibly a tag team battle royal, with the winning team getting a shot at the tag belts for the brand of their choice at Wrestlemania. It's almost certain that only one (if either) of the tag belts will be up for grabs that night, so it's something they could build off of in the weeks between No Way Out and WM.
I agree with that idea. I've thought for a few years now that a unified tag division would be a good idea, and now with Miz and Morrison wrestling on all 3 shows and a decent tag division, it could work. Have a tag team turmoil at No Way Out, Miz and Morrison vs Cryme Tyme vs Carlito and Primo vs Jesse and Festus vs Hawkins and Ryder vs Priceless vs Kendrick and Ezekial.
This is really interesting. The Orton/Mcmahon feud will probably end here, with Orton being built to face Cena at Mania. Who will, of course, win his chamber to build him. All well and good.

Now, on the Smackdown side of things, it's more interesting. Edge v HHH seems a lock for Mania, and since it defies all reason to have two chasing heels going into Mania, it therefore follows that Edge wins. UNLESS WWE throw a total curveball, which could happen, and have Edge drop the belt back to one of the Hardy brothers, and make the Hardy/Hardy match for the title, with Edge/HHH being the grudge match? Hard to believe, but stranger things have happened...

Swagger versus Finlay...maybe, who cares. Swagger's awesomeness does not compensate for Finlay's overwhelming crapness. Hopefully Maryse will also make it onto the PPV in some form or other. And Rourke.
On raw i see Kingston having a very strong showing in this match. I know theirs two more spots to be filled yet but expect Kofi to have that "Hardy Swanton off the top of the cell" moment. Rey will have his little moments and Jericho will be fantastic as always but Cena however will win which is a surprise to no one.

Smackdown is the more interesting side because who's going to be the 6th guy. They did a double taping last night and we found out that the basic russian that nobody cares about Vladimir Kozlov, the i won't wrestle if I'm not in the main event at 'mania Triple H, the true Mr. Wrestlemania the Undertaker, the i wish wrestling was boxing Big Show, and that rated R champion are in the chamber, leaving one spot open. One would have to assume Jeff gets this spot but with him not being apart of the tapings last night maybe not, maybe Matt gets in because of how he helped the GM's boytoy. Regardless i can't see the title switching hands for the 4th consecutive PPV and Edge is only legit heal on the smackdown side so pencil him in as the winner, setting up him and Triple H in a match no one really wants to see for the WWE title at 'mania.

So the exciting Chamber match will be back but the winners are way way to obvious so it kind of kills the excitement for the show. To bad we can't have a TLC Jeff Hardy vs. Edge match as smackdown's main event at Wrestlemania i mean it would only steal the whole dam show and bring back memories of some of the greatest tag matches of all time and everything. No the WWE thinks we would rather see a missed spear pedigree and watch Triple H celebrate his 52nd title reign.

On a side note, triple h really needs to turn heel again to freshen his character up because at this point he's just becoming to dull to stomach.
Why does Raw need an Elimination Chamber match???? If you just solely look at the particapants on Raw compared to thos on SD its a joke. The other two guys added to the Raw one are just throw ins. We all know the final two is going to be Cena vs Jericho..we dont live under a rock. Kofi isnt gonna shock the world, beat Cena, and headline WrestleMania. They dont need two EC's on one card i think it brings the value of the Match down. I dont think Edge should be in the SD one either why cant it just be a number one contender match. Put in HHH vs Undertaker vs. Kozlov vs. Big Show vs. MVP vs. Brian Kendrick. Let Jeff Hardy get his rematch against Edge at No Way Out and have him get screwed again and set up Jeff vs Matt at Mania.

Have Orton say he's gonna challenge Cena at Mania so at No Way Out you can have Legacy vs Cena and Shane. Let Legacy destroy Shane and Cena making them look even stronger and setting up a mega main event at Mania between Orton and Cena.

I think two EC's on one card with the title on the line in both is ust stupid and devalues Orton's rumble win.
well im actully glad they put kofi in the chamber im tired of the same main eventer always getting there shot granted kofi not a main eventer well at least not yet but this match we well see what he can do in the chamber
While I like the idea of having elimination chamber matches at No Way Out, I don't agree with the idea of putting the title up for grabs in the match. When the Royal Rumble match is over, we should be able to know what the WrestleMania main event is going to be. That's the way it's always been and that's way it should stay. But since the matches are going to happen, might as well talk about them.

The SmackDown elinination chamber will feature Edge, Big Show, Undertaker, Vladmir Kozlov, Triple H, and Jeff Hardy I believe. Realistically, four of the participants have a chance. The fourth being Undertaker, and that's a reach. The winner is going to either be Edge, Hardy, or HHH. I don't think Hardy will win because he's currently feuding with his brother, Matt. Putting the strap on him would make things messed up. I don't expect the title to change hands one pay-per-view before WrestleMania. But, if it were to, I'd expect HHH to be the one to take it (if he doesn't take it at WM). HHH would be the best to put the strap on, simply because of who he is. However, I expect Edge to win here.

The Raw elimination chamber currently features John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and two people left unknown. Again, I fully expect the title not to change hands here, as Cena will retain. As of right now, out of the four in there, two of them have a chance at winning. Jericho only has that chance because he was champion earlier before. I also think that people are expecting too much out of Kofi Kingston. With this being his first EC match, I don't know just how risky he's going to be. I don't think the two unknowns have a chance because if they were important enough to be in and win, they would have already been announced as being in it. I expect one of the unknowns to be JBL. I wouldn't be suprised if they somehow weasled him in there. As for the last guy, I have no clue. Maybe it could be HBK. JBL could put him in for security, only for it to come down to them two for the title. However this time, HBK fights back and wins the title. This would, hopefully, end this storyline and move on to a Orton vs. HBK at WM. I doubt it though.

So, in short, I disagree with the fact that the titles are being defended, as it takes value away from Orton's Rumble win. I expect both champions to retain, and overall, don't expect this PPV to be all that amazing.
For the chambers, I'm expecting both champions to retain their titles, unless Edge has ANOTHER 1 month reign as champion. Plus, the WWE title has changed hands 3 times already. I really hope they're not going to make Edge drop the title again.

I doubt Undertaker will win because it will be his 3rd consecutive year in one of the Wrestlemania main events. Plus, his opponent would most likely be Edge which we've already seen last year. I still have hopes for Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker so I'm hoping Taker doesn't win. Big Show and Kozlov aren't Wrestlemania main event worthy so throw their chances out the window.

Jeff is still in his feud with Matt and I don't think it will be for the title. Triple H is really the only other person I could see winning this. Either way, I'm sure we're going to see Triple H in Smackdown's main event. Triple H vs Edge would be nice to see. Hopefully Edge goes over at WM since Triple H won cleanly the first time.

John Cena will probably be retaining his belt regardless of who the other two participants are. I'm sure we're going to see Orton vs Cena at WM25, and I think it would be great to see these two headline the main event. They are without a doubt the future of the company.

I think Shane vs Orton will be a likely match here and hopefully that will end the McMahon feud, unless there's some curveball alliance between the McMahons and Orton against Cena.

JBL and Michaels could also be a match here and hopefully it will end their storyline. I really don't want to see JBL vs Michaels at Wrestlemania, but that leaves JBL with nothing to do for WM.
Here we go.....

Swagger (c) vs. Finlay: ECW title

It's seems that that's what is going to happen. Overall, ok match. Swagger wins

Maryse (c) vs. McCool vs. Maria: Divas Title

McCool needs her rematch and Maria will be be slipped in their because of her grudge with McCool. Maryse or Maria win

Benjamin (c) vs. MVP: U.S. Title

I want this just cuz mvp is getting pushed again and it would a decent match. Also the title hardly gets defended on ppv. Why not the I.C title you might say. That should be defend at WM to give it more prestige.

HBK vs. JBL: Winner faces Taker

Someone had mentioned it before. HBK wants to face Taker to get money, JBL wants to be a cockblock. HBK wins. Feud ends, and we get the HBK vs. Taker match. :)

Raw Chamber Match

Cena (c), Jericho, Kofi, Mysterio, Morrison, Punk. I really want Morrison to be in the match. If Kofi got in, then Morrison should too. Morrison is much more established and he is ready for a push. Why not test him out also? Have Morrison in the final 3. Of course Cena retains.

Orton vs. Shane: No holds barred

Steph orders Priceless to stay out of the match or they are fired. Steph turns on shane, have legacy kick his ass. Orton wins. This would be a great match, just cuz shane does some crazy shit.


Those are my predictions.
I want to see big show vs. kozlov. I think koslov deserves being able to face the big slow. plus it could end his streak.
I'd like to see a match between Jeff and Matt but it looks like we will have to wait till Wrestlemania.As for the smackdown chamber i can see Matt interfering with the match costing Jeff the title yet again.Thanks Vince for ************ Jeff so many times. As for JBL and HBK i would like to see the feud end and a Match with HBK vs Taker but i know thats not going to happen. Orton vs Shane in a street fight looks possible at this point with what happened on raw.Jerico will do another plug to hype the match at Mania. As of now this looks like a pointless PPV with no Titles changing hands.
Matt Hardy v Jeff Hardy should be saved for Mania. It has the potential to be a good feud, and there knowledge of each other should result in a good match. It could do wonders for both guys if it goes well. This means Jeff should get his rematch in the chamber to write him out of the title picture for a while, but I wouldn't be adverse to having Matt in the chamber to enchance the feud between the 2.

The Raw chamber looks particularly weak so it will be intresting to see which 2 guys they decide to put into this match. I can see it been Dibiase and Rhodes to help further the Orton/Cena storyline at mania but i don't know because then there is a lack of legit contenders IMO.
Last year's No Way Out saw 2 elimination chamber matches but for no.1 shots at Mania, and they were actually both really good matches. However I think its a bad move putting the titles on the line in them this year. Saying that title matches at NWO are always weird coz of the Royal Rumble winner waiting when someone else gets a title shot.

Anyways, I am pretty sure you won't see JBL v Shawn for a shot at Taker at Mania. It makes no sense. Think about it. With Taker in the Elimination Chamber match, and a possibility of winning the title (even though he won't), they won't determine Taker's match before the elimation chamber where it could change everything. JBL and Shawn Michaels will most probably face each other at Mania. They both mite appear in Raw's chamber still, and not win.

As for Taker's opponent at Mania, my guess would be Big Show, they squared up loads in the rumble and they can build on that in the chamber match.

As for Smackdown's chamber match, it makes sense to have matt n jeff in the match. I'm pretty sure it'll be Matt v Jeff at mania, but you definately want them at NWO - where there's not many other options apart from the chamber match.

With all this said, Cena and Edge will both retain.

I think you guys are right and I hope we will see Shane v Randy Orton at NWO. We could also see Shane or Vince being a special ref at Randy's title match at Mania.

I think that'll do for now.
Its now official that Mike Noxx and Kane are in the chamber. I see something happing next week with the undertaker match to cause the winner of the HBK-JBL to fight him i didnt think this would happen at first but now it looks like its falling into place for a pretty damn good wrestlemania.
Wow, can anyone say "oversaturation of extreme violence".....I was sure, with two chamber matches, that there would be no other high violence gimmick matches. here we have now, Shane Vs RKO in a street fight. Which could be the most absurd of all. that match could be EXTREME violence, as Shane is about taking huge bumps, loves to blade, and do all that crazy shit. They have to put Orton the rest of the way over, to make him seem a dominant threat to Cena. I just dont know if all the insanity will wear thin. Hopefully we will see the rest of the matches booked be classic wrestling matches, maybe a US title match with MVP Vs Shelton Benjamin.
The show is finally filling out now. Up until now we've had just the two EC matches and now we have JBL and HBK or at least I think and a street fight. Good show on paper at least. The focus will be on the chambers but the rest of the card will hopefully get some time. Throwing in whatever Smackdown has to offer and this could be a very solid PPV. Norcal is right though as it's getting heavy on violence though, especially when there's already a full PPV of gimmick matches in June. This should be a great build up though for Mania and have the feuds set up beautifully.
Jack Swagger looks to be taking on Finlay on E.C.W. tomorrow night, so either a rematch for the title will be a last second addition, or Swagger won't even be on the card. I surely hope for Swagger's sake he's ON the damn card. They need to continue building him up.

With Regal also getting an Intercontinental title match against Punk next week on Raw, one would assume some type of odd outcome will result in a rematch on Pay per view.. or (hopefully) a 6-man tag, in which Regal along with Miz & Morrison could take on Punk, and assumably Cryme Tyme. I hope they don't honestly leave their I.C. Champion, along with their Tag Champs off the show though, especially when they do honestly have room for them.

Finally, Smackdown and Shelton Benjamin need to finally come to grips on defending that piece of trash United States title. It's been left off every Pay per view (to my knowledge) since Benjamin won it back in July of last year. I think its time M.V.P., Kennedy or shit even Umaga got a ppv title opportunity.
Jack Swagger looks to be taking on Finlay on E.C.W. tomorrow night, so either a rematch for the title will be a last second addition, or Swagger won't even be on the card. I surely hope for Swagger's sake he's ON the damn card. They need to continue building him up.
I completely agree, Jack better be on the card and Finlay will have the ability to give him a good match. Looking forward to this but i dont see Finlay winning while he still has Horny with him...

Finally, Smackdown and Shelton Benjamin need to finally come to grips on defending that piece of trash United States title. It's been left off every Pay per view (to my knowledge) since Benjamin won it back in July of last year. I think its time M.V.P., Kennedy or shit even Umaga got a ppv title opportunity.
Absolutley, I am getting so sick of Shelton and that title. I like Shelton and his ring ability is awesome. I just hate seeing that title on him when it is NEVER being defended. Looks like finally we'll be getting an MVP v Shelton feud, i hope its a feud and not just a way to drop the title to MVP to only have it not defended again for another 8 months or however long its been.

WWE - Give some credit back the US Title and have it defended!!!
To add to what was said above, I see that the United States Championship has carried Smackdown through hard times such as 2004, and at Smackdown's Golden Age, it was also at a peak... I agree that the title should definitely be defended and there is endless potential with the various talented mid-carders on the Smackdown roster. There is an open spot for another match at NWO and a U.S. Title match would be the most logical way to go unless they want to give us a women's match.... I would choose an IC Title match with Benjamin against either MVP, Kennedy, Umaga, Chavo or even R-Truth...

I am absolutely pumped for No Way Out, it'll surely be a hell of a PPV and they have 4 solid matches plus Finlay/Swagger has great potential to be a solid wrestling match; I think the addition of a U.S. Title match to add to the SD side of things would be good, or at least whip up something with Carlito & Primo and the WWE Tag Titles.
Knowing the WWE - because the PPV is going to be on the Loving Weekend, we're probably gonna get a speical DIVA's Valentines Interbrand Tag Match.

That will probably complete the NWO Card. If small chance they could add another match I bet they throw in Benjamin/MVP for the U.S. Title.

It's too bad that in these Chamber Matches they can't add in 1 more superstar in there. Four in chambers & three to start. I would've liked if they added CM Punk into the Raw Chamber & Matt Hardy into the SD Chamber.

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