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"No open spots in TNA" (Knockouts Division)

Bobby B

Time to play the game
Source: sescoops.com

TNA Wrestling officials have declined signing Washington D.C. based independent women’s wrestler Mia Yim to a contract following her tryout match with Taylor Wilde before an iMPACT! television taping last month. The reason cited was that there were no open spots for her in the company’s Knockouts division.

“No open spots for me at TNA,” Yim wrote on her Twitter account. “It’s ok, keep an eye out for me because I am just getting started.…Who knows what will happen in the future.”

Well there's goes any hopes of a revamped KO's division.

Unless they were just letting her down gently
Meh, the only women who draw are Velvet Sky and Angelina love. It's always been that way. Even when the Knockouts had Kong and Flash and Kim, everyone tuned in to see Velvet Sky's ass and they still do. I have no idea who this woman is, don't care either. People keep talking about how great the Knockout division was prior to Hogan's arrival. It had good workers but much like the X-division in TNA's early days it was over-crowded and had almost no storylines. Kong's storyline was she was dominant and for some reason managed by an Islamic woman. I much prefer having a storylines centered around a division that only contains 6 or so women than a division packed with performers who don't have any reason to be fighting.
I have a feeling they were letting her down easy. We have heard the rumors of Dreamer wanting to revampt eh Knockouts division by possibly hiring Flash back as well as a few other girls like The Apache Sisters and (I pary to god this happens) Sexi Star. There are plenty of other women who would be higher on most everyone's priority list than an unknown Indie girl who probably no one has ever heard of. I hate to be mean but it's the truth.
The knockouts division is dead anyway, look at the woman they're pushing now, 4 blondes and an ex-WWE diva(Tara). You have to be basically be one of those to be signed by TNA now. I was hoping TNA would sign Mia Yim as she really knows how to wrestle but i expected this as TNA has given up on having a serious womens division. They're pushing woman that are exactly molded as WWE divas, it pretty much shows how the division is nothing but a shadow of its former self

it's also an another example of TNA destroying anything they have going for them. RIP knockouts division 2007-2009
The knockouts division is dead anyway, look at the woman they're pushing now, 4 blondes and an ex-WWE diva(Tara). You have to be basically be one of those to be signed by TNA now.
Taylor Wilde and Sarita are feuding as well right now. That gives me a count of 7.

I was hoping TNA would sign Mia Yim as she really knows how to wrestle but i expected this as TNA has given up on having a serious womens division. They're pushing woman that are exactly molded as WWE divas,
Show me 2 Diva's on the current WWE roster who can wrestle as well as Angelina, Tara and Velvet.

it pretty much shows how the division is nothing but a shadow of its former self it's also an another example of TNA destroying anything they have going for them. RIP knockouts division 2007-2009
Yet strangely it's drawing the same ratings because the only people anyone wants to see are TBP. Funny that.
I think that they just let her down easy. I think where it says no more spots to me it means they are looking to bring more talented people like Flash who Dreamer said he would like to bring her in and other talented female wrestlers. They also have alot of interest In Mickie James and I rather have her then Mia Yim. To me that Knockouts are going to get better because it seems that division will not be focused on TBP and to me that is a good thing.
@Reddannihilation shut up. Velvet sky can't wrestle for shit, her wrestling skills are at the level of most WWE divas, which is suckish. Lacey von erich, another blonde who can't wrestle, just there for her looks. Angelina love, yeah she's okay but she gets pushed waaaay to much and all her kO title reigns have sucked. Madison is also good but she kind of made herself ugly through out her run in TNA, she use to be smoking hot. Tara, she's washed up and old, she doesn't know when to hang up her boots does she, she came from WWE and automatically gets special treatment, 3 KO title reigns in less than one year??? If thats not special treatment, then I don't know what is

The division use to have REAL wrestlers like alissa flash, kong, Roxxi, ODB, and Gail kim. Now we have WWE diva rejects, clones and copies. Sarita is the ONLY REAL talent TNA has left in the knockouts division

and one more thing, the division with REAL wrestlers scored the SAME ratings as the beautiful people. Like always, TNA ruins everything, but if they sign back Alissa flash, then their might be hope for them. If not, then the division is just like the x-division now, worthless with no meaning
no spot??? so who is taking over Kong and ODB spot?? or just that they don't have any ideas for Mia Yimi and i have no idea who she is and how great she is in the ring
Mia's pretty kick-ass in the ring, but I suspect TNA's alleged rehiring of Tara (and plans to being in some other more popular performers) may be a little higher on the priority list than bringing in a fresh face with an exceptional amount of ability at the moment. Plus she has that strikingly and exotically gorgeous thing going on.

I'm going to keep quiet before passing down any real judgement about the direction the division is going in. I'm going to trust Dreamer is going to attempt to be a man of his word and bringing the actual in-ring work up to the level that it was a year ago.
hmm, i guess this means rosie lottalove is still around, but never used. she was on in early june, but they never did anything with her since then.

i don't care what they do to her character, bring that heavy honey back :la:
hmm, i guess this means rosie lottalove is still around, but never used. she was on in early june, but they never did anything with her since then.

i don't care what they do to her character, bring that heavy honey back :la:

Actually, Rosie is being used. She's just being used on Xplosion, which is televised in Europe, but not yet nationally broadcast in North America (or in the US, at least), and not iMPACT!, which is obviously the "flagship" show.

I know you were a fan of her, but I'm glad they put her on Xplosion for now – she wasn't very impressive in her debut, and her feud with TBP was interfering with the feuds that had to already culminate between Rayne and Tara, Rayne and TBP and Tara's eventual return.
If TNA signs Mickie James and Cheerleader Melisa here is how the Knockouts Division will look.

Velvet Sky as a talent, she has really improved in ring over the last two years and is good in character.

Angelina Love is a very good worker and one of the best in the business today. She has a very dominating personality which is great.

Taylor Wilde is a very good talent but really has little to no personality. She may be the Kaz of the Knockouts Division.

Sarita is an awesome worker, if they don't saddle her and they let her do her thing she will be amazing for TNA.

Lacy Von Erich has improved in the ring since Bischoff and Hogan came in which was their goal for her. Unfortunately she is still light-years behind the rest of the roster. However she is still 24 or so and still has time to improve with the right teaching.

Madison Rayne is a good worker and is finally getting a chance to show it along with some attitude which I like. She put on a great match against Angelina Love.

Tarra is one of the most skilled workers in wrestling and has been for a decade. If she gets rid of the spider gimmick she could be one of the best in TNA.

Mickie James is rumored to be ready to sign with TNA anytime now. She has a good relationship with Dixie Carter and is one of the most talented women in the business today. Tommy Dreamer seems to be gaining influence by the minute and if Hardcore Justice is a success and he can bring Flash back into the mix it will be big for TNA.

Alissa Flash is a great worker and one of the most aggressive women in the ring that I have ever seen. She will beat you to a pulp as much as wrestle you.

So if TNA signs Flash and Mickie James I think they will be pretty darn good. Everyone is quick to put down the division but by this list the Knockouts Division is not as dead as people seem to think. Remember, TNA only has one 2 Hour show and until they get a second one they only have so much time. I believe those 10 Knockouts could do great things in TNA.
Taylor Wilde and Sarita are feuding as well right now. That gives me a count of 7.

Show me 2 Diva's on the current WWE roster who can wrestle as well as Angelina, Tara and Velvet.

Yet strangely it's drawing the same ratings because the only people anyone wants to see are TBP. Funny that.

Not sure if you are talking specifically about the knockout division in your last paragraph here, or if you mean the ratings for TNA in general, males and females.

Because it's a poor testament to the state of affairs in TNA if "the only people anyone wants to see are TBP." That would be a poor reflection upon Angle, Hardy, Styles, and company who supposedly are poised to take the battle to the WWE. All of this talent and the only people who are drawing an audience is the T&A of TNA. Again, not sure if this is what you meant, apologize if I misunderstood you.

And by the way, don't be naive enough to think that the knockouts or the knockout division is any better than the divas of the WWE. Because they're not, in fact I would respectfully suggest that since the onset of 2010, the knockout division is worse. I don't care what they have the potential to do or what they did in the indies, I see nothing from any of the knockouts that the divas don't do on a regular basis. Put long baggy clothing on TBP and they'd be future endeavoured, they are only there for their obvious assets.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, that Velvet Sky is a sight to behold, and her friend Lacey is no slouch either.
Originally Posted by closet_fan
hmm, i guess this means rosie lottalove is still around, but never used. she was on in early june, but they never did anything with her since then.

i don't care what they do to her character, bring that heavy honey back :la:

Haha. You're a sick, sick man closet_fan. (Hey, that rhymes). But that's another topic for another day.

Yeah, I find it odd how they could just say that there are no openings in the KO's division. I've never heard anything like that before, whether in TNA or the 'E. They had to be just letting her down easy. But I don't know that for sure. I've never seen this woman in the ring, so I guess I wouldn't know. Perhaps TNA is making sure that they have room for a possible Mickie James signing?
unless they have some wrestlers already lined up to come into the k.o div. i hope this isnt true because ever since Kong and Flash left the womens wrestling in tna has really went down hill, hopefully it was just there way of telling her no so it didnt sound so harsh.
Well I have never known of Mia Yim so I'm not going to post an opinion on whether or not she should have been signed, but the fact that TNA says that their K.O. division is full has me puzzled. Last time I check there are only 7 active wrestlers in the K.O. division in TBP (Madison Rayne, Velvet Sky, and Lacey Von Erich), Tara, Angelina Love, Sarita, and Taylor Wilde. Now unless they are counting valets and interviews, I don't see how the K.O. division is full especially when there are 3 titles being held in the divsion. So unless they give a reason as to why the division is currently full, I will continue to question why they aren't signing more quality women wrestlers.
If they're no spots left then what can we say.They must have something planned for the future with the Knockouts that they have on the roster.Dreamer said he wanted to fix the division maybe he will do it with the girl's that he has on the roster instaed of bringing in new ones.You don't need a new person as a savoir to come in a bring back the division.They need to have decent matchs and get rid of Lacey.She really is just poor, she really can't wrestle and I hate hearing her on the mic.That is one way to fix the division and get the ball rolling.
If there are no open spots and Mickie James might sign with TNA where does that leave Hamada? Anybody remember her she was the one that won the tag titles with Kong and did the moonsault from the turnbuckle to a table outside the ring. Seriously the last time I saw her wrestle was against Traci Brooks and that was a while back. I keep thinking at any moment she'll be gone just like Allissa Flash or Kong if shes not gone already.
@Reddannihilation shut up.
gee someone's upset.

Velvet sky can't wrestle for shit, her wrestling skills are at the level of most WWE divas, which is suckish.
Obviously you haven't seen her recent matches with Angelina then. This may shock you, but Velvet's skills aren't played up because they don't suit her character at this current time.

Lacey von erich, another blonde who can't wrestle, just there for her looks.

Madison is also good but she kind of made herself ugly through out her run in TNA, she use to be smoking hot.

Do you even know what you want?

Tara, she's washed up and old, she doesn't know when to hang up her boots does she, she came from WWE and automatically gets special treatment, 3 KO title reigns in less than one year??? If thats not special treatment, then I don't know what is
She's arguably one of the best female wrestlers of the past decade.

The division use to have REAL wrestlers like alissa flash, kong, Roxxi, ODB, and Gail kim. Now we have WWE diva rejects, clones and copies. Sarita is the ONLY REAL talent TNA has left in the knockouts division
Alyssa Flash,the only person you listed I gave a fuck about. Roxxi had no character beyond the fact that she was a wanna be ECW female. Kong had no character aside from the fact that she was big, ODB had a character and it sucked she also wasn't attractive. Gail Kim is shit and strangely she got into wrestling via a WWE contest, make up your mind about what you hate and what you like please.

and one more thing, the division with REAL wrestlers scored the SAME ratings as the beautiful people.
Yes, so let's look at that logically, when the wrestlers you liked were still there and the TBP were also there the Knockout segments pulled the same ratings as they currently do with just TBP. So that sort of implies that no one cared about your "REAL" wrestlers.

Like always, TNA ruins everything, but if they sign back Alissa flash, then their might be hope for them. If not, then the division is just like the x-division now, worthless with no meaning
Knockouts Division is the most minor division in TNA and it's still getting the same ratings draw that it had when it was packed with wrestlers. So why should TNA spend time and money on their least important division when it's still drawing?

Not sure if you are talking specifically about the knockout division in your last paragraph here, or if you mean the ratings for TNA in general, males and females.
Considering the thread topic it'd be safe to assume that I meant the Knockouts.

And by the way, don't be naive enough to think that the knockouts or the knockout division is any better than the divas of the WWE. Because they're not, in fact I would respectfully suggest that since the onset of 2010, the knockout division is worse.
Well here's where I disagree, who's the #1 contender for the Diva's title on RAW? Come to think of it, did they even show the champion on RAW this past week? Same for Smackdown, Michelle and Layla are involved in the title scene, who's challenging them? Any feud or storyline at all?

I don't care what they have the potential to do or what they did in the indies, I see nothing from any of the knockouts that the divas don't do on a regular basis. Put long baggy clothing on TBP and they'd be future endeavoured, they are only there for their obvious assets.
No shit people like TBP because they're attractive, the bonus is that they're all solid talkers and Madison, Velvet and Angelina are all solid in the ring. They're also much more aggressive and willing to take bumps. Case in point Angelina being thrown into the sides of the steel cage at Lockdown. When's the last time you saw a WWE Diva's cage match?
Put long baggy clothing on TBP and they'd be future endeavoured, they are only there for their obvious assets.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, that Velvet Sky is a sight to behold, and her friend Lacey is no slouch either.

Are you seriously claiming that about 80% of the WWE Divas would have a job with WWE if they weren't attractive? So they picked up random models and turned them into Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Tiffany, and Rosa Mendes just for shits and giggles?

Yeah. . .their looks had nothing to do with them randomly getting hired without any wrestling experience what-so-ever. :rolleyes:

Angelina Love is a better wrestler than every woman I just named. She and Madison Rayne have more personality than everyone I just named (with the arguable exception of Alicia Fox). So, that leaves about two female wrestlers on the TNA roster that are ONLY there because they're attractive. Which is A LOT less than WWE.

As far has booking goes, Layla El and Madison Rayne are equally entertaining to me and I've enjoyed both of their angles. What makes the knockouts better is the fact that they have actual wrestlers (four of them) sprinkled in with the T & A in order to put on things that resemble good matches and the T & A can actually put on decent matches with one another. . .which, again, is only happening with a handful of the Divas. Combine their lack of wrestling skills with the fact that a total of four of them are actually capable of showing any discernible personality and you have a fail of a division, my friend. An epic fail.

Don't most WWE fans admit to taking Potty breaks when a Diva's music hits, anyway? I'm not saying the Knockouts are great anymore, but it's a step up from the alternative.
Are you seriously claiming that about 80% of the WWE Divas would have a job with WWE if they weren't attractive? So they picked up random models and turned them into Alicia Fox, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres, Tiffany, and Rosa Mendes just for shits and giggles?

Yeah. . .their looks had nothing to do with them randomly getting hired without any wrestling experience what-so-ever. :rolleyes:

Angelina Love is a better wrestler than every woman I just named. She and Madison Rayne have more personality than everyone I just named (with the arguable exception of Alicia Fox). So, that leaves about two female wrestlers on the TNA roster that are ONLY there because they're attractive. Which is A LOT less than WWE.

As far has booking goes, Layla El and Madison Rayne are equally entertaining to me and I've enjoyed both of their angles. What makes the knockouts better is the fact that they have actual wrestlers (four of them) sprinkled in with the T & A in order to put on things that resemble good matches and the T & A can actually put on decent matches with one another. . .which, again, is only happening with a handful of the Divas. Combine their lack of wrestling skills with the fact that a total of four of them are actually capable of showing any discernible personality and you have a fail of a division, my friend. An epic fail.

Don't most WWE fans admit to taking Potty breaks when a Diva's music hits, anyway? I'm not saying the Knockouts are great anymore, but it's a step up from the alternative.

Of course I am not claiming that the divas amount to anything more than eye candy, that's obvious to anyone who watches the show. What I am saying, though, is that at least WWE is upfront about it and doesn't try to claim that their female roster is anything more than this. Actually, I shouldn't say the WWE, I should say the WWE fanbase. As a big WWE fan, I realize that the divas are only there for their looks, that's always been the case, and I wouldn't be foolish or naive enough to suggest otherwise.

Whereas a lot of TNA fans get on with the nonsense that the knockouts are so much better in the ring, have so much more in ring talent, have done so much more in the indies, etc., All I am saying is that's total bullshit. Just like Maryse, Eve, and Layla and company are there to be eye candy only, so too are TBP. Don't give me the crap that they are so much more talented in the ring, because the only talents they display in the ring is shaking their asses for the amusement of the male audience. And that's OK, as I said, I'm not complaining. The only point I was originally making to the other guy was that if that's the only thing drawing an audience to your product, your organization is in big trouble. If Angle, Styles, etc., don't daw an audience and the only thing the audience is interested in is TBP, TNA wrestling is done. I'm not saying that is the case, I'm just saying "if,"
I've been reading through responses and I have to say I think people are taking the words way to seriously. I'm sure when TNA said "we don't have room for you" I'm guessing it means that they don't have any ideas for her at the moment and that her services would not be needed. Of course there is room in the division but creativley maybe not. Why are people taking these words literally?
Of course I am not claiming that the divas amount to anything more than eye candy, that's obvious to anyone who watches the show. What I am saying, though, is that at least WWE is upfront about it and doesn't try to claim that their female roster is anything more than this. Actually, I shouldn't say the WWE, I should say the WWE fanbase. As a big WWE fan, I realize that the divas are only there for their looks, that's always been the case, and I wouldn't be foolish or naive enough to suggest otherwise.

Whereas a lot of TNA fans get on with the nonsense that the knockouts are so much better in the ring, have so much more in ring talent, have done so much more in the indies, etc., All I am saying is that's total bullshit. Just like Maryse, Eve, and Layla and company are there to be eye candy only, so too are TBP. Don't give me the crap that they are so much more talented in the ring, because the only talents they display in the ring is shaking their asses for the amusement of the male audience. And that's OK, as I said, I'm not complaining. The only point I was originally making to the other guy was that if that's the only thing drawing an audience to your product, your organization is in big trouble. If Angle, Styles, etc., don't daw an audience and the only thing the audience is interested in is TBP, TNA wrestling is done. I'm not saying that is the case, I'm just saying "if,"

First, the "other poster" made it painfully and sarcastically clear that he was talking about TBP being the main draw in the Knockouts division and not the entire company. With all due respect, that was a silly assumption to begin with.

Second, asserting that the Knockouts are better in the ring isn't actually bullshit. I'll admit that the division is a shell of its former self, but TBP, Sartia, Daffney, Taylor Wilde, Rosie, and Hamada are collectively more talented than the women who wrestle regularly on WWE television. . .I don't think that's a silly assertion. T&A + actual wrestlers > T&A + more T&A. See. . .I'm a little confused as to why you consider that bullshit. Enlighten me.

Third, Angelina Love IS better in the ring any of the model divas I listed in my original post. I'm not saying she's amazing, I'm saying she's solid. A word not many people would use to describe your WWE divas. Solid > Crap. Again, I'm not seeing where I'm being ridiculous here.

You admit that WWE Divas are just eye candy. Anyone who actually watches TNA realizes that they actually have a mix of T & A and actual wrestlers. I highly doubt anyone ever suggested that TNA didn't have any T&A at all. The point is, it isn't ALLT&A. WWE has ONE non-T&A female wrestler that wrestles regularly (Beth Phoenix) and she's still pretty gorgeous, just not traditionally so.

Sarita and Taylor Wilde's street fight last week wasn't about them being attractive. Not once during the match did either announcer say anything remotely mentioning their looks. They called on the intensity of the street fight. When's the last time that happened in WWE? I can recall one time in the past year where that happened in WWE and it was interrupted by NEXUS. (Natalya v. Tamina)

Lastly, Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, Daffney, and even Lacey Von Erich all have discernible on-air somewhat entertaining personalities which is a legitimate skill when you're working with the types of products that WWE and TNA have. The three women who don't show personality (Sarita, Taylor, and Hamada) are great in-ring workers. Which makes most of the roster valuable for things other than their looks. Would TBP have jobs if they weren't beautiful? Probably not. Do they have other skills that make them valuable besides their looks? Yep. Can I say that about 3/4s of the WWE models turned wrestlers? Not at all. So. . .that would mean that Knockouts > Divas.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying it's not a debatable thing, because one could argue the Divas do what they're brought there to do very well, but someone claiming the Knockouts have more overall talent is not the silly assertion you want to make it out to be.
That ridiculous raffle killed any iota of respect any wrestling fan should have for the Knockouts title. And it's debatable whether Angelina Love and Velvet are any better than the current WWE shite. We are a long way from the Kong/Wilde/Kim days.

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