Finally... Once again WWE Divas > TNA Knockouts

I'm maybe in the minority but Maryse has no charisma to me at all; I don't find her amusing and I don't like her on my screen. She's a beautiful woman, yes, BUT I think she would be an awesome heel manager, who just occasionally got involved in managers. I think she could shine better. She is not a wrestler.

Even with TNA being mainly focused on TBP right now, they're way more entertaining to me than Maryse or Lay-Cool (though I like both women - McCool as a wrestler, not as a talker). TNA was stupid and let a lot of premier talent get away, some of the best female wrestlers in the world (Cheerleader Melissa and Amazing/Awesome Kong, for two), but if they fix things all will be forgiven in my eyes. They don't need people like Christy Hemme (though she's doing alright in her capacity; still, I liked Lauren much better) but should instead use that money to pay real female wrestlers. TNA needs to stop wasting their amazing female talent.

Still, I love TNA's "characters", Daffney being my favorite. ODB and TBP have good gimmicks, too, I think. And Saritaylor and awesome, though I like Taylor Wilde myself, especially after her Monster's Ball matches with Daffney. Once WWE Divas start putting on something better than "Extreme Makeover" matches I might be willing to look their way seriously again. That Gail Kim and Natalya aren't at the top of the division right now tells you a whole lot about WWE. And it seems that TNA is desperate to place their "hottest" Knockouts in the public eye as much as possible to compete. Smh
This thread might be good or bad, but I'm here to just explain my opinion on the Women's Division of today.

Before I start, allow me to say that no, the Divas of today have nothing on Lita, Trish, Victoria, or Molly Holly... and generations before them. However, today's divas aren't just a piss break anymore either.

For example, take a look at LayCool over on Smackdown. For some reason I'm interested in seeing how they take the sharing of Women's title. Like, will Layla eventually get mad that they have to share a title that they won together? Or will they eventually lose, with Layla being pinned and McCool leaves Layla?

And then on Raw, Eve and Maryse are clicking very well. I mean the rivalry has been put together very decently over the past few months, and quite frankly I think Maryse and Eve can do a lot better if given the time.

And then when time calls for them, WWE's got other talented divas like Jillian Hall, Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, Tiffany (she's not bad), Alicia Foxx, Natalya, and that new girl with the Uso brothers (can't remember her name and can't me bothered to look it up)

Anybody else agree?
Nah, Layla is a walking piss break. McCool isn't much better. For the amount of years they have both been in the WWE (six for Cool, four for Lay) they should have developed their skills much more than they both have done. Layla is terrible in the ring and annoying as fuck on the mic and the worst women's champion since the fabulous moolah's old age run.
Indeed it has my friend. If anyone else thinks otherwise, they're a cunt. Pretty simple logic I'd say.

I mean shit, the WWE have pretty much lost three of their best wrestlers on the roster, one due to being released and the other two to injury... but these girls are still doing their hardest to keep at it. Laycool pretty much own the SD division and have played intriguing characters for the most part. Hell, they are WWE's answer to the BP and at the moment are much more interesting. The WWE have taken so much notice that they are PROS on season two of NXT. On RAW, you've got the multi-talented Maryse carrying that thing with girls like Eve building themselves up.

Not just in the wrestling, but something that the WWE should have done a long time ago. They are using WWE Diva's as non-wrestling personalities! Vickie Guerrero is one of the biggest heat drawers I've seen and can put anyone over, save for Eric Escobar. Serena is dark horse of the S.E.S. who has aided CM Punk/Luke Gallows in a lot of their victories and put over the society in general. Natalya has been a great manager for the Hart Dynasty and Tamania is doing very well along with the Uso's despite being around for only a couple of weeks.

These girls and/or management have realised that the people responsible for holding up the division can't do it forever and needed to crank it up. With veterans like Mickie James gone, someone else has to step up to the plate. I must say though, the only person holding down the diva's would be Rosa Mendes, but she did very well as a manager and is good at jobbing... so with time she will develop.
I can't believe someone actually compared the Tara retirement match to Taker/HBK 2. Seriously what-the-fuck?

Moving on.....

I don't watch TNA as the majority of people know. I've seen the odd KO match, and was impressed by the variety witihn thier individual movesets. I'm seeing Kong throw powerbombs left, right and centre. ODB's pulling off very impressive Fallaway Slams, but of course, wrestling ability isn't everything. Just ask Perry Saturn or Dean Malenko, two guys who were technical wizards and neither of which managed to rise above the mid-card in either of the big 2 promotions.

Anyway, we're talking female wrestling....

I've sat and watched the Divas scramble around, resort to nothing but screaming as they run, to doing nothing but throwing each other around by their hair, until it's time to get DDT'd by Mickie or Glamslammed by Beth.

I've watched Divas who are known to be very gifted in the ring, take a backseat to the pretty girls. Victoria/Tara started as an extremely dominant figure in WWE when she debuted, to being relegated to biggest female jobber during the latter 3 years of her run with the company.

Michelle McCool at the stage she was at at the time, should not have gone over Natalya to become the first Divas Champion imo, but looking at her now, she's probably the best female heel in the WWE, with Maryse as a close second.

The worst part of the Divas division, is that the majority of them don't even debut as wrestlers, they debut as valets and are then suddenly wrestling.

Jillian Hall was JBL's second image consultant, made to wear a year old cookie on her face, and now has taken Victoria's place as #1 female jobber.

Layla and Kelly Kelly, along with Trinity were hired to be exotic dancers on ECW, and nothing more. Vince ditched Paul E., and the exotic dancing disappeared. Trinity got released, and the other two now wrestle. Kelly's been wrestling a while, and is slowly improving more and more. Layla spent another year or so valeting, even with William Regal in 2008, and has only just started wrestling since the earlier stage of 2009, and even then she was mostly just doing run ins with McCool.

Alicia Fox was the fuckin' wedding planner for Vickie and Edge and now suddenly she's on the Divas roster.

Katie Lee Burchill was brought up to the roster just to be Paul's sister for the incest angle which they never did, but rather than take responsibility for a really shit idea, they just decided to bury her instead.

Nattie Neidhart is a Hart Dungeon graduate, but no let's have her job to The Bella Twins to get them over....... oh wait, the 'twins' thing isn't working? Well who'd have guessed it eh? Must be Natalya's fault.

I feel that certain Divas have come along leaps and bounds. When Maryse first appeared on screen, i thought 'Oh great, being a Diva is actually this one's fuckin' gimmick!' but she plays it so well. I can look past the fact that her ring work is sub par, she plays the stuck up pretty bitch soooooooo well, you'd actually believe that's what she's like in reality (probably is)

I've always liked Michelle McCool's in ring work. I don't honestly understand why people bash her as a whole. Yeah ok her mic work's terrible, but she does put on decent matches. She's one of the only 2 people who's wrestled Mickie lately that i didn't immediately think would do the job to her.

I can't compare the two promotions because i don't have enough information to form an opinion, but i will say that i half agree with D-Man's assesment of the Divas divsion. Half of them have really stepped up their game in the last 2 months. 2 or 3 of them should never have had to prove they were good enough, yet still aren't being used. And there's others who have no right being in the ring, but then again they're used as nothing but fodder for the decent talent. So all in all, i do agree that the Divas have improved, but not to the extent that D-Man puts forth. Good thread though, enjoyed it. Glad to know i'm not the only one having noobs nitpick my posts.
I have to give the edge to the WWE, but TNA has sooo much more talent right now (even with Victoria gone) then the WWE its hard to belive they are actually putting togehter a better womens product.

Laycool is intresting, Thats my opinon, and seems to be the opinon of many people. I like TBP but laycool has that alliance with Vickie, who is basically RUNNING the smackdown divas divison right now and is doing a great job.. Sure her "hogsplash" was botched as all hell but that was kind of the point, Laycool is the muscle so to speak, and Vickie is pulling the strings to make sure they are NEVER put into a bad situation. They are truly dominant and it turned even a natural monstner heel in Beth Pheonix into a HUGE babyface, that was a big accomplishment.

I do have a feeling the injurys and releases are going to catch up to the WWE soon, the Eve vs Mayrse storyline can only go on so much longer, and who will those two feud with after? I would think Melina can come back and fill in a face roll , and have a non-title feud with mayrse and then Eve could put over another Heel, but the key to either womans division, or ANY is that there need to be MULTIPLE heel and Face contendors for each title. What was hurting the WWE is the fact that they had 3/4 People (Mcool, Beth , Mickie, Melina) For two titles, and they simply didn't have enough depth in there divison to really put together anything other then stupid evening gown tag-matchs. And thats the problem I have with TNA right now, after Victoria they have all there KO titles on TBP, but TBP are feuding with nobody of relevance, and nobody can even look like a contedor against them.

Another thing really hurting the Knockouts in my opinon is the Womens Tag Titles, they were fun and intresting for a while, and look great on TBP , but they just don't have the talent to support Both divisons adequatley at the moment. They need to really figure out whats going on.

I have to say I am impressed because the Divas Divison is doign more with less then the TNA knockouts.

The Knockouts have the talent, and the expirence yet are putting on a more boring product, and that is not a fact it's my opinon, but it is obviously an opinon shared by others.

Neither Divison is revolitonizing womens wrestling ,and neither divison is somethign to write home about, but hopefully once this rash of injurys for BOTH divions even out they will both push the envolope and maybe sometime in the near future we will care about womens wrestling again.
I agree that it's getting better than it has been the past few years; I wouldn't say it's officially out of the piss break spectrum and it's still miles away from the Knockouts division in TNA had been just a couple of months ago, and hopefully can return to be.

I'll hit each one individually and include looks, since that seems to be the majority of what WWE cares about from it's Divas.

Michele McCool- pretty good in ring, even better on the mic; probably the best heel diva they got. Adequately attractive.

Maryse: She's "okay" in the ring, but I can't stand her. She kind of annoys me the way Maria used to in the sense of me being the odd man out in thinking she's ugly as eff.

Eve: Used to be awful, now getting tolerable. Really attractive, but she seems to come off as a giant against the WWE waifs.

Kelly Kelly: See Eve, except modify awful with "really" and "for longer". She's probably up there as far as looks, but whenever she gets in the ring with all of the other blondes (particularly Tiffany) I get immediate facial blindness.

Tiffany: She's new so I can give her a bye for now. Still awful and not very attractive.

Gail Kim: Used to be awesome but her matches lately have been botchfests; probably because most divas can't follow her in the ring. I've found her easy enough on the eyes, but my guy friends don't.

Jillian Hall: an absolute waste for her entire career in the WWE. She's probably one of the best divas in the ring but she's been stuck in her awful joke gimmick for over three years now. She's the Chavo Guerrero of the Diva division. It probably hurts her that she's also probably the least attractive Diva they have (now that Maria's gone anyway).

Belle sisters- A waste of time.

Rosa Mendes- Shrug-worthy in the ring. Pretty attractive in that "crazy latina who might go Lorena Bobbitt out of the blue one day"

Natalya- Great so far, would like to see more from her. I think she's pretty, maybe a little stocky. Again, my friends tend to disagree with me on that end.

Beth Phoenix- Easily the best wrestler they got, Diva-wise. Not attractive but doesn't really have to be considering how good she is in the ring.

Serena- I've never seen her wrestle; so i don't know if she counts yet. She's got awesome...well, you know.

Alicia Fox- Useless so far. Reasonably attractive.

Layla- Getting much better in the ring (albeit from awful like most divas) and the most attractive of the divas in my opinion. That's worth something.

Melina- Good in the ring. Super attractive.

I think I got everybody. Overall, they've been focusing on actually putting on wrestling matches on both shows (RAW and Smackdown) as opposed to stupid gimmick sexy matches which, for once, justifies having two women's titles. They've used good wrestlers who can draw heat like Michele McCool as a building point for SD women's program, and with Vicki Guerrero mixing it up in a managerial role, that really helps it out. Raw on the other hand is still mostly bad. Maryse isn't good enough in the ring or on the mic to build the division around and Eve isn't over enough to be the leading baby-face. This could easily be improved by pushing Jillian Hall as a real, serious heel and using Gail Kim, if she gets her act together, and Natalya as the top babyfaces. I actually recommend turning Gail Kim heel and have her carry the division, assuming she can get back to form and the other divas can keep up with her in the ring the way the KOs could. But at least the in-ring work on both shows has improved overall.

Getting rid of Mickie James was a mind-boggling decision though. She was one of the best in the ring, one of the most attractive, was easily the most over, and considering she wasn't rail thin like most of the other divas, and WWE had a program about how fat she was and booted her shortly thereafter, it makes you wonder exactly what kind of standards or ethics the E is really playing around with sometimes.
I was watching Superstars last night and I was very surprised at how much I enjoyed the match between Gail Kim and Jillian. They actually had a really good and competitive match, much better than anything I've seen out of the Knockouts in months. I'm not saying that the Divas overall are outstanding or anything, but they've gotten much better than they used to be.

There was another Divas match on Superstars last night betweeen Michelle McCool and Tiffany. The match wasn't nearly as good as Gail Kim and Jillian, but it had the potential to be. McCool and Tiffany spent the first bit of the match showing off some pretty impressive mat wrestling techniques that I honestly didn't think Tiffany knew. I was impressed by the athleticism and skill both women showed. The outcome was never in doubt with McCool winning, but the Divas overall have made some big steps forward.
Okay this is my opinion on this thread. Neither divison sucks its just that management isnt using them correctly. I think that since Trish and Lita left Vince kinda lost interest in his divas divison but that doesn't make them horrible.

To me the Diva divison is better than the knockouts divison. The Eve and Maryse fued is good and as soon as they find someone to compete aganist Laycool then the divas on SD should have a good fued to. The knockouts don't really have a consisent storyline going on right now.

Now its not fair to say that all of the WWE divas suck at wrestling because all of them don't. Kelly Kelly is getting better, Tiffany does okay in the ring, Eve, Maryse, Melina Beth Phoniex and Natalya are good in the ring as well. Most of the knockouts are good wrestlers to except for a few.

Anyways the WWE divas are the best always have been always will be and I can't wait to one day be a WWE diva myself. Hopefully by then Vince will be more interested in the diva divison because given the right storylines and enough amount of time they can be interesting to watch just like they were when Trish and Lita were still around.

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