No New D-X Members....HHH Says NO

HHH has one of the biggest (if not the most biggest) ego of the whole WWE. In fact Shawn and him have the biggest egos (although I am sure that Orton has one as well). HHH does not want anything to do well or improve DX, after all HHH is the most important man (sarcasm).
I completely agree, because HHH has run the show on raw for awhile now, and his ego gets in the way of bussiness because he might be a good wrestler but his ego gets in the way of things. Imagine, a young great talent could get a push and win the title, like Shelton Benjamin, or Johnny Nitro, but nope, Vince, HBK, and HHH pull the strings on RAW, and that will never happen because you know that when Triple H comes back from his injury he will win the title at the next Raw PPV, because HHH has to win the title pretty much every year to feed his massive ego.
I love how everyone keeps saying how the reformation of DX, with it's ORIGINAL founders is a disgrace. How quickly people forget the previous DX with Stephanie Mcmahon doing crotch chops, now THAT was a disgrace. This DX could of definitely been close to the original if we still had the real HBK, not the holy man. At least it is fitting that the only DX member is the one who created it.
It is a disgrace, regardless of who is in it, at this point. Membership in a faction doesn't do anything to speak of its quality. It was a waste of talent, airtime, resources, and of a show that was in dire need of a directional change that allowed serious growth for the next few years of programming instead of a shallow rehash of something nearly a decade old. And like I've said before, the creative squad screwed themselves, and now they're trying to pick up the pieces directly before the biggest show of the year. The problem is that they neutered the character or both DX's players and RKO's by muddling them down into tag team contests. This also hurt an already stumbling tag division as none of the true tag teams were even in contest for the belts recently, rendering the whole division useless.

This DX would've never been close to that as the standards and practices of WWE programming is light years tamer than what it was when DX originally came to prominence. You never would've seen HBK and HHH doing the "elevator" or "stairs" routines back in the old days. No one ever said that Stephanie's dumb ass doing crotch chops was cool. It wasn't and the angle was clearly losing steam by the end of 1999. It's part of an ongoing syndrome where an angle runs out of gas and they keep bleeding merchandise out of it, so they drag it past its prime until it become a parody of itself. Same thing happened with the NWO. It wouldn't have worked with them doing the original style, anyway. They're both way too old to do that, and were looking too old for it back in the younger days of DX. Now it's just beyond pathetic.
HHH could be burying himself here
if you like Dx or not they sell merchandise
that is all Vince cares about
even if you think they are old and done
they still sell merchandise
once again that is what vince cares about

if HHH says no more new members in DX than it is gone as HBK cant go on as DX for way over 6 months
and there goes the WWE's biggest merchandise seller which vince wont be happy about
and if it is HHH wont let Vince earn big dollars then Vince will se sceptical about letting HHH near the company once he retires
I've always liked HHH. I never cared about backstage politics. I always thought he was a great heel and that he could draw money. I don't care if he is the future owner. The guy is a great on-screen worker and what happens backstage shouldn't affect you on-screen. The guy is going through hell right now and i hate to sound like a mark, but from what i've read, almost nobody on this thread likes him. That's fine with me. should respect him. He's done a lot for the company. DX wasn't brought back JUST to make money. IMO it was brought back to get HHH over as a face. It was also there to let HBK heal. Well, the first one kind of happened because when HHH returns, he will have a huge fanbase. HBK never got to fully heal and now with HHH out, even more pressure is on him. I agree that this DX was no where near close as the old DX, but they were done for different reasons. Also, they are different people now. Shawn is a christian so watching DX now, was like watching your dad trying to have fun with a strict christian. It's the plain truth. I don't agree with people saying that HHH has the biggest ego. Yes, he has had his fair share of title runs in the past, but it's nothing compared to Cena's. HHH is a good worker and does well whatever he's doing. Shane will probably run the company with HHH being his right-hand man though.
i love the cracks at HHH you guys make me laugh so hard cus your so full of shit, geee won't put over new talent, hell lets not count the fact he made Batista what he is, he made John Cena look good in a match, he put Shelton Benjamin over but none of you remember that, hell he even put jeff hardy over, put hulk hogan over, the guy jobs to a lot of the new and old stars and it's the same thing week in and week out from ya ******s HHH is a jerk he doesn't put anyone over whine whine cry cry cry; the DX revival was great and HHH put it over and made it a success more so than michaels which why he can't be replaced cus he is DX, plus the only other 2 original members Chyna doesn't want to wrestle again and Rick Rude is dead so that elimanates them but wait don';t you all think it's the road dawg and Billy gunn? or xpac? none of them are original members, and no one on the WWE roster on either side but flair has the mic skills that HHH has to make the switch even last a day
^I've never said he refused to put people over (while he may have buried a few people who he didn't take a shine to). We know he has at three straight Wrestlemanias. But you figure that with his input into who they could make or break with these pushes, he and the front office wizards would actually choose people to keep pushing that aren't complete lemons in the ring. The last two Wrestlemania matches that he jobbed for were the biggest wastes of his talent I've ever seen.

I remember very well when Shelton made his transition from Smackdown B-player to overnight Raw sensation. Then they up and shelved him because he didn't have the best mic skills (putting it mildly), and then shortly after they push Batista through the roof, even though he is just as (or even moreso) underequipped on the mic but has about a ninth of Benjamin's in-ring talents. The fact is, I'd rather see HHH hotdogging the belt for months on end ala Jarrett than to see a pair of talentless wonders like Dianabol Dave and One-note Cena get put over and stink up the show whilst HHH and HBK (bar none two of WWE's best workers) are placed in a dead-end feud that culminates with Vince tossing Show's salad?!?

Meanwhile, Dave and Cena are really doing a fine job making a majority of the actual WRESTLING fans want to puke with their complete ineptitude in the ring. If anything, I want to see HHH back on top. I just want to see him square off with some worthy competition in an angle that means something. Then maybe the titles can be elevated to where they were circa WM20 when some real workers were bringing some serious honor back to the belts.
i love the cracks at HHH you guys make me laugh so hard cus your so full of shit, geee won't put over new talent, hell lets not count the fact he made Batista what he is, he made John Cena look good in a match, he put Shelton Benjamin over but none of you remember that, hell he even put jeff hardy over, put hulk hogan over, the guy jobs to a lot of the new and old stars and it's the same thing week in and week out from ya ******s HHH is a jerk he doesn't put anyone over whine whine cry cry cry; the DX revival was great and HHH put it over and made it a success more so than michaels which why he can't be replaced cus he is DX, plus the only other 2 original members Chyna doesn't want to wrestle again and Rick Rude is dead so that elimanates them but wait don';t you all think it's the road dawg and Billy gunn? or xpac? none of them are original members, and no one on the WWE roster on either side but flair has the mic skills that HHH has to make the switch even last a day

You are competely right and Flair is the only man on the mic that can do the job, remember last time HHH was injured, remember his comeback how mad it looked when his music played and he came out. that is wat call crazyyy. and the i would like to add something, that HHH obviously isnt going to say 'yep there is going to be a new DX memeber' for crying out loudd....
HHH put those people over because he was a part of it and was part of the main event picture.

The new Dx sucked and wasn't funny at all. the NAO were part of main dx which everyone remembers and loved.
^To ErkThis is relative to opinion. There are a number of those who watched the original DX from the time it first hatched out of a Bret Hart promo in 1997 up through the second incarnation saved by the NAO. As far as I'm concerned, this entire angle was not only a pale imitation of the original, but it also wasted numerous opportunities the show had this last year to pick itself up out of the gutter. Did that happen? F**k no. HHH is afraid of someone taking his place. This is why he had the careers of the NAO promptly buried when Kip was going to make a singles push and won the KOTR.

Say that Shawn and Hunter were the true DX all you like. Point is, they weren't the longest running incarnation, and they also weren't the most over with the fans by comparison to the second incarnation. The selective memory of the newer Raw viewers if hilarious. The first DX was primarily just HHH laughing while Shawn humped flags and flashed his ass on camera. This new DX did tarnish years of character development. Notice how all of a sudden they have to work at re-establishing Michaels' as a lead man now that he's by himself? If they would've left him alone, they wouldn't have a main-event for Wrestlemania that isn't already a prospective dud. The creative squad painted themselves into a corner yet again, because not only did they spend part of this and last year wasting HHH and HBK, but they also wasted Orton and Edge.

Why would you throw a midcard member into it? How about to actually establish some decent talent as opposed to a f**king dud like Cena in the driver's seat of the company? The original DX was about pushing the buttons of the more sedate workers like Bret Hart in the angles, the new DX is about quick T-shirt sales and a lack of good concepts to rescue a lousy show. As far as it coming back...I pray that you are very wrong. They need to focus on more intelligent situations to start establishing some of the younger talent so that when daddy's boy Hunter finally retires, they aren't left in a gaping recession like when the steroid monkeys like Hogan left in 1992.

cena makes the company alot of money wwe is a business they are there to get ratings and make money so how is having cena as champ a bad thing when cena brings ratings and money

dx was brought back because the fans wanted it back have we all forgot how excited everyone was when the rumors started

look at the crowds on raw all you see is dx shit it's popular and when somethings popular why the fuck would you get rid of it this is business
cena makes the company alot of money wwe is a business they are there to get ratings and make money so how is having cena as champ a bad thing when cena brings ratings and money

dx was brought back because the fans wanted it back have we all forgot how excited everyone was when the rumors started

look at the crowds on raw all you see is dx shit it's popular and when somethings popular why the fuck would you get rid of it this is business
It's bad when his potential has a ceiling that could easily be bested by a number of other guys who have been and still are on the roster. He only makes money because WWE spent the time ramming him down everyone's throats until they just gave in and started liking him. It's amazing how many people forget the riotous chorus of boos he received against Christian and Kurt Angle. If that isn't a hint to the ******s in the WWE creative squad as to how bad their proposed star is doing, I don't know what is.

You may have been excited. So were plenty of other DX marks. I'm not one of them, so sorry if I don't share your enthusiasm. It turned out just as bad, if not worse, than I had predicted partway through last year. I like the guys, but the faction gimmick just does not work for them anymore.

Why get rid of it? Because it's temporary nostalgia bull$hit that will not last. Instead of enhancing the product it boosts short-term merchandise sales. Now that the angle has been forceably stopped, the creative squad is grasping at straws trying to find something to plug the gap and save Wrestlemania because they didn't procure any fresh talent in the last year except the f**king Spirit Squad and didn't do dick with any prospective angles that could've remotely been worth a damn. There were a hundred different routes that could've led to better talent development and they didn't even pick one.
The new DX is a shell of what is once was. The new DX is laughable. Not in the way that they are entertaining. But, laughable in the way of how stupid it is. The skits were completely lame, "Big" Dick Johnson is the stupidest to come on RAW (next to Rosie and Donald) and wasn't funny at all. The WWE is a horrible predicament, they put all their eggs in one basket, there were so focused on DX and Cena. They didn't have anything else to back them up. Instead of building much better talent on the roster, they're hopelessly trying to keep DX alive. But, DX can't just be Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair just wouldn't fit in DX. Imagine the horror of Ric Flair trying to some of the skits that HHH and Michaels were trying to pull off. Now, WWE is giving a Michaels a push, since HHH is out of action. DX should end now, while it is ahead. And when HHH returns, he goes back to being a heel and being "The Game". HHH sucks as a face in my opinion.
Triple H is pretty lame as a face, and that's because they make him seem too goody goody. "OH NO! RIC FLAIR IS HURT!" If Triple H is a face, don't change him into someone compassionate. If he's going to be a face, keep him the same, except don't make him cheat to win.

DX has outlived it's life expectancy, and it should just die already! It's already sold enough fucking t-shirts, it's time to end it!
the current d-x is a joke compared to the original and not even a funny joke. if they dont want to kill d-x any more they need to kill it now.
If HBK was the real HBK, I think DX would of been better had it returned as a heel stable. Getting kinda tired of HBK as face seeing as how he was one of the best heels.
hey kyle_wwe u can suck my dick and so can edge, edge sucks and needs 2 get a life.

dx is not terrible, as good as it was before? no it isnt, that doesnt mean it isnt good. it has a big fanbase if no the biggest fanbase in thewwe, and it sells alot of merchandise.
Alot of DX Hataz out there. point blank is this, HBK NEEDS TO BE A DAMM HEEL FOR GOD SAKES. He needs to be heel by or after wrestlemania. I understand religious, but business is business. and we need the OLD HBK Back.. not a holy man with an attitude.
How is WWE creative supposed to please you people. Most of you say HHH and Shawn are better heels. Then as soon as one of them go heel and runs for a couple months your tired of that. creative is already having a hard time the way it is. How bad do you think it is going to be if they always try to please you people. They are not gonna have anytime to think about new stars when all you can complain about is that two of the olders superstars are good guys or bad guys. I see everyones point but, plain and simple there are not enough hours in a day to please you all. So creative is just trying to keep the majority happy and hope everyone else will join the bandwagon. Its kind of a floundering purpose but what the hell else can they do. If WCW was around to push them to be their best then maybe thats how everything can be fixed, which just simply isn't an option. But listening to some of you people you all think that it will happen someday. If you don't like WWE Creative quit watching WWE and start watching TNA. Nobody wants to hear about how great of an addition you people would be to creative. Vince didn't get to where he is today by a fluke if he knew that creative was messing up he would fire them. Creative is doing the best with what they have been given so please get off their backs.

In the words of Ron Simmons "DAMN"
I can see why people think that this whole new DX thing is a joke, especially with HHH out of the picture and Michaels trying to carry it on his own. But look at it from Vince Mcmahon's point of view, he knows that bringing back something old like this is going to be a huge hit with the fans, especially after being gone for so long. Plus it gives them the opportunity to really cash in on merchandise sales like all the shirts, sweatbands, hats, etc. with the infamous green DX logo on it. I personally liked D-X best with HHH, x pac, billy gunn and road dogg. I don't really mind DX being back, but I'm sure it won't last much longer, with only 1 member left, I dont think you can do much to save it. Look at what happend when DX dwindled down to just X-pac, billy gunn and road dogg, (if memory serves me correctly, it even got down to just xpac and road dogg when billy gunn joined right to censor) everyone got sick of DX, they became heels, then they all got fired because they didn't have anything left in their characters without DX. I think bringing back something old can be cool from time to time but it has to be done in moderation. I understand its easier to bring back something popular rather than put the time, money, effort and creative thought into pushing a new wrestler or stable into superstardom, but there has to be a happy medium. If its all new guys being pushed, then their are no legends to really attract lots of fans and sell out arena's. But at the same time, when a promotion relies too much on a few veterans, and no new talent is developed, a slippery slope towards the fate of WCW is created.
i don't know why everybody is so high on jeff hardy hahahhaahaha that was funny cuz he is always high but anyway if you add anyone it would have to be kenny there is nobody else who fits that mold but i think they should let it die until hunter comes back and let shawn and hunter do their thing
l agrre with jackson5 no legacy was damaged and if people dont like the sameold gimmicks and stables dont watch wwe anymore
i think cena and hbk will stay as tag team but feud with cryme tyme until hhh gets back then cryme tyme wins titles then dx with hhh back wins it back from them
I tired of people keep saying that the best DX was with X-Pac, Road Dogg, Triple, and chyna.......THATS BULL SH***T!
The Original, and BEST DX was the first DX with Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Chyna and Rick Rude. What you assholes dont know is that HBK taught HHH everything he knows. HBK IS DX.
I think bringing in someone already on the roster is a stupid idea... it brings down the soul of DX... I think Triple H put it best when he brough in Sean Waltman... DX is about blood... bringing in someone not of the "cliqe" makes DX less than DX... now, if they brought in some new talent, no one had ever seen before, that could put them over huge... but I think HBK holding down the DX Fort on his own is what is best

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