No New D-X Members....HHH Says NO


Occasional Pre-Show
"Last week, the idea of putting someone new into DX to make a new top level star and to also give Shawn Michaels a tag team partner was discussed. Triple H nixed the ideas immediately. Also, Ric Flair is expected to work as an honorary DX member at house shows in which he teams up with HBK to take on Edge & Orton, but he won't be allowed to be put over and put into DX on television."

Posted on the main page. Looks like there will no new D-X members folks. Thoughts?
Plainly obvious he doesn't want to be replaced and either have it succeed and have everyone forget about him, or have it fail and tarnish the name of DX. Funny thing is, this last attempt at DX pretty much tarnished it in the first place. Hunter was smart to nix it.
This would be a terrible idea that HHH only seems to think is bad because he won't be in there to 'save' it. I think that it was as good as it was going to get with Michaels and HHH so adding another member to replace the heart and soul of this product, that should not be beating in the first place, is stupid. They would need to get X-Pac, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn and Chyna all in their supreme physical and mental state to make this work again, and I don't think they will be getting hold of some of them too soon. Any new guy like Carlito or Flair would be even more of a disgrace to it. Let it die. Please.
I thought they should kill it off the whole time. HHH is gone, and DX can't just be HBK, so they should either kill it, or put it on hold until HHH comes back.
I think Triple H is just being stubborn. They need to add a young talent like Hardy or somebody to replace him. This can get that superstar way over. I dont see the problem. Like Kasey pointed out if you will. It seems that HHH would be more scared that he might get succeded or he doesn't want DX to change in any way, shape or form.

If not stick a young talent in their why not add a Ric Flair. He has a feud going on with Dykstra but he has been attacked on numerous occasions by Rated RKO yet he has done nothing about it. It just seems stupid. They should end this Old School vs. New School feud with Dykstra and Flair and just have Flair join DX and fight off Rated RKO. They are doing it at House Shows. This is another asset HHH gets for banging the bosses daughter imo.
Any New Age DX thing would be a joke. They have disgraced it by bringing it back when they should have protected the legacy it had, and any new addition would be a terrible idea. No one in the WWE has the traits that the original DX members had. Ric Flair is too old to be doing his stuff in the ring, and to see that wrinkly old man in DX would be the biggest joke since Doink the Clown. HHH has a right to be scared of what they might be doing, because he knows that the WWE could still ruin it even more. HHH was the person who saved it. Anyone else is ruining this already watered down gimmick.
Any New Age DX thing would be a joke. They have disgraced it by bringing it back when they should have protected the legacy it had, and any new addition would be a terrible idea. No one in the WWE has the traits that the original DX members had. Ric Flair is too old to be doing his stuff in the ring, and to see that wrinkly old man in DX would be the biggest joke since Doink the Clown. HHH has a right to be scared of what they might be doing, because he knows that the WWE could still ruin it even more. HHH was the person who saved it. Anyone else is ruining this already watered down gimmick.

You take that back I love Doink the Clown!
They have disgraced it by bringing it back when they should have protected the legacy it had

How did they ruin the "Original" DX Legacy? Is it because they sold out shows AGAIN? Or there merchandise was all the way up AGAIN? They did not ruin any damn legacy, if anything they added to it.. The new DX is just like the old one. Other then them being older now, and playing it "safe" there the exact same thing.. Theres 2 reasons why people feel there not how they used to be..

#1 - Some people are stuck in the past.
#2 - The IWC doesn't like reincarnations of old stables/gimmicks..

Now, moving on to the original topic.. They really should have added another member... You can't have a one man DX.. That just basically defeats the whole purpose of DX.. I believe, Carlito should have got the job, to give the kid a push, and bring him into the Main Event picture.
Yes because just gotta love two completely credible wrestlers running around like teenagers snickering at every "cock" joke and beating jobbers every week doing nothing significant, sounds like dx to me afterall who needs something funny? or those two on 1 beat downs were just so corny. I'm glad dx came back and made me change the channel...
. The new DX is just like the old one. Other then them being older now, and playing it "safe" there the exact same thing

This new dx pales in comparison to the first run.You said it yourself playing it safe. How are you gonna say its the same when they ve been playing it safe this time round?The original dx was rude and crude defying authority figures.The rated rko /dx feud is overly hyped and prevented people worthy of holding the wwe title and we're still stuck with Cena as champ.As for them being older ..cmon now let's be serious just how cool is it to be (at least) 40 years old and doing a crotch chop and saying suck it? it was halfass cool 10 years ago.
Theres 2 reasons why people feel there not how they used to be..

#1 - Some people are stuck in the past.
#2 - The IWC doesn't like reincarnations of old stables/gimmicks..

being stuck in the past ? More like remembering the past and never forgeting how good the original run was in contrast to this horrid attempt at reliving a past successful gimmick. Years of character development got flushed down the shitter on hhh's part of going back to a 'degenerate'.

Speaking for myself ,if done right,reincarnations of old gimmicks is ok.I had high hopes for what could have been done with this dx run but it didnt happen and doesn't look like it ever will.

(this isn't a flame or a stab at anyone)
I think all of the people saying dx is the same are too young to remember the original dx run or were too young to be allowed to watch dx segments back in the day.Then dx came back and it clicked 'hey they were cool enough back in the day that i couldn't watch it and now i m older and i can it must be the same'

Or they are remembering the 2nd dx run of xpac hhh and the NAO . i can see everyone saying dx now is like that dx run.It is exactly the same only with hbk and hhh ripping off some of the nao's antics.

back on topic

triple h is afraid of someone getting more over and taking his spot in the company, which i dont see how cause i d say he has quite alot of backstage pull to end someone's run.
There wont be any new memebers at least while triple h is gone but i bet when he comes back different story
well apparently DX isnt terrible this time around, maybe not better than back in the day but it isnt terrible seeing as how they are the only reason fans tune in on RAW every monday. and if there should be a new member, it should be X-Pac or transfer CM Punk to Raw because he seemed to have done really good at survivor series with them and he could have that attitude and humor like they do.
HHH is right to not include any new members..this is an old faction brought back...theres no reason to add any new members to it...he's not afraid of someone takin his place..who could possibly do that? who can compare to the standards of hhh on the mic and in the ring? dx was shawn and hhh therefore it stays as shawn and hhh..these 2 were the true didnt tarnish didnt tarnish years of character development..we still all know who hhh is outside of the dx character so wtf?...these are 2 veterans..future hof's so y the hell wuld u jus throw a new midcard member into it?...didnt hhh say once after evolution "i am finished..creating stars"...of course dx culd never compare to the old dx..the old dx was at a diff time what if it doesnt compare to the past one...they had funny skits...sold merchandise...sold tickets..therefore got the job done...there was nothin wrong with this dx..its gonna b put on hold and come back later..
HHH is right to not include any new members..this is an old faction brought back...theres no reason to add any new members to it...he's not afraid of someone takin his place..who could possibly do that? who can compare to the standards of hhh on the mic and in the ring? dx was shawn and hhh therefore it stays as shawn and hhh..these 2 were the true didnt tarnish didnt tarnish years of character development..we still all know who hhh is outside of the dx character so wtf?...these are 2 veterans..future hof's so y the hell wuld u jus throw a new midcard member into it?...didnt hhh say once after evolution "i am finished..creating stars"...of course dx culd never compare to the old dx..the old dx was at a diff time what if it doesnt compare to the past one...they had funny skits...sold merchandise...sold tickets..therefore got the job done...there was nothin wrong with this dx..its gonna b put on hold and come back later..

here is the answer...WWE creative do things like that. they only think they are creative. i mean, if they are gonna do it, do it. it might be interesting, sure no one can ever replace the game at all and dx wouldnt be the same but its like...they need to do this if they want ratings. they arent concerned with the past, well, as far as the stables, what they were back in the day. its like they wanna take old names and create something new out of it or some crap. but you know, that no matter what hhh says, they probably will do it anyways. unless hhh just up and backs out of the dx stable. i dont know.
^To ErkThis is relative to opinion. There are a number of those who watched the original DX from the time it first hatched out of a Bret Hart promo in 1997 up through the second incarnation saved by the NAO. As far as I'm concerned, this entire angle was not only a pale imitation of the original, but it also wasted numerous opportunities the show had this last year to pick itself up out of the gutter. Did that happen? F**k no. HHH is afraid of someone taking his place. This is why he had the careers of the NAO promptly buried when Kip was going to make a singles push and won the KOTR.

Say that Shawn and Hunter were the true DX all you like. Point is, they weren't the longest running incarnation, and they also weren't the most over with the fans by comparison to the second incarnation. The selective memory of the newer Raw viewers if hilarious. The first DX was primarily just HHH laughing while Shawn humped flags and flashed his ass on camera. This new DX did tarnish years of character development. Notice how all of a sudden they have to work at re-establishing Michaels' as a lead man now that he's by himself? If they would've left him alone, they wouldn't have a main-event for Wrestlemania that isn't already a prospective dud. The creative squad painted themselves into a corner yet again, because not only did they spend part of this and last year wasting HHH and HBK, but they also wasted Orton and Edge.

Why would you throw a midcard member into it? How about to actually establish some decent talent as opposed to a f**king dud like Cena in the driver's seat of the company? The original DX was about pushing the buttons of the more sedate workers like Bret Hart in the angles, the new DX is about quick T-shirt sales and a lack of good concepts to rescue a lousy show. As far as it coming back...I pray that you are very wrong. They need to focus on more intelligent situations to start establishing some of the younger talent so that when daddy's boy Hunter finally retires, they aren't left in a gaping recession like when the steroid monkeys like Hogan left in 1992.
regardless of peoples opinions of this dx the fact of the matter is that it is a draw still....perhaps not as big as the original or the 2nd but it is a draw none the less and there is a dx fan base there. IMO no new memebrs should be added, there arent any other factions other then Rated RKO (all of two people) to feud with. WWE should spend some time developing factions again....bring dykstra into Rated RKO like they were teasing and spend some time developing it. IMO a good formula is to have a larger heel faction then face alsways want that good guy underdog storyline. What good is a face stable with 3 or 4 members if you dont have an even larger heel stable, or multiple heel stables.....that is why i think the new hart foundation is a great idea and would be a big step in the right direction.....not only is it a great faction but they can all wrestle. A d-x / hart foundation feud is interesting, i dont care who you.
Any New Age DX thing would be a joke. They have disgraced it by bringing it back when they should have protected the legacy it had, and any new addition would be a terrible idea. No one in the WWE has the traits that the original DX members had. Ric Flair is too old to be doing his stuff in the ring, and to see that wrinkly old man in DX would be the biggest joke since Doink the Clown. HHH has a right to be scared of what they might be doing, because he knows that the WWE could still ruin it even more. HHH was the person who saved it. Anyone else is ruining this already watered down gimmick.

Yeah it might be a joke and ruin the legacy but their already messing it up why not just add in a young talent to get that talent over to ME status automatically. It will push that young talent to be one of the few superstars to be the future of the WWE. WWE is lacking heels and faces. So why not establish a quick main eventer right here.

From the start they should of added Kenny to Rated RKO and some other young talented face to DX. This would of given 2 over superstars. One Heel and the other face. This would help WWE. IMO, WWE is too ignorant to understand what they are doing here. They first off are not giving HBK time off. Time off that he desrves. He has nagging injuries. Just like Kurt Angle he can get injured may be not as bad as Angle but still. Then there sticking him against Rated RKO. I mean give him a tag partner to work with.
Yeah it might be a joke and ruin the legacy but their already messing it up why not just add in a young talent to get that talent over to ME status automatically. It will push that young talent to be one of the few superstars to be the future of the WWE. WWE is lacking heels and faces. So why not establish a quick main eventer right here.

From the start they should of added Kenny to Rated RKO and some other young talented face to DX. This would of given 2 over superstars. One Heel and the other face. This would help WWE. IMO, WWE is too ignorant to understand what they are doing here. They first off are not giving HBK time off. Time off that he desrves. He has nagging injuries. Just like Kurt Angle he can get injured may be not as bad as Angle but still. Then there sticking him against Rated RKO. I mean give him a tag partner to work with.

you say wwe is lacking heels and faces and then you go on to complain that they arent giving their top face (by default) time off. If HBK is taken out of the picture that would leave an even bigger hole going into wrestlemania....:headscratch:
theres no way they tarnished the legacy, there just as good if not better, and no carlito or jeff hardy wouild not be a tgood fit, hardy doesnt have mike skills and carlito doesnt fit the character
although i would love to see another member cause i like dx a lot, ther is noone to join that wouldnt screw it up forever. Ric flair is old so that doesnt fit from the beginning. carlito is a *** whos only thing going for him right now is that he gets to act like trish startus's and torrie wilson's boyfriend. and john cena, well lets just face it, he a complete *** caus ehe thinks hes a marine when really hes disgracing the marines
the fact is dx has the biggest fan base in the wwe, and theres no way they can keep having shawn be by himself, so they have to have some1

just cause they r not as good as before doesnt mean they are not good. they r still great
That's an outrageous statement. DX is not there biggest fan base. IMO, That award would go to Batista or Undertaker. Undertaker gets the loudest pop in the WWE just for his entrance. He is obviously the most over face. He can very well be the most over heel if he turned on the fans but thats another discussion for another time.

But I do agree they need to stick another face on their. They need to put another face over. WWE is lacking top superstars especially on RAW now. IMO, They need another draft which is another discussion for another time also but they need to switch things up especially with adding new faces into the group of DX or just completely destroy it because with it 2 on 1 all the time can seriously put HBK in a big injury because he cant control a handicap match. He'll loose stanima and power and he'll get tired alot especially with traveling and etc.
That's an outrageous statement. DX is not there biggest fan base. IMO, That award would go to Batista or Undertaker. Undertaker gets the loudest pop in the WWE just for his entrance. He is obviously the most over face. He can very well be the most over heel if he turned on the fans but thats another discussion for another time.

But I do agree they need to stick another face on their. They need to put another face over. WWE is lacking top superstars especially on RAW now. IMO, They need another draft which is another discussion for another time also but they need to switch things up especially with adding new faces into the group of DX or just completely destroy it because with it 2 on 1 all the time can seriously put HBK in a big injury because he cant control a handicap match. He'll loose stanima and power and he'll get tired alot especially with traveling and etc.

I'm not sure who defends the title less....Helms or Batista......IMO Batista is played out and his charecter is growing stale. Cena has gotten a much larger fan base in the last 6 months...
I love how everyone keeps saying how the reformation of DX, with it's ORIGINAL founders is a disgrace. How quickly people forget the previous DX with Stephanie Mcmahon doing crotch chops, now THAT was a disgrace. This DX could of definitely been close to the original if we still had the real HBK, not the holy man. At least it is fitting that the only DX member is the one who created it.
Shawn Michaels is best when he is by himself in singles matches, not when he is in a tag team now, because DX doesn't do anything new these days, and I am so glad that HBK is by himself because he almost always puts on a good match, and this should be a sign from god that DX is over, and should be over for good. The only real chance DX had to be at that level of greatness again was if Shawn Michaels was not religous, and if they did that whole NWO vs. DX thing because a lot of people wanted to see that including myself, and it would of pleased the actual smart wrestling fans, and not just all the 8, and 9 year olds that know nothing about wrestling and only like the face's like John Cena, Batista, and DX. The reason why DX failed was they had bad promos/skits, and they brought it back for that nostalgic fell on RAW, and to sell merchandise, and it worked, because if you go on WWE Shop the top ten sold merchandise since DX has been around has been John Cena, maybe one item from Hulk Hogan or Undertaker, and DX.

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