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No Mercy: WHC No.1 Contender Match: Batista Vs. JBL


Dark Match Jobber

While Chris Jericho’s World Heavyweight Championship is a prize that many WWE Superstars have their eyes on, there are two that have gone farther than anyone else in proving they are worthy of holding that coveted gold: Batista and JBL. At No Mercy, the WWE Universe will find out which of these athletes deserves a title opportunity, as The Animal squares off against the Longhorn Loudmouth to determine the No. 1 contender.
I can't in any good point of view see J.B.L. coming out of this match as the winner. I don't care if it's Shawn Michaels, or Chris Jericho as Champion.. J.B.L. as a challenger to that title just isn't a good option, period.

Batista can and has worked very well with both individuals, but I doubt he'll become Champion as an end result either. Regardless I can't see Batista losing this match, and I can't see J.B.L. winning.. which almost means J.B.L. would get the upset. :rolleyes:

I know some people out there might find this match interesting and worth seeing, but I seen Summerslam a couple years ago and wasn't impressed when both of these men were on a higher level then.. they aren't the same now, and that doesn't mean they've grown better with time either. I'll be finding any reason to NOT fully watch this match, but in the end I know I'll be sitting there regretting actually watching it thinking something might be worth it in the end.
I hope Batista wins as JBL is so boring at the moment and I would rather see someone is at the top of his game like Batista face Jericho than someone who does the same promos every week and is an average wrestler at best. I can only see Batista winning as it would not make sense for two heels to fight for the championship
I really think Batista is going to win. He's been on a roll lately and deserves a title shot, likely against Jericho. They've been sort of building towards this somewhat and it makes sense considering Jericho snuck in the final pin during the scramble to cost Batista the title. Something that really bugs me about this match is, what in the world has JBL done to deserve being in line for a title shot? The only matches he's won the past few months are squash matches over some developmental guy or Jamie Noble. He had a couple title shots against Punk and lost each time, cleanly. The last thing we need to see is another JBL title shot. The match itself should be ok though as I feel Batista has really stepped it up lately, although JBL matches bore me. He basically punches the whole time, then clothesline. I'll be looking forward to what I hope is Batista v. Jericho.
I think the outcome is predictable. This match is gonna suck. There feud in 2005 almost killed any momentum Batista had. Just awful. I was only slightly entertained by their Summer Slam match.

I can't help but think that a simple Batista & HBK vs. JBL & Jericho match might have worked better. Then they could have had the three challengers as Cyber Sunday options.
I feel like they should of had a better Selection of the Number 1 contenders match out of everyone why did they pick Batistaroids and J-Bore-L

But i Can See Randy Orton Interfering in this Since his Collarbone is technically Healed

Batista has been following the World Heavyweight Championship since 2005 he just wont leave it alone

JBL is just a fat guy with Man Bewbs
Not all that interested in this match since I believe JBL has no chance to win the match. He's had his chance at the belt and honestly I was surprised to hear he would get another chance to fight for the belt. Batista wins and the match will be average I think, and Batista doesn't win the title after this match and JBL will continue to try and get title matches and will somehow keep receiving them.
I think JBL will actually win this match and here is y. They can run an angle where jbl is one of the choices for cyber sunday since he would technically be a contender. This would allow whoever the other two choices for cyber sunday have a greater chance cause no one is gonna vote for jbl.
Ah yes. joy and rapture for all. Batista is probably going to win, becuase Jericho is going to win, A, and JBL is laborious, B. This match will probably be utter total shit unless its made into a no DQ, becuase its useless other wise. Batista has improved by miles, but not enough to carry this slothfull tits mcgee. Shit match. Batista wins
jbl should go back to being a comentator...i prefer him commenting rather than wrestling...and batista, i mean, he's been chasing a title since, if i'm not mistaken before wrestlemania(it started with him vs mvp fot the US title) and then he got robbed of a title shot at NOC agains edge and then adamle put him against cena wich was not impressive since the only thing that ingited their feud was a punch and they fought 3 weeks after...and also at unforgiven, chris jericho slithered into the rign and stole the title from batista and the next episode of raw, adamle puts punk to fight jericho inside a steel cage for the title...i mean, i like punk but i don't think his title reign as WHC was impressive...this kind of reign should not even be defended...it should be more like, you win it and then give it up coz you did nothing to earn it and what makes you think you can defend it...batista is the one who should have the title match inside that cage against jericho and he is the one who should face jericho for at no mercy
I cannot see anything other than a Batista win. If WWE give the nod to JBL here then it will be a perfect example of a promotion going right when it is quite obvious it should be going left.

JBL should not even be close to the WHC anymore, a number one contenders match is even pushing it to far. When he began to wrestle again he claimed it was because he didn't want the fans to remember him for being the injured, over-weight guy he was on his dieing days on Smackdown. As much as JBL has become, well, stale quite frankly in the ring he was a good colour comentator. He has potential in other areas such as a manager like the million dollar man was to Steve Austin, he should embrace that gift. At the very least I think the best thing for JBL is a feud with Santino, CM Punk or Lance Cade over the Intercontinental title.
An actual No. 1 contenders match. When was the last time we had one of these on a ppv? Anyway, this will definately be a Batista win. There is talk of Batista maybe leaving, so maybe this is made to make him stay? And Batista is in a better position to wrestle whoever comes out champion, as he just gels well with both wrestlers, at least moreso than JBL.
This match is and will be a very predictable and boring match. JBL throws some punches, maybe a clothesline then, Batista hits the spear and the Batista Bomb for the win. WOW. Maybe I should be on the creative team. Come on, make this a little more interesting. Why not put Batista and JBL in the ladder match. That would get peoples attention for sure and then maybe the WWE will actually sell some seats for this PPV. I don't know, I am really just ranting but, the WWE needs to do something different if they really want to make some money. Make some high profile matches that really mean something.
Meh. Not anything special either, and I really think going into this match, I don't really care for either of them. Batista has some momentum at least, while CHL gets a bigger reaction than JBL. On the other hand the WWE might try a swerve, which would mean something if well ... JBL meant something.

Anyway I see Batista winning. Couple of reasons, I see Jericho retaining so they won't go heel vs heel. On the flip side, if Shawn wins then they could go Batista vs. Shawn seeing as they have the history from the beginning of Michaels/Chris fued.

Honestly, I'd probably rather see JBL win just for the sake of it. But unless Shawn wins (which I doubt) that it ain't gonna happen. Batista gets the win here.
Boring match. I remember their singles match they had in 2005, and that was awful. I didn't even enjoy their gimmick match at Summerslam 2005 one bit. I doubt this match will be better than their previous ones. JBL is sloppy with every opponent he faces. He needs a gimmick to put on a passable match. Batista can put on a good match, given that he is working with a quality opponent. This could possibly be the worst match on the night. Batista is just killing time until Cena gets back in my opinion. At least the match has some purpose, with that being the winner of the match faces the World Heavyweight Champion at the next pay per view.

The build up for the match hasn't been that bad at all. But the outcome is predictable as I really can't see JBL winning to receive yet another World Title match. Batista vs Chris Jericho sounds good to me. So I'm expecting a very slow match that the crowd might struggle to get into. Batista should and will win this match in a rather long but boring match. I expect him to lose at the next pay per view and then do almost nothing until John Cena returns at the end of the year. JBL has feuding with almost every face on Raw except Shawn Michaels, so that can be his next feud.
I'm mixed on this one. I'd love to see a JBL win, just because it would be shocking. On the other hand, I'm not crazy about the idea of a JBL/Jericho feud, and I can't imagine such a feud being overly popular with fans in general. So just for keeping fan's interest, I would expece a batista win here.
This seems a stick on Batista victory as JBL very rarely comes out the victor in his feuds on RAW.
Batista will then get his title match and JBL will most likely feud with CM Punk, until Orton is back then go against Charlie Haas.
So it's 2005 revisited yet again for JBL. First he continues his bad feud with John Cena which amounted to exactly nothing this year, to continue on with his 2005 running mates in teh form of Dave Batista. Yes, that Dave Batista that produced zero good match with JBL as well in 2005.

JBL, how does this guy still have a job. He's terrible, has always been terrible, and will always be terrible. Batista has had signs of life this year, but quickly proceeds to return to a level of super suckiness that all are familiar with.

This is a match meant to get Batista on the card, plain and simple. This match can't possibly be any good, and it won't be.
Euuugghhh. pee YOO.

Of all the things they couldve done. fuck. This is gonna be horrid. Batista has improved leaps and bounds, but JBL has regressed greatly, and is just laborious now. If it was given a no DQ stip, then maybe I would buy it. but ti doesnt, and I dont. just terrible. I see Jeritron winning in the end, so I guess that makes Batista the winner here, as JBL Vs Jericho wouldnt do well, and JBL just got out of a world title feud.

Expected Rating : 6

NorCal's Pick : Batista

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