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No Mercy: Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy


[This Space for Rent]
After tonight on Smackdown, Jeff Hardy won the right to face Triple H. at No Mercy for the W.W.E. Championship. This is likely what will Main Event the entire Pay per view, and it'll be Hardy's 2nd Heavyweight Championship match of the year on Pay per view, as well as his third opportunity at gaining the overall shot. (counting his inclusion into the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out)

I think this will be a decent match, but the funny thing is, I doubt it'll be any different from their Armageddon encounter.. with the slight finish difference being I doubt Hardy will capitalize with a victory.

It's not guaranteed, but it's almost assumed the winner will likely face the Big Show at Survivor Series for the Championship. I doubt with the 'Main Event' match-up that is "H.H.H. v. Big Show" that they'd pass on that being one of their top matches at one of their top p.p.v.'s of the year.

None the less, I wouldn't be surprised if they finish out the Championship triple crown by giving the "younger" wrestler (Hardy) the opportunity to carry the Heavyweight title. I just don't think they're comfortable with it, just yet. If Hardy can prove he won't screw up in competing for over a solid year, maybe he'll get the chance.. until then, I think it'll be Hardy proving Triple H. right in being just 1 second short of gaining glory.

Please give your thoughts on this match-up. Add as much detail as you can, stay on topic, and EXPLAIN why you feel how you do.

EDIT: After Hardy won the match, in an unknown reason, Vladimir Kozlov came out and basically destroyed Hardy, leaving him broken in the ring to end the show. I wouldn't be surprised if this regular single's match turned into a Triple Threat either, but Kozlov hasn't really been "Heavyweight worthy".

I mean, he said he wants better opponents, but I hardly think that warrants him a shot at the Championship. My guess is he could challenge Hardy for the spot and either claim it from Hardy, find himself mixed in making it a 3-way, or it'll just be all for not and Kozlov will go back to squashing Funaki.
Markage. Out. Seriously. Finally, thank you WWE. I have been wanting this match for ages, with Hardy being my fav. star at the moment. (Yeah that's right, a smark just said that.) I now feel oblidged to talk about Hardy on this forum, oh well. I am really really looking forward to this (if you hadn't figured it out already). Just Hardy being in this match is amazing for me.

Now Will, this may just be the Hardy mark in me talking. But I think Hardy will win the title, if not as this PPV the next one. I have my reasons for thinking this, for instance: HHH has been supremely pushing Hardy ever since he has been near the title, not just off screen, but on screen with all the little ol' comments of his. He also said something along the lines of "one more shot", and since I know, I know that Hardy is getting the title it should happen if if this "one more shot" applies.

1 second off ... if they play on that as well, Hardy goes for a pin after a swanton and HHH kicks out with 1 second to go. That would be a good way to play on that, although if Hardy does win then they would probably (assuming what I said happens) go on that Hardy made the second up, or some random shit.

If HHH retains, then I assume Hardy will get a rematch. But once again if they play with the "one last chance" thing, then HHH won't be winning. Unless the WWE likes to hurt my feelings and just removes Hardy from the title picture.

I'm just sure if this is just because it is Hardy, but I think Hardy will pull one out here. Whether it be by roll up or whatever, of course I'm not sure what will happen assuming HHH gets a rematch (which he most definately will).

Also as for the Koslov thing, I think that this will just be for a Hardy vs. Koslov next week just to show Hardy can prove himself, or they could have Koslov win clean and make Hardy truly an underdog.
Honestly, I think Trips sent out Kozlov. Trips was acting like a heel all night, and the only guy other than Taker that could get Trips to turn is Hardy. So, if they plan on making the Trips turn...then they should do it now. And him sending in Kozlov to mash on Hardy only makes perfect sense.

However, I am sad that they are giving us this match so early. They SHOULD be saving this for Mania, but I guess they must have different plans. I can't really make a solid judgment on the winner yet...but I think if Trips is going to lose the belt pre-Mania...then it happens here.
I'm really looking forward to this match. In the back of my mind I think that Triple H is going to win but I can't doubt the fact that hardy could pull out a victory here and get the belt. But what I think will happen is Triple H wins at No Mercy then a rematch at survivor series where hardy finally wins. I was thinking Big Show vs The winner at S.S but Im thinking the Big Show will still be tied up with Undertaker. Like i said Im looking forward to this one and Im hopin hardy can pull out a victory.
I couldn't care less about this. I saw it at Armageddon. After it everyone talked about how Triple H put over Hardy. I beg to differ, the guy lost to him. That's all. So now we get the rematch where Triple H can avenge his loss. Anybody else noticed that he always does that? He can't ''put somebody over'' and not get a convincing win back off them. Weird that.
I couldn't care less about this. I saw it at Armageddon. After it everyone talked about how Triple H put over Hardy. I beg to differ, the guy lost to him. That's all. So now we get the rematch where Triple H can avenge his loss. Anybody else noticed that he always does that? He can't ''put somebody over'' and not get a convincing win back off them. Weird that.

Regardless of whatever happens with HHH and "wrestler x", if Hardy had not won that match then he would never have really got to the level he is at now. So, whatever your opinion on HHH may be, I'm glad he let Hardy have that one.

That's besides the point though. It will come down to whether or not HHH (and/or creative and/or vince) want to give Hardy the belt just yet. They are really pushing him to it, and they seem to really want to give it to him (plus I have heard that SD! Head of creative is high on Hardy). If they want to give it to him, it will depend on how the next few weeks pan out to see whether or not Hardy will get the belt.

I personally judge these things mainly by the last week, as i will be doing here. If Hardy hits the TOF on the last week on HHH, I assume he won't get the belt, or not until the next PPV. Although if HHH has the advantage on the last week, I will probably assume Hardy takes the belt. If it's even on the last week, I'll probably assume Hardy because he seems to be in line to get the belt.

It will come down to what happens the next few weeks.
Regardless of whatever happens with HHH and "wrestler x", if Hardy had not won that match then he would never have really got to the level he is at now.

I think you can thank Randy Orton & Jeff Hardy for the level he was at in January 2009. Triple H didn't do nothing for him. It was the great work by Orton & Hardy that made him look like he could be a main event wrestler. If anything Jeff Hardy succeeded despite HHH doing nothing to elevate him.

But on the flip side it's Hardy's fault that he's not a former world champion.

So, whatever your opinion on HHH may be, I'm glad he let Hardy have that one.

He really shouldn't have ''let'' him have one. Triple H should have put him over because he was a better option for the WWE Championship match at The Rumble.
this match is gonna be great in my opinion... As for what happened on smackdown with kozlov, I agree I beleive hhh sent him out there to put hardy down, and I believe that will be the marking point of the hhh heel turn we all been waiting for or the reason kozlov went out there could be different such as making hardy look stronger in the weeks leading to no mercy by giving kozlov his first loss....but if creative wants to make hhh heel then this is the perfect time to do it in my opinion.....if hhh really did send kozlov out there then u never know if the match ends in a DQ making a rematch at survivor series and hardy getting the victory there, but I think hardy should get the title here and be the top guy on SD for a few....hhh mentioned "one more shot" alot of times on SD, so if they play that angle then I could really smell a hardy victory in this match....jeff hardy pretty much praised hhh on SD by saying he is the man, he is great, he is a God in wrestling and how everyone in the back respects him and what to be like him etc, that was done for if hardy defeats hhh, then hhh wont look as bad and lose his creditabilty....alot of people including myself would want him to get it at WM25, but the thing is that is gonna be difficult to see if hhh would job again for like the 5th time in a row....so just give the title to hardy now and I can't wait to see how emotional that is gonna be, Jeff Hardy finally getting the title....for as my prediction goes, I don't have one yet because I have to see how they play this feud out in the weeks leading to the ppv, but I am pulling for The Enigma, Jeff Hardy.
I think you can thank Randy Orton & Jeff Hardy for the level he was at in January 2009. Triple H didn't do nothing for him. It was the great work by Orton & Hardy that made him look like he could be a main event wrestler. If anything Jeff Hardy succeeded despite HHH doing nothing to elevate him.

I was only refering to the match, if Hardy hadn't won the match Randy couldn't have put Hardy over. HHH did do a little in putting him over though, basically through the Survivor Series match and rubbing a bit onto Hardy. It would be delusion to think Hunter didn't do a little for Hardy.

But on the flip side it's Hardy's fault that he's not a former world champion.

Unfortunately, it is.

He really shouldn't have ''let'' him have one. Triple H should have put him over because he was a better option for the WWE Championship match at The Rumble.

Well, it's debatable on whether he was better. But HHH could let him go through because the Chamber would eventually get him to mania anyway.

Which makes me think of another point. Seeing as HHH > Hardy in the chamber with a clean pin, and Hardy is partly being the underdog here. Hardy may go over because of that. Still undecided I am though.
I expect they'll test him for drugs every week of the month before they decide to give him the title. As we have all assumed, Jeff was supposed to win MITB this year, not Punk. Unlike other people who've been suspended, Jeff has remained in the ME tier (except Edge but he wasn't on TV at the time of the suspensions, and Booker left before we could judge with him) due to how over he is, and keeps coming stupidly close to winning, but i think they want to keep the suspense up and tease the Hardy marks for as long as possible, as well as making sure they can trust him not to screw up again.

Koslov is the wild card imo. If they have them square off next week and book Koslov to win, i could understand why they'd put him in the title picture. Now i know a lot of people are going to say 'aG3Nt, are you high? You don't know shit!' but remember, Hardcore Holly got a World title shot because the current champ injured him the year before. Very personal fued? Yes. Was it going to draw money? OH HELL, NO! Any other PPV with that as the title match would have bombed but it was at the Rumble so it was guaranteed to get buys. Edge the champ got injured, vacated the title, instead of giving Kane another opponent, they gave Khali the title, when he'd previously been playing musical chairs with brands! No one outside of India wanted Khali as the champ! And yet that's what happened, so they're just as likely to put Koslov in the mix whether we agree with it or not.

My guess would be, IF Koslov goes over Hardy, and they put him in the title match, HHH would pin Koslov, thereby ending his undefeated streak, but NOT beating Jeff. Jeff then gets another shot one on one at SS, because i think they'll want to drag on Big Show/Taker for a while longer than 1 month.

If Koslov just crops up and is slapped back down for two weeks, and it's one on one at NM, then i bet he does a run in and costs Jeff his shot, and that's when they'll have a triple threat, not necessarily with Koslov but someone, maybe Show, who knows. I think Hardy could well win it before the Rumble, he can defend against HHH, have an Edge run in, screwing HHH, Edge gets a shot, Jeff beats him, loses it somewhere along the line before WM. I wouldn't be surpriesd if we had Taker in the SD ME for the third year running.

I still can't honestly say i see Jeff Hardy a) winning the Royal Rumble or b) being in a World title match at WM. As a company man he's not dependable enough to put the strap on him. How bad would it look if he failed a test as the champ? They've NEVER had to fire the champ, he'd probably lose it on SD! and then get fired with nothing but a 'he did drugs again so he's gone' message on the web, and that'd be it. As much as everyone loves the guy, and believe me i'm not a Hardy mark but i do appreciate and respect him, and hopefully when i go to SD! after Mania in April he'll be there wrestling because i was disappointed he wasn't there at the Raw show i went to in April this year, there's always got to be this aura of doubt about whether he can be relied upon by Vince and the creative team.

I want to see him as champ, because i like to see anyone new get a run with the top title, though i doubt it would be for more than 3-4 months, and i can't see a title run lasting until WM, and i honestly think it's too early to speculate about this month's PPV. Hell, Edge could come back at NM and screw Jeff. Randy Orton could punt him during a segment and they replace him at the last second with Big Show who got buried alive by Taker some 10 minutes beforehand. Some psycho could shoot HHH in the parking lot because they SOOOOOO want Jeff to be champ, for all we know! I'll probably put up another post the afternoon of the PPV, when the possibilities aren't so large in number.
Being both a HHH and Jeff Hardy mark, this match alone will be enough for me to either order NM or go to the local bar that shows them (even though it will force me to deal with my scum-bag brother-in-law).

That being here nor there, I would have to agree with some saying that Jeff may not be the most reliable man to put the strap on right now. He's on 2 strikes and if he no-shows again or fails a test (which I think would be the least likely scenario), he'll be on the outside looking in. I would never say for a second he doesn't have ability and he is always willing to take a bump, but, he needs to show he can be a company man. Sorry Jeff. :(

Not too many things can be said about HHH that haven't already been said. However, if within the next 2 months, Big Show enters the title picture, HHH taking down the "big, angry giant" would be a little better for tv/ppv than Show coming in, punching Jeff in the head, and walking out with the title. I just hope there are plans in place for a good Show/Taker feud whether it involves the title or not.

As for Kozlov, i'd like to see him in a couple matches that actually have meaning. He's had way too many squash matches to just thrust him into the title picture, even as a catalyst. The only problem being, it only leaves HHH and Jeff to work with. I'd love to see Kozlov work with MVP or Taker, but for obvious reasons, neither of those will happen.
i think trips will pull it out at no mercy in close fashion but im pretty confident hardy will win at survivor series. but i dont know why i like hardy chasing the title more then i probably will with him wearing it but im not sure yet on account that he hasen't won yet but im almost 65% sure he will lose at no mercy. but 90% he will at survivor series. i dont see big show feuding with either. big is show is big YAWN. boring. and kozklov? wwe is probably trying too make him feel better hardy will probably beat him next week. i dont see kozkolov in the title picture at all. you shouldent get a title shot by squashing no name opponents.
LOL. I really DON'T think Trips will let Jeff Hardy cleanly pin him for the belt. If that happens, I will be eating both my hat and my bootlaces.

That doesn't mean Hardy won't win at No Mercy, though. If they put Kozlov into this match, Trips could get lose the belt in a triple threat match without ever getting pinned. Or, alternatively, Trips could win at No Mercy thanks to Kozlov interfering: Hardy then destroys Kozlov on Smackdown, and Trips, Hardy and either Big Show or Undertaker could have a triple threat at Survivor Series in which Trips loses the belt. And again, he wouldn't have to be pinned.

I do think a change in belt-holder is coming, as Trips's reign as been boring, stale, and generally crap - all the best storylines have had nothing to do with him, but I'm sure he'll lose out in a Triple thread somewhere without ever being pinned. Then he'll get a rematch in which he'll lose via DQ or countout or something.
First of all, why is everyone assuming Jeff Hardy will lose at No Mercy just to win the WWE Championship at Survivor Series? Did you people forget a certain ppv in between NM and SS, named, uh... CYBER SUNDAY? If anything if Jeff loses at NM, the fans will most likely believe he deserves another shot and they vote for him to face HHH for the title at Cyber Sunday, assuming he's one of the people whom you can choose, as mabe he can win it there. With that being said, I will explain Jeff and how he got this far in his career starting late last year.
First, you look at the Chris Benoit incident, causing WWE to test all the superstars for drugs and suspending 10+ superstars at first. Jeff Hardy was one of them, when he returned, he had a matchup with Mr. Kennedy, won, and then got a post-match attack from IC Champion, Umaga. The next week, WWE booked Jeff Hardy to win the gold from Umaga just 2 weeks after his return, just to suspend Umaga for the same reason. Jeff wins the title and has quite a few losses.
Then at Survivor Series, he gains a friendship with Triple H teaming with each other along with Kane and Rey Mysterio against Umaga's team of himself, Finlay, Big Daddy V, Mr. Kennedy, and M.V.P. In that match Hardy and Triple H last to be the sole survivors of the match. Some days, later then-GM William Regal announces a #1 contenders match between the two at Armageddon, to face WWE Champion Randy Orton at Royal Rumble. Everyone assumed that Triple H would win (as did I) and go on to face Orton, but Hardy gains a surprise pin and gains the victory.
Jeff Hardy begins to fued with Orton and does a lot of high-risk and ''daredevilish'' manuevers to impress Orton, among others, making you think that he might have won at RR. They have their matchup and right when Jeff goes for the ''Twist of Fate'', Randy counters with an RKO and retains.
Jeff along with Triple H, J.B.L., Umaga, Chris Jericho, and Shawn Michaels compete in an ''Elimination Chamber'' match with the winner facing Randy for title at WM24. Triple H gets the win last pinning Jeff. The next night on RAW, Jeff Hardy defeats Snitsky earning the first spot in the ''Money in the Bank'' ladder match at WM24. On another episode of RAW, he becomes a guest on Y2J's ''High Light Reel'' and the next week loses the Intercontinental Championship to Jericho. Then we all find out that he's suspended for 60 days due to his second violation of the Wellness Program.
Jeff returns the night after Jugdment Day and begins another short fued with Umaga. He does nothing for a little while and then gets drafted to SD! With Edge as the champion, Hardy could have had a better chance of being the champion, but as Trips is, it'll be a lot harder. He begins a fued with M.V.P. whcih didn't bring much concern to me, as I like a Benjamin/Jeff feud better. He loses to M.V.P. at SS due to outside interference from Benjamin. Hardy gets another shot at the WWE Championship at Unforgiven as comes1 freaking second away from winning. The next SD!, he defeats Shelton Benjamin, The Brian Kendrcik, and M.V.P. to become the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. After the match, he gets attacked by a ''Moscow Mauler'', named Vladimir Kozlov.

With all that shit being said, let's get back to the Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy match at No Mercy for the WWE Championship. I have a hard time believing that HHH sent Kozlov out to attack Hardy, because he's been saying for several weeks that he demanded better challenge, and he almost got one with Big Show, but the only reason that didn't stick was becasue of Show's fast heel turn and Kozlov wanted to remain a heel. If Kozlov somehow was added to the WWE Championship secen at NM, he can bet that Hardy would come out as the new champion. If the match remains as Triple H vs. Jeff Hardy, HHH will most likely retain once again, due to either Kozlov interfering leading to a DQ finish or Hardy comes close and manages to still lose.

In closing... I don't think you have to worry about Jeff Hardy not winning the WWE Championship. He WILL win the title someday and if you still worry that he'll be fired as the champion, atleast you can still say that Jeff Hardy was a former WWE Champion and don't remember him as the man who was fired as the WWE Champion.
I'm so psyched about this match! Jeff Hardy has gotten back up there to the level he was at during the Orton feud, which is known as Championship Material. Screw his chequered past, Jeff Hardy deserves to go over Hunter and become the world champion he deserves to be. Jeff is one of the few faces that are over with the fans AND a majority of the IWC, and you know that once you can get into the hearts of jaded sumbitches like ourselves, that you're worth a damn >.<

But actually, I don't see him winning at No Mercy. Right now, it doesn't feel like WWE have complete confidence in him, and who can blame them, due to his past indiscretions? However, the match will end with a very narrow margin, allowing them to keep feuding until Survivor Series and for Jeff to rebuild their trust in him, where Jeff can finally reach for that "brass ring" as they say and become champion. I say to you, unless something unforeseen happens, Jeff Hardy will be champion by the end of 2008! This is Jeff's year!
I think if Jeff didn't get suspended and he competed in the mitb match he would have won instead of and he would be champthen lose it at the scramble and then he would be a world champ like matt is.

edit: Jeff will either miss the swanton bomb anad get pedigreed by trips or will hit the twist of fate. I forsee hhh sending koslov after jeff too weaken him and then jeff will get clobbered on for 3 weeks by hhh and koslov.

then at no mercy hardy will limp down the entrance way win with either a tof or a swanton then after the match koslov will attack hardy then become #1 cotender Hardy will retain unless he get's fired.
I don't see why everyone thinks that Kozlov and HHH are working together. I think that Kozlov just wants better competition so he decided to attack the #1 contender for the highest title on SD!

This match should be a great one. HHH vs Jeff Hardy for the #1 contedership for Orton's title was awesome so this match should/could be even beter. In the end, I see HHH winning after Jeff goes for the Twist Of Fate and HHH reverses into a Pedigree for the win. If this doesn't happen then, the match will end in an interference call because of Kozlov attacking Jeff Hardy. I hope this match ends in a clean victory for HHH so then both have victories over eachother. Then, at the next PPV (Cyber Sunday), Jeff Hardy WILL get voted into the WWE Title Match against HHH because they put on such a good showing at No Mercy the fans will want to see it again. In the match you could have Jeff Hardy win just barely with a roll up or something like that. Hardy could hold the title until say No Way Out and lose it setting up a triple threat between HHH, Jeff Hardy, and ???(Undertaker, Edge, Big Show etc.) This would be a dream world though.

The triple threat would obviously take place at WrestleMania 25.
I don't know how excited I am about this match. I love it in theory ... but I am pretty sure it is just a Trips win ... and part of me is completely ok with that.
I am a Triple H mark and a Hardy mark so I will be happy either way. I also love to be surprised, and a Hardy win would definitely do that. I am more intrigued by what they do with Triple H here.
They have been talking about a full heel turn for Trips for a while ... and this is the PERFECT opportunity. Could do it like Austin at WM 17. He just cannot figure out how to win ... keeps nailing move after move and Hardy keeps kicking out ... until ... screw it, here comes the sledgehammer and he totally works Hardy over.
I think Hardy is over enough as a face to make a Trips turn quite possible and set up a solid Trips vs. Taker feud with Taker as the face. It will be a good way to lift Hardy's level without quite giving him the strap yet ... while at the same time setting up a classic WM match between Trips and Undertaker for WM 25.
Just some ideas ... of course none of this is likely to happen.
This will be a great match easily MOTN if done properly.

Frankly I don't see Hardy coming out with the win here, as much as I would like to say the opposite. HHH with the victory and it probably will not be clean. Come Cyber Sunday it will be HHH vs Hardy no voting on who gets in the voting will be for the stip I think. Where most likely it'll end up as a ladder match, Hardy pulls out a victory here. This is where a HHH heel turn can begin, HHH will say that Hardy proved nothing with the win as he never pinned him. Rematch at Survivor Series, Hardy pulls out the victory with some form of roll up. We will be given another rematch of sorts at Armageddon where Hardy will retain again. Then we are into the Road to Wrestlemania mode where Hardy WILL lose the title at No Way Out, they won't have him go into the biggest show of the year as the champ they'll have someone they know can draw Edge most likely. And hopefully Hardy will be a part of that match even if he doesn't win it there.

Kozlov is a non-factor in this he is just a guy looking for competition so he goes after the #1 contender for the WWE title. He'll lose next week to Hardy to give Hardy momentum. The only other scenario I see happening is Hardy doesn't win the title at either of the next 2 PPVs and wins the Rumble and wins at Wrestlemania. Highly unlikely, I know but not too many options in this situation, Hardy's on the ME cusp and HHH won't hold until Mania and I don't see them giving the title to Show even with Vickie

Pretty much the worst possible match the WWE could give us at this point. Granted, Jeff Hardy has improved this year, but he's not great, he's barely passable. Triple H is still as god awful, if not worse then he has ever been.

This match can only provide one of few things, and none of them are positive. Either Jeff Hardy pulls off another fluke roll up victory, and Triple H marks will be on here blowing their load as to how he "put Jeff Over Again", which Triple H has failed to ever put Jeff Hardy over period.

Or Triple H does what he does best, and that's get the return victory over anyone that beats him. Part of me is happy to see Jeff Hardy fans get their hopes up when he has absolutely zero chance in hell of winning this match.

This match is dreadful. These two have had exactly zero good matches together. Their styles simply don't mesh, and this is about as bad of a potential train wreck as it could get.

That must hurt after a while.

Pretty much the worst possible match the WWE could give us at this point.

Doubt it. Unless you don't mind seeing HHH vs. Khali on PPV again?

Granted, Jeff Hardy has improved this year,

Eaxctly, which is why it could be far worse.

but he's not great, he's barely passable.

He gets one of the top 5 pops in the WWE at the moment. That's passable.

Triple H is still as god awful, if not worse then he has ever been.


This match can only provide one of few things, and none of them are positive.

Nothing good besides a good, intense and close to personal fued, a good main event worthy match that will most likely main event No Mercy, and a possible new champion by Cyber Sunday; which if it stretches out until then will give us another great match with the possible stip of a ladder match in which Jeff will definately shine.

Either Jeff Hardy pulls off another fluke roll up victory,

If Jeff pulls another fluke then that will add fuel to the fire with HHH wanting to prove he can beat him, and Jeff needing to prove he can win clean. He won't win clean here (this is what I'm assuming at the moment).

and Triple H marks will be on here blowing their load as to how he "put Jeff Over Again", which Triple H has failed to ever put Jeff Hardy over period.

I'm not looking forward to that either.

Part of me is happy to see Jeff Hardy fans get their hopes up when he has absolutely zero chance in hell of winning this match.

But that's just it isn't it? If he doesn't win this one, he will be winning another.
Persoanlly i think that Kozlov will interupt the match at NM causing a DQ, then he and hardy will have a number 1 contenders match, with hardy winning, then for cyber sunday there'll be a choice of stipulations, tlc,cage & another gimmick, and no matter what gets voted in, hardy will win, and HHH will turn heel saying the fans turned on him by givng hardy the advantage by voting in a, tlc match or whatever is the choice, he wont be winning and NM though, theyll save it for a big ppv, then again cyber sunday? lol, just wishful thinking
WWE has all of you thinking what they way you to think, that hardy doesn't have a chance of winning the title against hhh by being a super underdog....lately wwe has been throwing alot of curveballs such as batista beating cena cleanly, Jericho winning the championship, NOBODY knew that was gonna happen and everybody thought punk was going to retain....this is jeff hardys time right now, they are pushing him straght to the wwe title and its finally gonna happen at no mercy, if it doesn't then this fued is gonna drag and get boring, but if hardy wins the title, is gonna add some spice to it and get intresting with hhh using his rematch clause and maybe finally turning heel out of fustration....I stated earlier that I didn't have a predicion, but idk something just hit me and told me that Jeff Hardy will win at No Mercy and finally acomplish his lifetime goal...all of you say that wwe are not trusting him completly yet to give him the title, but I disagree....why let him get the #1 contender spot, why waste the spot when they couldved given it to the others that were in the scramble....they believe in him and they showed it in the scramble and on SD....if hardy doesnt win then is gonna be very dissappointing....but i believe WWE is gonna shock us all once again. This is coming from a long time smark...
i truly think hardy will lose this one i just do not see them putting it on him. but he is getting much better hes looking more like a wrestler but still does the high flying stuff all the time. I reckon the build up he got with orton was terrific but the mic skills were lackin however his promo cutting is much better than before so he could be good to go. However i reckon koslov or vicky will screw him out of it. Then i will drag on in the background and as soon as it gets to royal rumble bang hardy will win it then next ppv then no way out he will get it in a tlc match or something like that. I reckon by then edge will be back as wwe champion or mvp. Thats my thoughts
I just cant envision them doing this switch, here, now. This may lead to a series of "just *that* close" matches for Hardy, leading to a rumble or EC win, and a WM spot. Not sure if they trust him that much tho, wereas they may do the swap and let him have a run during the fall, only to drop it again in say, December, I doubt they will do the switch, but the time is becoming ripe for Trips title reighn, if you all remeber correct, began three weeks after WM.

I, for one, was a fan of the first match from Armageddon, and am looking forward to this. Hardy is arguably MORE over, and him pulling off the upset and pulling off the great escape every week, would be good for them moving to a new network. There is JUST enough intrigue for me to be lulled into thinking Hardy has a chance, depending on how its booked over the next few weeks.

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