Night Of Champions: Triple H vs. John Cena

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
You would imagine the champion will still be Triple H. I doubt anybody thinks that orton will win at One Night Stand. My original pick for the opponent was JBL. But I'm unsure now as he just lost to Cena. I can't imagine that Cena will be the opponent. That sounds like a Summer Slam match to me, Night Of Champions is almost filler. So I guess there's still a chance that JBL might get a show, I can't see a Triple H feud with him lasting more than two PPV's. That's two too many if you ask me.
HHH will be in this and, following the broken collar bone of orton, it is guaranteed not to be a rematch of the last few months. I'm predicting a number one contender match on Raw. My problem with Cena would be that it would be a face/face clash. I'm predicting JBL vs HHH in a short feud. one match deal maybe, but probably not more than 2. HHH will take it anyway
This could also be a quick feud for a different mid-card heel, I think this spot had Regal written all over it, but with the suspension and all, maybe even Umaga or someone else, or maybe another "Championsjip Challenge" knowing the WWE.
It has too be Triple H vs. John Bradshaw Layfield, Triple H vs. John Cena will not happen until Summerslam or a bigger ppv.

Otherwise it might be a "Championship Challenge" with all former championships.

Triple H vs. John Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. JBL vs. Chris Jericho(But hes I.c Champion)

If this ppv has only the champions defending their belts. I dont see how Batista, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, JBL are all going too be apart of this ppv, unless they are in a World title match..
I've always felt that HHH's next feud would be with JBL. That's why I was expecting JBL to go over Cena at ONS. But now? I'm really not sure. I think now would be a good time for a HHH/JBL feud for a couple of PPVS - it may not be pretty, but it would be intense stuff - chuck in a gimmick match as well (Texas bullrope match).
I'm actually thinking that WWE is going to try to make "Night Of Champions" another A-Show. Like a SummerSlam, or Survivor Series, to make it the "Big 5," rather than the current "Big 4."

It just seems that way to me. Maybe because "Night of Champions" has somewhat of that "Big Show" feel to it. If you know what I mean.

Anyway, in that regard, Triple H vs. John Cena may be a possibility. But then again, a Championship Challenge (like last year's main event) may be the right way to go. Because if you remember, the WWE Championship Challenge was a match featuring ALL former World CHampions on RAW. And with the draft coming up, and just the week before "Night of Champions," the Championship Challenge may be the most logical thing to do since anyone could come and go from RAW before the PPV itself.
So tonight we see its Triple H vs John Cena.


HHH wins via pinfall. Looks like we're not getting Cena on Smackdown, which would've made sense.

HHH comes out on Raw the next night, goes "who's next, because I'm not losing this title outside of an injury before Summerslam or Survivor Series".
It seems a little early to be jumping into a Cena/Triple H feud. What will happen come Summer Slam? That's supposed to be the 2nd biggest show of the year, so you'd imagine they'd save it for then. If it goes the way most feuds appear to going, that would be the third match in the feud. By then they'll need a pretty special gimmick to get fans intrested in it.
I think this match got pushed up because of the Regal suspension as either this would have been a hired gun from Regal to take on HHH or Regal himself would have taken him on. JBL doesnt seem like he was even an option for this match as then go a PPV without him but in reality they cant have PPV without Cena. I think this is start of the turn of HHH that will be complete by SummerSlam. Maybe they realized HHH turning on Cena isnt going to be the essential Heel turn they thought have a new plan for it.
I personally think hardy would have been a better choice considering triple h only fought him once currently. A heel turn on cena wouldn't be that surprising but what happens if cena does win? Is it going to another overdone cena vd hhh rematch that will bore us to tears. The draft should have done after wrestlemania because all we seeing is repeats. Put cena on smackdown cuz with undertaker gone 4 a while they need a face main eventer
At last year's "Night of Champions" p.p.v. they had John Cena defending the World Championship against all former Champions. Why not at least do that again this year? I could've definately seen a possible.. Triple H. v. John Cena v. Jeff Hardy v. Umaga v. J.B.L. match-up.

Sure, Hardy & Umaga haven't become World Champions, but they could've altered it a bit to include them. And that 5 way match wouldn't of been half bad. Plus, it'd of saved them from pulling out their "Ace in the hole" match of Cena/H.H.H.. now, we're either gonna get a regular match between these two that won't go anywhere. Or Cena might (horribly) become Champion.

I think they could go a couple directions for Summerslam, to be honest though. If Batista jumps to Raw, we could see a Triple H. v. Batista match-up. The storyline behind that is Triple H. has never defeated Batista when the World Championship has been on the line.. so H.H.H. would "be against the wall."

I doubt highly and seriously if John Cena wins, but I've been wrong for the previous two monthes on not understanding why hes suddenly winning for no reason. Cena's current gimmick is "Cena gets laid." And I can't see how having him win over J.B.L. is accomplishing that, except for that corny ass drink of J.B.L.'s that he drank on Raw last night. I have no clue.. Cena's storylines have become utterly pointless and pathetically stupid.

This match will be "HUGE" for a "B-Show" p.p.v.. but is there honestly a remote chance they'd give it to Cena here? I think it could go 30-70, as the p.p.v. gives hint to Champions being made. So who knows.
I think this match was done only because it was the only thing to reasonably go with. I don't think they want to rush Jeff Hardy into the mix just yet so they left him off. If Cena wins, I think a fued with Hardy would happen. If Triple H wins, umm...maybe anybody from Smackdown. The match will be alright, not terrible, but we've seen it before.
Triple H vs Cena makes a kind of sense, I suppose. I guess it means we can rule out Cena going to Smackdown, which is annoying, but not disastrous. Triple H will win this one and keep going as champ for a good few months, but eventually I see him losing out to Jeff Hardy (via MITB, CM Junk is clearly only holding it for Hardy). Which will involve a Triple H heel turn, inevitably. Things will probably heat up on RAW eventually once Hardy gets teh briefcase, but until then...meh. I doubt the draft will help, Raw is overstacked and will lose out to Smackdown (not Cena, so it seems now, but probably Jericho and HBK).

Hopefully Burchill and Kennedy can keep us amused. That feud's looking quite promising :)
Well i am suprised as hell there going for Triple H Vs John Cena this early, was expecting this match at SummerSlam. But they really had no other choice, with Randy Orton being out things are getting dull on RAW and thats why the Draft is so needed, lets just hope things get balanced between the Brands and we see some refreshing storylines.

Also, i agree with Will, there other option, which would have been much smarter if they were planning to save this match for SummerSlam, was to have a 5 man Championship match like last year with mabye HBK, Jericho, John Cena, JBL, but looks like their that desperate they went for their "Biggest Match". And i dont think Jeff would have been the right option either, he just got back from being suspended, its too early and plus he doesnt deserve it after what his done, at least for the time being.

As for the match itself, should be pretty good, thats if they put on the effort. I dont see Triple H losing it this early so i see a no contest or a run in by mabye a new Superstar from the draft, i dont know, but it wont end i think with a clear finish, especially when two of the biggest stars are going at it and Vince wont out neither of his "boys" in danger.
IM in agreeance with everyone, with some suprise that this will be occuring already. If you think about it though, it sorta makes sense, becuase WWE feels the need to have the same main event 3 to 4 times. So we could very well see this at NOC, GAB, AND Summerslam. On the other hand, this may be a sighn that they are considering moving either Trips or Cena at the draft. Is the draft the night after NOC, or the night before?? That could clue us in quite a bit. Although with the laborious ratings as of late, I very highly doubt any top stars will be leaving RAW. So, we will probably be watching this match aaalllll summer, sadly enough.

It can go one of two ways. This could go the usual, three matches that are basically the same route, or, Cena might fuck around and pull off the shocker, they fight to a draw in the rematch, and then have the blow off at SummerSlam. With the ratings in the toilet, I wouldnt be suprised to see Cena take it.
I think this match should be pretty good. Their last match wasn't dat bad. I see triple h defeating cena making it one victory a piece. The rubber match then would happen at GAB. It seems like wwe is building up jeff hardy again. I wouldn't be surprised to see Jeff Hardy vs Triple h at summerslam for the title and jeff finally getting the title. Hardy being so over would probably help da ratings
trips should win this match..they want to even the score from the wrestlemania 22 and then we will have at gab a match similar with whc at judgement day...and then the big fight will be at summerslam...maybe adding hardy and\or even orton into the mix.....oh and expect a powerful competitor to go to smackdown to challenge edge maybe jericho or michaels..because if they will go to something similar of a draw at gab...they will surely put the world heavyweight championship in the main event at gab with big storyline ..the wwe championship will not be in the final main event if they're doing a draw....wwe wants to send the fans home happy with at least one good match for the championship....i'm not waiting so much for noc but i 'm waiting for summerslam...sorry if i have mistakes english is not my first language
This is desperation, at it's finest for the WWE in my oh so humble opinion. The Ratings are taking, the self proclaimed King of Kings is proving to be not the draw he thinks he (but exactly the draw I say he is), and who else to save the day but the real franchise of the company Jaaaaaaaaawn Ceeeeeeeena.

I am shocked they are going to this match up asap. This match had Summerslam written all over it in my opinion. This feud is old however. Triple H is trying desperately to have his "great rival" ala Rock/Austin, when in reality it has always been HBK. Cena's career rival should be someone like Orton or Edge, and he shouldn't be stuck in long drawn out feuds with a guy like Triple H.

This has the formulaic WWE style of booking written all over it, with the huge match at Summerslam being gimmicked to all hell this year, even though Summerslam should be able to sell itself. Cena should win, but I doubt he will.
I don't understand this match. We've seen it before (too many times), and no matter what, the winner will be someone who has held the belt too many times and for too long anyway. I've said it before, but this is just a bad (or boring) time for HHH to be the champion...again. There is not anyone interesting and credible on RAW right now for him to feud with that we haven't seen, ad nauseum.

However, he is the champion, and I guess that since we're stuck with that reality now, there really aren't any more interesting options for the next pay per view. JBL vs. HHH would be boring, as HHH is not a very good face, and at least cena can draw some crowd interest. My guess at this point is that we'll see cena vs. HHH at summerslam too, only with an additional stipulation. or perhaps someone else thrown into the mix to make it a triple threat.
I don't know why people are saying we have seen this many times, Triple H and John Cena only had one other singles match against eachother and that was at WrestleMania 22. This time I think Triple H will win and they will eventually have a tiebreaker match at another PPV to settle the score. I originally thought this was going to be JBL vs Triple H, but after Cena beat him yet again at ONS, I knew that wasn't going to happen, the ratings drop may have forced this match a few months early, as I also thought they were saving this for SummerSlam. This should be a pretty good match because it is hard to predict who is going to win and the fans are going to be wild in this one, just like the Hardy-Cena match last Monday.
Maybe they will have one move to SD!. Think about it. If it ends up to be Batistia and Edge and NOC and one of them is also drafted they could sell NOC based on the idea that the Championship might switch shows or both championships will be on one show.

I doubt this means anything about the draft because a few of the people involved in NOC are bound to switch brands.
I am wondering the same thing as a couple others on here...what do you mean we will see this match again just like always? These two have only had 1 or 2 singles matches and that was well over 2 years ago.
Let me ask you this..who else would you have in this match? Orton is hurt which saves us from possibly another match with Orton and HHH, but who else. JBL would be extremely boring to face the game, Jericho is going to have an IC match against either Michaels or Hardy or Umaga, if not a combination of the 3. There really isn't any other option at this point. I def. see someone big going to SD, and I doubt it's gonna be either of the 2 biggest stars in the company with the ratings as they are. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Batista and Umaga will be switching brands, but I could def. see Michaels and/or Jericho heading over to SD for a world title program. I just don't understand what all the complaining is about...this seems to be the only match that makes sense.
And about the challenge match thing...we saw a triple threat at Mania and fatal 4-way at backlash, so it seems a little early to go ahead with a 5 man match here. I'd say HHH goes over here, rematch at GAB is a draw, and Summerslam maybe some minor gimmick like no dq and cena wins there. I think sometime in here would also be HHH's heel turn which would then set up a program with Kennedy to push him to main event status while Cena goes on to work with someone new like Batista or Hardy.
I can't understand the fact that cena is still in title main events. They need to start him iff with a minor title and then work his way back up. He has had too many chances at the title. I promise that if cena wins another goddamn WWE Title soon I am done being a WWE fan.
i agree a night of champions run is abit to early because a match of this magnitude (raws 2 biggest stars should be on summerslam, one of the biggest shows of the year) Hardy would've been better, maybe JBL gets involved in a triple threat match or something, and then JBL-HHH at the great amerian bash, and then push Cena-Triple H for summerslam. i really don't like this match this soon, it seems too early for me. The only upside to this would be if the undertaker goes to RAW, and triple h beats cena at NOC and GAB, turns heel, and then we get the Deadman and the Game at summerslam, maybe?
I think that there is a possibility that we could see a John Cena win here at Night of Champions. There is that long-standing rumor that Triple H is ready to make a heel turn (which I think is much needed). I think that the frustration of being unable to beat Cena one on one for the second time could finally push him in that direction.

Cena wins at Night of Champions to begin Triple H's Heel Turn
Triple H is unable to defeat Cena at GAB and the match ends in a draw - furthering the frustration.
By Summer Slam, the heel turn is in full swing and we have the blow off match with Triple H taking the belt back from Cena by completely destroying him, using some classic Cerebral Assassin tactics.

Just a hunch...but it could work. Thoughts?

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